FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME RECTOR: Msgr. Robert G. Tucker PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Steven A. Mills Email: church@crchrist-parish.org MASS INTENTIONS: MONDAY, February 2: 6:30- Poor Souls (MA) 7:30- Alice Eckles † 8:10- Kathryn Bojanski † 5:00- Peter Nguyen The Huy TUESDAY, February 3: 6:30- Lillian Chieply 7:30- Poor Souls 8:10- Special Intention (MG) 5:00- St. Anne’s PCCW Circle WEDNESDAY, February 4: 6:30- Aylse Wisdom 7:30- Ray Svoboda † 8:10- Alice Klintworth † 5:00- Amelda Chronister † THURSDAY, February 5: 6:30- Maria Vu 7:30- Maria Marcil † 8:10- Dolores Young † 5:00- Tran Ngoc Bich FRIDAY, February 6: 6:30- Virginia Sevigne † 7:30- Dominic Tran Van Hai 8:10- Marcia Mika † 5:00- Mary Mai Thi Na SATURDAY, February 7: 6:30- Joseph Aguilar † 7:30- Confraternity of Christian Mothers 5:00- Poor Souls SUNDAY, February 8: 6:00- Dan & Miranda Fricke 7:30- Amelda Chronister † 9:00- Carolyn Micek † 11:00- Wilbert Feltes † 6:00- For the People ALTAR SERVERS Schedules are on the Cathedral Web page www.cathedraloftherisenchrist.org SATURDAY, February 7: 5:00- T. Heofener, S. Hruby N. Jeffrey, A. Reinke SUNDAY, February 8: 6:00- E. Helman, M. Helman 7:30- B. Deterding, M. Fricke, P. Hanigan 9:00- C. Haudrich, M. Hoage, M. Kastanek, A. Kouma 11:00- D. Johnson, N. Johnson, N. Kapustak, M. Korensky 6:00- K. Hurt, A. Ivanov C. Lentz, P. Lentz OFFERTORY GIFTS Sunday, February 8: 9:00 – Don Laurell family 11:00 – Tim Sealock family Sunday, February 15: 9:00 – Tim Timmons family 11:00 – Patrick O’Brien family GREETERS Saturday, February 7: 5:00 – Eileen Childerston Del Ann Divis Sunday, February 8: 7:30 – Eugene & Judy Schiltz Wally & Caroline Panasiuk 9:00 – Randy & Cara Ramaekers Jamie & Ann Deterding 11:00 – Bob & Diane Sealock Pat & Michelle Hoefner 6:00 PM – Richard Miller SCRIP Godteens, your weekend to sell Scrip th th is February 7 – 8 . Please pray for seminarians Mr. Tran Vinh (College 4) & Rev. Mr. Christopher Stoley (Theology 4) First Friday Friday, Feb. 6th at 6:30, 7:30, 8:10 AM & at 5:00 PM. All are invited. Holy Hour for Vocations: Friday, Feb. 6th, 7:15 PM at the Pink Sisters’ Chapel, 1040 South Cotner Boulevard. Singing led by Christo Rey (Pepe Casarin). First Saturday Devotions Saturday, Feb. 7th, after the 6:30 and 7:30 AM Masses. Eucharistic Adoration “Lord, give me the courage to say yes when You call & to believe that You will provide the wisdom, strength & ability to do Your will.” The Word Among Us, Jan. 23, 2015.Open Hours: Sun. 6 PM Share Hours: Tues. 9 AM, Sat. 1 PM. For questions or to sign up for an hour, call Paul Keating at 402730-3459. Southern Nebraska Register In the February tithing envelopes there is an envelope marked “Southern Nebraska Register”, please put your payment of $15.00 in this envelope and return it in the Sunday collection basket. NOTE: If you elected to make your payment through E-tithing, $15.00 will be debited on February 15. PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Blood Pressures Taken Parish Nurses will take blood pressures after the 7:30, 9 & 11 AM Masses this morning in the vestibule of the church. PCCW St. Julia’s Circle: Tues, Feb. 3rd, 7:00 PM at the home of Shelly Thorpe, 7621 Kennelley Dr. New members welcome. Questions, call Shelley at 402-327-2599. Holy Family Circle will meet Tues, Feb. 3rd at Felecia Thomassen’s home at 4921 Tipperary Trail. Questions: Call Mary 402-4836442. New members welcome. Mother Seton Circle will meet Thurs, Feb. 5th, 7 PM at Cassie Chandler’s home. Let Sue know if you can attend. Cathedral 500 Club Jan. Winners Edna Wisnieski, Sue Winkler, Ivan Ivanov, Lynette Ivanov, Jackie Hilger, Janet Froschhieser, Carol Furaske, Carolyn VanDyke, Ursula McLaughlin, Betty Gish. Next drawing: Feb. 11th. To be included, write your name, phone number, email & favorite number between 1 & 500 (list 2 or 3). Place in an envelope marked 500 Club with $5 & put in collection basket or drop off at the Rectory. Checks payable to Cathedral 500 Club. Questions Todd/Nancy Jarchow 402-489-1591. Husband/Wife Breakfast Sun, Feb. 15th after the 9 AM Mass. Signup sheets inside each door. Please sign up by Feb. 9th. Questions/concerns, please call Sue Connolly 402-421-1800. IN RESIDENCE: Rev. Sean P. Kilcawley Rev. Michael J. Zimmer SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT Magnificat Call Rhonda Litt by Tues, Feb. 3rd to register: 402-489-3819, 5256396 or 467-1102. Mail check (payable to Magnificat) to Tina Colgan, 521 N. 56th St., Lincoln, 68504. Adults $15, Students $10. LDCCW Day of Recollection Good Counsel Retreat House on Ash Wednesday, Feb, 18th – given by Thomas McGuire. Topic: Does God Notice Me? 9:30 AM Registration, 2 conferences, Stations of the Cross, Confessions, Rosary, 2 PM Mass. Concludes at 3 PM. Drinks provided. Sack lunch on own. Cost: $10. Women’s Afternoon Bible Study Wed, Feb. 4th at John XXIII Center, 2 PM. Sr. Ann will lead study & discussion of Gospel of John, Ch. 13-15. Closing prayers at 3:30. Questions: Pauline 402483-6976. Catholic Coffee House 4 of 5 Talks on Feb. 8th at 7 PM at John XXIII Center. Talk given by Jennifer & Matt Davis, “Proactive Parenting in a Sexualized Culture.” th Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House Retreat Schedule Men & Women: Feb 13-15 – Fr. Steve Thomlison, “Angels & Demons: Spiritual Warfare & Discernment”; Feb, 27-March 1 – Fr. Mark Cyza, “Friends of the Cross” Lenten Series Mondays, Feb 23-March 23, 7:308:30 PM. Theme: Reclaiming the Word: Bringing the Scriptures Back into Our Lives. Hosted at St. Teresa Church, 735 S. 36th Stewardship: Time~ Talent~ Treasure A heart or a hand clenched in anxiety & greed can never truly receive anything. Last week’s stewardship gift: Adult: $18,512.25 Plate: $2,386.05 Youth: $8.17; e-tithe: weekly $1,523.00. Weekly budgetary need: $26,938 Rides To Mass Two of our parishioners are needing a ride to Sunday Mass during February & March. Please contact the church office at 402488-0948 if you are able to provide transportation. Marian Mantle The Marian Mantle Silent Strength Prayer Group meets Tues, Jan. 27th at 3 PM in the Flanagan Room & Tues, Feb. 10th in the Lancaster Room & Feb. 24th in the Flanagan Room at Madonna Hospital. We pray the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet & other prayers for the return of fallen away Catholics. The meeting is 1 hour & Mass is at 4 PM for those who wish to attend. For more information, call Kathy at 402-423-3810. YOUTH ~ FAMILY ~ SCHOOL Free Throw Contest Thank You Thank you to all the participants that attended this year’s free throw contest. Thank you to Mr. Ekeler & the Cathedral School for the use of your facilities. A big thank you to the Knights of Columbus Council #9563 Knights that helped as well as the Cathedral Cub Scout Pack 54 (Will Brady, Kota Brady, Ryker Krolikowski & Landon Krolikowski). Kindergarten Preview Day For Cathedral’s PARENTS ONLY on Tues, Feb. 10th in Bishop Bruskewitz Gym. Parents will be able to learn about Cathedral School and the Kindergarten program as well as receive important enrollment packet information at either of 2 sessions, 9:30 AM or 1:30 PM. Each session should last about an hour. To be enrolled for the 2015-16 school year, children must turn 5 years old by July 31, 2015. There will be a separate preview day for children in early May. Date Night Fri, Feb, 20th, 6-7, Old Chicago in the Haymarket, married couples of all ages are invited to come together for complementary hor d’oeuvres, cash bar, fellowship & a short presentation by Fr. Sean Kilcawley that will explore what it means to be a married couple. Questions call 402-488-2040 or visit www.LincolnDiocese.org/DateNight. Sponsored by the Office of Family Life & Evangelization. S.T.A.G.E. Information Meeting, Feb. 1st, 4 PM at St. Teresa’s Kaczmarek Hall regarding the summer production of Flanagan’s Boys. All interested are welcome! Catholic Social Services Fish Fry: Feb. 6th, 5-7 PM, 23rd & O. Proceeds go to support St. Gianna Women’s Homes for women suffering domestic violence & the threat of abortion. This is the last Fish Fry until after Lent on May 1st. Winterfest: St. Mary’s, Sat, Feb. 7th 58:30 PM in Flynn Hall. Hot food, bake sale, activities. Rice Bowls Will be in the vestibule the week of Feb. 10th. Trumpet Fest in Honor of Mac McCune: Feb. 8th, 3 PM at Pius X High School with proceeds to support Catholic Social Services. SUPPORT GROUPS/ EDUCATION/OTHER Sacred Heart Pancake Feed: Feb. 8th, 8-12:30, school lunchroom. Free Will Offering. Proceeds to building fund. Catholic Business Women Lincoln Chapter meeting, Tues, Feb. 10th, 11:30 AM at John XXIII Center. Speaker: Shane Kennett, St. Joseph’s, speaking on God’s Love for You: Being a Confident Follower of Jesus. RSVP nise.deter@gmail.com or 402-2027494 Schoenstatt Valentine Dinner: Sat. Feb, 14th at Cor Mariae Schoenstatt Center, 340 State Highway, Crete for all married couples. Mass at 4 with renewal of wedding vows followed by dinner & entertainment. Cost: $40/ couple. RSVP: Sr. Therese 402-8263346. Proceeds to fund summer camps & other activities.
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