Circuit Rider - Mill Plain United Methodist Church

Mill Plain United Methodist Church
Circuit Rider
Volume 46 Issue 1 / February 2015
Inside This Issue
PANCAKE SUPPER ........................... 1
ASH WEDNESDAY............................. 1
MARCH EVENTS ................................ 1
LAY MINISTER REPORT ................... 3
SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS ................. 4
YOUTH SCHEDULE ........................... 4
YOUTH SEMINARS ............................ 4
LENTEN STUDY—I AM ...................... 5
PRESCHOOL NEWS .......................... 6
ANOTHER WAY TO SUBMIT ..............
YOUR OFFERING ....................... 6
SHRED DIRECTORIES....................... 6
MISSIONS REPORT—HUGS ............. 7
EASTER EGG HUNT .......................... 8
FELLOWSHIP GROUPS..................... 8
CHURCH OFFICERS .................. 9 & 10
RHEINGANS CONCERT ...................10
LENTEN SERMON SERIES...............11
STAFF ...............................................12
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
The Chancel Choir and Worship
Team will again be hosting a Shrove
Tuesday Pancake Supper, Tuesday,
February 17, at 6 p.m., the evening
before the beginning of Lent on Ash
Wednesday. The season of Lent is a
period of contemplation comparable
to the time Jesus spent in the
wilderness. For many, Lent is a time
for fasting or giving up foods
traditionally forbidden during these 40 days. Pancakes are the perfect
food for using up the supplies often given up at this time. Bring your
family and friends to enjoy a hearty feast. The meal is FREE,
although donations are accepted.
A few additional volunteers are needed. Please call the church
office if you will be able to help either the day before or the day of the
Ash Wednesday Service
We prepare for the Lenten journey by gathering for worship on Wednesday, February 18, at 6:45 p.m. for a traditional Ash Wednesday service. This very solemn services will include the imposition of ashes (from
the burning of the palms from last year’s Palm Sunday service), either
on the forehead or the back of the hand. This symbolizes our mortality
and repentance of our sins.
March Events for your Calendar
Thursday, March 12: Tacoma Community House Missionaries
Saturday, March 14: Lay Speaker Training, Salmon Creek UMC
Friday, March 20, 6:30 p.m.: Beacock Swing Band Concert:
March 29: Palm Sunday:
Thursday—Saturday, March 26, 27 & 28: Rummage Sale: (Setup
weekend before. Start putting aside your items for the sale now.)
Tuesday, March 31: Pastor’s Lenten Book Discussion:
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
From the Pastor’s Heart...
St . Paul declared: “For in Him, every one of God’s promises is a ‘Yes!’” (2 Cor. 1:20).
We sing a song in our contemporary worship service that resounds, “Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes, yes, Lord.
Amen!” Sometimes we see a person react to a happy circumstance by pulling a fist toward themselves and
shouting, “Yes!” When I think back on this past year of ministry with Mill Plain UMC, my soul shouts an
exuberant, “YES!” What’s so YES! about Mill Plain UMC?
We are growing stronger in our spirituality. We are
talking more freely about God and God’s presence in
our lives. We are seeing more people in worship and
spiritual growth classes. We have had classes on
Bible and prayer, forgiveness,
stewardship, including Financial Peace
University. There is more grinning and
less grumbling going on. People act like
they are happy to be here—because
they are. Yes!
The numbers of persons/families making prethought, pre-prayed about, declared Giving Plan
Statements for our annual Mission Action Plan (MAP)
has increased, as has the average amount pledged.
In addition, our congregation is exceptionally
generous toward special needs like disaster relief
(UMCOR), African orphans choir. We gave over a
ton of food to FISH. The generosity toward the new
piano blew me away! The two rummage sales
produced a lot of money for local missions. But not
just money. More people are volunteering their time
and talent for leadership and participation in projects
and programs of the church. Our preschool is still the
best in town! It was the easiest year in my ministry
for a Lay Leadership Committee to cover the ministry
positions for 2015. About all we heard was, “Yes!”
I believe it is God’s will for the Church to grow in
numbers. If a church is healthy it will engage, invite,
attract and include others in its family. This is
happening at MPUMC, but not nearly enough. As we
share life with those in our relationships, we are
becoming more conscious of the
2 appropriateness to invite others to a church
activity and to simply recommend our church
to others as naturally as we do our favorite
restaurants or service professionals. (Linda and I
thank the Hardings for recommending a great dentist
to us.) There are new members of our church who
thank some member for recommending to them a
great church. Our “100 Invitations in 100 Days” will
meet its goal in about half that time! Our Youth
Group attendance is growing, and our Good Timers
attendance is growing. Sunday School is growing.
However, our worship attendance is exactly what it
was last year: 168. Our membership has increased
by 6. “Yes!”
We have been busy putting money from the Bill Brew
estate into improvements. You will hear about
specifics in the Trustees and Finance Reports. To
mention a few: new carpet, chancel remodel, and
new furniture and equipment for the Preschool. We
are using these funds to tend to important delayed
maintenance issues and to make our facility as
beautiful and functional as possible. We have
established a Task Force to get input from the
congregation about how to use the Brew Bequest in
our mission. It will begin its work the first of the year.
There are so many people to thank for this great
year of ministry. Pages could be filled, probably
should be filled, but nobody wants to read a long
list of names, and you always leave someone out.
So, let me say THANK YOU to all of you,
especially our incredibly talented and dedicated
staff upon whom I lean for so much. Hmmm.
Maybe that’s why they are called Staff.
Yes! in Christ.
Rev. L. Carlyle Martin
(from 2014 Charge Conference Report)
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
Lay Minister Report
A blessing for those of us who are in the office is
that on most days we get to hear the preschool
children as they sing various songs. A personal
favorite of mine is one that has the words, “I am a
promise, I am a possibility, I am a great big bundle
of potentiality.” The children sing this song with great
enthusiasm and gusto! Those particular words
resonate with me as I reflect on this past year.
Although many wonderful things have happened
during the past 14 years since I’ve been at Mill Plain
UMC, and I have experienced and witnessed growth
in many ways, I am so excited about the changes
and growth that have occurred these past few
There is the sense that we are on the precipice of
something amazing happening at Mill Plain UMC.
Going back to my southern roots, I would say that
we are experiencing a revival! A renewal of
enthusiasm for the existing ministries; an
acceptance for trying new programs and venturing
even more into mission within the community and
world; more broad-based participation in spiritual
growth at all ages; and a more cohesive
understanding of the vision of Mill Plain UMC. It is
an exciting, encouraging and engaging time, as we
respond to God’s call for His church on the corner of
Mill Plain Blvd. and 160th Avenue!
My most profound appreciation and thanks to the
many people who give so freely of their time and
talents in making Mill Plain UMC such a special
place. The team and committee leaders and
members; the people who work behind the scenes
on Sunday morning on the soundboard, video
projection and production as well as the ushers,
greeters, and worship assistants. A very special
recognition to the group of office
volunteers who faithfully serve as
“secretary of the day”—Nancy Harding,
Candace Africa, Melody Mello, Sue
Townsen, Linda Christy, and Mary
Clark. Also, my most sincere thanks to
Connie Maddox for the innumerable ways she
serves and avails of herself wherever there is a
need. The church works because of people joining
together to serve!
2015 promises to be a year of continued growth at
Mill Plain UMC. I’m appreciative of the plan to hire a
part-time office administrative assistant early in the
year. This will allow me to devote more time to the
overall planning of the ministries of our church, more
visitations to our homebound congregants, leading
more classes, and exploring ways to incorporating
people into the ministries of the church. It’s going to
be fun, and I’m already looking forward to what will
be in my 2015 charge conference report!
Ev Fisher
(from 2014 Charge Conference Report)
Young Families Ministry
We are looking forward to our next Young Families get together. This time it’s a Movie Matinee. When was
the last time you and your spouse were able to go on a date without worrying about childcare? Well here is
your chance.
Save the date for a movie matinee on Saturday, February 21. We would like to set a tentative timeline
of 3-6 p.m. that day, not knowing yet what movies will be playing.
We are asking for volunteers to watch our little ones at the church for a donation. Anyone interested in going
to the movies OR volunteering for childcare, please contact Kaia French at
by February 14. Background checks will be required for those volunteering for childcare.
Kaia French
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
Sunday School
February Youth Group Schedule
Greetings to one and all!
Heartfelt thanks to all the parents, teachers,
students and volunteers who gave their time and
talents for our Christmas pageant. It was an
amazing evening. We are now winding down our
winter curriculum and will start our spring sessions
next month! And, as we gear up for Vacation Bible
School (VBS), be on the lookout for participation,
volunteer and donation signup sheets in the
Following is the Grow, Proclaim, Serve! Curriculum
for Pre-K through 5th grade for February:
Feb. 1
The Wedding at Cana
Feb. 8
Jesus Walks on Water
Feb. 15 Feeding 5000
Feb. 22 The Man Beside the Pool
Blessings to you all.
Deb Miles
Sunday School Superintendent
Youth Suicide Prevention
Program Seminars
The Youth Suicide Prevention Program (YSPP) is a
prevention education organization focused on
reducing suicidal behaviors among Washington
state’s youth. They work
toward this goal by providing
programs and services to raise
public awareness, facilitate
training, and support communities in action to
confront the issues of suicide and self-violence.
Youth Group is open to anyone in 6th grade—
High School. Friends are always welcome!
Weekly meeting times, unless otherwise noted:
Middle School—Wednesdays 5:30—7p.m.
High School—Wednesdays 7:30—9 p.m.
Youth Schedule
Wednesdays, February 4, 11, 18, & 25
Regular Youth Group meetings
Friday, February 6—Mission Work at the
WHO Shelter 6—10 p.m.
All Youth meet at the Winter Hospitality
Overflow Shelter at 5:45 p.m. and need to be
picked up at 10 p.m. The WHO Shelter runs out
of St. Andrews Lutheran Church, 5607 NE Gher
Rd, Vancouver, WA 98662. Please let us know
if you are planning to attend this event so that
we can check everyone in at the shelter
entrance. This work involves setting up the
sleeping arrangements, playing with kids in the
gym or doing crafts, and prepping/cleaning up
snacks for the guests.
Upcoming Youth Events:
Convo: May 23—25 (Memorial Day Weekend)
at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma
1st Annual Flea Market (major youth
fundraiser) in May, dates to be determined—
more details to come and parent help needed.
Vacation Bible School: June 22—26.
Youth help needed.
Mill Plain UMC will be hosting two YSPP seminars
geared towards parents, on Monday, February 16,
and Monday, February 23, at 7 p.m. at the
church. The topic on the 16 will be Bullying, and on
the 23, Understanding Adolescent Depression and
Join us to gain a better understanding of these
important issues that are occurring right here in our
own schools.
Amy Meyer
Children’s Christmas Pageant
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
Spiritual Leadership
Development Workshop #5
You are invited to join Debrah Williams for the fifth
of her monthly Spiritual Leadership Development
Workshops, Saturday, February 21,
9—11 a.m. This particular session
will focus on Your Natural Leadership
Qualities: Combining your
personal vision and mission
statements with your leadership
style. Although this class series
has already begun, you are welcome to join in at
any time.
Debrah has a Master's Degree in Counseling,
Certification in The Brain and Behavior,
Certification in Psych-K, and is a Certified
Professional Coach.
The suggested donation for the workshop is $10.
These workshops are held the third Saturday of
each month and will continue through May 2015.
Pastor’s Lenten Book Discussion
Twelve Steps to A Compassionate Life by Karen
Armstrong will be the basis of a Lenten study
discussion led by Pastor Carl Martin on Tuesday,
March 31, 6:30 p.m. Participants are asked to
read the book at their leisure during Lent, which
begins Wednesday, February 18.
In this important and thought-provoking work,
Armstrong—one of the most original thinkers on
the role of religion in the modern world—provides
an impassioned and practical guide to helping us
make the world a more compassionate place. The
twelve steps she suggests begin with Learn About
Compassion,” and close with Love Your Enemies.
In between she takes up self-love, mindfulness,
suffering, sympathetic joy, the limits of our
knowledge of others, and concern for everybody.
Armstrong teaches us that becoming a compassionate human being is a lifelong project and a
journey filled with rewards.
There is a suggested donation of $15 per book
(available in church office).
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
Lenten Study – I Am
Lent is the season of preparation leading up to Easter,
when we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. This 40-day
period, which begins with Ash Wednesday, February
18, is a time for reflection on our lives
and what it means to be a Christian.
Some will choose a food or activity from
which to abstain. Others will add a new
practice to draw closer to God. One way
would be to delve deeper into the word
of God—the Bible. Using the book The
God We Can Know, by Pastor Rob Fuquay, and the
accompanying video set in the Holy Land, Melody
Mello will lead discussions on the “I Am” sayings from
the New Testament book of John. These statements
provide insight into the heart of God and God’s desire
to know us and to be known. God first said to Moses
in Exodus, “I am who I am”. Then 1200 years later,
Jesus defined himself with the words, “I am—the
Bread of Life; the Light of the World; the Good
Shepherd; the True Vine; the Way, the Truth, and the
Life; and the Resurrection and the Life”.
Books are available in the church office or on the first
day of class for a suggested donation of $8. By
studying the great “I Am’s”, you will be better able to
complete your own “I am” statement.
Mark your calendars for this seven-week Lent
class, which will begin on Tuesday, February 17,
at 9:30 a.m.
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
Preschool News
Thank you for your support of our Fund Factory
fundraiser. We have purchased new computers for
our classrooms, new software to go with
them, and have donated all the components
of the old computers to the Skills Center in
Vancouver for those students to use.
Our art classes have begun for the four-year
olds, as well as the pre-kindergarten children.
Monica, who taught the classes last year, is doing so
again this year. Her creativity is contagious. She
inspires our 30 children to artistically express
themselves in new and exciting ways.
Our other extra-curricular class, dance, is also under
way. There are 15 four- and five-year olds enrolled,
and they had their first recital in January. These
dance classes are a wonderful way for the children to
increase their ability to control their large muscle
groups, as well as their eye-hand coordination.
sharing Valentine cards with one another. The
teachers will read stories of God’s great love for them
and remind the children of how they can share
their love every day.
Registration for the 2015-2016 school year
will begin on February 17, 2015, for those
children already participating in the preschool
program. We also welcome and encourage anyone
associated with our Church to register an eligible
child or grandchild at this time. Please contact Linda
DeMorgan at the preschool office if you are
interested in enrolling your child or grandchild. Open
registration will begin on February 23, 2015.
If you would like to visit any of our classrooms,
please give Linda a call at 896-2696. God’s love to
Georgia Hess
The children will celebrate Valentine’s Day by
Communion Free Will Offering
Starting in 2015, on communion Sundays, MPUMC will have offering baskets at both sanctuary exits to
collect a free will offering that will benefit the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. Please give prayerfully.
Another Way to Submit Your Offering
If you are interested in another, possibly more convenient, way to
submit your offering, just add Mill Plain UMC to your online banking.
Set the church up as a payee on your financial institution’s website,
and they will send a check for you, just as they do for your business
or utility accounts.
It is fast and easy, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting your
checkbook or cash when you come to church, or mailing a check
when you are out of town, or being unable to attend services. The
check from the bank will have your name on it and will be credited to
your account, just as if you had written the check yourself.
What to do…what to do…
with your Mill Plain UMC Church Directories (phone, address and e-mail lists) and your pictorial directories
when you replace them with updated versions. Please do not put them in your trash! In our current environment, it is important to shred them so that the personal information and photos are not available to
6 those who steal identities or wish to harm others.
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
Open Your Heart to Hearthwood
Hearthwood Elementary School (MPUMC’s
partner school) could use your help as a lunch
buddy (having lunch and playing a game with a
child one day each week), or as
a classroom tutor (working with
individual or small groups of
children on an assignment or
activity planned by their teacher).
This is about an-hour-a-week commitment.
However, they are very willing to work around
your schedule. If you think you might be
interested, or would just like to learn more,
please email call
the church office.
Sherry Sotka
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
Missions Report—HUGS
February is here, and it is time once again to help our
community by donating a HUG or two. New Hats,
Underwear, Gloves and Socks (HUGS), along with
new or gently used blankets, will be collected this
month and will be donated to Share House. There will
be a table set up in the narthex every Sunday in
February for you to drop off your donations.
Please prayerfully consider what you can give to this
mission. If you have questions, please contact the
Kitty Stockman
and Your Missions Team
Winter Hospitality Overflow (WHO) 2014/2015
(February 1 Volunteer Signup Reminder)
In Matthew 25:35 we are reminded, For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was
thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in; and in verse
40, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.
Homelessness does not have just one face, but many. The cold and rainy weather recently is a reminder of
why we join with other faith communities to provide Winter Hospitality Overflow. Along with the Council for
the Homeless, WHO helps to bridge the gap between limited shelter space and the increased need for warm
accommodations during the five coldest winter months.
We thank those of you who have helped to support this ministry in the past with your gifts and service.
During the 2013/2014 season and with the support of all volunteers, St. Andrew Lutheran Church was able
to serve 443 people, and provide a total of 6,129 bed nights, November 1 through March 31. This number
included 135 children, 53 per cent under the age of five. St. Paul Lutheran Church served 199 single men,
for a total of 3,526 bed nights.
This winter, MPUMC will provide the staffing for WHO, at St. Andrew Lutheran, February 4 through 8. Mark
your calendars now. The last date to sign up is February 1, or you can call the church office. There will
also be a volunteer training session at St. Andrew Lutheran Church on February 1, at 5 p.m.
Background checks are required for all those over the age of 18. If you have already gone through this
process, and your background check is current and on file with the church, you will be covered. The church
office has the proper forms, or they will be available on February 1 at the sign-up table. Background checks
are good for two years.
Thank you for your great response for our request for snack items. This helps the Missions Team keep their
out-of-pocket expenses down. They provide all perishable items from their budget.
For more information, check out the WHO website:
Karen Leffel
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
Fellowship Groups
Good Timers (50+)
Wed., Feb. 11, at 12 Noon
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Thu., Feb 12, 10 a.m., Room
Fri., Feb 13, 6:15 p.m., narthex
Books, Faith and Fellowship
Men’s Breakfast Group
Holy Yoga
Lunch at Eastland Sushi and
Asian Cuisine Restaurant, on
McGillivray, south of Fred Meyer
on 164th
Thu., Feb. 19, 9:30 a.m., Youth
Sat., Feb 21, 7:30 a.m.
Thursdays, 6:30 p.m.; narthex
All welcome. Bring beverage;
donation for Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. Hosts: Nancy and
Ralph Harding
**The Devil in the White City, by
Erik Larson
Meet at IHOP, 164th Avenue
Bring mat if you have one. $5
donation suggested.
** See below for details.
8th Annual Saturday
Easter Egg Hunt
Books, Faith and Fellowship
Our book selection this month is by Erik
Larson who intertwines the true tale of
the 1893 Chicago World's Fair and the
cunning serial killer who used the fair to
lure his victims to their death in his novel, The Devil in the White City. Join us
on Thursday, February 19, at 9:30 a.m. for a friendly
and lively discussion.
Melody Mello
This is just a heads up about our upcoming Easter
Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4, at 11 a.m. We will
need donations of small individually-wrapped candies, medium-sized plastic Easter eggs, and/or cash
or check (write egg hunt on the check memo line).
There will be a well-marked collection box in the narthex for donations within the next few weeks. We are
letting you know about this early because we have to
fill about 3000+ eggs and have only six class times in
which to accomplish this feat! Thank you in advance
for your help.
Lee Anne Olson
January 4
January 4
January 11
January 11
January 18
January 18
January 25
January 25
Total April
*9:30 statistics include Sunday School
**Nursery attendance included for both services
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
Mill Plain United Methodist Church
Officers, Committees & Teams 2015
Pastor .......................................................... Rev. Carl Martin
Lay Minister ............................................................Ev Fisher
Preschool Director ..................................... Linda DeMorgan
9:30 a.m. Music Director & 11 a.m. Accompanist ................
...................................................... ……….Thomas Rheingans
Choir Director ........................................ ………Anne Maguire
Treasurer...................................................... Laurie Hopkins
Child Care Coordinator ................................ Diane Cammer
Child Care Assistant ................................... Ruth Ann Lucke
Custodian ........................................................ George Fanno
Co-Youth Leaders ................. Amy Meyer and Zack Burdick
CHURCH COUNCIL (full members)
At Large .......................... Douglas Evans (District Lay Leader)
Board of Trustees ............................................ Connie Maddox
Lay Minister ...............................................................Ev Fisher
Finance Committee............................................... Ron Kroeker
Lay Leader/Church Council Chairperson ............. Seth Hersch
Lay Leadership (nominating) Committee ............. Carl Martin
Lay Members, Annual Conference/District Conference ..........
... ................................................. Zack Burdick, Bonnie Rappè
Preschool Board ................................................... Georgia Hess
Secretary to Church Council .................................... Trina Volk
Staff/Parish Relations Committee .......................... Don Bivins
Education Ministries Team ...................................Melody Mello
Hospitality/Events Team ........................................ Glenda Hart
Memorial Committee ........................................ Kristine Lozano
Missions Team .................. Kitty Stockman & Donnie McManus
Outreach Team ...................................................... Alexis Mason
Scholarship Committee .......................................... Dave Mason
Worship Team ...................................................... Christy Glynn
Youth ............................................... Amy Meyer & Zack Burdick
President ............................................................ Connie Maddox
Vice President ..................................................... Dean Reynolds
Secretary .............................................................. Desta Meisner
Class of 2015. Dean Reynolds, John Hanley, Connie Maddox
Class of 2016 .. Chuck Mello, Desta Meisner, Ralph Harding
Class of 2017 ............. Ken Leffel, Mike Weston, Steve Volk
(Nominating Committee)
Chairperson ........................................................ Carl Martin
Lay Leader ........................................................ Seth Hersch
Lay Minister ............................................................Ev Fisher
Preschool Representative ............................................... TBD
Class of 2015 ................. Ralph Harding,, Marilyn Bone
Class of 2016....... Pat Price, Chuck Paxton, Ron Kroeker
Class of 2017 ............................. Sue Blakey, Chriss Denny
Chairperson....................................................... Ron Kroeker
Pastor .................................................................. Carl Martin
Lay Minister (without vote)................................... Ev Fisher
Lay Leader .......................................................... Seth Hersch
Trustees Representative .............................. Connie Maddox
Preschool Representative .............................................. TBD
SPR Representative ....................................................... TBD
Treasurer ...................................................... Laurie Hopkins
Financial Secretary ............................................. Halle Fisch
Class of 2015.........................................................
Class of 2016........................................ Ron Kroeker
Class of 2017 ................... Mike Butterfield, Dave Sotka
Chairperson.......................................................... Don Bivins
Vice-Chairperson ...................................................................
Lay Leader .......................................................... Seth Hersch
Class of 2015.......................................... Don Bivins
Class of 2016................ Rick Williams, Connie Basinski
Class of 2017 ................. Kaia French, Justin Boedeker,
........................................................................... Shari Blakey
Chairperson.................................................. Kristine Lozano
Finance Committee Representative .............................. TBD
Trustee Representative .................................................. TBD
Class of 2015.............. Linda DeMorgan, Henry Crouch
Class of 2016........................................... Sue Blakey
Class of 2017 ................. Kristine Lozano, Kristi Boedeker Esther Valenter
Chairperson...................................................... Georgia Hess
Preschool Director ..................................... Linda DeMorgan
Pastor .................................................................. Carl Martin
Finance Representative .................................... Ron Kroeker
Trustee Representative ......................................... Ken Leffel
SPR Representative ....................................................... TBD
Class of 2015 ......................... Georgia Hess, Ellis Valenter
Class of 2016 .......................... Jeff Mansur, Sara Silliman
Class of 2017 ......................... Lois Butterfield, Dale Castle
Chairperson....................................................... Dave Mason
Class of 2015 ............................... Rod Meyer, Larry Bone
Class of 2016 ................ Dave Mason, Deborah Alexander
Class of 2017 ........................... Jim Scott, Nancy Harding,
..................................................................... Karla Frodsham
Marilyn Bone
We suggest that you keep this page for future reference.
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
Officers, Committees and Teams 2015
Cont’d from Page 9
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
Rheingans and Ensemble
Valentine’s Day Concert
He’s doing it again!
Our very own Thomas Rheingans and his ensemble
will be bringing their third performance to MPUMC on
Saturday, February 14 at 7 p.m— VALENTINE’S
DAY! The theme will be An American in Paris.
Team Lead ..............................................................Ev Fisher
Marilyn Bone, Lois Collins, Nancy Harding, Connie Maddox
Linda Martin, Melody Mello, Pat Price, Sharon Richardson
Sara Silliman
Team Lead ...................................................... Melody Mello
Church School Supt. ...................................... Deborah Miles
Barbara Kroeker, Lee Anne Olson, Cindy Bivins, Kelley
Law, Connie Basinski, Karin Leffel, Amy Meyer
Team Lead ... ……………………………………………..Glenda Hart
Suzanne Bush, Don Colbert, Sally Kanan, Holly Lorimor,
Dennis Lorimor, Wendy Rice, Francia McDaniel, Linda Miller, Dianne Mascarinas, Debrah Williams
Co-Team Lead ...............................................Kitty Stockman
Co-Team Lead ...........................................Donnie McManus
Chris Arakaki, Bonnie Bassett, Cathy Edwards, Joy Gault,
Debbie Gagldari, Ashley Gagldari, Shirley Huyette, Ric
Ishmael, Karen Leffel, Holly Lorimor, Carl Martin, Linda
Miller, Bev Young
Liaison for Hearthwood Elementary ............... Sherry Sotka
As we all know, Paris has a mystique and fascination
that has inspired American composers, writers and
painters for over a century. This show will feature an
incredible piano transcription of the famous Gershwin
orchestral piece An American in Paris. Also on the
playbill will be jazz, tango, French art songs and
Christian praise music. This show will be sure to
make your Valentine’s Day special with great music
and scrumptious desserts.
There is no admission fee. All free will offerings will
benefit SHARE, a local non-profit that serves the
hungry and homeless in our area. Invite your family,
neighbors and friends—the perfect opportunity to
share our church home.
Team Lead ……………………..Alexis Mason, Lee Anne Olson
Team Lead . ……………………………………………..Christy Glynn
Pastor ………………………………………………………..Carl Martin
Choir Director . ………………………………………..Anne Maguire
Lay Minister . ………………………………………………….Ev Fisher
11 a.m. Accompanist . ……………………….Thomas Rheingans
9:30 p.m. Music Director ………………..Thomas Rheingans
Greeter Coordinators. ………..Lois Collins & Nancy Harding
AV Team Lead................................................. Bonnie Rappè
Usher Coordinator ..……………………………….Connie Maddox
At Large ..……………………………………………...Lee Anne Olson
**Underlined names indicate first year serving on
Rescheduled Beacock Swing Band Concert
Friday, March 20, 6:30 p.m.—Save the Date!
The Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that we have been able to reschedule the ever-popular Beacock Swing Band for another great concert! The Band
will be here Friday, March 20, performing in our sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. (You might remember that last year’s performance was postponed due to a scheduling conflict.) This
includes the opportunity for a free will donation for the Rev. Ruth Mathis Scholarship
Fund. Rev. Mathis is a former pastor at MPUMC and the fund was created to honor her ministry.
Invite your family, friends and neighbors to this fun event. If you love the big band sound, this music
is sure to get your toes tapping. Refreshments will be served during the intermission.
Dave Mason
CHURCH OFFICE / 360-892-2421
CIRCUIT RIDER / February 2015
Lenten Sermon Series
Now if there are some poor persons among you…, don’t be hard-hearted or tight-fisted...To
contrary! Open your hand wide to them. You must generously lend them what they need.
The season of Lent is a period of contemplation
comparable to the time Jesus spent in the wilderness.
One of the many things that we, as Christians, can
contemplate during Lent is compassion. The above
quote focuses on one aspect of compassion. We are
called not only to contemplate during Lent, but to
respond in a practical way.
To guide us in our personal period of contemplation
over the next seven weeks of Lent leading up to
Easter Sunday, Pastor Carl will be focusing his
sermons on compassion, as
exhibited in Giving from
Abundance, a program
sponsored by Imagine No
Malaria, which raises funds to
eradicate malaria in SubSaharan Africa.
 The good news is that malaria is 100 per cent
preventable. Unlike many other diseases that are
awaiting a cure, malaria was eliminated in the U.S. in
the 1950s. However, in Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria
continues to kill a person every 60 seconds.
goal. Together, we can eliminate malaria through
giving medicinally-infused bed nets, communication,
education and treatment.
 Our church has the opportunity to change this
image and help eliminate deaths from malaria.
Through Imagine No Malaria, we can save
thousands of lives. “It is possible to give without
loving,” said John Wesley, “but it is impossible to love
without giving.” Imagine No Malaria is one opportunity
to respond to our calling—to show our love through
our generous gifts. More information
will be available over the next few
weeks of Lent.
On Easter Sunday, there will be a
special offering as we join in a
Sunday to Save Lives and help
reach the global goal of raising $75 million. During
both services on this day, members can make
financial gifts to support Imagine No Malaria by using
the special envelope provided and placing it in the
Pastor Carl’s sermon topics will be:
 But there is hope! Imagine No Malaria is part of a
Give Up Excess
global partnership, and together with our partners, our
generation can beat malaria once and for all. United
Methodists worldwide, along with the United Nations
Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
the Global Fund and the Alliance for Malaria
Prevention, have committed to bringing an end to
death and suffering from malaria. To date, we have
raised just over $64 million of our $75 million global
Give UpIndifference
Take Up the Charge
Take Up the Challenge
Lift Up The Hurting
(Palm Sunday) Lift Up the Healed
(Easter Sunday) Look Up to Overcome
Authentic Christian Living Class beginning in February
Debrah Williams will teach a class using the principles from Pastor Carl’s sermons to focus on ways to
practically apply the Christian faith in all of life. The classes will be the fourth Thursday of each month,
February through May. The first class is Thursday, February 26, at 10 a.m.,
15804 SE Mill Plain Boulevard
Vancouver, Washington 98684
(360) 892-2421
Preschool (360) 896-2696
Non-Profit Org.
US Postage Paid
Permit #111
Vancouver, WA 98661
Return Service Requested
Worship: 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages: 9:30 a.m.
Childcare available during both worship times
Office Hours: 9 a.m.—1 p.m.
Monday through Thursday
Pastor Carl Martin
Thomas Rheingans
Anne Maguire
Vision Statement
Ev Fisher
Amy Meyer
Zack Burdick
We are disciples of Jesus Christ in an
accepting community of faith serving
others in God’s name.
Pastor .............................................. Rev. Carl Martin
Lay Minister ............................................... Ev Fisher
9:30 a.m. Music Director .......... Thomas Rheingans
Choir Director ..................................... Anne Maguire
11 a.m. Service Accompanist .. Thomas Rheingans
Family/Youth Ministries Coordinator .... Amy Meyer
The due date for submissions for the March 2015
edition of the Circuit Rider is Sunday, March 15,
Email to: or submit
articles and photos to the church office.
Youth Director...................................... Zack Burdick
Treasurer ........................................... Laurie Hopkins
Preschool Director ........................ Linda DeMorgan
Child Care Coordinator .................... Diane Cammer
Child Care Assistant ...................... Ruth Ann Lucke
Custodian ........................................... George Fanno