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WorldWide Drilling Resource ®
The complete magazine for the drilling industry worldwide, owned by drilling industry
associates dedicated to bringing the most up-to-date technology and information to
subscribers. Covering construction-geotechnical, directional, environmental, explorationblasthole, shallow gas & oil, geothermal, mining, water, international, and stateside
drilling; from bits, to pumps, to rigs, to tanks, through wire and more.
Managing Publisher/CEO/President:
Office Administrator:
Associate Editor:
Classified Sales Manager:
Marketing Assistant/Support:
Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones
Michele Stevens
Bonnie Love
Amy White
Kathy Heinrich
Jan K. Allen
Marcel Schimpf
Editorial Contributors for this month:
Mark Battersby
Tim Connor
Scott Cosby
Eric Freimuth
Thomas Kwader
Ray McLarty
Ray Roerick
Harry Short
Britt Storkson
Peter Tavino
Harold White
Translator: Hector Leos
Bill Corey
Jim Kuebelbeck
Tim Rasmussen
“Billy Bob Smith”
Phillip Warren
Evans Wilson, Jr.
Hyd/Eng Consultant: Thomas Kwader, Ph.D.,P.G.
Consultant: Mary Ann Pelletier
WorldWide Drilling Resource ® is published monthly by
WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc., a Florida Corporation
PO Box 660 (3089 Northride Lane) Bonifay FL 32425-0660.
Telephone: 850-547-0102
Fax: 850-547-0329
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WorldWide Drilling Resource ®