Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Bulletin FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 1, 2015 Stewardship Message Here we are…nearly one month already gone in 2015! What did you resolve to change this year? Stewardship calls for a change to the way we think about who we are, and what we possess. What changes might God be calling you to? Stewardship calls us to be emptied of pride, envy, jealousy, anger, selfishness, and greed. Only then can we be filled with humility, charity, faith, hope, patience, peace, joy, surrender, and gratitude! Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Pastor Fr. Justin Huang Blog Office 8891 Montcalm Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3E8 Rectory 1345 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3E9 Tel 604-266-6131 Fax 604-266-0223 Hours Tuesday—Friday 9:00am—12:00noon 1:00pm—3:00pm By appointment Emergencies anytime St. Anthony of Padua School Pre-School to Grade 7 Principal Oscar Pozzolo Preschool Teacher Kristine Lim 1370 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3E9 Tel 604-261-4043 Fax 604-261-4036 Web “… for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith.” 1 John 5: 4 When we exercise our faith we are strengthened and those around us are encouraged. When we have faith in God and are not afraid to ask Him to share our burdens they become lighter and problems are turned into blessings. Parish Registration Our parish family warmly welcomes new parishioners. Please register at your earliest convenience by filling out a registration form located in the vestibule or by stopping by the parish office during office hours. If you are registered and moving, please advise the parish office. Sunday Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am Weekday Masses Monday 8:15am Tuesday 7:30pm St. Anthony of Padua Novena Wednesday to Friday 8:15am Wednesday 9:15am (During the School Year) Saturday 9:00am Lauds Weekday 8:00am except Tuesday Saturday 8:45am Sunday 8:00am Confession Weekday 8:00am except Tuesday Saturday 9:30am & 4:00pm to 4:55pm Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday to Friday 9:00am to 10:00pm in the Chapel (1365 West 73rd Avenue) First Friday of each month 8:45 to 10:00am in the Church followed by Benediction. Please call the parish office for more information on other Sacraments and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Classes. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parish Announcements February 1, 2015 Weekday Masses and Intentions Antiphons: Missal p. 403 ( 4 t h W ee k) nd 2 Collection today is for the BC Catholic. N.B. It costs the Parish $20.00 a year to subsidize each subscription. Please help defray this cost, if you would like to subscribe for 2015. Attention All Parishioners: USE 2015 DONATION ENVELOPES ONLY. DO NOT USE ANY ENVELOPES FROM PREVIOUS YEARS OR ELSE YOUR DONATIONS WILL BE WRONGLY CREDITED. PLEASE DISCARD YOUR OLD ENVELOPES. St. Anthony of Padua School is inviting grandparents and seniors in the parish to a Grandparents Tea event on Wednesday, February 4th, from 10:00— 11:00am, in the Church Lower Hall. CWL Meeting: Saturday, February 7th, at 10:00am. There will be a Presentation on Retirement and Estate Planning. All ladies of the Parish are invited. Coffee Café & Bake Sale hosted by the Catholic Women’s League (CWL) in the Church Lower Hall next Sunday, February 8th, after the 8:30am, 10:00am, & 11:30am Masses. Donations of baked goods are gladly appreciated. All parishioners are warmly invited to drop in to share coffee and fellowship. Mardi Gras which we will celebrate on Saturday, February 14th, in the Church Lower Hall. This will be in the form of a buffet dinner (including roast beef, potatoes, vegetables, salad, chicken, noodles and dessert). We will also be serving wine. Entertainment will be decided at a later date. Tickets: $30 per person ($10 for children under ten years) proceeds to the Parish Centre Fund. Tickets will be on sale today. N.B. Buy your tickets before Sunday, February 8th, to avoid disappointment (160 tickets only). Thank you for your continued support. St. Anthony of Padua Pre-School will start accepting registration for the 2015-2016 school year on January 28th. Families with pre-school aged children are invited to drop by the school to pick up a registration package. There will also be an open house on Thursday, February 5th, from 3:30 5:30pm. For more information please call 604-261-4043 or visit their website Missal Page Intention 1401 Carlos Peralta† Tuesday Feb. 3rd Ferial Mass at 7:30pm only In Honour of St. Anthony 474 Remembrance Tree Wednesday Feb. 4th Ferial 476 Theresa† Thursday Feb. 5th St. Agatha† 478 Francis Xavier† Day Monday Feb. 2nd Feast or Memorial The Presentation of the Lord (Candlemus: Blessing of Candles) Friday Feb. 6th Ferial 480 Elias & Teodosia Ramos† Saturday Feb. 7th St. John Bosco† 1888 482 Teofilo Garcia† Lenten Challenge: Fr. Justin is inviting everyone at St. Anthony's to participate in the best Lenten penance ever! No more giving up chocolate. He's suggesting everyone reads the book we gave out at Christmas, "Rediscover Catholicism." Everyone can then get together in groups of their own choosing (between 3-6 people), meet 6 times during Lent, and have a discussion about the book using a study guide that the parish will provide. This penance is life-giving: it's easy, practical, relevant, reading one of the most popular Catholic books today, sharing and discussing our faith with family and friends, and having an excuse to get together 6 times during Lent. And it's wonderful to be part of something that the whole parish is doing. One person wrote about the Lenten Challenge: "I would also like to thank both you and Fr. Ron for giving us this Lenten challenge. Our group has completed 4 meaningful sessions and we have found our discussions and sharing so enriching, inspiring and heart warming. I personally find this such a purging and cleansing experience, so appropriate in helping us prepare for Easter. In fact we are strongly considering continuing this study group even after Lent, on various topics, if only to continue on this very enlightening learning experience. My sincere thanks and deep appreciation for providing us this opportunity and starting off the "fire" for us. It feels awesome to strive to grow and find the best version of ourselves in whatever role or purpose God has designed for us." FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 1, 2015 Parish Announcements Continued World Youth Day 2016, Poland: In 2016, Pope Francis will be meeting over one million young Catholics from around the world in Krakow, Poland. Fr. Justin will be leading a group of pilgrims from July 17th—August 2nd. They will be spending the first week in Warsaw, getting to know the history and spirituality of Polish Catholics, participating in youth festivals, and visiting various sites. On the second week, they will travel to Krakow, participating in huge open-air Masses, Stations of the Cross, catechetical sessions, and going all across the city to various talks, concerts, and prayer events. The estimated costs are: Registration: $250-400; Flight: $1400-1700; Ground travel: $200-500; Other Costs (e.g. food, etc.): $200. For a 17-day trip to Europe, this is very cheap, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet the Pope and a million other Catholics. This is for those aged 19-35. Please come to our information session on Friday, February 6th,at 7:00pm, in the Church Lower Hall. Outside Parish Activities St. Patrick’s Parish Spiritual Mission with Fr. Paul Nicholson starting Sunday, February 1st, to Wednesday, February 4th. Except for Sunday, Spiritual Mission will begin with Mass at 7:00pm followed immediately by a Mission talk at 7:30pm in the Church (2881 Main Street). For more information contact 604-874-7818. Mass for the World Day for Consecrated Life on Monday, February 2nd, please join the Archdiocese of Vancouver in celebrating the World Day for Consecrated Life with Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Church (Cambie & 33rd). Mass will begin at 7:00pm with a light reception to follow. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we invite everyone to participate at the Mass and show their support for the consecrated men and women of our Archdiocese. Weekend Retreat at Westminster Abbey, Mission: Friday, February 6th at 7:30pm—Sunday, February 8th, 1:30pm. “The Road to Christian Maturity.” Retreat Master: Fr. Lawrence Donnelly, pastor of St. Jude’s Parish, Vancouver. Cost: $155.00 per person. Please register with Our Lady of the Assumptions Parish as soon as possible 604-942-7808. First come first served. Fathers of Mercy Mission at St. Francis de Sales Parish: Presented by Father Joel C. Rogers, CPM, of the Fathers of Mercy from Monday, February 9th, to Thursday, February 12th. During the mission, Fr. Joel will encourage and challenge the parish community to make a stronger, deeper personal commitment to Christ and to His Church. Sessions February 1, 2015 start at 5:30pm with confession followed by Mass, Holy Hour & talks: (Monday) Confidence In Divine Providence; (Tuesday) The Prayer of the Humble; (Wednesday) Blessed are the Poor in Spirit: Detachment and (Thursday) Blessed are They Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness. Fee: By Donation. Mass of Anointing on World Day of the Sick: In 1992, Pope John Paul II instituted World Day of the Sick, setting aside February 11th, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, for its annual celebration. On this day, the sick are encouraged to reflect on the Christian meaning of suffering and to recall God’s health-giving presence. We are also reminded that God often heals and restores life in unexpected ways. Archbishop Miller will celebrate a Mass of Anointing on Wednesday, Feb. 11, at 11am, at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, Vancouver. Health Care Vicar Monsignor Bernard Rossi will concelebrate along with other priests of the Archdiocese. This Mass is organized by the Catholic Health Association of BC with the kind assistance of the Knights and Dames of Malta. ONE CONFERENCE 2015: START JOY IN YOUR WORLD You are invited to ignite your faith life and enhance your spirituality on Saturday, February 14th at the ONE conference. You will hear 3 world class speakers, have an opportunity to learn about the many Catholic organizations in our community and participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered by Archbishop Miller. Join 1000 Catholics of all ages in this faith filled event. You may register on line at or buy tickets [cash or cheques] after all the Masses next weekend January 31st/February 1st. Turning and Returning: Drawing Closer to Jesus this Lent facilitated by Fr. Elton Fernandes, SJ. Amidst the busyness of life, how can we draw closer to Christ? Conversion involves letting go of what is unhealthy in our lives as well as growing stronger in the faith. Fr. Elton offers scripture and Ignatian prayer as ways to respond to Jesus' invitation. Thursday, February 19th, 6:00-8:30pm at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. Cost: $25, including light snack ($35 includes light dinner served at 5:15 pm). For more information, visit or call (604) 576-8802. Vocation Live In on the weekend of February 20th 22nd, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC. For more information call 604-826-8715. Please support these advertisers, they support us. GRANVILLE DENTAL WELLNESS GROUP 604-261-8164 8357 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC SUPPORT THE ST. ANTHONY’S BUILDING FUND Family Dentistry - Cosmetic Dentistry - Implant Dentistry - Children’s Dentistry - Orthodontics Wisdom Teeth - Dentures St. Anthony’s Parishioner Promotions SHEILA CARROLL, BA., MA. HAVE A NEW PATIENT EXAMINATION AND HYGIENE APPOINTMENT DONE AND HAVE $50 DONATED TO THE ST. ANTHONY’S BUILDING FUNDIN YOUR NAME!! ENGLISH TEACHER Specializing in Secondary, Elementary, ESL, English 12 Available to tutor in my home Located in Marpole (one block East of Granville) Tel.: 604-261-1584 Email: Open weekday evenings and Saturdays Comfortable treatment in a modern facility Serving Mar pole for over 25 years Dr. Gianni Pisanu, Owner and St. Anthony’s Parishioner THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH SERVING WITH FAITH AND JOY We would like to invite the ladies of the parish to become members of the CWL. Meetings are normally held the 1st Saturday of the month at 10:00A.M. For more information, please call Christina at 604-266-6131 Rollie Abando Gift Cards: If you are thinking of buying gift cards for someone. There are lots of merchants to choose from. And we are sure you will find something that will interest you. Thank you for your support of the Parish Centre Fund. Order Forms are available in the vestibule after Mass. Settlement Practitioner – Labour Market Free Settlement Services: individual consultation, needs assessment and referrals, orientation and information workshops. Labour Market Participation: Preemployment support, employment workshops and employment mentoring program. Services provided in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Tagalog, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Cebuano. S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Richmond Service Center 220-7000 Minoru Blvd., Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5 Tel: (604) 279-7167 Email: Website: Advertising space available! $25/month or $250/year Please contact the parish office for details. Thank you to all our advertisers!
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