February 2015 Newsletter - Kenmore United Methodist Church

A Monthly Publication of the
Kenmore United Methodist Church
February 2015
Inside This Issue:
January 25th UMW Sunday
“The Feminine Face of God”
Dr. Wendy Paterson, Dean of Department of Education at State University
College at Buffalo and our UMW will lead us in worship.
February 1st
“Shaped by God”
Sunday Themes
Pastors’ Page
Deacon Bonnie LeValley
Psalm 111
In an age when humans are shaping the earth, our challenge is to be Christians shaped by God. It is a new age in which our actions are shaped by the
hands of our faithful, just, and trustworthy God.
Have you heard? 4
“Thank Yous”
February 8th
Youth Ministry
Faith Sharing
“Why Jesus Came”
Rev. Dr. Peter LeValley
Isaiah 40:26-31, Mark 1:29-39
Jesus is teaching in the worship center, casting out demons and healing the
sick, enabling folks to serve as he serves, connected to God, connecting
others to God.
February 15
“Stay or Go”
Rev. Dr. Peter LeValley
II Kings 2:1-12, Mark 9:2-9
Elijah offers Elisha 3 opportunities to stay where he is and Elisha says each
time he will go with the prophet his mentor into the new future of life in
God’s Spirit.
Our Lenten series is:
Know God - Know Life
No God - No Life
Keep the K_ _W in your life.
Resourced by our Lenten Study of the The God We Can Know,
based on Rev. Rob Fuquay’s study book. This will be our study
throughout Lent.
February 18th Ash Wednesday 7:30 pm “Know God - Know Life”
Rev. Dr. Peter LeValley
Exodus 3:13-15, II Corinthians 6:1-2
As we know ourselves we come to know God Better as we know God,
we find life.
February 22nd The First Sunday of Lent
“The Bread of Life”
Rev. Dr. Peter LeValley
John 6:25-35
We live in a world that is full, but never satisfied. Jesus feeds us that which
satisfies our soul.
March 1st Holy Communion
“The Light of the World”
Deacon Bonnie LeValley The 2nd Sunday of Lent
John 8:12-20
Jesus said, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have
the light of life! Our life following Christ is a journey of moving from
darkness to light!
Upcoming Events 5
Scripture ‘n’Simmer
February 2 at 9:30 am
UMW Luncheon
February 5 at 12:15 pm
Caregivers - February 7 & 21 - 9:30 am
Newsletter Articles Due - February 10
Lenten Bible Study - begins February 11
for 7 weeks Wednesdays at 1:00 & 7:00 pm
Office Closed - February 16
Ash Wednesday - February 18
Pancake Supper - 5:00-7:00 pm
Worship Service & Imposition of Ashes
starting at 7:30pm
Book Group - February 19 at 7:30 pm
Sunday Community Supper
February 22 at 12:00 noon
Senior Fellowship
February 23 at 12:30 pm
Faith in Film - February 23 at 7:00 pm
Beginnings Support Group
February 26 at 10:00 am
Catch The Spirit
February 28 from 9:00 am-3:30 pm
Family Movie Night
February 28 at 7:00 pm in the parlor
Women’s Retreat at Chautauqua
March 20, 21, & 22
February 2015
Read & Rejoice
ear Partners in Ministry,
I enjoyed the movie Avatar from several years ago. One line from the movie
particularly intrigues me; in the burgeoning relationship of Sully and Neytiri, she
says, “I see you.” She sees, she knows she loves, she connects with this other. It is a powerful
thought to say “I see you.” First of all, it means seeing beyond ourselves, looking and engaging
with someone other than our own preoccupations to the needs and wants, to the core of another
person. Secondly, it is letting go of self-centeredness to become centered, or at least aware of
someone, something, else.
Seeing is what Jesus lived. In his teaching, his healing, his interactions, again and again
Jesus shows the way of seeing beyond ourselves. The amazing thing is,
Jesus sees others while not losing himself, he gives himself in love but
he does not give himself away. This is the ministry Jesus gives to us. He sees us, loves us,
knows us, and wants the most for us. He shows us the way, he teaches us the way, He is the
way, to see others, to connect with them, to connect with God.
May we each open our hearts to see, to offer ourselves in love, that together we may
meet the challenges, the opportunities for the ministry we share .
Pastor Peter LeValley
Share a special gift with our First Love, Christ’s Body, the Church for Valentine’s Day!
Thank you to all who offered kind expressions of love and support over the holiday season! Cards,
gifts and well wishes shared at this season of remembering our Savior’s birth brings warmth to our hearts
and a smile to our faces. The offering of yourselves is truly a gift to us!
Blessings! In the New Year!
Bonnie and Peter
Dear Friends on the Journey!
In addition to our thanks for your support during the past holiday season, I am mindful of the love
that is shown daily by your service to our church fellowship and ministries and to the surrounding community. Mother Teresa said, “It is not how much we do, but how much love we put into our
doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.”
Let’s take this one more step; it is not how long we live but how much love we
put into our living. As we enter this season of Love and Lent, may we seek to put the love
of Christ into our living moment by moment, day by day. May we know God and may
others know God through the love we share.
Deacon Bonnie LeValley
Our pastoral staff is available to care for your pastoral needs. Please call the Church office, 875-5091, to talk with a
Pastor at any time, extension 203 for Pastor Peter LeValley and extension 202 for Deacon Bonnie LeValley. You may
reach Pastor and Deacon LeValley at their parsonage home, 873-4555, or in a time of special need on their cell
phones, Pastor Peter 863-7788, Deacon Bonnie 863-8014. You may also call our Pastor of Visitation, Rev. Dr.
Donald Weaver, at his home, 837-1039, or in a time of special need on his cell phone, 479-1167. You are also
welcome to email them, Pastor Peter LeValley at peterlevalley@yahoo.com and Deacon Bonnie LeValley at
bonlev@hotmail.com and Don Weaver at dweaverb2@gmail.com.
Read & Rejoice
February 2015
Kenmore UMC Saints
Remembering those who have died this past year:
The term “first love” might conger up images of handmade Valentine’s cards and a cute little curly-haired classmate in grammar school. Maybe it brings to mind your first “serious” relationship when you were a teenager. Perhaps you recall someone
in college that you were convinced was “the one”. But who is
your REAL first love? The One Who loved you before you
could walk or talk. The One Who rejoices over your every victory, no matter how small. The One Who gives you inner
strength when your world is crashing down. The One Who gave
His life for you long before you were even born! This February
give your heart back to the One Who loved you first – the One
Who will never stop loving you. Rekindle. Recommit.
Reclaim that relationship.
Valentine’s Day seems like an ideal time to give a special gift to
that First Love. There are extra envelopes in the back of your
weekly offering booklets that are marked “special” and are designed to be used whenever you feel moved to make an additional offering. Please prayerfully consider doing so this month.
Maybe it will become a new Valentine’s Day tradition!
Cheryl DeGlopper - January 14, 2014
Mike Small - February 21, 2014
Alice Blatchford - March 1, 2014
Pastor Kathryn G. Hemstreet - March 23, 2014
Russ Moyer - April 18, 2014
Muriel Hamilton - May 10, 2014 in Tennessee
Bob Moreland - May 24, 2014
Jack Zimmerman - July 5, 2014
Susan Owens - September 2, 2014
Delmar Shiloh - September 26, 2014
Ann Hazel - November 1, 2014
Lillian Hodgson - November 4, 2014
Clyde Spriegel - November 14, 2014
Robert Austin - November 19, 2014
Betty Stratton - December 27, 2014
Lew Hazel - January 1, 2015
Bev Talladay - January 1, 2015
Thank-you to all! Your pastors wish to extend a huge bouquet of thanks for all the help and
support in caring for the families that have experienced grief and sorrow over the past holidays. We have
known great loss in these past 3 months. Your support and encouragement helped ease the load. Working
together to offer the hand of Christ to those who are in grief, strengthens each of us to serve our God!
Peter and Bonnie
The Heritage Columbarium has been established here at KUMC to honor those who have faithfully participated and
supported the ministries of Kenmore United Methodist Church. Niches are available to members, preparatory members,
constituents, pastors, former pastors and their spouses of Kenmore United Methodist Church. The Columbarium is a place
of eternal rest within the serenity and beauty of our church building.
The following faithful members have been interred in the Heritage Columbarium this year: Cheryl DeGlopper, Pastor
Kathryn G. Hemstreet, Susan Owens, Anna Hazel, Lillian Hodgson, Clyde Spriegel, Robert Austin, and Lew Hazel.
A plaque, entitled “Remembering the Faithful”, has been placed in the Heritage Columbarium for those who have chosen
other places for the eternal rest of their physical remains. Persons or groups may honor those that would have met the criteria of being placed in the Columbarium but chose other places of burial by requesting an application and contributing $100
for a nameplate to be placed on the plaque. The plaque incorporates wood from the back of one of the pews that had been
in our sanctuary.
Applications for Niches or for a nameplate for the Plaque are available through the church office.
Don Weaver, Chair of the Columbarium Committee
February 2015
Read & Rejoice
*Lent Bible Studies begin
Wednesday, February 11
at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
The God We Can Know
by Rob Fuquay
This 7 week study series is designed to
explore the “I AM” sayings of Jesus
found in the Gospel of John. One by
one, Jesus’ statements not only grab
our imagination by revealing more
about his purpose, while shaping our
own Christian identity and connect us
to the God of Moses the Great “I AM.”
Wednesday, February 18
Pancake Supper
Betty Spencer expressed a desire to be in ministry with our
homebound as a avocation in her retirement. She attended a training session
offered in our district by Becky Nabor a trained Stephen’s Ministry volunteer
and member at Baker Memorial UMC. Inspired by Becky, Betty has begun
sending monthly devotionals to our homebound. The devotional page includes
a thought for the week, a prayer and a short, inspirational message. The activity
page is chock-full of things for shut-ins to do during those long hours of the
day. Each activity is based on the Bible or church life. You can download a free
example of the newsletter at Hometouchministry.com.
"...Let us love, not in word or in speech but in truth and action."
I John 3:18 In February and March we will be collecting Hygiene
Kits for distribution by Church World Service. Please place your
completed kits in the marked barrels in the Library, In the face of
natural disasters, violence or grinding poverty, CWS Hygiene Kits
can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling
families. To assemble the Hygiene Kits you will need:
One hand towel - 16" x 28" (no fingertip or bath towels.)
1 wash cloth - wide-tooth comb - 1 nail clipper
1 bar of soap (bath size in wrapper)
1 tooth brush (in original packaging)
6 standard size band aids
Place all items in a one gallon plastic bag with a zipper closure. Please do not
add tooth paste to the kits. Thank you!
“All You can Eat”
5:30 – 7:00 pm
Worship Service and
Imposition of Ashes
7:30 pm
Before the service, beginning at 7
pm, there will be music and a time
for reflection to prepare ourselves
to begin Lent.
Lenten Coin Folders and devotionals
are available for your Lenten
Please take a moment and pick one
up the Sunday before Ash Wednesday to guide you through the Lenten
Season. May this be a holy time for
each and everyone!
We will be gathering our folks and snapping picture to tell the story of who
Kenmore United Methodist Church is through a new pictorial directory. Portraits of families and individuals will be taken during the weeks of April 22-25
and May 26 & 27, at a variety of times that hopefully will suit your schedules.
This is a wonderful tool for our members and friends and especially in this season of our church life when a new pastor will be appointed. Please watch for
further updates and may your faces be found among the pages that tell the story
of the people at Kenmore UMC.
29 Years of Spring Over the past 28 years, the Hospice Spring Bouquet
Sale has become a symbol marking the beginning of a new Spring season
in WNY. It is the Hospice Foundation’s largest event, and in 28 years,
they’ve sold 535,000 bouquets and 44,000 tribute bouquets, raising over $4.7 million for Hospice Buffalo. Hospice provides exceptional care and life enhancing services for seriously ill patients
and those who share their lives. Take a moment and purchase your
bouquet to support the work of Hospice Buffalo! Bouquets are $8
(standard) and $30 (tribute). Orders will be taken in the library on Sundays, Feb 15 & 22, with payment due with placed order. Flowers will be
delivered to the church on Tuesday March 3rd and we will call when they
are in! Our youth will be working at the flower warehouse preparing your
bouquets, Saturday, February 28th in the afternoon.
Read & Rejoice
We do not have any specific plans
for the month of February – it is
very difficult to plan
an event with our
“uncertain” winter
weather – BUT watch
for some exciting things coming this
spring, summer and oh yes – there
are plans underway for an
Amishland trip in October.
With the holidays and snow days,
the Piecemakers were so excited at
being back together on Friday morning in Fellowship Hall. We now are
beginning to work on our Red,
White and Blue quilts which will be
given to returning injured servicemen and servicewomen as well as
retirees and also service families.
So, if you have any red, white and /
or blue fabrics just sitting around,
we would be delighted to put them
to good use. With this cold weather, we have been able to contribute
blankets to warming centers and to
the women’s program at the “Y”.
Just a reminder to all of our gals – if
the Ken-Ton Schools are closed because of weather, we will not be
meeting. We want to keep everyone
safe, sound and cozy warm!!
“Thank you” to folks who supported
our ministry with their purchases of
holiday gift items. We have some
“all season” items on our shelves in
case you need a gift for birthday,
shower, etc.
Articles for the
March Newsletter
are due February 10th
Please Note:
The Church Office will be closed:
Monday, February 16th
February 5, 2015
12:15 pm
Calling all women! It's February love is in the air! What better way
to celebrate love than by reaching
out to others!
On February 5, following lunch,
Donna Stierheim will lead us in our
annual UMW Social Action
program. Please bring your own
sandwich for lunch and we will
provide dessert. ALL women are
welcome - please join in!
The UMW Executive Board will
meet on February 26 at 9:30 am.
Monday, February 23 at 12:30 pm
We always begin with lunch and for
the month of February we will sharpen our minds with time playing some
board games. Bring a dish to pass
and your favorite table game! There
is always room at the table for another card player and friends are always
welcome! Table service, beverage
and a cup of hot soup will be provided! Join this group of active seniors
and share the fun!
Sunday, February 22
at 12:00 noon
Join us for a warm meal in the
Fellowship Hall
All our Welcome!
February 2015
The “Snovember” Storm prevented us
from traveling to Chautauqua in November for our annual women’s retreat. This
retreat has been rescheduled to March
20, 21 and 22 at the United Methodist
House, Chautuaqua, NY. This was the
only date available in 2015.
Sunday, February 1
Super Bowl weekend is now the nation’s largest celebration of giving &
serving. Through this mission, young
people learn what it’s like to make a
positive difference in the world – as
they collect food, raise money and
volunteer to work in charities that
provide shelter to the homeless, food
to the hungry and compassion to
those in need. Please give generously
on Super Bowl Sunday. Every
dollar donated goes to support our
local network food pantry.
February 28th
9:00 am- 3:30 pm
Clarence United Methodist Church
10205 Greiner Rd. Clarence, NY
Catch the Spirit Discipleship Gathering (CTSDG) is a one day event held
annually by our District to train,
learn and celebrate our lay ministry
on the Niagara Frontier
District. There are 19 full
and half day workshops
on areas that include hospitality in the church today, making
your final wishes clear, John &
Charles Wesley, persecuted Christians, human trafficking, SPRC
work, engaging in missions, vital
congregations, and more. Look for
brochures for full details. The cost is
$20 which include coffee and kuchen
in the a.m., lunch and worship, plus
the workshops.
Scholarships are available, so see
one of our pastors about this.
February 2015
Read & Rejoice
Once again I am humbled by the caring of my
Church Family. I’m grateful for cards, calls, delicious
(Merritt) Christmas Cookies, and flowers, and so blessed
to have our great Pastoral Staff and Judy. I hope to
occupy “my pew” soon, whenever strength improves.
Norma McFee
Your thoughts, your prayers, your calls, your cards
and messages have touched my “heart” in these past weeks as
I have had two visits in the hospital and now am the proud
owner of 4 stents in the “heart arteries”. I am feeling better
than ever and am able to function as I have in the past….even
can get some skiing in before the end of the season. I am so
appreciative of you in my life.
With love - Don Weaver
Regarding Hazel Reception,
I start every morning with an attitude of gratitude for
Dear Kenmore Church Family,
the day. The reception for Lew Hazel was a most outstanding
Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, kindness and
day for me. I thank my church family friends that stepped up to
caring (the goodies and dinner were yummy too!) during my
the plate to help me with the reception with whatever needed
recent surgery and continuing recovery.
to be done, no questions asked. Everyone jumped in to help me
Healing has been long, but well worth it!
with set-up, preparation and especially for cleanup. I enjoyed
I am blessed to have you in my life.
working with all of you. Most importantly thank you, thank
you, thank you!!!!!!
Guests expressed pleasure with the meal. Jim Hazel,
exceeded his expectations with the food and service.
Harris Hill UMC would like to take the opportunity to
was a pleasure to fulfill the needs of our church famthank you for your donation of food and money. It is because
ily in their time of need.
of the gifts of money, food and time that we were able to be a
Thank you all again! Faith, Hope and Love
part of an Ecumenical outreach assisting the families in South
Marti Marrano
Buffalo and Lackawanna affected by the November 2014 winter
From the moment I received the call from the State requesting
With heartfelt blessings to our family at Kenmore
help in feeding 500 families, United Methodist churches in the
UMC, it is beyond full description to convey my deepest
Niagara Frontier district responded quickly in helping their
feelings, and given with upmost meaning to the dignity,
neighbors in need. With your support, eleven pickup truckloads
devotion, and love you wrapped around my family.
of bagged food were delivered to areas that were trapped.
I have been asked many times in my life if I
What a blessing it is to be a small part of the great
“wondered who my real parents are”? My unfailing
commission. We thank God for your efforts during the
response was “I have my real parents now.” Simplistic
November storm, and will be in prayer for your ministries.
devotion - how blessed I am.
Katie Zettle, Pastor, Harris Hill UMC
As my parents are now comforted through eternal
togetherness in God’s Kingdom, my heart is sad from not
speaking to them daily, but solace is present with their
journey. Thank you all for Living God’s words.
Jim Hazel
Note: Jim Hazel is the son of Ann & Lew Hazel. Various
folks have asked for his contact information, so here it is:
292 Mill Rd
West Seneca NY 14224
Kenmore UMC Friends
Thank you for the
wonderful Thanksgiving Day
dinners. Happy New Year to
The Greene Family
November 2014
Food Pantry
415 people served
78 families served
Read & Rejoice
February 2015
Bible Times
Bible Times is a place to tuck God’s word into
our children’s hearts. It is an opportunity to get
to know our friends at church better and for our
children to see God’s love working in and through
people outside of their homes. If you are interested in finding out more about this ministry,
please contact Leann Metz at 875-5091 or children@kenmoreumc.org.!
My child, do not forget my
teaching, But let your
heart keep my commandments; For length of days
and years of life, And
peace they will add to you.
(Proverbs 3:1-2)
Movie Night
The Magic Penny Church
Boys and girls, we will keep collecting
those Magic Pennies through March for
our gift to Heifer International.
Join us on Saturday, February 28th at 7:00, in the
Parlor, for a night of popcorn eating, big screen watching
fun! Title to be announced soon...In a Sanctuary near you!
Christmas Giving
Thank you for your generous donation of hats, gloves, scarves and socks to the residence of Kenwell
Senior Living Community. We helped to make the season a little warmer for many folks!
“We love because
he first loved us”
1 John 4:19
A quiet February
It is weird to say this but after Cookie
Bake Weekend there is some quiet in
our youth schedule. This is perfect
since we begin Lent this month and the
quiet in our schedule allows everyone to
begin to prepare our hearts for this
season. I encourage families and youth
to reflect and meditate on what this
season means for each person
individually. For me, I love to reflect on
the awesome gift of Jesus that we are
reminded of each year during Lent.
Praise God!
We seek to see youth learn, grow,
worship, experience, and share
the Gospel in becoming disciples
of Jesus Christ
New Email!
We have a brand new email!
All information and questions
should be sent to:
Check us out on Instagram!
Check Us Out!
Go to Facebook and “like”
NeXT STeP for updates,
photos and special surprises!
Twitter: @KUMC
All 6th-12th graders are
welcome to join us! We don’t
want you missing out on all the
great activities!
Please give your email and
address to Jeremy Loucks to
keep updated on all the
February 2015
Read & Rejoice
Parlor Contact: Gloria MacGamwell
Monday, February 2 at 9:30 am
February 1 - “God Squad”
led by Judy Shotwell & Donna Smith
February 8 - Kenmore Village Update
led by Melissa Foster
February 15 - “The Way” - Adam Hamilton Lenten Series
start of our Lenten Series
February 22 - “The Way” Lenten Study (We are starting
This month, we will prepare a meal for Central City
Café! Join us for some cooking and scripture!!
Saturday, February 7 & 21 at 9:30 am
This new group shares the journey; the joys and
struggles of caregiving, and will meet in the Retreat
Room on the upper floor of the Asbury Education
Wing. Bob Ward leads this group offering insights,
techniques and meditations to help deal with the
stress and strains of offering ourselves for others.
our Lenten Series a week early as we will have Rev. Gail Lewis
with our class and the Horizon Class for Palm Sunday – hope
you can all join with us as we journey through Lent and Holy
Fellowship Hall Contact: Donna Stierheim
All are welcome to attend!
February 1 - Bob Thompson will present a program on
the Biltmore, America's largest home built by George Vanderbilt
Thursday, February 19
at 7:30 pm at the Percy’s
February 8 - Identity Theft
February 15 - Bob Ward
February 22 - Mary Cummings and Wendy Patterson
The Angola Horror
by Charity Vogel
help us begin our journey into Lent
Pilgrim Room Contacts: Ken Hood
Monday, February 23 at 7:00 pm
in the parlor
Christianity and World Religions:
Wrestling with Questions People Ask
A discussion of a six-part study series by Adam Hamilton:
January 18 : Buddhism
January 25 Islam
“In America” A poor Irish family searches for a
better life in America. Through the eyes of their
daughter, 2 anguished parents find hope and the
ability to once again believe in love and magic.
February 1 Judaism
February 8 Christianity
Starting on February 15, Reflections will join with
the Crossroads Class to do a joint 7 week Lenten
Study through Easter. The God We Can Know,
by Rob Fuquay, explores sayings of Jesus found in
Thursday, February 26 at 10:00 am
in the Church Parlor
Join this grief support group as we offer the love of
Christ to one another in support of our journey through
grief. This month we will explore the ways we experience and find love in the midst of loss and grief.
the Gospel of John.
Retreat Room Contact: Julia Volle
Starting on February 15, Crossroads will join with the
Reflections Class to do a joint 7 week Lenten Study
through Easter. The God We Can Know, by Rob Fuquay,
We are blessed to share the word of God leading
worship services at Wynnwood on the 2nd Wed., and
Kenwell on the 3rd Wed. at 10:30 am. All are welcome
to join us. We are the church together.
explores sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John.
7p Private Gathering
7:30p Carillon Choir
16 Washington's
9:15a Early Worship Service
10:30a Sunday School
11:30a Late Worship Service
6:30p Middlers 3
6:30p NeXT STeP 3
12:30p Senior Fellowship Lunch FH
7p Faith in Film P
7:30p Carillon Choir
9:15a Early Worship Service
10:30a Sunday School
11:30a Late Worship Service
12p Community Supper FH
6:30p Middlers 3
6:30p NeXT STeP 3
Nursery School
Winter Break
Office Closed
7p Stewardship Mtg
7:30p Carillon Choir
9:15a Early Worship Service
10:30a Sunday School
11:30a Late Worship Service
6:30p NeXT STeP 3
7p Celebration
Players L
7p Trustees Mtg
9:30a Scripture and
Simmer K, FH
7:30p Carillon Choir
12p Soup for the
Soul O
7p Friendship Circle P
Nursery School
Winter Break
March Newsletter
Articles Due
10a Kenmore Garden Club FH
7:15p SPRC Mtg R
Communion Sunday
9:15a Early Worship Service
10:30a Sunday School
11:30a Late Worship Service
6:30p NeXT STeP 3
1 Super Bowl
9a Staff Prayer Time
1p Lenten Study P
7p Lenten Study P
7:01p Jugglers FLC
8:30p AA FH
9:30a UMW Executive
Brd Mtg. WR
10a Beginnings P
7p Chess Club FH
7:30p Chancel Choir P
Nursery School
Winter Break
7p Chess Club FH
7:30p Book Discussion Group O
7:30p Chancel Choir P
Nursery School Winter Break
9a Staff Prayer Time
10:30a Pastor at Kenwell
1p Lenten Study P
5:30p Pancake Supper
7:01p Jugglers FLC
7:30p Worship & Imposition of
8:30p AA FH
10a Priscilla Circle Parlor
7p Chess Club FH
7:30p Chancel Choir P
12:15p UMW Luncheon FLC
7p Chess Club FH
7:30p Chancel Choir P
18 Ash Wednesday
9a Staff Prayer Time
10:30a Pastor at Wynwood
11a Inner Circle O
1p Lenten Study P
7p Lenten Study P
7p Share the Spirit Singers P
7:01p Jugglers FLC
8:30p AA FH
9a Staff Prayer Time
7p Towne Players of Ken-Ton WR
7:01p Jugglers FLC
8:30p AA FH
9a Craftsmen Club
9a Piecemakers FH
Nursery School Winter
9a Craftsmen Club
9a Piecemakers FH
9a Craftsmen Club
9a Piecemakers FH
2:30p Course of
Youth Cookie Bake
Weekend, K
9a Craftsmen Club
9a Piecemakers FH
Youth preparing Hospice
Flowers O
9a Catch The Spirit
10:01a Jugglers FLC
9:30 am Caregivers
10:01a Jugglers FLC
8:30a Course of
10:01a Jugglers FLC
14 Valentine's Day
Youth Cookie Bake
Weekend, K
9:30 am Caregivers
10:01a Jugglers FLC
Kenmore United Methodist
32 Landers Road
Kenmore, NY 14217
Change Service Requested
Permit No. 944
Buffalo, NY 142
February 2015 Issue
Our Staff Is Here To Help You
Every Member of the Congregation
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Peter W. LeValley
Pastoral Associate
Deacon Bonnie M. LeValley
Pastor for Pastoral Care
Rev. Dr. Donald L. Weaver
Pastoral Emeritus
Rev. Eldon Snyder
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Jeremy Loucks
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Leann Metz
Organist and Choirmaster
Marilyn Obermeyer
Praise Band Leaders
Chris Moyer & Carrie Truesdell
Celebration Players Drama Team
Joyce Love
Cherub Choir
Muriel Small
Director of Nursery School
Ellen Little
Sunday Morning Crib Room
Karen Batchen
Church/Financial Secretary
Judy Melia
Church Treasurer
Daniel Pratt
APM Services
Amy Goudy
Counter Team Leader
David Schnirel
Church Office Monday-Friday
8:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Telephone: 716-875-5091
E-mail: info@kenmoreumc.org
Website: kenmoreumc.org
The Mission and Vision of the Kenmore United Methodist Church
is to be a Fruitful Congregation for Jesus Christ through our:
Sunday Morning Schedule:
9:15 am - Traditional Worship Celebration
10:30 am - Sunday School/ Dare to Dream
11:30 am - Late Worship Celebration
9:15 am - 12:30 pm Crib and Toddler Care
Just go to Kenmore
United Methodist