Upcoming Events Precept Courses in January The following courses are on offer at Guelph Bible Chapel starting Thursday, January 15th, 2015 Both classes are offered at 9:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. You can still catch up even if they started last Thursday Lord I Want To Know You To know God is to know His character, and that Serving This Week Opener 9:30 am _________________ Piano 9:30 am _________________ Coffee Time 10:30 am _________________ Chairman 11:00 am _________________ Music 11:00 am _________________ Ushers mah, the LORD Who Is There, is an aspect of His _________________ Power Point _________________ Sound _________________ Nursery sovereignty over your life. If you want a deeper, 10:30 am character is revealed in His names. Each name, from Elohim, the Creator God, to Jehovah Sham- abiding faith, this study will help you see and understand how powerfully He works. (17 lessons) Cost: $15.00 Leader: Donna Chapman What Is The Sign Of His Coming And Of The Opener 9:30 am _________________ Piano 9:30 am _________________ Coffee Time 10:30 am _________________ Chairman 11:00 am Explore the relationship between the Gospels _________________ Music 11:00 am _________________ Ushers and teachings of the Gospels and how they are fulfilled in the last days. [No prerequisite required] Cost: $30.00 (11 lessons) Leader: Ann Clarke January 18, 2015 Serving Next Week End Of The Age? Revelation Part 3 and the book of Revelation. Study the prophecies Jerry Earls ___________________________ Jean Earls ___________________________ Marge Diebel Sharon Schneider Caroline Alac ___________________________ Jerry Earls ___________________________ Earls Team ___________________________ Richard Petherick Donna Petherick ___________________________ Darrell Spencer ___________________________ Rebekah Timm ___________________________ Sharon Schneider Dayna Muehlbacher _________________ Power Point _________________ Sound _________________ Nursery 11:00 am Henry Thiessen ___________________________ Janette Alac ___________________________ Helen Martini Shirley Van Egten Natalie Fangrad ___________________________ Pastor Chris Timm ___________________________ Alac Team ___________________________ Richard Petherick Donna Petherick ___________________________ Isaiah Timm ___________________________ Richard Fangrad ___________________________ Shirley Van Egten Matty Geier Guelph Bible Chapel’s Vision is to see God Transforming Lives Romans 12: 1-2 Telephone: 519-822-7290 Email: info@guelphbiblechapel.ca Website: www.guelphbiblechapel.ca Welcome to Guelph Bible Chapel Pastor: Chris Timm Visitation Pastor: Henry Thiessen Next Sunday’s Services 9:30 am // Breaking of Bread 11:00 am // Family Bible Hour Office Administrator: Elaine Finlay Elders: Today’s Services The Guelph Bible Chapel will provide supper at Royal City Christian Life Centre on Saturday, Jan- “Let Us Pray.” James 5:13 - 20 uary 24th. Please contact Marge Diebel at 519- 12:30 pm // “Surge” Youth lunch and meeting Mr. Dan Chapman, Mr. Jacob Ginter, Mr. Patrick Thornton Chairman of Deacons: Bob Chapman Saturday Night Supper Message: Pastor Chris Timm Prayer Chain: Anne Coughey prayer@guelphbiblechapel.ca Upcoming Events 822-4811 if you can provide food, funds or help for this ministry to our neighbours __________________________________________________ Upcoming Events Monday 6:30 pm // Directors’ meeting Directory Please check the rough draft of the 2015 directory and make any changes that may be necessary Tuesday 9:30 am // Breaking of Bread __________________________________________________ 7:00 pm // Prayer meeting Inclement Weather Policy 11:00 am // Family Bible Hour Wednesday With winter upon us it’s good to remember what Message: Pastor Chris Timm 6:30 pm // Awana Trek and Alive meetings “The Power of Patience.” James 5:7 - 12 Nursery Available during the Family Bible Hour for children aged 0 – 3 Children’s Church At GBC we offer Sunday school for your child, age 4 - 11 during the Family Bible Hour service our procedures are in case of bad weather on a Thursday Sunday morning. The Pastor and the Chair of the 9:30 am, 7:00 pm // Precept Bible studies orien- Deacons will make the decision in as timely a tation sessions fashion as possible whether one or both of our 7:00 pm // Men’s Bible study at Ginters services will be cancelled. If there is a cancellation please listen or check the websites of CJOY Saturday radio (AM 1460) or Faith FM (FM 94.3) for details. 5:30 pm // Saturday Night Supper at Royal City Alternatively, you can check the GBC Twitter feed Church. See next page for details on our website at guelphbiblechapel.ca
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