CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Copyright ©2015 InternationalSIM. All rights reserved. The content of this document may not be copied,replaced,distributed,published,displayed, modified,or transferred in any form or by any means except with the prior permission of InternationalSIM. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law subject to criminal and civil penalties. InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Introduction Congratulations on your purchase! You made a wise decision that will save you time, money, and energy on your next trip. This instructions contains step-by-step instructions, tips, and money saving tricks. Please review the documentation to get the most out of your SIM Card. Lets get started! Requirements for Service In order to use this SIM you need an unlocked phone. How do you know if you have an unlocked phone? Insert the SIM card into your phone. If your phone indicates a provider (eg Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile) then your phone is unlocked. If your phone displays a different message, your phone is locked. In addition, your phone needs to support the correct frequency in order to call and / or use the internet. Worldwide providers use of several GSM networks (850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz). The GSM1800 network is widely used in Europe, the GSM850 network often in South America and Asia and the GSM1900 network especially in North America. To use your GSM anywhere in the world you will need a quad-band phone. For "faster" 3G, Internet Providers use the UMTS network (850/900/1700-AWS 1900/2100 Mhz.) To access a list of all 3G frequencies by country please visit: / wiki / List_of_UMTS_networks 4G Internet. 4G stands for 4th generation and is the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications standards. It is the successor to the 3G standard. 4G is still limited globally available. For a list of all frequencies by country please visit: Note: "Unlocked" means that your phone supports SIM cards from provider that are allowed. Often a provider locks a cellular phone Unlocking your Phone Unlocking your phone is an easy process, it simply involves dialing a code on your phone’s keypad. Most mobile phone operators will give you the unlock code and step-by-step instructions right over the phone. Call customer service and inform them you’ll be traveling out of the country and you need the „unlock code“. Apple iPhone users can visit to unlock their devices for FREE. InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Contacting Customer Support Noitel Costumerservice is available at Phone: 4060 (from Noitel SIM card only Italy area) Phone: +39 06 622 89 899 – ext. 2 (from fixed phone or any other mobile) Email: Getting started: SIM Card registration for Italy is mandatory. You can simply registrate the SIM Card with us by sending next information to: Order number Name and Surname Nationaly ID type and number Copy ID Registration form SIM Card number (ICC number) Activation is made by Noitel Italia (NOITEL) within 3 working days upon the receiving electronic copies of the valid ID and signed registration form via e-mail. Adding Airtime / Where can I buy top up cards?: How to recharge your SIM: On the website where you can make transactions via Paypal or credit card entering your credential of your personal myArea by Noitel Buying a recharge pin at the Sisal shops, the lottery offices, the tobacconist’s, the bars belonging to the PIURICARICA services network, that can be used inside myArea. Through our website InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY myArea by Noitel: 1. When you buy a sim NOITEL, you receive the credentials to access to your personal myArea in the mailbox you registered. 2. You can login to myArea at . 3. You will be directed to the myArea portal: InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Options in myArea: NOITEL MOBILE Info traffico: 1: Your balance 2: Top up with your credit card or paypal (choose paypal if you want to Top up with a credit card issued outside Italy) 3: Activate promos by sending an sms as illustrated in the table WANT TO USE OTHER OPTIONS IN MYAREA? WE SUGGEST TO USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE FOR ALL OPTIONS InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Rates from/to Italy: Free Services Incoming Calls Outgoing calls : Local calls International calls Text : Sending Text messages Data: 1MB * all calls are charged in advance at 30 seconds intervals Free €0,12/min starting at €0,45/min €0,10 €0,05 FOR INTERNATIONAL RATES PLEASE VISIT: Internet Access: Standard rate €0,05 for 1 MB. If you frequently use data you can subscribe to a DATA Bundle: 250MB daily option: activation cost €2, costumer has to send an SMS at the number +393505639393 with text ON 250MBDAILY 500MB weekly option: activation cost €7 , renew cost €5per month, costumer has to send an SMS at the number +393505639393 with text ON 500MBWEEKLY 1GB 14 days option: activation cost €9 , renew cost €7per month, costumer has to send an SMS at the number +393505639393 with text ON 1GB14DAYS 2GB monthly option: activation cost €12 , renew cost €10per month, costumer has to send an SMS at the number +393505639393 with text ON 2GBMONTHLY 3GB monhtly option: activation cost €16 , renew cost €14per month, costumer has to send an SMS at the number +393505639393 with text ON 3GBMONTHLY 5GB monthly option: activation cost €20 , renew cost €18per month, costumer has to send an SMS at the number +393505639393 with text ON 5GBMONTHLY 10GB monthly option: activation cost €37 , renew cost €35per month, costumer has to send an SMS at the number +393505639393 with text ON 10GBMONTHLY InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Internet (Important info): Once the package is activated, it will be automatically renewed after a month/week depending on the package, if there is enough credit to pay the package; if there isn't enough credit that day, as the customer will top up his sim in order to pay the package it will be renewed When you used all data in 1 package, the data connection will be charged on the sim credit. If you wan to switch to another package, you need to deactivate the first internetpackage. Check if on the sim has enough credit and activate the other package. How to Dial International Calls To place a call outside of Italy you must dial ,,00“ followed by the country code. The format is: 00 + COUNTRY CODE + AREA CODE + NUMBER Noi App: Download the Noi App in google play to check current balance, top up and many more. ( InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Data (APN) Settings: For Internet access you need to adjust the APN settings in your phone. Please check the manual of your device. Connection name: APN: UserName: Password NOITEL.IT (empty) (empty) Android Select Settings Select Wireless and Networks (More...) Select Mobile Networks Select Access point Names Press Menu Press New APN Enter the follow settings o Name: o APN: o Username : (empty) o Password: (empty) Press Menu and Save Ensure the new NOITEL.IT APN is selected Restart your phone iOS (iPhone & iPad) Select Settings. Select General. Select Network or Cellular Select Cellular Data Network. Under Cellular Data Option o APN: o Username: (empty) o Password: (empty) Save the setting and restart your phone InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Tethering (Mobile hotspot): Noitel allows tethering through Mobile Hotspots. InternationalSIM offers a range of Mobile Hotspot Devices. SIM Card Validity: If you don’t call or send SMS messages for 18 months, your SIM card will lose validity. Coverage: Your Italy NOITEL SIM card has coverage in virtually 100 percent of Italya and is using TIM network.. Roaming You can use your NOITEL prepaid SIM card to make and receive calls from and to nearly every country. You can find all roaming partners at **Information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free.** InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY PREPAID SERVICE Application Form for the delivery and activation on Noitel SIM card Network: International SIM IDShop: 200030 PartnerNo.: 67 Noitel SIM Card telephone number Noitel SIM Card ICCID number ID Document Type and Number Expiry Date Surname - Name Sex Tax Code* Born on Birthplace Country Address of residence City Province Phone number** Email** Postal Code *Required if the customer is resident in Italy **Required to receive myArea access codes Request of new number: Noitel price plan: NOITEL UNICA INTERNATIONAL Date___________________ Customer’signature X_______________________ ATTENTION: THE SIGNATURE IS MANDATORY IN ALL FIELDS MARKED BY X SIGNATURE IS ALSO NEEDED ON THE NEXT PAGE. The undersigned by availing himself of the provisions as per articles 46 /47 of the DPR 445/2000 and aware of the penal sanctions under article 76 of the same PDR, which provides that the issuance of false statements, the creation or use of false acts are punished under the penal code and the special laws on this subject, declares that all information contained in this form are true. The undersigned also declares to have thoroughly read and to agree to 1) the price plan the conditions of any eventual option required and of the clauses contained in this form; 2) the General Condition of Contract for the supply of Mobile Service and the conditions of use of the SIM together with the regulations, laws, contractual regulations mentioned in it Date___________________ Customer’signature X______________________ The undersigned, after careful reading and review of the provisions as per articles 1341 and 1342 Italian Civil Code, specifically agrees to the provisions set out in artt.4-5-9-10-11-14-15-16-17 of the General conditions of Contract and SIM Card Use Conditions, all the articles of the ADDENDUM: Personal Use of Noitel Mobile Services and art. 3-4-5-6 of the General condition of MNP service Date___________________ Customer’signature X______________________ InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website: CALLING INSTRUCTIONS NOITEL SIM CARD ITALY Consent to the processing of personal data – d.lgs 196/03 The undersigned acknowledges to have read and fully understood the Noitel Italia Privacy Policy pursuant to art. 13 of D. Lgs 196/03 (Personal Data protection Law), to approve the content and to agree the processing of his personal data described herein for the purpose provided in the above Policy. In case of request for a MNP, the undersigned also authorizes the processing of his personal data by Noitel Italia and their disclosure to third parties, for purposes related to the MNP services and to the transfer of remaining credit Date___________________ Customer’signature X______________________ The undersigned furthermore specifically consents to the processing of personal data for the following purposes: analysis of customer satisfaction, market researches, service quality control, preparation of studies and of statistical researches, certifications and services quality control; information collection and creation of a Customer’s profile related to his utilization of services and consumption trends for carrying out special promotions, meeting his needs and improving Noitel’s services Date___________________ Customer’signature X______________________ Sending of advertising, information, promotional material and participation to initiatives and offers aimed to reward customers (also by third parties); such activities may involve product belonging to Noitel Italia or to other companies, also linked to Noitel with commercial or corporate relationships and may also be performed through an automated calling system without human intervention, mail, fax, SMS and MMS messages. Date___________________ Customer’signature X______________________ InternationalSIM Tel: +31 314 820 225 • Email: • website:
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