From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks Christoph Keller California Institute of Technology based on 1101.4937 and 1107.xxxx with Lotte Hollands and Jaewon Song UNIFY Workshop Frontiers in Theoretical Physics Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 1 / 17 Motivation and general idea AGT correspondence: relate N = 2 gauge theories in 4d to 2d CFTs [Alday,Gaiotto,Tachikawa] Idea: wrap M5-branes on a Riemann surface of with punctures R4 × C duality frame of N = 2 gauge theory instanton partition function ⇔ pair of pants decomposition of C ⇔ conformal (chiral) block of CFT Many checks have been performed for linear and cyclic quivers. We want to check AGT for non-standard quivers (Sicilian gauge theories). Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 2 / 17 The AGT relation N=2 SU(2) gauge theory CFT instanton partition function conformal block fundamental hyper of mass m primary field of weight hm Coulomb branch parameter a internal channel of weight ha Ω background deformation central charge c The building blocks of the quiver are fundamentals and bifundamentals CFT: three point functions with I 2 primaries, 1 descendant I 1 primary, 2 descendants To compare SU(2) to conformal block, compute U(2) instanton paritition function, impose tracelessness and divide out ‘spurious U(1) factor’ Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 3 / 17 Instanton counting for U(2) Perform instanton counting for U(2) [Nekrasov; Nekrasov,Shadchin;. . . ] Use localization to reduce to finite dimensional equivariant integral In the end of the day, the kth instanton term reduces to a multiple integral of a rational function Z Y k (k ) ) ~ ~ ~ Zkinst = dφi z(k gauge (φi , a, 1 , 2 ) zmatter (φi , a, m, 1 , 2 ), i=1 ⇒ enumerate poles ⇒ For U(2), enumerated by sets of two Young diagrams (Y1 , Y2 ) with total number of boxes k Corresponds to the vector space HVir ⊗ HU(1) [Alday,Tachikawa; Alba,Fateev,Litvinov,Tarnopolsky;. . . ] Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 4 / 17 Trifundamental half-hyper Try to repeat that for non-standard quivers, e.g. sphere with 6 punctures: ←→ For SU(2) quivers, this still has a weak coupling description New ingredient: half-hypermultiplet in trifundamental Problem: half-hypermultiplet only consistent if in pseudo-real representation ⇒ no U(2) trifundamental half-hyper Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 5 / 17 Instanton counting for Sp(1) and SO(4) New strategy: use SU(2) ' Sp(1) (and SO(4) ' SU(2) × SU(2)) [Nekrasov,Shadchin] developed methods for general SO/Sp groups Again reduce everything to integrals Z Y ~ , 1 , 2 ), Zkinst = dφi zkgauge (φi , ~a, 1 , 2 ) zkmatter (φi , ~a, m i Problem: Structure of poles is much more complicated! For Sp(1) one can express the poles as generalized Young diagrams with signs, but it is much more complicated. (We managed up to order 6.) SO(4): similar issues. In the unrefined case, there are useful methods [Fucito, Morales, Poghossian; . . . ] Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 6 / 17 Comparing results Let us compare the results of Sp(1) and (traceless) U(2): Nf =0 Nf =0 (q) = ZSp(1) (q) ZU(2) Nf =1 Nf =1 ZU(2) (q) = ZSp(1) (q) Nf =2 Nf =2 Nf =0 ZU(2) (q) = ZSp(1) (q)[ZU(1) (q)]1/2 q2 Nf =3 Nf =3 Nf =1 ZU(2) (q) = ZSp(1) (q)[ZU(1) (q)]1/2 exp − 321 2 They agree in the asymptotically free cases, but in the conformal case Nf = 4 they look completely different! Nekrasov’s instanton counting introduces UV regulator ⇒ different regularization schemes ⇒ results look different in the UV, but should agree in the IR Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 7 / 17 UV vs. IR To check this, extract F0 from Z inst . Set 1 = −2 = ~ to get X Z inst = exp ~2g−2 Fg g≥0 and use τIR = 21 ∂a2 F0 . Obtain two different UV-IR relations: qU(2) = θ2 (qIR )4 θ3 (qIR )4 2 qSp(1) = 16 [Grimm,Klemm,Marino,Weiss] 2 4 θ2 (qIR ) 2 )4 θ3 (qIR This leads to a very simple UV-UV relation: qU(2) = Christoph Keller (Caltech) qSp(1) 2 1 + qSp(1) /4 From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 8 / 17 AGT for Sp/SO We want to find an AGT-type correspondence that gives Sp(1)/SO(4) instanton partition function New ingredients: I the W-algebra is W(2, 2): two copies of the Virasoro tensor T Z2 twist lines (branch cuts) lead to twisted representations I tubes with twist lines: Sp(1) I tubes without twist lines: SO(4) I Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 9 / 17 AGT for Sp/SO N=2 gauge theory CFT SO(4)/Sp(1) quiver SO(4)/Sp(1) Gaiotto curve Sp(1) fund. hyper (µ1 , µ2 ) untwisted W(2, 2) representation (hµ1 , hµ2 ) SO(4) fund. hyper µ twisted W(2, 2) representation hµ Sp(1) − SO(4) bifund. hyper twist vacuum σ Sp(1) Coulomb par. a weight of twisted int. channel ha SO(4) Coulomb pars. (a1 , a2 ) weights of untwisted int. channel (ha1 , ha2 ) Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 10 / 17 Twisted representations Two copies of the Virasoro tensor T A (z), T B (z) exhange T B , T A when crossing a twist line I T + (z) = T A (z) + T B (z): always integer modes I T − (z) = T A (z) − T B (z): half-integer modes around twist fields To compute chiral block, map C to its double cover ⇒ T A , T B combine into single copy T (z) The double cover of C is exactly the Gaiotto curve of the SU(2) configuration! Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 11 / 17 Geometric interpretation I I I ˆ H σ(q 2 )V A,B (0)i Base: FSp(1) (q) = hV1A,B (∞)σ(1)P a 2 P i hi B 2 A ˆ H V A (q)V B (−q)i Cover: FSp(1) (q) = 1 − q hV1 (−1)V1 (1)P a 2 2 B B A A ˆ ˜ )V (0)i ˜ ) = hV (∞)V (1)PH V (q SU(2): FSU(2) (q 1 ˜= Cross ratios must agree ⇒ q Christoph Keller (Caltech) 1 a 2 2 2q (1+q)2 From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 12 / 17 Sp-SO bifundamental as trifundamental We can now compute linear and cyclic Sp(1) − SO(4) quivers: The double cover computations of these are effectively non-standard SU(2) quivers! Here we use the fact that the the Sp(1) − SO(4) bifundamental is equivalent to the (specialized) SU(2) trifundamental. Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 13 / 17 Asymptotically free theories From this it is clear that the trifundamental should correspond to a three-point function hV (φ1I1 , z1 )V (φ2I2 , z2 )V (φ3I3 , z3 )i φiIi : arbitrary Virasoro descendant of φi , φiIi = L−n1 L−n2 · · · φi Because we are dealing with descendants, the exact expression depends on choice of z1 , z2 , z3 ! I different choices will lead to non-trivial UV-UV relations, as in Sp(1) vs. U(2) I but different choices will still agree in the IR We can circumvent this problem by considering asymptotically free theories. Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 14 / 17 Gaiotto states There are two ways to compute conformal blocks of asymptotically free theories: I take the infinite mass limit of the conformal case I use Gaiotto states |h, Λi [Gaiotto]: |h, Λi = ∞ X Λn |vn i L1 |h, Λi = Λ|h, Λi Ln |h, Λi = 0 n≥2 n=0 ⇒ |h, Λi eigenstate of L1 Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 15 / 17 Trifundamental The trifundamental is the three point function of three Gaiotto states: hh1 , Λ1 |V (|h2 , Λ2 i, 1)|h3 , Λ3 i Compare to instanton counting: I agrees with Sp(1) − SO(4) I reduces to SU(2) bifundamentals I to do: compare to Sp(1) trifundamental Note that the correlator is essentially independent of choice of insertions. Under Möbius transformations: γ 00 Λ |h, Λi 7→ e 2γ 0 (γ 0 )h |h, γ 0 Λi Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 16 / 17 Thank You! Christoph Keller (Caltech) From SO/Sp instantons to W-algebra blocks UNIFY Workshop, Porto 2011 17 / 17
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