Heirloom Monthly newsletter for members and friends of Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church Heritage UU Church 2710 Newtown Road Cincinnati, OH 45244 Phone: 513.231.8634 Fax: 513.231.6438 www.huuc.net webmaster@huuc.net Minister Rev. Bill Gupton Phone: 513.233.0643 minister@huuc.net Wednesday is Rev. Bill’s day off Friday is his sermon-writing day October 2013 Assistant Minister for Religious Education Rev. Leslie Woodward Phone: 937.478.1031 dre@huuc.net Music Director Matthew Quick Phone: 205.821.4217 matthew.glenn.quick@ gmail.com Minister Emeritus Rev. Doak Mansfield Church Administrator Denise Martinez Phone: 513.231.8634 office@huuc.net Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 11-2 Board President Reese Johnson Phone: 513.259.8650 mrreese@yahoo.com Newsletter Editor Melissa Dunlap newsletter@huuc.net! Next deadline: October 25 by 5 p.m. Minister Emerita Rev. Elinor Artman Upcoming Worship Services Sunday, Oct. 6: “LGBT and the Search for Truth and Meaning” Our fourth Unitarian Universalist principle encourages us to engage in a “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” The experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons in this search can offer lessons for us all – LGBT and straight allies alike. A member of our Heritage Church Welcoming Congregation Committee (a group whose work in our church began now more than a decade ago) will offer today’s reflection. Sunday, Oct. 13: “Building a Church” Rev. Bill Gupton This morning we celebrate the renovations to our church building, reflect upon their meaning in the ongoing growth and development of our congregation, and give thanks for the blessing of this beloved community. Please bring a dish to share at our very first potluck lunch with our new kitchen! There will also be a New Member Ceremony this morning; those who would like to become members of the church today should contact Rev. Bill at minister@huuc.net. Sundays, 10:30-11:45 a.m Sunday, Oct. 20: “Been a Long UU Time” Various Church Members What’s it like to have been a lifelong Unitarian Universalist? What’s it like to have been a UU for several decades, in different UU congregations and locations? Five Heritage members who fit these descriptions will share their experiences and insights with all of us today. Sunday, Oct. 27: “Bury Me Green” Rev. Bill Gupton On his first pilgrimage to Boston as a young(er) Unitarian Universalist minister, Rev. Bill was fascinated – and delighted – to discover a pine tree growing out of the grave of Henry David Thoreau. During his first sabbatical several years ago, Bill began researching “green burial” and natural cemeteries. This morning he will talk frankly about a subject few of us find comfortable, share why he has chosen to be buried naturally, and debunk many of the myths of the modern American funeral industry. Sunday, Nov. 3: “We Remember Them” Rev. Bill Gupton Our annual All Souls Sunday service is an opportunity for individuals, and the community, to honor and remember those in our lives whom we have lost in the past 12 months. This year, far too many among us have lost parents, partners, siblings, loved ones and friends. Today we lift up their memories, as we celebrate their lives and what they have meant to us. You are encouraged to bring a photograph and/or keepsake of your loved one to be placed on altars that will be located throughout the sanctuary this morning. If you would like your loved one’s name to be read aloud during the ceremony of remembrance, please send it to Rev. Bill at minister@huuc.net. 1 H On the Path by Rev. Bill Gupton Ah, the best laid plans! So here we are, at the beginning of October, and we’ve still not officially moved into our new kitchen, nursery, preschool room or bathroom. There’s still minor work being done in the sanctuary. Construction, in a word, continues. Not to be deterred, however, this thriving congregation also continues its mission, as well as its programs and its growth. Intrepid Sunday School teachers offer our children love, challenging topics and fun activities in, shall we say, less-thanideal space (including a tent?!?…). A Get Acquainted Dinner happens (thank you, Ann Jarboe and the Membership Committee!) – even without a functioning kitchen. Folks show up for work days, for Chalice Circles, for adult religious education. The Choir is singing and the preacher is preaching. Treasured annual events like the Women’s Retreat and the Labyrinth Arts Festival remind us that all is well. After all, what’s a little dust and disruption, anyway? At the Church Council meeting last month, the Board of Trustees shared with committee chairs and volunteer leaders our goals for the 2013-14 church year. Each summer, the Board and the ministers gather for a retreat to focus our collective energies on a vision for the coming year. With renovation (almost) behind us now, it is our collective intention to seek justice in a more focused way than ever before. The portion of our “shared ministry goals” that addresses this vision reads like this: “Embodying the UUA’s Standing on the Side of Love campaign, we will foster active involvement in participatory social justice work and radical hospitality within our church.” I salute the Board for leading us on this new path. Our congregational mission has long been to “celebrate life, create community, and seek justice” – HEIRLOOM E I R L O O M and we have done a pretty good job at the first two of those ideals. But social action – justice work – has not been an emphasis for the Heritage community. This year, we plan to change that! At the worship service on Sept. 15, Board members and other leaders showed up in their bright yellow “Standing on the Side of Love” T-shirts as I announced our first large-scale social justice day. On Saturday, Nov. 2, we hope and expect that dozens of HUUC’ers will caravan to Columbus for a full day of justice work that will include meeting other UUs from around Ohio, networking and planning social action, breaking bread together – and then joining a large rally on the steps of the state capitol. In the two weeks since that Sunday service, some amazing things have been happening. A Cincinnatibased UU “Justice Choir” is forming, so that folks can not only stand, but sing on the side of love next month. More than 50 people from Heritage (yes, you read that right!) placed orders for their own “Standing on the Side of Love” shirt – many with the intention of wearing those shirts to create a sea of yellow at the UU Justice Ohio event in Columbus on Nov. 2. (If you haven’t already registered to participate, please do so soon at http:// ohiomeadville.org/uujo – then let me know that you’re planning to attend; we will be arranging carpools.) The day’s schedule may be found at http://ohiomeadville.org/uujo/?page_id=600. As the fall gives way to winter, I will be steering us toward ways we can get involved, at the grassroots level, in the fight for marriage equality in Ohio. There will be an Allies for Racial Equality antiracism conference and training at First Unitarian Church in Cleveland the weekend of March 14-16. I am working on arrangements for a long-discussed but never fulfilled dream of taking HUUC volunteers on a "mission trip" to help others in a part of the country where our help can go a long way; I anticipate this trip taking place in the spring or early summer. All year long, there will be opportunities to work on immigration reform through the UU Council of Cincinnati and the Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati. Other events, programs, and immediate witness opportunities will, of course, also present themselves, for sadly, our world has no shortage of injustice. But don’t forget that there is a second component to our Standing on the Side of Love goal: radical hospitality within our own church community. Someone recently asked me what is meant by that phrase, “radical hospitality.” To me, it means being welcoming to and inclusive of those who make us uncomfortable. It’s one thing (too easy, in fact) to welcome and include people with whom we are comfortable. It’s something altogether different – truly a spiritual practice – to welcome and include those who make us un-comfortable. Yet it is only when we can do this, that we are truly living our Universalist faith. How might this look? It might be something like sitting down, at a potluck lunch, with that person with whom we have had a conflict. It might mean walking toward, rather than away from, someone who has always rubbed us the wrong way. It might be making a place in our community for someone who has been deeply wounded by life, and whose experiences or manner are very different from ours. It might mean stopping ourselves, when we discover we are about to criticize someone else, or judge them. This year, let us look for opportunities to practice radical hospitality. Let us commit to seeking out, and participating in, group and congregation-wide social justice efforts. Let us take the next step in our development as a community of faith – our next step on the path – as together we move into a new era at Heritage Church. And let us remember to do all of this, in the spirit of love that defines this special community. Namaste, Rev. Bill 2 H A Message from Our Board President by Reese Johnson It feels really good to be back together. Reconnecting with folks I haven’t seen in a while reminds me how important those people and those relationships are to me. And while the fluidity of summer is wonderful, I must admit that I like the structure that the school (and church) year brings to our routines! Speaking of routines… our various committees are up and running and have probably gotten together at least once or twice already. However, it is not too late; if you are looking for a way to actively engage with our community, please contact me, Rev. Bill, or Rev. Leslie, and we’d be happy to help you find a place that fits your interests, talents and time. We are also very lucky to have Chris Sofge, who has volunteered to be our inaugural “Talent Scout.” Chris is really pumped about connecting people to opportunities across our church – so give it some thought! Serving on a committee, or teaching in the R.E. program is such a rewarding way to be “all in” with respect to our community. Another part of our annual early fall routine is our Church Council meeting, which was held on Sept. 15 (see details on page 7). That day we offered church leaders, and by extension to the whole church, the shared ministry goals that the Board of Trustees, in partnership with our Ministers, had developed at our August retreat. They are: 1. 2. Embodying the UUA’s “Standing on the Side of Love" campaign, we will foster: • Active involvement in participatory social justice work, and; • Radical hospitality within our church Adopt comprehensive church safety policies. With respect to our first goal, I hope that lifting up this ideal will challenge or inspire you to get involved in social action work in the larger community, as well as to practice radical hospitality within our four walls. Get your yellow “Standing on the Side of Love” T-shirt and be ready to join us at the next event. E I R L O O M together – very nicely – and I cannot wait for our first potluck together to celebrate our new kitchen (and both my daughter Meredith and I can’t wait to be in the new preschool room!). The project schedule is very dynamic, so keep an eye out for HUUCannc emails to keep up to date on the latest status. Take care, Reese Johnson Capital Campaign Contributions Please make your contributions by check for the Capital Campaign payable to “The First Universalist Society.” That is our incorporated name (since the mid-19th century), and also the name of the bank account for the campaign. For questions regarding payments, please contact Bob Booth, Receivables Treasurer. Newcomers Invited to Get Acquainted Newcomers to the Heritage community are invited to be our guest at the fall Get Acquainted Dinner on Saturday evening, Oct. 5. Whether you’ve been coming to church for a week or two or a few months, this is your opportunity to meet other newcomers, get to know some of our church leaders, and enjoy food and fellowship in a casual, informal setting. The evening begins with appetizers and drinks at 6 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30 in the Great Hall. Child care is available upon request. To RSVP, please contact Ann Jarboe at hjarboe783@zoomtown.com. It’s Finally Time to Celebrate! At long last, our renovation project is complete. Or almost complete. Or pretty darn near complete. Regardless, we’re planning to celebrate our success on Sunday, Oct. 13, and the party wouldn’t be complete without you! Please join us for a special worship service at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary, followed by the first potluck lunch we’ve enjoyed in the church in a loooong time. We’ll celebrate our new kitchen, our new sanctuary, our new nursery and preschool room, even our new bathroom! Be sure to bring a dish to share, plus plenty of room in your stomach and room in your open heart, as together our community moves forward into the future. Childcare will be provided. For those who are interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism and Heritage Church, an informal, optional “UU 101” session will follow dinner, led by Rev. Bill Gupton. Bill will answer your questions, offer an introductory overview of UUism, and help orient you to Heritage Church. And finally – speaking of walls – our construction project is almost done! It’s been a long summer for our contractor and for our in-house project manager, Susan Conley (who all along has been juggling so many things between here and Dayton and West Virginia). But at last, things are coming HEIRLOOM 3 H E I R L O O M Art Reigns at Heritage October 12, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Virginia Cox - “Boy at Fountain Square” Kim Hunker - Photograph The Labyrinth Art Festival (LAF) is coming! Thirty fine artists will be selling their works. If you are longing for stained glass, mosaics, jewelry, woodturned bowls and pens, pottery, photography, watercolors, notecards, weavings, purses, tie-dyes, embroidery, pine needle baskets or marble cheese boards … Heritage is the place to be the second Saturday in October. Live and lively music will be provided by Suzanne Bona (flute), Mimi Sinclair (violin), Pete Boylan (guitar), Matt Quick (piano), Les Tacy (instruments and vocal), and The Tye-Dye Band. In addition to fine art, the Batavia Farmer’s Market will offer honey, beef jerky, homemade pies and candies, popcorn, pumpkins and gourds in their outdoor booth. Eban Bakery will have gluten-free items as well. Each vendor is contributing to the LAF raffle. The Labyrinth Arts Festival will be featured on WVXU on Sunday, Oct. 6 between 7-8 p.m. LAF will also be on Anderson Community TV daily in October. June Ludwick - Basket Volunteers are needed for Friday, Oct. 11 (in the evening) and throughout the festival on Oct. 12. See Connie Booth to identify your preferred “job.” The admission fee is $3 for people over 12 years old. Admission fees are optional for volunteers. Vegetarian and meaty chili will be sold to be enjoyed on-site or to take home. Homemade cookies and Laffy Taffy will also be available. “Art on the Spot” will provide first-hand experiences for small groups. Henna hand-painting (10:00 a.m.), decorative photo frames (noon) and sand bowls (2:00 p.m.) are the choices. Registration will be at the admission table. There is a $10 fee for each session. 4 Get a preview of the artists at: www.labyrinthartsfestival.org www.facebook.com/LabyrinthArtsFestival HEIRLOOM H E I R L O O M Explorers Scenes from the R.E. scavenger hunt Children’s Religious Education Is Now in Full Swing! by Rev. Leslie Woodward By the time you read this, our Religious Education program will be in full swing. We’re excited about the many ways our children will be learning about our Unitarian Universalist faith and values this year! As you might have heard, this autumn we are using online curriculum resources provided through the UUA’s “Tapestry of Faith” project. This is exciting not only because the curricula offer many different activities and options for our R.E. teachers, but also because it provides an easy way for parents and guardians to learn about what our children are doing in their R.E. classes. You can go to the website at any time and download an individual lesson plan or even an entire program if you like. Here are the links for the programs we are using in our elementary-school-age classes. HEIRLOOM Kindergarten & 1st Grade — Wonderful Welcome http://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/welcome/ (Note: this is a change from our previously announced curriculum for this age group) 2nd & 3rd Grades — Faithful Journeys http://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/journeys/ 4th & 5th Grades — Toolbox of Faith http://www.uua.org/re/tapestry/children/toolbox/ In addition, every lesson has a “Taking It Home” component – a handout that provides background information for parents, and suggestions for exploring the topic at home with your children. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Finally, to keep with our practice of asking R.E. teachers to commit to only two Sundays each month, the R.E. Committee has decided to schedule special R.E. Community Days – Sundays when our regular teachers are off and other adults fill in. On Community Days, we'll have all the children together (preschool through fifth grade) doing activities appropriate for a larger, multi-age group. The only way we can offer this solution is if YOU volunteer for one of our Community Days in R.E. This is a great way to get involved in R.E. without committing to be a regular teacher or assistant. Here are our Community Day dates. Please send me an email or use the Sign Up Genius link below to volunteer today!! October 27 December 1 December 29 To sign up, go to: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/ 10C0D4BAEAB28A3FD0-recommunity It’s going to be a great autumn! Won’t you join us? Faithfully, Leslie Woodward 5 H Talking with Children about Death by Rev. Leslie Woodward When my grandmother was a little girl, birth and death were part of everyday life. Babies were born in their parents’ bedrooms. Elders and the infirm were cared for and died at home, and after death were typically “laid out” in the front room of the house. Children watched and listened and, as they grew, came to understand both birth and death as natural and inevitable. Today nearly 70% of Americans die in a hospital, nursing home, or long-term-care facility – all places where visits by children are often restricted or discouraged. As a hospice chaplain, I’m often told that young children or grandchildren are no longer brought to visit the dying. Typically the child’s caregiver states that they want to shield them from unpleasant sights and smells or that they wish the child to remember their loved one “the way she or he was before they got sick.” Despite our efforts to protect them, children learn about death in many ways. Horrific events all over the world appear on the news, often with children among the wounded or killed. While we can restrict television viewing or quickly change the radio station, our children will likely hear about events like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting or the next great tragedy from their peers. Sometimes child-oriented television programming like Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers touches on both natural and tragic deaths. And occasionally death is implied in programs like My Little Pony or Spiderman. As parents and guardians of young souls, I suggest that we accept our authority to discuss death and other tragedies with our children. It’s important that our children know that it is okay to discuss every subject, even those that are difficult and painful. One of the most holy times in many Unitarian Universalist church services is the time we call Candles of Community. Speaking our joys and sorrows, big and small, allows us to share tiny glimpses of our lives with our church family. Allowing our children to hear our delights and our burdens can provide an entry into discussing challenging topics later at home. HEIRLOOM E I R L O O M If you have concerns about talking with children about death or other difficult subjects, please know that I can provide a listening ear and/or helpful resources. Our children may ask us hard questions and we may struggle with our answers. But opening the door to these discussions is better than allowing a child to believe these topics are taboo – or perhaps worse, that they are left to figure things out for themselves without our guidance. Faithfully, Leslie Woodward Notes from the Music Committee We are taking note of folks who are interested in sharing their musical talents during the worship service, particularly on days when the choir is not singing. Would you like to sing with the House Band on occasion, sing in an ensemble, play an instrument either alone or with others, drum along with the choir or other talent? Would your child enjoy playing at church? To become involved, please get in touch with Music Director Matt Quick, or Music Committee members Leila Saxena, Ellie Lamb, Kay Inskeep, Frank Collins, Robin Skiff or Connie Booth (chair). Save the Date: Outdoor Workday Scheduled Saturday, Oct. 19 at 9:00 a.m. (rain date Oct. 26) Thank you for bringing water to our Ingathering Service on Sept. 8th Have you moved? An unusually large number of Heritage Church members have moved in recent months. If you are among them, please contact both the church office (office@huuc.net) and Rev. Bill (minister@huuc.net) with your new address, new phone number if any, and other updated contact information. If you are among those half-dozen or so members whom we are sad to have learned have moved out of the area, please also include in your email an indication of whether or not you wish to remain an official, supporting member of Heritage Church. Finally, whether you’ve moved to California or just to Clifton, we wish you well, and would love to stay in touch! In the interest of safety, the dead trees behind the church are being taken down by a professional tree service. The trees scheduled to come down are in the woods near the labyrinth and outdoor chapel. After the trees are felled, the rest of the job is up to us. We are looking for folks with chain saws – especially those willing to use them to help cut the logs to lengths that can be moved – and persons to help move wood and clean up. A chipper will be rented and the resulting chips will be put on pathways. Older teens and adults are welcome to work. We anticipate this taking a while (10 trees in all need to come down), and we may be working for several hours. Come for the day or a few hours. We welcome your help. A light lunch will be available, as will the coffee pot and juices throughout the day. Contact Bob or Connie Booth with questions, at 231-7758 or bcbooth@fuse.net 6 H E I R L O O M Ready to Join Heritage? Report on Our Fall Council Meeting Been coming to church for a while? Feeling more and more at home at Heritage? Maybe it’s time to take the next step! The fall meeting of the Church Council was held on Sunday, Sept. 15. Council meetings are held twice a year with the goal of facilitating communication among committees and working groups within the church community. All members and friends of the church are invited to attend these open meetings. On Sunday, Oct. 13, we will welcome the next group of church members into our Heritage community. Becoming a member is easy – simply by expressing, in writing, your desire to join HUUC, and by making a commitment of volunteer and financial support to help Heritage fulfill its mission to “celebrate life, create community and seek justice,” you can join our growing congregation of more than 150 adult church members. The meeting began with a chalice lighting and reading by Rev. Bill. Then, each committee or working group gave a brief report of their work. This gives everyone in attendance an opportunity to understand the “bigger picture” of church life and administration. If you’re not sure, or have questions about church membership, there are a couple of ways to get them answered. Feel free to contact our minister, Rev. Bill Gupton, our Board President, Reese Johnson, or any of the staff or officials listed on the first page of this Heirloom. You are also invited to the “UU 101” session following the Get Acquainted Dinner on Saturday night, Oct. 5 (see article elsewhere in this newsletter). Immigration Rally on October 5 Join hundreds of community members for an important statewide immigration rally in Springfield on Oct. 5. Participants will gather outside House Speaker John Boehner’s office to urge the Speaker to call a vote on immigration reform. This is the second rally of its type. The first had approximately 800 people, including a small but visible UU contingent; please wear your yellow “Standing on the Side of Love” shirt and show your support! Gather in Springfield at the Clark State Parking lot at S. Fountain Ave. and Jefferson St. (near the Performing Arts Center) on Saturday, Oct. 5 at 3 p.m. The rally will then march to Speaker Boehner’s office at Springfield City Hall (76 E. High St., Springfield, OH 45502) by Ann Roberts There was an exciting presentation by Chris Sofge, who outlined her vision for a “Talent Scout” process to connect groups with volunteer needs to folks in the church people community who might have talents or interests with which those would fit. Chris is currently looking for a few people who would be willing to join her in this important work. This year’s “shared ministry goals” were also outlined. The Board of Trustees and Ministers developed these goals at the Board Retreat in August. Each committee chair or group leader was asked to take these goals to their team and discuss how they can support the 2013-2014 goals: 1. Embodying the UUA’s “Standing on the Side of Love” campaign, we will foster: • Active involvement in participatory social justice work, and; • Radical hospitality within our church 2. Adopt comprehensive church safety policies . Rev. Bill reflected on the first goal later that morning in the worship service. He encouraged all of us to get involved in social action outside the walls of Heritage. Board members and others wore “Standing on the Side of Love” T-shirts to demonstrate their commitment to this important work. The Board hopes we will all wear these highly visible shirts as we work together on issues in our community that align with our UU principles. (If you still need to get a shirt, you can order them from www.sslonlinestore.com.) If you’re interested or have skills to support the goal on safety policies, please contact Rev. Leslie, as a task force to work on that goal will be forming in the near future. It was a very productive and informative Council Meeting. Our next one will be Sunday, Jan. 26, at 8:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend. Have Yellow Shirt, Will Travel! Plan now to be part of the big Heritage team participating in UU Justice Ohio’s day of social action in Columbus on Saturday, Nov. 2. Unitarian Universalists from all over the state will gather at First UU Church in Columbus to build connections, learn about UU social justice opportunities, eat lunch together, and hear from speakers in a program running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Then – whether you already have one of those fabulous yellow T-shirts or not (you can order one when registering, or pick one up at the event) – we’ll join hundreds of folks at the state capitol to Stand on the Side of Love and protest Ohio’s proposed “Stand Your Ground” law, witness against capital punishment and mass incarcerations, and more. Register now at https://ohiomeadville.wufoo.com/ forms/m7a4z7 to become part of what we anticipate will be a very large Heritage team. (See Rev. Bill’s “On the Path” column elsewhere in this newsletter.) Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity. Be part of the solution to some of our society’s moral and ethical dilemmas. Meet and get to know a diverse group of other UUs as well as folks from other like-minded groups such as the Ohio Organizing Collaborative, the ACLU, Nuns on the Bus, the NAACP and the Amos Project. Be inspired by (or sing with) a large, yellow-shirt clad UU choir on the steps of the Statehouse. Carpool with friends – new and old – from Heritage. In short, make a day of it. A memorable day. That’s Saturday, Nov. 2 – Heritage’s fall Day of (Social) Action, as part of UU Justice Ohio (http:// ohiomeadville.org/uujo)! HEIRLOOM 7 H E I R L O O M Adult Religious Education Fall Courses Biblical Literacy (facilitated by Bob Lamb) Classes held Wednesday evenings in October Dates: Oct. 2; Oct. 9; Oct. 16; Oct. 23; Oct. 30 Time: 7 p.m. No matter what you think of it, the Bible is one of the most important books in the history of humanity. Here is your chance to learn something about it! Block out the five Wednesday nights in October at 7 p.m. for “Biblical Literacy Part I: The Ancient Stories You Have to Know.” Bob Lamb will lead you through a thorough discussion of the oldest biblical stories, emphasizing their literary, spiritual and political implications. Ideal for people with or without prior exposure to the Bible. Makeup sessions may be available if there is a conflict. Teens welcome and encouraged to attend. Let Bob know if you need childcare. The first session will be called "What is this thing called the Bible?" starting on Oct. 2 at 7 p.m. at church. Deepening Your UU Faith (facilitated by Rev. Bill Gupton) Classes held on Sunday afternoons in the fall Dates: Oct. 13; Oct. 20; Oct. 27; Nov. 3 Time: 4-5:30 p.m. Participants will be invited to explore their beliefs (and those of others), examine spiritual practices, and learn more about Unitarian Universalism. Think of this as a “200-level” UU course (note: There will also be “UU 101” held on Saturday, Oct. 5; see article elsewhere in this newsletter). Though this course will take place on four our consecutive Sundays, drop-in attendance is welcome. We will meet in the Youth Room just off the Great Hall; you are asked to enter and exit through the back door of the church so as to respect the VoG meeting taking place in the front half of the church). Childcare will be offered if requested at least w week in advance. 50 Spiritual Classics Classes held on various Sundays and Wednesdays throughout the year Oct. 6: Richard Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Ken Wilber’s A Theory of Everything Time: 7 p.m. Jonathan Livingston Seagull: Yes, that Jonathan Livingston Seagull! The one you probably did or heard as a book report in junior high school. A slim novel steeped in religious allegory, it’s been a favorite for two generations now. For many Americans, this is the first spiritual book they read on their own. A Theory of Everything: Ken Wilber, the famed American neo-Platonist, seeks to integrate the realms of body, mind, soul and spirit, and then to demonstrates how these models can be applied to real-world problems. Dave Sellers says hopefully someone can come and do justice to this book and explain it to him because this one just left him baffled, whimpering and yearning to reread Jonathan Livingston Seagull! It’s a worldwide classic. Not for the faint of heart. Oct. 20: Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life and Ram Dass’ Be Here Now Time: 7 p.m. Purpose Driven Life: This best-selling book by Pastor Rick Warren offers readers a personal spiritual journey in modern American Christianity, presenting what Warren says are God's five purposes for humanity in this life. The book describes itself as “a blueprint for Christian living in the 21st Century ... using about 350 references to the Bible, maybe 1200 Biblical verses and quotes to challenge the conventional definitions of contemporary Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Evangelism.” It’s the most famous minister in America's most famous book. Be Here Now: This seminal 1971 book on yoga, meditation and Hinduism recounts a Harvard psychologist/professor's journey across India with his spiritual teacher in search of wisdom. Ram Dass is infamous for bringing LSD usage into spiritual practice in the U.S. (along with Timothy Leary), and in this book he details his anxiety over the failure of drugs to answer the spiritual questions he later finds in Hinduism. Be Here Now has rightfully called “a, if not the, countercultural bible of the 70s.” November and December ‘Classics’: Black Elk Speaks and Daniel C. Matt’s The Essential Kabbalah (Wednesday, Nov. 6, 7 p.m.) Carlos Castaneda’s Journey to Ixtlan and G.K. Chesteron’s, St. Francis of Assisi (Wednesday, Nov, 20, 7 p.m.) A Course in Miracles and Mother Teresa’s A Simple Path (Sunday, Dec. 1, 7 p. m) Neale Donald Walsch’s Conversations with God and St. Augustine’s Confessions (Wednesday, Dec. 11, 7 p.m.) (Continued on next page.) 8 HEIRLOOM H (Adult R.E. continued.) TRANS, a documentary Film and conversation facilitated by Cori Yeager Date: Sunday, Nov. 24 Time: 7 p.m. TRANS is an extraordinary documentary feature about men and women, and all the variations in between. It’s also about the transgender community, perhaps the most misunderstood and mistreated minority in America and around the world. Inspired by the incredible story of Dr. Christine McGinn and her work as a transgender surgeon, TRANS provides an up-close and very personal vision of the lives, loves and challenges of a remarkable cast of characters of all ages and from all walks of life. Sharing Our Church Space On Sunday Afternoons Our active congregation is experiencing some space challenges, and much effort has been put into creating a safe, inviting and welcoming home for different groups and interest constituencies at Heritage Church. One of the groups that uses our building has a need for – and deserves – a certain level of privacy, respect and anonymity, which the church is more than happy to offer and provide. Varities of Gender (VoG) meets the second, fourth and any fifth Sundays of the month in the Heritage Room. On the second and fourth Sundays, they meet from 4:30-6:00 p.m. We are asking any person attending an adult Religious Education class, piano lessons with Matt Quick, a chalice group, or any other meeting using the church during those times (and the 15 minutes or so immediately before and after) to please enter and exit the building using the back door and back parking lot. Also, on any fifth Sundays, the VoG group will have the entire building reserved between 4:15 and 8:15 for a private gathering. We realize this schedule might be confusing to remember, so there will be signs placed on the front doors of the church and on the Heritage Room door. The simplest approach is this: If you see a VoG sign on the front doors, remember to use the back door and honor the privacy and anonymity of that group. E I R L O O M Moonstruck Babes by Babes with Books It must be attributable to the full moon experienced at our last meeting, but the Babes with Books have our activities mapped out through our February meeting as follows: Our Oct. 16 meeting will discuss The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot. This real life story will “stay with you,” according to a Babe who has already read it. The family of the title character has also been in the news recently. On Nov. 20 we discuss Let the Great World Spin, by Colum McCann. Dec. 18 is our annual holiday party/potluck/movie. We will watch the comedy Paul. By Jan. 15 we are back to books, discussing Sara’s Key, by Tatiana de Rosnay. The meeting on Feb. 19 will review Blue Asylum, by Kathy Hepinstall. So now it’s just up to us to read, party and enjoy. All women (both members and friends) are invited to attend each meeting from 7-9 p.m. in the Heritage Room, whether you’ve read the book or not. Big Turpin-Anderson Football Game on Oct. 11 Volunteers are needed to help staff the parking lot for the cross-town Turpin-Anderson football game on Friday night, Oct. 11. The church charges fans to park in our lot for Turpin home games, and this is the biggest game of them all! It should be a good fundraiser for our congregation. To participate, contact Rev. Bill at minister@huuc.net. Please Donate Blood at HUUC on Oct. 16 Heritage Universalist Unitarian Church is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, October 16th, from 3:00 to 8:00 PM. The church is at 2710 Newtown Road, Cincinnati, OH. If you or a family member has ever needed blood, or WILL EVER need blood, maybe after an accident or due to an illness, please consider donating blood. How many chances do we get to actually save a life? Interfaith Hospitality Network Interfaith Hospitality Network needs your help. According to an interview on WVXU (91.7): One of the fastest growing segments of the homeless population is families with children. In Greater Cincinnati this July the number of families seeking shelter through the Central Access Point Hotline, 513-381-SAFE (7233), was up thirty-one percent from July last year. During the recent recession many parents have become homeless suddenly and unexpectedly, and now struggle to take care of their children while trying to get back on their feet. (Hear the on-line interview with the Executive Director of IHN at www.wvxu.org.) As part of our social outreach to the Cincinnati Community, Heritage along with other UU churches, is hosting some of these families overnight at First Unitarian. Our next volunteer hosting day is Oct. 15. Overnight volunteers are still needed to spend the night. Food providers are also needed for a Dec. 17 event. This social outreach program is a great family activity. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Rae Jane Araujo (raejane.araugo@flaktwoods.com). Inter Parish Ministry Offers Hunger Facts There is a very real “meal gap” in our country. Did you know that according to Feeding America, 16.4% of Americans are food-insecure? Food insecure means not being able to afford enough food and thus having to miss one or more meals during each week. In the Inter Parish Ministry service area of Hamilton County, 18.5% of the residents are included in this group. Clermont County’s number is somewhat lower but still significant at 12.7%. What is most startling is that more than 50,000 children in these two counties live in families who do not have enough food. Your continued support through food drives, the Cookie Caper, and donations will allow IPM to reach these individuals and help close the meal gap. To schedule an appointment, go to www.hoxworth.org/groups/heritage, or call Hoxworth at 513-451-0910. HEIRLOOM 9 H E I R L O O M Days for Girls Heritage volunteers assembling kits Heritage Women Provide Much-Needed Supplies to 75 Zambian Girls by Barb Barnes with input from Joann Meyer; photo provided by Julie Kane It was just a pipe dream at last year’s Clara Barton Guild holiday dinner. However, under the guiding hand of Joann Meyer, a core of 12 devoted Heritage women and many last-minute assistants expended a minimum of 520 “woman-hours” to produce 75 sanitary kits under the auspices of the Days for Girls organization over the course of this past spring and summer. What exactly are the benefits of this project? According to the Days for Girls website: What if not having sanitary supplies meant DAYS without school, DAYS without income, DAYS without leaving the house? [In some parts of the world,] girls use leaves, mattress stuffing, newspaper, cornhusks, rocks, anything they can find...but still miss up to two months of school every year. Worse, girls are often exploited in exchange for hygiene. It turns out this issue is a surprising but instrumental key to social change for women all over the world. The poverty cycle can be broken when girls stay in school. The efforts of these Heritage women provided a tangible strike at the cycle of poverty for 75 girls in Zambia, southern Africa, with the creation of complicated kits consisting of 32 component parts. Each kit included a drawstring bag, two shields, eight liners, two zip-lock bags, one pair of panties and one washcloth. Four component parts could be purchased outright, however, the rest had to be produced from scratch. 10 This meant purchasing appropriate fabric, thread, needles, zip-locks, panties, washcloths, washing, drying the fabric, cutting out the pattern and then sewing the components together – all via the able hands of the devoted core of a dozen volunteers (Barb Barnes, Stephanie Danner, Gretchen Ellison, Mary Pat Genz, Julie Kane, Joann Meyer, Regina Pugh, Ann Raub, Julia Sandman, Tracy Jo Small, Robin Wickett and Sue Yux). At least four “cut up” parties were held in which the component part patterns were traced and the fabric cut (some in the group became “tessellating specialists”). Then the sewers retired to their homes to crank out the required 75 bags, 150 shields and 600 liners. Naturally some of the sewers became specialists in one or more of these tasks; some described the work as “almost Zen-like meditation.” Rae Jane Araujo donated more than $50 worth of panties. Our dedicated outreach collection in April garnered $578 – all but $6.51 of which was used for materials and shipping. Having completed this project, are our good works done? No! Emboldened by our successful completion of this gargantuan project, the group is expanding its efforts this winter by making little dresses for girls in Africa who have none. See www.littledressesforafrica.org for more information. This project will be followed by another Days for Girls project. Contact Joann Meyer if you would like to participate. Finally a packing party was held where each kit was assembled for shipping to the Days for Girls headquarters and final distribution to girls in Zambia. Hopefully, in the future we can share photos of the actual girls who received these kits. At least 15 women participated in the packing event, many of them new to the project (see picture). Participation in this worthy effort was not limited to those who shopped, washed and dried, cut, sewed or packed, however. Stephanie Danner, Gretchen Elliston, Julie Kane, Ann Raub, Tracy Jo Small and Sue Yux donated many yards of cloth to the project. For more information about Days for Girls visit: www.daysforgirls.org HEIRLOOM H E I R L O O M Ribbons, Not Walls Fabric art calls attention to needs of immigrants Ribbons, Not Walls will be displayed at Northern Hills UU Fellowship Photo credit: Ribbons, Not Walls Ribbons Not Walls is a collaborative art work consisting of two dozen fabric arts panels in various media (quilting, batik, trapunto, photo collage, fabric painting, etc.) on themes related to immigrant rights and culture, created by more than 40 UU and humanist artists from around the country. Individual panels were on display at UU congregations, UUA district meetings, and several humanist gatherings in five states during the spring of 2013. The entire work had its first showing at the HUUmanists booth at the UUA General Assembly this June in Louisville. Locally, Ribbons Not Walls will be displayed at Northern Hills UU Fellowship on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 10:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The Sunday morning guest speaker that day will be the creator of Ribbons Not Walls, Rev. Roger Brewin. This project began when over 400 HUUmanists and other UUs responded to the banning of textbooks and supplemental readings by Hispanic authors in public schools in Arizona after the state outlawed the teaching of "Ethnic Studies.” HEIRLOOM Each participant "smUUggled" a banned book into the state during the Phoenix UUA General Assembly in 2012. The 400+ books were publicly displayed for a week at GA, then used to create a community library at the Puente organization headquarters (a local GA partner). This year a similar 150-volume library was donated by HUUmanists to the Americana Center in Louisville, which offers extensive services to approximately 20 immigrant groups. At the same time, UU and humanist artists were encouraged to create yard-long fabric panels reflecting cover art or narrative themes from some of the books, or celebrating other immigration reform projects carried out by churches, fellowships, and humanist meetings. Some come from artists whose work on fabric spans decades; the oldest contributor is 94 (other examples of her work include wall hangings in the meeting hall of Berrien Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in St. Joseph/ Benton Harbor, Mich.) The youngest solo contributor is 14; her painted panel of a border wall on hilly terrain between the U.S. and Mexico is one of the more dramatic pieces. A Navigator (coed, inclusive) Scout group from the UU congregation in Palatine, Ill., contributed several panels, including group work by younger children. Of special interest are two primitive style folk art panels stitched by Linda Lee, lead artist on the famed Lake Apopka Farm Worker Memorial Quilts, which have appeared in public venues, union rallies and social justice events throughout the South. To see more photos of the panels and part of the display in Louisville, Like Ribbons, Not Walls on Facebook or visit: www.ribbonsnotwalls.org 11 H E I R L O O M From Our Archives The Origins of Our Church (Part 1 of 2) by Mike Roberts Most of our regular attendees are well aware that our congregation was established as The First Universalist Society of Cincinnati in 1827. At that time, the city was on the frontier of a westward-expanding population. Universalists and Unitarians alike were leaving the comfort of East Coast and New England homes to come to a rough-and-tumble city on the banks of the Ohio River. They brought their religious beliefs with them. In that same year, 1827, our congregation raised the funds to build a two-story stone structure on Elm Street between Third and Fourth Streets to serve as their church. Both members and itinerant ministers served as preachers for the congregation until early 1829, when the son-in-law of Universalist leader Hosea Ballou arrived in town to assume the pulpit. His name was Josiah Waldo. His salary was solely based on donations from the membership, so he supplemented that income by serving as an itinerant preacher himself, visiting many small villages in Ohio and Indiana to preach the Universalist message. The common understanding of history might lead us to believe that our country was founded on great religious tolerance and freedom – but such was not the case in the Cincinnati of 1827! The Universalist belief in universal salvation incurred the wrath of many other denominations, especially the abundant Presbyterians found in Cincinnati. Presbyterian leader Joshua Wilson often invited those of the liberal faiths to his house of worship, only to excoriate them from the pulpit. HEIRLOOM In 1830, Wilson moved into a house directly across the street from our Universalist Church to keep an eye on the “Devil’s disciples.” In 1830, frequent attacks on the church were noted, including stones being thrown through the windows. Eventually, a culprit was apprehended – the 17-year-old son of Joshua Wilson. Both 1831 and 1832 proved to be disastrous years for the residents of Cincinnati. Severe flooding brought great damage to the waterfront. A fire destroyed 20 buildings in the Fourth Street neighborhood. All this was followed by a widespread cholera epidemic. One of the victims of the cholera was Josiah Waldo’s wife; the illness led Waldo to relinquish his pastorate with the church and take his very ill wife back to New England. Waldo’s greatest legacy was helping to establish a regular Universalist newspaper called The Sentinel of the West. Along with several other church leaders, Waldo had started The Sentinel as a method of spreading the liberal church doctrine in the area. The newspaper was to serve the community for many decades, eventually evolving into the Cincinnati Times Star. The difficult times in the city affected the church as a whole. Membership dwindled, attacks from the more traditional churches were frequent and unabated, and in 1832 the church sold its small building. The demise of the First Universalist Society of Cincinnati seemed imminent. But the congregation held on by a thread until its next great leader rode into town on his horse. His name was George Rogers. We will explore his story in Part 2. Look for it in the November Heirloom! 12 H E I R L O O M Calendar of Events: October 2013 Tuesday Oct. 1, 2013 Tuesday Oct. 8, 2013 Wednesday Oct. 16, 2013 Thursday Oct. 24, 2013 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Men’s Chalice Circle 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Tuesday Chalice Circle 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Wednesday Oct. 2, 2013 Wednesday Oct. 9, 2013 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM Hoxworth Blood Drive 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Babes with Books 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Biblical Literacy 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Women’s Evening Spirituality 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Biblical Literacy 7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Games Night at Peg Fay-Feder’s house 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Biblical Literacy Thursday Oct. 3, 2013 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Convo Planning Meeting 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Saturday Oct. 5, 2013 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Piano Lessons 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Get Acquainted Dinner 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM UU 101 Sunday Oct. 6, 2013 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Religious Education Classes 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Sunday Service 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Music Committee 4:00 PM- 5:30 PM Women’s Chalice Circle 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 50 Classics Monday Oct. 7, 2013 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Monday Night Chalice Circle 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Worship Committee Thursday Oct. 10, 2013 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Friday Oct. 11, 2013 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM LAF Event Setup 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM Turpin Football Parking Saturday Oct. 12, 2013 7:00 AM -8:00 AM LAF Artist Arrival 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Labyrinth Arts Festival! 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM LAF Clean-up Sunday Oct. 13, 2013 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Religious Education Classes 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Sunday Service 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Building Celebration and Potluck 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Deepening Your UU Faith 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Varieties of Gender Monday Oct. 14, 2013 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Board of Trustees Tuesday Oct. 15, 2013 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo Thursday Oct. 17, 2013 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Saturday Oct. 19, 2013 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Outdoor Work Day 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thrift Consignment Shop Tour Luncheon 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Piano Lessons Sunday Oct. 20, 2013 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Religious Education Classes 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Sunday Service 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Deepening Your UU Faith 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 50 Classics Friday Oct. 25, 2013 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM Turpin Football Parking Saturday Oct. 26, 2013 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Piano Lessons Sunday Oct. 27, 2013 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Religious Education Classes 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Sunday Service 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Senior High Youth Group 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Deepening Your UU Faith 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Varieties of Gender Monday Oct. 28, 2013 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Women’s Spirituality Group Tuesday Oct. 29, 2013 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo Wednesday Oct. 30, 2013 Monday Oct. 21, 2013 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Monday Night Chalice Circle 7:15 PM - 9:00 PM Committee on Ministry Tuesday Oct. 22, 2013 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:15 PM - 8:45 PM Caregivers Support Group 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Biblical Literacy Thursday Oct. 31, 2013 Halloween 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM AARP Tax -Aide District Meeting 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Ahn's of Anderson Taekwondo 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Choir Rehearsal Wednesday Oct. 23, 2013 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Biblical Literacy Get the full HUUC Calendar anywhere, anytime online at: www.huuc.net/calendar.htm HEIRLOOM 13
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