WORSHIP TIMES Sunday School 8:45AM Sunday Morning Worship 10AM Sunday Evening 6PM Wednesday Prayer Meeting and DU Classes 6PM 3270 Lantana Road, Crossville, Tn 38572 Office: (93l) 788-2844 Fax: (931)788-5663 Web site: www.lantanaroadbaptistchurch.com E-mail: lrbc@volfirst.net LRBC FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Issue 2 Volume 2015 "Love Gives" "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. 22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! 24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? 26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?”. Matt. 6:19-26 February is "stewardship month" at LRBC and a good time for a heart exam. In the familiar passage above we learn two emphatic truths: a heart follows its treasure and treasure follows a heart. That is, one loves what he values and gives all that has value to what he loves. Amazingly the same principle is stated true for God and man. It is emphasized above that because God loves His people, He will give to them abundant provision from His divine treasures. In fact verse 33 of the same chapter declares that He will give us all He's got for all we desire, just to have a devoted relationship with us. It is clear to see where God's heart is, just follow the money trail and see the wealth of heaven lavished on His beloved. He spent Heaven's best on the world's worst, through the cross, becoming poor to make us rich (2 Cor. 8:9). In the above passage however, God's heart and treasure are evident and assumed, it is the love of man that is in question. These verses picture a man standing between two worlds, with a choice on which world to give his heart and treasure to. Listen to the contrasting terms of these two worlds: earth vs. heaven, temporary vs. eternal, light vs. darkness, God vs. mammon. It is clear to have both is not an option. It is also clear that the one we love will bring a hatred for the other, and the one we embrace will cause us to despise the other. Be not deceived, examine your treasure and you will find there your heart's choice. ---Bro. Scott FEBRUARY ~ STEWARDSHIP MONTH SUNDAY 1 5PM Adult/Children’s Choir MONDAY 2 Prison Ministry TUESDAY 3 9AM Prayer Group WEDNESDAY 4 6PM Prayer Mtg. & DU Classes THURSDAY 5 10AM Sewing Class FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 7 13 Youth: Winter Jam: Leave 1:30PM 14 Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Banquet 5PM 20 6PM SAM’s Club Game Night 21 8AM Men/Youth Boys Breakfast 27 Prison Ministry 28 Prison Ministry 5PM B & G Mtg. 7PM Deacon Mtg. 8 2PM Nursing Home Ministry 5PM Adult/Children’s Choir 15 5PM Adult/Children’s Choir 9 Prison Ministry 10 9AM Prayer Group 11 6PM Prayer Mtg. & DU Classes 12PM-2PM Crochet Class 16 Prison Ministry 17 9AM Prayer Group 12 11:30AM SAM’s Luncheon 7PM Bread of Life 18 6PM Prayer Mtg. & DU Classes Prison Ministry 19 10AM Sewing Class Prison Ministry Business Mtg. Church Council Mtg. 22 5PM Adult/Children’s Choir 6PM Project 6:23 Banquet 23 Prison Ministry 24 9AM Prayer Group 12PM-2PM Crochet Class 25 6PM Project 6:23 Class, Prayer Mtg. & DU Classes 26 Prison Ministry PROJECT 6:23 Hello Church family! By the time you are reading this the first month of 2015 will already have come and gone. I think we would all agree that time doesn't slow down. Just as fast as 2014 zoomed by, this year will be just a memory. With that being said what will we do for the Lord this year? How will we spend our time? Are we spending time in prayer and Bible study? Are we faithful in our church attendance, our giving, and serving? Are we growing in our relationship with the Lord? Are we taking opportunities to share God's Word with those in our path? February brings the opportunity for our church to use the time God has blessed us with wisely. We are beginning a new semester of Project 6:23 and your opportunity is here to join us. Sign up to learn how to take one verse from the Bible and lead someone to the Lord. Class is held each Wednesday night for 12 weeks with visitation following class. We always have a great time in the Lord and God continues to richly bless our efforts. Please pray for our new semester of Project 6:23. Colossians 4:3 "Pray for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ." Will there be someone in 2015 that will be glad we took the time to talk to them about the Lord? May we remain faithful in sharing the Gospel. Joyfully Serving - Frank and Linda Lewis WEEKLY HAPPENINGS Adult & Children’s Choir Practice Every Sunday at 5PM Prayer Group Every Tuesday at 9AM Wednesday Night Activities Prayer Meeting, Youth, RA’s, GA’s, & Mission Friends 6PM Church Library Hours Sundays & Wednesdays 5:30PM – 6PM GET INVOLVED MEN’S BREAKFAST Sat., Feb. 21st all men and youth boys are invited to breakfast in the fellowship hall at 8AM. If you would like to help cook be here at 5:30AM. BREAD OF LIFE MINISTRY Service is Thursday, February 12th, 7PM at the Bread of Life Mission. If you have any questions see Ray Brewer. SAM’S GROUP LUNCHEON Everyone 50+ is invited to SAM’s luncheon Thursday, February, 12th at 11:30 A.M. Bring a dish to share. PRISON MINISTRY Every Monday & Thursday night and the fourth Friday of each month. Newsletter to our CREW Parents: Proverbs 4:5-7 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. 6Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. 7Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Wow the year is already moving fast! Our new year’s lock-in was a blast and I know that it’s just the beginning of 2015. February is always a busy month for the CREW. This month we are going to Winterjam on Feb 13th where our students will enjoy music from over 10 of their favorite bands (including Building 429, Jeremy camp, and Francesca Batistelli) for just $10 at the door! We’ll stop for dinner afterwards but it’s a long time from lunch to 11pm so I’d encourage the students to eat a heavy snack before we leave. February is also YEC signup month. The Youth Evangelism Conference is March 13th and 14th in Nashville, TN and is an overnight re-charge for our students. They will be challenged by the student pastor of Liberty University, Clayton King and led in worship by the YEC worship band and the Rend Collective Experiment. YEC and summer camp are the two events that challenge our students to live lives that impact those around them with the Gospel more than any other trip we attend. The cost for your student’s ticket to YEC is $25 and is due Feb 18th. I pray that your student can attend both events. Our goal in the #CREW is to provide ample opportunities for your students to gain wisdom and to find understanding. Whether it is Sunday morning Bible study, Wednesday night discipleship studies, or conferences; our aim is always the same, to provide an atmosphere and expectation to be challenged by God’s word. Bro. Adam YOUTH WINTER JAM Friday, February 13th Admission: $10 & money for one meal. Will leave at 1:30PM WELCOME! By Baptism Nick Smith Jacob & Brandi Brink VALENTINE BANQUET Please plan on attending the banquet on Saturday, February 14th at 5PM. Come and enjoy a great time of FUN, FOOD, & FELLOWSHIP. Cost: $8 per person. Deadline to sign up and pay is Sunday, February 8th. Child care provided for ages: nursery – 6th grade. JOSHUA CODE MEMORY VERSES: February 1st: Romans 8:28 February 8th: Matthew 5:6 February 15th: Isaiah 53:6 February 22nd: Matthew 7:7
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