(BusineSSAddress N°StreetCitylTownIPrOVlnCe〉 ALBERTOM.DELARRAZABAL CompanyTeiephoneNumber ContactPerson [Ⅱ[Ⅱ Month [Ⅱ[Ⅲ iili7icii FORMTYPE Day Monm Day AnnLIalMeeting FISCaiYear i i Se∞ndaryLiCenSeType,ifAppIiCabIe [工工] Dept RequIrIngthiSDoc AmendedArtiCiesNumber/SectIOn iliiil TotaiN00fStOCkholders D°meStiC TobeaccorhpiiShedbySECPersonneiconcerned Remarks=Pis UsebiackinkforscanningPurPOSeS Foreign SECURITiES 」 NDEXCHANGEcOMMISSION iSECFORM17 ̄C CURRENTREPORTUNDERSECTiON17 0FTHESECURITIESREGULATlONSCODE(SRC) 17(a)−1(b)(3)THEREUNDER 1 26Janua DateofReport(Dateofeariiesteventreported) 3 000−768−480−000 2 1177 SECldentlflCatiOn Number BiRTaxldentlfiCatiOn Number 4 GLOBETELECO ExactNameofreglStrantas 5. PHiLIPPiNES PrOVinCe,cOl Of lndustryClassIfiCat10nCode lnCOrPOratlOn 1634 7 27/F,TheGlobeTower,32ndStreetcorner7thAvenue, BomfacioGiobaiCity,TaguIg Postalcode AddressofprinCiPaIofflCe ReglStrant’steiephone 9. 5/F,GlobeTeiecomPlaza(PioneerHighlands),PjoneercomerMadisonSts−, Mandaiuyo的 Formernameorformeraddre ,IfchangedsinCeiastreport 10. SecurltieSregiSteredpursuanttoSectIOnS4and80ftheSRC TitieofEachCiass NumberofSharesofCommonStock OutstandingandAmount°fDebtOutstanding (asofSeptember3012014) COMMONSHARES 132,730,578 TOTALDEBT(in MiⅢonso indiCatetheItemnumberSrePOrted Pieaserefertoattached 。auS.。器量霊詩誌蒜蒜諾剛y Date 26JanuaN2015 26 January 2015 Securities and Exchange Commission Attn.: Director Justina F. Callangan Corporation Finance Department S.E.C. Building, EDSA Mandaluyong City Philippine Stock Exchange Attn.: Ms. Janet A. Encarnacion Head – Disclosure Department 3/F Tower One and Exchange Plaza Ayala Triangle, Ayala Avenue Makati City Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corporation Attn.: Ms. Vina Vanessa S. Salonga Head - Issuer Compliance and Disclosure Department (ICDD) 37/F Tower 1, The Enterprise Center 6766 Ayala Avenue corner Paseo de Roxas Makati City Ladies and Gentlemen: Globe Telecom will hold an Analysts’ Briefing to discuss its 4Q 2014 financial and operating results on 5 February 2015 (Thursday), 9:00 a.m., at The Forum - Basement 1 (Achieve and Bounce Rooms) of THE GLOBE TOWER, 32nd Street corner 7th Avenue, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. Please contact Livi Jabson-Madrid (+632 7974223); (fpagrp@globe.com.ph) to confirm attendance on or before 2 February 2015 (Monday). Materials detailing its results will be posted on the company website (www.globe.com.ph) on or before the briefing day: Press Release Briefing Presentation Materials
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