The Medjugorje Star

The Medjugorje
Vol. 26, No. 2
Published for the Glory of God
The W
ord of God Cannot F
April/May 2012
Reflection on the Message
of Our Lady
by Fr. Charles Sellars, omi
“God’s Children”
The following is a testimony by Fr.
Dominic given in a homily in Medjugorje, dedicated to Mary the Mystical Rose. Thanks to the Medjugorje
Herald for printing such inspiring homilies.
“Yes, as the rain and the snow come down
from the heavens and do not return without
watering the earth, making it yield and
giving growth to provide seed for the
sower and bread for the eating, so the
word that goes forth from my mouth does
not return to me empty, without carrying
out my will and succeeding in what it was
sent to do” Isaiah 5:10-11.
When Our Lord and His Mother decide to
accomplish something, they always get
what they want. They get their way sooner
or later—with or without our cooperation.
Tragically, some souls obstinately refuse
to cooperate, but that does not deter them
from their plan.
The shepherd knows his sheep and
they know him.
My paternal grandmother became pregnant
by a Canadian Indian. Racism was rampant
at the time. To raise a Métis child [of
mixed blood] was seen as shameful. Many
recommended abortion. Her parents opted
instead to hide the child’s origin from him
and pretended his mother was really his
sister and they were the parents. The
young mother was demented by the
secrecy and the humiliation and died of
tuberculosis in a sanatorium. In the delirium
of her final hours, she addressed him as
her son: “Come here, my son. I want to see
you and call you my son before I die.”
Our relationship is one of knowing
with our heart. We can read about
love, but that is not the same as being in love. A person living on the
equator can read about snow and
even see pictures of it. But that is
not the same as feeling the crunch
of snow. Knowing about Christ and
being in relationship with Him are on
two different levels. One is in the
head, the other in the heart.
Her parents tried to convince him that she
was delirious, that [her father] was his
father. He subsequently learned the truth
about his parents.
Fr. Dominic continued on page 2.
Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje
March 25, 2012
ear children! Also today, with
joy, I desire to give you my
motherly blessing and to call you
to prayer. May prayer become a
need for you to grow more in
holiness every day. Work more on
your conversion because you are
far away, little children. Thank
you for having responded to my
Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012
April 25, 2012
We are God’s children by reason of
our Baptism. In Baptism we are remade into the image of the risen
Christ, with full rights of inheritance
as children of the King of kings.
We are God’s children by our relationship with the only begotten Son
of the Father, Jesus Christ, who calls
us His brothers and sisters. As a child
imitates the parent, we are called to
be imitators of God, growing from
holiness to holiness into His very
ear children! Also today I
am calling you to prayer, and
may your heart, little children, open
towards God as a flower opens towards the warmth of the sun. I am
with you and I intercede for all of
you. Thank you for having responded to my call.
The Medjugorje Star
Fr. Dominic continued from page 1.
He approached a priest and spoke of his
desire to become a priest and work as a
missionary among the Canadian Indians.
“That will never happen,” he was told.
“You are a disgrace to your family and
relatives who are religious and priests in
this diocese. You will never be respected:
nobody will listen to a half-savage. The
bishop will never agree. Besides, there is
a stipulation in Canon Law that forbids
anyone with mysterious or unknown origins to become a priest. It will be used
against you, and you will never see the
inside of a seminary. Go; get married far
from here, far from the Cathedral of St.
My mother and father met just after the
Second World War and, incidentally, were
married in the St. Boniface Cathedral on
his return from the war. Having been dissuaded from becoming a priest himself, my
father promised the Lord that he would
try to foster vocations to the priesthood
and religious life. In gratitude to Our Lady
for surviving the war, he promised he
would do the utmost to give a priest to
Mother Church.
They had eight children without any complications. During the ninth pregnancy
another fight for life ensued. Doctors told
my parents that their duty was to choose
an abortion to save my mother’s life. She
was in her middle forties. The world did
not need another unwanted baby, and my
parents already had enough mouths to
feed, they were told. They resisted adamantly and decided to carry the baby full
term. Doctors persisted with their efforts
and even accused them of stubbornness.
Their reply was to “talk to God and see
what He thinks.”
When my mother was in the hospital for
the delivery, she was convinced that the
medics were still determined to perform
an abortion. Consequently, she refused
any form of anesthetic. A Caesarean section was performed. As the doctor held a
protruding foot in his hand, he said, “This
is your last chance! Allow me to terminate this pregnancy before it kills you. You
have lost too much blood. It is breech birth;
the umbilical cord is wrapped around his
neck; he will be retarded and deficient.”
“No,” she responded. “I will die before
him. We will both die if it is God’s will. But
if I die, I will die giving birth, not taking it.”
She lost consciousness soon afterwards.
When she came to, a baby boy was brought
to her. Her husband came into the room
and together they decided that his baby
must belong to God in a special way. They
called him Dominic, a name that means
“belonging to the Lord” or “the Lord’s
The Annual Apparition of Our Lady to
Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, March 18, 201
The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo
had daily apparitions from June 24, 1981
to December 25, 1982. During the last
daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the
10th secret and told her that she would
appear to her once a year, on the 18th of
March. It has been this way through the
years. Several thousand pilgrims gathered
to pray the Rosary at the Blue Cross. The
apparition lasted from 14:00 to 14:05.
“Dear children! I am coming among
you because I desire to be your mother
- your intercessor. I desire to be the bond
between you and the Heavenly Father The Medjugorje Star
your mediatrix. I desire to take you by
the hand and to walk with you in the
battle against the impure spirit. My
children, consecrate yourselves to me
completely. I will take your lives into my
motherly hands and I will teach them
peace and love, and then I will give
them over to my Son. I am asking you to
pray and fast because only in this way
will you know how to witness my Son in
the right way through my motherly heart.
Pray for your shepherds that, united in
my Son, they can always joyfully proclaim the Word of God. Thank you.”
They decided not to tell the boy of the circumstances of his birth until after he had
chosen a vocation in life. In this way he
would not feel any pressure or obligation
to become a priest. If he did make that
choice, it would be out of love for the Lord.
My father died when I was seven years
old. He was never able to tell me the story.
When I entered the seminary, my mother
did tell me. Today, she has dementia and
sometimes confuses me with other members of the family. Every time I remind
her that I am a priest, I renew her great
joy that she has given a priest to the Church
and the world.
My mother passed away on May 20, 2011.
I was there with the family for her. She
waited until I arrived from presiding at a
funeral. I gave her the Last Rites and said,
“Mother, you gave me what I needed for
life. I give you what you need for eternal
life. You can go now and see Dad and your
two sons.” She gave her last breath and
went to her reward. Praise the Lord!
The visionary Marija is back
from Lebanon!
n the 10th and 11th of March 2012,
at the Beirut forum at Karantina,
Marija prayed and gave her testimony in front of more than 60,000 people.
Members of every religion of Lebanon
were present; it was an exceptional event
for this territory so often stained by the
blood of divisions between Christians and
Muslims. During the rosary, Marija publicly received the apparition of the Blessed
Mother on both days. During these apparitions, Marija entrusted all the people of
Lebanon to Our Lady, asking her to bless
them, as well as all those whom they carry
in their hearts. On Sunday, Marija asked
her if she had a word for them. So the
Blessed Mother gave this message to the
Lebanese people: “Do not forget that I am
your Mother and that I love you!”
What a beautiful reminder of what is essential!
“Children of Medjugorje”
Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012
From the Heart…The Greatest P
rayer for Peace!
art 3 of 3)
by Hubie Mule
n this final series on peace from the
Pastoral Constitution on the Church
in the Modern World of the Second
Vatican Council, I hope to encourage and
give insight into the seemingly impossible
mission of fostering world peace. Traveling tirelessly at the age of 84 to the four
corners of earth, His Holiness Pope
Benedict XVI is probably our most effective ambassador for world peace and love.
His latest quest for peace and human rights
was to Cuba and Mexico. Pope John Paul
II and his predecessors also shared in this
same role. Missionary priests are a powerful witness internationally to peace.
That is why it is so important to support
and pray each day for the Pope, bishops,
priests, missionaries, laity and all those who
Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond composed a prayer for the family in the New
Orleans, LA diocese. He invited the pastors of each parish to have his parishioners pray it together at every Mass. Part
of his prayer reads, “Bless parents that
they may form their children in faith. Bless
and protect our youth that they may be
peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have lost loved ones
through violence.”
“Following the 2008 Synod on the Eucharist, Pope Benedict XVI, at the request of
the Synod Fathers, added three new dismissal formulas to the conclusion of the
“Go and announce the Gospel of the
“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your
“Go in peace.”
We are one body in Christ. Mary, the
Mother of Jesus, tells us the best prayer is
the Holy Mass. That’s what we can do!
Individually we can frequent Mass and
pray for peace: peace in our hearts,
peace in our family, peace in our nation
and peace in the world. May we be encouraged by Our Lady’s appearances and
messages in Medjugorje. Mary’s role has
always been and still is great in the mystery of salvation. Let us join her in prayer
for peace and conversion that Jesus may
be glorified through our witness. The Mass
Explained and the revised missals are offered on page 5.
Hvaljen Isus I Marija!
(Praised be Jesus & Mary!)
In my own parish, St. Matthew the Apostle
in River Ridge, LA, and in several parishes throughout the diocese, we studied
the new changes of the Mass. We met
and discussed the new publication of the
book by Monsignor James P. Moroney,
titled The Mass Explained. It fit perfectly
into this year’s Lenten theme of 2012.
From the Pastoral Constitution on the
Church in the Modern World of the
Second Vatican Council
(Gaudium et spes, nn. 88-90)
I recommend this book to understand the
Mass changes, and also the revised daily
and Sunday missal. Both are a must read
for growth in understanding our faith. The
book notes the significance of the blessing
and dismissal at Holy Mass.
“Christians should cooperate, willingly and wholeheartedly, in building an
international order based on genuine respect for legitimate freedom and on a
brotherhood of universal friendship. This
is all the more urgent because the greater
Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012
The Christian duty of working for peace
part of the world still experiences such
poverty that in the voices of the poor, Christ
Himself can be heard, crying out for charity from His followers. There are nations—
many of them with a majority of Christians—which enjoy an abundance of
goods, while others are deprived of the
necessities of life, and suffer from hunger,
disease and all kinds of afflictions. This
scandal must be removed from among
men, for the glory of Christ’s Church and
its testimony to the world are the spirit of
poverty and the spirit of love.
“Christians, especially young
Christians, deserve praise and support
when they offer themselves voluntarily in
the service of other people and other nations. Indeed, it is the duty of all God’s
people, with bishops giving a lead by word
and example, to do all in their power to
relieve the sufferings of our times, following the age-old custom of the Church in
giving not only what they can spare but
also what they need for themselves.
“Without being uniform or inflexible, a method of collecting and distributing contributions should be established in
each diocese and nation and on a worldwide level. Wherever it seems appropriate, there should be joint action between
Catholics and other Christians. The spirit
of charity, far from forbidding prudence
and orderliness in social and charitable
action, in fact demands them. Those intending to serve the developing countries
must therefore undergo appropriate and
systematic training.
“In order to foster and encourage
cooperation among men, the Church must
be present and active in the community of
nations. It must work through its own
public organizations with the full and sincere
cooperation of all Christians in their one
desire to serve all mankind.
“This end will be more effectively
achieved if the faithful are themselves
conscious of their human and Christian
responsibilities and seek to awaken among
those in their own walk of life a readiness
to cooperate with the international
community. Special care should be taken
to give this kind of formation to young
people in their religious and secular
From the Heart continued on page 4.
The Medjugorje Star
Ivan in Baton Rouge, L
by Darrell Goudeau
How to Defend the F
Without Raising Y
our V
(Civil Responses to Catholic Hot
Button Issues)
by Austen Ivereig
This book is about winning friends, not arguments. It is about shedding light, not heat.
It is about reframing the argument so that
hearts can be opened and minds can be
inspired. It is a new sort of apologetics. It
is for those moments when you are thrust
into the spotlight as the “token Catholic” –
whether the spotlight is simply at the office water cooler or whether it is front and
center at the in-laws’ holiday celebration.
How to Defend the Faith without Raising
Your Voice gives Catholics a fresh way of
explaining the Church’s teachings on contentious issues – compellingly, succinctly,
and with clarity. It is offered on page 5.
Harry Potter & the Paganization
of Culture
by Michael O’Brien
Essential reading that teaches parents how
to discern harmless stories from those that
are destructive to heart, mind & spirit.
Offered on page 5.
From the Heart continued from page 3.
“Finally, it is to be hoped that, in
carrying out their responsibilities in the
international community, Catholics will seek
to cooperate actively and constructively
with other Christians, who profess the
same Gospel of love, and with all men who
hunger and thirst for true peace.”
The Medjugorje Star
or those who didn’t get to go to Ivan’s
(the visionary from Medjugorje) talk
and apparition on January 31, 2012,
he talked about two hours. Towards the
end, he described the evening’s apparition.
He said:
“Words are not enough to describe it (the
apparition). I begin to feel Mary’s presence while we are all praying the Rosary.
I first see a light, the light of heaven, and
then I don’t see anything else and I don’t
feel time or space. The light of heaven is
nothing like you see on this earth. Sometimes behind Our Lady you can see people
walking and the flowers and beautiful colors.
“She is so beautiful. We asked her one
time why she is so beautiful. She said it is
because she loves. She said the more we
love, the more beautiful we will become.
Mary came joyful and happy. She said,
‘Praise be to Jesus. My dear children,
today in this time of grace I call you in a
special way to pray more. Pray in adoration before the cross, in your families, pray
before the cross. Pray that the Holy Spirit
pours out on you and your families. Pray
for those distant from my Son.’ Then she
prayed over the priests that were here and
prayed over all of us with her hands extended and over the sick that were here.
She blessed us all and the holy articles we
had.” Ivan said he recommended all of
the sick and all of us and all our petitions
to Mary. He said that he and Mary talked
and that remains private. Then she prayed
for vocations and departed in a light and
with the sign of the cross and said, “Go in
Major points of Ivan’s talk:
We are here because we are hungry for
God, hungry for the truth, hungry for peace.
We can only find those things in God, not
in the world.
Mary comes to show us a new way, not
the way of the world. She shows us the
path to Jesus. Jesus says, “Come to Me
all you who are tired and heavily burdened.” We have come to drink and be
filled. We have come to Holy Mass which
is the center of our lives. Mary says tonight, “If you knew how much I love you,
you would cry with joy.”
Mary says we will only have a healthy
Church if we have holy families. In our
families, we must pray and read the Holy
Scriptures with our children. Families no
longer pray. Parents have no time for their
children, husbands and wives have no time
for each other. How many sit together at
the table for dinner and share a meal and
the day’s concerns? We must bring the
family back. That is where Our Lady is
leading us.
Today there is a falling apart of morality.
She is calling us to put God first in our
lives. If we do, we will have peace. Our
Mother comes to us as a Mother of peace.
If a person has no peace in his life, there
can be no peace in the world.
The world is not just in an economic recession; it is in a spiritual recession.Our
Mother is awakening us. She is concerned
for our eternal salvation.
She says, “You are my living Church. If
you are strong, the Church will be strong.
If you are weak, the Church will be
We must set time aside for prayer. She
says if you wish to attend the school of
prayer, there are no weekends off. To pray
more is to pray better. You say you don’t
have time to pray. Time is not the problem. Love is the problem.
I wish you could have all been with us.
Blessings and peace.
Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012
Third Edition Missals
The Mass Explained by Msgr. Moroney
A Life of Blessings by Michael Brown
How to Defend the Faith without Raising Your Voice
by Austen Ivereigh
Harry Potter and the Paganization of Culture $17.00
by Michael O’Brien
Lessons from the Lives of the Saints
(365 reflections for growth in holiness through
examples of the saints) by Fr. Joseph Esper
Indivisible by James Robison & Jay Richards $22.00
with bonus CD of Voting Guide for Catholics
In Defense of Sanity
(The best of G. K. Chesterton)
The End of the Present World and the Mysteries
of the Future Life by Fr. C. Arminjon
translated by Susan Conroy
St. Paul Daily Missal (Revised English Text) $46.00
for all Sundays and all weekdays, burgundy or black
leatherflex. circle color
Daily Roman Missal Weekdays & Sundays $75.00
with Latin & English Mass. Burgundy bonded Leather.
Evidence of the Afterlife by Jeffrey Long, MD $15.00
(Science of near-death experiences)
Preparation for Total Consecration (de Montfort) $5.00
The Archbishop Wore Combat Boots (HC)
by Archbishop Philip Hannan
The Last Secret of Fatima
Fatima for Today
by Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R.
Animals in Heaven? Catholics Want to Know $16.00
Ivan Dragicevic DVD (talk from 12/1/09)
The Medjugorje Fasting Book
by Wayne Weible
Wayne Weible Speaks CD ( 6-25-11 talk)
Seven Sorrows Chaplet (black beads, instructions) $16.00
Medjugorje Chaplet (blue beads, instructions) $8.00
Listening to God with Padre Pio
by Eileen Bertanzetti, hardcover
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo FOR KIDS
(hardcover) beautifully illustrated
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo
(adult) $17.00
(A little boy's astounding story of his journey to heaven
& back)
Angelic Tails (true animal stories)
by Joan W. Anderson
Blessing Prayers by Fr. Peter J. Cameron, OP $10.00
The Invisible World Hardcover
by Anthony DeStefano (about angels, etc.)
Medjugorje, What's Happening?
by Fr. James Mulligan (hardcover)
Dear Children (messages from 1984-2010
arranged by subject matter )
Fifty Prayers for My Child
by Christopher Bloom, MD
Brown Scapular, washable
Baby Crib Medal (gift boxed)
circle color White, Blue, or Pink
Wooden Saints Bracelets
black or brown
circle color
Scott Hahn
Power of the Sacraments
by Sr. Briege McKenna
Bible Index Tabs (gold and black tabs)
Mary Undoer of Knots Novena
Basher Five-Two by Scott O'Grady
(Pilot shot down in Bosnia tells his story)
Miracle of Life Rosary for Children 2 CD’s
by Kitty Cleveland
Praying the Rossary with St. Faustina CD
The Holy Rosary DVD (EWTN with Stained glass)
Visions of Heaven, Hell & Purgatory
Saints-Maligned, Misunderstood, Mistreated
This is My Body, This is My Blood
(miracles of the Eucharist)
This is My Body, This is My Blood
Visionaries, Mystics & Stigmatists
Many Faces of Mary
Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012
book II
Mother of Mercy-Healing Rosary+Luminous $20.00
Prayer Books
Lessons from the Lives of the Saints
(Daily reflections)
Prayers for Urgent Occasions
Prayers to Mary (beautifully illustrated)
Our Blessed Mother's Rosary
(Scriptural meditations, prayers)
Catholic Book of Prayers #910/09
An Hour With Jesus Vol. I
An Hour With Jesus Vol. II
Replica of Cross on Mt. Krizevac
3 1/2" $3.00
with .3 gm soil from Apparition Hill in the base
Swear to God
$22.00 HC
(Promise & Power of the Sacraments)
Lord, Have Mercy
$22.00 HC
(Healing Power of confession)
The Lamb's Supper
$22.00 HC
(The Mass as heaven on earth)
Hail Holy Queen
$14.00 PB
(remarkable presentation of Biblical texts on Mary)
Books by Bob & Penny Lord
Messages to the World from the Mother of God
(Medjugorje Messages 1984-2005)
(in one pack) with Dana & Fr. Scallan
Pocket Guide to the Bible
CD's by DANA
______ Good Morning Jesus!
______ The Rosary with Luminous Mysteries
Other baby items are available, call for details.
by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
Our Lady of Medjugorje
24" outdoor statue white
*shipping for outdoor statue depends
on your location.
The Medjugorje Star
Immaculée Ilibagiza
The Boy Who Met Jesus
Visit from Heaven HC
If Only We Had Listened (messages) HC
Led By Faith (her spiritual journey) PB
Our Lady of Kibeho (apparitions)
Left to Tell (her incredible story)
Meditations on the 7 Sorrows of Mary PB
by Fr. Benedict Groeschel
Praying Constantly
Travelers Along the Way
After This Life:
Books by Fr. Cedric Pisegna, C.P.
Death the Final Surrender
God’s Not Boring! (good for the youth)
You Can Change
Books by Michael Brown
Life Missions, Family Healings
The Other Side
God of Miracles
True Stories
Angels & Wonders by Joan W. Anderson
Guardian Angels by Joan W. Anderson $15.00
Where Angels Walk by Joan W. Anderson
The Power of Miracles by Joan Anderson
Power of the Rosary (True stories) by Rev. Shamon
$ 3.00
Fr. Charles Sellars shares his faith
Medjugorje Every Month book
(over 16 years of reflections on the
Medjugorje messages)
$20.00 NEW!
$15.00 NEW!
$14.00 NEW!
(What Catholics Believe About What Happens Next)
Tears of God
(How to handle a catastrophe or great sorrow)
The Virtue Driven Life
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$ 4.00
_____ Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song
live from the National Shrine CD
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Children's books
_____First Children's Bible
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_____ Jesus Living in Mary: the Life of
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_____The Angels
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_____Receiving Holy Communion
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_____Saints _____Angels
_____Prayers _____The Holy Spirit
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_____Twelve Apostles
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Audio cassette
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"Mas Alla de los Campos" CD
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Beyond the Fields:
_____Mass for Children
_____My First Prayerbook
_____The Holy Rosary
_____Going to Confession
Plastic Rosary
2/$1.00 $36.00/gross
Medjugorje Rosary (blue crystal)
Medjugorje Chaplet holy card
Medjugorje Candle glass holder
Disposable candle refills
Carton of 24 refills $55.00 + call for shipping cost*
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Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012
Mir Response . . .
By Mimi Kelly, Director Emeritus of The MIR Group
In March, New Orleans was blessed with a visit from Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic. I was privileged to have
discussions with him concerning the movement of Medjugorje
- meaning the devotion of people in general concerning spreading
the message of Our Lady. I asked him about a few things in
particular about Medjugorje centers and their work, about small
home-type prayer groups, and about vocations.
While he didn’t put a number on the Medjugorje centers, he
believes that there are still many throughout the world, not as
many as in the early days of the apparitions, but still many, that
are faithfully disseminating the message of Our Lady (peace,
prayer, fasting, reconciliation, conversion). As for small in-thehome prayer groups, he said that this is something that Our
Lady really encourages. She wants to see families and groups
meeting in the homes to pray. I asked about vocations to the
priesthood. He said that 1,200 vocations have been documented because of an experience of Medjugorje. Personally, I
think that number is low. How many men do you know whose
lives were changed and became priests because of their pilgrimage to Medjugorje?
As I prepared for this issue, I began to think about my conversations with Ivan and how Medjugorje has impacted New
Orleans and wondered how it has impacted each city in the
U.S., and, in fact, the world? What do you see in your area
which has a direct link to the influence of Medjugorje?
In 1985 a small contingent of local women went to Medjugorje after hearing of the apparitions. They shared their story
on a television program, and it all just exploded from there.
Between then and 1991, when the war started in Croatia, thou-
sands upon thousands went to Medjugorje (pilgrimages continue to this day!) The result was that pilgrims returned with a
renewed faith and a desire to grow in faith and to become
active in their church and community. Medjugorje centers
started (The MIR Group being one of them), individuals began prayer groups in their homes, the faithful were encouraging pastors to open Perpetual Adoration chapels, as well as
those inspired by Our Lady’s message found their way to ministries helping the poor, working for pro-life, and many other
similar works of charity. It truly was an explosion of love
throughout the region. Have you ever considered how Medjugorje has impacted your area? Have you shared this news
with Medjugorje?
Are you aware that the Medjugorje Information Center in
Medjugorje has requested that Medjugorje centers send them
information concerning the work of each center throughout
the world? As the new Vatican commission, which is studying
the apparitions, continues to investigate, it is important to know
the good fruits of Medjugorje. Surely the many, many prayer
groups formed because of the inspiration of Our Lady’s message is important to the investigation. The paragraphs below
are taken directly from the official Medjugorje website I kindly ask that if you are a center or
group which brings pilgrimages to Our Lady’s shrine, that you
go to the website and fill out the forms and thereby assist in
providing the Vatican committee with details of how Medjugorje has affected your area.
Our Lady Queen of Peace, Pray for us!
Spiritual Movement of the Queen of Peace -
The movement, born after the apparitions of the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje, includes pilgrimages to Medjugorje, the setting up of Peace centers, prayer and charity groups all around
the world, as well as pastoral, publishing, humanitarian and other kinds of activities...
This questionnaire will give us the opportunity to have a better grasp of the worldwide di7
mension of the movement in the service of the Universal
Church. It will help us to get to know
each other better, to have better communication with various groups worldwide, as well as to
grow better in our prayer and service.
We kindly ask all the leaders of Peace centers, prayer and charity groups, as well as organizers of pilgrimages, to fill in the questionnaire and to send it to Medjugorje to fax no. +
387.36.651.444, or to write to in order to receive the questionnaire by
Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012
The Medjugorje Star
The Medjugorje
2627 David Drive
Metairie, LA 70003-4509
The Medjugorje Star is published bimonthly. Subscription is by
donation. If you mail this newsletter to anyone, you must fold
the newsletter in half, tape it closed and place a FIRST CLASS
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Please notify us when your address changes by
giving us your old and new address.
The Star is not forwarded by the post office.
Our purpose is to spread information about
the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in
Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina. Any article
in this newsletter can be copied in whole with
credit given to The Medjugorje Star. There is
no subscription fee. This newsletter survives
solely on your donations and purchases of
books and religious items. Your prayers are
requested for this ministry of spreading Our
Lady's messages worldwide.
A Life of Blessings
by Michael Brown
Michael’s newest book helps
us to focus on the blessed part
of life with a compilation of
inspirational articles from Spirit
Daily. Life is short and a
challenge, but we can live it
with joy. This book helps us
tap into the goodness God has
reserved for each one of us. It
is offered on page 5.
2627 David Drive
Metairie, LA 70003-4509
Phone (504) 889-1713
FAX (504) 889-1714
Editor: Kay Mule
Secretary: Ellie Rodrigue
Printer: Roberson Advertising
(504) 832-1481
To get The Medjugorje Star by email,
send your email address to
The Holy Father’s
§ Visit the Silver Chapel §
The Medjugorje
Star is located near the
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. Join us for prayer in the Silver Chapel –
noon–Angelus, 3 pm–Divine Mercy Chaplet.
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General Intention for May 2012
The Family. That initiatives
which defend and uphold the role
of the family may be promoted
within society.
General Intention for June 2012
Christ, Present in the Eucharist.
That believers may recognize in
the Eucharist the living presence
of the Risen One who accompanies them daily.
Spiritual Director:
Fr. Charles Sellars, omi
Oblate Madonna Residence
5722 Blanco Road
San Antonio, Texas 78216-6680
(210) 348-1466
Patron Saint of TMS:
St. Anthony Mary Claret
Visit our home page
for message & stories
Store Hours
Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:30
Sat. 9:00-4 CST
Volume 26, No. 2; April/May 2012