A hint – Clicking on “Home Page, Parish News and Events and News Headlines“ below will bring you to a new page. Clicking on similarly displayed words and phrases in the bulletin below might produce helpful information. Home Page Parish News and Events Items of Parish interest that could not meet the time and space constraints of the printed bulletin. Please note that the interact-active capabilities of this web-log allows you to post comments and to alert others of items of interest by email. News Headlines Current world wide news relevant to the Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held in the chapel every Thursday from 6am to 9 pm. Intentions: Vocations, Sanctity of Life and all who are ill. If you can give an hour to Jesus please call Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285. Rosary & Divine Chaplet Every Thursday in the chapel at 7 pm. A prayer hour for our Priests! Prayer Network Over 50 people are praying daily for your intentions. If you would like to add someone to the prayer list or if you would like to join the prayer network call Christine at the parish office. Catholic Women’s League President: Karla Nichols 613-546-0285 General meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in St. Joseph’s Room (from Sept. to June). All ladies are welcome! Knights of Columbus Grand Knight: Jean Pellerin 613-548-4121. 11886.GK@gmail.com General meetings are held on the second Monday of the Month at 7:00 pm in St. Joseph’s Room (from Sept. to June). Fr. Wes Chochrek Peter Scott Roseanne Hogan Roy Gould Marguerite Laudanski Jean Pellerin Fr. Wes Chochrek John Uliana – Chair Peter Finnegan Claire Fjarlie Parish Pastoral Council Jacki McCabe Joan Bryan Bonnie Henderson Mary Lynn Jefferies Finance Committee Karla Nichols Colleen Emmerson Helen Heyd Property Committee Fr. Wes Chochrek Basil Brosso Guy Lahaie Robert Portman Joe Payne Pat Stenson Mission Committee Fr. Wes Chochrek Marjorie Henderson – Chair Phil Henderson Ignatius Green Linda Goldstein Roseanne Hogan Vi Pearse Dorothy Green Pauline Burns Liturgy Committee Fr. Wes Chochrek Joan Bryan Madeline Halladay Jodie Compeau Weekend Mass Times Saturday 5:00 pm – Church Sunday 9:00 am – Church Sunday 10:30 am – Church Sunday 12:00 pm –Polish Mass – Church Mass Intentions 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time –Feb. 1, 2015 Tues. Feb. 3- 9:00 am – (unannounced) Wed. Feb. 4 - 9:00 am – no intention Memorial – St. Agatha Thurs. Feb. 5– 9:00 am – no intention First Friday Fri. Feb. 6- 9:00 am – Monica Brosso (Basil) -followed by First Friday Devotions 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Feb. 8, 2015 Sat. Jan. 31 - 5:00 pm – (unannounced) Sun. Feb. 1 - 9:00 am – Mass for the People 10:30 am – Lucy Madona Bruce (Kevin & Gwen Barry) 12:00 pm – Polish Mass Daily Masses are in the Chapel this week Lectors 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Feb. 8, 2015 5 pm – Marie Thiele 9 am – Bob Bouvier 10:30 am – Mac Robinson Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Feb. 8, 2015 5 pm – Brian Reitzel & Madeline Halladay 9 am – Bonnie Henderson & Odette Denison 10:30 am – Pat Stenson & Cathy Vanhorn 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time-Feb. 8, 2015 1st Reading: Job 7.1-4, 6-7 nd 2 Reading: 1 Corinthians 9.16-19, 22-23 Gospel: Mark 1.29-39 The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns For a special intention If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time The word of God will always challenge us to the depth of our being. Today it is asking us how honest and authentic we really are as we face the problems of living the Christian message amid a questioning world. Stewardship Report: Your generous support of Holy Name of Jesus Church Ministry last week resulted in: Regular - $ 1,894.00 Improvement Fund - $ 166.50 Catholic Church Extension - $ 5.00 Thank You for your generosity! Knights of Columbus Annual Hockey Night Out: Kingston Frontenac’s vs Oshawa Generals – Friday Feb. 13th at 7 pm. Tickets are $15 up until Feb. 9th. To reserve your seat contact: Pat Stenson 613-544-7108 pat@kingstoncollision.ca. Pizza and carpool planned – meet in St. Joseph’s Room between 5:45 & 6:15 pm. Peacequest: Reflections on the “Great” War: What should we remember and what should we forget? – Feb. 4 @ 7 pm., Kingston Public Library, Johnson Street. Featuring: Dr. Brian S. Osborne, Professor Emeritus, Queen’s University. Refreshments provided. The world Day of Prayer service takes place around the world on the 1st Friday of March. This year’s service has been written by the women of Bahamas and is to be held on Friday, March 6 th. For the past 3 years a service has been held in Kingston East. A planning meeting will take place on Thursday February 5th, 10 am at St. John’s Presbyterian Church on Middle Road. We hope that there will be a representative from your congregation join us for this meeting. For more info call Rev. Marian Raynard 613-544-0719 or email meraynard12@kos.net. Regiopolis-Notre Dame C.H.S. Grade 8 Information Night will be held Thursday, Feb. 12th 7:008:00 pm in the Cafetorium ; 8:00-9:00 –Open House. Information on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program at 6:00-6:45 pm –Upper Room. 613-545-1907. Development & Peace – Join this year’s 2015 ShareLent campaign! Sat. Feb 7 from 9 am-12pm at Providence Mother House, 1200 Princess St. Kingston. A light lunch will be served at noon free of charge. Hear stories about what D&P is doing to make a difference in the lives of the poorest and most marginalized around the world. Come and learn, Go & Share! RSVP for lunch Sr. Una Byrne: unabyrne@providence.ca. Exciting new Series Coming to St. Paul the Apostle: Catholicism is an entire way of life. But today it’s not known. We might be familiar with different aspects of the Catholic faith. But how does it all fit together? And what difference does it make for our lives? Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained opens up the “Big Picture” of the Catholic faith in a way that helps us know it, live it, and articulate it to others. Plan to join us starting Tuesday, Feb. 10th at 6:45 pm at St. Paul the Apostle on Taylor Kidd Blvd, in the main hall. There is no charge to attend. More info at lyne.teupah@bell.net or 389-2174. Introduction to the Theology of the body Course: The Theology of the Body is the extraordinary teaching given to us by St. John Paul II, and is considered by many to be one of his defining works. These teachings are renewing marriages, awakening vocations, and healing deep personal wounds. This course will be held on Fri., March 20th from 6:30 to 9 pm and Sat. March 21st from 8 am to 4:30 pm, at St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish Centre. Cost is only $20 per person or $30 per couple. To register go to www.ololpk.com/#!theology-of-the-body/c1e30 or call Sandra at 613328-8743. Register by March 6th. The Rite of Election with Catechumens & The Rite of Calling Baptized Candidates to Lenten Renewal will be celebrated on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 4 pm at St. Mary’s Cathedral by Archbishop Brendan O’Brien. All parishioners are welcome to attend this special event and to support our new brothers and sisters in faith. Refreshments will be served afterwards at St. Mary’s Parish Centre. Lift Jesus Higher Rally: Sat., March 7 from 9 am to 5:30 pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front St. W. Keynote Speaker, Al Kresta, CEO of Ave Maria Catholic Radio, and host of Kresta in the Afternoon, aired on EWTN, will be joined by the Renewal Ministries Team of Ralph Martin, Sr. Ann Shields, and Peter Herbeck. A separate Youth Rally (13-18 yrs) will be held simultaneously in the thetre next door to the Adult rally. Tickets are $10 for the Youth Rally and $20 for the Adult Rally. For tickets and info contact Anne Lyng at St. Mary’s Cathedral alyng@cogeco.ca or 613-542-7612. See bulletin board for more info. Billings Life: Having issues with fertility? Come join us for a short presentation on a holistic approach to concciving naturally on Monday, Feb. 23rd at St. Paul the Apostle Church in room D at 7 pm (patio entrance). Please register by phone at 613-544-8495 or email Kingston@naturalfamilyplanning.ca. Consultation for the Synod on the Family 2015: A consultation is underway to prepare for the 2015 Ordinary Synod on The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and the Contemporary World. Individuals and groups (e.g. parish pastoral councils, CWL councils etc.) are invited to participate. You will find an online survey and related instructions on the website of the Archdiocese of Kingston: www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca. The online survey will end on March 6, 2015. For those who are unable to access the survey electronically, parishes have been asked to make available, on request, hard copies of the questionnaire and the Preparatory Document (Lineamenta). Copies are also available at the Pastoral Centre 613-548-4461. Responses by regular mail are to be sent to the Archdiocese of Kingston, 390 Palace Rd. Kingston, ON K7L 4T3, and must be received no later than March 6, 2015. The reponses will be collated and a report prepared for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, which in turn, will report by mid-April to the Synod Secretariat on behalf of the Dioceses of Canada. Mass Intentions 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time –Jan. 25, 2015 Tues. Jan. 27- 9:00 am –No intention Memorial –St. Thomas Aquinas Wed. Jan. 28 - 9:00 am – Monica Brosso (Basil) Thurs. Jan. 29– 9:00 am – No intention Fri. Jan. 30- 9:00 am– No Intention 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Feb. 1, 2015 Sat. Jan. 31 - 5:00 pm – Stanley Laudanski (Jim & Marguerite) Sun. Feb. 1 - 9:00 am – Monica Brosso (Basil) 10:30 am – Mass for the People 12:00 pm – Polish Mass Daily Masses are in the Chapel this week Lectors 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Feb. 1, 2015 5 pm – Sheilagh Cybulski 9 am – Cathy Townsend 10:30 am – Susan Faris Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Feb. 1, 2015 5 pm – Cora Lutz & Roseanne Hogan 9 am – Bonnie Henderson & Lynda Crowe 10:30 am – Phil & Marjorie Henderson 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time-Feb. 1, 2015 1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18.15-20 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7.32-35 Gospel: Mark 1.21-28 The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns For the intentions of the Morrison Family If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time The Good News is that God’s loving mercy is available to all who repent, whoever they are, wherever they live and whatever they have done. Regiopolis-Notre Dame C.H.S. Grade 8 Information Night will be held Thursday, Feb. 12th 7:008:00 pm in the Cafetorium ; 8:00-9:00 –Open House. Information on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program at 6:00-6:45 pm –Upper Room. 613-545-1907. Stewardship Report: Your generous support of Holy Name of Jesus Church Ministry last week resulted in: Regular - $ 1,898.00 Improvement Fund - $ 185.00 Initial - $ 22.00 New Years Donations - $ 55.00 Thank You for your generosity! Sacraments: If there are any students in grade 2 who are ready to receive the sacraments of First Communion and Reconciliation or students in grade 8 who are ready to receive Confirmation and do not attend Catholic school please contact the parish office by February 6th. Prayer Network: It’s time again to refresh our prayer list. On February 1st we will start with a clean slate. If you wish to keep someone on the list please call Christine at the parish office before February First. Over 50 people from our parish pray daily for the sick, deceased, and special intentions. Call Christine at the office anytime if you or someone you know needs our prayers. (Please get permission from the person we would be praying for). Marriage Preparation Course: St. John Bosco Parish, Brockville, 27-28 Feb., 2015. Register by Feb. 13th. Info and registration forms at www.stjohnboscoparishbrockville.com. For more information on marriage courses and other events go to www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca. Entry Deadline is January 30, 2015 for the Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest. Open to all Catholic students in grades 8,9,10,11 & 12 attending public, private, separate schools or home schooled. Contest details and entry form available at youth page -council website www.11886knights.com. Development & Peace – Join this year’s 2015 ShareLent campaign! Sat. Feb 7 from 9 am-12pm at Providence Mother House, 1200 Princess St. Kingston. A light lunch will be served at noon free of charge. Hear stories about what D&P is doing to make a difference in the lives of the poorest and most marginalized around the world. Come and learn, Go & Share! RSVP for lunch Sr. Una Byrne: unabyrne@providence.ca. DVD Presentation of Father Robert Barron’s “Priest, Prophet, King” – hosted by CWL of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church. Each of three sessions will last about one hour which includes a short break for refreshments. The dates are Monday, Jan. 26; Thursday, Jan. 29; and Monday, Feb. 2 at 7 pm. They will be in the basement of the church. Through this presentation you will better understand Jesus and become more familiar with scripture. All are welcome! Recipes Wanted Young adults from our Archdiocese attending World Youth Day in Poland 2016, are planning an exciting fundraising initiative. They will be compiling a “Cooking with the Saints” recipe book with original and cultural recipes from parishioners in our Archdiocese. If you have a baked good, meal, soup, cultural dish, etc. that you would like to submit to be part of this Archdiocesan cookbook please email recipe to Nadia Gundert at youth@romancatholic.kingston.on.ca or mail to 390 Palace Rd. Kingston, ON K7L 4T3 by February 28. Please ensure that you indicate your name and what nationality the cultural dish is from if applicable. The cookbook will be available for purchase throughout the Archdiocese later this year. Thank you for your support. Introduction to the Theology of the body Course: The Theology of the Body is the extraordinary teaching given to us by St. John Paul II, and is considered by many to be one of his defining works. These teachings are renewing marriages, awakening vocations, and healing deep personal wounds. This course will be held on Friday, March 20th from 6:30 to 9 pm and Sat. March 21st from 8 am to 4:30 pm, at St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish Centre. Cost is only $20 per person or $30 per couple. To register go to www.ololpk.com/#!theology-of-thebody/c1e30 or call Sandra Murray at 613-328-8743. Registration deadline is March 6th. Lift Jesus Higher Rally: Sat., March 7 from 9 am to 5:30 pm at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front St. W. The theme of this year “The Happiness Factor” will fill you with certainty of the abiding love and joy that God has for His people. Keynote Speaker, Al Kresta, CEO of Ave Maria Catholic Radio, and host of Kresta in the Afternoon, aired on EWTN, will be joined by the Renewal Ministries Team of Ralph Martin, Sr. Ann Shields, and Peter Herbeck. In addition to compelling talks and uplifting music, there will be a prayer ministry, inspiring personal testimonies, confession, a Divine Mercy celebration and a Eucharistic procession. Closing Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Cardinal Collins. A separate Youth Rally (13-18 yrs) will be held simultaneously in the thetre next door to the Adult rally. Tickets are $10 for the Youth Rally and $20 for the Adult Rally. For tickets and info contact Anne Lyng at St. Mary’s Cathedral alyng@cogeco.ca or 613-542-7612. Pilgrimage to Poland: Journey into the Mercy of God – April 30 – May 14th, 2015 with Fr. James Lowe, CC Companions of the Cross. Sponsored by the John Paul II Centre for Divine Mercy. $2975 per person. Price includes airfare/taxes/fuel charges, accommodation, all meals, motor coach transportation, group airport transfers and entrance fees. Travel insurance and personal expenses are extra. Ottawapoland2015@yahoo.com Please see poster in church entrance for more info.
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