Current bulletin - St. John the Baptist Parish

To Discover, Equip, and Live Out
Pastoral Team
Rev. John P. Bergstadt – Phone Ext. 211
Manny Torres & Nicholas Williams
Business Administrator
Deacon Manny Torres – Phone Ext. 213
Pastoral Associate
Sister Kathy Lange, SCSC - Phone Ext. 214
Pastoral Minister
Ruth Holloway – Phone Ext. 209
Coordinator of Liturgy and Music
Karen Bernsteen – Phone Ext. 232
Director of Faith Formation
Sister Gretchen Krueger, O.P. – Phone Ext. 204
Faith Formation Facilitator Grades 1-6
Susan Casleton – Phone Ext. 205
Coordinator of HS Faith Formation/Confirmation
Amy Koehler – Phone Ext. 212
Coordinator of Youth Ministry
Jody Engebos – Phone Ext. 215
School Principal
Vicki Marotz – Phone Ext. 223
Parish Trustees
Gary Lockstein
Bob Buss
Councils & Committee Chairpersons
Pastoral Council- Jeff Taylor
Meets first Thursday of the month
Finance Council- John Style
Meets third Monday of the month
Social Concerns- Lori Janowski
Site Advisory Council- Kelly Williams
Board of Faith Formation- Dave Wojcik
Stewardship- Roseann Mader
Welcoming - Vern Ruhland
Building & Grounds – Mark Heinzen
Councils & Committee Meetings are
open to all parishioners.
Parish Office 434-2145 Faith Formation Office 434-2417 School Office 434-3822
Parish Office fax# (920) 434-5015
School Office fax# (920) 434-5016
Welcome to Saint John the Baptist Catholic Parish – Howard, Wisconsin
This Week at St. John’s
O God, Hear Our Prayer
Saturday, January 31 4:30pm
People of the Parish
Sunday, February 1
8:00am Christine Peters
10:00am Phyllis & John Lonchar
Tuesday, February 3
Liturgy of the Word
Wed., February 4
Leonard Meyer
Thursday, February 5 8:30am
Edward Madigan Family
Friday, February 6
Ron Larson
Saturday, February 7 4:30pm
Sunday, February 8
Clarence & Evie Poels
8:00am People of the Parish
10:00am SJB Scouts
Scripture Readings
February 8, 2015
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I Job 7:1-4, 6-7
Reading II 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23
Gospel Mark 1:29-39
Stewardship of Treasure
From the week of January 25, 2014
Weekly Contribution Budget
Weekly Envelopes
Loose Collection
+ 718.76
Children’s Stewardship
Here are just a few of the many “offerings” to God from the
youth at St. John the Baptist.
*I shared my love by singing in Church Chior.
*I shared my love for GOD in my Religion Class Monday.
*I put on a dinner show/performance.
*By helping my brother brush his teeth.
*I helped decorate for Valentine’s Day.
*I drew Daddy a picture.
***Spelling taken directly from the envelopes!
*30 youth envelopes were turned in for January 25.......$34.90
Stewardship Corner
February 1, 2015
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.”
– 1 Corinthians 7:32
How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly
worrying about not having enough or attaining more things?
God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He
will provide everything you need. Try this – use the word
“pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Boy Scout Troop 1113 – 6:30pm, Ministry Center
Monday, February 2, 2015
Adult Faith Formation – 9:30am & 6:30pm, Narthex
Faith Formation Gr. 1- 8 – 6:00pm, School
Parent Meeting for 1st Eucharist – 6:00pm, Church
Catholics Returning Home – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Children’s Choir – 3:20pm, Church
Men’s Choir – 6:00pm, Church
Living Waters – 7:15pm, Church
Bear Den Meeting – 6:00pm, Cafeteria
Men’s CRHP – 6:30pm, Family Room
Women’s CRHP – 6:30pm, Faith Formation Office
New Member Registration – 7:00pm, Fireplace Room
Men’s Club/Bible Study – 6:30pm, Conference Room
AA – 8:00pm, Corner Room
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Breaking Open the Sunday Readings – 6:30am & 6:00pm
Senior Citizen Card Party – 1:00pm, Commons
Faith Formation Gr. 1- 8 – 6:00pm, School
Parent Meeting for 1st Eucharist – 6:00pm, Church
High School Faith Formation – 7:30pm, School
RCIA/Adult Confirmation – 6:30pm, Fireplace Room
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Day of Adoration – begins with 8:30am Mass
Women’s Bible Study – 9:30am, Fireplace Room
Adult Faith Formation Team – 9:30am, Conference Room
St. John’s Prayer Group – 7:00pm, Sacristy
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Women’s Bible Study – 8:00am, Fireplace Room
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Coffee & Donuts after the 8 & 10:00am Masses
Hosted by SJB Scouts
Confirmation Retreat - School
Boy Scouts – 12:00pm, Ministry Center
Women’s CRHP – 4:30pm, Fireplace Room
Schedule of Worship
8:30am - Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Wednesday thru Friday 8:30am – Mass
4:30pm – Mass
8:00am & 10:00am – Masses
Holy Days As Announced
9:30am – 10:30am (Or by appointment)
Baptism Class is held the last Thursday of each month.
Please call the Parish Office Center at 434-2145 to register.
Baptism will be celebrated on Baptism Sunday at any Mass.
By arrangement with Fr. John or Deacon Manny eight months in
Sacrament of the Sick
Individually, by appointment – Communally, as announced.
February 1, 2015
You are personally invited!
Have you wanted to renew your relationship with God? Or have
you wanted to deepen your relationship with God? Christ Renews
His Parish will guide and lead you to a personal renewal of your
faith. Spend time with God and other fellow parishioners, who
just like you, are seeking God. This is a beautiful experience that
will heighten your Lenten journey! Free to all parishioners 19 yrs.
or older. Contact Ruth 434-2145 ext. 209
Women’s Weekend: March 7-8, 2015
Men’s Weekend: March 14-15, 2015
40 DAYS FOR LIFE: During Lent area volunteers and churches
in our community will be participating in our local 40 days
campaign in Green Bay. Please take a stand to defend the sanctity
of life. Our timeslot for St John the Baptist Parish will be
Thursdays from Noon - 2p.m. starting on February 19 and runs
through March 29. For more information please call 857-9179.
Day of Adoration - Thursday, February 5
Jesus asked His disciples the night before He died, “Could you
not watch with me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40)
Jesus continues to ask each one of us that question. How will we
respond, when some day we face Him face to face? During that
time we join our own prayers, works, joys and suffering with His.
Please consider joining us for 8:30am Mass or Adoration
throughout the day or Holy Hour at 6:30pm.
International Day of Prayer and Awareness against
Human Trafficking
Thanks to all who have been praying daily with the named
intention on the calendar in the efforts to eradicate human
trafficking. There are still some calendar sheets at the kiosks in
the Narthex. The prayer calendar runs through Sunday, February
8, 2015.
That date has been designated as the annual
International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human
Trafficking. February 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita,
who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and
Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she became a Canossian nun
and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance
from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering. She was
declared a Saint in 2000 and is the patron of human trafficking
victims and survivors.
New Member Registration Night
Are you new to St. John’s? Have you meant to register, but just
haven’t done it? Sr. Kathy Lange, pastoral associate, will be
available to register new families on Tuesday evening, February
3rd, at 7 p.m. in the Fireplace Room of the church. If you have
already registered, but your whole family wasn’t available for a
picture for our New Member Board, please stop in to have your
picture taken. To sign up for new member registration night,
please call Sr. Kathy at 434-2145, Ext. 214 or email
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Who is a Steward?
I am! Us too! We are! Include us!
Count me in!
The call to serve begins with the Sacrament of
Baptism. From that moment on, the Spirit
empowers us with unique gifts to serve our families,
church, and communities. As you discern your
ministry here at St. John’s this year, remember,
In whatever way you are feeling called to serve, it is
Jesus calling you to serve Him.
As John 12:26 says:
"Whoever serves me must follow me, and
where I am, there also will my servant be. The
Father will honor whoever serves me.”
The Stewardship tree is back!
An Attitude of Gratitude
With gratitude for all God
has given us, we give thanks.
A steward is thankful for all
God has blessed them with
and gives back to God in
thanksgiving. This weekend,
we bring back the
Stewardship Tree. The
Stewardship Tree will offer you the opportunity to share your
blessings in a specific way. Suggestions on the tree are ways
for each of us to show an ‘act of stewardship’ in our families,
community and to each other. Make this a family project this
winter! If we each do something small, together we can make a
difference. Please take a tag off the tree and when your "act of
stewardship" is complete just return it and put it back on the
tree for someone else to take.
Ministry volunteer forms can be returned in the gift bags
located in the narthex. Extra forms are available on the table
by the gift bags. You can also return the forms in the
collection basket or the parish office. Thank you for your
service to our wonderful parish. In the Service Booklet
(located in the Kiosk or at, you will notice how
many active ministries that are available and waiting for you!
Don’t wait. Sign up now!
The Stewardship Committee
Lenten Book Sale Coming Soon!!
On February 14-15 & 21-22 many books will be available for
purchase in the Narthex. Take time to browse before and after
mass. Many titles/subjects are available on prayer,
Lent, children’s books, teens, marriage, young adult, grief,
the saints, spirituality and much more!
Thank you to Cathedral Book Store for their assistance.
Sponsored by the Stewardship Committee
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Hospital Visitation
If you go to the hospital, staff at the hospital should ask you what
parish you belong to and if you would like to receive a visitor
from the parish. Please let them know that you belong to St. John
the Baptist and that you would like a visit. When you do this, the
hospital (Bellin, St. Mary’s and St. Vincent’s) is supposed to call
the parish and let the parish know that you are in the hospital.
Sister Kathy Lange, our Pastoral Associate and Ruth Holloway,
our Pastoral Minister, visits our hospitals regularly. Also, Deacon
Nick Williams is part of the pastoral care staff at St. Mary’s. We
are sorry if you have been in the hospital and not received a visit,
but often the parish staff is unaware that you have been
hospitalized or get to the hospital to visit too late and the person
has already been discharged.
Please remember that the parish has a “Helping Hands” group
who are available to make meals or provide transportation for
parishioners who have recently been hospitalized.
Helping Hands
Let Us Help - Are you ill or recovering from surgery and finding
it difficult to prepare meals or get to appointments? Do you no
longer drive but would like to attend Mass or run errands? Then
Helping Hands can help. We are a group of caring volunteers
eager to help you during a difficult or challenging time. Help is
only a phone call (or e-mail) away! If you or someone you know
could use a Helping Hand, please contact Roseann Mader 4343732 (; or Sherry Van Helvoirt 434-4997
School News
St. John’s annual auction on
Saturday, April 25th!
Don’t miss this night of fun!
Exciting raffles, games, food, a huge silent and live auction –
doors open at 5pm. More details coming soon.
The fruit sale will run from Jan. 14th to Feb. 4th. We will sell
cartons & ½ cartons of fresh pears, apples, oranges, and
grapefruits. The fruit comes from California, Texas, Washington,
& Oregon. Order forms are available in the school office or
parish office. The fruit will be delivered on February 25 th and
must be picked up, from the SJB Commons, from 12pm until
5pm. Please contact Carla at or 920-6558475 with questions. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Our SJB Tennis Team (Grades 5th – 8th) is in
need of a Head Coach for the 2015 spring
season Requirements include: basic tennis
knowledge, good organizational skills and an
interest in having a positive impact on young
people. If interested, please contact Dale
Klimek – SJB Athletic Director at 920-655-2177 or
SJB Youth Group
Jody Engebos 920-737-7357
J.O.Y. – Jesus for Our Youth recommitment
This January the West Side Youth Ministry team will be
asking you to commit or recommit to praying for our
youth. As a JOY Prayer Partner you will receive quarterly
updates as to the monthly happenings of WSYM youth
grades 6-12! And you are asked to keep youth and their
concerns in prayer.
Please recommit – its so easy and so good.
Please know we pray for you as well!
5TH annual Middle School LATE IN is coming!!!
Friday, February 6 from 5-11:30pm
At the Kroc Center in Bellevue
Mass, Pizza, swimming, dodgeball, Karaoke, BIG
games & board games, crafts, snacks, basketball,
volleyball, prayer…
ALL THAT COOL STUFF! And no mess in your
house! Only $15 for youth 6-8th grade
(HELP!!! I need chaperones and HS helpers!)
2014 ‘Feed My Starving Children’ results are in!
We needed $102,663 to pay for the 466,650 meals
that were packed. We are at $104,217! That gives
our 2015 Mobilepack seed money of $1554 so
far. The meals are in route to their destinations –
feeding many children!
So amazing! Praise be to God.
Be creative - start saving your coins!
February 1, 2015
Area Happenings
Card Party - Smear & Sheepshead at St. Patrick Parish, Stiles
Sundays - February 1, 8, 15 & 22 – 1:00pm
A hot lunch will be served along with raffles and a door prize.
Cost is a $6.00 donation.
LEARN MORE ABOUT IT! - Thursday, Feb. 5, 6:30 pm
Annunciation Church, 1087 Kellogg St., GB
Though we may not be affected directly, it is our duty to know
about what’s really happening in our country regarding the
immigration issue. We read and hear a lot of things, but what is
correct? We have a great opportunity to hear Luca Fagundes tell
us the truth of what is going on. He is an Attorney and Counselor
at Law whose focus is Immigration Law and Advocacy. Luca
will update us on recent immigration trends and reforms, new
policies – what they mean and what they really mean, --- how this
immigration issue is a call to justice, and to answer your
questions. Enter Door #1; handicapped entrances at Doors # 6 &
7 off the playground. Bring a friend!
Cathedral Book & Gift - CLEARANCE SALE
131 S. Madison Street, Green Bay - February 2 – 14, 2015
20-50% off select books and gifts. $1 - $5 Items
Older titles, Overstock, Slightly Damaged, and Just Because
Thank you for your patronage! “LIKE” us on Facebook.
Year of Consecrated Life: Days with Religious
As we celebrate this special year, religious communities are
hosting open houses on Sunday, February 8, 2015. We five sisters
living community at St. Agnes Convent, Green Bay, will sponsor
an open house from 9:00 am to 11:00 am on Sunday, February 8.
Come and join us, tour the convent, talk with a sister, visit our
chapel, and have a snack. Parking is available on South Fisk
Street or in the parish parking lot. People of all ages are welcome.
For further details call 494-3176.
Pancake & Porkies Breakfast
Sun., Feb. 15th, 9 am - Noon
Annunciation, 401 Gray St., Green Bay
Free-will offering. Sponsored by the KC #5382.
KC Council #6279 - St. John the Baptist
Cribbage Tournament - February 17, 2015 7:00pm
Townline Sports Bar & Grill - 2544 Lineville Rd., Green Bay
Doors open at 6:00pm for food and refreshments.
The entry fee is $40.00 per team ($20.00 per person)
Entry fee includes food and refreshments.
Bring a non-perishable item &
be entered into a door prize drawing.
Make checks payable to KC Council #6279 and send to:
Chuck Johnson
Phone: (920) 865-7517
1945 Sylvan Dr.
Green Bay, WI 54313
Cost $90.00 (Sweet Rolls will be provided.)
Call Vicki at Nativity Parish @ 499-5156 for reservations and
more details. Thank You for traveling with Nativity Parish.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Before you leave Church today…
Stop in the Sunday Office to purchase SCRIP.
Current Food Pantry Needs
Our current needs are: canned peas, canned fruit, mayonnaise,
ketchup, peanut butter, jelly, pancake syrup, frosting, and liquid
hand soap, dish soap, and paper napkins.
Scrip News
Grand Central Station and Express Convenience Center are now
available in inventory!
Express Convenience at 10% available in $50 and $100 cards.
Grand Central Station at 10% available in $25, $50 and $100
Volunteers for:
Feb 7 & 8
Theresa Drevs & Pat White
Feb 14 & 15
Jerry & Marie Berg
Feb 21 & 22
Allyson Welnetz & Nancy Leurquin
Did you know that our fair trade coffee is also organic and
shade grown?
Every grower is committed to sustainable
farming practices. There are no pesticides
or herbicides applied. Native forests are
kept intact with coffee trees growing
beneath their canopy, thus minimizing
erosion and providing habitat for wildlife. Caring for our
environment is a part of our Catholic beliefs. The United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops website states, “Care
for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a
requirement of our faith”. Why not make this the month
you try our fair trade coffee or tea. Orders need to be
placed by 6pm Sunday February 8th, the green beans are
then roasted on Monday and Tuesday, packaged on
Wednesday, shipped on Thursday and available for pickup
after all of the masses on February 14th and 15th. You can’t
get any fresher coffee unless you roast the beans yourself.
For details check the St John website, email or call Diane Strobel at 715-3510056.
Looking for a weekend away, for just the two of you?
A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers you this experience.
It's a time to renew your relationship, away from the everyday
distraction of life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your
communication and promote greater intimacy in your life
together. You don't need a Marriage Encounter Weekend, but
you DESERVE one. “Discover Each Other Again”, more
deeply, honestly and warmly.
The weekend retreat options are:
Feb. 6-8 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere
March 21-22 at Saint Pius Parish in Appleton,
April 17-19 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De
May 16-17 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality in De Pere.
For more information, contact Sue & Dennis Amtmann (920544-5166 / or visit
February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgical Ministries
The complete schedule is online at
February 7
February 8
February 8
Eucharistic Minister
Brian Mc Kean
Dan Cornell
Eileen Condon
Faye Klasen
Lisa Piechota
Lynn Mc Kean
Mike Gorniak
Tracey McMahon
Bob Buss
Elizabeth Gaywont
Eugene Gullickson
Gary Lockstein
Mary Ann Berger
Matt Utech
Rosemary Piechowski
Tina Jossart
Anthony Plansky
Casey Chrudimsky
Chris Cohorst
Honor Jensen
Joy Abel
Karen Monfre
Kathleen Plansky
Mary Graycarek
Mary Sylla
Ronda Schauer
1-Kathy Schmocker
2-Patricia White
Bob Piechota
Denise Lukowitz
Faye Klasen
Lisa Piechota
Chuck Gille - Head
Gary Van Helvoirt
Jay McMahon
Jeff Pamperin
Jeff Taylor
Sherry Van Helvoirt
Men’s Choir
Brad Lyons
Lily & Sam Lyons
Shelly Lyons
William Lyons
Benjamin Stratman
Bob Gagan - Head
Eric Stratman
Isaac Krause
Jacob Stratman
Michael Stratman
4 Greeters
Assigned by Scouts
1 Head Usher
7 Ushers
Assigned by Scouts
Altar Servers
Bridget Kapic
William Kapic
1-Michelle Dahlke
2-Michelle Stratman
Altar Servers
Emily Seidl
Lauren Seidl
2 Lectors
Assigned by Scouts
Altar Servers
2 Altar Servers
Assigned by Scouts
Young Adult Ministry Upcoming Events
Serving individuals 18-39 in the Diocese of Green Bay
February 5, 2015 Young Adult Catholic Professionals Luncheon
Robert Atwell, CEO, Nicolet National Bank will discuss "Incorporating Faith into Professionalism" with Catholic young adult
professionals over lunch at St. Brendan's Inn & Restaurant, Green Bay.
February 13-15: YA Retreat “Into the Heart of Jesus.” For more info visit:
March 21: ENCOUNTER @ St. Jude in Oshkosh. Join other young adults at a night of Eucharistic Adoration, Praise & Worship
Music, Reconciliation, Reflection by a priest and fellowship.
April 24: Christopher West “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex and the Universal Long-ing” @ Sacred Heart in Shawano.
Summer 2016: World Youth Day in Kra-kow. Visit for more on the diocesan pilgrimage.
Evangelization & Formation Opportunities:
Wake up to God: With the Year of Con-secrated Life about to begin, religious communities in the diocese have created to educate people about religious life. Check it out!
Koinonia Retreats in the Diocese of Green Bay 2014-15 schedule and flier:
Event Contact - Phil Lawson, Young Adult Ministry Discipleship and
Formation Coordinator: (920) 272-8304 |