IT’S ALL ABOUT ME Fraser Valley Saturday March 7, 2015 Child Care Resource & Referral Programs $50.00 early bird rate $65.00 after Jan. 30th Your communities’ BEST source of child care information & resources Cost: Sorry, no credit or debit cards accepted REGISTRATION CLOSED FEB 20 When: Sat. March 7, 2015 8:30—3:00 Where: Cascade Church 35190 Delair Rd., Abbotsford Abbotsford Chilliwack Hope Langley Maple Ridge Mission 604-850-7934 604-792-4267 604-869-2466 604-533-4425 604-467-2273 604-826-6194 Conference contact Shelly Hayes 604-847-2241 or The Fine Print Registration fees are non-refundable S. F ra ser Way You may however, with prior notice, send someone in your place if you are unable to attend. Hwy 11 Funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development Please make cheque or money order out to: It’s All About Me Rd. DQ IF YOU ARE REGISTERING MORE THAN ONE PERSON: Rancho HWY 1 Exit 92 Receipts will be issued by email, or if requested, by mail. South Abbotsford Mission Sumas, USA A CONFERENCE FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT CHILDREN SAT. MARCH 7, 2015 McDonalds Please specify to whom the receipt should be made out to. Each participant will need to fill out a registration form. Delair Cascade Community Church 35190 Delair Cascade Sponsored by Fraser Valley Registration Form Please print clearly! Name: _________________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________ Receipts will be issued by email Cost $50 early bird rate until Jan 30th $65.00 after January 30th REGISTRATION CLOSED FEB 20 Sorry, no credit or debit cards accepted Register at your local CCRR OR Mail completed registration form and payment to: It’s All About Me c/o Shelly Hayes (CCRR) 7112 Vedder Rd. Chilliwack, B.C. V2R 3T6 Please make cheque or money order payable to : It’s All About Me Any questions please call Shelly at 604-847-2241 or email Schedule Workshop Description KEYNOTE: Coalition of Child Care Advocates $10 per day plan Sharon Gregson WHAT MIGHT CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOURS BE TELLING US? Pam Collins Do you ever wonder about those ‘behaviours’ that happen right out of the blue? They may not be so mysterious after all. Everyday we take information in from the world around us through our sensory systems: hearing, sight, smell, touch and our perceptions of motion, movement and gravity. How we process this information determines how we feel and respond to our social situations. Sensory and emotional regulation is the foundation for cognitive, communicative and other social skills! The morning session will focus on Sensory Systems and Emotional Regulation. This will be an interactive sessions with some opportunities to experience what some of our children experience in their bodies. The afternoon session will focus on determining what the behaviours are telling us. Come and learn about how to help our children learn to regulate and see if that helps some of those ‘challenging’ behaviours! Pam Collins is the very proud parent of two very different thinking sons! She is also a Positive Behaviour Support Consultant/Parent Trainer for Reach Child and Youth Development Society. She is a recognized educational speaker for families and teaching staff of exceptional children. She is a co-founder of the Richmond Autism Interagency Committee – a group dedicated to increasing opportunities for people with autism to be accepted and celebrated in their community. Saturday March 7, 2015 8:15—9:00 Registration · Refreshments · Marketplace shopping (open til 1:00) 9:00 Keynote— Sharon Gregson Coalition of Child Care Advocates 9:40 Coffee/shopping break 10:00 What Might Children’s Behaviours Be Telling Us? Pam Collins 12:00 Lunch (provided) 1:00 What Children’s Behaviours Might Be Telling Us (cont’d) 3:00 Conference attendance certificates Please note: Water only in the sanctuary so do bring your own water bottle
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