The TRINITY TRUMPET January 2015 TH E N E W S L E T T E R O F T R I N I T Y L U T H E R A N C H U R C H I N W I S C O N S I N DE L L S Trinity Lutheran Church Worship and Education Schedule Sunday at 9:45 am Wednesday at 7:00 pm Holy Communion is served on the first and third weekend of each month and on Wednesday preceding the first and third Sunday. Contemporary Worship Service is every third Sunday at 9:45am Adult Bible Study Wednesday at 1:00 pm Sunday at 8:30 am Children’s Church and Adult Bible Study runs from Labor Day to Memorial Day This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The above verse was read during my installation service on Sunday, Dec. 14. I take those words very seriously as your Pastor. I have been called to manage or be a steward of God’s gifts of Word and Sacrament. It is my prayer that every day that I serve as Trinity’s Pastor that I would be faithful. To be faithful, I need your help. On Dec. 14 I promised to minister to the sick and dying and to demonstrate a ready ministry centered in the Gospel. To best keep this promise, I am including a list of when one should call their Pastor. This list is not exhaustive, but rather given to help you consider when you should call me. When you enter or leave the hospital The hospital will not call the church . The only way Pastor will know is if you, a family member, or a friend calls. Call Pastor when you are leaving to avoid an unnecessary trip. When you get engaged If you want to get married at Trinity, you will want to schedule your wedding as soon as possible to reserve the church building on the date you want. If you want to be married by Pastor, you will need to schedule premarital sessions with him. When a member or family member is near death Pastor is willing to visit any member who is on their death bed at any time day or night. He is also willing to be by the side of a family member who does not have a Pastor to be there. When a member dies Pastor is willing to meet with the family and have a prayer before the body is taken away. He also meets with the family at the funeral home during the arrangements to help with planning. When a baby is born To celebrate together God’s gift of life and to schedule a baptism. When a surgery is scheduled Pastor is willing to bring Communion the day before the surgery and loves to pray at the surgery location the day of the surgery. When you may no longer be able to physically attend worship If you are unable to physically attend worship due to any circumstance, especially an extended period of time, Pastor is more than happy to bring Christ to you. When you need private confession and absolution Some days there is nothing more comforting than to hear the words, “I forgive you.” When you need pastoral counseling Pastor is here to apply God’s Word to whatever situation in life you are dealing with. Again, this is not an exhaustive list. This is a list to encourage you to call me any time day or night when you need a Pastor. When you call me, you are helping me to be faithful in my service to you and our Lord Jesus. When you call me, I can better serve you with the one thing that we always need, Jesus dying and rising for you. In Christ, Pastor Gehrke Church Connections CHURCH OFFICERS FOR 2015 SPECIAL WISHES TO MEMBERS CELEBRATING “OVER 80” BIRTHDAYS: ELAINE HALL Happy Birthday to all Trinity members celebrating a birthday in January Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Doug Jonas Mike Bailey Laurie Jonas Board of Elders Randy Gardner Patrick Leege Jason Leege Glen Griggel Board of Education Barbara Jarvis Jim Anacker Erin Michalsky Ellen Venne Emilie Rockwell Board of Stewards Lori Udelhofen Judy Owens Vicki Winnes Board of Trustees Gene Harder Larry Coon Larry Kelly Joel Hammerly Dan Sellmeyer Ron Birkholz Board of Evangelism Lloyd Bender James Hesse Marci Nichols Kathee Ferris Bible Study Opportunities: ADULT BIBLE STUDY : Adult Bible Class meets on Wednesdays at 1:00 in the New Addition Room Join us and strengthen your faith! Adult Bible Study on Sunday morning at 8:30 am. SPECIAL PRAYERS Trinity Church and School for a Blessed 2015 For all members who are troubled or sick INSTALLATION OF NEW OFFICERS WILL TAKE PLACE ON WEDNESDAY, January 7th and SUNDAY, January 11th services We still have openings on Board of Evangelism, Board of Stewards and Board of Elders. Contact Doug Jonas if you are interested in joining a board. NEXT VOTERS MEETING January 25th after church service Church Council will meet on January 20th @ 8 pm JANUARY greeters Jan. 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 11 Jan. 14 Jan. 18 Jan. 21 Jan. 28 Dave & Teri Kasten Linda Matrick Dave & Vivian Sellmeyer Randy Gardner Jim Anacker Sandy Adee Gerry Schultz Join us for Kid’s Church Every Sunday *We are always looking for volunteers to teach a session. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway* BUY SCRIP AND SUPPORT OUR CHURCH Online: go to, sign in and use our church nonprofit code (25CB8A5E36719) At church: pick up your order forms on the table in the narthex Contact Brad Wohlrab at 608477-2154 or for ordering or to answer any questions ***A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ALL MEMBERS THAT HELPED TO GET THE PARSONAGE READY FOR PASTOR AND HIS FAMILY. Pastor & Bonnie Schueler Terry & Mary Jo Leege Christian Leege Alicia Richards Carter Richards Tyson LaMere PLEASE WELCOME TO TRINITY Pastor Matthew, Emily, Josiah and Eli Gehrke We will be un-decorating the church on Friday, January 9th at 1 pm Please plan on coming and helping out Thank you to everyone who helped make our transition to Trinity and Wisconsin Dells so smooth! From the men who helped carry stuff from the truck, to the food that was waiting for us when we arrived, from all the work that was needed to get the parsonage ready for us, to all the food that was gathered on my installation day, from all the well wishes and welcomes, to all the prayers for us; you have made our time here so far a true blessing from God. All pastor and family can say is, “Thanks!” Thanks -- Pastor Gehrke Lutherans For Life CONTEST on SANCTITY of LIFE For students in Grades 6 through 12 (Any Lutheran student or student in a Lutheran school) Sponsored by the Council of Federation Presidents, Lutherans For Life Contest Guidelines: 1. Students will write a life-affirming essay based on the 2015 Conference theme: Created, Redeemed, Called and Isaiah 43:1 ESV: But now says the Lord---he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear Not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” 2. Examples of topics the essay could deal with are: abortion, the handicapped, infanticide, cloning, stem cell research or euthanasia. 3. Essays should include student’s name, grade (Identify school or church) and email address. If entries are submitted by a teacher or pastor, please include name and email address. This information should be submitted on the title page. All sources for references, statistics and quotes should be incorporated within the essay. Grades 6 - 8 should submit essays up to 300 words Grades 9 - 12 should submit essays up to 750 words Essay Contest 2015 5. Winning entries (One from Grades 6-8 and one from Grades 9-12) from each Send State entries to: 6. Grand Prize for winning entry at each level: $250 and free registration to the October 30 - 31, 2015 Conference at the Creation Museum, Petersburg KY. 7. All entries become the property of Lutherans For Life 8. For questions or resources on the sanctity of life, see: Federation should be submitted digitally by May 1, 2015 to: YOUTH GROUP We will be meeting every Wednesday in the New Addition Room at 6:15 pm. Youth Group is for students in grades 6-12. We hope to see you there!! 4. Entries first should be submitted digitally to your State LFL Federation by February 28, 2015. FROM THE PRINCIPAL The month of December has finished with a flurry of activity. Most importantly, our School-Sunday School service really sent a message or as we said on Reformation Day, “Luther really nailed it.” We did too on Dec. 17th. I hope you were with us to Crown Him with Many Crowns, 5 to be exact. The third crown was a crown of thorns which reminded us of Jesus’ suffering and death for our sins, and his gift to us of a crown of glory in heaven. That is why we celebrate His birth at Christmas time. JESUS IS THE REASON FOR ALL SEASONS! January 2015 will include many things for Trinity Lutheran School: Jan 5th School resumes Chapel offerings will continue for housing people in Baja, Mexico Jan 8th Board of Education Meeting Jan 14th Spelling Bee Jan 22nd 2nd Quarter ends Jan 23rd NO SCHOOL Teacher In-service Jan 30th Report Cards issued Help your elementary schooler ‘reset’ and get back on track If you run into a problem with a computer program, you can often fix it by pushing the “reset” button. It gives you a chance for a fresh start and is an easy way to correct problems before they get out of hand. It may be time to push the reset button on your child’s school year as well. If her year is not going as well as you’d hoped, here are a few ways you can reset for the rest of the year: • Make change a family affair. If you’ve decided that your child needs to spend more time doing homework, make it quiet time for the whole family. You can work on paperwork or read while your child studies. • Replace bad habits. While it’s hard to break a habit, it’s much easier to put a different one in its place. If your child is in the habit of watching TV as soon as she walks in the door, suggest that she read for 30 minutes instead. She’ll still have a chance to relax— but she will also strengthen her reading skills. • Get organized. This month, you can find lots of great-looking calendars available on sale. Look for one your child will enjoy using. Then help her get in the habit of writing down things like the day her book report is due. That can help avoid a last-minute panic. • Celebrate successes. Help your child see the link between her new habits and her results. “You studied for that test and got nine out of 10 correct. That’s great!” STUDENTS GIVE BACK PICTURES FROM INSTALLATION The students at Trinity Lutheran School gathered 3 months of food offerings during their chapel services. The food was assembled into “Christmas Food Baskets” and given away to families in the school, church, and Dells community. Just their way of giving love at Christmas. Pastor, Emily, Josiah and Eli Gehrke Checking out the cakes Pastors: Stevens, Gehrke, Anacker, Benson Laatsch, Jensen, Corlius Trinity Lutheran Church 728 Church Street Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin 53965 MONTHLY BIBLE VERSE: “ And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” Matthew 2:9-10 JANUARY 2015 Telephone: 608-253-3241 Fax: 608-254-7585 Dial-A-Devotion: 608-254-6414 Website: E-mail:
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