The Church of St. Pius the Tenth 300 Lacey Road, Forked River, New Jersey 08731 609-693-5107 Religious Education 609-693-0368 Sunday Mass Schedule: Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00pm Daily Mass Schedule: Monday-Saturday: 8:00am Church of St. Pius X All are Welcome MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS PASTOR Rev. Richard Basznianin WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Msgr. Charles C. Cassidy Msgr. John Pintabone Rev. Thomas Brennan Rev. Paul Iovino DEACONS Deacon Philip Craft Deacon Joseph Gili Deacon James T. Heller (Retired) Deacon Earl Lombardo Deacon Michael Maione Deacon Anthony Martucci Deacon Anthony Repice Deacon Henry Rohrman BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Mrs. Anne Brennan COORDINATOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Patricia Colando COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Mrs. Jeanne Easton PARISH TRUSTEES Mr. Phil Baldelli Mrs. Suzanne Fay ST. PIUS X CHURCH IS OPEN DAILY FROM 7:15AM-4:30PM SATURDAYS FROM 7:15AM-5:30PM SUNDAYS FROM 7:00AM-1:00PM HOLY DAYS FROM 7:00AM-12:00PM PARISH OFFICE Office hours Monday–Friday 8:30AM-4:30PM Phone: 609-693-5107 Fax: 609-693-6829 Web Address: Email: THE ANGEL SHOP At St. Pius X Thursday & Friday 9:00AM-2:00PM Sat. 3:30PM (closed at 4:00PM for Mass) and re-opens after Mass till 5:30PM. Sun. 8:30AM-12:00PM (closed during 10:00 Mass) SAMARITAN CORNER Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9:00am– 4:00pm Fri. 9:00am-1:00pm Phone 693-6105 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER Monday &Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm Tuesday & Wednesday 2:30am-8:30pm Friday - Closed Phone: 693-0368 Email: ALTAR SERVERS– Deacon Philip Craft BEREAVEMENTCompanions on the Journey- Paula Little Funeral Mass Preparation– Office Staff Journey through Grief- Paula Little Rainbows - Paula Little BIBLE STUDY- Deacon Earl Lombardo BULLETIN– Fran Kopack CALENDAR– Rita Kakascik CHURCH CLEANERS– June Oppici COUNTERS– Barbara & Bonny D’Amato EVENING BIBLE STUDY- Maria Stork EVENT PLANNING- Sandra Zuzola EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST- Deacon Joseph Gili Scheduling of Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors– Rita Kakascik FAITH SHARING- Deacon Earl Lombardo GOD’S FAITHFUL DISCIPLES/GOD’S LITTLE ANGELS– Deidre Mitchelli KITCHEN/PARISH HALL-Peter Melchiano-Anna Chanik HOSPITALITY– 8:00am- Anna Chanik 10:00am- Mary Ann Eckhart INTERFAITH SUPPORT SERVICES- Ginny Plesnarski LECTORS– Deacon Joseph Gili MEN’S DISCIPLESHIP GROUP– Peter Melchiano MUSIC MINISTRYAdult & Children’s Choir- Joe Dalton- Music Director Praise Band- Joe Casilli PARISH NURSING- Pat Martucci PARISH REGISTRATION– Sandra Zuzola PLANT & FLOWER MAINTENANCE– Joan Zuczek RCIA– Mary La Bruna RESPECT LIFE- Carol Petrucelli ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY– Suzanne Snyder RETREATS- Women– Peggy Craft Men– Tom Craft SAMARITANS– Rita Kakascik SEW & SEWS- Joanne Brass SPIRITUAL DIRECTION- Marian Repice THE ANGEL SHOP AT ST. PIUS X– Sandra Zuzola USHERS– Deacon Joseph Gili VOLUNTEERS– Hazel Ferrara & June Oppici YOUTH MINISTRY- Jeanne Easton CATHOLIC WOMEN OF ZION– Eileen Lombardo CURSILLO-ULTREYA- Pat Martucci KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS– Grand Knight– Frank Pielhau Ladies Auxiliary– Doreen Mason Page 1– 590 February 1, 2015 The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE FOR WEEK OF February 1, 2015 Monday 8:00am February 2, 2015 Sandor Fekete– Birthday Remembranceby daughter, Anna Chanik & Family Tuesday, February 3, 2015 8:00am Ruth Oriente– Birthday Remembranceby sister, Lynne Wednesday, February 4, 2015 8:00am Louise Mc Burnie– by Bernie & Sue Snyder Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:00am Noreen Mc Gillick– by Annette & Richard Christensen Friday, February 6, 2015 8:00am Novena - 1st Friday Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:00am For The Living & Deceased Members Of St. Pius X Church NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, February 7, 2015 4:00pm Noreen Mc Gillick– by Janice & Richard Hyers Joseph Lee– by Dee & Jim Smith Barbara Schifano– by Grace, Robert & Tara Taino John Werner– by Hayes Family & Jennie Moore Sunday, February 8, 2015 8:00am John Lia– by Joe & Maureen Lia & Family John F. Trisko– by Bob & Dot Frank Noreen Mc Gillick– by Brandsema Family Jules Decker– by Kammers Family 10:00am Thomas Vick– by Pat Colando & Harriet Cronheim Carlin Mc Dermott– by JoAnn & John Gitto Irene Chickene– by Maryrose & Gene Managan Deborah Gregory– by Bowles Family 12:00pm Dimitrios G. Tsarnas– 10th Anniversary Remembrance– by Paula Tsarnas Ann Dusko– Birthday Remembrance– Love Mom John Werner– by Sabat Family Mary Dziemianowski– by Charlie & Jennifer Reilly “COME OUT OF HIM!” How do you think you’d react if you were confronted by the deranged man in the gospel today? Maybe terrified, irritated—or just relieved that Jesus was dealing with it! There’s nothing wrong with feeling our honest feelings. But today we are almost overcome with people on TV and radio, crying out for relief and help on every side. How can we deal with all this pain? Yet the Psalm today says “Don’t harden your hearts” to God’s voice! Notice how Jesus deals with demands for help? When others walk away, Jesus approaches, and listens. He doesn’t fear the evil; once he lets it speak, he can set the person free. When Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez was asked, “How do you meet the needs of the poorest of the poor in Latin America?” he replied, “The first step is silence.” Silence allows us to look, to see, to contemplate what is happening right in front of our eyes. Silence allows us to LISTEN to God’s urgings. This is why, even when we are tired, troubled in spirit, and want to give up, it is important to keep our connection to God open. Jesus must have often been worn out by the effects of evil. But he took time away, nurtured his communication with God, so he could face the reality of sin and evil squarely, so that the sick person could then be healed. Like all unclean spirits, our sin also wants to hide from the light. But Jesus wants us to confess it into his light, so that he can drive the evil away forever. Then we too can be grace for another’s unclean spirits to “come out of them.” “All were amazed and asked one another, ‘What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him’.” Mark 1:27 Page 2– 590 Church of St. Pius X A Stewardship Parish PARISH STEWARDSHIP REPORT SACRAMENT AND OTHER GUIDELINES Baptisms Due to inclement weather, your stewardship in treasure is not available until next week. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday:4:00pm,Sunday: 8:00am,10:00am, 12:00pm DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Saturday: 8:00am. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE See Mass schedule for the week. DAILY RECITATION OF THE ROSARY Every day after the 8:00am Mass. CONFESSIONS Confessions are heard Saturdays 3:00pm-3:30pm. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET The Chaplet is recited every Thursday at 3:00pm, during Eucharistic Adoration and on Saturday following the 4:00pm Mass in the Chapel. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoration is held every Thursday following daily Mass until Benediction at 3:15pm in the Chapel. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Call the office to arrange for a Priest or Eucharistic Minister. MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer is held every morning (except Sunday) in the Church at 7:30am prior to daily Mass. NOVENA PRAYERS The Miraculous Medal Novena is recited every Saturday following the 8:00am Mass. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:15pm in the Church. Parents must be registered and Baptismal Preparation classes are required for parents of the child. Classes are scheduled for the 1st Saturday of the month. Godparents must be practicing Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation, and if married, married within the laws of the Church. Please make arrangements by calling the main Office at 693-5107. Weddings According to Diocesan policy, weddings should be arranged at least 1 year before the intended date. Prior to making any wedding plans and arrangements, the bride or groom need to be active registered members in the parish for at least 3 months. Please call the office and ask for Anne. Registration Those wishing to register should contact or visit the Parish office. Registration in our Parish and regular use of the envelope system are required for anyone wishing to receive eligibility certificates or letters of recommendation. Please call the office if you are unsure of your registration status. Shop Rite Card ProgramsBefore going shopping, did you purchase your Shop Rite gift cards? Cards come in $25, $50 & $100 denominations. Gift cards can be purchased Monday through Friday in the main office and in the Narthex following all weekend Masses. Masses, MemorialsWe have Masses, Healing Masses and Memorials available. The donation is $10.00. Also available Novena Masses for 9 first Fridays; the donation is $15.00. SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF February 1, 2015 MondayMal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 TuesdayHeb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday–Heb 12:4-7,11-15; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday- Heb 12:18-19,21-24; Mk 6:7-13 FridayHeb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday- Heb 13:15-17,20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Weekly, monthly and yearly votive candlesCandles can be obtained by completing the coupon and returning it to the main office with payment. Please call the office if you have any questions. *CANDLE REQUEST FORM CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 5 OF THE BULLETIN. Flowers at the Altar, Chapel & Blessed Mother Flowers can be ordered for a donation of $35.00. They can be in remembrance of a loved one or to celebrate Anniversaries and Birthdays. Page 3-590 WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday, February 2, 2015 7:00pm Praise Band– Chapel Tuesday, February 3, 2015 10:00am Sew ‘n’ Sews– MR 2:00pm Journey Through Grief– MR 6:15pm Children’s Choir– Chapel 7:30pm Adult Choir– Chapel Wednesday, February 4, 2015 9:00am Faith Sharing & Bible Study– MR 11:00am Scripture Study– MR Thursday, February 5, 2015 8:30am Adoration– Chapel 3:00pm Benediction– Chapel 4:30pm Rainbows– CCD Friday, February 6, 2015 9:00am God’s Little Angels– MR 6:00pm God’s Faithful Disciples– MR Saturday, February 7, 2015 9:00am Altar Rosary Society Valentine’s Tea Sunday, February 8, 2015 8:00am Hospitality– PH 9:45am RCIA– MR MR- Meeting Room PH- Parish Hall N– Narthex CCD– CCD Conference Room CALENDAR OF UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 11 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 April 25 Senior Lunch Ash Wednesday Fish Fry Health Fair COLLECTION COUNTERS SCHEDULE Team 3 will be counting on Mon. Feb. 2, 2015 MONTHLY BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING 4:00pm- Mass on 2nd Saturday 8:00am- Mass on 2nd Sunday 10:00am & 12:00pm- Mass on the 3rd Sunday LATIN AMERICA Thank you for your generous donations to the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your support helps ensure the availability of adequate catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and religious and seminarian formation. Thank you for taking this opportunity to share your faith. To learn more about how your donations are making a difference, please visit (search “Collection for the Church in Latin America”). NOVENA MASS INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY The Novena Mass for First Friday is scheduled for February 6 in the Church. The names of the people remembered in the Mass are listed below. They are: Deacon Joseph Gili, Deacon Philip Craft, Connie Mierta, Christopher Butler, Anna Tellini, Donald Jimenez, Kathleen Cole, Mickey Sealy, Anthony Deni, Myra Marshall, Deacon Earl Lombardo, Richard Carl Bitterle III, Enright grandchildren, Bob Chadwick, Craig Berry, Laurie, Amy & Kristen Koppe, Catherine Terry & Frank Terry, Verna Leahey, Noreen McGillick, Gertrude Cappuccino, Phylis Metta, Patricia Pollio, Matthew Ensor, Anastasia Kopack, Dennis O’Callahan, Jean Kuhl, Joseph J. Daily, Baby Joseph Francis Fleidner, George & Gladys Hilmer & Families, Matthew Leahey, Clark & Leahey Families, Ethel Bartruf, Richard Burke, Robert Marnell, Gregory Cappuccino, Peter Timony, Sam Esposito, Eleanor O’Leary, Diana Christy, Thomas & Ellen McErlean, Ann Cleary, Daniel McKenna, Catherine Kolkhorst, Frances Golonka, Patricia Maione, Kenneth Pinney, Dillon DeStefano, Raymond F. Mahoney, Sr., Noreen McGillick, Deeney Family, Melis Family, Anne Kruchas, Dr. Barbara Schneider, Barbara Popo, Robert Ratajack, Louis Critchley, Lorraine Squier, Henry O. Fiink, James Fink, Walter Wisnewski, Henry Maciak, Joseph Gigantino, Joan Yankowski, Sara Vircillo, Clare Conroy & Family, Freel & Shoplock Families, James Cobb, Joan & Patrick Carville, Maryann Calabrese, Muriel Petruzzi, For the Living & Deceased Members of Vircillo Family, Dolores Connelly, Janet Bonk, Elizabeth McCoy, Kaylee Pendleton, John Clancy, Jennifer Taylor, Christopher Janicek, Constantino & Riccio Families, Sebastian “Ben” Fotia, Edward Kashuda, Stephen Joseph Bohacik, Barbara Zaro, Patricia Maione, Ralph Fritsch, Charles Deacon, Marie T. Pisapia, David Heitzmann, Alfred R. Smith, Anna Abramovitch, Dominick DeGasperi, David Gieza, Angie McGinley. MEMORIALS FOR THE WEEK OF February 1, 2015 SANCTUARY LIGHT– Linda Daniels– by Vincent & Carol Santosuosso PAGE 4-590 LUNCH FOR SENIORS Come join us for a deliciously warm lunch, desert and fellowship in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, February 11. If inclement weather occurs, the lunch will be postponed until Thursday, February 12. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. It is important that you register with the Parish Office, in person or by calling 693-5107, if you wish to attend so that there is enough food prepared! This luncheon is for parishioners in need of companionship with other parishioners. If you would like to bring a friend, that's wonderful, just be sure to register all names by Monday, February 9th. SENIOR LUNCH SIGN UP February 11, 2015 at 12:00PM Name _____________________________________ Phone number_________________________ For your convenience you may drop this form in the collection basket, or call the office at 609693-5107 to register before Monday, February 9, 2015. CANDLE ROOM Have you had a chance to visit our beautiful Candle Room located in the right rear of the Church? Saints in the candle room, beginning on the left side: Guardian Angel, St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Therese, St. Francis, St. Monica, St. Pius X, St. Katherine Drexel, St. Padre Pio, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton & St. Peregrine. GOD’S FAITHFUL DISCIPLES MINISTRY All children in grades K-4 are invited to join us for fun as we bring Catholic youth together to promote discipleship through Bible stories, song, crafts and games. If you had fun at VBS, you will enjoy building friendships at G.F.D. too! We meet this Friday night Feb. 6 in the MEETING ROOM from 6:00-7:30pm. For more information call 693-5107-leave message for Deidre Mitchelli. Join us on Facebook: God’s Faithful Disciples of St. Pius X ************************************************************* “The family of Nazareth calls on us to rediscover the vocation of the make love normal instead of hate.” -Pope Francis, at his Dec. 17 General Audience. ************************************************************* THINKING OF VOLUNTEERING ? When you volunteer, you step outside of your world and learn to touch the lives of others. People often complain of feeling unconnected despite the fact that they are attending church. Remember that volunteering provides an opportunity to fellowship and socialization. Another significant benefit of volunteer service is it encourages a person to develop his or her gifts and skills; a very valuable asset. When you volunteer and get involved, you become a part of a larger picture. Here at St. Pius X Church there is a need for volunteers. Do you have some free time? Why not donate it to your Church? We are looking for help in our Angel Shop. No experience necessary. Ladies and gentlemen welcome. We are also in need of Power Point Operators to run the screen slides during weekend and Holy Day Masses. Power Point Operators must be 18 years of age or older. Volunteers are also needed at 10:00AM hospitality. Training will be provided. Please contact the Parish Office at 693-5107. “HERE I AM LORD.” VOLUNTEER FORM CANDLE REQUEST DATE_______ Name to be placed on candle ______________________________________ Candle for the Week donation $5.00 ______ Candle for the Month donation $25.00 _____ Candle for the Year donation $250.00______ Saint you wish candle lit by_______________ Name of person requesting candle_____________________________ Phone number_________________________ Name_________________________________ Phone_________________________________ Interested in ____________________________ I do not know where I can be helpful, but would like to help St. Pius X _______. In addition to helping your church & parish family, volunteering is a great way to meet new friends. You can call the office and ask for Hazel or June at 693-5107. Page 5-590 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING & VALENTINE TEA The next meeting of the Altar Rosary Society will be Saturday, February 7th at 9:00am, in the Parish Hall following the 8:00am Mass and recitation of the Rosary. At this meeting the Rosarians will be hosting their annual VALENTINE TEA. If you thought about joining the Rosary Society, or would like to meet and join us for light refreshments. All are welcome. ADULT INFORMATION NIGHT TOPIC: “DIVORCE AND CHURCH DOCTRINE” This meeting will also include the Rosarians annual Birthright Baby Shower. Items needed (new only) include the following: Diapers– up to size 4 Plastic bottles and pacifiers Newborn stretches Onesies-size newborn to 24 months Summer and Winter outfits-birth to 2 Toddler Baby washcloths and hooded towels Baby toiletries, powder (NOT containing talc) Baby wipes Layette gowns Marriage and divorce statistics can easily be found in any online search, but what about the effects a divorce has beyond it’s numbers? PARISH NURSING To Keep Your Brain Young: Get enough Sleep This will be a casual, open forum...all are welcome...find out the answers to your questions…. When your eyes finally close and you drift into sleep, your brain springs into action. There’s chemical housekeeping to be done, information to be processed files, or discarded, and diagnostics to completed. Specialized parts of the brain get busy when we sleep. Scientists quoted in Time say sleep rejuvenates bones, skin, muscles -- and the brain itself. Researches at the University of Pennsylvania say there is evidence that chronic sleep deprivation ages brains. A sleep-deprived 20-year-old has a brain that works like a much older person. Getting seven to eight hours is basic for all of this to happen. Sleep can improve your concentration, sharpen planning and memory skills and maintain fat-burning systems that regulate your weight. But sleep only works well if we get enough of it. According to the CDC, insufficient sleep is emerging as so potent a factor that’s becoming a public health epidemic. Nearly 40% of adults have nodded off unintentionally during the day in the past month. About 5% have done so while driving. –CDC Catholics who are divorced are under many misconceptions about how their divorce is viewed and treated by the Catholic Church. You have an opportunity to get correct information and have your questions answered. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 7:00 PM PARISH HALL WITH DEACON PHIL CRAFT Can I attend Mass if I’m divorced?....Can I receive Communion?....What actually IS an annulment?....How difficult is it to get an annulment?....What does it cost and what if I can’t afford an annulment?....How does an annulment affect my children?....Does my ex-spouse have to agree to an annulment?....How do I get my non-church marriage blessed by the Church?....Why does my marital status determine my eligibility to be a Godparent or Confirmation sponsor? THE TRUTH JUST MAY SURPRISE YOU! Page 6—590 HELP WANTED FOR THE ANGEL SHOP Do you have some free time and would like to help your Church? The Angel Shop at St. Pius is looking for volunteers to help work in the Shop. We could use help on Thursday afternoons from 12:00PM- 2:00PM and on the weekends. Saturday’s schedule would constitute opening up at 3:30pm, closing during 4:00PM Mass and re-opening till 5:30PM. Sundays would be opening at 8:30AM, closing for the 10:00 AM Mass and then re-opening till 12:00PM. *This does not mean working every Saturday or every Sunday. We work on a rotating basis. We are also looking for Volunteers to be on our Sub List to fill in as needed. Both ladies and gentlemen are welcome. FEAST OF ST. BLAISE The Blessing of Throats The Feast of St. Blaise is celebrated on Tuesday, February 3rd. Following the 8:00 am mass on that day, Father Richard will have a blessing of the throats. Two candles are blessed, held slightly open, and pressed against the throat as the blessing is said. Saint Blaise's protection of those with throat troubles apparently comes from a legend that a boy was brought to him who had a fishbone stuck in his throat. BARNABAS HEALTH Van Dyke Hospice “One is not born into the world to do everything, but to do something.” Henry David Thoreau A Special Kind of Caring Offering support to patients facing end of life and their loved ones can make a difference in their life and yours. You can fill out the form below and mail or drop off at the Office. You can also put in the Collection Basket. You can call the Office at 693-5107 and ask for Sandra for more details or to volunteer. Thank you and God Bless! 2015 Spring Training 10 consecutive Tuesday Evenings: 6PM to 8PM March 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19. Location: Bayview Corporate Center Suite 230 1433 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, NJ VOLUNTEER FORM THE ANGEL SHOP Name _________________________ Phone ______________ THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus of Forked River, 15 East Lacey Rd, is hosting a breakfast on one Sunday each month. The next breakfast is February 8th. The price is $5.00 and children under 5 are free. Please come and support our local Knights who support our local community in various events and donations. The Knight of Columbus would like to thank everyone for the baby bottle donations for respect life. Please, if you have not returned baby bottle, it’s not to late. Comfort the patient...Heal the family This training course is free, but pre-registration is required. Barnabas Health Van Dyke Hospice provides end of life care to patients throughout Ocean County. Upon completion of the course hospice volunteers are matched to patients and families close to their own neighborhood or town. Our volunteer hours are flexible to your schedule and availability. There are also volunteer opportunities in our office environment, extended care facilities and support to those who need it most~ For more information or to register please call Colleen Del Vacchio at 732557-7021 or email SAMARITANS FOOD DRIVE With the ever increasing number of families coming to the Samaritan Corner for food, we would like to request the following items: apple sauce, cookies and crackers, canned fruit, condiments, coffee & tea. Thank you all for your continued support! Page 7– 590 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH The names of the people on the prayer list have been put in the ‘PRAYER BOWL’ and placed by the Altar. During the Mass when the prayer intentions are read, we will pray for the sick of our Parish and their caregivers. A prayer request form can be made to add new people to the prayer list. The name of the person to be prayed for will be listed in the Bulletin and the person’s name will be put in the ‘PRAYER BOWL’. After the name of your loved one has been placed in the bowl, it will no longer appear in the Bulletin. It will remain in the ‘PRAYER BOWL’ for one month. For someone needing prayers for more than one month or to add someone to the list, please contact the office at 6935107. Pray for Anna Abramovitch, Tracey Burghardt Payne, Dominick DeGasperi, Scott Stevens, David, Christopher, John Clancy, Anita Farias, and the members of our parish in need of physical, emotional & spiritual healing. PRAYER TO LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL THINGS God, my Father, may I love You in all things and above all things. May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in Heaven. Nothing is good that is against Your Will, and all that is good comes from Your Hand. Place in my heart a desire to please You and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love, so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace. Amen. PATRIOTIC PRAYER COLUMN Please pray for Robert Joseph Coll, PFC John Fitzsimons, 82nd Airborne, 1st Lt. Joseph Galgliardi, Sr. Chief Anthony Larangeira, Gy. Sgt. Anthony Lovering, USMC, MM(SS)1 James McDade, Staff Sgt. Kevin Mottershead, Capt. John Sandor, AM1, 1st Class Petty Officer Jacque Sullivan, Captain Michael Tarricone, 1st Lt. Joseph Trainor, USMC, Matthew Varites, USCG, US Navy, USMC, Kevin Schroeder, SPC Christopher Krutzsch, SFC Daniel A. Braun, 2nd Lt. Mark Trainor, USMC and HM2(SW/DV) Shawn R. Kearney US Navy Diving Medical Technician, USN BM Nickolas Pavase and Lt. Justin James Nork, USN., Pfc. Michael J Hyle, Jr. 1st BN 38th Inf., Sgt. Anthony Malagoli, USN AS3-CVN70 Edward A. Kerr, Jayson Hennelly, Sgt. Michael Whitford, Sgt. Kevin Michael McKim, Army, US Navy Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Cimmino, US Army Sgt. Kenneth E. Stewart, Ensign Michael Adamski, USN, USN Brian Elwood, USN, Lt. Alex Dworjan, Brian Holt, 1st. Lt., Fireman Jon Christiansen, USCG, LCPL Robert Boehm, USMC, RCT Daniel Boehm, USMC, PFC Jakob Parker, USMC, L CPL Daniel Boehm, USMC., Kyle Breitenbach, Airforce, Scott Dorsey, Specialist, Army National Guard, AWS3(NAC) Patrick J. Hughes de Ferrari, US Navy, Nathan Sheridan, US Navy. If your service person has returned home, please call the office at 693-5107 and we will remove them from the list. May God continue to protect them. FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS We pray for Marie Franzone, Eileen Lynch, Marie Moresi, Joseph Russo and the deceased members of our parish and their families. PRAYER REQUEST NAME—————————————–———PERSON REQUESTING PRAYER—————— DATE———————— WOULD YOU LIKE NAME IN BULLETIN?——— ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO THEM, O LORD, AND LET PERPETUAL LIGHT SHINE UPON THEM. MAY THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED THROUGH THE MERCY OF GOD, REST IN PEACE. AMEN Page 8-590 W.B. GRANT AGENCY, INC. ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE Serving The Parish Since 1936 344 S. Main Street • 698-2162 • Barnegat Medicine To Go Pharmacies Tom Kelly, R. Ph. ~ Samantha Kelly, R. Ph. 528 W. Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ 08731 Next to 7-11 and Lacey Diner (609) 242-1400 We Are Here For You Offering You a One-Stop Service Complex! (3567) Auto Auto Repair • 24-Hour Food Mart FAX: 609-242-3330 Full Service Car Wash & Gas Island Courteous, Polite Service 609-242-FLOSS 615 Lacey Rd., Unit 5 Forked River, NJ 08731 FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 732-308-9988 FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT 609-971-3599 MASTER PLUMBER LIC.# 8399 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 930 Lacey Rd., Forked River 693-5175 OPEN DAILY “Serving my neighborhood’s Plumbing Needs” Waterfront Dining ALL ABOUT SMILES DENTISTRY Lacey Auto Care C OSMETIC & G ENERAL D ENTISTRY Lou Ann B. Van Liew, DMD CRAIG SMITH PLUMBING & HEATING Open 6 Days, Closed Tues. Available for Parties 609-242-4200 At Key Harbor Marina • 2 Point Rd., Waretown HIMBER & STORK, P.C. Attorneys-At-Law 609-971-1884 Serving the community for over 20 years 630 W. Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ Family Law • Real Estate • Guardianship • Wills/Estate • Personal Injury Maria Ann Stork • Debra M. Himber, L.L.M.* *Masters Degree In Tax Law Roofing - Siding Soffit - Attic Fans Gutter Cleaning Repairs Snow Removal 214 Lacey Rd., Forked River (609) 971-0051 Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: 590 St. Pius ~ Forked River, NJ (third) Shore John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • Fall Leaf Cleanups and Tree & Shrub Trimming Snow Removal Lacey Collision Lic. No. 02061A Auto Body Specialists • All Makes & Models 609-971-0977 410 Route 9, Lanoka Harbor, NJ HOMEMADE CHOCOLATES Quality Chocolates & Creamy Fudge Donald & Patricia Meyer 328 Rt. 9, Lacey Mall, Lanoka Harbor 609-971-0871 Lacey Memorial Home, llc. (formerly Growney Funeral Home) “Helping make every final tribute as unique as the lives we remember” Independently Owned and Operated, Compassionate, Personal Service Offering Traditional Funerals and Cremation Services, Immediate and Advance-Planning, Veterans’ Services, SSI/Medicaid planning options Jessica Quackenbush, Owner/Manager N.J. Lic. No. 4351 1022 Lacey Road Forked River, NJ 08731 609-693-6800 WHOLESALE CARPET OUTLET “Family Owned & Operated for 45 years” Carpet • Laminates • Wood • Area Rugs 1/31/15. All Installations Guaranteed for the Life of the Product Warranty NOBODY BEATS US GUARANTEED BEST SERVICE LOWEST PRICES Free Installation on In-Stock Rolled Goods and Laminates Open 6 Days, Monday-Saturday 301 Route 9 • Forked River (609) 693-4700 590 St. Pius ~ Forked River, NJ (inside) Shore $1 OFF PER YARD OF CARPET NOT TO BE COMBINED W/ ANY OTHER OFFER $1 OFF UPGRADE PADDING NOT TO BE COMBINED W/ ANY OTHER OFFER John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • RIGGS FUNERAL HOME Ronald L. Bennardo, Attorney At Law 332 Route 9 South, Forked River Tel: 609-971-0600 • Fax: 609-971-9737 PRE-ARRANGEMENT COUNSELORS (609) 693-8222 130 U.S. Route 9 North Lacey Carpet FORKED RIVER Robert C. Riggs, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 3251 Crystal R. Riggs, N.J. Lic. No. 4957 Jay T. Hartmann, N.J. Lic. No. 3744 Robert C. Riggs, Jr. N.J.Lic. No.4631 Julie C. Riggs, N.J. Lic. No. 4822 LACEY DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING CENTER 336 Lacey Rd. Forked River 609.693.3003 Peter & Lynne Deyonker “Where Seniors Feel the Love” Cathy DiFiore Executive Director 601 N. Main Street Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734 609-242-2661 Assisted Living of Forked River 425 Route 9 609-971-0453 F: 609-242-7957 An Assisted Living Community that also offers a Memory Support Neighborhood Addiction Counseling CHIROPRACTIC Marilyn Gartner Sales Representative O: 609-693-2800 C: 732-500-3613 1020 Lacey Road Forked River CENTER, INC. DR. THOMAS C. McGILLICK 2 Hollywood Blvd. • Forked River (1 mile south of Lacey Rd.) (609) 971-7722 Confidential! Joe Truland LPC, LCADC 609-693-0008 Veterinary Associates Dale R. Bodman, VMD -Director Medical/Surgical Services Including Endoscopic & Orthopedic Surgery Forked River (609) 693-1093 Manahawkin (609) 597-0080 440 Rt. 9 South Forked River (609) 693-6613 3 Months Unlimited $199 Basically Ballet Studio Pilates • Indoor/Outdoor Boot Camp Kids Fitness • Personal Training • Tabata Cardio Kickboxing • Kid Parties & More SCOTT M. HANULA, ESQ. Certified Elder Law Attorney Offering dance classes ages 3 - adult. LAKESIDE SQUARE Est. BARBER SHOP 80 19 ORIGINAL BARBER SHOP MENS & BOYS $10 OFF HAIRCUTS ONLY Elder Law • Estate Planning Probate • Medicaid • Trusts House Appointments Available OPEN 7 DAYS 290 Route 9 (at light at Seneca Blvd, Next to Polish Restaurant) 639 Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ 08731 SEAFOOD MARKET 609-242-4300 Fax 609-242-2622 590 St. Pius ~ Forked River, NJ (back) Shore WARETOWN 609-698-5400 AHEARN’S Fresh Seafood Store Made Salads & Soups Waretown 693-8055 -Open registration until classes are full -CCTV in the studio lobby -Small classes -No additional costume fee -Parent Observation Weeks Visit us at or call 609-971-7400 120 N. Main Street, Forked River, NJ (Near the corner of Lacey Rd. & Rt. 9) Captain’s Inn Finest Sea Food Direct From Boat Cocktail Bar • Banquet Facilities E. Lacey Rd. 693-3351 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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