Current Bulletin - Guelph Bible Chapel

Upcoming Events
Precept Courses in January
The following courses are on offer at Guelph Bible Chapel starting Thursday, January 15th, 2015
Both classes are offered at 9:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
You can still catch up even if they started last
Lord I Want To Know You
To know God is to know His character, and that
Serving This Week
Opener 9:30 am
Piano 9:30 am
Coffee Time
10:30 am
Chairman 11:00 am
Music 11:00 am
mah, the LORD Who Is There, is an aspect of His
Power Point
sovereignty over your life. If you want a deeper,
10:30 am
character is revealed in His names. Each name,
from Elohim, the Creator God, to Jehovah Sham-
abiding faith, this study will help you see and understand how powerfully He works. (17 lessons)
Cost: $15.00
Leader: Donna Chapman
What Is The Sign Of His Coming And Of The
Opener 9:30 am
Piano 9:30 am
Coffee Time
10:30 am
Chairman 11:00 am
Explore the relationship between the Gospels
Music 11:00 am
and teachings of the Gospels and how they are
fulfilled in the last days. [No prerequisite required]
Cost: $30.00 (11 lessons)
Leader: Ann Clarke
January 18, 2015
Serving Next Week
End Of The Age? Revelation Part 3
and the book of Revelation. Study the prophecies
Jerry Earls
Jean Earls
Marge Diebel
Sharon Schneider
Caroline Alac
Jerry Earls
Earls Team
Richard Petherick
Donna Petherick
Darrell Spencer
Rebekah Timm
Sharon Schneider
Dayna Muehlbacher
Power Point
11:00 am
Henry Thiessen
Janette Alac
Helen Martini
Shirley Van Egten
Natalie Fangrad
Pastor Chris Timm
Alac Team
Richard Petherick
Donna Petherick
Isaiah Timm
Richard Fangrad
Shirley Van Egten
Matty Geier
Guelph Bible Chapel’s
Vision is to see God
Transforming Lives
Romans 12: 1-2
Telephone: 519-822-7290
Welcome to Guelph Bible Chapel
Pastor: Chris Timm
Visitation Pastor: Henry Thiessen
Next Sunday’s Services
9:30 am // Breaking of Bread
11:00 am // Family Bible Hour
Office Administrator: Elaine Finlay
Today’s Services
The Guelph Bible Chapel will provide supper at
Royal City Christian Life Centre on Saturday, Jan-
“Let Us Pray.” James 5:13 - 20
uary 24th. Please contact Marge Diebel at 519-
12:30 pm // “Surge” Youth lunch and meeting
Mr. Dan Chapman, Mr. Jacob Ginter, Mr. Patrick
Chairman of Deacons: Bob Chapman
Saturday Night Supper
Message: Pastor Chris Timm
Prayer Chain: Anne Coughey
Upcoming Events
822-4811 if you can provide food, funds or help
for this ministry to our neighbours
Upcoming Events
6:30 pm // Directors’ meeting
Please check the rough draft of the 2015 directory
and make any changes that may be necessary
9:30 am // Breaking of Bread
7:00 pm // Prayer meeting
Inclement Weather Policy
11:00 am // Family Bible Hour
With winter upon us it’s good to remember what
Message: Pastor Chris Timm
6:30 pm // Awana Trek and Alive meetings
“The Power of Patience.” James 5:7 - 12
Available during the Family Bible Hour for
children aged 0 – 3
Children’s Church
At GBC we offer Sunday school for your child,
age 4 - 11 during the Family Bible Hour service
our procedures are in case of bad weather on a
Sunday morning. The Pastor and the Chair of the
9:30 am, 7:00 pm // Precept Bible studies orien-
Deacons will make the decision in as timely a
tation sessions
fashion as possible whether one or both of our
7:00 pm // Men’s Bible study at Ginters
services will be cancelled. If there is a cancellation please listen or check the websites of CJOY
radio (AM 1460) or Faith FM (FM 94.3) for details.
5:30 pm // Saturday Night Supper at Royal City
Alternatively, you can check the GBC Twitter feed
Church. See next page for details
on our website at