_____________________] [_____________________ THE CARILLON Monthly Newsletter February 2015 First Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 1519 Rev. Dr. Nancy Jo Dederer, Pastor Homewood, Illinois Vol. 50 No. 2 708-798-0490 Web Site: www.fpchw.org E-mail: fpchw@sbcglobal.net THE MEANINGS OF A SABBATICAL opportunity for the person to strategically disengage from regular and normal tasks so that ministry and mission may be viewed from a new perspective because of a planned time of focus. During the Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 11, 2015, there was a request from the floor for the Session to look into the subject of a Sabbatical Leave for Rev. Dederer. This has not been a topic of discussion since a Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, November 1, 2009, resulted in a congregational vote to not grant our pastor a Sabbatical Leave in 2010. Sabbatical leave is an extension of the biblical concept of a Sabbath day and a Sabbath year for renewal. It is both an act of faith that God will sustain us through a period of reflection and changed activity and an occasion for recovery and renewal of vital energies. Recently received, the Presbytery of Chicago Compensation Guidelines for Clergy and Certified Christian Educators for 2015 state: “It is recommended that a provision for SABBATICAL LEAVE be considered after (5-7) years of continuing service by a pastor.” Our pastor has completed 14 years of continuing service to our congregation. New pastors called to serve congregations are negotiating their terms of call to include this provision for a sabbatical leave after the specified number of continuing years. In Sabbatical Planning for Clergy and Congregations, Richard Bullock explains: “A sabbatical gets one off the treadmill and provides an opportunity for renewal of vision and hope. It’s more than just a chance to recharge your batteries for another year. It can be a life and soul changing time—a time when perspective and the Holy Spirit can come together. …Over and over, the stories in Scripture point to the renewing power of ‘Sabbath time.’ We usually think of Sabbath as the seventh day when God finished creation. But the Sabbath is more than just an afterthought of God’s action in creation. It’s a gift of rest from God, of renewal and hope. As American society and its churches busy themselves with many tasks, God comes again and again offering rest and refreshment for the soul.” David Ellington writes: “Just like the soil, we humans need a sabbatical, a time to lie What is a sabbatical leave? Sabbatical leave for pastors and church educators is a planned time of intensive enhancement for ministry and mission. Sabbatical leave follows precedents in the academic community and among a growing number of private sector groups. This “extended time” is qualitatively different from “vacation” or “days off.” It is an 1 fallow. We require a time to receive rather than give, to get input rather than give output, to carefully nurture and cultivate our lives so that the soil of our spirits might be rid of weeds and have an opportunity to receive nourishment.” You are invited to meet with Session members after worship during Heavenly Perks on Sunday, February 1, and on Sunday, February 8, 2015. More information will be available at those gatherings. There will be a vote requested at the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 15, 2015, for the purpose of amending the Pastor’s Terms of Call to include a three-month Sabbatical Leave from May 17-August 16, 2015. Benefits to the Congregation A continuing service commitment upon completion of the sabbatical Renewed enthusiasm and energy of the pastor Shared learning from the pastor’s sabbatical focus The opportunity for strong lay involvement in pastoral activities Exposure to other preachers who have a word of God for us A sense of working together and connections between members We can develop good “Sabbath” practices at the same time We can have satisfaction knowing we are learning to practice a new model for pastoral leadership that includes a three-month sabbatical leave in the seventh year COMMUNION SCHEDULE February 1 February 18 February 22 10:30 a.m., sanctuary 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday at First Presby Chicago Heights 10:30 a.m. First Sunday of Lent Are you unable to get to worship? Would you like to receive Communion in your home? Let Pastor Nancy or Elder Paul Gerrish know, and we will make arrangements for a Communion visit. LOOKING AHEAD Benefits to the Pastor Personal refreshment of spirit, mind, and body Opportunity to worship under the leadership of other pastors Concentrated time for study in one or more particular areas that will enhance the pastor’s preaching and teaching upon returning Opportunity to spend time with family and connect with colleagues around the country Time for extended travel and attendance at workshops and formal classes Renewed energy, enthusiasm, and focus to provide overall pastoral leadership upon returning An affirmation from the congregation regarding the value of the pastor’s ministry ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION and ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CORPORATION Sunday, February 15, 2015, after worship A Potluck Lunch will be served before the meetings, so please bring a dish to share and join us for this important gathering of our congregation. The purposes of the meetings are to hear annual reports for 2014, to nominate and elect members of the Nominating Committee, to vote on a change to the Pastor’s Terms of Call, and to conduct any other business items brought to the meeting. Please plan to attend. Questions and Concerns Will there be a Sabbatical Committee to work with the pastor in developing a sabbatical plan? Yes Will coverage be needed for pulpit supply, pastoral care, Tuesday Bible Study, and Session Moderator? Yes Will there be expenses associated with the various needs for coverage? Yes Is there money available to pay for the expenses? Yes What are the dates proposed for the Sabbatical Leave? May 17-August 16, 2015 Ed Wahl Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the season of Lent. Our Ash Wednesday Service this year will be held at First Presbyterian Church of Chicago Heights on Wednesday, February 18, at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Frank Rodgers will preach. There will be imposition of ashes and Communion. Our choir will combine with the choirs of Chicago Heights and St. Paul Community Church. Start your journey to the cross and to being an Easter people. 2 receive a Salary and Housing Allowance increase of 2%. The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has required an increase of 1.5% in the church’s contribution for the Pastor’s medical coverage. All other Terms of Call remain unchanged. Community Lenten Lunches are back, beginning February 24 and continuing through March 24 from 12:10-1:00 p.m. at our church. These are the luncheons where the community gathers first in the sanctuary for a 25 minute worship service led by area clergy, followed by lunch in Westminster Hall provided by local congregations. This is a wonderful way to observe Lent and enjoy fellowship with other Christians in our community. This year’s theme is Our Holy History. We will need a “kitchen liaison” for each Tuesday as other churches prepare and serve a meal. The liaison would be available to help with kitchen questions and some set up. If anyone would like to coordinate a meal or to serve as a liaison, please speak with Paster Nancy ASAP! (The Tuesday Panera Bread Bible Study will meet in our church parlor during Lent at 10:30 a.m. in order to participate more easily in the Lenten lunches.) Regular Session Meeting, January 19, 2015 Notification was received of the death of Active Member Ruling Elder Margaret Curry on Friday, January 2, 2015. A Memorial Service will be scheduled at a future date. Her remains were cremated. Notification was received of the death of Active Member Kenneth Bednarcik on Friday, January 9, 2015. His Memorial Service was at the church on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. His remains were cremated and will be buried at Abraham Lincoln Cemetery, Joliet, IL, on a date in the future. Notification was received of the death of nonmember Anna Hicks, (mother of Active Member Elizabeth Palumbo and grandmother of Active Member Christopher Goeltzer) on Friday, January 2, 2015. No other details were provided. Looking ahead all the way to the end of the season of Lent, mark the calendar for these events: Palm Sunday: 10:30 a.m. worship March 29 Maundy Thursday: 6 p.m. seder meal March 2 Good Friday: 7:30 p.m. Tenebrae service Mar 3 Easter Sunday: 10:30 a.m. worship April 5 Notification was received from the Presbytery of Chicago that our total active membership of December 31, 2013, entitles our church to appoint one Ruling Elder/Commissioner to attend Presbytery meetings in 2015. [Contact the Pastor if you are interested.] Two Sundays in February are also special events. The new hymnals, Glory to God, have arrived! Thank you to everyone who made a contribution toward the purchase of these hymnals. On Sunday, February 15, we will retire the blue hymnals with a liturgy of thanksgiving. Those who wish to take one home are most welcome to do so. Hymnals will be organized by donor and left for donors, members, and friends to take for their own personal use. On the first Sunday of Lent, February 22, the new hymnals will be dedicated in worship to the Glory of God. While it’s hard to say goodbye to an old friend that we have held in our hands for over 20 years, that has seen us through countless Sunday mornings, confirmations, baptisms, weddings, and funerals, we rejoice in welcoming a new companion into our faith community. With a good cross section of old favorites, newer favorites, and songs yet to learn, we will continue to sing unto The Lord. If you missed making a contribution toward the new hymnals, there is still time. Contact Debra in the office to make arrangements. The cost per hymnal is $17.50. Session “examined” the newly elected Ruling Elders Kathleen O’Hanlon, Sally Wolford, and Michael Bonthron, and Commissioned Deacons Emily Rozak, Kathie Darman, and Evelyn Dixon, hearing their faith journey stories and responding to some questions based on The Book of Order. All were approved for installation during worship on Sunday, January 25, 2015. In addition, Kathleen O’Hanlon, Kathie Darman, Evelyn Dixon, and Emily Rozak will be ordained. [Elder-Elect Donna Moore will ordained and installed in March] The Personnel and Administration MT has completed the Pastor’s annual review. The Congregational Life MT will be led by Elder Paul Gerrish in 2015. The Stewardship and Finance MT has had the 2015 offering envelope boxes in the cloister since mid-December for members to take home; over 40 boxes remain to be picked up. The annual giving statements have been completed and provided to all either in person or by mail. Elder Laura Dillman is leading the Worship MT and is seeking persons to be liturgists, Communion servers, Communion preparers, and ushers. Elder Karen Maurer under the Christian Education MT is obtaining useful newsletters for parents of children ages birth to three. SESSION REPORT Special Congregational Meeting, January 11, 2015 Following a presentation by the Personnel and Administration Ministry Team regarding recommended changes to the Pastor’s Terms of Call, the Congregation voted to approve the changes. For 2015, the Pastor will 3 Rev. Dederer’s vacation leave (two hospital visits and a funeral service for a close friend of a member of our church). Participated in the community Martin Luther King service on Monday, January 19, 2015, sponsored by the South Suburban Interfaith Ministerial Association. Held New Officer Training on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, with the new officers-elect. Ordination/ Installation/Commissioning will be in worship on Sunday, January 25, 2015. The new 2013 Presbyterian Hymnals have arrived. We will ceremonially cease using the old hymnals on Sunday, February 15, 2015. The new hymnals will be blessed and dedicated in worship on Sunday, February 22, 2015. At the end of 2014, the church received a donation of 500 shares of stock, all but two shares of which were sold immediately. The remaining two shares will serve to keep our account with Scottrade open. Donated shares of stock are free of taxes to the donor to the extent allowed by law. The anonymous donor was sincerely thanked. [In the process of working with Scottrade on the sale (total cost = $7), we learned that our church was incorporated in the State of Illinois in 1914 as The Society of the First Presbyterian Church of Homewood.] Session held a long discussion on the subject of a Sabbatical Leave for the pastor in 2015, as requested at the Special Congregational Meeting and encouraged by others after the meeting. Rev. Dederer was excused from this discussion. It has been over five years since the last discussions were held. Benefits, concerns, costs, staffing, dates, details, and the need for congregational approval were all considered. To bring the congregation into the discussion, Session members will meet with interested members during Heavenly Perks on the first two Sundays of February. Session voted unanimously to recommend changing the Pastor’s Terms of Call to include a three-month Sabbatical Leave and to bring it to the congregation at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, February 15, 2015. Church Financial Secretary Daniel Hamilton has prayerfully reconsidered his request to resign from this position, and Session voted to reappoint him to the position for 2015. Thanks to Dan for continuing in this important task. In other matters, Session approved an amount of $4,000 for the 2015 Shared Mission Pledge to the Presbytery of Chicago. Thoughts were expressed for the Ash Wednesday worship service at First Presbyterian Church of Chicago Heights and for the traditional Wednesday Lenten series with details to be completed. The Usher Teams need a new coordinator and team members. Respectfully submitted, Edward C. Wahl, Clerk of Session WHOM DO I ASK? In her report, Rev. Dederer: Officiated the Memorial Service for Active Member Kenneth Bednarcik on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Officiated the Memorial Service for Active Member Trustee Paul Leschuck on Saturday, January 17, 2015. His cremains were buried at Acacia Cemetery, Norridge, IL. Celebrated the sacrament of Communion by intincion in three worship services—Still Night Service, Christmas Eve Service, and Epiphany Sunday. Communion was brought to Margaret Curry in hospice at St. James Hospital, Chicago Heights, on Friday, December 19, 2014, by Rev. Nancy Jo Dederer and Deacon Chris Dederer, and on Thursday, December 25, 2014, by Ruling Elders Edward Wahl and Janet Wahl. Thanked Session for the Christmas gift card to Target; thanked Student Pastor Nathan Schulz for leading worship and preaching on Sunday, December 28, 2014; and thanked the Rev. Dr. Laura Reason for providing pastoral care coverage during The Session Ministry Teams no longer have committeetype meetings, but there is a chairperson who does need helpers from the congregation. If you have a concern to be covered or if you wish to volunteer to be of assistance, here are the people that you should go find. Christian Education Karen Maurer Congregational Life Paul Gerrish Outreach ___________ Personnel/Admin Dee Delaney Stewardship/Finance Sylvia Tufts Worship Laura Dillman CHURCH OFFICERS 2015 SESSION Class of 2015 Jack Day 799-3342 Paul Gerrish 798-9106 Laura Dillman 890-4425 Mike Bonthron 577-3443 (youth) Class of 2016 Dee Delaney 798-1657 Sylvia Tufts 799-7606 Karen Maurer 798-2782 4 Forest, Flossmoor Community Church , and our own Chancel Choir. Each choir will perform two selections separately, and all of the choirs will combine for three songs, bringing together more than 150 voices in musical harmony. There will be a reception after the performances. All are invited to attend this free concert. Classof 2017 Donna Moore 798-8867 Sally Wolford 362-8621 Kathleen O’Hanlon 312-953-1898 The Rev. Dr. Nancy Jo Dederer, Moderator BOARD OF TRUSTEES Class of 2015 Phil Dillman 799-8486 L. Hamilton 312-343-2053 Bruce Miller 815-464-4969 Merle Sluis 285-1457 Class of 2016 Rod Dunlap 799-2681 Ray Nielsen 799-5182 Jay Ruklic Paul Tufts Class of 2017 Marge Errant 532-2276 Jim Foster 957-5087 Bob James 957-0658 Craig Miller 687-6021 WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION There is no scheduled meeting for the Women’s Association in February! The next meeting will be on March 19, 2015. 672-4053 799-7606 CIRCLE MEETINGS LYDIA – Thurs., Feb. 12, 1 p.m. at the home of Jonna James, 17313 Forestway Dr., East Hazel Crt. REBECCA – Wed., Feb. 11, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Jan Bunker, 19630 Heritage Dr., Tinley Park. Cohostess is Karen Maurer. The lesson is Ch. 7 of Space for God by Don Postema, led by ????? COMMISSIONED DEACONS Kathie Darman 207-2813 Emily Rozak 798-6219 Evelyn Dixon 957-0241 SESSION APPOINTMENTS 2015 *pending Session approval Clerk of Session *_____________ Church Treasurer Norinne Pulec Financial Secretary Dan Hamilton Church Librarian Paul Gerrish Presbytery Commissioner *________________ Karen Maurer, alt. Church Historian *Phil Dillman Carillon Editor Janet Wahl Endowment Fund Managers Jack Day (2015) *_________ (2016) *_________ (2016) *_________ (2017) *_________ (2017) PADS We will be serving the evening meal for PADS at St. Andrew United Methodist Church on Wednesday, February 25. Contact Charlene Hansen is you can be of assistance. TRUSTEE REPORT At the January meeting of the Trustees, the work of the 2015 officers began: President is Laurel Hamilton, Vice President is Paul Tufts, and Secretary is Jay Ruklic. Memorials & Gifts *Ed Wahl The most recent projects of the Trustees were reviewed. Two potential leaks were checked: one in the cloister and another in the pre-school room. The heater in the restroom adjacent to the boiler room area will need to be turned on each morning, by a person to be determined, to effectively keep the room warm. The nest of unused server wires under the desk in the church office will be removed in the near future. Rolls/Registers *Ed and Janet Wahl The seven-member Nominating Committee will be set at the Annual Meeting The new boilers are working extremely well, and we look forward to ongoing energy savings. The old water supply pipe, which is sticking up from the boiler room floor, will be removed. A dehumidifier has been installed on the lower level of the C.E. building, and there is already a noticeable drop in the humidity. The American flag which hangs in the porch in front of the church is tattered, and a replacement is being obtained. MUSIC MINISTRY On Sunday afternoon, February 22, at 2 p.m. the annual South Suburban Church Choir Festival will be held at First Presbyterian Church of Chicago Heights Eight to nine choirs from area churches will join to make music and praise God together. Known participating choirs include First Presbyterian Church of Chicago Heights, Calvary United Protestant Church of Park 5 Control of the keys used by church members was discussed. We are checking on a digital-access lock box, similar to the Fire Department Knox Box, to store keys to which temporary access might be needed. Service. Planned giving begins with your regular pledge commitment. If you have retirement plans that after age 70½ you must annually take a “required minimum distribution” (need it or not) and pay income taxes on the amount, you can direct your plan administrator to pay the RMD directly to the church as part of your annual pledge and avoid paying the income taxes. If you have shares of stock that have grown in value over the years and will cost you significantly in capital gains taxes if you sell them, you may donate those shares to church as a charitable gift and allow the church to sell the shares. Have you remembered the church in your will or other estate plans, such as a beneficiary of a life insurance or retirement contract? Whether one or more of these methods are used, you can be assured that God’s mission and ministry through the church will continue. We have been discussing a Red Cross disaster-readiness plan over the past couple of months—a plan which is tailored toward businesses. Laurel Hamilton acquired a church-based plan from Chicago Presbytery, and the goals are clearer and more achievable. Our intent is to work on the plan throughout the year. Jay Ruklic KEY INFORMATION Pastor, Dr. Nancy Jo Dederer 545 Hamilton Wood, Homewood 799-2736 Secretary, Debra Campbell 278 Ash St., Park Forest 773-823-6249 Secretary, Norinne Pulec 1215 Scott, Chicago Heights 755-4195 Treasurer, Norinne Pulec 1215 Scott, Chicago Heights 755-4195 Caretaker, Johnnie Dorsey 3456 W. Roesner Dr., Markham 596-2331 Director of Music/Organist, Tim VanNasdale 2320 W. Belden Ave., Apt G, Chicago 517-617-1935 Clerk of Session, _______ The 2015 Per Capita Apportionment is $31.23 for each member of our congregation on the church’s Active Member Roll on December 31, 2013. Based on 164 active members on that date, we have received a bill for $5,121.72 to be paid in 2015 to support the three higher levels of the church—Presbytery of Chicago, Synod of Lincoln Trails, and Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We can give thanks that almost all of our members who have returned their 2015 pledge forms so far have also pledged to pay their personal shares of $31.23, with some rounding up to $32 and higher. Trustee President, Laurel Hamilton 18327 School St., Lansing 312-343-2053 Financial Secretary, Dan Hamilton 18327 School St., Lansing 312-343-2054 Christian Ed, Karen Maurer 1908 Idlewild Ln., Homewood 798-2782 Women’s Assn. President, Laura Dillman P.O. Box 1513, Homewood 890-4425 Chancel Flowers, Kathleen Mest 145 Fairfield Dr., New Lenox 815-754-0097 Sanctuary Greeters, Eleanor Steiner 1823 Evergreen Rd., Homewood 798-6082 Carillon Newsletter Editor, Janet Wahl 599 Hamilton Wood, Homewood 957-3643 Church Librarian, Paul Gerrish 2634 Central Dr., Flossmoor 798-9106 Church Historian, Phil Dillman 18351 Cowing Ct., Homewood 799-8486 Memorials & Gifts, Ed Wahl 599 Hamilton Wood, Homewood 957-3643 The 2015 Church Budget still requires pledge support from all our members. It is our task as a Ministry Team to ask for your prayerful and generous support through your pledges and Per Capita contributions. We have received through Sunday, January 18, 2015, responses from 50 giving units out of 115, or 44%. We certainly appreciate the prayers for our church that many of you are composing. If you are among those who have not already responded, you may be receiving a follow-up reminder. You may place your pledge form in the offering plate at worship or send it to the church by mail. STEWARDSHIP/FINANCE MINISTRY TEAM Church Financial Secretary Dan Hamilton prepared summary statements of giving for all identified persons who made monetary gifts through the end of December 2014 for your 2014 tax return. These statements include your regular offerings, Per Capita payments, special offering gifts, and memorial donations. Final 2014 Year-End Statements not distributed to you in person in church on Sunday, January 18, 2015, were mailed on Monday, January 19, 2015. Of 83 statements, only 36 needed to be mailed. For 2015 and beyond, planned giving can be very beneficial both to donors and to the church, which is considered a charitable organization by the Internal Revenue The boxes of 2015 offering envelopes not picked up in person in December and January are in the cloister, 6 arranged alphabetically. Please take only your own box(es) of envelopes. Please pick up your box(es); they are expensive to mail. We need an average income of $4,200 each week to fund our mission and operate the church. This is inclusive of pledges and identified giving as well as other income sources. So, how are we doing? As part of a member’s planned giving, 500 shares of stock were donated to the church at the end of December 2014. The church used the Scottrade account to sell all but two shares immediately (sale cost was $7.00). The remaining two shares were left in the Scottrade account to keep it active. As the year ended, the check for the sale of 498 shares was still in the mail, so the dollar amount of the sale was not received or included in the final financial report for 2014. The amount will appear in the January 2015 report from the Church Treasurer. Weekly average for January (4) $4,600 Weekly average for February (4) $3,514 Weekly average for March (5) $5,794 Weekly average for April (4) $4,204 Weekly average for May (4) $3,550 Weekly average for June (5) $3,443 Weekly average for July (4) $3,204 Weekly average for August (5) $2,764 Weekly average for September (4) $4,261 Weekly average for October (4)* $7,090 Weekly average for November (5) $2,818 Weekly average for December (4) $5,615 Weekly average for 2014 (52)* $4,198 * = Includes special gifts and investment income for the $36,000 boiler replacement project in October 2014. Thank you for your help! The summary of receipts and disbursements for the First Presbyterian Church of Homewood for the year ending December 31, 2014, is in the following chart: THROUGH DECEMBER 2014 BUDGET INCOME Identified Giving $160,738 Loose Offering 1,141 Initial 209 Per Capita 6,082 Required Min. Dist. 6,090 Other 44,046 Housing Invest. Transf. 24,000 Designated Funds 36,753 Total Income $279,059 $180,000 1,000 300 5,700 0 15,000 24,000 15,000 $241,000 WORSHIP MINISTRY TEAM Ushers, step up to the plate! Many thanks to Andy Smith for serving as the Usher Coordinator. He is ready to pass the baton this year, so the job is open. The coordinator position helps to recruit new ushers, puts the ushering teams and schedule together (March 2015 – February 2016 now), and distributes the guidelines for the ushers. A file with information is available. This volunteer position can be done from home! Contact Pastor Nancy or Laura Dillman if you are interested. Also, we need to add ushers to our teams. If you are able to commit to a team that usually serves two weeks in a row and then rotates with three other teams, this is the ministry for you! Ushers are key in welcoming worshipers, handing out the bulletins, receiving the offering, and taking care of light setup and cleanup duties after the service (locking doors and turning off lights). We need your help! Contact Pastor Nancy or Laura Dillman at 890-4425 if you can be part of a regular team—or a substitute. EXPENSES Missional Ventures $3,716 Faith Formation 2,428 Shared Mission 3,000 Facilities 60,668 Staff 167,568 Admin. Support 5,151 General Expenses 3,043 Transfer to Invest. 7,628 Designated Funds 45,487 Total Expenses $298,689 $5,000 5,000 3,800 50,500 167,100 7,600 5,900 0 10,000 $254,900 Total Active Members—December 31, 2014 Average September 2014 Sunday Attendance Average October 2014 Sunday Attendance Average November 2014 Sunday Attendance Average December 2014 Sunday Attendance 155 61 64 60 74 Liturgists and Communion Workers are needed. Please sign up on the sheets that are located on the Welcome Center in the Narthex. For Communion servers, one needs to be an Ordained Elder or Deacon. Communion set-up teams need members as well. You need not be ordained to set up for Communion. Grape juice and a whole loaf of bread are all that is needed. Contact Laura Dillman for answers to questions. Thanks for volunteering to aid in worship. Laura Dillman Summary through December 2014 (12/12 of Budget): Income Over/(Under) 2014 Budget $38,059 Expenses Over/(Under) 2014 Budget 43,790 Total Net Income (Loss) to Date (5,731) 7 BLOOD DRIVE THANK YOU Thank you to all who gave blood or helped out at the January 31st event. Thank you to Paul Gerrish for all his help that is appreciated. Jesus shed his blood for you; give blood so that others may live. The next drive should be on March 28th, with more information coming in the next newsletter. Contact Laura Dillman with questions. It is so hard to believe that it has been 30 wonderful lifesaving years of coordinating these drives. Laura Dillman Thanks to all for your good well wishes and prayers. I’m doing so much better now! Debra Campbell Your faithful support is invaluable to Respond Now and allows us to continue helping families become stable by providing food, emergency prescriptions, and homelessness prevention services. We focus on longterm solutions to break the cycle of poverty. Thank you for your thoughtful donation of $340. I appreciate your demonstrated commitment to our work. We never underestimate the importance of our donors to the Respond Now team, and we look forward to a lasting partnership with you in working together on the many problems facing those living in poverty. Carl J. Wolf HOSPITALIZED In the hospital during the past month were Dick Foerch, Phil Dillman, Betty Ross, Lorraine Smatlik, Marilyn Jerner, Marge Hildebrand, Leighton Whitaker, and Darlene Rozak. NURSING HOMES Many thanks to our outgoing officers for serving faithfully as Ruling Elders and Trustees: Ed Wahl, Ron Shropshire, and Shirley Armistead as Elders; and Earl Anker, Carmen Mest, and Janet Wahl as Trustees. At the same time, we welcome our newly elected officers: Elders Donna Moore, Kathleen O’Hanlon, Sally Wolford, and Michael Bonthron; Trustees Jim Foster, Bob James, Margaret Errant, and Craig Miller; and new Deacons Kathie Darman, Evelyn Dixon, and Emily Rozak. Pastor Nancy Joyce Shropshire, Arden Court, Hazel Crest. SYMPATHY Church sympathy is extended to the families of Joy (Marilyn) Peterson (friend of Melodee Leimnetzer), Anna Hicks (mother of Elizabeth Palumbo), Margaret Curry, and Ken Bednarcik. I am the Resurrection and the Life saith the Lord: he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. MARCH CARILLON The deadline for articles placed in the March Carillon is Friday, February 20th. Please turn in all materials in writing to the church office for The Carillon mailbox or email the Editor at ewahl@sbcglobal.net. The Editor thanks all of the February reporters for their assistance. GIFTS AND MEMORIALS The following have been recorded in the Memorial Book in the Narthex: Avis Ruklic, Paul Leschuck, Anna Hicks (mother of Elizabeth Palumbo), Ken Bednarcik, and Patricia Wahl. J C =W= Birthday greetings to our church family: February 3 Blaine Jones Katie Sluis 10 Emily Rozak Janet Wagge 11 Donna Moore 13 Nolan Miller February 14 Jane Evert 19 Phillip Dillman 20 Norinne Pulec 27 Mary Cavallo Lenora Aguilera May God grant birthday blessings to you all this coming year. 8 FEBRUARY 2015 SUNDAY 1. MONDAY 2 3 5:30 Community Dinner 8 9 THURSDAY 4 5 11 12 7:00 Trustees 7:30 Rebecca Circle 6:30 Handbell Choir 7:40 Chancel Choir 16 17 18 19 5:30 Community Dinner 7:00 Session 22 9:30 Sunday School 23 6 7 13 14 20 21 1:00 Lydia Circle 5:30 Community Dinner 7:00 Stewardship Team Presidents’ Day SATURDAY 9:30 Women’s Board 10:30 Tuesday Bible Study Panera Bread 10:30 Worship Retire hymnals 12:00 Potluck Lunch 12:30 Annual Meeting of Congregation and Corp FRIDAY 6:30 Handbell Choir 7:40 Chancel Choir 10 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Heavenly Perks 10:30 Worship Communion Dedicate hymnals 2;00 Choir Festival at Chicago Hts 1st Presby WEDNESDAY 10:30 Tuesday Bible Study Panera Bread 9:30 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Communion Heavenly Perks 15 9:30 Sunday School TUESDAY 10:30 Tuesday Bible Study Panera Bread (No Women’s Association) Carillon Deadline 7:30 Ash Wednesday Communion Service at Chicago Hts First Presby 6:30 Handbell Choir 7:40 Chancel Choir 24 25 26 10:30 Tuesday Bible Study Parlor 12:10 Tuesday Lent Lunch 4:00 PADS Volunteers 5:30 Community Dinner 6:30 Handbell Choir 7:40 Chancel Choir 9 27 28
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