St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School NEWSLETTER –FEBRUARY 2015 287 Imperial Road South, Guelph, Ontario, N1K 1Z4 Phone: (519) 821-9160, Fax: (519) 821-5296 Attendance Line: (519) 821-9169 Dear Parents/Guardians: THE MISSION OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI We the staff and students of St. Francis School will strive to grow spiritually, socially and intellectually in our faith community providing an atmosphere for learning that is safe, attractive, pleasant and educational. Central to our existence is the student. Nurturing and guidance will help each child to develop dignity and self-worth while exposing them to a variety of experiences promoting skills and talents and an appreciation of the uniqueness of self and others. We invite parents to be our partners to make the vision of child as gift a reality and to foster in each student a life-long love of learning. We acknowledge our commitment to the community, working together with parish and home to mould young minds into future leaders of society exemplifying a life of Christian values. In an atmosphere of mutual respect and support we will encourage the development of each other’s unique gifts from God, promoting professional growth and sharing as educators of youth. Viewing ourselves as valued members of St. Francis of Assisi School, we trust in the security and acceptance of our school family, openly taking risks without fear of ridicule. The common thread weaving through our curriculum is our Catholic Christian values providing perspective and direction in our daily lives. Full Day Kindergarten Registration for the 2015/2016 school year took place last week. We encourage any families that have not registered to please do so. Please feel free to call the school if you require additional information. With the colder temperatures we have been experiencing, we would like to remind all in the community that students need to come to school dressed appropriately for the weather. In the winter season this means: a winter coat, hat, mitts, boots, and snow pants for students that enjoy playing in the snow. We also ask that parents continue to make a conscious effort to ensure that their children are arriving to school on time. When students arrive late, it is very disruptive to the learning process. A reminder that there will be No School on Monday, February 16 (Family Day). Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday, February 10th and Interviews will take place on Thursday, February 12th. Interviews will take place from 3:40 until 6:40 p.m. Please contact the office to schedule an interview. The staff and students would like to welcome back Mrs. Beth Smith from maternity leave to Grade 1/2. As we say goodbye to Ms. Contini, a special thanks is extended to her on behalf of our entire school community for her dedication to our staff and students. We have scheduled a number of wonderful activities for our students during the month of February. Please see the attached calendar. We hope all of our families enjoy some quality time together on the upcoming Family Day. Mr. C. Malone, Principal CATHOLICITY FIRST RECONCILIATION & FIRST COMMUNION A parent meeting for First Reconciliation and First Communion was held on January 20th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Church. Our Grade 2 students will receive their First Reconciliation on Saturday, March 7th at 1:00 p.m. and their First Communion on Saturday, May 2nd at 2:00 p.m. Please keep our students in your prayers as they prepare for these sacraments. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT BOYS’ BASKETBALL Thank you to all the intermediate boys who came out for the 2015 basketball tryouts! It was evident that everyone tried their absolute hardest, and although we couldn’t pick everyone, the choices were very difficult. Your hard work and dedication will continue to pay off throughout the season. We wish all the members of the team good luck in their games, and tournament on February 25th. Mr. McDonald The Mathletes will be flexing their problem solving muscles on Tuesday, February 17th as they write the North American Math League Contest! Good luck to our Mathletes! Mrs. Gallant and Mr. Langella SOCIAL JUSTICE Dear Parents, On February 13th there will be a Valentines GIRLS’ BASKETBALL TEAM Congratulations to the following girls who made this year’s basketball team: Teagan K. Andrea K. Amber C. Kate H. Jordan S. Raine M. Arianna M. Meaghan D. Nadia M. Melissa V. Angela T. Marissa L. Kylie B. Elizha C. We wish our girls' basketball team the best of luck in their upcoming games and tournament on February 24th. Go Falcons! dance for all students from JK-8. We are asking for a $2 donation to get in and all the money raised will go towards buying goats for families in need through Free the Children. When we are doing this we are giving an alternative income to a family. We are so blessed and we can give back to our other brothers and sisters around the world. Our goal is to raise 1 goat per class. 15 goats would change the lives of so many people who need our help! So on February 13th please bring in $2 or more to help those in need. Together we can create change! Ashley B. & Angelica C. (Gr.6) CHICOPEE TUBE PARK On February 23rd, 2015, the Junior and Intermediate divisions have the opportunity to participate in a fun filled day of tubing at Chicopee Tube Park. Chicopee Tube Park provides a safe Snow-Sliding activity and is an ideal introduction to winter sports. It provides students with the opportunity to get outdoors and enjoy the winter in a new and exciting way. Students are reminded to dress for cold winter weather! EQAO TESTING Students in Grade 3 and Grade 6 will be offered their assessments in reading, writing and mathematics through EQAO testing from May 25th to June 5th. For more information, please visit . PANCAKE TUESDAY Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Tuesday, is the last day before the start of the Lenten Season. On Tuesday, February 17th, St. Francis will be taking part in Shrove Tuesday and parent volunteers will be cooking pancakes for our students. If you are available and would like to help out with Pancake Tuesday, please contact Debbie at 519-823-1186. Thank you in advance for your support! POLICE CHECKS The Best Practices in Volunteer Screening Program is a program of the Volunteer Centre of Guelph/Wellington and delivered in agreement with the City of Guelph and in partnership with the Guelph Police Service. It allows individuals engaging in identified volunteer roles to obatin PVSCs from the Guelph Police Service free of charge. Volunteers will obtain a letter from the school, which includes an authorization number for the particular position, and present this letter to the Guelph Police Service. If your interested in volunteering at the school, please contact the school office to obtain a letter. A special thank you to our many parents who have offered to volunteer and assist at the school, during the months of September to January. Thank you so much!!! Your time and efforts are very much appreciated. EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM SURVEY A reminder, for Parents/Guardians of children enrolled in JK/SK, and Grade One to Six in 2015, to complete the Extended Day Program Survey that was sent home with your child. The survey will only take a few minutes to complete. All surveys are due to th the office by Friday, February 13 , 2015. Viability of this program is dependent on enough parent interest. Thank you for providing this useful information. You can also access the survey online at: PIANO LESSONS Piano lessons continue to be offered at the school by Nancy King. Nancy is a friendly and very experienced teacher. She has her ARCT from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto and a BA from York University. She teaches all levels of piano and theory. To register for lessons please contact her at (519) 824-0872. For more information please visit her website at Please note space is limited! ~ Attention Grade 8’s ~ St. Joseph Sports Youth Group Greetings St. Francis of Assisi Students and Staff. The St. Joseph’s Sports Youth Group has a busy February. We have our annual winter retreat at St. Brigid’s Villa in Guelph all day Saturday February 7th. Emily Orlando is our guest speaker. There are many activities planned indoors and outdoors. There is movie night in the St. Joseph’s Parish Hall on Saturday, February 21st starting at 6:30 pm. The one hour movie is about St. Francis of Assisi the patron saint of your school! The youth group regular sessions in the gym are scheduled for February 6th, 13th and 27th from 7 pm to 9 pm. Brent and Wendy Pickering 519-837-8209 LAST CALL… STUDENT ACTIVITY FLYERS We have several student activity flyers available at the Main Office. If your child is interested in any of these activities and/or sports, please have them come to the office. Currently, we have the following: Children and Youth Winter Programs 2015 ~ Wellington Centre for Continuing Education Parkwood Gardens Neighbourhood Group Emergency Health Services: – Home Alone, Canadian Red Cross People Savers Course and Babysitting Course …for St. Francis Falcons Spirit Wear Orders. Please submit your order form, along with payment to the office by Monday, February 2nd. Stay Well Month Reduce the risk of serious infections - proper hand-washing is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick. Stay home when you are sick and limit contact with others -Children should not be in school with a fever, undiagnosed rashes, vomiting, or diarrhea and should stay at home at least 24 hours following the end of symptoms. Cover your mouth and nose - when you sneeze or cough; use a tissue or the bend of your elbow. You can prevent many serious illnesses by keeping immunizations up-to-date for you and your children. Call 1-800-265-7293 for more information. MY .2 CENTS Mike McCuen child and youth worker Do you have a child that kicks and screams whenever they don’t get their own way, or do you find yourself in an arguing match with your teenager every time you ask them to do something? If you answered yes then you have entered the realm of the all mighty power struggle. Power struggles often end up with both parents and children getting overly frustrated and exhausted. This can be a great waste of time and energy so here are some ideas that you can try in an attempt to avoid these situations. Compromise Compromise has a place in parenting. When enforcing the rules you do not always have to play the tyrant. You are allowed to give in on small points. Then when the big problems come, you can stick to your principles without the child feeling that you are never flexible. Compromising with your children does not necessarily make them think that you are weak or can be easily swayed. It shows them that you use your mind to weigh the merits of each individual situation and it facilitates problem-solving skills. Positive Language Power struggles often initiate when a child hears the word no or is told that they are not allowed to do something. So say yes or give them permission on your terms. Here is an example: Child: “Mom can I go outside to play” Mom: “No you haven’t cleaned your room” Positive Child: “Mom can I go outside to play” Mom: “Yes you can POSITIVE once your room has been cleaned” Offer Choices Negative behaviours can become very manageable through giving your children the opportunity to make choices and treating them with respect. There will always be power struggles between parent and child; however, building character comes from learning to negotiate what you want and by taking another person’s perspective into account. You can teach this to your kids through daily examples that show them how to successfully give and take. Choices are critical to help children deal with information and make positive decisions. This is a skill they will need all their life and you as parents can help them develop this ability. On Wednesday February 18, Mike McCuen our Child and Youth Worker is offering the opportunity for parent meetings from 9:30 to 1:30. These will be private appointments. If you are interested in meeting with Mike, please contact him at to book an appointment. Talking About Mental Health February, 2015 “Wellington Catholic Speaks Up!” At this time of year many people commit to making a change. We decide to exercise more, or to simplify our lives, or to work more effectively. But how do we know if our efforts are successful? For some changes we can rely on impressions or opinion: If making a weekly menu makes supper time less chaotic, feeling less stressed is enough evidence that the plan is working. For other types of changes you will want proof that your efforts are successful. You might rely on the bathroom scale to tell you if your weight-loss program is working. Or your bank account to tell you if your budget is helping your savings grow. “When it comes to building mentally healthy schools or creating safe, inclusive school communities, we absolutely must know if our efforts are successful because we are dealing with the emotional wellbeing of young people.” In some situations, it is imperative that we carefully and objectively assess the effectiveness of what we do. When a change or program is expensive, time consuming, requires the effort of many people, or, more importantly, when it involves children, youth, or vulnerable populations, we have a moral and ethical obligation to make certain what we are doing works. When it comes to building mentally healthy schools or creating safe, inclusive school communities, we absolutely must know if our efforts are successful because we are dealing with the emotional well-being of young people. This winter, Wellington Catholic will launch a new survey to do just that. It is called “Wellington Catholic Speaks Up!” We are currently partnering with researchers from the University of Guelph to develop a customized survey that will be used to assess school climate, mental health and well-being, and the success of our programs to promote mental health, wellbeing, and social and emotional competence. nd th The week of March 2 to 6 , every school will be asking its staff, students, and parents to complete the survey. The data will be compiled, analyzed, and shared with staff, students, and parents either late this year or early next. It will be studied by the Board and by school leadership teams to determine what is working and what needs changing. Changes to next year’s school plans will be informed by your feedback this year. This first year, your ratings will provide an important baseline. By repeating the survey each year we will keep our fingers on the pulse of our programs and their effects. And in future years, individual schools will be invited to include questions about their own programs or projects so that they can tailor their initiatives to the feedback from their own school communities. So mark your calendars for “Wellington Catholic nd th Speaks Up!” March 2 to 6 , and wait for information from your school on how to participate. Make sure your voice gets heard, because we want to know what works! Dr. Brenda Kenyon is the Mental Health Lead for Wellington Catholic District School Board. OR EN FS ON T S I L AIL DET N U D F A R Y O OUTDO FAMILY DAY -- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2015 TWO LOCATIONS -- FREE ADMISSION DONATIONS FOR TRAILS AND THE NEW NATURE CENTRE COMPLEX WELCOME GUELPH LAKE NATURE CENTRE - 11AM TO 2PM ROCKWOOD CONSERVATION AREA - 9AM TO DUSK YOU CAN ALSO JOIN US AT ROCKWOOD CONSERVATION AREA SUNDAY, FEB. 15 @6:30PM FOR A HOOT-N-HOWL HIKE & CAMPFIRE! SKATING • HORSE-DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES CAMPFIRE • DOG SLEDDING* • CROSS COUNTRY SKIING* FOOD VENDORS • SNOWSHOEING • FEED THE CHICKADEES ICE FISHING* • MUCH, MUCH MORE! * AVAILABLE ONLY AT GUELPH LAKE NATURE CENTRE TRY SOMETHING NEW IN NATURE, DISCOVER ROCKWOOD AND LEARN MORE ABOUT PLANS FOR OUR NEW GUELPH LAKE NATURE CENTRE COMPLEX, TO OPEN IN 2017 FOR MORE INFO: WWW.GRANDRIVER.CA/EVENTS OR CALL 519-621-2763 X2251 GUELPH LAKE NATURE CENTRE • 7677 CONSERVATION ROAD, GUELPH ROCKWOOD CONSERVATION AREA • 161 FALLS ST. S., ROCKWOOD Catholic Parent Involvement Commi?ee (CPIC) Parent to Parent February 2015 “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasMng may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasMng may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” MaNhew 6:16-‐18 SHROVE TUESDAY February 17th Volunteers are needed to help make and serve pancakes to the students. If you can lend a hand, please contact Debbie at 519-‐823-‐1186 . ASH WEDNESDAY February 18th Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten Season. What are you giving up for Lent? HELP MAKE OUR PATH SAFE FAMILY DAY -‐ Monday, February 16th Winterfest acQviQes in Guelph can be found at this link. Winterfest acQviQes are organized by community and neighbourhood groups and supported by the City of Guelph and Guelph Neighbourhood Support CoaliQon. The Pathway up to St. Francis from Stephanie Drive needs to be maintained to promote safe walking to school. Since this is City property we need to bring this to their aNenQon. Please help by calling the City of Guelph Parks Maintenance or our City Councillors. Parks & Rec Telephone: 519-‐837-‐5628 Parks & Rec Email: Ward 4 Councillors: Thursday, May 28th ! Falcon Family Fun Fest!!!! Follow our Parent Community on Facebook! Link: h?p:// Or search: ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC Scan for our SCHOOL GUELPH – PARENT COMMUNITY Facebook page Next Parent Council Meeting Wednesday, February 25 6:30 p.m. in the Faith Centre All are welcome!
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