Volume 8 Issue 2 February 2015 We are a Christ-centered church committed to making disciples by witnessing God’s grace, mercy and love to all people. www.OtterbeinumcSpry.com E-Mail: office@OtterbeinUmcSpry.com Traditional Worship 9:00 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:10 am Contemporary Worship 11:00 am Church Office: 717- 741-1429 Parsonage: 717- 741-0579 Otterbein UMC of Spry 50 School Street, York, PA 17402 Rev. Dr. Ken Loyer, Pastor / Rev. Dave McCullough, Associate Pastor CONNECT, SERVE, GROW—FOLLOWING JESUS TOGETHER “Let the Little Children Come to Me”: longs to such as these.” Then he placed Children’s Ministries at Our Church his hands on the children and blessed them. Dear Otterbein Church Family, Of course, Jesus was busy. Have you ever wondered, There was much for him to do, and only “What is the true nature of Jesus? What a limited amount of time (3 years, the is Jesus all about, anyway?” I’ve asked length of his ministry) for him to do it. those questions before. The following But still, time and time again, he was excerpt from the Gospel of Matthew intentional about making time for chilgoes a long way in answering them, dren. In fact he insisted that heaven particularly in regard to the important belongs to children and, as he says place that children occupy in the heart elsewhere, we all must become like and mission of Jesus: children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven (see Matthew 18:1-15). “Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands So, if children matter so much on them and pray for them. But the dis- to Jesus, then surely they must also be ciples rebuked them. Jesus said, ‘Let a top priority for the church, right? After the little children come to me, and do all, the church is called to continue the not hinder them, for the kingdom of work of Jesus in the world today, as we heaven belongs to such as these.’ are led and empowered by the Holy When he had placed his hands on Spirit. A big part of our ongoing renewal them, he went on from there” (Matthew as a church family has been the in19:13-14). creasing presence and participation of children in our midst. How wonderful it What was going through the has been, as I’m sure we can all agree. minds of the disciples that would lead I thank God for the energy and joy that them to rebuke those people who were children bring! bringing little children to Jesus? I don’t know. I suspect the disciples were The leadership of our church thinking something like this: “Jesus has sees ministry to and with children and more important things to do than sit their families as such a vital part of our around with children and bless chillife together that I have some exciting dren.” Maybe some of the disciples news to share with you: thanks to rewere upset because they knew that cent second-mile giving designated to every moment Jesus spent with the chil- support this change, we are going to dren was a moment he would not be expand the role of our staff by having doing what they wanted him to do and Laurie Snyder step into a new staff pothought he should be doing. But notice sition leading children’s ministries. She how Jesus responds: “Let the little chil- will continue her role in music ministry dren come to me, and do not hinder with our 9 am worship service and in (continued on page 4) them, for the kingdom of heaven be- WEEKLY BIBLE STUDIES SUNDAY SCHOOL Every Sunday Morning at 10:10 The Bright Promise Class meets in the Meeting Room. Leaders: Virginia Houser, Scott and Doris Snyder. We are studying the book “Read the Bible for Life - Listen, Understand, Respond.” All are welcome. Come join us! The Monday Morning Bible Study meets in the Meeting Room at 9:45. We are back in the New Testament to study Matthew. Everyone is encouraged to join this wonderful group to study God’s word. Contact Joe Mowery, 7577068 or jbmowery@comcast.net for more information. The Ole Faithful Class meets in the library located behind the Sanctuary. Leaders (Alternate): Joe Mowery and Nadine Goodwin. The class is The Wednesday Evening Bible Study will meet using ‘Christian Living in the Mature Years’ Bible in Room 101 at 7:15 on February 4. We will take a study. break February 11 and 18. Join us February 25 to April 29 at 6:15 for a study of Pastor Ken’s book, The Seekers meet in the lower level in Room 100 Holy Communion: Celebrating God with Us, led by (the classroom right across from the church office). Pastor Ken in conjunction with Wednesdays ToIt is a Bible study based class. Bring your Bible, gether. Everyone is welcome, bring your Bible and and come and grow in the faith with us! join us! For more information, contact Nadine Goodwin 225-4820 or nadgoodwin@aol.com. The Practical Christianity Class meets in Room 101 and is led by a team of teachers who rotate. The Young Women's Group We study the Bible and issues related to faith and meets at the church every 1st everyday life. and 3rd Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Meeting Our youth and children’s classes meet on the Room. We are a group of Upper Level. Children’s Department teachers: Bev women in our late twenties to Castriota, Jen Coppage, Eric and Terri Foust, Joel early forties who meet to have and DeAnna Hain, Missy Howard, and Molly Loyer. fellowship, discuss life issues, Junior and Senior High youth teacher: Rusty and study the Bible. Many of us Coppage. are moms but you don't have to be a mom to come! Come and be blessed! We would love to Nursery ages 0-2 yrs. Room 401 have you join us! Childcare is provided. 3 yrs. - kindergarten Room 403 1st - 3rd grade Room 404 4th - 6th grade Room 402 Youth ages 12 - 18 Room 406 Join us for learning, discussion, fun, and Bible teaching at 10:10 every Sunday! The Men’s Group, Iron Men, meets on the first and third Monday of each month from 7 to 8:15 pm in the library. All men, regardless of age or stage in life, are invited to join us. Child care is provided. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”. (Proverbs 27:17) 2 Growing in God Kids' Club We are blessed to offer Children's Worship during both the Traditional and Contemporary Services. To help grow the children's faith and foster family conversation, we are sending home weekly key Bible points the children learned, a Scripture reading for the family, and a few questions to discuss. Hopefully, this will help reinforce the teaching during that time as well as inform parents what the children learned. Additionally, we would like to challenge the children (and parents!) to learn one Bible verse or passage a month that we will work on during Children's Worship as well. All children 4 - 12 years old are welcome! Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 2 - 4 pm Games, Snacks, Crafts, Bible Lessons, Music & More! Free of charge Adult Supervision (We are a Safe Sanctuary Church) Kids’ Club 2015 February's Lessons 1 - Jesus Heals, Prays, and Preaches 8 - Jesus Calms a Storm 15 - Four Friends Help a Paralyzed Man 22 - Jesus Heals the Blind Man Secret Agents in Action Calling all Secret Agents in kindergarten through age 12. Join us this year at Kids’ Club to learn how to live courageously as God’s disciples. Receive your own special agent passport to February’s Bible verses– “Create in me a pure collect information, decode secret messages, and heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within complete daily challenges. Games, crafts, and me.” Psalm 51:10 snacks are included in each mission! Younger kids version: “Create in me a pure heart.” March 1- Agents in Action Mission 10 March 15- Agents in Action Mission 11 April 19- Agents in Action Mission 12 May 3- Agents in Action Mission 13 May 17- VBS Sneak Peak! Save the Date Vacation Bible School 2015 July 12—16, 2015 6:15—8:30 pm July 19, 2015 VBS Sunday and Community Carnival 3 Contemporary Worship Service Opportunities God is growing the 11am service and we are reaching out to you, the church, to help advance the Gospel through many areas of ministry. Listed below are areas in which we are currently building teams to raise the bar of excellence in contemporary worship, to equip you for ministry, and to help you find ways to serve in your church! If you are interested in any of the following areas please contact Chris Kenna: ckenna330@gmail.com or 484- Current Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity Money has great power in our lives. Used wisely, it is one key to accomplishing our goals, providing for our needs, and fulfilling our life purpose. However, finances can become a source of all-encompassing misery. With the changes in the economy and their ongoing implications, this is an especially important time for us to rediscover the Bible’s wisdom when it comes to prudent financial practices. Each one of us needs to realize that what we have is all we really need—enough. This series will explore the keys to experiencing contentment, overcoming fear, and discovering joy through simplicity and generosity. 947-8915. Sound Team – Help us run the sound board during the service (training available) Visual Team – Help us with the slides and projection (training available) Café Team – Help us by coming in early to make coffee, make sure the Fellowship Hall is ready for worship and be a friendly face in the morning Prayer Team – Help us by coming in early to pray for and over the service Worship Team – If you are experienced with guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, or vocals we would love to talk with you! Feb. 1 - Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity—Wisdom and Finances Feb. 8 - Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity—Cultivating Contentment Feb. 15 - Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity—Defined by Generosity Children’s Ministries (continued from page 1) various other ways, such as kids’ choir and kids’ bell choir. Starting Feb. 1, her new title will be Blanket and Coat Drive “Director of Traditional Worship and Children’s MinWe are collecting blankets and coats istries.” Please join me in congratulating Laurie and for the homeless in in supporting her in this new position through your York. There is a large prayers, your encouraging words, and of course box in the lobby for doyour time and energy as a volunteer! nations. Donations will be accepted throughout This expanded role will allow our church to the winter. continue to grow our children’s ministries—and in that way, to do exactly what I believe Jesus is callAre you on our church ing us to do: bring more children to Jesus and bless e-mail list? children in his name. Remember, he is the one who If not, please write it on the says, “Let the little children come to me.” So let’s Fellowship Pad on Sunday keep doing our part as a church in bringing the chilmornings or send us a message dren of our community to Jesus. And may each one (office@OtterbeinUmcSpry.com) and we’ll add you of us, more and more, also come to Jesus in childto our list. That way, you can receive occasional e- like faith and trust. mail updates about church events and the new See you in worship! Pastor’s E-note that is sent out each week. Ken 4 “I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise.” Psalm 101.1 Now’s the time…have you have been thinking of trying a choir? Come Thursday nights at 6:30 pm for Choir in the sanctuary and/or Glory Bells at 7:30 pm in the downstairs choir room! No experience is needed, only the desire to serve the Lord through music! More info contact Laurie Snyder 717-3091678 or uterps@comcast.net. New singers and ringers welcome! SERVE THE CITY We as a church have signed up to assist Compassion York a local ministry by serving food to those in downtown York on Sunday, March 1, 2015 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. We are accepting donations of money, food and volunteers (see sign-up sheets on table in lobby). Volunteers are needed in the following ways: (1) to prepare food for main meal, (2) Harmonizing For Good Health make and pack the lunches, (3) assemble the main It’s been said that music heals the heart. But can it meal bags, (4) to serve or drive (vans & trucks are promote healthy aging? To find out, cognitive neuro needed) the main meal on-site and (5) to clean-up scientist Julene K. Johnson is studying health after the run. “If you or a class would like to take changes in choir members at 12 senior centers in charge of any parts of this ministry please conSan Francisco. The professor at the University of tact me”. We will be making the bag lunches and California in San Francisco has already studied cho- main meal bags during the Sunday school time ruses in Finland and found an improved quality of downstairs. So any SS classes that wish to assist us life among older choir members. Another study at may do so during this time. This is a great opportuGeorgetown University concluded that older adults nity for us to do what Christ commands us-serve who sang in a chorus for one year had fewer falls, him by serving others. As our Lord says, “…for I was fewer doctor visits and less loneliness than those in hungry, and you gave me food…” (Matthew 25:35). a control group. Choral singing, Johnson says, alIf interested, please contact Charlie Brown at lows people “to use their bodies and minds while cbrown1996@comcast.net or 887-1063. Thank you! creating something beautiful.” April 24 & 25 Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-1 Children’s Music Opportunities Kids’ Choir, The Lord’s Lil’ Singers: All kids are welcome to come sing every Sunday morning during Sunday School and at 2:00 pm at Kids’ Club the 1st and 3rd Sunday. The kids are working on a song to share in It’s that time of year...time to house clean! The Misworship in the near future. See Laurie Snyder for sions Committee is accepting donations for the more info 309-1678, uterps@comcast.net. Spring Yard Sale. Pack up those unwanted treasures and put them on the porch of the Lions’ buildKids’ Bell Choir, The Joyful Lil’ Ringers: “Hear ing (the yellow building across from the Scout buildYe, Hear Ye” children 1st grade through 5th grade are invited to join our bell ringing group. No experi- ing). Contact Virginia Houser, 741-3462 or Lois Roth, 741-2302 if you have furniture to donate or for ence or music reading required. Rehearsals are more information. All proceeds from our yard sale Tuesday evenings at 5:15 in the Children’s Music Room upstairs. After their winter break the group will support mission work locally, nationally and internationally. begin rehearsals Tuesday, February 17th at 5:15. 5 THE ALTAR CIRCLE TEAM (TAC TEAM) SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY—February ~ 9 am Scripture Reader 1 - Dodie Stabley 8 - Boy Scout Sunday 15 - Joe Mowery 18, Ash Wed. - Virginia Houser 22 - Ed Anderson Greeters 1 - Scott and Doris Snyder 8 - Boy Scout Sunday 15 - Tonya and Olivia Firman 22 - Charles and Martha Brown Children’s Church Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith, 1 - Sarah McQueen, Sarah Weikert Jen Coppage 8 - Doris Snyder, Erin Hammons Ushers - Dan and Deb Keech 15 - Martha Brown, Dina Ferree 22 - Heather Beavers, Dodie Stabley If interested or for more information in volunteering for Communion Servers these ministries, please call the 1 - Ed Anderson, Jim and Missy church office (741-1429). Howard SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY—February ~ 11 am Greeters 1 - Meg and Ethan Mylet 8 - Scott and Michelle Schreckengast 15 - Mitch and Clare Hescox 22 - Steve, Stephanie, Emily, and Erin Perago Children’s Church 1 - Doris Snyder, Clare Hescox 8 - Molly Loyer 15 - Kim Becker, Meg Mylet 22 - Lindsay Barshinger, Pam Brandt Ushers - Warren Adams, Bob Becker Nursery Helpers - Angela Smith, Sarah Weikert During the month of December our Food Bank helped 162 families consisting of 287 adults, 263 children and 63 seniors. Thank you for all the food and monetary donations. If you are in need of assistance from the Food Bank, contact the church office, 741-1429 by Wednesday each week. Food pick up is Thursdays between 11 am and noon. Our church’s Christmas offering and Quarterly Missions offering came to $2,231.50. This money will go to support Mission Central, the mission warehouse affiliate of the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Home for Children in Mechanicsburg. Thanks to all who contributed. Your generosity will make a difference! The Seniors’ Group will now have their luncheon the fourth Wednesday of the month. The next luncheon will be 11:45 February 25 at The Corner Stable Restaurant, 2575 S. Queen Street, York. For more information contact Pat Shue, 741-2203. Ash Wednesday Service February 18 7:00 PM All are welcome to participate in this service marking the beginning of Lent, a season when we focus on the meaning of the cross of Christ for our salvation. Communion will be served. 6 THE ALTAR FLOWER CHART for 2015 is posted on the bulletin board in the lobby. You may sign up for altar flowers or the credence arrangement at the cost of $35.00 and indicate in memory or in honor of someone or to the glory of God. Please choose your dates and sign the chart or contact Florine Harris at 7413048. Baptism and Reception of New Members: If you would like to make this your church home, it would be our pleasure to welcome you into our family! We normally receive new members three or four times per year, and baptisms are usually conducted on the same Sundays as these. The next date set for baptism and new member reception is March 22, 2015 (new member class on March 15 from 2 to 4 pm). Those wishing to join the church are to attend a new member class on a Sunday afternoon prior to their reception. Those who join the church will be received as members in whatever service they normally attend, whether 9 am or 11 am worship. Please call the church office if you are interested in being part of a new member class or for baptism for yourself or your child. REPORT FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Budget for 2014 $218,727 Giving for 2014 $264,099 2014 Expenses 230,110 Giving over Expenses $ 33,989 The giving was increased at the end of the year by a gift of $20,000 for 2015 and beyond for our new staff position, Director of Contemporary Worship and Student Ministries. We do have a new category of special giving, Contributed Expenses over Budget. The Ole’ Faithful Class will hold their annual Holiday Party, February 22, 4:00 PM in Fellowship Hall. All seniors are invited to join in fun, fellowship and good food. Cost is $12.00 per person and each person attending should bring a wrapped $5.00 gift. For reservations, please see Lucreta Clark or call her at 741-2621. Deadline for reservations is February 8. We have had an excellent year, with growth in members, staff, and ministries and GENEROUS giving. Thank you for your faithfulness to God's work through our church! Our giving for 2015 to support the budget of $247,399 needs to be $4,758 per week. To help us process the Matthew 28 report and its recommendations for the life of our church, we will hold two listening sessions for discussion: Tuesday, February 3 at 7 pm and Monday, Feb. 9 at 7 pm. With our firm foundation We will also hold a special church conference on we have already started Monday, February 23 at 7 pm to vote on whether to building to a most hopeful implement the recommendations made in the refuture with our giving to port. All are welcome to participate in these meetdate totaling $191,512 and ings, but please note that voting during the church our commitments at conference will be limited to church members. $400,867. This is an exciting start to what will be a Dear Crafters of Otterbein UMC, great ongoing campaign. Thank you very much for donating We are in the process of the lap robes, prayer shawl, scarf, getting the necessary perand hats. The residents enjoy havCORNER mits and finalizing the ing homemade items that have plans for our church elevator. We will proceed as love, time, and energy put into them. We are very quickly as possible, and we look forward to the grateful for kind groups of people who have the completion of this project. Stay tuned for more upresidents in their thoughts. Thanks again! dates as we carry out the work funded by your gen- Kristen E. J. Cronise, Life Enrichment Manager, erous support of our capital campaign. The Village at Sprenkle Drive 7 A Midweek Opportunity for Everyone February 25—April 29 ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF ELECTRONIC GIVING Otterbein Spry wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. 5:30 p.m. • Dinner 6:15 – 7:20 p.m. • Classes/Activities 7:30 p.m. • Prayer Service “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachDirect Debit Giving is used to automatically trans- ing and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the fer funds from your checking or savings account to prayers.” Acts 2:42 the church’s bank account. Wednesdays Together is an opportunity for Credit and Debit Card Giving lets you make offer- folks of all ages to gather for one evening a week ings automatically on a pre-determined schedule of fun, fellowship, and growing in faith. We will using a credit or debit card. share a meal together (one you won’t have to cook or clean up after!) and nourish our minds and souls Online Giving lets you go to through a variety of classes and activities. www.OtterbeinUmcSpry.com at any time to set up This spring, in addition to activities for chilan automatic donation plan, change your donation dren and youth as well as nursery coverage for our plan, make a one-time donation or view your online little ones, we will offer two classes for adults: The donation history. As you contemplate future contri- Crafters (crocheting and knitting group) let by Joan butions, please consider electronic giving. Authori- Holloway which will meet in Room 100, and a study zation forms and additional information are availof Pastor Ken’s book, Holy Communion: Celebratable from the church office or at the welcome cen- ing God with Us (Abingdon Press, 2014), led by ter in the lobby. Pastor Ken. Stay for some or all! SHARE Good Food For a Good Price For a Good Deed SHARE is a program that empowers people to be self-sufficient and strengthens relationships and communities by encouraging volunteer service. Through SHARE, people can purchase food packages worth $35-$40 for $21 or less. SHARE offers a wide variety of meat packages, a veggie package, holiday packages, and during the summer and fall months, Farm Fresh Packages. Farm Fresh Packages offer fresh fruits and veggies from family farmers in Lancaster County. All this for only 2 hours of volunteer service such as church work, babysitting, calling a neighbor daily, picking up trash while on a walk, working at a food bank, library, school, etc. If you eat, you’re in! Everyone can participate in SHARE. Any questions call Virginia Houser, 741-3462 or Lois Roth, 741-2302. February Sign Up Date February 14 — 10 am - noon Food Distribution Day February 28 — 10 am - noon 8 2015 E Tour for the York District Equip, Empower, Engage and Connect as Conference Connectional Ministries brings resources to your district for the empowerment of your leadership. How Time Away from Parents, Spent at Camp, Can Help a Child Grow led by Anne Horton Discovering Discovery Place led by Jody Robinson Caring for our Returned and Returning Veterans and their Loved ones led by Calvin Miller and David Smith Schedule: 9:00 AM Registration/Check In/ and snacks Saturday, February 21 – York District – Calvary Coffee 9:30 AM Welcome UMC, Dillsburg 10:00-11:55 AM Workshops 12:00-12:45 PM Lunch Workshops include: Select the workshops that 12:50-2:50 PM Workshops will most help you and your church… Evaluation time Authentic Space: Conversations around Young 2:50-3:00 PM Adult Ministry led by Audrey Wilder Cost: $5.00 per person (includes lunch) But I Only Have 3...!: Intergenerational Christian Education led by Audrey Wilder More details and online registration are available at Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? www.susumc.org. For more information, contact led by Mike Bealla Lisa Bender at 717-766-7441 or lbender@susumc.org Discovering your Spiritual Gifts! led by Mike Bealla The Red Lion Senior Center Think Anew, See Anew, Act Anew led by Jerry offers a home delivered Wolgemuth meal program commonly Perplexities, Complexities, Capacities, Legaliknown as “Meals on ties: Finding Your Way in Church Communication Wheels”, to nearly 100 of led by Jerry Wolgemuth our local senior citizens. Financial Matters led by Gary Smith Volunteer meal drivers de From Newcomer to Disciple led by Lisa Bender liver meals three times a week and check on the well Learn How Mission Central Can Equip You to being of each senior. This invaluable program Engage in Ministry Locally, Nationally and Globally helps needy seniors live independently in their led by Rob Visscher homes for as long as possible. What's Out There To Help You in Mission led The need for nutritional services in our area by Curt Knouse has dramatically increased and we now find our Global Ministries: Your Church and the World selves in need of additional volunteer support. We Missions led by Curt Knouse are looking for new volunteers who would be willing Basics of Disaster Response led by Ron Sals- to donate as little as one Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning a month. man Anyone interested in volunteering can call The Philosophy of Mission led by Karen Weiss the senior center directly at 717-244-7229. Thank Safe Sanctuaries Training led by Anne Horton you for all of your consideration and assistance in Why Are So Many Churches Empty led by continuing to provide quality programs and services Anne Horton to our older population. Samantha Craley, Meals on Wheels Coordinator 9 It’s time to order your Easter Flowers! Orders for Easter lilies, hyacinths, mums, azaleas and tulips may be made by completing the order form and placing it with your payment in the brown envelopes that can be found in the pew racks and at the information rack in the lobby. Please make checks payable to OTTERBEIN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH OF SPRY. If number of flowers and kind of flower ordered is not indicated on the order form, the money will automatically go to the Good Samaritan Fund. If you have any questions, see Florine Harris (741-3048). You may give to the Good Samaritan Fund in lieu of the flowers. The DEADLINE for orders is February 22, 2015. Please do not remove your plant until notifying Barb Stambaugh or Florine Harris. ORDER FORM FOR EASTER FLOWERS NAME ________________________________ PHONE __________________ # OF HYACINTHS_____ ($8.75) # OF MUMS: ______ ($9.50) # OF LILIES_____ ($8.75) # of SINGLE BLOOM HYACINTHS _____($3.25) # OF TULIPS______ ($8.75) # of AZALEAS ______ ($16.00) TOTAL PLANTS ORDERED _________ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE_____________ OTTERBEIN GOOD SAMARITAN FUND: ______ The DEADLINE for orders is February 22, 2015. MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS are invited to join us as we conquer the hill at AvalancheXpress in York. Tickets will be $22 for the night-time combo pass which will get you unlimited snow tubing and ice skating from 9-11 pm on Friday, Feb 13. If you'd like to go, sign up in the church lobby or contact Chris Kenna (ckenna330@gmail.com / 484947-8915) BEFORE Sunday, Feb. 8! More info at www.facebook.com/projectxyork. Please do not remove your plant until notifying Barb Stambaugh or Florine Harris. ASAPH TEACHING MINISTRY presents a free concert Sunday, February 8, 3 pm at Christ Lutheran Church, 126 W. Main St., Dallastown. This year’s concert features Revelation Band, The Asaph Horns, recordings of Asaph students in Haiti, Haitian art auction, plus the world premier of the Asaph Teaching Ministry promotional video. A free -will offering will be collected to benefit Asaph Teaching Ministry. Andy Stump of Asaph Teaching Ministry will be with us in worship on February 8 to share about this ministry. The 2015 Church Directory is now available. If you Come in out of the cold! would like a copy please contact the church office, AND FEEL THE HEAT OF 741-1429 or office@OtterbeinUmcSpry.com. 10 Sunday Morning Schedule 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Sun 1 Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm Young Women’s Group, 7 pm Iron Men, 7 pm Kids’ Club 2 - 4 pm 2015 Wed Tue 2 8 Boy Scout Sunday 15 Mon 3 Matthew 28 7 pm 4 AA - 6 pm Prayer Service 6:45 Bible Study 7:15 9 10 11 Trustees, 7 pm AA - 6 pm Prayer Service Matthew 28 7 pm 6:45 Special Olympics Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm 6:30 pm 16 Bible Study 9:45 am AA - 6 pm Young Women’s Group, 7 pm Iron Men, 7 pm 17 Choirs Sunday 10:10 am Lord’s Lil’ Singers Tuesday 5:15 pm Joyful Lil’ Ringers Wed. 6:30 pm Contemporary Worship Team Thursday 6:30 pm Choir Thursday 7:30 pm Glory Bells Thu 5 Staff Meeting 2:30 pm Cub Scouts 4-9 Fri 6 7 Table Tennis Club 6 - 8 pm 13 12 Newsletter Deadline 18 Game Nite / Covered Dish 6 pm Table Tennis Club 6 - 8 pm 19 Staff Meeting Ash Wednesday 2:30 pm Service, 7 pm 20 25 Seniors’ Group 27 AA - 6 pm Sat 14 Share Sign Up 10 - Noon 21 Table Tennis Club 6 - 8 pm Special Olympics 6:30 22 23 24 Bible Study 9:45 am Kids’ Club AA - 6 pm 2 - 4 pm Church Ole’ Faithful Party Conference 7 pm 4 pm Special Olympics 6:30 pm Luncheon - 11:45 am AA - 6 pm Wednesdays Together 5:30 Prayer Service 7:30 26 Staff Meeting 2:30 pm 28 Table Tennis Club 6 - 8 pm Share Distribution 10 - Noon Scouts Boy Scout Troop 50, Mon. 7pm Senior Girl Scouts, Mon. 6:30 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 1 - Henry Gambrill 2 - Teri Grim 4 - Richard Black 6 - Sebastian Joynes 7 - Eric Foust Florine Harris June Talbert 8 - Erin Perago 10 - David Hamberger II 11 - Karen Overrein Cub Scout Pk. 50, Tues. 7 pm Cadette Girl Scouts, Wed. 6:30 pm 14 - Joan May Westley Talbert Russell L. Robertson 15 - Alsetta Doll 16 - Diana List 17 - Dwayne Neff Ellee Smith 22 - Jakob Hershey 23 - John Bean Russell Coppage 26 - Britt Snyder FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES 7 - Paul & Thelma Foust 8 - Jan & Lisa Snyder 11 - Glenn & Arlene Taylor 13 - Wilmer & Renate Barshinger 16 - Scott & Doris Snyder 23- Matt & Dina Ferree 11 Otterbein United Methodist Church of Spry 50 School Street York, PA 17402 Visit us at: www.OtterbeinumcSpry.com Phone: 717-741-1429 Parsonage: 717-741-0579 E-Mail: SpryUMC@verizon.net Otterbein UMC Spry February 2015 March 2015 Upcoming Events Mar. 1, Kids’ Club, 2-4 pm Mar. 1, Serve the City, 4-7 pm Mar. 10, Trustees, 7 pm Mar. 13, Game Nite/Covered Dish, 6 pm If you no longer wish to receive these publications, please contact the church office at 717-741-1429 or via e-mail at spryumc@verizon. net. Would you like to receive The Otterbein Messenger by e-mail? Contact the church office. Mar. 14, Share Sign Up, 10 am - noon Mar. 15, Kids’ Club, 2-4 pm Mar. 15, Membership Class, 2-4 pm Mar. 28, Share Distribution, 10 am - noon Mar. 29, Palm Sunday, Church Brunch
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