Fast Facts About the Canadian Banking System Banks and the Economy 2 Number of bank branches across Canada: 6,205, of which approximately 2,100 are rural and small town branches. Number of banks in Canada: 83. Number of bank-owned ABMs across Canada: 18,584. Number of transactions logged at bank-owned ABMs in Canada (2013): 820 million. Number of online banking transactions completed with the six largest banks in Canada in 2012: 583.7 million. Canadians are careful borrowers, and mortgage arrears in Canada remain very low (in fact, as of October 2014 only 0.28% of bank mortgages are in arrears). Taxes paid in Canada in 2012 (by the six largest banks): $8 billion. Banks contribute approximately 3.1% to Canada’s GDP. Taxes paid worldwide in 2012 (by Canada's six largest banks): $10.2 billion. Amount banks and their subsidiaries paid in salaries and benefits in Canada in 2012: $20.8 billion. In 2013, banks employed 279,795 Canadians and full-time industry employment has increased by 25.9 per cent over the past ten years. Number of people employed by Canadian banks in other countries in 2013: 108,470. Percentage of senior managers with the six largest banks who are women (2013): 33.6%. Women constitute 63.2% of the workforce at Canada’s six largest banks (excluding subsidiaries). Last updated: January 2015 Banks provide financing to more than 1.6 million small and medium-sized businesses. Amount six largest Canadian banks spent on technology in 2013: $8.2 billion. Amount six largest Canadian banks spent on technology from 2004 to 2013: $60.7 billion. Dividend income paid in 2012 by Canada’s banks to shareholders: $12.6 billion. Canada’s Bank Act is reviewed and updated every five years to ensure the regulatory structure is keeping pace with changes in the industry. Percentage of Canadians who give banks a good performance rating when it comes to being stable and secure: 79%. Percentage of Canadians that have a favourable impression of banks in Canada: 81%. Percentage of Canadians who trust banks to protect the privacy of their personal information and transactions: 76%. #1 – Canada’s ranking by the World Economic Forum for the most sound banking system in the world, (a ranking achieved seven years in a row). » The Canadian Bankers Association works on behalf of domestic banks, foreign bank subsidiaries and foreign bank branches operating in Canada and their 280,000 employees. The CBA advocates for effective public policies that contribute to a sound, successful banking system that benefits Canadians and Canada's economy. The Association also promotes financial literacy to help Canadians make informed financial decisions. Canadian Bankers Association
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