THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE P.O. BOX 6614 • ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16512 SUBSCRIPTION RATE - FREE WILL OFFERING - PLEASE SEE PAGE 8 If this is the first time you have received this newsletter, and you would like a “Beginner’s Guide,” please contact us for one. EDITOR EMERITUS: JOAN WIESZCZYK EDITOR: JUNE KLINS SPIRITUAL ADVISOR PHONE: (814) 898-2143 FR. WILLIAM KIEL E-MAIL: VOL. 28, NO. 1 PUBLISHED MONTHLY January 2015 CURRENT MONThLY MESSAGE OF DECEMBER 25, 2014 ON ThE 25Th DAY OF EACh MONTh, ThE BLESSED VIRGIN GIVES A MESSAGE TO ThE VISIONARY, MARIJA, ThAT IS TO BE GIVEN TO ThE WORLD. “Dear children! Also today, in my arms I am carrying my Son Jesus to you and I am asking from Him peace for you and peace among you. Pray to and adore my Son for His peace and joy to enter into your hearts. I am praying for you to be all the January is Sanctity of Life Month. We thank Jeff Tiner for the artwork shown above, which is a stipple (dotwork) allegorical piece called “Tree of Life.” Our Lady sits under a tree whose fruit is babies in the womb, protecting them at night. Jeff is an inmate on death row. Since his conversion (story in our October, 2010 issue), he has become a Lay Canossian Brother. We also thank Jeff’s spiritual director, Deacon Allen Vandecoevering, for sending us Jeff’s artwork. more open to prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.” Change My Heart, O God By Fr. Bill Kiel In our daily life, January may be Am I a person of hope, or do I become discouraged when considered the month of hope – my prayers are not answered as I expected? Am I not patient the month when many of us make and persevering in my prayer life? As I pray, am I open to resolutions to improve our lives. God’s will and God’s desire to lead me to eternal life? Or Resolutions made in January are lived do I think more of what I want in this world now? Do I find out until…….? How myself praying in a selfish or selfsincere are we when centered way? making resolutions? Am I aware of the unloved Why do we make around me? Do I reach out to them? Do we think them in a Christ-like and loving we can keep them? way? God gives an abundance of Fr. Bill Kiel Are they only for the emotional or physical love, if I am open to God’s love. aspects of our life? Receive God’s love and give it to On November 25, 2014, we were given the the unloved. words: “Pray, little children, so that you may As I am called to prayer by comprehend who you are and where you need Our Blessed Mother, do I pray to go. Be carriers of good news and be people from the heart? Do I pray for of hope. Be love for all those who are without changes within my spiritual life, love… You will be everything and will achieve to deepen my relationship with everything only if you pray and are open to God the Father, Son and Holy God’s will – to God who desires to lead you Spirit? Do I pray to know the will towards eternal life.” of God and for the graces to live If I look at myself in the spiritual realm, God’s will? When I am open to my New Year’s resolution will probably be Heart-shaped stone on Cross Mountain God’s will, my life will be filled more beneficial. I need to reflect on where with much joy and peace. I am in my spiritual life. In what direction should I be The beginning of a new calendar year, and the words from moving? When was my most recent self-evaluation of my November 25th, encourage us to reflect on the questions spiritual life? What do I use as the norm for a spiritual above. If I am to change, I must question where I am and life? Is it attending Mass more than only on the week-end, where I need to go, and pray, pray, pray. Change my heart, sacrament of Penance within the month, praying or reading O God. Scripture on a daily basis or fasting? Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us. December 2, 2014 Message to Mirjana “Dear children, Remember – for I am telling you – that love will win. I know that many of you are losing hope because around you, you see suffering, pain, jealousy, envy... but, I am your mother. I am in the Kingdom but am also here with you. My Son is sending me anew to help you. Therefore, do not lose hope; instead, follow me – because the victory of my heart is in the name of God. My beloved Son is thinking of you as he has always thought of you. Believe him and live him. He is the life of the world. My children, to live my Son means to live the Gospel. This is not easy. This means love, forgiveness and sacrifice. This purifies and it opens the Kingdom. Sincere prayer, which is not only words but is a prayer which the heart speaks, will help you. Likewise fasting (will help you), because it is still more of love, forgiveness and sacrifice. Therefore, do not lose hope but follow me. I am imploring you anew to pray for your shepherds so that they may always look to my Son who was the first Shepherd of the world and whose family was the entire world.” Our thanks to Sue Taccone, Irene and Dan Zuba, Cindy Bielanin, Joanne Warren, Sue Kirby, Vickie DeCoursey, Kathy Luschini, Celeste Migneault, Dianne Yochim, Mary Tirak, Anne O’Leary, Diane Niebauer, Louise Lotze, and Marge Spase for help with the November mailing. We thank Johannes Dittrich for his photo. And as always, we thank Pat Berrier, our proofreader, and Jason Klins, our webmaster. January 2015 In this December 2, 2014 message, Our Lady asks us once again to pray for priests. In last month’s issue, we featured an article about praying for priests. To order the Crusade for Priests packet mentioned in the December issue, you can visit the website,, or call 313-527-1739 or write to: Opus Sanctorum Angelorum Crusade for Priests 13800 Gratiot Ave. Detroit, MI 48205 Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis for January Peace: That those from diverse religious traditions and all people of good will may work together for peace. Consecrated life: That in this year dedicated to consecrated life, religious men and women may rediscover the joy of following Christ and strive to serve the poor with zeal. -2- THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE Questions and Answers with Jakov “Let us not ask questions about what Paradise looks like. Let us ask ourselves questions – are we ready to go to Paradise? Do we do enough to get to Paradise?” In March of 2014, Visionary Jakov Colo gave a talk at the Meeting for Organizers of Pilgrimages, Leaders of Peace Centers, and Medjugorje Prayer and Charity Groups. After the talk, there was time for Jakov to answer a few questions. Q: A pilgrim asked about the possibility of organizing meetings with the visionaries while on Q: A pilgrim asked about Jakov’s and Vicka’s pilgrimage to Medjugorje. experience with Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. J: I really don’t know what to say to you. J: First of all, I never speak about Hell or I believe that in Medjugorje, there are many Purgatory – Hell, especially. I believe that all pilgrims who come, and they want to meet us these years that Our Lady has been coming to Jakov visionaries for one period of time. I did not give Medjugorje, that Our Lady desires to show us the way to Jesus and the way to Heaven. So I would always say, talks to pilgrims [for a while] because I really took that time “Let’s not think about Hell, but let us think about Paradise – for myself. You also have to understand that we visionaries Heaven – and how to get there.” I was 11 years old when are not like a radio that you turn on, and that radio starts I had that experience, and as every kid ... I never thought playing – singing or talking. I myself need to feel good to about death in our country. I was thinking about how to talk, and now I have to say that the time has come for me to be here, how to live, how to play with my friends and live meet pilgrims again. I spoke to the parish priest already, and my life. Then, when Vicka and I had that apparition, when I can say that twice a week I will have my testimony given in Our Lady said to us, “Now you’ll come with me,” I thought the yellow hall here. But there are many pilgrims who come. at that moment, that was my end, and I was not ready to die! Some pilgrims come at the beginning of the week; some And then I said to Our Lady (and it’s always said that the come at the end of the week. We can’t really always please advantage is given to women), but I was the one who said, everyone. But I would like to invite you all and every group “Our Lady, take Vicka. She has seven brothers and sisters. that you group leaders bring here. I would say that you waste a lot of time hearing different I am the only kid my parents have. Even if Vicka was not there, she has so many brothers and sisters.” But Our Lady testimonies and witnessing. You go to different places to smiled and said, “Be not afraid. I am with you.” hear different testimonies. I would say that you don’t need I will now share with you how I experienced Heaven in too many of them. I’m saying that you need – and that your that moment. I was a kid at that time. We found ourselves pilgrims need – to spend time with Our Lady, and I believe in an endless space in the most beautiful light that I never, that’s the most important. And the pilgrims who stay with ever saw or experienced here on the Earth... And we could us in our house, I always advise them, “Go up Apparition see people – people were praying. The most beautiful thing Hill; find time for yourself. Spend one day on your own I experienced in that place was joy and peace. And I was because after so many experiences, after so many witnessing, able to see that on the face of the people, which at the same testimonies, many times it happens that you don’t have time time were transferring that peace and joy to me. I remember to understand everything.” But I always – because of this – when that experience was over, we remained in prayer and I will say, “Do not go around too much to certain places to then I was asking myself, “What was that place I found so hear witnesses. Give your pilgrims time to spend some time good, where I felt that peace, where I felt that joy?“ And on their own. And please don’t you ever promise to your truly, through Our Lady’s advice, through prayer, we will pilgrims that you will meet one of us visionaries.” And be given all answers. I understood that Paradise is not what pilgrims come and say, “We were promised that we would we see with our eyes – Paradise is in our hearts. And I meet one of the visionaries.” Because we do not – I do not – believe that each one of us can experience Paradise in our give a promise to anyone. If I can – if I feel good – I will be able heart. If we put God in the first place, if we live with God, to meet pilgrims, and as I said already, praise God – this season then we all really have Paradise. So I always say to pilgrims, twice a week I will have my testimony given in the hall. Message to Jakov on December 25, 2014 At the last daily apparition to Jakov Colo on September 12th, 1998, Our Lady told him that henceforth he would have one apparition a year, every December 25th, on Christmas Day. This is also how it was this year. The apparition began at 2:40 P.M. and lasted 8 minutes. Afterwards Jakov transmitted the message: “Dear children! Today, on this day of grace, I desire for each of your hearts to become a little stable of Bethlehem in which the Savior of the world was born. I am your mother who loves you immeasurably and is concerned for each of you. Therefore, my children, abandon yourselves to the mother, so that she may place each of your hearts and lives before little Jesus; because only in this way, my children, your hearts will be witnesses of God’s daily birth in you. Permit God to illuminate your lives with light and your hearts with joy, so that you may daily illuminate the way and be an example of true joy to others who live in darkness and are not open to God and His graces. Thank you for having responded to my call.” THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE -3- January 2015 The Hidden Treasures of Medjugorje By Anita B. Cugini During the war in 1991-1992, each pilgrim’s passport was carefully checked. Soldiers with machine guns, in abundance in the airport, provided a grim welcome. Aid teams came from Italy to do what they could for the townspeople, but didn’t stay very long. Miraculously, despite being heavily shelled, no human lives were lost – only livestock. Incredibly, a cluster bomb that was dropped on the main street didn’t detonate! During this horrific period, the visionaries were separated so that they couldn’t be targeted by the Communists. View from Mama’s balcony with Cross Mountain in the background Life in Medjugorje, especially during the early years, was Nestled in the heart of Medjugorje’s fragrant vineyards never easy. Mama recounts that as a young woman, she is a pansion that has welcomed pilgrims from around the worked stringing tobacco leaves. Since there was no work world over for the last 33 years. Its humble walls reverberate in Medjugorje, her husband was compelled to leave his with memories of Medjugorje from the beginning of the wife and family to find work in Germany. He did this for apparitions. It was my pleasure to stay with Mama Sivric 55 years, and was able to see his wife and children only a in June of 2014, for the 33rd Anniversary of the apparitions. few times a year. Mama told us she travelled to Stuttgart, Mama Sivric, although nearing 90, is a vibrant, feisty Germany more than 10 times over those years. woman who proudly recalls the early days – what life was After the Communist regime ended, Mama met the like for the people from the village, and how she and others Communist officer from another town, who had threatened of her generation stood toe-to-toe with the Communist her with jail in the early days. Defiantly, she told him off – regime that tried to disrupt the religious life of this quiet and he ran away! In her own words, Mama says, “I was little hamlet. With flashing eyes and animated gestures, always a strong woman – even today, I would talk about Mama will tell you, through Franjo, her interpreter, what it God. Pray for us that we will all heal. I will always pray for was like in Medjugorje in the first days of the apparitions. people. Pray for peace!” When news of the apparitions first broke, Mama was at Franjo, who interpreted for Mama, was one of the a wedding feast with a friend. Mama indicated that she members of the original prayer group that Our Lady asked believed in the apparitions from the beginning, while her the visionaries to start. According to Franjo, he was asked by companion said, “How could you believe such a thing?” Our Lady to put his life on hold for three years, to fast, pray, Mama related that all were crying and watching the sky. and do what he could to help the throng of pilgrims flooding As the villagers watched, golden letters “MIR” [Croatian for into Medjugorje. A gentle soul, whose demeanor radiates “peace”] appeared in the sky and the words “I am the Queen the love of God and the Gospa, he patiently answered every of Peace” stretched across the sky from Apparition Hill to question posed to him, with grace and humility. Cross Mountain. One man who could not stand was brought I have never seen such unbridled joy in living, as I to Apparition Hill by his daughter-in-law, and he was cured. witnessed in the people I met in Medjugorje. People who The man’s wife, however, didn’t like this, and started telling have so little, in comparison to what all of us take for people that it didn’t happen. granted….their graciousness and warmth is something I Mama was no stranger to the local police who came, trying will never forget. It’s hard to describe the joy that radiates to diffuse the situation and order the villagers to leave. She from them, borne of doing God’s work, in sharing their faith knew the Chief of Police personally and proceeded to tell and love of God with all who come in thanksgiving for the him off. The following day, the village was deluged with Gospa’s presence in their little village. people, news, and TV cameras, and the police who forbade No sooner did I get home from this pilgrimage, than I was people to climb the mountain. They asked, “Who is lighting planning my next one! My next pilgrimage to Medjugorje the fire up to heaven?” will be from July 27 to August 7, 2015 to experience the Youth The children were strictly forbidden to climb the hill Festival, with all its exuberance. Although we will stay at and the President of Police, who was in the next village, a modern pansion 100 meters from St. James Church, we announced they were going to board up the church so people will step back in time and meet with Mama Sivric and her could not enter to pray – which they promptly did. When family, and see her quaint pansion – a loving home, where Mama heard of this, she ran to the church with other women she has served over 25,000 meals to pilgrims. We will listen and pulled the boards off of the church doors. The police as Franjo, our guide, interprets for Mama. They will recreate told her, “We are taking you to jail.” Mama responded, their wonderment as the Gospa appeared to ordinary “Then take me to jail!” village children, and share, in their incredible pride, that the Pilgrims started to arrive in Medjugorje from all over Gospa is with them still. I promise that whoever joins me the world, and had to register with the police. Each family on this pilgrimage will come away with a renewed sense of took in one or two pilgrims and shared their daily lives and faith and love for Our Lady. Their joy in living our faith is devotion to the Gospa with these total strangers who could infectious! not communicate in their native tongue. Until 1986, there Editor’s note: Anita lives in North Wales, PA. She can be was no indoor plumbing or running water – only outhouses! reached at or 267-217-7344. January 2015 -4- THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE Life Lesson Learned in Medjugorje By Margaret Flynn In the fall of 1987, I traveled to Medjugorje with my older dilemma of not being able to reach the top of Mt. Krizevac. Her green eyes were piercing and her voice steady and son. After settling in with our host family, my son and I made our way to Apparition Hill for a prayerful visit before strong – “Then, my dear, you must climb the mountain at evening church services and the apparition at St. James. night.” I felt dumbfounded at that advice – if I couldn’t climb Coping with a chronic vascular condition in my left leg, I the mountain during the daytime, how would I be able to carefully trod the rocky path up the hill and was relieved climb the mountain at night?!!! I almost dismissed the advice, but it nagged me all afternoon – and then the light bulb went that I had no problem ascending or descending. The next day, after the English morning Mass, we headed off –literally!!! At dinner that very night, I leaned over to my to Mt. Krizevac. Without any trepidation, I began to climb son and said, “We’re climbing Mt. Krizevac tonight.” One hundred adjectives could not describe the rocky ascent – each layer of the look of surprise on his face – “Are rock becoming larger and each step you sure, Mom?” “Yes!!!” becoming steeper. As I looked up to In the dark of the night, with my the crest of the mountain, my rockflashlight in hand, I was only able to climbing confidence began to wane. I see the challenge immediately before also had become short of breath. I did me – what was in the circumference not think that I could possibly manage of the light, and not the intimidating the giant step-ups required to reach steep wall of rocks I had perched the summit. Losing all confidence on earlier. I knew I could do it, and feeling dejected, I insisted my concentrating only on what the son continue up and I would rest and flashlight showed me, one step at a wait for him at the halfway point. time. In what seemed like minutes Seated on a rock, enjoying the (I know it was longer), I was atop beautiful vista of such a blessed Rocks on Cross Mountain Mt. Krizevac. Praise God!!! What a locale, I greeted and was greeted by the many pilgrims of various nationalities ascending and thrill!!! And my left leg was not a problem!!! Many times in my mind, I have thanked this dear Irish descending. My attention was drawn to a very elderly whitehaired couple (I presumed husband and wife) – both were lady for her words of wisdom. No matter how big or slim and tall and were handling their descent extremely intimidating the challenge before you, don’t give up – deal well. The gentleman had a wooden staff in his left hand and with it in small steps and you will overcome. This is one of his right hand held onto his wife. When they reached me, life’s lessons. Thank you again, dear Irish lady. they stopped; and in a heavy Irish brogue, she inquired if I The Medjugorje Star, Vol. 28, No. 4 was alright. I thanked her for her concern and explained my Fasting as a Joyful Encounter The following is an excerpt from a talk given by Fr. Stanko Cosic to pilgrims. The entire talk can be seen in the archives, Fruit of Medjugorje, Episode 101. Cathy Nolan of MaryTV transcribed the talk for her reflection on 2/6/14. is difficult for people to understand fasting as a joyful encounter. I have to say for myself, I really love chocolate. I was just recently at a seminar where we had fasting and silence. And there was one elderly lady and she told me that it is impossible for her to fast on bread and water unless she has a little piece of chocolate at the end of the day. And I said to her, “I will join you.” (Smiles) Just so she is not alone in the situation! This is the spirit of St. Francis, guys! Real fasting is something that leads us towards the fulfillment of the aim of our life. There was a doctor who recently said, “People just don’t have the time to enjoy the taste of Belgian Chocolate.” That’s really sad. We are actually invited to enjoy our lives. Don’t forget that the first stop Jesus made on His way was the Wedding Feast at Cana. He stopped there with His mother and His disciples. It was an invitation to have fun! That is why we are all invited to glorify life. When we fast, the sense returns to us of the taste of bread THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE and water. There is a Jewish proverb that says, “You can taste water when you are in the desert, not before that.” That is why it is very important for us to give up something or renounce something. It is very important. Then we can experience the benefit of the thing we are missing on certain occasions. There was a priest for a long time who lived at the Holy Sepulcher for many years. And he said to his fellow priests, “I have to go back to my homeland.” They asked him why. He said, “This Holy Sepulcher has become like an everyday thing to me. It is nothing really special – like any other place. Therefore he wanted to separate himself from that place, in order to feel the importance of that place again. That is why we always emphasize fasting as a part of our fulfillment in our life. It is the way, we learn how to renounce things, how to give up something. In this way we learn how to give up bigger things in our search for happiness. If we talk about all the simple things in everyday life, as for the married couples, there are always things you have to give up so that you can gain more at the end of the day. And at the end, not only prayer, but fasting causes us that feeling of joy. -5- January 2015 Patron Saint for 2015 By June Klins For a number of years now, we have been randomly choosing the name of a saint to be our “holy protector” for the year. St. Faustina’s community used to do this every year on New Year’s Day. This can be a fun and educational thing to do with your family, friends, prayer group, or parish. Almost always, there is a connection between the saint and the person or group who randomly picked it. What is especially heartening is the fact that the saint does not leave you at the end of the year. So, if you do this every year, you will eventually have a whole army of holy helpers protecting you! Although any list of saints can be used, there is a good one on this site: You can also use the saint generator on However you choose, it is important to pray to the Holy Spirit first! The tradition goes that it is the saint who chooses you, not the other way around. The saint wishes to help you. As we pray with the saint every day, that saint will pray for us and help us. On August 25, 2010, Pope Benedict XVI recommended choosing a special saint as a model. Speaking in his General Audience, the Pope encouraged everyone to have a devotion to a particular saint, so that the saint can intercede but also be a model to imitate. On October 25, 2010, Our Lady said, “Pray and seek the intercession of all the saints. May they be for you an example, an incentive and a joy towards eternal life.” My grandson, Oliver, picked the saint for “The Spirit of Medjugorje” this year – St. Rita of Cascia. I was puzzled at first as to why St. Rita chose us until three days later, when I found some time to do research on St. Rita. I actually came up with not one reason – but TWELVE reasons – why I think St. Rita picked us – one for each month of the year. Hopefully, each month, there will be a little space where I can share what I found. One of Our Lady’s main messages in Medjugorje is for peace. In fact, Our Lady told the visionaries that She is the “Queen of Peace.” In my research, I found that St. Rita was known as a peacemaker! In fact, the newsletter for her shrine in Philadelphia is called The Peacemaker! Rita, influenced by the example of her parents, who were known as “peacemakers” in their little village, pledged to forgive the men of the feuding family who murdered her husband. She also took it one step further, Medal of St. Rita of Cascia when, after the death of her husband and sons, Rita set out to make peace between the feuding families. She went to her husband’s family and urged them to put aside their hostility and stubbornness, and they agreed. The rival family, astounded by this proposition of peace, also agreed. The two families exchanged a peace embrace and signed a written agreement, putting the vendetta to rest forever. A fresco depicting the peace embrace was placed in the Church of St. Francis in Cascia. When Our Lady appeared to Marija for a second time on June 26, 1981, She said, “Peace, Peace, Peace! Be reconciled! Only Peace. Make your peace with God and among yourselves.” May St. Rita be an example of peace for us. Editor’s note: After I wrote this article, I was amazed that Our Lady spoke about peace in Her message to Marija and that one of the Pope’s monthly intentions is for peace! Peace from the Heart The following is an excerpt from a talk by Fr. Slavko Barbaric on December 25, 1985. Praying for peace, fasting for peace, and being reconciled with all those one lives with – that is how peace will come. Peace does not come from treaties; it does not come from paper. Peace comes from the heart of the man who lives peace and spreads peace, not just with words. This kind of peace has justice, truth, and love as its content. Where do wars come from? Why? Because many commit injustices and others do not forgive them – this is how conflicts in families, amongst people, in the Church, and all over the world happen. In other words – all those who start to live love for their neighbor and for God, all those who try and be righteous by also helping the poor, the needy, by so doing, pave the way for peace… Our Lady wants this – that we start living our vocation radically. We are all, and must be, apostles; we must spread peace; we are all equally invited to love. I wish you to really feel, during these days, the Lord’s hand over you and also Our Lady’s love and, thus blessed, may you go into the new year abandoned in prayer, living your lives in the love of your neighbor and God above all things. A Prayer Answered in St. James Church By Rev. Charles J. Davis In 2002, I traveled to Medjugorje with a pilgrimage group. The Priest-Sacristan [of St. James Church] asked me to be the celebrant of the English Mass the following day. Among those receiving Holy Communion was an elderly nun who was stooped over; obviously a serious medical problem. When I gave her the Host, I had to reach under to place the Host on her tongue. Slowly, she moved away. It was my custom to return to the church in the afternoon January 2015 -6- for quiet prayer. I noticed this same nun, who entered from the left side and began to walk across the center. I prayed, “Lord, please help her.” When she reached the center, in front of the sanctuary, she stopped and turned toward the tabernacle, then stood straight up and remained erect. I never saw her again. Editor’s note: Fr. Davis is from Bath, NH. THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE Why Medjugorje is Great By Louise Lotze In the book by Sabrina Covic Radojicic, Meetings with Fra Jozo, Fr. Jozo humbly answers many questions which were presented to him. I will summarize some of his responses to show why Medjugorje is great. Fr. Jozo was asked: “Do you experience Medjugorje today as a center of a large world’s prayer movement?” His reply states that it is not a man-made movement, but a direct intervention of Our Lady through small people. He went on to say that Our Lady chose a small parish in a Croatian nation to conquer the whole world. If you look at the history of the Church, it would be hard to find an equal to Medjugorje. Since the time of the apostles, this movement cannot be compared with any other. There was a question concerning the many years the apparitions have lasted. Fr. Jozo responded that if we look at this generation, we see a lot of anxiety with much trouble weighing heavily upon us. This is occurring at the global level. Globally, one sees the dignity of life and its gift being denied. There are abortions, divorce, and legalized euthanasia. More exactly, we see premeditated murder being legalized. This is why Our Lady is stirring up this wasteland. We find nullity of theories, money, false idols and many false values prevailing today. Our Lady – being so wise – starts with the smallest ones. She has great plans and ideas which have been implemented in small, fragile hands. Her ideas are so great and Her missions are placed in many small hearts. Because of this plan, it shows that Medjugorje comes from God, and not from people. This is shown and manifested with divine gifts and projects in very fragile people. The people have indeed responded to Our Lady’s call. Millions have responded through the years. It is obvious that God counts on them and Our Lady very powerfully starts working with them. Another question was: “Why, in your opinion has Medjugorje been attacked so much and why are you being attacked?” Fr. Jozo answered by saying that those who want to destroy Medjugorje and are attacking it, first must attack persons who are closely related to Medjugorje. In the very beginning, it was the Communists who used intimidation and persecution. Unfortunately, it was the adults who tended to give in, whether among the laymen or from the Church. However, it was the visionaries who remained persistent. They remained strong with their testimony... Medjugorje is, therefore, great because it was not built on the skills of human speech, nor on the skill and power of human evidence. It wasn’t due to human culture and knowledge either. It is exclusively related to the humble and to the obedient as well as to the lowly. God thus shows His presence in this way, and His omnipotence. Then Fr. Jozo explained why he is under attack. It is because he was present at the very beginning as the parish priest. Regrettably, there are people who do not accept Medjugorje. In their hearts, they think they do not need it. They say and argue that God has already said everything through official revelation, and it is now completed. Fortunately, our God can speak beyond such limits. He can thus meet man again and call him to conversion. Then there are others who attack Medjugorje out of jealousy and envy. These exclusive enemies of Medjugorje serve Satan and work for the destruction of the Church...but we can see that Medjugorje goes on (for the past 33 years now). Fr. Jozo states that Medjugorje is calling all of us – to unite us, attract and embrace all of us... Fr. Jozo feels that Medjugorje must have its enemies because it is a spiritual movement which Our Lady initiated. This makes it powerful, mighty, and fruitful – which, of course, attracts many enemies. Satan does not rest, as we are aware. Because we are really all called, it gives us a chance to respond. Fr. Jozo then called upon all of us, and especially all priests and bishops, to respond in a humble manner and with a sincere heart. We all must unite and “not oppose or dispute this great and gracious call to conversion, to love.” Still another question: “Why do you think it is important for all those who come [to Medjugorje], to understand Our Lady’s message and to take it home?” Father Jozo’s reply was inspiring and thought-provoking. He called what is happening in Medjugorje our “Pentecost, the Whitsuntide [the name used in the UK and Ireland for Pentecost] of our times.” He feels this is a time when the power of the Holy Spirit has filled millions of hearts to thus take the message out into the world. It is true that pilgrims come from all quarters of the world, and some even come from Moscow. Fr. Jozo sees their eagerness to absorb every word of Our Lady, to base their lives upon it. It is their responsibility then to respond to Our Lady’s call. Fr. Jozo is also inspired to keep coming back permanently to Our Lady and to Her messages. He feels that Our Lady’s messages are the answer to all of our problems – both global and personal. Thank you, Fr. Jozo, for your guidance in understanding the significance of Medjugorje, Our Lady’s messages, and the world and humanity as well. May we all strive to live the messages and share them enthusiastically. Thank you for your love for Our Lady and Her plans in progress in Medjugorje. Editor’s note: Louise is from Ashtabula, OH, and is a member of our mailing staff. Bits and "Peaces" • 11,953 Masses for Our Lady’s intentions have been reported as of December 25, 2014. • A big thank you to all who responded to our request for sponsors of overseas subscriptions. All were renewed! • There is a rumor circulating the internet that Ivan got an urgent message from Our Lady regarding war in the Middle East. Ivan has asked to let everyone know this is not true. THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE -7- January 2015 The Spirit of Medjugorje Information Center P.O. Box 6614 Erie, PA 16512 U.S.A. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID ERIE, PA PERMIT NO. 685 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED DATED MATERIAL MARY IS CALLING YOU On June 24, 1981 in Medjugorje, Our Lady appeared to six children. She identified Herself as the Blessed Virgin, Queen of Peace, and has continued to appear daily. Her message is PEACE, peace with God and man. Her words to the visionaries, “I have come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and obtain peace, you must return to God.” Today, all but three of the visionaries have daily apparitions of the Blessed Mother. During the apparitions, the visionaries do not react to light, don’t hear any sound or react to being touched. They feel that they are outside of time and space. All the visionaries declare to see the Blessed Virgin as they see other people - in three dimension. They pray and speak with Her. The Blessed Mother is confiding ten secrets to each visionary (some are chastisements for the world) and promises to leave a visible sign at the place of the apparitions in Medjugorje for all humanity. This time, this period of grace, is for CONVERSION and a DEEPENING OF FAITH. After the visible sign, those still living will have little time for conversion. The Blessed Mother invites us to PRAYER and FASTING and PEACE. “You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can stop a war from happening. You can suspend natural laws.” The publisher recognizes and accepts that the final authority regarding the apparitions at Medjugorje rest with the Holy See in Rome. To borrow an original prayer cloth from Medjugorje for a week, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address below. You must include your phone number. If you want a prayer cloth we made to keep, send a self-addressed stamped business size (4 1/8” x 9 1/2”) envelope with $.70 postage on it. Permission is given to spread the text of any original works and may be used with the following conditions: 1) No words are changed; 2) “Spirit of Medjugorje” is cited. For articles by other sources, permission must be obtained from the original source. If you want to receive “The Spirit of Medjugorje,” please fill out the form below and return to: P.O. Box 6614, Erie, PA 16512 with your donation to help spread Mary’s messages. Thank you for your goodwill offering. May GOD BLESS YOU. Sponsor a subscription Distribute Please check one: New Renew for someone overseas “Beginner’s Guides” Distribute Adoration Newsletters (suggested donation: $13 to (# of guides) Issue #1 or Issue #2 (please circle) cover postage) (# of newsletters) (Please, no foreign checks or money orders, except postal money orders. U.S. FUNDS ONLY) Name Street Address City, State and Zip Code VOL. 28, NO. 1
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