Current Bulletin - Guelph Bible Chapel

Serving This Week
Upcoming Events
Fun Evening With the Young People
December 6th @ 6:00 p.m. join the 50 + group for
their Christmas Pot Luck. The young people will
be providing a musical presentation
If your last name starts with the letters “A” to “L”,
please bring dessert.
If your last name starts with the letters “M” to
“W”, please bring a hot dish
Special Meeting
On Sunday, December 7th, there will be a special
information meeting immediately following the
Family Bible Hour. Please stay for this special update for the GBC membership. If you can’t stay,
please use one of the proxy forms on the table at
the back of the sanctuary to authorize someone to
vote in your place.
Save the Date:
December11th @ 7:00 p.m. for our Ladies’ Christmas Program. Bring a friend, neighbour, family
member and join us for an evening of music, message and fellowship. Guest speaker: Karen Brock
'Beloved Baby to Beautiful Saviour' (Please also
bring a bit of your Christmas baking to share)
Opener 9:30 am
Piano 9:30 am
Coffee Time
10:30 am
Chairman 11:00 am
Music 11:00 am
Power Point
11:00 am
Henry Thiessen
Jean Earls
Marge Diebel
Sharon Schneider
Donna Skinner
Pastor Chris Timm
Youth Team & Sunday School
Helen Martini
Bob Chapman
Isaiah Timm
Richard Fangrad
Elaine Finlay
Barb Cottrell
November 30, 2014
Serving Next Week
Opener 9:30 am
Piano 9:30 am
Coffee Time
10:30 am
Chairman 11:00 am
Music 11:00 am
Power Point
11:00 am
Richard Petherick
Jean Earls
Mary Wilson
Linda Fazekas
Abigail & Kiersten Petherick
Jerry Earls
Earls Team
Mike Nicholson
Helen Martini
Joel Martini
Alec Timm
Sharon Schneider
Dayna Muehlbacher
Our vision:
Guelph Bible Chapel’s
Vision is to see God
Transforming Lives
Romans 12: 1-2
Telephone: 519-822-7290
Welcome to Guelph Bible Chapel
Pastor: Chris Timm
Visitation Pastor: Henry Thiessen
Office Administrator: Elaine Finlay
Prayer Chain: Anne Coughey
9:30 am // Breaking of Bread
11:00 am // Family Bible Hour and special Information Meeting. Please note: a vote will be taken
at this time as well
Message: Pastor Chris Timm. Pre-Christmas Reflections
Upcoming Events
Mr. Dan Chapman, Mr. Jacob Ginter, Mr. Patrick
Chairman of Deacons: Bob Chapman
7:00 pm // Awana Leaders’ meeting
Today’s Services
7:00 pm // Prayer meeting
9:30 am // Breaking of Bread
11:00 am // Family Bible Hour and Open Altar
Upcoming Events
Next Sunday’s Services
Karen Fangrad and members of the Youth Group
for helping to serve and even bringing donations
of food for the table. Everything went well and
we are very grateful to everyone who helped in
any way with another very successful and appreciated supper at the Life Centre.
Our dates for 2015 are:
January 24
August 22
October 10
December 12
Love Gives
6:00 pm // 50 + Pot Luck and Music Night at GBC
Once again the "family" at Guelph Bible Chapel
have been very generous in supporting the Shoe
box ministry. In addition to a number of monetary donations received, we transported 89 shoe
boxes to the Kitchener sorting depot. Continue to
pray that the recipient of your shoe box will be
impacted for eternity
Available during the Family Bible Hour for
Saturday Night Supper
Awana Leaders’ Meeting
On Saturday, November 22nd, 18 members and
friends of GBC served about 260 plates of food to
over 120 guests. Thank you to Patrick Thornton,
On Monday, December 1st there will be a meeting
of Awana leaders at Guelph Bible Chapel, beginning at 7:00 pm
Message: Pastor Chris Timm. “Plan Ahead.”
James 4:13 - 17
6:20 pm // Awana and Trek meetings
9:30 am, 7:00 pm // Precept Bible Studies
12:30 pm // “Surge” Youth Lunch and meeting
children aged 0 – 3
Children’s Church
At GBC we offer Sunday school for your child,
age 4 - 11 during the Family Bible Hour service
Bible Reading Challenge
In this week’s bulletin, Rosemary Hood has provided another helpful list of questions for your
further enrichment as you read through the Bible
Christmas Morning Breakfast
There will be a Christmas morning breakfast at
Guelph Bible Chapel, beginning at 8:30 pm.
Please use the sign up sheet on the table at the
back of the sanctuary so we know how much food
to prepare
Guelph Bible Chapel to them in a very special
way. It is an honour and joy for our family to
serve God in this way.
The food can be left in the side auditorium in the
pink bin and we will transfer it to the closets. If
the pink bin is full you can set food beside the
bin. We will transfer food to the closets every
Sunday following the 11:00 a.m. service. If you
have any questions please contact Donna Petherick.
CANS of pasta sauce
Care Ministry
Peas (cans)
We are forming beautiful relationships with so
many families that we serve through the act of
giving. As Fall approaches many working families that work seasonally are without work or will
be soon and every little bit helps. Our Care Ministry Closet is in need once again so that we can
deliver hampers as phone calls come in without
delay. In many cases we are directing families to
community resources with specific needs outside
of our ability to help. Food hampers are a terrific
way we can serve families at the same time as
building relationships with them as we share
God’s love for them. Driving food hampers directly to families in our community is connecting
Corn (cans)
Carrots (cans)
Green Beans (cans)
Brown Beans
Red Kidney Beans for Chili
Cans of diced tomatoes for Chili
Peanut butter
Corn Flakes
Apple Sauce for school lunches (UNSWEETENED
Pancake Mix (ADD WATER ONLY)
Canned SOUPS
Inclement Weather Policy
With winter upon us it’s good to remember what
our procedures are in case of bad weather on a
Sunday morning. The Pastor and the Chair of the
Deacons will make the decision in as timely a
fashion as possible whether one or both of our
services will be cancelled. If there is a cancellation please listen or check the websites of CJOY
radio (AM 1460) or Faith FM (FM 94.3) for details.
Alternatively, you can check the GBC Twitter feed
on our website at
Police Checks
Arrangements for GBC volunteers who are residents of Guelph to have a police check completed at no charge are finished. Volunteers can now
bring the necessary paperwork to Ken or Elaine
Finlay instead of to the Guelph Police Station