Shuswap In This Month’s Newsle3er: Office Informaon Pages 2/3 Supported Child Development Page 4 Acvies at CCRR and SCA Pages 5,6 Dates, Info, Workshops & Events Page 7 Ideas & Acvies Page 8 Caregivers Corner Mail to: Shuswap CCRR Box 2579 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4R5 Locaon: 240 Shuswap St. NE Phone & Fax: 250-832-4191 250-833-0167 (F) Email & Website: Facebook: Happy, Happy, Happy! February is upon us and so is workshop season here at the Shuswap CCRR! Take note of the amazing workshops hosted by the CCRR and the Shuswap Children's Associa0on in the upcoming months Liven Up!, and learn about the Science of Happiness, get Happy with the Happy Days Workshop series, or aFend a “Chillax” self-care and relaxa0on session … beFer yet, do all three! Visit us at the office or give us a call to register 250-832-4191 ShuswapChildrensAssocia0on Hours: ECE Qualified Subs Jane Dagneau - 250-832-2478 Monday - Friday: 9 am—4 pm Heather Lessard - 250-517-0708 - ECE Staff: Tanya Timoffee - 250-833-9577 - ECE Chris, Amy, Gaynor, Pa7 Dawn Lee - 250-803-3843 - ECE Rebecca Clarke - 250-463-2107 - ECE Assistant and CEA Remember to “like” us on Facebook to stay updated! (CCRR does not check the qualifica0ons of the persons listed here, nor do we provide a reference, that is the responsibility of the employer). Funded by the Province of Brish Columbia—The Ministry of Children and Family Development and Sponsored locally by Shuswap Children’s Associaon A CARF Three-Year Accredita0on was awarded to Shuswap Children's Associa0on for Child and Youth Services and Respite Services 1 SUPPORTED CHILD DEVELOPMENT HAPPY DAYS WORKSHOP SERIES 3 interactive workshops with concrete examples and ideas on; • creating a happy space and schedule • supporting children with self-regulation • understanding how children learn when feeling safe and cared for WHERE: District Education Centre , #110 - 2960 Okanagan Ave 3 SESSIONS Wednesday, January 28th, 6:00-7:30 What is self-regulation? What are the zones of regulation? How is self care connected to caring for others? COST: $50.00 for all 3 workshops (7.5 hours - certificates provided) REGISTER: Shuswap Children’s Association, 240 Shuswap St NE, Salmon Arm 250-833-0164 ext 0 Pay via Paypal at Registering more than 1 person? Saturday, February 28th, 9:30-12:30 Look at case studies together. Learn about triggers for challenging behaviours. Discover tools to support positive experiences. Discuss what we can do to ensure more happy days for ourselves and our children. Saturday, April 18th, 9:30-12:30 Look at case studies together. Identify triggers for challenging behaviour. Discover strategies and tools to support mental and physical health. Email with each PRESENTER: Laura Paiement, Physiotherapist And School District #83 Healthy Schools & Self-Regulation Proudly hosted by: Supported Child Development Child Care Resource and Referral 2 3 Calling all Caregivers! You are cordially invited to our Third Annual “Caregiver Chillax” Date: Friday February 13, 2015 Time: 6:30-8:00 Where: Namaste Yoga and Wellness Centre #201-310 Hudson Ave (above Employment Centre next to Post Office). Cost: $10 (special gifts for all) We will begin with a session about self- care with Laura Paiement (Physiotherapist and expert on self regulation). Then we will enjoy a 45 minute relaxation Yoga session with Nancy Whitticase from Namaste Yoga and Wellness Centre. Register: Shuswap Children’s Association PayPal - In Person – 240 Shuswap St. Wear comfy clothing and bring a yoga mat if you have one “Taking care of yourself is the most powerful way to begin to take care of others.” Bryant McGill East Kootenay Early Years Conference May 1 & 2, 2015 Early Bird Full Conference (ends March 13, 2015) $130.00 ◊ Regular Full Conference $150.00 Early Bird Fri. Only $40 ◊ Early Bird Sat. Only $100.00 ◊ Regular Sat. Only $110.00 Register at: 250-426-2542 ◊ or: UPCOMING PLAYGROUPS Salmon Arm Shuswap Lake Estates: Salmon Arm - Li3le Caboose Playgroup: 9:00-11:30 Monday Mornings Info: 250-833-0164 Ext 0 Operates year round except Holidays Playgroup meets on Thursday mornings Call 250-675-3828 for informaon Sicamous/Malakwa Strong Start Programs: Enderby Early Childhood Development School District 83 Programs Programs Family Drop-Ins @ DAC, Salmon Arm West, MV BeaFe, Parkview, Sorrento, Celista , Carlin, and Falkland ; Family Place operates Wednesdays Phone 250-838-9446 for info Phone Eagle Valley Community Resource Society for informa0on: 250-836-3440 Call the schools for mes & info Or: Enderby /Out of School Program and Drop-In Phone 250-838-6676 for info 4 Saturday, March 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. District Educaon Centre #110—2960 Okanagan Ave Salmon Arm Create Inspiring Spaces, ThoughPul Transions and Enhance Your Happiness Lunch will be served (please let us know of any food sensi0vi0es) 6 hour cer0ficate will be awarded Early Bird Special: $60.00 ASer February 13th: $75.00 Pay via PayPal, cheque or cash. Call Shuswap CCRR at 250-832-4191 or email Cathy Pengelly: Long 0me ECE’er will give us some great ideas for “Keeping It Real” crea0ng natural, invi0ng spaces for children Dawn Lee: Another crea0ve, local ECE will show how to reduce stress and chaos for children and you , from one ac0vity to the next with “Transi0ons” Dr. Mark Holder an Associa0ve Professor at UBC where he studies the “Science of Happiness”. He leads a research team that is iden0fying factors that contribute to happiness in children (e.g. temperament, social rela0ons). His team is also inves0ga0ng strategies to enhance happiness in adults. 5 WORKSHOPS, EVENTS AND GENERAL INFORMATION First Aid Courses Early Childhood Educators of B.C. Annual Conference: “Strengthening Connecons Through Our Cultures and Pracces” St. John Ambulance First Aid Courses and Food Safe check it out at or 1-866-321-2651 F A. C. T. S. First Aid. Call 1-866-583-2287 Or go to April 30– May 2, 2015 Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport 8181 Cambie Rd., Richmond, B.C. Online Registra0on available late January, 2015 Stop Family Violence -The Public Heath Agency of Canada has launched “Stop Family Violence”, a new web-based source of current informa0on for professionals and the public. Stop Family Violence provides informa0on for Canadians who are, or know someone affected by family violence, need help finding services, or want to learn about family violence in Canada. It also provides informa0on and resources for professionals on how to help prevent or respond to family violence. Visit: h3p:// Important Room to Grow Toy Library News! YAHOO! Our Toy Library inventory is online for your viewing pleasure. Thanks to Gaynor for all her hard work to make this happen. This will make checking out toys much more accessible to you all! Please don’t forget that our Outreach consultant, Amy is available to pick up and deliver toys right to your door. View our library at Hello Caregivers: I would like to express my great apprecia0on for the lovely welcome I have been given into the care giving community over the last few months. I am welcoming feedback from each of you on how I can support you beFer so please feel free to email me at or call me directly at 250 832 4191 with any sugges0ons or ideas. Beginning in February, I would love to come in to your center or home and offer a story 0me and sensory ac0vity/ art idea for the children ( I will also be the clean up crew!). This would give me an opportunity to connect with caregivers and children and for you to get to know me beFer as well. Let’s connect soon to schedule a date! ~ Amy NuFall, Outreach Consultant 6 School Aged Activities~ Lemon Battery ~ Materials ~ 4 lemons, 4 galvanized nails, 4 pieces of copper wire, 5 alligator clip wires, a small light to power up. How to ~ Roll and squeeze the lemons to release the juice and pulp inside. Insert one galvanized nail and one piece of copper wire into each lemon. Connect the ends of one wire to a galvanized nail in one lemon and then to a piece of copper in another lemon. Do this with each of your four lemons until you have them all connected. When you are finished you should have one nail and one piece of copper unattached. Connect the unattached piece of copper (positive) and the unattached nail (negative) to the positive and negative connections of your light. The lemon will act as a battery. Turn on your light and voila you have powered using lemon power. Mod Podge Hearts Materials ~ Yarn, mod podge, wax paper, a marker How to ~ Use a permanent marker to draw hearts on wax paper. Dip one yard of yarn into mod podge solution ( one part water with three parts mod podge ) and wring out excess liquid. Arrange onto heart shapes and let dry overnight. Attach a loop of yarn so you can hang them. We’re all a little weird, and life’s a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it Love. Dr. Seuss 7 What Helps Us to Love Our Work ~ ( ideas taken from, “12 Reasons People Love to Work for You” article, by Roger Neugebauer ) 1) Keep a positive attitude about yourself and co-workers. Your attitude about your abilities can have a significant dampening or buoying impact on your self-confidence. When we (AND the people we work with ) believe we are capable of doing our jobs effectively, the stage is set for our success. 2) Strive to build on people’s strengths. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Comment on a person’s positive qualities. It can make a BIG difference. 3) Provide feedback to each other. “According to management guru Peter Drucker, what employees most need to improve their performance is an abundance of objective, timely feedback on the results of their performance. In well-functioning centers, the director places a high priority on encouraging staff to provide feedback to each other, in training staff on how to give feedback, and in providing time and tools for all types of feedback systems.” 4) View teamwork as a key ingredient of an excellent program. Team building activities may include brainstorming sessions to solve center problems, rotating jobs as much as possible. 5) Stay committed to the goals of your work. “Directors, I have observed who are committed to a vision exude intensity and excitement which energizes everyone in their centers.” 6) Set a high standard. Support each other through challenging times and always strive to offer nurturing care. 7) Find the resources that you need to grow and perform. 8) Encourage risk taking. Sometimes we don’t agree with a colleague. Find a way to talk this over and work out a solution. Having these “awkward” discussions can build a stronger work relationship and diffuse negative feelings. 9) Create a relaxed and happy atmosphere. People thrive with laughter and joy. 8
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