Hon. Ed Fast, MP Abbotsford

Ed Fast, MP
A Publication of Ed Fast, Member of Parliament for Abbotsford
Issue No. 2 Winter 2015
Creating Jobs, Prosperity and Protecting Canadian Families
Dear Friends,
Ed’s Contact
As Parliament resumes, I look
forward to the new year and
representing you in Ottawa as
our Government continues to
serve hardworking Canadian
In Abbotsford
As Canada’s Minister of
International Trade, I am
pleased to recognize the historic
achievements of our
Government in 2014 under
Canada’s Global Markets Action
Plan. Our Government has
delivered on its commitment to
eliminate tariffs, provide preferential market access for Canadian businesses, and protect Canadian
investments. We have done this by finalizing trade agreements with the European Union and South
Korea. When added to the North American Free Trade Agreement and other
similar trade agreements, they triple the number of countries Canada currently has free trade with.
Canada and its world class products and services will now have preferred trade access to countries
representing more than half the world’s economy. Canadian manufacturers, exporters, investors
and consumers will all benefit.
Our Government has also launched the largest federal infrastructure investment
in Canada's history. We are building and modernizing the roads and bridges, airports and seaports,
and railroads that Canadians and our economy depend on. In so doing, we are partnering with our
provinces, territories and municipalities, including the City of Abbotsford. This is creating thousands
of new jobs while supporting economic growth throughout Canada.
As we look to the year ahead, our federal government will continue to focus on the best interests of
all Canadians. We will do this by: keeping your taxes low; acting responsibly in balancing Canada's
federal budget; connecting Canadians with available jobs; supporting families by providing them
with choice in child care through the Universal Child
Care Benefit; and, introducing new anti-terrorism
legislation to protect Canadians.
As your Member of Parliament, I will continue to
represent Abbotsford’s interests in Ottawa, and I
look forward to hearing from you in the months to
205-2825 Clearbrook Rd
Abbotsford, BC V2T 6S3
Ph: (604) 557-7888
Fax: (604) 557-9918
Email: ed@edfast.ca
In Ottawa
105 East Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Ph: (604) 557-7888
Fax: (604) 557-9918
Email: ed.fast@parl.gc.ca
Visit Ed on Facebook:
Visit Ed online:
Follow Ed on Twitter:
“2014 has been the most successful year for trade in Canadian history.
Through Canada’s Global Markets Action Plan, our federal government
has opened markets and created new opportunities for hard-working
Canadians, including those living in Abbotsford. In 2015, our government
will continue to support Canadian businesses, providing them with new
tools and services to help them reach their full export potential.”
— Ed Fast —
Left: Ed and Prime Minister Harper in China on the margins of the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation Leaders’ meeting in China.
Hon. Ed Fast, MP—Abbotsford
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Ed at Home
Ed Joins Community Leaders in Youth at Risk Roundtable
Ed met with key community stakeholders in January to
discuss Abbotsford’s Comprehensive Community Action
for Gang Reduction Project, a crime prevention project
entering its second year and aimed at helping at-risk
youth avoid a life of crime.
The meeting with community stakeholders was in follow
up to his announcement on January 31, 2014 of $6.4
million of federal funding to Abbotsford from the Youth
Gang Prevention Fund (YGPF).
Abbotsford Community Services (ACS), in partnership
with the Abbotsford School District, Abbotsford Police
Department and John Howard Society, is in the second
year of a five-year comprehensive Gang Reduction
The roundtable focused on the Year One Community
Assessment Report, which provided a snapshot of the
state of gang and youth violence within our city. The
findings are now helping ACS and the project steering
committee to identify and implement program priorities
and strategies to enhance collaboration between key
community agencies and other stakeholders.
Above: Ed meets with key community leaders to discuss Abbotsford’s Gang Reduction Program.
serious violence and those who are clearly at risk of joining gangs or already in a
“The challenges to public safety that are generated by gangs and drugs
require a continued and concerted effort from police, government,
“It was exciting to meet with the community partners
community groups and citizens. This funding to ACS will ensure that
who are working to help kids at risk of gang involvement
our young people will be educated about the dangers of being involved
in Abbotsford,” said Bob Rich, Chief Constable of the
in gangs. The direct benefit will be to their lives and to the future of
Abbotsford Police Department. “We have a long way to
our community.”
go, but we have started down the right road. There is
support for youth who need help in Abbotsford and the
Federal Government grant has helped us get this up
and running.”
The YGPF targets youth with a demonstrated history of
— Bob Rich, Abbotsford Police Chief—
Did You Know?
In 2008 the federal government provided $30 million in ongoing funding for crime
prevention, doubling the National Crime Prevention Strategy’s permanent funding
base to $63 million per year.
Ed in Ottawa
Ed Celebrates 2014 as a Historic Year for Canadian Trade and Investment
Over the last four months, Ed has visited many different
communities across Canada, highlighting a series of new export
workshops called "Go Global". These workshops will be held in
other communities across Canada throughout the rest of
this year.
The Go Global workshops are for small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) which have the ability to export their goods
and services but have either not yet exported or are hesitant
about exploring new markets. Participants will hear about the
markets which our free trade agreements have opened up and
learn about the tools and support which their federal
government is providing to ensure that their exports to new
markets are successful.
These workshops will bring together the Canadian Trade
Commissioner Service, Export Development Canada, the
Business Development Bank of Canada and the Canadian
Commercial Corporation into a single-access window so
that SMEs better understand how these partners work to
support them.
Visit international.gc.ca/GMAP to learn more about the
workshops, including future dates, times and locations.
Hon. Ed Fast, MP—Abbotsford
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Ed Abroad
Ed Announces $52 Million in Funding for Ukraine
As part of his second trade mission to Ukraine in 6 months, Ed
announced another $52 million of assistance to
promote economic and governance reform and improve
the competitiveness of Ukrainian small and medium-sized
businesses in the dairy and grain sectors.
Ed was in Ukraine to meet with his ministerial colleagues in the
Ukrainian government to discuss opportunities for Ukraine to
deepen its trade and economic partnership with Canada.
Ed made the funding announcement following meetings with
Ukrainian government ministers Aivaras Abromavicius, Minister
of Economic Development and Trade; Oleksiy Pavlenko, Minister
of Agrarian Policy and Food; and Natalie Jaresko, Minister of
Canada is also providing over 11,000 first aid kits to the
Ukrainian government to allow treatment of life-threatening
injuries suffered by Ukrainian soldiers and civilian victims of
Above: Ed visits the Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce to deliver the first installment
Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine. Ed also visited with
of Improved First Aid Kits for Ukrainian soldiers.
Abbotsford natives Wes and Kim Janzen, who now lead the Kyiv
Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, which has a special focus on meeting the needs of Ukrainian widows, orphans and victims of war.
The Government of Canada remains deeply committed to working with the people of Ukraine to implement important economic and
democratic reforms, and will remain a steadfast and trusted partner in restoring peace and prosperity in the region. Canada is supporting
efforts to improve the business-enabling environment, restore confidence in financial institutions, and increase the competitiveness of the
Ukrainian economy by diversifying skills and increasing access to credit. On January 28th, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced an
additional $200 million low-interest loan to Ukraine to match Canada’s first loan in September 2014.
Canada has been a global leader in supporting the ongoing democratic and economic transition in Ukraine through a broad range of projects
that encourage free and fair elections, decentralization, independent media, religious freedom, the rule of law and sustainable economic
PM Harper Announces Anti-terrorism Measures to Protect Canadians
Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced in late January that
the Government has introduced legislation to protect Canadians
from the evolving threat or terrorism.
Bill C-51 will provide Canadian law enforcement and national
security agencies with additional tools and flexibility to keep
pace with evolving threats and better protect Canadians here at
The proposed legislation includes checks and balances to
ensure it respects the rights of Canadians, and complements
other legislation passed by our Government, including the
Combating Terrorism Act and the Strengthening Canadian
Citizenship Act.
Above: PM Harper in Richmond Hill making the announcement.
Your Perspective
Which federal party do you most trust to keep Canadians safe?
Is your MP Ed Fast on the right track?
Not sure
Do you support the governments efforts to combat terrorism?
Not sure
Do you support increased benefits and tax breaks for families?
Not sure
Hon. Ed Fast, MP—Abbotsford
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Tax Guide to Help You Save
The 2014 tax-filing season is now
upon us. You can start filing today.
Here is some important information
about this year’s tax-filing season.
New this year, taxpayers can receive
their Notice of Assessment from the
Canada Revenue Agency online. For
more information, please visit:
Picture (left): Ed attends 65th Republic Day of India Events in Abbotsford.
Picture (right): Ed accompanying carolers on the piano at the Christian
Embassy’s Annual Christmas Banquet. Ed was the keynote speaker, delivering a
powerful message about the meaning of Christmas.
Here you will find more information
 the new Family Tax Plan credits
and benefits;
Check out our Tax Guide online at  how to file a tax return;
www.edfast.ca to help you and
 the most frequently asked
your family save more! Contact
questions about filing a tax return;
604-557-7888 for more info.
 a link to most visited tax tips.
Information and Services
Picture (above): Ed calling constituents from his Parliament Hill office.
Service Canada Centre
Monday-Friday from 8:30am to
4:00pm (Closed: Dec 25, 26)
32525 Simon Avenue
Abbotsford, BC V2T 6T6
Phone: (604) 854-5852
Fax: (604) 870-2765
Come Visit Us in Ottawa
Our office in Ottawa is always open
to the people of Abbotsford. If Ed is
in town he would love to see you!
You can also get a great tour of
Parliament and even catch
Question Period. Call our Ottawa
office for more details:
(613) 995-0183 or
Picture (above): Ed meets heroic Canadians at Abbotsford’s Legion to mark
Canada’s National Day of Honour commemorating Canada’s mission in Afghanistan.
Where can I get a Canadian Flag?
Our office has a limited supply of
Canadian flags for the public.
Please contact us and we will try
our best to satisfy your request.
Celebration Greetings?
Do you have a special occasion
coming up that you would like
acknowledged with a greeting or
certificate from the following?
Her Majesty the Queen
Governor General of Canada
Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Member of Parliament Ed Fast
Just call or email the constituency
Want a flag that has been flown on
Parliament Hill?
Call: 1-800-622-6232 (1 800 OCanada)
Hon. Ed Fast, MP—Abbotsford
Hon. Ed Fast, MP Abbotsford
105 East Block, House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Fold Here — Seal Edges and Post, No Postage
Need Assistance in
with Federal Departments?
To find information or get a status
update on your file with Canada
Revenue Agency, Service Canada,
Citizenship & Immigration Canada
and other departments, contact
our constituency office.
Ed Fast, MP
Parliament Hill Office:
105 East Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
T: (613) 995-0183
F: (613) 996-9795
Abbotsford Office:
205-2825 Clearbrook Rd.
Abbotsford, BC V2T 6S3
T: (604) 557-7888
F: (604) 557-9918
Hon. Ed Fast, MP Abbotsford
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