ST LUKE’S CATHOLIC PARISH SCHOOL 45 Degen Road, Capalaba Phone (07) 3245 9595 Fax (07) 3823 2222 Email: Website: NEWSLETTER 28 January 2015 – No. 1 FROM OUR ADMIN TEAM LIGHTING THE WAY Each year St Luke’s School adopts a theme, which guides activities and celebrations. This year is the International year of ‘Light’ and we here at St Luke’s would like to make it a focus for 2015. ‘Light the Way’ is a commonly named theme for ‘Presentation order’ schools and reflects the symbol of the founder Nano Nagle carrying the lamp as she went out to help the poor and disadvantaged in her community. St Luke’s first Principal was a Presentation order sister and our community connects with that ‘Charism’ and tradition. Later in term 1 our class groups present charters which are both a reflection of Respect, Responsibility and Right Relationships as well as our school theme for 2015. WELCOME BACK AND CONGRATULATIONS As the school year begins we would like to welcome back all new and continuing students and families. We trust that you have enjoyed the holiday break. There are plenty of good news stories with the birth of Samuel Nicholas Tyler taking place last week. Congratulations to Marnie Tyler one of our class teachers and her husband Nick. On behalf of the school community I welcome the following staff to St Luke’s. Lagi Aukusitino takes up the leadership position of Acting Assistant to the Principal Religious Education. Lagi is a highly experienced educator and brings a wealth of experience to our community. I look forward to working with Lagi as we further develop our school. Natalie Pollock joins our teaching staff in year 4 and Sharelle Simpson steps into the year 3 job share as Emma Cudicio joins the support team on a part time basis. We welcome all those teaching staff. DATE CLAIMERS JANUARY Fri 30 Opening Liturgy whole school 9.00am *** Note time change FEBRUARY Mon 2 Assembly 2pm Thu 5 Prayer Assembly 2pm 6White Fri 6 Class Mass 9am 6Blue Sat 7 Welcome Back School Mass Mon 9 District Swimming Carnival Assembly 2pm Thu 12 Prayer Assembly 2pm 5White Sun 15 P&F Working Bee 2-5pm Mon 16 P&F Meeting 7.30pm Tue 17 Pancake Tuesday Parent Information evening Wed 18 Ash Wednesday liturgies 9am P-2 10am Yr3-6 6Blue Thu 19 No Prayer Assembly Fri 20 Class Mass 6White P&F Disco Fri 27 Kokoda Challenge Year 6 MARCH Thu 5 School Photos Fri 6 Class Mass 5Blue In the specialist teaching area of HPE we look forward to welcoming Santo Nucifora and in Japanese Kyle Giggins, both are experienced teachers in their fields. Peter Bakes joins our grounds and maintenance staff. Peter is a past parent of St Luke’s and comes to us from a grounds role in a nearby Catholic college. In other news Cynthia Milligan, HPE teacher is nearing the due date of the birth of her 3rd Child, with Zoe Cromb Support Teacher due soon after and followed by the exciting news that Emma Cudicio is expecting her 2 nd child in August. We also acknowledge that the Christmas holidays have been challenging for a number of our families who have experienced bereavement and loss with the passing of loved ones. Please know that our community keeps your families in our prayers and thoughts at this time. 2015 again looks to be an exciting year of learning opportunities in our wonderful little school. I look forward to continuing that journey as we ‘Light the Way’ for the local and wider community. OVAL REFURBISHMENT PROJECT During the school holidays major renovation works were completed on our School oval. Ed Kelleher installed an irrigation system connected to the water tanks under the hall and beside the outside school hours facility. A bore has been drilled and capped and is ready for future installation to further support our school water resources. Thanks to Ed Kelleher for supporting these improvements. Kevin Stone and his family must be thanked for the excellent work they have done to completely replace the oval surface, level the area, fix drainage issues and establish a new playing surface. Kevin has put much effort into reestablishing the oval for our students and we thank him for completing the task despite the various challenges of weather conditions. The oval should be in full operation in the coming week. A very big thank you to our hard working P&F for funding this project! What an excellent outcome and something the community can be proud of! STUDENT PROTECTION! Student protection and the welfare of our students and families is a core value of this school community. Parents should expect the highest levels of personal safety for our students and the school to be well placed to recognize, act upon and report instances of abuse to the relevant authorities (Police, Child protection and BCE community services). To that end Brisbane Catholic Education annually updates and trains it’s staff on child protection procedures and processes. Parents can access these policies and procedures on the Brisbane Catholic Education website or the school website. Paper copies can be accessed at the school to read and review. Each classroom prominently displays ‘Be a hero’ posters, which promote child protection and gives students information on protective behaviours and reporting processes. The Principal, teachers and staff of St Luke’s are required by law to mandatorily report child protection matters to police and other authorities. The Principal, Assistant Principal and School Guidance Counsellor are contact persons for students, staff and parents relating to these matters. Safety is the responsibility of everyone in our community. TUCKSHOP NEWS After two years of providing a quality tuckshop service to St Luke’s School Juanita Holman will bring to a close her time running the tuckshop at the beginning of March. A new tuckshop convenor/provider needs to be in place by March 2015 to continue the service for students and staff. Some years ago the School and P& F sought to hand over the tuckshop service to an interested party after finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a consistent convenor. Joy Groth our Uniform shop operator took up this challenge and was then followed by Juanita Holman. An opportunity now presents for a potential service provider to apply to run the tuckshop. For further details please contact the school Principal. Expressions of interest should be submitted to the Principal by Monday, 9 February. IMPORTANT REMINDERS - ROAD SAFETY AROUND THE SCHOOL! Parents please refer to the attached document outlining the drive through and safety procedure for before school drop off and after school pick up. We would like to thank parents for participating positively in this process, which was changed and improved early in 2014. We are also working with the St Luke’s childcare centre in terms of general road safety around the school. The school continues to take advice and direction in relation to road safety matters from Redlands Council, QLD Police service and QLD Transport and Road safety. Regular updates are given at School Board and P&F meetings. Please find reminders and procedures attached! The School is looking for a couple of parent volunteers to assist with the afternoon pick up process and be a visible support, reminder and source of information especially on the Degen Rd entry to the school at the beginning point of the pickup line and also at the give way sign coming out of the church car park. Teachers on duty will still have full control, duty of care for the children and responsibility for the pickup area. Interested parents can contact the school office for further details. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES FOR STAFF Over the past two weeks our school staff have been involved in important professional learning activities. We have covered topics such as Student protection, spelling project, Introduction to Judaism in BCE RE curriculum, Work place safety, ICLT, team building and community building activities. Staff have also received updates and briefings on current and future processes, themes and activities in our school. It is our expressed wish to maintain high quality learning and outcomes for our students and our staff are committed to taking the time to progress these key activities. UNIFORM DAYS FOR 2015 Monday Formal uniform / Blouse and skort Years 1-6 Tuesday Sports Uniform – Yrs 1-4 Formal uniform / blouse and skort Years 5-6 Wednesday Sports Uniform – Yrs 5-6 Formal uniform / blouse and skort Years 1-4 Thursday Formal uniform only (not blouse and skort) – Yrs 1-6 Friday Sports Uniform – Yrs 1-6 This information is also on the front page of our website OZ FIT TRAINING PROGRAM It is a pleasure to be able to offer a sports fitness program to our year 4, 5 and 6 students in 2015! The program intends to run on a Wednesday after school 3.15 to 4.00pm on our school oval and/or hall as weather dictates. Alicia and Mason Wyborn, our local OZ FIT operators will provide at minimal cost an expertly run fitness program for young athletes who want to build their fitness leading into the Cross Country, winter sports and Athletics seasons. Towards the end of last year the school began a partnership with OZ FIT that we feel along with school and club based training, provides an opportunity for our students to raise their fitness and skills for sporting participation and competition. Depending on interest this program may have the potential to include younger students. In the first instance the program provides an opportunity for 1 extra-targeted physical training session in preparation for school sporting seasons. The School will continue to do all the usual preparations for various sports competitions through the HPE program, school carnivals and provide opportunities for several weeks cross country training before school, starting later in term 1. I encourage interested families to make contact with Alicia as soon as possible as numbers in these programs may have to be limited due to high interest and appropriate numbers for supervision etc. I strongly encourage parents to act quickly and refer to the attached information supplied by OZ FIT Kids! I know that many of our families already participate in OZ Fit programs and they promoted and encouraged our connection with OZ FIT. Thanks to Alicia and Mason for supporting this school and community partnership! CANBERRA TOUR 2015 Students in year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to attend the 2015 St Luke’s Canberra Tour held during the first week of September holidays. Information will be forwarded to parents in the coming week. Those families wishing for their child to attend the tour will need to fill in an expression of interest form and pay a deposit to secure a spot on the trip. Once we have established student numbers a limited number of parent supervisors will be invited to join a group of staff supervisors. Parents please be aware that all school fees must be paid and up to date to be eligible for the tour and all students must follow the appropriate school behaviour processes to attend the tour. More information to follow. PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Over the next few weeks parents will have the opportunity to attend partnership meetings with their class teachers. This is a great opportunity for parents to share the story of their child’s journey in learning. Teachers will begin to make contact about this in the coming week. There will be a parent information night on Tuesday 17th February. Prep to year 3 at 6.00-6.30pm and year 4 to 6 at 6.30-7.00pm! The annual Principal’s ‘Big Picture 2015!’ report will be given at the School Board and P&F meeting and will also be available for parents to access online. NO SMOKING ON SCHOOL GROUNDS Parents please be aware of the latest legislative and law changes prohibiting smoking on or near school grounds! ELECTION 2015 UPDATES With the state election coming up this weekend it is important that parents understand the implications of each political party’s stance on education and in particular Catholic Education. Please find information attached from QLD Catholic Education Commission that outlines the education policy of each party. SCHOOL BOARD MEETING A reminder to our school board members that the first meeting for 2015 takes place on Thursday 5 th February and we look forward to continuing the good work of strategically preparing for the future of our school community. P&F MEETING AND MESSAGES Parents are most welcome to attend the first meeting of the P&F on Monday 16th February at 7.30pm. Please look out for P&F messages included in the newsletter and look out for Facebook and twitter posts promoting P&F activities. ONE TO ONE COMPUTERS Year 4 students will be preparing to receive their laptops next week and we look forward to sharing the journey they will take in the one to one program. We are now in our 3rd year of this highly successful learning innovation. Congratulations to all involved in this important learning development. More information to follow. DISTRICT SWIMMING NOMINATIONS District swimming trials are coming up in the next few weeks. The school swimming carnival and catholic schools carnivals also take place later this term. More information to follow. SCHOOL FEE ACCOUNTS School fee accounts will be issued early in Term 1. Detailed information for parents relating to fees, charges, extras and contributions for 2015 will be given to the eldest child in each family next week and will also be available on our website. Fee accounts will be emailed to families next week. (Please let us know if you have changed your email since last year.) We encourage families to communicate early and openly about their fee accounts. The Parish contribution is a donation and we encourage families to support our community and in particular, the Parish, which is the foundational institution of St Luke’s. We are but one part of the same body which is the Catholic Church. Brisbane Catholic Education has set out clear guidelines for this process and school communities can make voluntary contributions but must not be bound by compulsory Parish charges as parents pay school fees for school and educational purposes. Anything else must be appropriately acknowledged and accounted for. More information to follow. PEANUT ALLERGIES Parents please be aware that Prep - Yr 2 families have been advised that there will be a nut free policy for that area of the school. To meet our legal and moral obligations to all our students there is a clear procedure around the management of students with allergies. I would like parents to speak to their children about the need for understanding and tolerance for this very real threat to the wellbeing of some students. I’m sure families will support us in our efforts to maintain safety for the children. RELIGIOUS LIFE OF THE SCHOOL THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – YEAR B As the school year begins, the Summer holidays are over but there is still a month of long, hot, summer days. After soaking up the sun and the surf, it is now back to routine or, for the little ones, the adventure of going to school for the first time. During Summer, the Church has celebrated the Advent-Christmas-Epiphany cycle, but now has a period of Ordinary Time. While the liturgical seasons Christmas and Easter have their own distinctive character and celebrate a specific aspect of the mystery of Christ, the weeks of Ordinary Time – especially Sunday – are devoted to the mystery of Christ in all its aspects. The liturgical colour for Ordinary Time is green, the colour of life and hope. (2014, Liturgy Brisbane). Opening of School Year Liturgy: “Lighting the Way” Tomorrow, Friday 30 January we will be celebrating the beginning of the school year with a whole school liturgy at 9 am in the church. All parents and family members are most welcome to attend. Friday Morning Mass: Friday 6th February – Year 6 Blue During the course of the year each class is able to celebrate Mass with Father Emmanuel just on their own. This is a peaceful and intimate gathering and is a special opportunity for each class. The first Friday morning Mass will be next Friday, 6 February at 9 am in the Church and Year 6 Blue will be celebrating. All parents and families are most welcome to attend. Welcome Mass and BBQ: Saturday 7th February “Lighting the Way” Next weekend Saturday 7th February we will be celebrating our St Luke’s Parish and School Welcoming Mass and BBQ for the start of the school year. Mass is at 6pm in the church. This will be followed by a free BBQ. As we begin this year of St. Luke’s School community we strongly encourage you to come along. It is an opportunity to meet new people and build or renew relationships with others. St. Luke’s is an inclusive and accepting community and everyone is welcome. That means you don’t have to be a Catholic – just come along and celebrate together! It would be lovely to see you all. Parents and family members are most welcome to attend. Shrove Tuesday: Tuesday 17th February Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Tuesday is up and coming in our calendar in week 4 Tuesday 17th February. A note will go home in the next couple of weeks for pancake orders. We have a group of generous parents who have volunteered once again to cook the pancakes for our students. If you would like to help, please contact our office. Ash Wednesday: Wednesday 18th February Our Year 6 Blue class will lead two liturgies to celebrate Ash Wednesday 18th February. Prep – Year 2: 9am Year 3 – 6: 10am. All parents and families are welcome to attend. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT ‘Meditation is to wisdom as the lamp is to its light.’ (Dajian Huineng 638-713) Have a wonderful week everyone. Tim Lomas, Principal and Lagi Aukusitino, Acting Assistant Principal – Religious Education. FROM OUR PARISH PRIEST Welcome Back and Greetings from the Parish Office! AS WE BEGIN ANOTHER JOURNEY OF FAITH As we begin another journey of faith into 2015, we express our gratitude to our parishioners for contributing to our collective success last year. The journey of faith is one that is not measured by any standard but it is still one that can be felt and experienced. We can boldly claim that in our parish, we constantly feel and experience the growth in faith among our parishioners. This is seen in the deeper sense of ownership of the parish by most parishioners, the stronger sense of social binding among us, and a deeper quest for personal goodness and holiness exemplified by many parishioners. This year, we hope to continue our journey of growth in faith both individually and collectively. This journey is a never-ending one because there is no limit to our spiritual growth. Since the year is still fresh we can, as individuals, choose any aspect of our faith living or spiritual development as our area of interest this year. One can commit to constant reading of the Bible or other Christian books, daily prayers, acts of charity, special devotion to a saint or holy persons, a new ministry in the church, in your family or in the wider community, among others. In doing this, do not worry about successes and failures. It is all about setting a personal faith standard to help you to cultivate a deeper relationship with God. As a parish, our pastoral emphasis for this year lies in Jesus’ invitation to two disciples of John the Baptist “Come and see” (John 1:39). One of the earliest disciples of Jesus, Philip, also used the same words “come and see” (John 1:46), when he invited Nathanael to meet Jesus. This year is our “Year of Invitation”. As we grow in our faith journey, we will be willing to invite our loved ones and people around us to “Come and see” Jesus Christ, our Lord. God Bless, Fr Emmanuel 2015 RECONCILIATION & CONFIRMATION /EUCHARIST SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM The Information Session for the 2015 Sacramental Program will take place on Wednesday 11th March 2015 at 9:30am at St Anthony’s, and then be repeated at 7:30pm at St Luke’s. This Information Session is for parents of children who will be celebrating the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation /Eucharist. For information contact the Parish Office on 3820 0100. Baptism Preparation Session The next Baptism Preparation evening is being held at St Anthony’s on Tuesday 17th February at 7.30pm. To book in, please phone Lina at the Parish Office on 3820 0100. Lina would also like to hear from those of you who are interested in becoming a Baptism Buddy. MASS TIMES ACROSS OUR PARISH Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: 7:00 am St Anthony’s 7:00 am St Luke’s 9:00 am St Anthony’s (during school term) 7:00 am St Luke’s (depending on school masses) Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 pm St Anthony's pm St Luke’s am St Luke’s am St Anthony’s ADMIN MATTERS P&F LEVY REBATE There are a number of jobs around the school that we ask parents to help with in lieu of paying additional contractors. Parents who help are able to claim a refund of up to $100 on the next school year’s school fees. For those families leaving the school (eg year 6 students) refunds will be given in the form of a cheque at the end of the school year. The system is administered in the office and all times worked must be recorded on Levy Rebate cards located in a box on the counter in the office. (Sign in/out sheets at working bees are for Workplace Health & Safety purposes only.) Before any refunds can be paid cards must be tallied and given to the finance secretary and all school fees must be paid in full. The following activities equal 1 hour of claimable time: 1 hr of weeding 10 x library books covered 1hr of library shelving 3 x student banking days Please Note: Fundraising activities and classroom help are not claimable. If you worked at working bees in 2014 please make sure your Rebate Cards (located in the office) are up to date by this Friday afternoon so refunds can be credited on Term 1 fees. Thank you. LATE ARRIVALS / EARLY DEPARTURES Students arriving late must report to the office (accompanied by an adult) to complete a Late Slip and be signed in the Sign In/Out Book. The Late Slip is taken to the class teacher and is then retained for school records. Students leaving before 3.00pm must be signed out by an adult in the Sign In / Out book in the office. Calling for Parent Volunteers to help with School Banking! We are SEEKING PARENT HELPERS, to act as the School Banking Coordinators. School Banking deposits are currently processed on a Wednesday morning at the library. We will be holding a training session in the next couple of week on a Wednesday at 9am. As a lot of our volunteers left the school last year we are desperate for some new helpers. Ideally you would only work 1 morning a month. Parents willing to help should complete their details below and return to the Office ASAP. Yes, I would like to help with School Banking! Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Attachments: Car Park Drive Through Procedures OZ Fit kids – after school program Election flyers Children in years 3 - 6 who are interested in being in the School Choir received letters today. I will continue to encourage any newcomers until the end of February when I need a firm commitment until the end of the year. If you wish to encourage your child to join and they did not receive a letter, extra letters are available at the office. Thanks, Lorraine Osmond, Music Specialist Teacher. TUCKSHOP NEWS It is with sadness that I hang up my apron and resign as tuckshop conveyor. I am moving onto another project which I have been wanting to do for a very long time. I have enjoyed my time in tuckshop. I will miss the smiling faces of all those students who come to tuckshop sometimes just to say hello. I want to thank all the volunteers that have passed through the tuckshop doors - without you it would not be possible to keep this service going. I will kick tuckshop off next week for the year and then pass on my apron to someone with as much drive and passion as I had. Thank you to all the staff and parents who supported the tuckshop, I hope your support will continue. Tuckshop for next week (Wk 2) will be: Wednesday: Subway orders must be in by Tuesday. Thursday: Normal tuckshop menu (on the website) or Sushi - orders must be in on Wednesday. Friday morning: Normal tuckshop Friday afternoon: ice blocks Thanks, Juanita Holman Tuckshop convenor ST LUKE’S SCHOOL, CAPALABA DRIVE-THROUGH PROCEDURE Please note Degen Road and St Luke’s car park signage. Degen Road outside Respite Centre and St Luke’s Child Care Centre is a no parking zone school days 2.30 - 3.30pm. This is to assist vehicles joining the pick-up line so that they can pull out of traffic flow on Degen Road and join the queue. Vehicles are not to be parked there or left unattended during that time. After 3.05 pm, 2 minute waiting in drive-through – after that, please re-join queue or park in car park. Please move to end of drive-through zone. Drivers please do not get out of your vehicle. Please follow directions from school staff who are ensuring safety for all. Vehicles in car park beside church are to give way to drivethrough traffic. Students are supervised until 3.20 pm so please consider picking up after 3.10. Please display your family name card on your visor when using the drivethrough. (If you have misplaced yours please ask at office for a new one). Name cards will be issued to new and beginning families early in term 1. Please be patient, courteous and considerate of other drivers at all times. We ask parents to consider parking in the PCYC car park and walk down to school as a safe alternative during busy and peak times. Thank you for your support. Tim Lomas Principal OZ FIT Kids - Fitness & Conditioning Development for St Luke’s Athletes OZ FIT Personal Training has joined forces with St Luke’s to bring a new after school program to St Luke’s students who want to take their sport to the next level. The trainers from OZFIT will be working on Fitness & Conditioning Development for the St Luke’s athletes who are wishing to compete in local programs. We aim to make the sessions fun, enjoyable and achievable for all children by using a combination of fun games, hand-eye coordination drills and cardio drills. Our trainers are fully certified to work with children and are very passionate about helping future generations lead a healthy lifestyle. What they do now will affect them in years to come. The program is for children in years 4 to 6. The session goes for 45mins on a Wednesday from 3.15pm to 4pm and is held at St Luke’s Catholic Parish School on Degen Road Capalaba. It is $50per child for a 9 week program. This must be paid (cash) upfront before the cut off date. Please place money in an envelope with child’s name on front. We have separated the program into 2 x 9 week blocks so we can focus on different sporting areas. Block 1 – Cross Country Fitness and Conditioning Training (9 weeks) Wednesday 11th March 2015 – Wednesday 1st April 2015 Wednesday 22nd April 2015 - Wednesday 20th May 2015 *Upfront Payment for Block 1 is due Wednesday 4th March 2015 Block 2 – Athletics Fitness and Conditioning Training (9 Weeks) Wednesday 27th May 2015 – Wednesday 24th June 2015 Wednesday 15th July 2015 – Wednesday 5th August 2015 *Upfront Payment for Block 2 is due Wednesday 20th May 2015 If you have children that may be interested in this program you can contact St Luke’s administration or OZ FIT Personal Training today for more information on 0433 299 695 or Limited spots available so bookings are essential. Kind regards Mason & Alicia @ OZ FIT Personal Training Towards the State Election 2015 KEY ISSUE 1 Annual recurrent funding that keeps pace with rising costs of education 81% Catholic schools in Queensland, on average, receive only about 81% of the government funding per student received by state schools. On average Catholic schools receive only 81% of the government funding per student received by state schools Additional funding for Catholic schools helps relieve pressure on school fees and assists more families to choose a Catholic school, therefore saving government money. The Catholic sector is seeking to work with the next Queensland Government to achieve consistent budget outcomes that: Catholic schools $9,238 per student received in government funding • will assist it to keep pace with the rising costs of operating schools, including teacher salary increases State schools • will ensure that the gap in resourcing between the Catholic and state education sectors does not widen. $11,440 per student received in government funding QUEENSL AND SCHOOLS ANNUAL RECURRENT INCOME PER STUDENT 2012 $9,238 $11,440 $11,675 Catholic schools State schools Catholic schools Total government funding per student (MySchool website 2012) $12,021 State schools $14,426 Independent schools Total net recurrent income per student (government funding + parent and community contributions) (MySchool website 2012) Towards the State Election 2015 KEY ISSUE 2 Increased capital funding to help meet the schooling needs of Queensland’s growing population Supporting the Catholic sector to deliver its share of new school places ensures educational choice for families and saves significant amounts of money for the Queensland Government. Enrolments in all Queensland schools are projected to increase by 303,000 students between 2011 - 2031. (Queensland Schools Planning Commission - School infrastructure demand maps, 2013 edition). Demand for places in Queensland Catholic schools is projected to increase by around 60,000 students between 2011 and 2031, requiring the development of 2-3 new schools every year and expansion of many others. The Catholic sector cannot keep pace with this level of growth under current capital funding arrangements. The Catholic community purchases land for school sites and contributes an average of 23% to the cost of construction of new schools, therefore saving Queensland Government significant amounts of money. The Catholic sector also has a strong track record of delivering new school facilities successfully and efficiently. The Catholic sector is seeking a commitment from the next Queensland Government to: • develop short (3 year) and long term (10 year) partnership plans to help deliver the school infrastructure required • provide a new schools capital grants program that reflects the real cost of delivering the additional school places, including an appropriate share of the planned $1 billion Future Schools Fund under the Strong Choices Investment Program. HIGH GROW TH AREAS OF QUEENSL AND (> 4000 ) AND PROJECTED INCREASE IN TOTAL NUMBER OF SCHOOL STUDENTS (2011–2031) SUNSHINE COAST HINTERLAND 6,145 (Queensland Schools Planning Commission 2013) CALOUNDRA 8,814 CABOOLTURE 6,596 NARANGBA / BURPENGARY 9,029 9,275 CAIRNS SOUTH NORTH LAKES 9,257 16,307 11,473 IPSWICH IPSWICH 6,064 20,338 HINTERLAND TOWNSVILLE INNER FOREST LAKE MT GRAVATT / OXLEY 5,265 4,709 TOOWOOMBA 5,843 MACKAY SPRINGFIELD / REDBANK 24,243 7,355 7,670 ROCKHAMPTON BROWNS PLAINS 6,091 JIMBOOMBA 16,568 CLEVELAND / STRADBROKE 4,068 BEENLEIGH 4,296 ORMEAU / OXENFORD 26,118 GLADSTONE / BILOELA BEAUDESERT 4,230 SEQ NERANG 4,467 4 September 2014 Dear Colleagues and Friends, We are writing to seek your support to highlight issues important to Catholic education in the lead-up to the next state election. The election will be held sometime between now and March 2015, and it is vital that we use this time to ensure political representatives are made aware of the needs of Catholic education as their parties formulate policies. To this end, we encourage principals and parent leaders from Catholic school communities to meet with local MPs and candidate(s), preferably between now and the end of the school year. The materials enclosed have been jointly developed by the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC) and the Federation of Parents and Friends Associations (P&F) to provide information about the key issues and guidance on how to gain the best outcomes from these meetings: o o o A Guide to Political Action Framing paper: Catholic Schools - Delivering Quality Education Outlines of key issues, including key messages (x5) These resources, along with a list of other Catholic schools in your electorate, and links to lists of MPs and candidates, are available online at: (follow the State Election 2015 link on the home page). For further information or additional hard copies of materials please contact Gerard Delaney at QCEC on or Ph 3316 5819. Any insights or feedback from meetings would also be appreciated and this can be provided for the joint reference of QCEC/P&F by emailing As part of this advocacy process, the QCEC and the P&F will seek formal responses to the issues raised from party leaders, and these will be provided for publication in school newsletters in the weeks leading up to the election. We take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support for Catholic education in Queensland. Any assistance you can provide to ensure our voice is heard by politicians at this important time will be greatly appreciated. Yours sincerely Mike Byrne Carmel Nash Executive Director Queensland Catholic Education Commission Executive Director Federation of Parents and Friends Associations
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