Have You Joined a Bible Study Yet? Sundays (9:30 & 11:00 am) Sunday School for Children and Youth (9:30 am): Children and youth ages 3 through high school. The nursery is available for children under age 3. Lutheranism 101 (9:30 am): This 8-week course is required for people who are new to the Lutheran Church and wish to become members of Holy Cross, or a great refresher course for current members. (New Member class begins Nov. 2.) Leader, Igor Skrastins; Room 102 Paul the Apostle (9:30 am): A study of the Apostle Paul, who initially set out to kill all Christians, but became God’s messenger of grace and hope through His son, Jesus Christ. We will explore Paul’s early life, his conversion, and later missionary trips to preach the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles. Leader, Carol Darby; Room 120 Five-Week Bible Study Series: On Sunday mornings from Oct. 5 - Nov. 2, we will offer special classes. Our children and youth will also be studying the same lessons. Leaders, Vicar Jeffrey Meinz; Hiller Hall (9:30 & 11 am) and Pastor Dave Hall; Fireside Room (9:30 am) † Oct. 5—Trusting God Completely (based on Philippians 4:10-13) † Oct. 12—Savings for Harvest and Famine (based on Genesis 41) † Oct. 19—God Owns It All (based on Psalm 24:1) † Oct. 26—More Than Enough (based on Exodus 36:1-7) † Nov. 2—Our Financial Peace Declaration (based on Psalm 24:1) The Gospel of Luke (11:00 am): The book of Luke was written to give a precise record of the history of Jesus Christ's life. Not only as an historian, but also as a medical doctor, Luke paid great attention to detail, including dates and events that happened throughout the life of Christ. Leader, Del Dudden; Room 102 Financial Peace University Classes A biblically-based stewardship training assisting members in handling all of the resources God has given us and then spreading the approach to the community and ultimately impacting the world. Sundays, 2 pm—led by Neil and Elda Ridenour in Hiller Hall Sundays, 5 pm—led by Jon and Vicki Heinecke in Fireside Mondays, 9 am—led by Ron and Bev Smith in Fireside Mondays, 6 pm—led by Richard and Christy Brown in Room 120 Tuesdays, 6 pm—led by Kevin and Becky Diekelman in Room 120 Wednesdays , 6 pm —led by Pastor Doug Brauner in Hiller Hall Thursdays 9:30 am—led by Pastor Doug Brauner in Room 102 Fridays, 10 am—led by Vicar Jeffrey Meinz in Room 120 Wednesdays (6:00 pm) Children of the Day: Join us for Beth Moore’s study on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. The Holy Spirit shines brightly through you. Grocery shopping, strolling through the park, grabbing coffee—you are never without His light. Sign up at the Ministry Center. Leader, Stephanie Schell; Room 102 gods at War: What keeps us from truly following Jesus is that our hearts are pursuing something or someone else. Behind the sin you’re struggling with, the discouragement you’re dealing with, the lack of purpose you’re living with is a false god that is winning the war for your heart. Leader, Randy Morley; Fireside Room Thursdays Pastor’s Bible Breakfast: 6:00 am. Leader, Pastor Brauner; Village Inn, Austin Bluffs & Academy Men’s Bible Breakfast: 6:00 am. Leader, Matt Grunenwald; Wade’s Café Women’s Bible Breakfast: 6:30 am. Leader, Connie Bond; Village Inn, Palmer Park and Academy Reformation Sunday October 26, 2014 Welcome A warm welcome to all as we gather as God's people to worship the Lord. We ask both members and visitors to please fill out the pew card located in the pew rack in front of you and pass it to the end of your pew at the time of the offering. If you have no church home, we invite you to worship with us again. We are very happy that you joined us this morning. PRAYERS: Upcoming Surgery/In Hospital/New Prayer Concerns: Larry Bloom; Jim DeCasper; Hayden, nephew of Jeff Cluver; Mary Langan, daughter of Don & Marcia Paulus; Jim Waldron; Linda Meadows; Continuing and Recovering Health Concerns: Sue Oltmann; Deanna Waldron; Marion Reeder; Shana Bowen; Dottie Carver; Family & Friends: Andre Andrade, husband of Sonja Andrade; Wayne Bartsch, brother of Beverly Argo; Shirley Krupa, friend of Roy & Pat Howard; Eric Trickey, son-in-law of the Frielings; Danny Nickerson-Jamieson; George Constandine, father of Nita Summers; Family of Faith; Iglesia Santa Cruz; Betesda, Honduras; Pastor Ricardo Hidalgo & our brothers & sisters in Pucallpa, Peru and down the Ucayali River; Chronic Health Concerns: Hilde Bobenmyer; Janet Stiegelmeyer, sister-inlaw of Karen Bartlett; Angie & Teri Vasquez & family; John Garcia; John A Garcia; Hannah Skrastins, granddaughter of Igor & Kathy Skrastins; Gordon Harvey; Janet & Randy Scofield, mother & stepfather, of TJ Nunley; Jeanne Fields, aunt of TJ Nunley; Ron Hanson, friend of Arlene Herrmann; Christina Davis, daughter of Wally Fox; Sylvia Pihl; Wally Fox; Kyler Diasio; Bill Gernand; Jim Paterson, father of William & Ruth Paterson; Wilma Krumland; Bob & Lois Ducett; Deb Huddleston; Shirley Hayes, mother of Deb Decker; Chase Casperson, nephew of Newlene Laib; Rik Hoover, husband of Linda Hoover; Kathy Achterberg, sister-in-law of Linda Hoover; Freda Skinner; Cheryl Williams, daughter of Rob & Susan Boyer; Otto Krueger; Bill Griffin; Jerry Kent; Diane Gerow; Mildred Masters; Jeannie Olsen (Prayer requests will be listed for 4 weeks unless the church office is otherwise notified to extend the time.) We pray for these military families: Andy Schell, Jake Bruder, Joshua Guy, Jonathan Moss, Andy Weiant, Spencer Lohse, Trei Fleming, Christopher Luoma, Christina Lopez-Moncada, Edwin Lockhart, Tavares Hamilton, Nick Costello, Scott Odell (If you or any member of your family have been affected by deployments, please call the church office so we may include you in our prayers). CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY is extended to the family of Joyce Gesling, who passed away recently in Texas. Her memorial service will be at Holy Cross on November 22 at 11 am. ALTAR FLOWERS are given to the Glory of God by Nicholas Bettner and Don & Peggy Winter in loving memory of Katie, beloved wife, mother and daughter. ACOLYTES 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 10/26 11/2 Joshua Bares, Emma Kenline Gabriella Miller, Larissa Snoddy Hannah & Heidi Baker Sierra Rodewald, Cordelia Hecker Mya & Ashley Putz Regan Ogilvie, Wyatt Breaux LARGE PRINT ORDER OF SERVICE AND WIRELESS HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES are available from an usher. The Hearing Assistance Devices can be used anywhere in the sanctuary. AUDIO SERMONS may be downloaded off of our website (www.HolyCrossCS.org. click on Worship) Free CDs of the sermon can also be ordered from the office at 596-0661. Specify which date you desire. WI-FI is available in the church. The password to access it is 4gvns1NN3R. Please: No food or drink in the Sanctuary and turn off cell phones.
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