Messenger “Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a necessary part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 Staff Rev. Todd Davis, Pastor Mrs. Carol Barnett Administrative Assistant Mrs. Michelle Keiffer Director of Education & Family Ministries Ms. Jenny Curran Church Treasurer Mrs. Marian Scullion Director of Music Ministries Mr. Bill Webb, Organist Mrs. Sylvia Hulbert Handbell Director Mrs. Carol Burger Director of Preschool Our Missionaries Rev. & Mrs. Monty Taylor Budapest, Hungary Jim Hynds & Family Campus Crusade for Christ Sunday Schedule Join us for Reach! Contemporary 9:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 11:00 am Nursery 9-12 am Children’s Church 11:15 am February 2015 Edition The Season of Lent and Repentance The season of Lent on the Christian calendar is forty days, not including Sundays. It begins on Ash Wednesday (February 18, 2015) and ends on Holy Saturday (April 4, 2015). Lent comes from the Anglo-Saxon word lencten, which means “spring.” Lent is to be observed as a preparation for celebrating Easter. Historically, Lent began as a period of fasting and preparation for baptism by converts to Christianity, and then it became a time for penance by all Christians. Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection, and a time for Christians to consider where we are in our relationship with God. What is Repentance? Repentance is a turning away from sin by changing one’s actions to obey the teachings of Jesus Christ. The repentance process consists of feeling sincere regret or sorrow for doing wrong, confessing the sin(s), asking for forgiveness, making restitution for any damage done, and making a commitment to not repeat the sin. Hebrews 12 reminds us that as Christians, we are to strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And, we are to run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the One who initiates and perfects our faith. In Matthew 16, Jesus says to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.” And, I John 1 reminds Christians that if we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But it also tells us that if we confess our sins to God, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all wickedness. If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts. article continued on page 2…. KNOWING, LOVING, SERVING . . . so the world will experience Christ’s love! ….article continued from page 1 I participated in a weekend retreat once that had a special activity designed to help us repent of the sin that was weighing us down. This exercise might be helpful for you as we prepare our hearts for the seasons of Lent and Easter. Take a moment and consider a specific sin in your life, a sin that God’s Spirit has been convicting you to rid from your life. Write this sin down on the slip of paper. Fold this paper in half and hold it in your hands. Close your eyes remembering that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. Remember, as a follower of Jesus Christ, you are expected to die to the sin in your life, to turn from it, and turn to Jesus, so that he might empower you to live for him. Now, give your sin to Jesus and ask him to live through you by praying… Lord, Jesus, I want to die to the sin in my life. It weighs me down and keeps me from living for you. I have written my sin down, knowing that as I confess it to you; you will forgive me, and cleanse me. Lord, I want to stay clean for you, so please fill me with your empowering Spirit, and help me to live my life for you. I humbly ask this in your precious and holy name, Amen. Now, as a symbol of your confessing and turning from your sin, rip up the piece of paper and discard your sin, knowing that Jesus forgives you, and cleanses you of its unrighteousness. With a thankful heart for God’s faithfulness in your life, look forward to the JOY of Easter as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior and God’s promise of eternal life through faith in Christ our Lord. May God bless you, Pastor Todd Not Too Early to Think About Easter Would you like to help beautify the Sanctuary for Easter by placing a lily in memory of or in honor of a relative, friend or special occasion? You may place your order by completing a Easter Lily Form (located above the table in the office hallway or narthex) and attaching your payment of $15.00 per dedication. Please drop it in the offering plate or by the church office NO LATER THAN Monday, March 9th. Please indicate “Easter Lily” on your check or envelope. The mission alternative to a lily dedication is a donation to HUNGRIEF. These gifts will be utilized to prevent hunger world wide. You may use the same order form to indicate the wording for these honorariums/memorials. Volunteers Needed REACH! Contemporary Worship Service Every week at Bethel UMC, God uses the REACH! Contemporary Worship Service to bless members and visitors alike. We are currently in need of new volunteers to help support this important ministry at Bethel. NEEDED: Band Members – Musicians and Vocalists Set-Up Volunteers – to help set up refreshments and worship resources prior to worship Greeters – to help welcome worshippers and serve as worship assistant Multi-Media Volunteers – to help with Powerpoint presentation and sound system If you, or someone you know would like to help in any of these ways, please contact Rev. Todd Davis at or call 787-3058 or Thank you!! At Bethel, we seek to honor God by providing opportunities for all ages to fulfill our mission of Knowing, Loving, Serving… so the World will experience Christ’s love! We hope you will join us. Youth Spotlight Mark Your Calendar! Congratulations to Daniel on being chosen for Honor Band & Jazz Band and Chris K. for making Honor Roll. February 1 Souper Bowl of Caring Right: Youth warming up after a recent ice skating outing to The Plex! In Matthew, Chapter 28, Jesus tells us to “Go!” Bethel Youth are following his directions as they serve in through Missions. On January 31st, Bethel Youth served at Harvest Hope Food Bank. This summer, students will serve at Salkehatchie & Immerse. No Youth Tonight February 11 Youth Sell Stocks @ Wednesday Night Dinner February 14 Happy Valentine’s Day! Below: Youth at a recent lock-in February 20 Fun Friday! March 21 Easter Craft Eggstravaganza June 21-25 Vacation Bible School To help cover the $250 expense of Summer Mission Trips, Youth are selling Stocks for $25 per share. Each share purchase will receive an invitation to the Shareholders Dessert (date TBD) where Youth will share their testimony about their mission trips. Contact any Youth or the church office to purchase. February 27th from 6:30-8:00 pm Bring a snack to share….. Grab a friend & come out for a FREE night of fun in the PAB!!!! Pastor Todd will be our Caller! Prizes! Fellowship! Food! BUMS January Event Outing took participants to Cowboy Brazilian Steakhouse for lunch and The South Carolina State Museum and Planetarium for a program and tour. Attending and pictured below: Walt & Bonnie Speas, Dan & Sarita Toma, Ron & Lucy Gordon, Lee & Suzette Wilson, Mary Ott, Elizabeth Davis, Barbara Harper, Judy Nicholson, Velma Neeley, Cheryl Johnson. BUMS February Outing Tour of ETV Lunch at McCutchen House Friday, February 27th Day’s Schedule 11:00 am—Depart Back Parking Lot at Church 11:30 am—Lunch @ McCutchen House 1:15 pm—Tour of ETV Radio Studio Preschool News Registration - 2015-2016 We will accept registrations for currently enrolled families February 2-6 On February 9th registration will be open to the community. Registration fee is $150.00 and an updated registration form can be found and downloaded on the church website. For questions, call the Preschool Office at 787-3089. Annual Spaghetti Supper and Silent Auction The dinner and auction will be held Thursday, March 26 from 5-7 pm. If you would like to make a contribution of a basket or item to auction, please call Carol Burger in the Preschool Office (7873089). Contributions would be greatly appreciated! We hope to see everyone there for a night of fun and GREAT spaghetti! Please complete the form below. Return it to the Church Office, or to Walt Speas or call him at 736-3068. Deadline is Wednesday, February 25th. Music, Music, Music . . . Adult Choir Invite. Do you enjoy singing? Have you ever thought about joining the Adult Choir? We get together each Wednesday evening from 7:30-8:30 to rehearse. It’s a lot of fun and you don’t even have to be able to read music. We have a great group, but there’s always room for more! Please call Music Director, Marian Scullion, at 466-3673 if you would like more information. Children’s Music Leader Needed. If you would enjoy singing with the children (ages preschool-2nd grade) each Sunday at the beginning of the Sunday School hour (from 9:45-10:00) please contact Marian Scullion @ 466-3673. For our loved ones . . . New Sermon Series for Lent begins February 22nd In memory of Lila Rowell by Rebecca Bennett. In memory of C. Lem Harper, Sr. by Mary & Francie Neuffer, Caroline & Bob Borucki. . In memory of Beverly Chandler by Sue, Pam & Penny McPeak, Brenda Shealy, Joy Sunday School Class, Belle Dent Circle, Alma Atwater, Beverly & William Salley, Linda & William Gillespie, Harry & Rosetta Hunter, Dan & Sarita Toma. In memory of Bob Wayson by Betty Moore. In memory of Eunice Turner by Charles Veach, Verlon Stone. In memory of John Thomas Walker, Jr. by Henry & Frances Kelly, Evelyn Smith & Family, Harvin & Bobbie Land, Susan & Daniel Henderson, Stuart & Elizabeth Hopkins, Janel Bell, Lucy & Ron Gordon. Bethel’s Annual Garage Sale Set for March 20th & 21st We are now accepting jewelry for the sale so please bring any donations to the church office. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help please call Cara Davis at 661-9734. THANKS SO MUCH!! News from the Kitchen We have some good news to report this month. The right oven on the stove has been broken for sometime. It would not heat up to the right temperature. The repair was approved by the Trustees in January so we now we have two good ovens to use when needed. Eight kitchen knives were sharpened recently. Red tape has been put on the handles indicating “users be careful” when handling them. A note has been placed in the drawer with a warning. There are two boxes of round and two boxes of oblong plastic table cloths in the kitchen pantry. Lately it has been noticed that the table cloths are not being returned to the boxes properly. Please take the time to wash, dry and fold them so that the next group using them for an event will not have a problem. Wishing everyone a Happy Valentines Day! For centuries, Christians have set aside the forty days before Easter as a time for reflection, repentance, and service for others. During Lent, Jesus’ followers have walked step by step with their Lord to the cross, focusing intentionally on the love that led him there and on all he accomplished for us in his Easter Victory. Join us as we discover: This Love is Real This Love Changes Everything This Love Changes Our Love for Others This Love Changes our Priorities This Love Change Each Today This Love Changes Every Tomorrow United Methodist Men’s Breakfast Next Men’s Breakfast will be served on Saturday, February 7th at 8:30 am in the Pool Activities Building. The cost is $3 per person. Reminder: Breakfast meetings will be held on the Saturday before the second Sunday of each month. Please mark you calendar and make plans to come and enjoy a big breakfast and fantastic men’s fellowship. BETHEL’S TRADITIONAL WORSHIP MINISTRY TEAM APPROVES NEW ORDER OF WORSHIP FOR 2015 The Christian Church has traditionally followed a four-fold worship pattern: Gathering, Word, Table, and Sending. Why do we include these four sections in worship? One reason these four basic worship actions have remained constant in worship is that the Christian Church has included them throughout its history. The earliest believers were Jews. Even after their conversion they continued to attend the synagogue on the Sabbath (Saturday) to study God’s Word. They supplemented this with worship services on Sunday that celebrated Christ’s resurrection with the Lord’s Supper. When the beliefs of these early Christians put them at odds with local Jewish authorities, Christian believers combined these two basic liturgical gestures—Word and Table—into one service on Sundays. By the 3rd century the Christian Church had added gathering and sending elements to the Word and Table elements to establish the basic four-fold worship service we continue to use today. Another reason we continue to tread the same ground in worship each week is because these four movements provide a balanced diet that nourishes a healthy Christian life. See how the four movements of the liturgy below provide a context for the way we live: Gathering: God calls us. We see this most strikingly in baptism, in which we are grafted into the family of God. In the same way that God calls us, we extend God’s invitation to others. We invite those who don’t know God to join us in worship. We encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to remain faithful in gathering. We create an inviting atmosphere for people at all stages of faith and from all walks of life. Word: Christ calls us to live transformed lives. We gather around the Word of God during worship, in Christian education, in small groups and individually. We open ourselves to the Word to be renewed by our great Teacher. Some exercise gifts of teaching and preaching, but we all grow in our ability to become hearers and doers of the words. Table: The Holy Spirit unites us with the Trinity and with each other. We have a visible reminder of this when we gather around the Lord’s Table each week. We also experience this when we fellowship with each other and when we commune with God in prayer and meditation. But intimacy with God is not something to keep for ourselves; we always seek to broaden the circle to include those outside the church walls. Sending: The Church is Christ’s partner in earthly ministry. We don’t exist to build earthly or even spiritual wealth for ourselves. Instead, we exit the walls of the church looking for ways to serve both the spiritual and material needs of the world. Bethel’s Traditional Worship Ministry Team recently approved a new Order of Worship for 2015 which will include the Four-fold Pattern of worship below: WE GATHER TO WORSHIP WE HEAR GOD’S WORD WE RESPOND TO GOD’S WORD WITH THANKSGIVING WE ARE SENT FORTH TO SERVE Our new Traditional Order of Worship will begin on Sunday, February 1, 2015. May God use Bethel’s worship to shape us into faithful disciples, and to bless all who come to worship God’s Holy Name at Bethel UMC. A Service of Worship for Ash Wednesday will be held on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary of St. James UMC located at 3390 Pine Belt Road, 29204. The season of Lent in the church is a period of 40 days beginning on Ash Wednesday, through Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer. Through prayer, repentance, and self-evaluation, we prepare to especially remember Jesus’ death on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, and the Good News of God’s promise of eternal life to all who trust in Christ for salvation. Ash Wednesday emphasizes a dual encounter: we confront our own mortality, and confess our sin before God within the community of faith. During our worship, you will have the opportunity to receive the Imposition of Ashes. Please invite a friend to join you to experience this special service of worship as we begin the season of Lent together. First Family Promise Week A Phenomenal Success! On Sunday, Jan 11 we were introduced to our guests (mom and two teenage sons). The evening hosts joined the family for a yummy dinner of baked ham, macaroni and cheese, mixed veggies, and banana pudding!! Many thanks to the talented volunteers who prepared delicious home cooked meals all week long, as well as those who came in to run the dishwasher, and the UMM who prepared breakfast one morning. Each night after dining with the guests, the evening hosts assisted the guests in preparing lunches and snacks to take with them the next day, then retired with them to the education building for a little relaxation and recreation, enjoying the amenities of the youth zone and watching movies. One evening the mom worked on completing online applications for jobs within the school district. Each evening, a team of two overnight hosts spent the night serving as “innkeepers”. If you have never slept on the Bethel campus overnight, from the sounds of things, it is quite PEACEFUL!! The overnight hosts expressed surprise at how comfy the rollaway beds were. One overnight host made the comment that the overnight experience reminded them a bit of days spent living in college dorms. Several said that their experience as overnight host gave them a better understanding of what these families are going through. All agreed that the experience was much better than they had anticipated. After a busy week, the guests were treated to a full breakfast on Saturday prepared by the UMM and spent a leisurely morning in the youth zone playing video games and enjoying some “down” time. That afternoon, the guests were taken on a “field trip” to the military museum, which was enjoyed by both the Bethel hosts and our guests. Fun and fellowship was the theme of the day! On Sunday, our guests concluded their week at Bethel by attending both the Reach! service and Sunday School. Many volunteers commented on how personable and well behaved the teenagers were, and how much they enjoyed spending time with them. The mother expressed how appreciative she was of the Family Promise ministry, and the boys said they were glad to be in Columbia where there is more opportunity. Huge thanks to all these volunteers, as well as the “behind the scenes” folks who moved beds in and out, those who gave the rooms a “homey” feel, and those who laundered linens at the end of the week. One volunteer summed up her experience, to which all agreed, “I feel like my faith life has moved up a level, as I’m practicing what I preach!!” While another noted “we are a witness to our faith by providing this experience for our guests.” Our next hosting dates will be the weeks of May 3, August 9, and November 22! Pictured above: Pictured above: Pictured above: Boy’s Room in the Christian Voyagers S/S Classroom which was looking pretty comfy! Food Service Volunteer Team of Judy Nicholson, Sylvia and Bill Hulbert. Single Room outfitted in the Joy Class where the Mom called home for the week. Bethel United Methodist Church 4600 Daniel Drive Columbia, SC 29206 803-787-3058 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Prayer Concerns As a family of faith we are called to be in prayer for one another. Contact the church office or Iva Dell Griffin @ 782.5032 to be added to the Prayer Chain. Monday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Tuesday - Friday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm For addresses or contact information (not listed in the church directory) please call (787-3058) or email the church office at Publication Submission Deadlines Members in Independent and Assisted Living Communities Church Office Hours The deadline for the Bulletin is 9:00 am on the preceding WEDNESDAY. The deadline for The Messenger is 9:00 am on the 25th of each month. Homebound Members Fran Love Margie Dent Clyde Hasty Betty Hulsey Lillian Haller Sarah Walker Dot Miller Marjorie Steadman Irene Boyd Philip Meek Betty Harper — Summit Place, Daniel Island, SC Harry & Sarah Parker — Still Hopes, West Columbia, SC Betty Shuler — Morningside, Lexington, SC Lawrence & Virginia Loveless — Presbyterian Home, Lexington, SC Helen McDermott — The Waterford, Columbia, SC Gladys Blackmon — Rock Hill, SC Vickie Hill — The Waterford, Columbia, SC Margaret Campbell — Arden, NC Elizabeth Christopher — Methodist Home, Orangeburg, SC Lois McNair — Beaufort, SC Alma (Toddy) Atwater Frankie’s @ Seaside, Mt. Pleasant, SC Nettie Allen — Nashville, TN Carmen & Dick Pool — Rice Estates, Columbia, SC Joyce Varn — Forest Pines, Columbia, SC Eva Mae Nobel — New York State Congregational love and sympathy extended to Serving the Congregation in February Greeters/Set-Up Volunteers (REACH!) Sarah Walker on the death of her husband John Thomas Walker, Jr. on January 16th. February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 Bonnie and Walt Speas on the death of her mother, Ruth T. Miller on January 28th in Marysville, PA. February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 Marion Wilson, Winda & William Stewart Kate & Fred Brown, Brenda Shealy Suzette & Lee Wilson, David Walker Kimberly Hoover, Cora Jiles, Kimberly Wilson Janis Lawther, Sara Derrick, Mary Ott Charles Veach on the death of his aunt, Eunice Turner, January 22nd in Richmond, VA. February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 Tom Elliott, Jim Wilson, Furman Porter, Ron Jordan Chuck Ward, Fred Brown, Kate Brown, Frances Cox Frank Hafner, Sally Hafner, John Mathis, Anne Mathis Bonnie Speas, Kimberly Wilson, Dianna Elliott, Arnette Jordan Tom Elliott, Jim Wilson, Furman Porter, Ron Jordan Family Night Dinner Wednesday, Feb.11th 6:00 pm in PAB Spaghetti ($5 adults, $3 kids, $20 family max Family Promise Update 02-02 02-03 02-03 02-05 02-07 02-08 02-08 02-09 02-09 02-11 02-11 02-11 02-12 02-15 02-16 02-19 02-21 February Birthdays Coy White Sarita Toma Fred Brown William Stewart Debbie Carter Margaret Alley Kristen Burnett Valarie Davis Jordan Collins Sid George Bill Lawther Bill Hulbert Ashton Keiffer Connie Fowke Caroline Collins Cara Davis Wilhelm Elliott February Anniversaries 02-02 Al & Debbie Carter 02-14 Bill & Sylvia Hulbert 02-16 Todd & Cara Davis March 1 February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 David Walker, Frances Cox/Kaye & CB Edwards Kaye Landrum, Frances Cox/Kaye Landrum David Walker, Debbie Carter/Diane Roddey Kaye Landrum, Debbie Carter/David Walker Diane Roddey, Frankie Grimm/David Walker Greeters Ushers Sound System Operator/Back-Up Brian Kelly/David Walker David Walker/Brian Kelly Abbie Bowman/Joe Weir Joe Weir/Abbie Bowman Acolyte/Crucifer February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 Christopher Walker/Brian Burger Wilhelm Elliott Mary Sydney George Lindsay Conrath Christopher Walker/Abbie Bowman February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 Todd Davis Anne Mathis Todd Mathis Debbie Carter Abbie Bowman February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 No Children’s Church (Holy Communion) No Children’s Church (Scouting Ministry Sunday) Martie Walker/Louise Smith Martie Walker/Louise Smith No Children’s Church (Holy Communion) February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 Mike Hellams, Frances Cox Dianna Elliott, Debbie Carter Frank Hafner, Ron Jordan Ken Burger, Ken May Mike Hellams, Chuck Ward February Janel Bell, Elizabeth Davis Children’s Moment Children’s Church Offering Counters Sanctuary Preparation February Calendar of Events Sunday, February 1 Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday 9:00 Reach! Service w/Holy Communion (PAB) 9:00 Nursery (EB-108) 9:45 Children’s Music (EB-101) 9:45 Sunday School (EB) 9:45 Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 11:00 Worship w/Holy Communion (SAN) 12:30 New Circle (PAB) 4:15 Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 5:00 Wolves (Hut) Monday, February 2 Preschool Registration for 2015-2016 Currently Enrolled Families 8:30 Preschool (EB) 1:30 BUMS Meeting (CR) 6:00 Evangelism Committee (CR) 6:00 Webelos II (Hut) 7:00 Boy Scouts (Hut) Tuesday, February 3 8:30 Preschool (EB) 1:15 Yoga (PAB) 6:00 Webelos I (Hut) Wednesday, February 4 UMW Lunch Set-Up (PAB) 8:30 Preschool (EB) 9:30 Preschool Chapel (SAN) 10:00 Staff Meeting (CR) 2:00 Prayers for Bethel 6:00 Tigers (Hut) 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) Thursday, February 5 8:30 Preschool (EB) 10:45 UMW Unit Meeting (Parlor) 12:00 UMW Lunch (PAB) 1:15 Yoga (CVC) 6:00 Disciple I (EB-NLC) Friday, February 6 8:30 Preschool (EB) 6:30 Bears (Hut) Saturday, February 7 8:00 Upper Room Prayer (CR) 8:30 UMM Breakfast (PAB) Sunday, February 8 Scouting Ministries Sunday 9:00 Handbell Rehearsal (SAN) 9:00 Reach! Service (PAB) 9:00 Nursery (EB-108) 9:45 Children’s Music (EB-101) 9:45 Sunday School (EB) 9:45 Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 11:00 Worship w/Handbells playing (SAN) 4:15 Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 5:00 Wolves (Hut) 6:00 Youth (Zone) Monday, February 9 8:30 Preschool (EB) 3:00 Lina Ott Circle (CR) 6:00 Trustees (CR) 6:00 Webelos II (Hut) 7:00 Boy Scouts (Hut) Tuesday, February 10 8:30 Preschool (EB) 10:30 Belle Dent Circle (CR) 1:15 Yoga (PAB) 6:00 Webelos I (Hut) 7:00 Sylvia Hulsey Circle (PAB) Wednesday, February 11 8:30 Preschool (EB) 9:30 Preschool Chapel (SAN) 2:00 Prayers for Bethel (CR) 6:00 Family Night Dinner ( PAB) 6:00 Tigers (Hut) 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) Thursday, February 12 8:30 Preschool (EB) 1:15 Yoga (PAB) 6:00 Disciple I Friday, February 13 Preschool Student Holiday 6:30 Bears (Hut) Saturday, February 14 No Programming Scheduled Sunday, February 15 9:00 Reach! Service (PAB) 9:00 Nursery (EB-108) 9:45 Children’s Music (EB-101) 9:45 Sunday School (EB) 9:45 Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 11:00 Worship (SAN) 11:15 Children’s Church (EB-101) 4:15 Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 5:00 Wolves (Hut) 6:00 Youth Group 7:00 McNair Neighborhood Group (Home of Ron & Arnette Jordan) 7:00 Hulbert Neighborhood Group (Home of Margaret Marshall) Monday, February 16 Preschool Student Holiday 6:00 Webelos II (Hut) 7:00 Boy Scouts (Hut) Tuesday, February 17 8:30 Preschool (EB) 1:15 Yoga (PAB) 6:00 Webelos I (Hut) Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday 8:30 Preschool (EB) 8:30 Preschool Donuts for Dads (PRE) 9:30 Preschool Chapel (SAN) 2:00 Prayers for Bethel (CR) Wednesday continued ….. 6:00 Ash Wednesday Service @ St. James UMC 6:00 Tigers (Hut) 6:00 Stewardship (CVC) 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) Thursday, February 19 8:30 Preschool (EB) 1:15 Yoga (PAB) 6:00 Disciple I (EB-NLC) Friday, February 20 8:30 Preschool (EB) 6:30 Fun Friday (PAB) 6:30 Bears (Hut) Saturday, February 21 9:00 K. Wilson Neighborhood Group (NLC) Sunday, February 22 7:25 Reach! Team Meeting (PAB) 9:00 Reach! Service (PAB) 9:00 Nursery (EB-108) 9:45 Children’s Music (EB-101) 9:45 Sunday School (EB) 9:45 Reach! Band Practice (PAB) 11:00 Worship (SAN) 11:15 Children’s Church (EB-101) 12:00 Holroyd Class Lunch (PAB) 4:15 Handbell Rehearsal (CR) 5:00 Wolves (Hut) 6:00 Youth (Zone) Monday, February 23 8:30 Preschool (EB) 6:00 Webelos II (Hut) 7:00 Boy Scouts (Hut) Tuesday, February 24 8:30 Preschool (EB) 1:15 Yoga (PAB) 6:00 Webelos I (Hut) 6:00 PPRC (CR) Wednesday, February 25 8:30 Preschool (EB) 9:30 Preschool Chapel (SAN) 2:00 Prayers for Bethel (CR) 6:00 Tigers (Hut) 7:30 Adult Choir Rehearsal (CR) Thursday, February 26 8:30 Preschool (EB) 1:15 Yoga (PAB) 6:00 Disciple I (EB-NLC) Friday, February 27 8:30 Preschool (EB) 6:30 Bears (Hut) Saturday, February 28 4:00 Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet
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