Church Ministries: Trustees: Darcy Ratzlaff, Dave Fell, Kevin Finster, Myrna Gilbert WELCOME Church Family: MORRISON BIBLE STUDY MONDAYS AT 8:00 P.M. AT MORRISON'S HOME (FROM SEPTEMBER TO MAY/JUNE) CONTACT: JODY & SHELLEY MORRISON (780.524.2250) MEN’S PRAYER MEETINGS Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. (November-March) Contact: Scott Mason (780.524.8585) REICHERT BIBLE STUDY EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY AT 7:30 P.M. AT REICHERT’S HOME CONTACT: BRIAN & CHRIS REICHERT (780.524.4134) BALDWIN BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAYS AT 7:00PM AT BALDWIN’S HOME CONTACT ROD NIKKEL (780-524-2490) NEUFELD BIBLE STUDY EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY 7PM AT CHUCK & CRYSTAL NEUFELD’S HOME (780.380.4194) LADIES’ MORNING BIBLE STUDY THURSDAYS AT 9:45 A.M. IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL CONTACT: DENISE NIKKEL (780.524.2490) LADIES ‘MORNING BIBLE STUDY FRIDAY MORNINGS @ 10AM AT JENA KING’S HOME 780.552.6441 CHILDREN WELCOME AWANA KIDS’ CLUB (K TO 6) Tuesdays at 7:00–8:30 p.m. from September to April) Contact: Kendra Elzinga (780.524.7754) PRAYER CHAIN Contact: Lavina Heppner (780.524.2206) Alternate Contact: Denise Nikkel (780 524 2490) RED WILLOW LODGE SERVICES Contact the church office (780.524.3117) YOUTH GROUP (GRADES 7-12) Friday nights from September to June Contact: Pastor Keith (780.524.3117) Ruth Finster On Our Knees... GROUP MINISTRIES Missions & Missionaries: Yuri Nakano ~ Japan Alberta Baptist Association Churches: ABA LEADERSHIP COUNCIL: Chairman: Rob McLaren (Edith) General Council Representative: Mr. Doug Meyers (Roxanne) Secretary: Corinne Schalm Treasurer: Brad Moffat (Karen) Council Member: Cindy Unger (Robert) Council Member: Dwayne Dibben (Tracy) Council Member: Terry Okken (Christine) Council Member: Penny Carleton (Steve) 4914 49 Street PO Box 746 Valleyview AB T0H 3N0 Phone: 780.524.3117; Fax: 1.780.669.3932 E-mail: Pastor Don’s cell: 780.552.4090 Pastor Keith’s Cell: 780.524.8077 Pastor Don’s email: Pastor Keith’s email: EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH WHERE YOU ARE AMONG FRIENDS! Senior Pastor: Don Ford Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries: Keith Dillabough Sunday, January 11, 2014 Speaker: Pastor Don Ford “” To Make You Smile News & Events Friday, January 16th Swimming in GP Meet at the church right after school. Bring a bag supper or $ The bus leaves at 4pm. Return time is 11pm Cost: $15 Secret Sister Prayer Partners An Evening of Fun, Fellowship & Revealing. Thursday, January 15th 7:30pm at Esther Ford’s Anyone interested in being a secret prayer partner in 2015, please sign up on the bulletin board before the end of January. _____________________________________________________ Friday, January 23 Finger Rocket Wars 7-10pm Birthdays & Anniversaries JANUARY 13 ~ Elianna Eagles 13 ~ DeAnna Ratzlaff 15 ~ Deanna Till 16 ~ Cassidy Adolphson 17 ~ Neil & Myrna Gilbert MISSIONS Check out the bulletin board in the foyer for missionary news and other notes, information and events! Ministry Department Heads Please don’t forget to hand in your year end reports by THIS Tuesday. Email them to the church office Congregational Meeting Monday, January 19th Men’s Breakfast 8a.m. Saturday, January 31st If you would like to help out or have any questions, Contact Chuck Neufeld or Jerry Eagles priest, an evangelist, and a minister were in a row boat in the middle of a pond fishing. None of them had caught anything all morning. Then the evangelist stands up and says he needs to go to the bathroom so he climbs out of the boat and walks on the water to shore. He comes back ten minutes later the same way. Then the minister decides he needs to go to the bathroom, too, so he climbs out of the boat and walks on the water to shore. He, too, comes back the same way ten minutes later. The priest looks at both of them and decides that his faith is just as strong as his fishing buddies and that he can walk on water, too. He stands up and excuses himself. As he steps out, he makes a big splash down into the water. The evangelist looks at the minister and says,"I suppose we should have told him where the rocks were." STEWARDSHIP Weekly Goal ~ $ 5,815.00 January 4 ~ $ 4,020.00
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