NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1 Clear Lake, WI 54005 First Edition “Growing God’s Family by Serving” First Evangelical Lutheran Church ~ LCMC Clear Lake, Wisconsin Office Hours 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.; Monday-Friday Phone: 263-2846 Pastor’s Office Hours 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.; Monday-Wednesday 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.-Thursday Parsonage: 263-2848 Email: Website: - February 18th 5-6:45 p.m. – Spaghetti Supper sponsored by Youth Group (Free-will Donation) 7:00 p.m. – Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion Address Service Requested First Lutheran Church 811 South Avenue W. PO Box 116 Clear Lake, WI 54005 LENTEN THEME: God’s People at Critical Moments 6:00 p.m. – Soup 7:00 p.m. – Lenten Service February 2015 Self Help I’ll let you in on a pastoral secret. People often don’t like advice. It’s much better to point a person in the right direction. That way they can find the answer for themselves. And self-discovery is much more likely to result in positive change. This kind of counsel almost always trumps mere advice. How does this play out in life? People will always have problems or questions. They will often talk to trusted friends or others, like pastors, about such. My first tries at pastoral counseling involved me sharing advice. We will always need a clear biblical Word for troubling issues. But over the years, I’ve learned to help point the person to that Word so they can self-discover. One way to help others is to point them to good resources. First, always point them to scripture, prayer and worship. Christ must be their ultimate guide. He intends himself to be both Savior and teacher. It can be hard to know just where in the scripture to send another, however. This is where our small but most helpful resource library can come in. Have you ever taken a few moments to browse through the congregation’s bookshelf? It’s located in the conference room directly across from the office at the front entrance of our new church building. There you will find a bookshelf full of books and video resources. Children and adults will find most helpful resources providing the reader with sound biblical advice. Some of the titles include: The Money Answer Book The Anxiety Cure How to Stay Christian in College Healing the Hurt in Your Marriage Answers to Your Kids Questions Talking to Your Kids About Sex How Do You Know the Bible is from God? (Children) Where Do Babies Come From? (Children) The Case for Faith Heaven: One Minute After You Die (DVD) Having Quiet Time with God (DVD) Growing As a Christian How to Begin the Christian Life The Complete Guide to Bible Translations Introduction to Lutheranism How to Be Born Again And so many more. What are you waiting for? Advice? Well, I am advising you to check such fine resources out. The best help is often self-help. Just don’t forget to return the resources when done. Blessings, Pastor Bryan LENTEN THEME GOD’S PEOPLE AT CRITICAL MOMENTS Ash Wednesday, February 18th 5-6:45 p.m. – Spaghetti Supper sponsored by Youth Group (Free-will Donation) 7:00 p.m. – Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion Wednesday, February 25th 6:00 p.m. – Soup (Serving Group 2) Gail Clark & Eva Wilson – Co-Chairpersons 7:00 p.m. – Lenten Service (Pastor Dwight Hanson – Hope, Ladysmith & Glen Flora) FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Memorials Given to Building Fund 1: Kelly Sullwold Kyle Overby 2: Kathy Fox 3: Jo Hones Nicole St. John Shannon Levendoski Becky Schramski Hannah Swenson 4: Del Rogers Eli Buhr 5: Carly Warner Cody Buhr David Fritz 6: Melisa Martinson 8: Mason Krueger 9: Easton McNamara 10: Levi Ramsey 13: Lauren Hansen-Simmon 14: Steve Martinson Michael Lillie 16: Kristin Wyss Rhonda McNamara Eddie Johnson Natalie Petersen 17: Bonnie Burns 18: Dennis Luehman 19: Renee Alvermann Tiffany Emerson 20: Sheila Martin 22: Tim Anderson 24: Rosemary Johnson Gloria Thompson (Mrs. Jerry) Amelia Buhr Rachel Kaczmarski Bennett Buhr Bob Anderson 26: Tyler Emerson Debbie Rowell Glenn Hanson Hayley Prusak Rob Witthoft Taylar Marette 27: Amy Forrest 28: Melissa Ulrich Aaron Warner Eric Warner Steve Marg Brian Burns In Memory of Mary Franko Mary Franko Carol Patterson Carol Patterson Carol Patterson Mary Franko Mike Vick Jodi Voght Given by Ed & Darlene Neitge LaMoyne, Sr. & Renee Emerson LaMoyne, Sr. & Renee Emerson Gail Clark Tim & Patti Wyss Tim & Patti Wyss Larry & Mary Jo Lien Derry & Janet Monson Memorials Given to Sunday School Fund In Memory of Nathan Walsh Carol Patterson Given by Dick & Gayle Sullwold Mike & Rosemary Johnson Memorials Given to Memorial Garden Fund In Memory of Gen Heibel Mary Franko Carol Patterson Elwood Hansen Given by Brian & Kathy Wick Brian & Kathy Wick Brian & Kathy Wick Brian & Kathy Wick FINANCES General Fund Update Monthly Offering Total $11,053.04 Mortgage Fund Update Monthly Offering Total Thrivent Mortgage Balance Remaining $3,365.00 $582,812.00 FEBRUARY WORSHIP ASSISTANTS ALTAR GUILD: Jan Logan & Diane Paulson ACOLYTES 1 8 15 22 Adam Kaczmarski Jared Fritz Maddy Powers Rob Kjelstad READERS 1 8 15 22 Theresa Anderson Eva Wilson Judy Iverson Bert Petersen COUNTERS 1 Tim Wyss & TBD 8 & 15 Dick Sullwold & Tim Wyss 22 Tim Wyss & TBD COMMUNION ASSISTANT: Tim Wyss USHERS 1 & 8 Brad Ayer & Bert Petersen 15 & 22 John Campion & Brad Nilssen 18 (Ash Wed.) Mike Johnson 25 (Wed.) Gary Hanson COFFEE SERVERS We will be trying a new way of serving fellowship which will make it easy for all. Cookies and disposable cups will be provided (you can still bake your own goodies too). We only need volunteers to brew coffee and throw trash away. Rosemary Johnson and Mary Jo Lien will be seeking volunteers and can explain more. Thanks in advance for your willingness to serve. NEWS & NOTES Bethany Campion, Lisa Sloan, Larry Lien, Bob Larson, and Angie Dorsey. Please continue to remember these members and friends in your thoughts and prayers. Sympathy: Our sympathy is extended to following on the death of a loved one: Richard Selvig (stepdaughter, Jodi Voght) Derry & Terry Monson (uncle, Dave Paulson) The First Lutheran 2015 Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, February 8th, starting at 10:30 AM. Our worship will be shortened accordingly. All members are encouraged to attend and share their voice and vote on important issues. The meeting will consist of reviewing committee and organizational reports, the 2015 proposed budget and election of Council members. Please mark your calendars for this important meeting! LIFELINE FOOD PANTRY IS CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS INTERESTED IN HELPING WITH OUR DAY TO DAY OPERATIONS. PLEASE CALL OR STOP AND SEE HOW YOU CAN JOIN OUR MISSION TO HELP FIGHT HUNGER IN OUR COMMUNITY! CONTACT GORDON WEBER 715-263-3846 (pantry) Cookies for Love Annual Cookie Drive for our active military men and women will take place February 6th. Bake your favorite cookies (Please no peanut butter or nut cookies to avoid allergy problems), and drop them off at the Clear Lake Library on Friday, February 6th between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Please have your cookies enclosed in a plastic bag with no more than one dozen per bag. Include the type of cookie baked as well was your name on each bag. If you don’t bake money is needed for postage also. Please leave money with Cricket at the library. Checks can be made out to Post Office. If you have any questions or know of any active service personnel, please contact Linda White at 715-263-2288.
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