February 2015 Volume 61 Issue 2 Shevat - Adar 5775 TEMPLE BETH OHR 15721 E. Rosecrans Avenue | La Mirada, CA 90638 | 714-521-6765 February Services 2/06 6:30 Shabbat Dinner 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service 2/13 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Service 2/14 10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service & Torah Study 2/20 6:30 pm B’Nai Shabbat 7:00 pm Pre-Oneg 7:30 pm Erev Shabbat Worship Service 2/27 7:30 pm Sisterhood Sabbath Service 2/28 10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service & Torah Study Inside This Issue… • Rabbi’s Report • Cantor’s Report • Temple President’s Report • Brotherhood News • Sisterhood News • Senior Activities News Travel with TBO to Spain and Israel! Join Rabbi Goldfarb on Sunday, February 8th at 12:30 for an informational meeting about the TBO trip to Spain and Israel. This is open to everyone so tell your travel buddies to come with you for this memorable trip. This year marks Denean Dyson’s 10th anniversary as our wonderful Office Manager. She is the voice of TBO to our callers, the keeper of the files, the taker of the RSVPs, and even a cherished voice in our High Holy Days Choir. Please join us on February 20th as we honor Denean with a special recognition and delicious oneg reception. • Adult Education News • Dine Out Flyer • Meet The Members • Monthly Calendar Page 1 February 2015 Volume 61 Issue 2 Shevat - Adar 5775 Thoughts From Rabbi Goldfarb Local Rabbi Boycotts Football Games With the month of February beginning with the Super Bowl, I am reminded of an article I came across many years ago. It's called: "10 Reasons Why Local Rabbi Boycotts Football Games.” (Yes, I will be at the Brotherhood’s Super Bowl Party, sitting at the geek table with my computer, eating hotdogs, watching the commercials, working on the web page, and maybe even watching some of the game.) 1. Every time I went to a game, they asked me for money. 2. The people with whom I sat weren't friendly and kept talking during the game. 3. The coach never came to visit me. 4. The seats were not comfortable and it is always either too cold, too hot, or too wet. 5. The parking was horrendous! I had to walk a long way to get to the stadium. 6. Some games went into overtime and I was late getting home. 7. The games are scheduled on days when I normally do other things. 8. My parents took me to too many football games when I was growing up. 9. Since I read a book on football, I feel like I know more than the coaches anyhow. 10. I don't want to force football on my children; I want them to choose for themselves which sport they like best. You know, I've heard those excuses before - but in regards to temple membership and worship service attendance! Of course, a football game is not at all like a worship service. In a football game, the audience is but an observer to the action taking place - they don't run, block or catch anything. In a worship service, the congregation participates in the worship, wresting with the meanings of the words, reflecting on the ideas expressed in the liturgy. At a football game the audience celebrates conflict, cheering for their team and booing the opponent. At a worship service, the congregation seeks wholeness and harmony both within themselves as individuals and with community as a whole. The purpose of a football game is to determine the winner. At a worship service, there are many purposes - one of which is to find strength and courage to face the uncertainties of life. At a football game, there are many distractions: the cheerleaders, the music, the scoreboard, and for those watching on TV, the commercials and endless, redundant, prattle of the sportscasters and commentators. At a worship service, the trivial distractions are removed, the noise of life is silenced so that we might listen to our inner voice. At a football game, all that is asked of me is my loyalty to the team and the contents of my wallet (parking fee, admission ticket, food and beverages, program). At a worship service, all that is asked of me is an opened mind and an opened heart - the parking, program, beverages and food is free! You know, I hadn't quite realized just how challenging being a member of a temple and attending a worship services can be. A worship service asks me to focus on me and my relationship with others and with The Other. Maybe that's why football games are more popular than worship services. ~Mark Rabbi Mark B. Goldfarb Page 2 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Congregational President Report After six years of constant use, D’s office computer was starting to show its age. It had slowed down and we were concerned that very soon it would stop completely. I reported this to the Board at the December meeting. The Board voted to purchase a new computer and monitors at that meeting. Planning Chair, Donna Berglas-Hess, offered to donate her mother’s computer. We had our tech guy, Phil Carey, check out the donated computer and he was happy to report that it would, indeed, meet our needs. He was able to transfer all the data from the old computer to the new system, install two new monitors, and upgrade the software. Thanks to Donna’s generous donation and Phil’s skills we were able to accomplish this with very little cost to TBO. D likes this new set-up. I tip my yarmulke to Donna and Phil for their service to the Temple. A large part of what makes TBO such a special place is that so many of our members are willing to share their special skills with us or donate needed items. If you have special skills that would benefit our Temple, please let us know. When I received the email with the January Beacon I was extremely surprised with the new appearance of the Beacon. The Beacon looks absolutely wonderful! Thank you Beacon Editor, Susan Carey, for keeping the Beacon fresh and for taking the time to completely change its appearance. Also thank you for teaching the Facebook class. I heard those who attended enjoyed the class. At the Religious Committee meeting Rabbi Goldfarb suggested to the Religious Committee that we should provide congregants who are hearing impaired a system that works with our sound system and their hearing aids to provide a better experience at our services. Rabbi came prepared with quotes for the systems that were available. The Religious committee agreed and Religious Committee Chair Caryn Saine made the motion at the TBO Board meeting and the motion passed. The system was ordered and Rabbi installed the system in the sanctuary. I spoke with several congregants who have been using the device since it has been installed and everyone is extremely happy that system is available and it has enabled them to hear all aspects of our service. Thank you Rabbi, for having the insight to make the suggestion to the Religious Committee. I know you want everyone to hear your sermons. On Friday, January 23rd, we honored our Sisterhood on Sisterhood Sabbath. Sisterhood conducted a beautiful service, complete with WRJ speaker Julia Weinstein. Sisterhood has always been an important part of the foundation of TBO. Sisterhood is always generous with their time and with their monetary donations to TBO. Sisterhood President Cher Krichmar presented me with a check for $3,000.00. I can’t imagine TBO without our Sisterhood. Thank you Ladies of Sisterhood for everything you do and give to TBO. On Sunday, January 25th, the Adult Education Committee presented author Marty Brounstein, whose topic was, “Two Among the Righteous Few: A Story of Courage in the Holocaust.” Thank you Committee Chair Joyce Kessler and the whole committee for bringing interesting and thought-provoking speakers. Shalom, Steve Weisel Page 3 February 2015 Volunteers… Volunteers are not paid — not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. Got time on your hands? Join a committee, chair an event! TBO is YOUR Temple. Joyce Kessler, pictured above, heads the Adult Education Committee, is active with the Knotty Ladies, Book Club, Sisterhood, and more. Thank you! Help Needed • Knotty Ladies Volume 61 Issue 1 Senior Activities Committee is sponsoring a special Shabbat Service with SAS - Senior Appreciation Shabbat, Friday, April 17th. More information will follow in the coming weeks. We hope you will all come and show your appreciation for those who have come before you. www.facebook.com/templebethohr LIKE US! J O I N Y O U R TBO F R I E N D S F O R A S O U P & S A LA D S H A B BAT S U P P E R ! Fri. Feb. 6th 6:30 PM Shabbat Supper • Bakers for freezer treats • Carpool assistance • Committees • Gift Shop • Baskets for home visits • Office assistance • Meals of condolence • Event photographs • Mitzvah Day • Community Events • Lay Leadership Shevat - Adar 5775 to be followed at 7:30 PM by Shabbat Worship lead by our 4th & 5th Grade Class! A variety of different, homemade soups will be available for your dining pleasure. ! Your help is needed! Please brings salads or desserts as indicated. ! Salads can be lettuce, assorted veggies, quinoa, tabouli, pasta, etc. Be Creative In Your Salad Creation!! Assorted crackers & crusty breads provided! Please bring a dish that serves 12:! Last Names:! Almada-Kudler: Please bring Salads! Lakin-Zwirn: Please bring desserts (for 24) Reservations are REQUIRED for dinner!! Please RSVP by Feb. 3rd:! office@templebethohr.com! 714-521-6765 Temple Beth Ohr 15721 E. Rosecrans Ave. La Mirada, 90638 714-521-6765 Page 4 February 2015 Volume 61 Issue 1 Shevat - Adar 5775 Cantor’s Report Tu B'Shevat was a very confusing time for me growing up in the Midwest. Rabbis' sermons would focus on regrowth and hope, and we in the religious school would sing songs about growing inch by inch or waving our branches in the wind. Yet, while we sang about green and spring, outside would be covered in a lofty coating of white powder and the tree branches would all be bare and dark, save for patches of snow in their joints. Why were we singing about spring when the green leaves and warmer temperatures were still months away? Why would the Birthday of the Trees fall when all the trees were... dead? I couldn't quite understand the dichotomy as a child but accepted it as just being part of the cadre of strange traditions I grew up with, like parading with scrolls of aging parchment, pursing my lips to make sounds out of the horns of deceased animals, and raucously singing a long and involved song about one little goat after having eaten to bursting at a four-hour meal. As I got older I learned the significance of those scrolls (the Torahs), the horns (Shofars), and the chad gadya, and all of these remain treasured and favored traditions! But I never quite understood the "celebrating spring in the dead of winter" thing. When I studied in Israel for a time I (and my poor, sheltered sinuses) finally understood. For in Israel, much like in California, February(ish) is when things start to grow again! It's cold and rainy for about two weeks, and then suddenly, as though reborn in that barest of desert drizzles, everything opens. And I mean opens! Every single tree, bush, shrub, scrub, and weed, flowers and sends its life-giving, sinus-clogging pollen into the air in golden clouds that would have been gorgeous to behold if I could only see through my watery, itchy eyes. Though I wore sunglasses for about two weeks straight until my hibernating immune system (not expecting anything alive and green until May) finally balanced out, it actually was a beautiful sight. Israel didn't have much of a winter while I was there, winter was only vaguely grey and somewhat drizzly, but boy did it have a spring. A celebratory, vibrant, present spring. Spring in Ohio was a welcome change from the endless grey skies, but it came up slowly. The temperatures warmed only a few degrees at a time (except for the annual randomly 80-degree week in late January, what's that about, Ohio?) and suddenly you realize it's gotten too warm for your down parka and you might actually enjoy wearing short sleeves again. No, in Israel you rise one morning to a most joyous and all-encompassing awakening of nature and the senses. Now suddenly the songs made sense. Now I could understand why I grew up singing about olive trees standing and palms flowering while outside remained bleak, grey, and way too cold. Because I truly saw the rebirth of those trees firsthand, and my heart rejoiced in them. Southern California has a very similar spring. After moving here I again had to retrain my sinuses while suffering through a couple weeks of weepy eyes and a perpetually clogged nasal cavity. But, there was something incredible about that first spring in Israel. Nothing blooms quite so fervently and unabashedly as the foothills of Jerusalem or the gently swelling crests of the Golan, and I truly wish that everyone here can have the chance to experience that someday. My memory of it remains vivid always, and my heart, like my sinuses, has remained forever changed because of it. B'ahava, Arielle Page 5 February 2015 Volume 61 Issue 1 Shevat - Adar 5775 Temple Beth Ohr Invites You To A If you are thinking about traveling to Spain and Israel later in the year, there is an informational meeting immediately following the lunch. Come early and enjoy some delicious Israeli food before the meeting. Seder In Celebration Of Tu b'Shvat Sunday, Feb. 8th 10:30 AM Join us for: Tree Planting Tu b'Shvat Seder Brotherhood's World Famous Falafel Lunch! So that we might better prepare, please RSVP by Feb. 1st for the Brotherhood Falafel Lunch! Temple Beth Ohr 15721 E. Rosecrans Ave. 714-521-6765 office@templebethohr.com www.templebethohr.com Brotherhood Special Event open to ALL! Saturday, March 21st at 10 am Ironwood 9 Cerritos Golf Course 16449 Piuma Avenue, Cerritos 562-916-8400 For more information contact Ted Singer 562-691-4856, tvolsing@aol.com Page 6 February 2015 Volume 61 Issue 1 Shevat - Adar 5775 Sisterhood President Report “No one in this world is pure & perfect. If you avoid peoplefor their mistakes, you wi! always be alone in this world. Judge less and love more.” Sisterhood celebrated our annual Sisterhood Shabbat this past month. Thanks to Caryn Saine for putting together such a wonderful service for all of us to participate in. We were honored to have as our special guest speaker Julia Weinstein. Julia is on the WRJ Executive Committee, as well as a Vice President on the Pacific District Board. Julia is from University Synagogue in Los Angeles. Thanks Julia! And thanks to Arielle Goldfarb for helping us make this such a great night with her talented singing. Sisterhood proudly presented our Temple with a check for $3,000. A special thank you to all of you who helped us raise this money. And thank you for being an integral part of Sisterhood. The only one missing was you! I am also thrilled to announce that we were a huge success at the Brea Mall for holiday gift wrapping. In fact, we have already been asked to come back again. A huge thank you to our own Ashley Kravitz, who was instrumental in having us be the nonprofit organization to represent the mall for their holiday gift wrapping. The mall was so pleased with the wonderful job we did with such short notice given us, we were given additional monies to what was earned. Thank you Brea Mall for your check of $2,000. For once I was truly speechless, which is unusual for me – as I always have something to say! So, a huge thank you to all the volunteers who spent countless hours gift wrapping this holiday season. In no special order: Caryn and David Saine, Leslie Berger, Dena Jastroch, Noelle Spychala, Diana Brown, Donna Bergles-Hess, Alyssa Hess, Devora Lemus, Estelle Lemus, Nancy Griffin, Karen Yungman, Marsha Braunstein, Flo Bornstein, Susan Carey, Joyce Kessler, Jayne Glickman, Sharon Kravitz, Rhonda Garside, Mollie Schartoff, Wilma Scheer, Lori Weisel, The Tyson Family, Jennifer Willford, The Guggenheimers, Victoria Jacobs, Sandra Bloch, Karen Katz, Marlene Fink, Marlene Palmer, Helene Moss, Linda Selander. If I have inadvertently left anyone out, I truly apologize. And last, but not least, the biggest thank you to my husband, Mike Krichmar, who was a mall widow and unconditionally supported this huge endeavor! Sisterhood had a great meeting in January. Thanks to Devora Lemus, we rolled our own Shabbat beeswax candles. It was so fun, and I know many of us cannot wait to use these. Thanks Rabbi for letting us use your supplies. If you missed this event, you really missed the fun! This month our own Cantor Arielle will be our guest for our Sisterhood general meeting. Be sure to calendar February 11th for a fun evening of singing, schmoozing, and of course snacking! Please come to family bingo this month on the 21st for our annual family fun night. See the flyer on page 13 for more information. Also, save the date for our first Wine & Canvas night April 25th. Hope to see you there. Cher Krichmar Page 7 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 FRESH...Homemade in the Temple’s kitchen for Purim PRE-ORDER FORM CHERRY dz. @ $6.00 per dozen $ PRUNE dz. @ $6.00 per dozen $ APRICOT dz. @ $6.00 per dozen $ POPPYSEED dz. @ $6.00 per dozen $ Name: Contact Phone Number ( ) Optional home delivery within a 5 mile radius from Temple If delivered: Address: $ 5.00 Grand Total $ Phone #: eMail: Make checks payable to: TBO Sisterhood Orders need to be pre-paid by February 17, 2015 These freeze beautifully for future enjoyment. License #956122 ALL orders MUST be picked up at the Temple on Sunday, March 1, 2015 - between 1:00 to 4:00PM Mike Krichmar 714-904-2582 mkrichmar@hotmail.com Page 8 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Brotherhood President Report Our Goal at TBO Brotherhood is to engage the men of Temple Beth Ohr in our Jewish Community. We want to create an atmosphere of camaraderie by planning events suited for our community. The goal is to have the events planned and executed by our members such that an individual contributes and the whole community benefits. I guess we are sort of an urban kibbutz. At each event the individual should feel better and more positive about themselves and our community. Please give me feedback on how we are doing towards achieving these goals. Last month we had the Breakfast with Comedies where we shared a great bagel, cream cheese, and lox breakfast, followed by a membe-participated joke telling. I particularly enjoyed watching the brothers getting up and trying to deliver a well-crafted joke. It is not easy, but it is a lot of fun. To see how the masters do it we watched a tribute to the legendary Don Rickles. Thank you, David Saine, for planning the event. February is a busy month for Brotherhood. The Super Bowl Party is planned for February 1st and Tu B’shvat Vegetarian Falafel Lunch is planned for February 8th. Howard Lavoot is, once again, organizing the Angel’s Baseball Tailgate Party and Game this summer. They require us to purchase tickets several months in advance of the event. Please contact the Temple or Howard as soon as possible so that we can collect the monies needed to reserve our tickets. He’ll need a head count by May. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 Affiliated with at 6PM. Dinner will be served. I look forward to seeing you at our next events. David Yungman “Man of the Year” Mr. Phil Carey Please join us , to honor Phil, for the awards banquet at Temple Beth David in Westminster, CA $36.00 per person Saturday, March 7, 2015, 6:00 pm Please contact Les Braunstein for more information and RSVP’s lesbraunstein@live.com (714) 488-6828 1/4 page vertical Page 9 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE BROTHERHOOD EVENTS SISTERHOOD EVENTS Super Bowl Party February 1 Family Bingo February 21 Tu B’shvat Falafel Lunch February 8 Dine Out at Katella Deli February 24 Man of the Year Dinner March 7 April Dine Out Location TBA Yom Ha Shoah Candle Meeting March 18 Wine & Canvas Painting Class April 25 Golf Event March 21 Sisterhood Board Installation Tea June TBA Dine Out Roadhouse Grill March 25 June Dine Out Location TBA Yom Ha’atsmaut Kabob Lunch April 19 Goodwill Donation Day TBA (summer) Speaker & Deli Dinner May 16 Dine Out Location TBA May 27 4th of JULY FIREWORKS BOOTH ! Always looking for volunteers! ! Brotherhood Shabbat June 19 Angel’s Tailgate Party August 8 Made a Resolution to Get Into Shape? Let us help. TAI CHI TUESDAY MORNINGS Harbor Heart 1400 N. Harbor Blvd., Suite 100, Fullerton, CA 92835 8:30 A.M. TAUGHT BY DIANE GLOBERMAN Office: 714.578.0533 Appointments: 714.578.0546 Fax: 714.578.0548 Page 10 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Fr2 , Fe, 20:h @ 6:30 PM B’na2 Sha,,a: On3y Fam23y D2nner, 6:00 PM (arrive when you are able) B'nai Shabbat is a special, interactive Shabbat for Tots experience for children up to age 8 and their families. Join Rabbi Goldfarb & Cantorial Soloist Arielle Goldfarb for a fun, engaging, age appropriate Shabbat worship experience. In hopes of making the B’nai Shabbat experience more enjoyable, a family friendly, buffet dinner will be served, beginning at 6 PM. The dinner will feature MacNCheese, Veggie Lasagna, Salad, Vegetables and Beverages. Please RSVP, 714-521-6765 or office@templebethohr.com For more information, contact Rabbi Mark Goldfarb Temp3e Be:h Ohr we3c6mes, sen26rs an. 0am232es 60 a33 c6mp6s2:26ns Shabbat Worship & Torah Study: Sat., Feb. 14th & 28th 10:00 AM Join Rabbi Goldfarb & Cantor Goldfarb for a stimulating Shabbat morning. The morning begins with a brief, participatory worship service and Torah reading followed by an in depth, interactive discussion about the Torah portion using traditional commentary and contemporary articles. Sat. Feb. 14th: Parashat Mishpatim, Exodus 21:1 - 24:18 Sat. Feb. 28th: Parashat Tetzaveh, TEMPLE BETH OHR Exodus 27:20 - 30:10 15721 E. Rosecrans Ave The study concludes with a pot luck lunch La Mirada, CA 90638 of bagels, schmeers, assorted salads and more! 714-521-6765 www.templebethohr.com tmplbthohr@aol.com Page 11 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Join Us On February 20th at 7:30 pm As We Celebrate Denean’s 10th Anniversary with TBO SUPER BOWL PARTY Our beloved office administrator, Denean Dyson, has been with us for 10 Years! We could not ask for a better person to run our front office. In honor of her 10th Anniversary we are having a very special recognition service and gala oneg and we invite you to come. Sunday, February 1, 2015 Join us on February 20th at 7:30 pm as We Celebrate Denean’s 10th Anniversary with TBO Pre-Game Festivities Start 2:00 PM The $10 charge covers the following: Front Row seats for the 49th Super Bowl are available. (You may bring your own comfortable chairs if you wish) This is less expensive than a flight to the Super bowl. Kosher Hot Dogs, BBQ Baked Beans, Veggies & Dip, Chips, Snacks, Beverages, and delicious desserts Come and join our TBO family and guests RSVP by January 29th, 2015 David Saine T E M P L E B E T H O H R A D U L T E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M sained@aol.com presents 714-990-5783 LARRY MAURER President of the Timeless Melodies Foundation for Education “Gone But Not Forgotten: SAVE THE DATE Saturday, May 16, 2015 The Jewish ‘B’ Composers” Saturday, February 7 at 7:00 PM TBO BROTHERHOOD PROUDLY PRESENTS SETH FRONT “Culinary History of Jews in America - Based on the Astrological Signs of the Delicatessen” Larry Maurer has a passion for the history of American music. Although Larry has worked in c Accountant and an accounting professor, his calling has always been to teach music history. He founded the Timeless Melodies Foundation for Education Inc. to present education programs about the Golden Age of American music to a wide variety of groups around the country. Rich in pictures, video clips, humor and history, the Gone But Not Forgotten progam highlights the lives and music of the lesser known Jewish composers who made a mark on American musical history. Larry discusses the hardships, struggles, and accomplishments of several leading names in popular music including; Irving Caesar, Livingston and Loewe, Marvin Hamlisch plus more. A hilarious presentation complete with delicious deli food served by the dudes with the ‘tudes. $25 per person. RSVP by May lst to Howard Lavoot hlavoot@gmail.com TEMPLE BETH OHR You’ll Plotz! We Promise. 15721 ROSECRANS AVENUE, LA MIRADA, CA 90638 Temple Beth Ohr welcomes seniors and families of all compositions. For further information, contact Joyce Kessler at 562.943.2532, or joycekessler@verizon.net Page 12 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Family Bingo in Winter Wonderland Saturday, February 21 6-9 pm Warm up at the Pasta Bar** then settle in for an evening of BINGO Raffle Prizes Instagram Bingo $10 adults ~ $7 kids 12 and under* *under 3 eat free **Gluten-Free upon advance request Admission includes one bingo card, one ticket for gift raffle and food Additional Raffle Tickets and Bingo Cards available for an additional fee RSVP to Office@templebethohr.com Pre-payment is appreciated Questions? Call Susan 714-990-0346 or Donna at 714-744-1210 Page 13 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 News Seder Our Passover Seder will be held on Friday, April 3 at the Fullerton Elks facility. We will have our Erev Shabbat worship service at that location as part of the Seder experience. Ticket information will be released soon. You will be able to enjoy all the favorite food, songs, and interactive Haggadah you’ve grown to love. Purim Spiel Dinner Join us for an evening of hilarity on Friday, March 6th. We will begin with a delicious Shabbat dinner and then enjoy a silly and audience participatory Purim Spiel like we’ve never known. Don’t forget to wear a costume. SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA MARCH 13 On March 13, 2015 tens of thousands of Jews across America will come together to eat, drink, relax, dance, enjoy, debate and celebrate at the 19th Annual Shabbat Across America and Canada. A Thank You from Religious Chair Caryn Saine Camera Operators Welcome Ladies of Sisterhood, thank you all for your participation in the Sisterhood Shabbat service. You all made the service very special and meaningful. Thank you Marsha and Les Braunstein for taking care of the oneg (yum). Welcome to our two new “Golden Girls” Carol Fish and Barbara Tassone. A big thank you to Rabbi Mark and Cantor Arielle for helping make the service so meaningful. And last but not least, thank you to the men who wore jackets to honor the ladies of Sisterhood. Now that the cameras and computers are all up and running and the beautiful desk has been installed, we are looking for more volunteers who are willing to be trained on using the live streaming equipment so that we can record and air more of our services. Contact Phil Carey at 714-990-0346 or his secretary/wife, Susan at write2suec@gmail.com to be put on the list of trainees. Each service requires two camera operators and one director (for now, until people feel more comfortable). So far David Yungman, Les Braunstein, and Joe Gorin have had their opportunity to work the cameras and had a great time. Not just for men! ! Page 14 " # February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Meet the Members of TBO Meet David and Caryn Saine Temple President, Brotherhood President, Sisterhood President, Membership Committee Chair, Religious Committee Chair, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Long Range Planning Committee member, well, you get the point. This power couple knows how to get involved. Do you enjoy the jelly filled donut holes each Hanukkah? They provide them every year. How about that delicious apple dump cake at many events? Yup, Caryn’s special recipe. David’s homemade hummus is always a favorite, too. But do you really know them? Caryn grew up in Sunland and Tujunga and has set up homes in several states, thanks to David’s career. They met at Verdugo Hills High School, married, and produced two wonderful kids: Benjamin and Ruth Ann. They, in turn, have given Caryn and David four beautiful grandchildren: Hannah, Eden, Paige, and Spencer. Caryn has a talent for numbers and organization. Her career as an accountant continues. Along with cooking delicious desserts, Caryn is a great seamstress and has made many beautiful pieces, from aprons to family clothing. She also knits, crochets and cross-stitches. In years past, Caryn sang in the High Holy Days choir. David is the second born of eleven children in his family. He served in the US Army for almost 4 years. After he completed his service, he even had a brief stint on the Bozo the Clown show in Massachusetts as the floor manager! For many years David sold paper products as a career, but most recently he participated in the 2010 census by collecting information in Southern California. He was an avid runner for many years and was seen running in Catalina Island, Big Bear, Wrightwood to Rose Bowl, Western States 100 , Big Sur, Vermont 100, Woodstock Vermont and Virginia and other gruelling race courses. He still enjoys playing golf weekly. They both celebrated their b’nai mitzvot a couple of years ago as part of the adult class. Every year they travel to Cabo San Lucas with their family to enjoy uninterrupted time with the kids. They went to Israel with TBO a couple of years ago, and this past summer they also managed to fit in a trip to Orlando for the Disney experience with Ruth Ann’s family. “The girls were the perfect age for this trip!” Caryn recalled. Imagine if the Temple was filled with couples like the Saines, so willing to give of their time and talents. They truly are wonderful role models for young couples. Be sure to say “hi” when you see them next time. Submitted by Susan Carey Membership Committee Member Page 15 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Mavens Movie Knotty Ladies On Tuesday, February 3rd, the Movie Mavens are planning to see one of the many wonderful choices of films now available in theaters. Our film selection this month will be “The Imitation Game.” The time and location will be determined on Friday, January 30, when we know what films will be showing and where. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Helene Moss at 562-889-2159 or at heleneee@aol.com to confirm film title, time and theater location. The Movie Mavens meet to see a film on the first Tuesday of every month. Next month’s movie date will be Tuesday, March 3. If you’ve heard about a good film worth seeing, we welcome input and all suggestions. If you knit or crochet or do any kind of needlework, we would love to have you join us on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 1:30 pm to around 3:00 pm, to sit, relax, chat and work on your own knitting or crochet project. We have a lovely group of women who are very sociable and friendly. We can offer you assistance with your knitting or crocheting if you need it — we all help each other. We welcome new and experienced knitters and crocheters alike! You don’t have to call — just drop by and join us! For more information, contact: Eileen Haber 562-947-1297 Helene Moss 562-696-7937 heleneee@aol.com Monday Game Days The Senior Activities Committee of TBO has arranged for the Temple to be open on Mondays between 10:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. for anyone to bring their “games” and equipment and players to the Temple. Pan, Mah Jongg — anything. We are calling it BYOG - bring your own game. We will provide fresh coffee - you may bring your lunch or snacks. It’s a no-host event, so please be prepared to pick up after yourselves. If you have any questions, please contact Ellie Urcis at 714-521-0521. Facebook Lessons *Knotty Ladies are collecting men’s ties again. Please bring any ties that you are willing to get rid of to the Temple. They will be greatly appreciated. Brown Bag & Book Club Some of you may have grown up in East Los Angeles and that is what we are reading about in The Tin Horse. The time period covers a wide range of events, some of which will be very familiar. That contributes to make the book so enjoyable. The author is Janice Steinberg and the date of our meeting is Wednesday, February 25 at noon. Thank you to the dozen or so of you who came to the first Facebook Class. Some of you learned a lot, and some learned just a little. You all agreed that another class was a great idea. Look for details coming soon. Susan Carey Page 16 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 $ $ $ $ Temple Beth Ohr lsrael Pilgrimage Late October 2015 $ $ $ I want to thank all of my Temple friends and family for their condolence calls and cards about the death of my youngest brother, Stanley. I would like to thank my Temple family for all the good wishes for my birthday. Sincerely, Rhonda Garside Harold Roman Temple Beth Ohr Bulletin Board Page 17 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 A delicious way to support Temple Beth Ohr! February Sisterhood Dine out is… TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2015 First established in 1964, our parents began by selling Rye Breads and traditional Jewish Foods to the surrounding Jewish community. Today, our 16,500 square foot Katella Restaurant is the quintessential food experience for anyone of any age. We proudly serve over 2,000 happy patrons every day. In addition to the full service restaurant, bar and lunch counter, we also feature an award-winning Bakery and Deli for Food To Go. Our signature Corned Beef and Pastrami are prepared on site, as are all of our menu items. The breads are Sam’s pride from years of baking, including our Ryes and Challa. These days, Sam’s initial recipes live on in the hands and hearts of third generation bakers dedicated to quality. Many of our traditional meals are Shirley’s original recipes, including Matzoh Ball Soup, Noodle Kugel, Potato Latkes, Sweet & Sour Cabbage and Chicken Soup. We hope you enjoy your visit! Allan, Harold, Larry Sisterhood Dine Out is Tuesday, Feb. 24 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM 4470 Katella Ave, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-8611 info@katellabakery.com *Bakery purchases do not apply to fundraiser Present this flyer to your server for dine in or take out orders. Contact the temple office if you want to carpool. 714-521-6765. Page 18 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Temple Beth Ohr Adult Education Joins the Alpert Jewish Community Center-LB We have been invited to attend the 92nd Street Y presentation of the below listed programs. Temple Beth Ohr members are admitted free. These programs are shown at the Alpert Jewish Community Center, Long Beach. These are select cultural and educational programs simulcast via private webcast to the Alpert Jewish Community Center in Long Beach. February 12, 2015 Thursday 7:00 PM “World Religions: Spotlight on Judaism” Speakers: Jack Miles, Susannah Heschel, Professor David Biale. March 26, 2015 Thursday 7:00 PM “America & Israel: The Way Forward” Speakers: Dalia Rabin, Dennis Ross, Ethan Bronner. If you would like to carpool and possibly have dinner out prior to the event, please contact Helene Moss at 562.696.7937 or heleneee@aol.com iGive Update and Kudos Thanks to donors like you, Temple Beth Ohr has raised $130.11 so far through this amazingly simple, no cost to you, donation platform, iGive.com. We have 29 people signed up so far and 11 of them have added the iGive button* to their desktop. Start iGiving at: www.iGive.com/TempleBethOhr *The iGive Button is an optional feature. You can use iGive without installing the Button - just remember to go through the iGive website or e-mail newsletters to get credit for your donation. To learn more, visit: http://www.iGive.com/button Page 19 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Make Your Afternoons More Stimulating! Join Rabbi Goldfarb For Lunch N Learn 12 Noon - 1:00 PM every 3rd Wednesday NEXT SESSION FEBRUARY 18 Lunch N Learn explores topics of Jewish interest and engages adults in discussing those topics. We’ve explored Jewish mysticism, Chariot Mysticism, the teachings of Isaac Luria, and readings from the Zohar. Now, Lunch N Learn is going back to basics, back to the beginning. Think you know the biblical story of creation? If you think the biblical story of creation and evolution are contradictory. . . If you think that the Torah says woman was created !om Adam’s rib. . . If you think science and the Big Bang theory conflict with Torah. . . Then, you might want to think again. Join Rabbi Goldfarb for an in-depth, interactive exploration of the Book of B’reishit, the Book of Genesis, exploring the Torah text, Rabbinic commentary, mystical interpretationa, and scientific theory for a better understanding of what the Torah really teaches us about our origins and why we are here. SISTERHOOD JUDAIC SHOP got gifts? We do. Something for everyone. How about a gift card? We have those, too. Buying for children? How about a book? The shop is open before services each Friday night, and on Sundays during Religious School. Private shopping hours are available. Contact Leslie Berger at 310-871-8498 or LBerger53@yahoo.com for special orders. Page 20 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Contributions & Donations Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund By Robert Block & Sandra Madrid The General Fund By Jack & Marian Gasser By Eleanor & Bill Richman, in memory of Ellen Globerman By Janet Krabbenhoft By Mae Salinger & Charles Salinger By Farmer & Merchants Bank By David Friedman & Laura Schwimmer, in honor of Joyce Friedman’s 85th birthday The Lou Zucker Memorial College Fund By Frances Cohen, in memory of Mary Koizim Yahrzeit Contributions By Mollie Schartoff, in memory of Norman H. Schartoff By Ken Goodman, in memory of Ray Goodman By Rhonda & Charles Garside, in memory of Myles E. Atlas By Maurice & Annita Rosenblum, in memory of Abraham Rosenblum By Karen Katz, in memory of Kay Klepak By Marlene Palmer, in memory of Sylvia Shaw By Gert Starker, in memory of Beckie Franz By Rhonda & Charles Garside, in memory of Victor Vincent By Joyce Glassman, in memory of Mildred Schwartz By Marlene Palmer, in memory of George Shaw By Maurice & Annita Rosenblum, in memory of Jacob Goldman By Shirley Altneu & Family, in memory of Larry Altneu By Marlene Palmer, in memory of Hebert Palmer By Rhonda & Charles Garside, in memory of Marilyn Williams By Bernie & Eileen Haber, in memory of Ann Irwin By Evelyn & Morris Spaber, in memory of Rose Klein By Inge Spiegl, in memory of Max Haller By Dede & Ed Ginter, in memory of Lizzie Doroshow By Adrienne Casson, in memory of Joyce Carter Temple Beth Ohr Contribution To make a contribution, please complete this form and include with your donation Mail to: Temple Beth Ohr 15721 E. Rosecrans Avenue La Mirada, CA 90638 Enclosed is my contribution for $ In Memory/Honor of __________________________ From: ____________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ City:________________ State:____ Zip: ______________ Please send an acknowledgment card to: Name:___________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ City:________________ State:____ Zip: _______________ YOU MAY WISH TO DESIGNATE ONE OF THESE FUNDS ___ General Fund - Rabbi and Cantor’s salaries, operating expenses, outside service, repairs, school supplies. ___Emilio Urcis Memorial Fund - Special purchases for the Religious School and the Temple. ___Paskus-Lofchie Fund - Beautification of the Temple such as the patio cover, special purchases. ___Library fund - Funds designated for the purchase of books for the temple library. ___Endowment Fund - The interest only from this fund can be used by the temple. ___Rabbi Goldfarb’s discretionary fund - Funds that the Rabbi can dispense at his discretion. ___TBO Dotty Abel Children’s Fund ___Carole E. Sherman Memorial Fund ___Lou Zucker Memorial College Education Fund Page 21 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Flower & Oneg Sponsors for January 2015 SAVE THE DATE TO CELEBRATE! Joel & Devora Lowenstein sponsored the flowers and oneg on January 2nd in honor of their “Golden Anniversary.” Flowers were sponsored by Phil & Susan Carey on January 9th in honor of their 35th anniversary. Paul Friedman sponsored the flowers and lovely oneg on January 16th to honor the 85th birthday of his wife, Joyce. Charles & Rhonda Garside sponsored the flowers on January 23rd in honor of Rhonda’s birthday. The oneg on the 23rd was sponsored by Sisterhood for Sisterhood Shabbat. Bernie & Eileen Haber sponsored both the flowers and oneg on January 30th for their 65th anniversary. Fe b r u ar y Bi r thd a y s Michael Gavrielov ..... Ray Urwin .............. Viviana Bergerson ..... Mark Volen ............. Trudy Dubovy .......... Rita Silverman ......... Roland Luna ........... Abigail Cabrera........ Jason Block ............ Howard Koenig ........ Don Bloch .............. Janis Green ............ Melissa Melnik ......... Alan Ryave ............. Stephen Goldman ..... Laura Milhander ....... Sheila Craven .......... 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 12 13 16 16 How to Sponsor Flowers Contact Wilma Scheer for details at $ (562) 652-5754 $ ! " Plant a Tree in Israel Harry Gunther ......... 17 Evelyn Levin ........... 18 Robin Smith ............ 19 Wilma Davis............ 20 Michael Rudolph ...... 21 Tyler Porter ............ 21 Mike Gimbel ........... 21 Owen Galvan .......... 21 Jack Gasser ............ 23 Shirley Levin ........... 24 Aaron Sivertsen ....... 25 Trenton Porter......... 26 Herbert Miller ......... 26 Febr u a r y Anni ver s a r i e s Mike & Sharon Kravitz Michael & Susan Renberg Brian & Teresa Goldstein Art & Donna Berglas-Hess Mitchell & Mary Weiss Stephen & Sharon Goldman Come and celebrate Denean’s 10th Anniversary with Temple Beth Ohr on Friday, February 20th 4 14 14 15 17 28 # Page 22 This is a great gift to let someone special know you care about them. Cost is $18.00 per tree. Contact Jayne Glickman at 714-293-2012 or via email at glick5856@aol.com. February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Framed Torah Portions Still Available Each beautifully framed Torah portion makes a lovely gift and your $250 helps the Temple. This is the best way to honor our retired Torah. It might even be the very Torah portion your child or grandchild read at their b’nai mitzvah. Contact the office to learn more. Sponsor a Prayer Book Have you ever opened up a prayer book and noticed that it has been dedicated to an individual? We still have a few books that have not been claimed. If you would like to honor your loved one with a sticker please contact the Temple Office at office@TempleBethOhr.com CARING CONCERNS: A service to our members If you know of anyone who might like information included in a Simchas & Tsoris email, please contact, or have them contact the Temple office. Also, if there are those who wish to have Rabbi Goldfarb visit them either at home or in the hospital in times of illness and/or surgery, please contact the office or Rabbi Goldfarb so that he is aware of your situation. 714-521-6765 or office@templebethohr.com Sharing Life Cycle Events With Your Temple Community Temple Beth Ohr invites you to sponsor an oneg for a life cycle event. Whether you are celebrating a Simcha such as a birthday, anniversary, engagement, b’nai mitzvah, or perhaps you would like to honor a loved one who has passed with a lovely memorial, the Religious Committee would like you to consider having that celebration on a Friday night after services. Oneg includes: fruit, vegetables, sweets, wine, and challah for up to 60 people. For just $100 for a regular oneg or for an enhanced oneg at an additional cost*, you are free to enjoy your guests, as well as be recognized in the Beacon, an announcement from the bimah and a special blessing by the Rabbi. To schedule your oneg celebration simply contact Ellie Urcis at 714-521-0521. *We are now using Sugar & Spice Catering at 562-577-1376 for all our onegs. Speak to Gil about any additional or specific requests to have your order delivered with our standing order. You are also welome to bring in your own purchased food and it will be plated and served by Kurt; however the standing order from Sugar & Spice will still be provided and the cost remains $100. Page 23 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Tribute Cards Were Sent to the Following People in January Birthday Wishes: Joyce Friedman Devora Lowenstein Rhonda Garside Shaul Saulisbury Peggy Horwitz Sandra Strauss Howard Lefton Elaina Tyson Devora Lemus Jay Weinschenker Ari Zlotnik Anniversary Wishes: Phillip & Susan Carey Dr. Fred and Marlene Fink Bernard & Eileen Haber Joel & Devora Lowenstein Get Well Wishes: Shirley Grossberg Shirley Levin Sandra Paskus Harley Rockoff Dottie Rothe Ed Ginter How Do You Send a Tribute Card? If you have ever received a tribute card, then you know what a nice way it is to express your feelings and make a contribution to our Temple. Simply send an email to Linda Selander at LindaSelander@yahoo.com or 562-944-2020 Devora Lowenstein Hariet Rockoff Cards are also available in the Judaic Shop for $2.00 each. Condolences: Mike & Diane Globerman, in memory of Mike’s dear sister Anita Roman, in memory of Stanley Roman Harold & Peggy Roman, in memory of Harold’s brother, Stanley Roman Shirley Altshuler & Family, in memory of beloved husband and father Bob Altshuler Gregg Animal Hospital 750 S. Beach Blvd La Habra, CA 90631 Page 24 Phone: 562-691-7751 Fax: 562-690-7689 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 February Yahrzeits Feb. 1 - 7 ~ 12 - 18 Shevat Feb. 8 – 14 ~ 19 - 25 Shevat (Continued) Irving Franz, brother of Gert Starker Eugenia Austin Gorman, sister-in-law of Gloria Austin, aunt of Lynette Austin Eilene Grossberg, sister-in-law of Shirley Grossberg Robert Bernard Jacobs, father of Harry Jacobs Jeanette B. Herman, sister-in-law of Norma Liepe, aunt of Ben Liepe Harry Schnur, brother-in-law of Shirley Altneu Henry Waldman, father of Stephen Waldman Ben Dubin, uncle of Harley Rockoff Willy Zwirn, father of Scott Zwirn Dennis Krichmar, cousin of Mike Krichmar Hayman Sarkin, great-great uncle of Ted Lavoot, great-great-great uncle of Howard Lavoot Rae Israel Philip Miller, father of Herbert Miller Jack Geller Meta M. Sokol Lillian Gordon, mother-in-law of Allegra Gordon Abraham Kaplan, brother of Ethel Shein Edna Schreier, mother of Terri Lavoot, grandmother of Howard Lavoot Fay Schachter, mother of Joyce Kessler Shirley Schmidt, mother of Leo Schmidt Bernard Palmer, uncle of Nancy & Gene Griffin Lillian Aarons, aunt of Helene Moss Samuel Schwartz, father of Sandra Gelmini Hyman Wein Joel Koniarsky Sheldon Silber Morris Berger, father of Evelyn Levin, grandfather of Marsha Braunstein Feb.15 - 21 26 Shevat - 2 Adar Dr. Joseph Austin, father-in-law of Gloria Austin, grandfather of Lynette Austin David Klein, uncle of Sandra Bloch Erwin Moskowitz Sol Rosenblatt, relative of Sharon Kravitz Eleanor Young, mother of Leslie Berger Harold "Hal" M. Cramer, father of Bradley Cramer Steven Kaplan, nephew of Ethel Shein Dorothy Sonns, mother of Cindy Waldman Alvin Fry, father of Richard Fry Lola Berezan de Gak, grandmother of Pat Almada Vern Friend, father of Sandy Lakin Robert R. Stocker Sylvia Streisand, mother of Helene Moss Isaac Streisand, grandfather of Helene Moss Rachel Webber, mother of Marlene Fink Barbara Weiss, friend of Ted & Terri Lavoot Esther Marcus, mother of Dena Jastroch Samuel J. Perlmutter Frank Gore, cousin of Ethel Shein Jack Altschuler Samuel Lofchie, grandfather of Linda Selander Morris Pazornik, father of Maxine Gimbel Samuel B. Zalma, father of Starr Rofe Louis Sandow, brother of Evelyn Zucker Catherine Zipper, sister-in-law of Fran Benveniste Barbara Ruth Roman, late wife of Harold Roman Paula Weinfeld, mother of Sylvia Schmidt Tillie Sandow, sister of Evelyn Zucker ~~~~~ Feb. 8 – 14 ~ 19 - 25 Shevat Leon Braunstein, father-in-law of Ruth Braunstein, grandfather of Lester Braunstein Emilia L. Caren William Urban Martin Glick, friend of Ted & Terri Lavoot and Howard & Penni Lavoot Harry Julius Kravitz Jan Berg, cousin of Charles Garside Roy Jastroch, father of Chris Jastroch Bette Kaplan Levinson, aunt of Lynette Austin, sister-in-law of Gloria Austin Paula Rose Levy, mother of Sheila Craven & Marc Levy Meyer Lite, grandfather of Adrienne Casson William Ries, cousin of Terri Lavoot & Howard Lavoot Esther Benjamin, mother-in-law of Evelyn Levin, grandmother of Marsha Braunstein Joan Bluestone, aunt of Ted Lavoot, great aunt of Howard Lavoot Sylvia Guggenheimer, mother of David Guggenheimer Sadie Levin Page 25 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Feb.22 - 28 2 - 9 Adar Jack Mandelbaum, uncle of Stephen Thomas Lew Sherwood Albert Schartoff, father-in-law of Mollie Schartoff Laurence Eli Dean, father of Sandra Paskus, grandfather of Eileen Mignella David Immer, father of Frances Gelbart Fred Levin Dr. Alvin L. Polevoi Glenn L. Ralston Harry Wolfe Spaner, grandfather of Harry Jacobs Nancy Ashmon Wagman, cousin of Ted Lavoot & Howard Lavoot Janet Bradley, aunt of Cathy White John Brinkman Evelyn Camras, cousin of Shirley Grossberg Louise J. Freifield Rose Pazornik, mother of Maxine Gimbel Morris Post, uncle of Ted Lavoot, great uncle of Howard Lavoot Sadie C. Broida, mother of Eileen Haber Lillian B. Handel Michael Segal, brother of Alan Segal Ervin Wolfsohn Phyllis Leschber, mother of Melanie Sherman Sarah Pivo, grandmother of Cher Krichmar Sidney Shiffman, brother of Annette Rayman Sheila Krotinger, wife of Nat Krotinger Herman Berger, father of Roland Berger Louis A. Wolfe, stepfather of Sidney Gelfand Bill Schloss, father of Caryn Saine In emoriam Our continued thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those whom we continue to observe Shiva/Sheloshim: Stanley Roman Benjamin Leib May Stanley & Benjamin’s memories forever be blessings. ~~~~~ How to Observe the Yahrzeit Light a 24-hour memorial candle in your home at sundown on the evening that begins the Yahrzeit (anniversary of death). It is customary to attend Shabbat services on the Friday night following the Yahrzeit date, and recite the Kaddish in Temple. The names of loved ones are read on Friday night. The presence in Temple at Yahrzeit of the family of loved ones is a living testimony to their faith in the continuity of life and to their response to Jewish Values. Page 26 February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 February 2015 Sunday Monday 1 9:30 AM Religious School 12:00 PM BOLTY Sky Zone Adventure 2:00 PM Brotherhood Superbowl Party Tuesday 10:00 AM Game Day 7:00 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting 8 9:30 AM Religious School 10:30 AM Tu b'Shvat Seder 11:30 AM Brotherhood Tu b'Shvat Lunch 12:30 PM TBO Spain/Israel Trip Info Meeting 3 8:30 AM Tai Chi TBD The Movie Mavens 9 10:00 AM Game Day 7:15 PM TBO Board Meeting 15 No Religious School 2 9:30 AM Religious School 10:45 AM Education & Youth Committee Meeting 10:00 AM Game Day 4 5 12 19 7:00 PM Ways & Means Committee Meeting 25 12:00 PM Brown Bag & Book Club 4:00 PM Hebrew Learning Lab 6:00 PM Membership Committee Meeting RSVP 6 6:00 PM Soup & Salad Shabbat Supper 7:30 PM Erev Shabbat Worship - 4th & 5th Grade Shabbat 26 7 7:00 PM Adult Ed Presents: Larry Mauer, “The ‘B’ Jewish Composers” 13 14 Valentine’s Day 10:00 AM Shabbat Worship Service & Torah Study 20 6:30 PM B'nai Shabbat Service 7:00 PM PreOneg 7:30 PM Erev Shabbat Worship 27 7:30 PM Erev Shabbat Worship FREE Page 27 Saturday 7:30 PM Erev Shabbat Worship 18 24 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM Sisterhood DineOut @ Katella Deli 8:30 AM Tai Chi 1:30 PM The Knotty Ladies Friday 5:30 PM Adult Education Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting 11 12:00 PM Lunch n' Learn with Rabbi Goldfarb 4:00 PM Hebrew Learning Lab 7:00 PM Brotherhood Meeting 18 23 Thursday 4:00 PM Hebrew Learning Lab 6:30 PM Sisterhood Social Hour 7:00 PM Sisterhood Meeting 17 8:30 AM Tai Chi FLYER page 22 Tu Bish'vat 4:00 PM Hebrew Learning Lab Tu B'hvat 7:00 PM Religious Committee Meeting 10 8:30 AM Tai Chi 1:30 PM The Knotty Ladies 16 President’s Day 10:00 AM Game Day Wednesday 21 6:00 PM Sisterhood Sponsored Family Bingo Night 28 10:00 AM Shabbat Worship Service & Torah Study February 2015 Shevat - Adar 5775 Temple Beth Ohr Temple Beth Ohr Board of Directors 2014-15 Board of Directors – 2014 -2015 President: Steve Weisel First VP Religion: Caryn Saine Second VP Membership: Dana Porter Third VP Education/Youth: Jody Green Recording Secretary: Brad Cramer Treasurer: Jeff Scheer Financial Secretary: Scott Zwirn Ways & Means: Leslie Berger House: Charles Garside & Craig Lebow Inter Community Relations: Chris Jastroch Adult Education: Joyce Kessler Communications & Publicity: Susan Carey Long Range Planning: Donna Berglas-Hess Senior Activities: Charlene Brotman & Diane Globerman Sisterhood President: Cher Krichmar Brotherhood President: David Yungman Immediate Past President: Sharon Kravitz STEVE WEISEL, PRESIDENT 15721 E. Rosecrans Avenue La Mirada, CA 90638 714-521-6765 Fax 714-670-9675 email: office@templebethohr.com Mark Goldfarb, Rabbi Arielle Goldfarb, Cantorial Soloist Lawrence J. Goldmark, Rabbi Emeritus TO: Page 28 DANA PORTER, ,VP MEMBERSHIP JODY GREEN, VP EDUCATION LESLIE BERGER, WAYS & MEANS JEFF SCHEER, TREASURER SCOTT ZWIRN, FINANCIAL SEC. CHRIS JASTROCH, ICR DAVID YUNGMAN, BROTHERHOOD CHER KRICHMAR, SISTERHOOD CHARLES GARSIDE, HOUSE (CO) CRAIG LEBOW, HOUSE (CO) SYLVIA SCHMIDT, ADULT ED. (CO) JOYCE KESSLER, ADULT ED.(CO) SUSAN CAREY, BEACON PUBLICITY Beacon Temple Beth Ohr CARYN SAINE, VP RELIGION DONNA BERGLAS-HESS, PLANNING CHARLENE BROTMAN, SR. ACTIVITIES. DIANE GLOBERMAN, SR. ACTIVITIES BRAD CRAMER, SECRETARY SHARON KRAVITZ, PAST PRESIDENT
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