PREP NEWS THE WEEKLY BULLETIN OF TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL PREPARATORY SCHOOL LENT TERM | BULLETIN I FRIDAY 30TH JANUARY 2015 FROM THE MASTER OF THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 Welcome back to School for 2015! It has been wonderful to welcome the boys back to School for what promises to be a fantastic year of learning. Last week the teachers spent a number of days preparing for the boys’ return, however, it must be said that schools are quiet and lonely places without the buzz of student activity and noise. Whilst this has been slightly dampened with the wet weather it has been great to see so many smiling and engaged faces throughout the School. It has been particularly nice to welcome the new boys to our School and the fresh faces of our Pre-K and Kindy boys. I’m sure they will love their time at Trinity. Last week the teachers participated in a number of professional development sessions to ensure we are continuing on our own learning journey. One particular session focused on how we can continue to make Trinity Prep the GREAT School that it has been throughout its history. We discussed many aspects of school life but in the end we agreed that great schools prioritise learning within an inclusive community. We look forward to building on the tremendous foundations that Trinity has been built as we continue to strive for greatness as a school. On a personal note, I want to express my sincere thanks to all members of the Trinity Prep community for the amazingly generous welcome I have received this week. On Tuesday, I was humbled by the official welcome and kind words of the Head Master, Mr Cujes, at Chapel. The boys, parents and staff have already made me feel an integral member of the community and I look forward to getting to know everyone over the coming years. This is a great indication of the strength of community that exists at Trinity! Despite the wet weather this week, on Thursday we launched our Sports programme for the year with the first training session for our Year 5 and 6 boys and our Year 3 and 4 boys participated in swimming assessments. Under the leadership of our new Sportsmasters Mr Ayoub and Mr Bishop, we have set ourselves the goal of lifting the quality of the Sports programme across the School. We will be implementing a number of new initiatives including the addition of a second training session for some of our senior sports teams. Further information about this will be provided once the teams have been finalised. Saturday Sport for Years 5 and 6 begins on Saturday 7 February. Perhaps a more important aspect of improving the quality of our Sports programme across the school is the introduction of an additional 30 minutes of PE to incorporate the implementation of a new programme called FAST (Fundamental and Active Skills at Trinity). Our three PE teachers, Mr Bremner, Mr Ayoub and Mr Bishop, will run this programme. Each week they will focus on developing a variety of basic fundamental movement skills that form the basis of all sporting activities. We hope that this will support our boys in developing confidence, physical fitness, game awareness and most importantly a sense of fun and enjoyment in 1300 788 477 TGS MULTI-CAMPUS INFO LINE WET WEATHER DETAILS | SPECIAL EVENTS | CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES | SPORT INFORMATION sport and physical activity. We encourage parents to partner with us as we seek to promote healthy living amongst our boys. More information will be available in coming weeks so that parents can support and consolidate these skills at home. In the coming weeks you are warmly invited to join us for the appropriate grade Parent Information Evenings. These sessions are a great chance for teachers and myself to be able to provide information about the year ahead, ranging from whole school matters through to the day-to-day running of each class. We look forward to spending this time with you and hope that all parents might be able to join us. Child minding services for school-aged children will be available although bookings will need to be made for this through the School Office. Details of these sessions are as follows: >> Tuesday 3rd February at 7:00pm Pre-K and Kindy Parent Information Evening. >> Thursday 5th February at 7:00pm Years 3 and 4 Parent Information Evening >> Tuesday 10th February at 7:00pm Years 1 and 2 Parent Information Evening >> Thursday 19th February at 7:00pm Year 5 and 6 Parent Information Evening – please note the change of date due to Year 5 Camp. The daily dropping off and picking up of boys is an important time of the day to ensure the safety of everyone. If you plan to use the Kiss and Ride (Kindergarten to Year 6 boys) in the afternoons parents are requested to remain in their car at all times and allow us to bring your son to the car and help him to enter. Please display your son’s name label provided by the School. This allows for efficiency and safety. We request that parents don’t attempt to complete a three-point turn in Llandilo Avenue as this can be dangerous and causes congestion. Please also be aware that the Council Ranger regularly patrols the local streets. Morning School supervision has been adjusted to start at 8am for boys in Years 1 - 6. If your son arrives at School at 8am he should go directly to the duty teacher on Llandilo Verandah where he will remain until 8.10am when Playground supervision starts at 8.10am. Congratulations to Theo Christian of Year 6 who came 1st in the Under 11 Boys 800m in the Trans Tasman Athletics Series over the school holidays. Congratulations also to Andy Lee and Ian Hong who achieved some outstanding results in the State Swimming Age Championships. Andy won 5 gold medals, 2 silver medals and 1 bronze medal, while Ian won a silver and bronze medal. Well done boys! Chris Wyatt | Master of the Preparatory School Co-Curricular activities will begin the coming weeks. If you haven’t registered your son for these activities and wish to do so please click on the following link au/#h_reunions/events or follow links on the Trinity website. FROM THE HEAD MASTER STAFFING MATTERS | POSITION OF HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Mr Simon Kelly, who left his role as Activities Co-ordinator in the Senior School to take up his current position in 2008 will be stepping aside from his role as Master of the Junior School at the end of Term I. He will be returning to the secondary school to take up new responsibilities, which will include working with student admissions, subsequent to taking Long Service Leave in Term II. The Junior School has continued to prosper and grow under Mr Kelly’s faithful leadership. His Christian pastoral commitment to the wellbeing of our boys, their families and the Junior School staff has been a hallmark of his leadership style from which we have all benefited. During his tenure as Master of the Junior School, Mr Kelly successfully oversaw the Junior School’s transitioning from temporary accommodations and we have witnessed the Junior School successfully establish itself in a new state of the art purpose-built facility. There will be a suitable occasion later in the term for us to show our appreciation for his service and commitment to the Junior School during these past seven years. It is pleasing to know that his return to the Senior School will mean a continuity of contact with many Junior School boys when they move on to their Middle School years. MASTER OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL ELECT I am pleased to announce that I have appointed Mr Mark Dunn, B.A., Dip. Ed., M. Leadership & Mngt Educ., as our new Master of the Junior School from the commencement of Term II this year. Mr Dunn is an outstanding Primary educator with extensive experience in Independent School education as a classroom practitioner, having taught at both Infants and Primary levels, and senior administrator. He began his teaching career in 1996 at Pacific Hills Christian School after first working as a Youth Worker with the Anglican Church in Wahroonga. In 2000, Mr Dunn joined the Barker College primary staff, where he taught Years 5 and 6, coached cricket, football and rugby, and had responsibilities as Grade Co-ordinator. In 2008, he was appointed as Deputy Head of the Preparatory School at Shore. In his current role as Deputy Head, Mr Dunn oversees and ensures the smooth operations of Shore’s Year 3 to 6 campus on a daily basis. Mr Dunn has always had a keen interest in sport and in sport coaching, as well as co-curricular activities. He enjoys running marathons and half marathons, as well as playing cricket, football and basketball. Mr Dunn is married to Belinda with three children and he and his family worship at St James’ Anglican Church in Turramurra where his current ministries at church include Bible Study leadership, teaching in the Children’s Programme and training youth leaders. I have every confidence that with our support and encouragement Mr Dunn will soon settle in to life at Trinity and I look forward to his positive contributions to the ongoing success of our Junior School where our boys continue to realise their potential, passion and purpose in life as emerging young men of character. Head Master 2 > Prep School News | 30 January 2015 DATES FOR THE DIARY JANUARY Saturday, 31st No Sport (Year 4 to 6) FEBRUARY Monday, 2nd 9:30am School Photos – Years Pre K to 6, [new students and School Office Bearers] 7:00pm Parent Information Night – Years Pre K & K Thursday, 5th 7:00pm Parent Information Night – Years 3 & 4 Friday, 6th 8:30am School Officers Bearers Induction Saturday 7th Summer Sport Round 1 Monday, 9th 8:30am to 3:30pm House Swimming Championship (Summer Hill) Tuesday, 10th 7:00pm Parent Information Night – Year 1 & 2 Saturday, 14th Summer Sport Round 2 FROM THE DEPUTY MASTER The Prep School is abuzz with excitement. We’ve welcomed new boys and new staff, reunited with friends, discussed amazing holiday experiences, sorted stationery, unpacked resources, moved into different learning areas, organised timetables and we’re ready for another action-packed year! I am delighted to see the boys have returned with shiny black shoes, neat haircuts and tidy uniforms. Long may it continue! Please ensure that your son has a green sunhat at School every day, clearly marked with his name. Our No Hat! No Play! regulation for outside play is for the boys’ safety and well-being. You are encouraged to register your son for OSHClub (Vacation, Before and After School Care at the Prep School) even if your son does not regularly attend this service at School. Registration is free. All boys attending OSHClub must be registered so that supervising staff have vital information (health and contact details). Further information about registration and OSHClub can be found on the TGS website: prep/oohc_prep.html. We are privileged to have been entrusted with your son’s School education and look forward to working closely alongside all members of our Trinity community in what is already shaping up to be another great year! Anni Sandwell | Deputy Master of the Preparatory School CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - ONLINE REGISTRATION PROCESS 1. Go to the Trinity Grammar School home page and click on Register for Co-curricular Activities (under the PREPARATORY SCHOOL heading) 2. Scroll down the list of events and click on the Co-Curricular Activity you are enrolling your son into to start the registration process. Prep School News | 30 January 2015 < 3 DIRECTOR OF SPORT AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES F.A.S.T. - Fundamental and Active Skills at Trinity A framework for the teaching of Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) and physical activity through PDHPE in the Preparatory and Junior Schools RATIONALE AND AIMS The teaching of Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) is outlined in the K-6 PDHPE Syllabus and, as such, is integral to the delivery of Physical Education in Primary Schools in NSW. NSW Health reported that the emphasis on FMS in primary schools strengthened following a 1997 finding that reported only 40% of primary school students had mastered FMS1. More recently, the 2014 Active Healthy Kids Australia Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Young People2 suggests there is a need in Australia for improvement in areas such as overall physical activity levels, active transportation, sedentary behaviours (specifically managing screen time) and the role of family and peers (providing infrastructure, support, parental/peer behaviour). Further, recommendations are also made for improvements for physical education and physical activity participation in schools, active play, aerobic fitness, and movement skills. Interestingly, the Card reports that Australia’s organised sport participation and school infrastructure, policies and programming are rated at a good standard. It seems that while participation in organised sport and activity is increasing, overall physical activity rates, especially active play, are on the decline. There are a number of ways we, as a community, can improve on these aspects in order to give our boys the best opportunity to develop their movement skills and physical fitness. Fundamental and Active Skills at Trinity (FAST) is a new programme that incorporates the School’s delivery of FMS and physical activity through PDHPE in the Preparatory and Junior Schools. Through this programme FMS will be taught both exclusively and inclusively of PE lessons and will incorporate aerobic activity and modified games. It uses an evidence based approach to enhancing FMS competency and increasing physical activity in our students. The 12 FMS can be categorised as locomotive, non-locomotive or manipulative skills. They include; Static balance, Sprint run, Vertical jump, Side gallop, Catch, Kick, Hop, Skip, Leap, Overarm throw, Two-handed strike and Dodge. Preparatory and Junior School PDHPE teachers will use the Live Life Well at School, Fundamental Movement Skills in Action resource cards3, and adhere to both the FAST programme and K-6 PDHPE Syllabus in delivering lessons. The broad aims of FAST are to engender in students an enjoyment of, and commitment to, lifelong physical activity, to develop competency in FMS and enhance aerobic fitness through a programme that: The evidence suggests that students lacking in FMS competency have a decreased participation in sport and games4. Conversely, competency in FMS is shown to be more strongly linked to a lifelong commitment to physical activity and healthy lifestyle3. In addition, a mastery of FMS has been associated with better social skills, higher self-esteem, more positive attitudes towards physical activity and potentially, an improved academic effect from the confidence developed5 and enhanced cognitive function. COMMUNITY APPROACH – STUDENT, FAMILY, SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY The School has programmed an extra 30 minutes per class each week for Preparatory and Junior School PE, FMS and aerobic activity. This, in addition to a second sport training session for 1st, 2nd and A teams and the plethora of co-curricular sport options will contribute to our boys achieving the Australian Government’s physical activity recommendation of at least one hour of physical activity each day. Reaching this threshold is associated with benefits such as maintaining a healthy weight, reduced risk of chronic disease, promoting healthy growth and development of heightened energy levels5. Schools cannot hope to facilitate the development of a boy’s FMS and physical activity on their own, only a shared approach will be truly effective. The approach should include students seeking out opportunities to be physically active. Further, parents and families should model and encourage positive actions, facilitate time for their children to engage in active play and physical activity, manage screen time and promote good nutrition. The School seeks to integrate FAST, PDHPE, the PYP and Sport so that students learn to establish and review their goals and to make informed choices around aspects such as physical activity, active transport, sedentary behaviours (especially screen time), school work and social time. Encouragement from parents is integral in giving the requisite gravitas to this important aspect of our boys’ development. Further, such encouragement lends support to the School’s educational philosophy of mind, body and spirit and strengthens our partnership in the education of your sons. John Allen | Director of Sport and Co-curricular Activities References 1. NSW Health Hunter New England Local Health District (2015). Good For Kids, Good for Life. Retrieved January 10, 2015, 2. Active Healthy Kids Australia (2014). Is Sport Enough? The 2014 Active Healthy Kids Australia Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Young People. Adelaide, South Australia: Active Healthy Kids Australia. [] 3. Live Life Well at School (2012). Retrieved December 2, 2014, index.htm 4. Oakley, A.D. & Booth. M. L. (2004) Mastery of fundamental movement Skills among children in NSW: prevalence and sociodemographic distribution. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 7, 358-372. 5. Get Skilled: Get Active (2005). Retrieved January 15, 2015, pdhpe/gamessport/fmsindex.htm >> Is evidence based and complies with the syllabus >> Teaches FMS in an environment that is safe, promotes fun and, where appropriate, student autonomy >> Features appropriate instruction from highly motivated, qualified teachers who aim to give regular, individualised, positively framed, specific feedback that is based on the teaching points for each FMS >> Facilitates effective, intensive, time on task that maximises participation and practice >> Periodically assesses students’ FMS competency and aerobic fitness 4 > Prep School News | 30 January 2015 School Prayer TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL LIBRARY NEWS Dear Trinity Community, The Prep Library Staff welcome you back to the new school year and we wish you all the best for 2015. As a reminder, the Prep Library opening hours are: Before School Monday - Friday 8:10am - 8:30am Lunchtime Monday - Thursday 1:20pm - 1:40pm After School Monday - Thursday 3:15am - 3:45pm If any Infants Parents can assist with covering new home readers and guided reading books, we would love your help. A few moments reading each day is the start to developing lifelong readers. Prep Library Staff Parents and friends are most welcome to come and pray for our boys and the School, on Tuesdays between 8.30am and 9.30am. The Prayer Mornings are run on a rotational basis, on alternate weeks, at the Preparatory School campus and the Summer Hill School campus. PREPARATORY SCHOOL STRATHFIELD - meet in the Joske Room Strathfield, on odd weeks of term (Weeks 3, 5, 7, 9) Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 1st February 10th, 24th, March 10th, 24th May 5th, 19th, June 2nd, 16th July 28th, August 11th, 25th, September 8th October 20th, November 3rd, 17th, December JUNIOR, MIDDLE AND SENIOR SCHOOLS SUMMER HILL – meet at reception in the Junior School Building, on even weeks of term (Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8,) AUXILIARY NEWS Hi everyone, I say it every year but, seriously - 2015?! It sounds like the future and yet, where's my hovercar? We had a great start to the year with the Tea and Tissues morning tea for the new parents (and some not so new, you know who you are!) in the small pavilion on Tuesday morning. I had a fantastic response to my gentle exhortations as to becoming involved in Auxiliary business. At least I think I did - lets see if they avoid me in the playground next week. The new parents looked very proud and is there anything cuter than a tiny PK boy on his first day? Answer: a resounding NO! So, now that Tea and Tissues is done we move straight on to the Community Dinner. This year the Community Dinner will be held on Friday March 6 in the small pavilion. The invitation will be coming out ASAP and it will ALL be online. Don't panic! I will give you plenty of warning and plenty of reminders so that you don't miss out. But remember, the Community Dinner is always a sell out so get in quick. I think you'll all want to come when you see our Art Auction for this year. It is going to be fantastic, new, exciting, not to mention different and unusual. What's that you say? You want to know more about the Art Auction? Well, how 'bout I do you a deal? You come and help in the Art Room getting the pieces ready for the boys to work their magic and you will have the first sneak peek of what they're making. Here is when we need people: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.45 to 10.15 from week 2 til week 6. And, no, you do not have to be artistic. Can you glue? Can you scissor? You're hired! See you in art room! Til next week, Elizabeth McMullen | President Strathfield Auxiliary Term 1 week 4) Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 February 17th, March 3rd, 17th, 31st (start April 28th, May 12th, 26th, June 9th July 21st, August 4th, 18th, September 1st October 13th, 27th, November 10th, 24th Come and join us so we can encourage each other, help form a sense of community within the School, and genuinely bring the needs of the School community before our great God. Contacts: STRATHFIELD >> Stuart Smith | Assistant Chaplain, Strathfield email >> Tamara Gill mobile 0432 011 351 >> Greg Webster | Senior Chaplain, Summer Hill email >> Margaret Chu (Summer Hill) mobile 0433 124 523 DATES CHANGE IN RECORD BOOK: Parents please note that the Years 5 and 6 Parent Information Evening originally scheduled for Tuesday February 17th will now be on THURSDAY February 19th at 7pm (Preparatory School Chapel/ Assembly Hall). 2015 RECO RD BO TRINITY GRAM OK MAR SC HOOL Prep School News | 30 January 2015 < 5 FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT LEARNING PATHWAYS FOR YOUR SON WELCOME If you would like to discuss a musical pathway for your son please feel free to contact myself or any of the highly experienced instrumental staff at TGS Preparatory School. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, and if your son is new to TGS Preparatory School, welcome you to the Trinity music family. As the newly appointed Director of Preparatory School Music, I am looking forward to sharing the rich musical experiences that will be an integral part of your son’s Trinity journey. One of these experiences will be the opportunity to extend classroom instrumental activities with private instrumental tuition. HOT OFF THE PRESS! REMINDER TO PARENTS Instrumental lessons will recommence Term 1, Week 2 (2015). Please contact your instrumental teacher if you have not received notification of your lesson time. If your son was taking instrumental lessons in 2014 you would like for him to continue in 2015 you must re-enrol. Please complete and return this form or contact your instrumental teacher for assistance. Due to the high level of interest we are delighted to offer Guitar and Percussion tuition at the Preparatory School. To find out more about the individual teachers or to enroll Please fill in this form or contact WHY LEARN AN INSTRUMENT? There are many intrinsic benefits to studying a musical instrument including developing; a greater appreciation of the art form, an ability to express oneself and celebrate community, a proficiency of performance and creative skills and of course pure enjoyment. There are also many well-researched extrinsic benefits, particularly when children study a musical instrument during their formative years. I personally feel the most compelling of these reasons are the following: 1.Music is the only activity that uses all areas of the active brain, simultaneously engaging both the analytical and the creative. Dr. Eric Rasmussen from The John Hopkins University mapped neural activity of children involved in music and found that there was significantly larger growth of neural activity in musicians than in non-musicians – simply put leaning to play an instrument makes the brain work harder. In addition psychology and neurology professors from Boston and Harvard Universities found that the brains of children studying music actually developed differently, forming stronger, faster and more complex networks of neural pathways connecting multiple parts of the brains. 2.This is because learning an instrument requires you to simultaneously translate or decode visually perceived symbols (reading) into fine motor commands (playing) while also analyzing and monitoring the aural output (listening). The repetition and practice of these instrumental skills can greatly assist a child’s development of literacy skills. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE MUSIC ENROLMENT FORM To assist in an effective and timely start to your son’s 2015 instrumental tuition, I ask that re-enrolments be completed as soon as possible. Kimbali Harding | Director of Preparatory School Music CANTEEN NEWS CANTEEN ROSTER Please Note- New Menu and price list for Term 5 2015 Monday 2nd February - Friday 6th February Monday Bhaviv Shah, Daphne Feng Tuesday Mariam Tanous, Evelyn Liu Wednesday Mirna Sandroussi, Janet Hunter Thursday Shenuka Nagaratnam, Rhonda Kaye Friday Peta Torkington, Liying Yan PARENTS PLEASE NOTE When ordering your child’s lunch, could you please write on a separate bag for drinks and hot food. Please call Mary Saba on 8732 4654, if you can spare some time to volunteer. Mary Saba | Canteen Manager phone 8732 4654 3.Through learning an instrument, a child also develops essential life skills such as selfmotivation and discipline, leadership, social interaction and collaboration, patience, perseverance and resilience. If you are interested in further exploring these concepts, may I suggest the following resources (click to view): 1. The Power of Music: its impact on the intellectual, social and personal development of children and young people 2. How learning a musical instrument affects the development of skills 3. TEDx Sydney - Richard Gill, The Value of Music Education 6 > Prep School News | 30 January 2015 RUGBY RUGBY CLINIC Dear Parents, ‘Junior Rugby Clinic’ will be running again this term; the clinic is open to Prep and Junior School boys in Years 3 to 6. The clinic will be held on Friday afternoons from 3:50pm to 5pm on No. 3 Oval of the Summer Hill campus. It will commence on Friday 6th February 2015 and run for the remainder of the term. The clinic will develop handling skills, evasive footwork, spatial awareness and game sense. The training is designed to be fun and fast with the emphasis on non-contact skills and games. The programme will be delivered by Josh Clark, an ARU Level 2 coach. Josh has worked with the Senior and Junior School Rugby teams for the past 4 seasons, prior to this he played professional rugby in the UK and was involved with England schoolboys. The cost of the Rugby Clinic is only $100 for the term. If you would like your son to join please fill out the registration form. This can be accessed by visiting the home page of the Junior and Prep school websites and clicking on the “Rugby Clinic | Years 3 to 6” link. Payment for this activity is required prior to attendance. Please note Preparatory School boys may have to make their own travel arrangements, as spaces on the bus to the Summer Hill campus are limited. Boys should wear School sports clothing and bring mouth guards and boots. If you require any additional information, please contact Josh Clark on Josh Clark | Coaching Coordinator No Limits Sports mobile 0449 101 543 web TRINITY SPORTS COCKTAIL RECEPTION 2015 WATCH AND MEET THE WARATAHS Kick off 2015 with tickets to the Trinity Sports Cocktail Reception. With the best seats in the house,you won’t miss a minute of the Waratahs on-field action. Venue ANZ Stadium, Homebush Time6.30pm Inclusions: >> MC and special guests >> Match Ticket - Premium Level Seating (Corporate box) >> Pre and post-match cocktail reception SAVE THE DATE GREEK SCHOOL: Modern Greek Language School enrolments begin this Friday (30th January 2015) at Trinity Grammar School, Preparatory School (Strathfield) from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Lessons are every Friday afternoon (commecning on February 6th), from 3.45pm to 6.00pm and will be for Beginners to Year 6. Enquiries: This Friday during enrolments or call Father Constantine mobile 0418 511 212. Saturday 25 April, 2015 Waratahs vs Rebels, Reception starts 6.30pm Saturday 23 May, 2015 Waratahs vs Crusades, Reception starts 6.30pm For more information please contact Mr Ayoub. George Ayoub | Director of Development fax 02 9799 9449 phone 02 9581 6000 mobile 0414 915 910 IT’S ACADEMIC! The iconic children’s quiz show, It’s Academic, is currently screening its 19th season. Trinity Grammar School (Preparatory School and Junior School) will be competing in the Grand Final on Monday 2nd February until Friday 6th February. The episodes air at 7:00am – 7:30am on channel 7Two. Prep School News | 30 January 2015 < 7 FROM THE SPORTSMASTER Welcome back to another year of Sport at the Preparatory School. There have been a few changes to the Sportsmaster’s Office over the break. Mr George Ayoub and myself are sharing the important job of Sportsmaster at the Preparatory School as we also have other jobs in the School. Over the past few days our boys have been involved in Swimming trials (Years 3 and 4) and Summer sport trials (Years 5 and 6). Over the next week teams will be finalised and we will move into our first round of sport on Saturday the 7th of February. some changes to fixtures, boys affected by these changes will be notified with a sticker in their record book and it will also be notified in the Preparatory School News and the School website will also have the correct and most up to date information. SCHOOL SPORTS EXPECTATIONS CRICKET UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS I would like to take this opportunity to remind all Parents and Guardians about the School’s expectations when it comes to Saturday sport. Boys should wear the school long sleeved Cricket shirts or their white PE polo shirt, white cricket pants, a protector, and a wide brimmed TGS cricket hat. Pads and Helmets are provided however boys are welcome to bring their own protective equipment. Firstly I bring to your attention the Blue section at the front of the School Record Book. Under the title School Sport, it explains and outlines the sporting requirements of the School. All boys from Years 5-6 must attend Saturday sport from Term 1 and all boys from Years 4-6 must attend Saturday sport from the end of Term 1. Sport is a compulsory part of school life at Trinity Grammar School and unexplained absence is treated the same as truancy. If you have a prior engagement whereby your son is unable to attend a fixture you will be required to apply for leave through Mr Chris Wyatt (Master of the Preparatory School) by Wednesday prior to the Saturday in question. If due to an unforeseen sickness your son is unable to attend the game you will be required to leave a message on the Sportmaster’s mobile (0414915910/0413850340) on the morning of the fixture and supply a doctors certificate the following Monday. Ample warning must be given in order for the coach to make necessary adjustments to teams on the day. Whilst at sport boys are required to wear their correct uniform at all times and both parents and boys are to adhere to the IPSHA sports Code of Conduct. If wet weather is imminent please check the schools wet weather hotline after 6:30am on the day of the event by calling 1300 788 477 and chose option 2 – the Preparatory School then follow the prompts. Updates may be made throughout the morning so you may need to check back if you have later games. If you have any other questions about school sport or the schools sporting policy we would welcome your questions. CRICKET AND BASKETBALL Teams will be selected for the first round of Cricket & Basketball this week. It must be reminded that these teams may change during the course of the season in order to reward boys who have been excelling in their team. All boys will be informed about which team they are in and will receive a fixtures/venues card. Keep this card in a prominent place (ie on the fridge door) so that you can plan ahead over the next seven weeks. If you do not have this card please write a note in your son’s record book requesting a new one. From time to time there will be 8 > Prep School News | 30 January 2015 We ask that all players be at the game 30 minutes prior to the start so that the coach can go over team strategies and warm up with the boys. They must also be dressed in the correct uniform for their sport. BASKETBALL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Boys should wear their Green TGS Basketball singlet and shorts with white socks. It is advised to wear a mouth guard and sun screen if playing outside. All boys should have had their singlets numbered during the week through their coach. PREPARATORY SCHOOL SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS The Preparatory School Swimming Championships will be held on Monday 9th February at the Summer Hill Campus pool. The day will include all the heats, boys who qualify for finals will be informed and they will swim their final on Thursday the 12th February at the full school carnival at SOPAC, Homebush. JUNIOR AND PREPARATORY SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS SCHOOL HOUSE The Junior & Preparatory School House Swimming Championships will be held at the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre on Thursday 12th February. We will be holding our individual race finals on the day. Boys will receive a note indicating times and transport options next week. YEAR 3 AND 4 SPORT This week, Year 3 &4 boys will be completing swimming assessments in the TGS pool at Summer Hill. Soon after I will be sending a letter home to any boys who have not met the swimming standards set by the School. This will outline if your son is required to continue in the school learn to swim program or move on to the Cricket program (Yr3) or Winter Sports training (Yr4) in future sport sessions. Once again if you have any questions or unsure of the requirements of the boys to commit and attend their Saturday sporting event, please do not hesitate in getting in contact with myself on 8732 4664 or George on 8732 4620. Richard Bishop | Preparatory School Sportsmaster Trinity Tennis Game, Set, Match. Trinity Grammar School 119 Prospect Road Summer Hill NSW 2130 | Phone 02 9581-6000 | Fax 02 9799-9449 JUNIOR SCHOOL AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL TENNIS LESSONS The Trinity Grammar School is offering after school group tennis lessons at the Trinity Tennis Centre for Preparatory and Junior School students. Lessons will focus on the development of hand eye coordination, motor skills, stroke production, footwork, grips, basic tennis strategies; games based activities, sportsmanship and the rules of tennis. JUNIOR SCHOOL (Year 2 to 6 only) will be held at the Trinity Tennis Centre on Wednesdays at 3.45pm until 4.30pm. PREPARATORY SCHOOL (Years 3 to 6 only) will be held at the Trinity Tennis Centre on Friday at 3.45pm until 4.30pm. The Tennis Centre is located on the corner of King and Princess Street Ashbury. The cost of the group coaching sessions will be $80 per term and must be pre-payed on line only. Please note that you will be charged for all sessions irrespective of illness or misadventure except in the case of any clashes with school endorsed events. Students will still need to be picked up from the Trinity Tennis Centre no later than 4.35pm on completion of the lesson. Please note, parents will be charged for late pickup. Please contact Mrs Rina Bandaranayake (Junior School) or Mrs Theresa Carmichael (Preparatory School) to arrange one way bus transport from the respective campuses to the Trinity Tennis Centre. The bus service is for drop off only and students must be picked up from the Trinity Tennis Centre on completion of the lesson. Junior School Lesson will commence on Wednesday 11th February and Preparatory School Lessons will commence on Friday 13th February. Activities will be conducted in the clubhouse in the event of wet weather. Further enquiries may be directed to Mr Jeremy Dykgraaff on 9581 6000 ext. 6358 or JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS PREP SCHOOL STUDENTS CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW Alternatively, follow the process below to register for this activity (and other activities) TO REGISTER ONLINE 1. Go to the Trinity Grammar School home page and click on Community Directory (under the TRINITY COMMUNITY heading) 2. Choose Reunions / Events from the drop-down News and Events menu 3. Scroll down the list of events and click on After School Tennis Lessons for Prep and Junior School Boys to start the registration process. Prep School News | 30 January 2015 < 9 SOCIETY OF THE ARTS MARCELLO MAIO (ACCORDION) & PHIL STACK (DOUBLE BASS) IN CONCERT Venue Delmar Gallery Date Tuesday 17 February at 7.30pm Tickets $30 / $20 concession and seniors / $75 family of four Free for Trinity students in uniform click here to book online or phone 9581 6070 Wednesday to Friday Bookings essential Maio is a true ‘musician’s musician’, whose flair and facility has seen him range from a season with the Song Company to the Australian tour of Atlanta soul artist Cody ChestnuTT plus regular appearances with his own jazz trio. In Roland Peelman’s words (director of the Song Company), “Marcello can do anything!” Stack is a previous winner of the National Jazz Awards, a founding member of multi-platinum rock/ pop group Thirsty Merc and in demand for studio and live performances around the world. He began touring with legendary trumpeter James Morrison at the age of 19, after winning the James Morrison Scholarship when he graduated from the Sydney Conservatorium. Together they will be performing Maio’s original jazz compositions along with celebrated works by Piazzolla and Jobim, classic French musette and standards. Expect an evening of dramatic, chamberlike sound, a keen sense of rhythmic interest and exquisite improvisation! SUBSCRIBE TO THE SOCIETY OF THE ARTS AND SAVE! 3 concert package: $75 / $50 conc. & seniors Full subscription: $120 / $90 conc. & seniors 2015 CONCERT DATES 17 February – Marcello Maio & Phil Stack 24 March – London Klezmer Quartet (UK) 28 May – Orava Quartet 2 September – Miriam Lieberman and Friends 15 October – Michael Kieran Harvey Click here to read the full programme 10 > Prep School News | 30 January 2015 HOMELANDS All are welcome to attend the opening of our first exhibition “Homelands” at Delmar Gallery tomorrow (31 January), 3.30pm. As well as viewing the exhibition, you can meet the artists and hear an opening address at 3.30pm by Mr Simon Chan. Mr Chan is Director of Simon Chan & Associates Architects, a firm he established in 1987. In 2009, he founded Art Atrium Gallery to exhibit contemporary Australian, Asian and Aboriginal art with a special focus on cross cultural collaboration and expression in art. He was the recipient of the inaugural NSW Premier’s Multicultural Award for Arts & Culture (2013). He is also President of the Haymarket Chamber of Commerce, Vice President of the Australian Chinese Community Association and Co-Principal Sponsor of the Paddington Art Prize. The works in the exhibition range from symbolist charcoal drawings and a graphic novel by Anton Pulvirenti, telling the story of the artist’s Italian grandfather’s internment during WWII; a poetic, short film by Zheng Zheqing about his quest to make sense of a new culture and place, acclimatising to Sydney as an international student; to a monumental sculpture by Ingrid van der Aa representing the artist’s Dutch and Australian identities. Also included are impressive drawings by Abdullah M. I. Syed, layered prints by Lucienne Fontannaz and sculpture Merryn Hull. The six artists have either just completed or are finishing PhD and Masters degrees at the National Art School, Sydney College of the Arts and UNSW Art & Design. Abdullah Syed exhibits regularly in New York, Karachi and Dubai, and has participated in many group exhibitions since moving to Sydney five years ago. Lucienne Fontannaz, Merryn Hull and Ingrid van der Aa have had previous careers as a curator, architect and counsellor respectively. Anton Pulvirenti is one of the last practitioners of the art of Sicilian cart painting and is represented by Dominik Mersch Gallery, Sydney. Zheng Zheqing is practising as an artist in Shanghai. Works in the exhibition are for sale. Images: Anton Pulvirenti The Opening, 2014, charcoal on paper, 60 x 50cm / Goomiland, 2014, pen and ink on paper, 24 pages, 62 x 42cm each. / Courtesy of Dominik Mersch Gallery, Sydney. Catherine Benz | Convenor, Society of the Arts and Curator, Delmar Gallery Delmar Gallery 144 Victoria Street Ashfield NSW 2131 phone 61 2 9581 6070 fax 61 2 9716 7206 Timely Reflections… A TIME FOR NEW MATTERS! By Mr Ron Ogier (1966 – 1994) and (1997 – present) January 27 last was a rather dull day after a few days of great summer weather. Perhaps an appropriate setting for the end of the summer vacation, and the comparative gloom of having to go back to a stricter timetable may have seemed a little depressing for some, but of the several new Year 7 boys I spoke too, all seemed to be basically excited at the adventure of secondary school now beginning in earnest! We welcome them all and wish them every success making. Beginning new subjects and routines of lessons and sport, you will soon find your feet, making new friends and discovering new abilities and talents. There is much that may grab the attention of a new Year 7 boy, and much that will be richly rewarding, but we need to remember that these rewards are built upon regular, organised and diligent work and play. Of course, it is not just the new Year 7 boys or the very young lads in Kindy who are entering a new experience. Everyone has moved on a year, and fresh challenges await us all. Only just on a month since New Year’s Day, I am reminded of the service we used to have when folk often attended at church on New Year’s Eve what was called a Watch Night Service, where we gave thanks for the blessings of the departing year, and dedicated ourselves to service in the coming year. We used to sing a special hymn; Standing at the portal of the opening year, Words of comfort greet us, hushing every fear, Spoken through the silence by our Father’s voice: Tender, strong and faithful, making us rejoice! Onward then, and fear not, Children of the day, For his word shall never, never pass away!* It is my hope and prayer, indeed the hope and prayer of all your teachers, that you will see beyond the merely physical elements of our days, and realise that there is one who is willing to help you, who loves you and to whom we should give all the glory. Ron Ogier *Perhaps you might like to Google this hymn. It has several very inspirational verses. from left to right (from the top): The first Year 7 boy to arrive for 2015, Sacha Jensen (7Ke); A group of new Year 7 lads; In the Chapel with the Head Master; New Record Books – the constant companion of each student!; New Text books!; A first look at Latin!; About to manage Mandarin!; Loading up the locker! Another new experience; The Class of 2028 about to start off in Kindergarten!; Junior School Kindergarten students (two photos); Another new boy! Prep School News | 30 January 2015 < 11
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