1st Announcement and Call for Papers
10 International Symposium on Marine Engineering
The Future of Marine Engine and Systems
September 15(Monday)-19(Friday), 2014
College of Power and Energy Engineering
Harbin Engineering University
Harbin, China
Conference Website:
The Conference will be held in state-of-the-art conference facilities at Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang,
P. R. China. Located in the center of Northeast Asia, Harbin is called the bright pearl on the Bridge of Eurasia Land, and it
is also an important hub of Eurasia Land Bridge and air corridor. The special historical course and geographical position
has contributed to Harbin, the beautiful city with an exotic tone, which not only brings together the historical culture of
northern ethnic minorities, but also combines western and eastern culture. It is a famous historical and tourist city in
China, with many beautiful names such as “the City of Culture”, “the City of Music”, “Ice City”, “A Pearl under the Neck of
the Swan”, “Eastern Moscow”, and “Eastern Little Paris”.
15 April, 2014
01 May, 2014
01 July, 2014
15 July, 2014
15 August, 2014
01 September, 2014
15-19 September, 2014
Submission of Abstracts
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
Submission of Draft Paper
Draft Paper Review Completed
Author Notification of Paper Acceptance
Submission of Final Papers
Conference Dates
ISME HARBIN 2014 will be the top international technical forum on the forefront and progress in marine engineering. The
symposium will discuss the progress and future of marine engineering, focusing on the theme:
The Future of Marine Engine and Systems
The conference scope includes following major areas:
 Future Engineering Technology
 Future Marine Fuels and Lubricants
 Marine Power Generation and Propulsion Systems
 Marine Auxiliary Machineries, Equipments and Accommodations
 Environmental-friendly Technologies: Energy Saving and Anti-pollution
 Electric, Electronic and Communication
 Operation, Automation and Control
 Safety, Reliability and Maintainability
 Materials, Corrosion and Manufacturing
 Thermal and Fluids Engineering
 Dynamics, Noise and Vibration
 Marine HVAC & IAQ
 Ship Management and Transportation
 Marine Education and Training
 Marine Structures and Construction
 Others in Marine Engineering Fields
QIHANG Conference Center
International Conference Hall
Conference Secretariat
+86 (0)451-82569310
More information available at