Deep Hole Drilling Record [Gwang-Ju, Korea, 2013] Water Hammer Drilling System Drilling Depth Development History Year/L / ocaƟon 0 500 08’ SWD(4”) 09’ UK(4”) 09’ KOR(8”) 10’ KOR(6”) 11’ KOR(6”) 12’ KOR(8”) 13’ KOR(8”) 30 1000 10 4330 4000 40 5000 New concept!! New Water hammer!! 1000 1500 Powerful & Deep hole drilling!! 2000 2500 Drilling Record 2505 25 0 3000 3500 3505 Dept De pth pt h (m) Liverpool, UK - Geothermal Drilling - 2009 Stockholm, Sweden - Jet Grouting Site, Jun of 2008 London, UK - Geothermal Drilling - 2009 Korea, Hard Granite 430m - 2012 Gwang-Ju City, Korea Geothermal Drilling 8", 2505m - 2012 Gwang-Ju City, Korea Geothermal Drilling 8", 3505m - 2013 CO2 70% Cost 500% Water hammer Air polluƟon Soil polluƟon Noise PolluƟon & VibraƟon Aquifer Drilling Advantage RegulaƟon 70% Emission ReducƟon(Max. 500%) None 1. Noise : 90% ReducƟon (The downtown construcƟon is possible) 2. VibraƟon : 85% ReducƟon(dam grouƟng) Regardless of soil condiƟon, Deep drilling is also possible 1. Straight drilling is possible(horizontal boring) 2. Deep drilling is possible(more than 1500m) 3. Vulnerable soil drilling producƟvity is excellent 4. Fuel ReducƟon None(In Korea) Air hammer strong polluƟon 10 Liter oil per 100m boring 1. popular complaint, if the downtown ConstruƟon operates 2. VibraƟon structure in not allowed to bore Need for lots of air compressor & booster compressor Not allowed to use in Vulnerable soil and have horizontal boring prob Not allowed to use at some regions of Sweden & New Zealand 49, Hanamsandan 10-Ro, Gwangsan-Gu, Gwangju, Republic of Korea TEL +82-62-953-4525 FAX +82-62-953-4520 E-MAIL Why D&B Water Hammer? Geothermal/Water Hole Drilling System 350W / 250W / 45W Max Drilling depth over 5000m Special Accumulate system(Patent) Eco friendly Drilling method Water Hammer (No need hammer oil and free of soil contaminaƟon on the DTH hammer drilling site) Long bit life Ɵme Low noise water hammering No need for Pressure down drilling Min. maintenance : Valveless hammering system 100% Recycling water using available system(Patent) BIT CHUCK LOWER SEAL CASE Water Pump PISTON VALVE SeparaƟng System HEAD Water Tank BIT GUIDE RING TUBE VALVE HOLDER Purification System UPPER SEAL CASE AIR LOAD CONNECT D&B Water Hammer SpecificaƟon Hole size bit (mm) Diameter of Tube (mm) Length (mm) Total Length with bit (mm) Weight (kg) D&B-35WH 102 88 1997 2080 76 D&B-40WH 115 100 2124 2199 98 D&B-50WH 140 116 2211 2300 138 D&B-60WH 152 137 2506 2596 270 D&B-80WH 203 182 2866 2977 400 D&B-100WH 252 225 3045 3185 480 D&B-120WH 304 265 3130 3330 570 Drill Pipe Water consumpƟon at max pressure (lit/min) OperaƟng pressure (bar) D&B-35WH API 2-3/8''Reg/NC23 200 120 ~ 175 D&B-40WH API 2-3/8''IF/NC26 300 120 ~ 175 D&B-50WH API 2-3/8''IF/NC26 API 2-7/8''IF/NC31 450 120 ~ 175 D&B-60WH API 3-1/2''Reg API 2-7/8''IF/NC31 600 120 ~ 175 D&B-80WH API 4-1/2” IF 800 - 1000 120 ~ 175 D&B-100WH API 4-1/2''IF 900 - 1100 120 ~ 175 D&B-120WH API 4-1/2''IF 1100 - 1200 120 ~ 175 Ultra Deep Geothermal/Water Hole Drilling 0m ConvenƟonal 2,000m , (Rotary Wash : Tricone bit) , 4,000m SoŌ 6,000m , Water Hammer 8,000m , Hard~Very Hard 10,000m Drilling Fluid (Water) : Dr rii Transport of rock cuƫngs Tra a IIncrease Inc c Drilling Speed Upp to 5~10 Ɵmes 100% 1000 00 Water Recycling ReducƟon Drilling Cost Reed ed 50~85% 500~ 0~
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