March 2–4, 2016 VANCOUVER EAST CONVENTION CENTRE | VANCOUVER, BC CANADA GROUP CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Registration FIRST NAME LAST NAME General Conditions It is agreed that the GLOBE Series, its employees, officers, volunteers, contracted staff, contracted companies and agents shall not be held liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or damages, however caused, to any person or the property of any person engaged by, participating in or attending GLOBE 2016, unless due solely to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of GLOBE Series, its employees, volunteers, contracted staff, in program dates, content, speakers, or location or cancellation of any programs or functions. It is agreed that the GLOBE Series, its employees agents and officers, reserve the right to refuse admission, cancel or reschedule programs, change speakers, locations or revise content. TITLE COMPANY ADDRESS CITY PROV/STATE POSTAL/ZIP CODE PHONE EMAIL COUNTRY FAX TWITTER HANDLE *Optional Fees Children On-Site Policy If you're part of an organization with a Group Comp rate, please add your Group Comp Code in the space below. Once your Group Comp Code is verified, GLOBE Series will reduce your payment by the agreed upon discount before processing. GROUP RATE (3 or more conference delegates*) Save 20% on the going rate Before Nov. 30, 2015 $ 795 Dec. 1, 2015 – Jan. 31, 2016 $ 1,195 Feb. 1, 2016 – Mar. 3, 2016 $ 1,435 * Group registrants must be submitted at the same time. **GST is applicable to all registrants. (GST #82072 1587 RT0001) Method of Payment Future Communications SUBTOTAL $ Add GST at 5%** $ Substitution/Cancelation Policy TOTAL REGISTRATION FEE $ Substitutions are accepted at any time. Registration fees will be refunded, less a $95.00 administration charge, if a refund request is received in writing at the address given below before Feb. 1, 2016. No refunds for registration fees will be issued for requests received after Feb. 1, 2016. CHEQUE, BANK DRAFT, MONEY ORDER, WIRE TRANSFER (CANADA/USA ONLY) PAYABLE TO: GLOBE Series CARD NUMBER GLOBE 2016 is a conference and exposition for accredited business professionals. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to attend the conference; however, children are permitted to attend the trade fair when accompanied by an adult who is a GLOBE 2016 registrant (maximum two (2) children per adult). Student groups wishing to attend should contact show management no fewer than fourteen (14) days prior to the event to arrange for access at an appointed time. Completion of this form constitutes acceptance of the registrant to receive future information on the GLOBE Series of events. Group Comp Code VISA MASTERCARD AMEX NAME OF CARDHOLDER 3 DIGIT SECURITY ID NUMBER (located on the back of credit card) CARDHOLDER’S BILLING ADDRESS PROV / STATE SAVE $500 Register by Nov. 30, 2015 DR. MR. MRS. MS. EXP DATE (MM/YY) CITY COUNTRY POSTAL / ZIP CODE SIGNATURE OF CARDHOLDER Note: Credit card charges will appear as GLOBE Series on your statement. SUBMIT THIS FORM QUESTIONS? SCAN & EMAIL: TEL: BY FAX: +1 604.695.5019 BY MAIL: GLOBE 2016 578–999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 3E1 +1 604.695.5001 1.800.274.6097 (Toll Free) EMAIL: WEB: I have read, understood and agreed to the general conditions & policies outlined above. SIGNATURE DATE For Office Use Only BADGE GROUP
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