Saints Alive GROWING THROUGH GRACE; LEARNING THROUGH LOVE No 2 Term 1 6 February 2015 From the Headmaster As we begin this new year which is so full of promise and possibility, it seems appropriate to bring to the attention of our School families some of the issues surrounding parties and social gatherings. I am aware that my comments are primarily addressed to Middle and Senior School parents, but to all our Junior School parents, your children will get there one day, and forewarned is forearmed! Personally, I don’t believe our society is doing enough to encourage adolescents to see the benefits of living within prescribed and negotiated boundaries. As parents I believe there are certain things we can do to help our children through these years of prodigious emotional and physical development. We can send them to a school where we know they will be well cared for, and where they will be presented with a clearly defined moral and ethical framework within which they can still take calculated risks; a place where, whatever the world may throw at them, they will be confronted on a daily basis with an optimism and an energy that reinforces their potential and their value as people. We can also find the courage in ourselves to stand firm against the tide of relaxing standards when we feel the need to do so. I know we risk alienating our children by not giving in to their demands for freedom, but I believe this alienation is temporary, whereas the consequences of not putting boundaries in place at such a critical time in their lives can have lasting consequences. Of course adolescent children need to take risks. There is something glorious about the exuberance of Icarus even though his fate warns us that he received his wings too soon. But there are certain risks that I don’t believe adolescent children should be taking, and I think as parents we have a duty to draw this line in the sand. Of course they will tell us “But Dad, everyone does it. You’re so unreasonable.” And yet as an educator, I have seen occasionally a sadness behind the smiles of teenagers who are allowed to live adult lives too early, and this gave me confidence at the time when I was setting boundaries for my own children. So please do have the courage to stand firm when you feel it is necessary despite the protests, as I honestly believe it is the long term interest of our children whom we love beyond all measure. One of the more vexatious issues for parents is the minefield of the weekend party. By far the most important rule as far as teenage parties are concerned is the provision of adult supervision. As responsible parents we must check that whatever function our children are being invited to will be overseen by adults. The vast majority of problems occur when this simple rule is overlooked. We have the right as parents to be assured that our children will be safe, and if they are embarrassed about us checking out the details of a particular function, then so be it. So please, make the call, even if you are told it is a pizza and sleepover night, and get the reassurance you need to make objective decisions about whether or not the function meets your criteria for safe partying. If you are hosting a party please, under no circumstances, allow alcohol to be present and ruin the evening. Apart from the fact that it is against the law to serve alcohol to anyone under 18 years of age, it is simply irresponsible to encourage the notion in young adults that they can only have a good time if alcohol is involved. If it is a large gathering then sadly it might be necessary to consider bringing in some security for the night. Social media has an uncanny way of extending the invitation list to people you might not know and indeed might not want at your son’s or daughter’s party. If at any stage you would like to talk to someone at School about guidelines when hosting a party, we will be more than happy to help. Thank you all for reading this unusually strident offering and please work with us to keep your children safe. Patrick S Wallas, Headmaster All Saints Bridge Club Ready for something new? If you like mental challenges (say card games, Chess or Sudoku) how about trying your hand at Bridge. Unlike many other games that you master and eventually quit because they no longer challenge you, Bridge is a card game that offers continuous challenges and new situations to face every time you play. The game is fun and gives you great opportunities to play with your friends both in person and online. As a bonus, it can help to improve your concentration, as well as your mathematics, logic and problem solving skills. Come along for free and fun Bridge sessions held at All Saints after school once a week. All equipment is provided and beginners are most welcome. For further information, see Mr Wallas (who often can be spotted playing at local Bridge clubs), or phone/email the principal bridge teaching co-ordinator, Paul Brake, on 5570 4261 or Every Thursday (during term time) from 3:20-5:00pm All Saints Japanese Language Room Held in conjunction with the Queensland Bridge Association All Saints Anglican School Editor: Diane Case, Director of Development & Admission School Highfield Drive, Merrimac, Queensland 4226 Telephone: +61 7 5530 2855 ABN 64 010 643 857 week 3 MONDAY 9 FEB Y9 Camp (9-11 Feb) Senior School Academic Honours Assembly Y12 Business Management Night TUESDAY 10 Y12 Mod History Excursion Inter-House Swim Carnival (Y3-6) Y10/11 Drama Excursion Y7 Parent Information Evening STAFF CONCERT Tickets Adults $12 Students $6 PHOTO DAY 11-13 FEBRUARY THURSDAY 12 Y4 New Friends Day Inter-House Swim Carnival (Y7-9) Senior School Photos Y10-12 Fradgley BBQ Middle School Photos Y11 Skill Seminar Swim Club Y10-12 Reeves Sleepover Y8-12 Motivational Media P&F New Parents’ Drinks SATURDAY 14 SUNDAY 15 Scholarship (Sat 14) TERM 1 ENDS Thursday 2 April GOOD FRIDAY Friday 3 April Saints Alive Wednesday 11: Junior School Thursday 12: Senior School Friday 13: Middle School Have your child’s school memories captured forever! 3 Please take time to read the information on the MSP Photography payment envelopes and remember these helpful points: Don’t seal envelopes inside each other. You can pay for all children in one envelope, however each child needs to have their own envelope on the day. Please indicate on the child’s envelope that contains all sibling payments the names of the children you are paying for. Family envelopes are available at the Main Administration Office upon request. Please enclose correct money as no change is given. Cash, cheque, money order or credit card accepted. For enquiries, please feel free to contact MSP Photography Phone 07 5520 2999 MIDDLE SCHOOL DATES Week 3 (9-13 February) • Monday 9: Debating Sign-on • Monday 9-Wednesday 11: Year 9 Camp • Tuesday 10: Year 7 Parent Information Evening • Wednesday 11: Year 8 Return Immunisation Forms • Thursday 12: Inter-House Swim Carnival • Friday 13: School Photos • Friday 13: APS Sports Trials • Friday 13: P&F New Parent Drinks • Friday 13: Year 8-9 Motivational Media • Saturday 14: Scholarship Exams Week 4 (16-20 February) • Tuesday 17: Year 8 Parent Information Evening • Tuesday 17: Year 7 Debating Club starts • Wednesday 18: MS/SS APS Swimming Carnival • Wednesday 18: Y7 Brainstorm Productions ‘The Hurting Game’ • Friday 20: APS Sport Trials • Friday 20: Middle School World Cup Cricket Competition • Friday 20-Sunday 22: Rugby Camp (Years 4-12) • Saturday 21: Debating Summer School INTER-HOUSE SWIM 10-12 FEBRUARY Tuesday 10: Junior School (Y3-6) Wednesday 11: Senior School Thursday 12: Middle School Swim Club Canteen Menu Fresh Sandwiches $4 Sausage in Bread $2 Chicken Kebabs $2 Soft Drinks $2 600ml water $2 Powerade $4 Juice Pops $2 Tea/Coffee $2 Killer Pythons $1 Chocolates, lollies, chips 50c 3 week FRIDAY 13 5 FRIDAY 27 FEBRUARY week Junior School Photos Inter-House Swim Carnival (Y10-12) Amensty Community Service Y11 Parent Information Evening Week 3 (9-13 February) • Tuesday 10: Inter-House Swim Carnival (Years 3-6) • Wednesday 11: School Photos • Thursday 12: Year 4 New Friends Day • Friday 13: P&F New Parents Drinks Week 4 (16-22 February) • Thursday 19: Junior APS Swim Carnival (Hinterland Gold) • Friday 20-Sunday 22: Rugby Camp (Years 4-12) Week 7 (9-13 March) • Monday 9: Pre Prep 2015 Information Evening • Monday 9-Friday 13: Green Week Week 8 (16-20 March) • Monday 16-Wednesday 18: Year 5 Camp • Tuesday 17 March: Pre Prep Workshop (Part I) week WEDNESDAY 11 JUNIOR SCHOOL DATES SENIOR SCHOOL DATES Week 3 (9-13 February) • Monday 9: Academic Honours Assembly • Wednesday 11:Inter-House Swimming Carnival • Wednesday 11:Year 11 Information Evening • Thursday 12 February: School Photos • Friday 13: Motivational Media • Friday 13: P&F New Parents drinks • Saturday 14: Scholarship Exams Week 4 (16-22 February) • Monday 16: Year 12 Business Mentor Meet and Greet • Wednesday 18:APS Swimming Carnival • Wednesday 18:Year 12 Commissioning • Friday 20-Sunday 22: Rugby Camp (Years 4-12) Week 5 (23 Feb-1 March) • Friday 27: Performing Arts Staff Concert Week 6 (2-8 March) • Monday 2 March: Year 10 Immunisation Week 7 (9-15 March) • Mon 9-Fri 13: Green Week • Wednesday 11: Year 10 Family Eucharist • Friday 13: APS Trial v Somerset Week 8 (16-22 March) • Monday 16: International Assembly • Friday 20: APS Trial v Kings Week 9 (23-29 March) • Monday 23–Thursday 26 March: Year 10 Camp • Monday 23–Friday 27: Year 11 and 12 Shutdown Week 10 (30 March-5 April) • Monday 30: Inter-House Cross Country • Monday 30: Rugby Tour departs • Tuesday 31 March and Wednesday 1 April: Year 12 QCS Trial • Thursday 2: Term 1 Ends • Friday 3: Good Friday PERFORMING ARTS TERM 1 DATE CLAIMERS Week 5 (23-27 February) • Friday 27 February 7:00-9:00pm: Staff Concert Holloway Music Centre Week 8 (16-20 March) • Tuesday 17 March 6.00pm: Band Twilight Concert Nairn Theatre) • Thursday 19 March 6:00pm: Strings/Choral Twilight Concert Nairn Theatre/Chapel Week 9 (23-27 March) • Friday 27 March 2.00pm: Year 5 Band Programme Concert Nairn Theatre 6 February 2015 Page 2 Junior School FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL PARENT INFORMATION EVENINGS Thank you to the many parents who attended our Parent Information Evenings this week, we hope you gained valuable information from them. Parents certainly seemed to enjoy the social component of the evening which gave them an opportunity to meet the teacher and interact with other parents. If you were unable to attend and have not yet received the printed material from your child’s class teacher, please contact them via the student diary so that it can be sent home to you. HOW COULD LIFE BE MADE EASIER FOR YOU? If you are collecting your child from the Junior School car park, a staggered collection time would make life significantly easier for you. I suggest the following: however, it will only work if you all follow these guidelines: • Parents of Pre Prep (who want an early pick-up) and Prep children should arrive at School between 2:40 and 3:00pm. There is no need for parents of children in other year levels to be here at this time as the Year 1-6 children aren’t even let out until 3:00pm. Parents of Years 1-6 children who arrive early are just clogging up the system and are stopping others from collecting their children. • Parents of Years 1-3 children should arrive between 3:00-3:15pm. • Parents of Years 4-6 children should arrive between 3:15-3:30pm. • If you have children across several year levels in the Junior School come at the older child’s time. • If you are in a stationary line and there is a park available, park in it. • Under no circumstance should cars move into the exit lane when entering the School to ‘jump the queue’; this is extremely dangerous and is also discourteous to other parents who are waiting patiently. • All Saints’ parents have a system of alternating one car from the South and one car from the North into the car park off Highfield Drive. Please respect this system which is based on fairness and mutual respect for each other. Saints Alive SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS Junior School parents should have received information about the School photographs which will take place for most Junior School children on Wednesday 11 February. The exception to this are the Pre Prep children who are not at School on this day and they will have their photographs taken later in the year. All children should be in their Day Uniform (Sport Uniform for Prep and Pre Prep) for these photographs and children in the incorrect uniform will not be included in the class photograph. Even though the information from the photographic company asks parents to only return the envelopes on the day the photographs are taken, we are happy to receive the sealed envelopes prior to this. Our experience shows that many families forget on a specific day, so we are happy to collect them and hold them until the due date. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES We are holding information in the Junior School Office about a number of after/ before School activities that are available to students. These include TFA Soccer, Karate, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Tennis, Dance, Cheerleading and Chess. If you are interested in any of these activities for your child, please collect a form from the office. It should be noted that these activities are not run by All Saints Anglican School but are presented by outside providers who use our facilities. SWIMMING CARNIVAL The Annual Inter-House Swimming Carnival for Years 3-6 students will be held next week on Tuesday 10 February commencing at 9:00am. All parents and friends are warmly invited to attend this event. Seating is limited so a deck chair may be useful for parents who wish to sit on the HPE verandahs where you get an excellent view. All Year 3-6 children will participate in the Carnival unless they have a medical issue that prevents this. Please see the Junior School Sport section of Saints Alive for further details and approximate times of the events. Please note that these times are an estimate only to assist parents, and that the Carnival may run slightly earlier or later than specified. The All Saints Swim Club will be catering for the event for those who would like to purchase some food and drinks, and a coffee van will also be in attendance for those parents who need their caffeine fix! HOUSE CAPTAINS AND LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Each house has now elected their House Captains and Vice-Captains for 2015. These students form part of the Junior School’s student leadership team and undertake a range of invaluable tasks to assist us in the running of the School. I know you will join with me in congratulating the following students: Lyndon • Captains: Will Ashcroft and Tess Cummins • Vice Captains: Campbell Heyer and Charlotte Bull Oakey • Captains: Bodhi Uwland and Charlotte Sterne Vice Captains: Tyler Ashcroft and Ellah Dunn Talgai • Captains: Flynn Service and Sahara McCarthy • Vice Captains: Luke Orchard and Taliah Prince Clovelly • Captains: Billy Nixon and Nellie Evans • Vice Captains: Nelson Creagh and Taimani A’Vard. Between four and eight other leaders will soon be announced following staff input, and these students will be named in next week’s Saints Alive. However, any Year 6 student who is willing to take on added responsibilities is able to become a Year 6 Representative. These students will also be recognised publicly when their roles are finalised. Rod Case, Head of Junior School 6 February 2015 Page 3 CONGRATULATIONS PRE PREP-YEAR 2 STUDENTS I am impressed by the fantastic start all students have made to the 2015 school year. We are just over a week into the year, and students are already familiar with and following School routines. It is wonderful to see so many students in the morning walking in wearing their uniforms correctly, carrying their own bags and completing their morning jobs. The independence I have witnessed is wonderful. It can be hard at this time of year settling back into the routines, so I congratulate all students, parents and teachers, and encourage parents to keep supporting students in developing their independence. PRE PREP PARENT WORKSHOPS We are excited to inform parents that we will be conducting evening workshops designed to help parents and caregivers of ‘Pre Preppies’ to make positive, healthy choices while maintaining positive parentchild interactions and good home/school relationships. We would like to offer parents the opportunity to develop strategies to help promote resilience in their children and equip them with skills to face future challenges. The busyness/stress of parents these days is recognised and is a reflection of our society. Parenting now is quite different to past generations and, therefore, we have a whole set of new challenges to navigate. The information sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 7:00–8:00pm in the Junior School Library as follows: • Tuesday 17 March What does my four year old look like? Parenting a four year old. (Part 1) Presented by: Katie Heyer, Kylie Donnelly and Jennifer Morgan • Tuesday 24 March Children’s behaviour and using strategies to guide positive responses (Part 2) Presented by: Katie Heyer, Kylie Donnelly and Jennifer Morgan • Tuesday 5 May Speech and Language Development Presented by a Speech Pathologist • Tuesday 12 May Fine and Gross Motor Development Presented by an Occupational Therapist Mrs Michelle Leftwich, Assistant Head of Junior School PP-2 Calendar Information Please see Page 2 Saints Alive School Photos Wednesday 11 February JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTSMASTER STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPORT Congratulations to the following students on their achievements in sport: Sakura Sugiyama’s participated in the following events in the school holidays with outstanding results: Somerset Sprint Meet - 3 Silver; TSS Aquatic Sprint Meet - 4 Gold and 1 Silver; Miami Super Challenge - 2 Silver and 2 Bronze. Angelina Lane was invited to join the South Coast team to compete at the State Aquathlon at Hervey Bay in February. She also qualified to compete at the Queensland Long Course in Breaststroke but, as it is the same day, she has chosen to compete in the Aquathlon. Sienna Hepburn was presented with the Highest Achiever WAG Level 2, and Overall Highest Achiever WAG Level 1 at the Gold Coast Gymnastics Club 2014 Annual Presentation Dinner. Roger Matthysz, Junior School Sportsmaster Swim Carnival Tuesday 10 February Helpers welcome. Spectators welcome. Swim Club will operate a sausage sizzle (pre-order for students). Parents can purchase items from the Canteen. 6 February 2015 Page 4 Middle School FROM THE HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL “WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE, TOTO!” Middle School staff spend much of Term 1 obsessing about the manner in which all their students – the returning and the brand newbies – settle in to their new environment and Core class grouping. Each and every year of the Middle School journey involves students acclimatising to an entirely new precinct, set of teachers and mixture of peer personalities, so we are careful to put into place a number of checks and balances to ensure our students are feeling happy, safe, connected and challenged. Last week’s Year 7 Extravaganza certainly did wonders in terms of helping that particular cohort ‘break the ice’ and familiarise themselves with a whole swag of new faces across their cohort but, as the term progresses, if any child is expressing a sense of isolation from their peers, please let us know; we have all sorts of unobtrusive and adolescent-friendly strategies to help connect children in with like-minded others. Please just contact your child’s Core Teacher and share your concerns. LIFE IN FAST-FORWARD No doubt your family home underwent a significant transformation last week? Leisurely, meandering holiday schedules replaced in a heartbeat by adrenalin-raising, ridiculously-complex timetables requiring Mum’s/Dad’s taxi to be in four different places simultaneously? (Luckily, every parent owns a DeLorean DMC-12 don’t they?). Hopefully, this publication, along with your child’s diary, the School Wall Calendar and the Parent Portal, gives you all the information you need to map out your working week, but please don’t hesitate to seek clarification regarding any All Saints event from Mrs Michelle Trainor in the Middle School Office. Your child’s Core Teacher will certainly be making use of their ten minute Roll Call time of a morning (8:25-8:35am) to advise students on ways to manage their time wisely so that everything can be squeezed in. The aim? To teach students how to become independent learners and decrease the need for time travel! Saints Alive YEAR 9 CAMP Next week, Year 9 students will be attending Alexandra Park Conference Centre for a Service/Leadership camp. Situated on the Sunshine Coast, the centre offers an excellent standard of accommodation where students will be engaging in activities that promote and encourage leadership and community service, at and around the facility. The camp will be run by qualified providers in co-operation with the Year 9 and other All Saints Anglican School teaching staff. Activities will include travelling to an aged care facility to engage with some elderly members of the community and liaising with the local city council regarding the upkeep of nearby sand dunes. Students will also participate in conference-like presentations relating to leadership, body image and service-learning at the centre. The camp is designed to enthuse and motivate students into taking greater responsibility for the world in which they live, and for those with whom they share it. AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP: CARPARK At the risk of repeating myself, please take the time to read the following strategies that will help minimise the problems associated with afternoon ‘rush hour’ in the School car park: • Please drive at a safe speed! Hundreds of students, staff and parents are moving in and around car parks at peak times. • The School Library is open until 6:00pm each day (except Fridays). Students can use this facility to complete homework or work on assessment pieces, thus decreasing the number of cars lined up at 3:15pm. • Middle Students should be picked up at either (a) the undercover Junior School loop (if they have younger siblings) or at the Middle/Senior School traffic rank located near the main entrance. Students should not be picked up from the car park above the Middle School administration or, indeed, anywhere else please. • All Middle and Senior School students should proceed to the southern end of the traffic rank so that we avoid cars stopping near the crossing, thus backing up the traffic. • If you arrive before your child is ready, please park in the parallel parking bays and the attending staff will help direct you back out at the appropriate time. • If you have students across two or three of the sub-schools, please arrange for them to all gather in the one place for pick-up. Parents who pick-up Junior School children from the Junior School loop and then proceed along to the Middle/Senior School traffic rank are a major cause of traffic congestion. Many thanks for your understanding and support in this matter. MIDDLE SCHOOL SWIM CARNIVAL Next Thursday 12 February, the eight Middle School houses will contest the 25th Annual Inter-House Swimming Carnival in the HPE Indoor Pool. The event will commence with a themed march past, run throughout the School day, and parents are very much welcome to attend. PARENT INFORMATION EVENINGS Over the next couple of weeks of this term, we are hosting all-important Parent Information Evenings as follows: Year 7: Week 3 - Tuesday 10 February Year 8: Week 4 - Tuesday 17 February. We ask that parents and care-givers ‘move mountains’ to be able to attend these evenings as they are a time to disseminate key information regarding the programme for the year and an opportunity to establish a strong, working relationship with your child’s Core Teacher. More information regarding each event will be sent home via your child’s diary. School Photos Friday 13 February 6 February 2015 Page 5 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS A reminder that if there are any notable extra-curricular achievements you’d like acknowledged, please phone/email the Middle School Office and pass on details: 5587 0357; Please note: the achievements of Middle School students in the areas of Sport and the Performing Arts are acknowledged in these respective sections of this publication each week. Todd Harm, Head of Middle School YOUR PERSONAL GOALS It doesn’t matter how young or old we are or how good we are at something, there will always be areas of our lives we can improve upon. Learning is a lifelong project. For some students this could mean being more confident, becoming a better listener, facing difficult situations, paying more attention to our own and other’s feelings, or relaxing more. There will always be goals that we can set for ourselves for continued personal growth and self-improvement. Students in the Middle School will be setting up their student portfolios this week and in the ‘Resilience for Life’ goal setting section of the portfolio, students, with the assistance of their teachers, will have the opportunity to set some very specific, simple personal goals and think about ways of working to achieve them. Students will be reminded that their goals must be challenging but achievable, and that they focus on aspects in their lives that they can control. Using the SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound), students will identify goals in a specific area in both their School and home life that they would like to achieve over the course of the term. SCHOOL IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME This year, the City of Gold Coast Immunisation Services will again be providing free vaccinations for all Year 8 and Year 10 students, as part of Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisation Programme. Year 8 students are being offered vaccination to protect against Human Papillomavirus (HPV), diphtheria-tetanuspertussis (whooping cough) and varicella (chickenpox). Year 10 students are being offered protection against diphtheria-tetanuspertussis (whooping cough). Consent forms have been posted to parents. Please read the information carefully. If you wish your child to be vaccinated, a completed, signed consent form must be returned to School in the reply paid envelope by no later than 11 February. For more information about diseases, vaccines or the School Immunisation Programme, visit the following links or contact Council’s Immunisation Services on 07 55816709. MR BOSWELL’S BRAIN BUSTER Congratulations are extended to Jack and Amy Luke-Paredi, Cate Cameron, Michelle Ngo, Katrina Ng, Maddie Stephens, Scarlett Jenkins and Andrew Zhou as they successfully solved the first problem applying the principles of percentage. • Last Week’s Solution: If 40% of the population are male, then 60% are female and the difference of 20% represents the 35 outnumbering females. If 20% = 35 students, then 100% will be 35 x 5 which equals 175 students in that year level. • This Week’s Problem - Basic Binary: The Hindu-Arabic number system operates on Decimal or Base Ten notation applying Place Value to represent numbers of any magnitude. The Binary or Base Two notation used in computer programming uses only the symbols 0 and 1. If my present age in Binary notation is 111100, how old am I in Decimal notation, and if my dog is turning 15 this year, what will his age become in Binary notation? Andrew Boswell, Director of Learning Enhancement immunisation/adolescents/index.html Julie Deane, Assistant Head of Middle School (Pastoral Care) ADOPT A GROWTH MINDSET In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work – brains and talent are just a starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have demonstrated these qualities as lifelong learners. Calendar Information Swim Carnival Thursday 12 February Spectators welcome - but must sit on balconies (please BYO chairs). Students must swim in All Saints Swimmers (no race suits) and house caps. Swim Club will operate the canteen (Menu Page 2). French Club Monday Monday lunchtimes in OR04 ... appropriate for Years 8 and 9 initially. Bring your French book, lunch, any homework queries and inner French being! Extension/extra help and fun French activities. Next week: Dominos in French Please see Page 2 Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 6 FROM THE LIBRARY AFTER SCHOOL It has been wonderful to see so many students using our resources after School for homework, study and reading for pleasure. We are open until 6:00pm Monday-Thursday and 5:00pm on Friday. All students from Years 7-12 are welcome to use this facility both before and after School. Most students with personal devices are now successfully connected to the School wifi which will enable them easy access to the internet and our digital library, OverDrive. The Library Staff INTER-SCHOOL DEBATING: JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATE DIVISIONS All interested students should have signed on for inter-school debating and received a permission slip for parents to sign, affirming their child’s commitment to be involved this year. This must be returned before next Wednesday 11 February, the date for registration of teams. Please note that students who have not returned this signed note will not be added to a team. DEBATING SUMMER SCHOOL The Association offers a free Summer School for all students new to debating. This is particularly beneficial for Middle School students and All Saints children are highly encouraged to attend. The details are as follows: Introductory Secondary Debating Saturday 21 February 9:00am-11:00am Bond University Cost is free and Dress is casual. The venues for debates are yet to be advised. For prepared debates (Rounds 1 and 2), students are required at the venue at 5:45pm. All other debates are ‘Short Preparation’ debates which involve students arriving at 4:15pm when they are given a ‘secret’ topic and sent to a classroom to prepare from scratch - without the use of any resources such as books, computers or adults. As you can imagine, this can really test the skills of teamwork, organisation and time management. Debates are then held at 6:00pm. Of course, all parents and friends are encouraged to attend. DEBATING DRAW REVISED Since last week there has been a modification to the draw which is correctly listed below: Draw for Intermediate (Years 9 and 10) and Junior (Years 7 and 8) debates Term 1 • Saturday 21 February: Debating Summer School for all students new to debating • Wednesday 11 March: Round 1 • Wednesday 1 April: Round 2 • Wednesday 22 April: Catch-up round Term 2 • Wednesday 6 May: Round 3 (Short Prep) • Wednesday 20 May: Round 4 (Short Prep) • Wednesday 27 May: Catch-up round (Short Prep) • Wednesday 10 June: Round of top 16 teams (Short Prep) Term 3 • Wednesday 29 July: Quarter Finals (Short Prep) • Wednesday 5 August: Semi Finals (Short Prep) • Wednesday 19 August: Grand Final (Short Prep). Venue: Bond University Round 1 Topics • Junior (Years 7 and 8): ‘That cats make better pets than dogs’ • Intermediate (Years 9 and 10): ‘That space exploration is a waste of money’. We look forward to getting underway with team selection and Round 1 preparation, and a wonderful year of inter-school debating! Jan Curran, Co-ordinator Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 7 Senior School FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL CHANGE TO FAMILY DETAILS/FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES It is important that accurate family information and contact details held by the School are correct. In the event of changes, a Change of Address form or Change of Circumstances form is available from the Parent Portal on the School website Please print the relevant form as required, complete and return to the Office of Admissions in Main Administration. SCHOOL CALENDAR/ASSESSMENT PLANNER The calendar can also be found on the parent portal. The Senior Assessment Planner and Shutdown Roster is located under ‘School Links’ on the Parent Portal. There are a number of links Assessment Schedules for each year level which provides dates for all tests and assignments (given and due) throughout the term. The front page of the Assessment Schedule for each year level also provides information regarding subjects that have assessment in shutdown as well as those that have ongoing assessment for that term. There is also a schedule for the Senior School outlining all assessment and all excursions for Years 10, 11 and 12. Students should review the Assessment Schedule as soon as it is published each term and discuss any issues with their teacher or the Director of Administration, Geof Hemphill SENIOR SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS At assembly we outlined our expectations for all Senior School students. I consider these simple Seven Healthy Habits essential for making the Senior School a friendly learning environment: • Value Others – say please and thank you • Time is Important – be punctual • Help people move around the School easily and safely Saints Alive • Incorporate manners and respect for others in daily life • Look after the School environment • Respect and recognise the rights of others • Acknowledge visitors and welcome them YEAR 11 PARENT INFORMATION A special information evening has been scheduled for Year 11 parents and students to provide them with invaluable details and guidance regarding the Academic and Pastoral programmes, Careers and Pathways, and the Leadership Camps. The Year 11 Parents’ Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 11 February at 7:00pm in the Nairn Theatre. I hope all parents with students in Year 11 can attend. Dress is smart casual. Surf-ware and thongs are not acceptable attire. YEAR 10 AND YEAR 12 PARENT INFORMATION Thank you to the many parents who attended Wednesday’s Year 12 Parents Information Evening, and the previous week’s Year 10 Information Evening. Many thanks also Ms Deb Stacey, Mr Bryn Evans, Mr Geof Hemphill, Ms Alison Weeks and Mr Jason Wainwright, for their informative presentations. The presentation slides from the Year 10 and Year 12 Parent Information Evenings are now in the Parent Portal and the students’ K-drive. YEAR 12 COMMISSIONING Please note that the Year 12 Commissioning is on Wednesday 18 February at 7:00pm in the Nairn Theatre. This is an extremely important evening, officially recognising each Year 12 student as a member of the All Saints Class of 2015. Parents, please ensure that you note this significant date on your calendars and join us to celebrate your child’s commissioning as a Year 12 student of All Saints. This is a formal occasion, and I would ask all in attendance to be appropriately attired. COMPUTERS ‘BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE’ (BYOD) Students are encouraged to bring their own device to School. Everywhere in the Senior School has access to the wireless network. STUDENT DRIVERS Students who wish to drive to School or School functions must register with the Director of Pastoral Care, Bryn Evans and agree to travel under the terms and conditions set out at registration: 1 In the light of congestion and its attendant risks, it has been decided that no learner drivers should be allowed to drive on School property. Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter, which, as we are sure you understand, is entirely motivated by safety concerns. Please change drivers before entering the School. 2 Once students have their licence, they must apply for a School permit before they can drive to School. 3 Students must also apply for permission to carry passengers. Both the driver and the passenger must have their parents` signatures. The yellow registration and permission forms are available from Senior Reception. 4 A sticker, with passenger numbers, will be issued and must be attached to the front window of the car. 5 If Year 12 students choose the privileged option to park in the bottom/HPE carpark, they are not permitted to leave the School until 3:45pm. Failure to follow this rule results in traffic ongestion at the Southern exit and the inability to quickly clear parent pick-up cars from the top carpark i.e. if students want or need to leave before 3:45pm, they must park on Highfield Drive. 6 Year 11 students do not have access to the HPE carpark and are requested not to drive to school. WISE WORDS ON MUSIC “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent” Victor Hugo Congratulations and a sincere thank you to all the students and staff who took part in last weekend’s highly successful The Addams Family Musical Camp at Tyalgum. Steve Wright, Head of Senior School 6 February 2015 Page 8 FROM THE DIRECTOR OF CAREERS & VET SCHOOL-BASED TRAINEESHIPS School-based traineeships generally run for 12 months. Students work one day per week and also complete a nationally recognised qualification. School-based traineeships provide students with the opportunity to work in a field they are considering pursuing after school. They also provide students with work-ready skills and can help students to develop confidence and employability skills which will be helpful either when applying for full-time, part-time or casual. A traineeship will involve students missing one day of school each week on a day which works for both the employer and the employee. ASAS Live Production Traineeships We are currently recruiting students to work as School-based trainees here at All Saints in the Nairn Theatre. This is a great opportunity for students to become Theatre Technicians and to develop practical skills in audio, lighting, stage management and the general operation of a theatre. This is particularly exciting year also as it is a School Musical year. Students will also complete a Certificate III in Live Production and Services. Students must be able to work either Mondays or Fridays, no other work days are available. Interested students should collect an application form from the Careers Centre. Applications close Friday 13 February. All Saints Careers Centre The Careers Centre is also seeking a Business/Events Trainee to assist in the planning and staging of our key events, the Year 12 Careers Dinner, Careers Expo, Gap Lunch and Graduation Ceremonies. Ideally the trainee will be a Year 11 student. You will also assist with general administrative tasks in the Careers Centre. Interested students can collect an application form from the Careers Centre. Applications close Friday 13 February. Traineeships at other Employers The following traineeships are now available for application: • • • • • • • Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary: Hospitality, Business, Tourism Mudgeeraba Sport Club: Business Beauty/Spa Broadbeach: Business Prouds Burleigh Heads: Business Gold Coast Arts Centre: Business Aurora Training Institute Robina: Business Assorted Hospitality Traineeships in a range of cafes and restaurants. If you are interested in any of these positions, please see Ms Weeks or Mrs Pettit at the Careers Centre. GAPPER NEWS 15 students from the Class of 2014 are now in the United Kingdom working as Gap Assistants at eight of our partner schools. While it was somewhat of a shock to arrive in the UK in early January and experience a UK winter after a wonderful Gold Coast summer, everyone has settled well. Anna Saville and Emily Milnes are two of our Gappers at Windlesham School. The girls recently emailed an update: We just wanted to update you on Gap and let you know how much we love it. We are so grateful to get a place at Windlesham, it suits us to a tee and we couldn’t picture being anywhere else. We feel right at home here and haven’t felt homesick once. All the teachers are absolutely lovely and our Gappie group gets along so well (there are seven of us). We’re lucky that four of them are from the UK (two of them went to Windlesham) and all have cars, so we are able to go on outings when we have half days/weekends off. We’ve never spent so much time doing sport, we have classes in the morning and after lunch at 12 we dress into games kit and do netball, hockey and swimming until 5. Within the first week of being here we were taught how to umpire netball games and now umpire twice a week for both home and away matches! We’ve been to a couple of schools but none of the other All Saints gappie schools yet! Anna does swimming four times a week with the 5 year olds and it’s so much fun because you are teaching them how to swim. We’ve also started up a running club for all the boarders at the school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday! We have about 20 kids each session and they seem to really enjoy it. It’s good for us as well because it keeps off the gap fat. The food here is really great and it’s hard to know when’s enough! We stayed at one of the gappies houses in central London for the long weekend and are going to do Paddy Wagon in the half term which is in two weeks time! They have so many holidays here! Thank you for placing us at the most amazing school ever! We love it so much, we never want to come back! FULL-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITY We have been approached by a past student of the School who is looking to employ an All Saints student, full-time, in their finance company at Surfers Paradise. It is a dynamic and exciting business and would suit any past student who is hoping to secure a position in business and/or finance. If you know of any past All Saints students who may be looking for full-time work, please ask them to contact Mrs Weeks at the Careers Centre. Alison Weeks, Director of Careers & VET YEAR 12 BUSINESS MENTOR PROGRAMME We have officially commenced the inaugural Business Mentor Programme for our Year 12 Business Management students. The very important and informative Meet and Greet Evening will discuss the mentoring programme and take place on Monday 16 February at 6:30pm in the CSI Lecture Theatre. It is compulsory for Year 12 Business students to attend along with at least one parent/guardian. Business mentors will also be present at the Meet and Greet Information Evening. After the formalities and discussion, tea and coffee along with cakes and slices, will be served for all guests. We look forward to seeing you at the first official event of the All Saints Business Mentor Programme. Danielle Oke, Head of Business (Years 10-12) Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 9 FROM THE HEAD OF LANGUAGES HOST FAMILIES FOR FRENCH STUDENTS You may be aware that the language department at All Saints is developing its language exchange programmes. Following the success of the long-lasting exchange with New Caledonia, we are setting up an exchange with schools in Bordeaux. A group of All Saints students will go to Bordeaux in April 2015 and French students will visit All Saints in July 2015. Because circumstances change, and they inevitably will between now and July, we are looking for families willing to host a French student for any length of time in July. The student would attend school with your son or daughter. As we have seen numerous times, hosting a student can create long-lasting friendships and is always of great benefit for the motivation and language skills of our students. If you think you can help, please email me at We are also looking for a host family for Jeanne, 15, who would like to stay in Australia for 10-13 weeks (from 15-30 May). Ideally this would be as part of an exchange: Jeanne could stay with a host family and attend All Saints and, earlier or later in the year, the All Saints student could go to France to stay with Jeanne’s family and attend Jeanne’s school (Lycee Fenelon). Jeanne has been learning English for six years in a special European programe. She is a good student with excellent references, and she is very motivated to come to Australia.Jeanne has four brothers, is sporty (dance, windsurfing, tennis, running), plays the piano, and is noted for her positive and enthusiastic character. If you think you can help, please email me at OZCLO – AUSTRALIAN COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS OLYMPIAD It’s never been about Humanities versus Science, Languages versus Maths! All students, not just those taking a language other than English, are encouraged to take part in OzCLO, the Australian Computational linguistics Olympiad. OzCLO is a contest for high school students. It challenges them to develop their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating real languages. The programme is designed for high school students from Years 9-12. All Saints was brilliantly represented over the past few years with teams in the national finals. We have no other choice but to reach for the stars again this year. Presentation sessions and ‘training’ will be offered (date to be confirmed). To register your interest, please email The first round (to be held fully online, so no need to leave the School) will be held on Thursday 12 March. The national round (the top three Queensland teams are eligible to participate in this round) will be held on Tuesday 31 March Jerome Richalot, Head of Languages French Club Thursday French Club for the Senior School is held each Thursday at lunch time from 1:002:00pm. It is the best place for nagging questions, clarifications, rehearsing an oral, having a script proofread and corrected or simply making sure your homework is spot on. Coco, our French assistant, will help you fine-tune all these in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Don’t miss the opportunity to do a little bit extra, every effort counts, it makes all the difference in the end. French Club Monday Middle School French Club Monday lunchtimes in OR04 ... appropriate for Years 8 and 9 initially. Bring your French book, lunch, any homework queries and inner French being! Extension/extra help and fun French activities. Next week: Dominos in French GRIFFITH BUSINESS SCHOOL PROGRAMME Year 12 students of Business, Accounting, Economics and Hospitality have the opportunity to partake in this year’s Griffith Business School’s Programme. The programme is designed to provide Year 12 students with the opportunity to experience university life and to extend their understanding of business/accounting/economics/management. The strands on offer include: • Business Management •Commerce • Tourism/Hotel/Event/Sport Management. Applications close Monday 9 February, so if you are interested and did not apply with Miss Oke by Friday 6 February, please visit Griffith University’s information page (via link provided), download the application form, complete the form, attach last year’s academic report, have the application form signed by Mr Wright first thing Monday morning and submit to Miss Oke by lunch time Monday 9 February. Danielle Oke, Head of Business (Years 10-12) Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 10 Performing Arts FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PERFORMING ARTS It was wonderful to see (and hear) some of our musical ensembles in their first rehearsals for 2015 this week. There was great energy and enthusiasm evident, with some ensembles already playing and singing a complete piece! If you missed the first rehearsal or are still contemplating involvement in the programme, please get along as soon as possible as some groups are performing in a few weeks’ time. MUSICAL CAMP Last weekend, 82 members of the cast and orchestra along with nine staff and adult helpers attended our Musical Camp at the very picturesque Tyalgum Ridge in Northern NSW. It was a brilliant way to start the rehearsal process for the show, and the energy and commitment shown by the students on the camp augurs well for the future success of the musical. STAFF CONCERT A highlight for many students, parents (and staff) each year is the annual Performing Arts staff concert which will be held on Friday 27 February in the Holloway Music Centre foyer. Our great music teachers are also wonderfully talented performers. Tickets will be limited to about 100, so get in quickly as this concert always sells out. The cost is adults $12/students $6 which includes platters of cheese, biscuits and other nibbles. Drinks will be available for purchase on the evening. Tickets are now available from the trybooking website: Funds raised go to the Friends of Music. CHAMBER MUSIC Students in Years 7–12 are invited to participate in Chamber music (groups of three or four) rehearsing each week and performing at concerts and Eisteddfod. We have string quartets, piano trios, and groups with unique combinations of instruments. Students (including those who played last year) should contact Mr Bardsley to register their interest CONTACT WITH THE PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT If you need to contact the office in the Performing Arts, the telephone number is 5587 0351 and the email is Mrs Judy Hayes is in this role on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, with Mrs Lara Sumich on Wednesday. STAFF NEWS We welcome to All Saints Mr Andrew Lange as the new Junior School Music Education teacher. Mrs Lisa Mason will take some (well-deserved) Long Service Leave commencing next week until the end of Term 1. She will be replaced by Ms Jenny Marshall who will co-ordinate the Junior School String Programme during this time. Friends of Music Help Required! Do you fancy a day standing in a carpark at beautiful Royal Pines or how about a day with a group of fun, happy parents who love music or maybe a busy day where you’ll work hard and help the All Saints Performing Arts department? If this sounds like you, we need you! Friends of Music has again been given the job of running the car park for the Ladies Masters tournament at Royal Pines this year. It is a fabulous fund-raising opportunity. It runs from Thursday 12 - Sunday 15 February, 6:00am-2:30pm. You’ll receive lunch, a hat and access to viewing the golf. We need approximately 40 people to cover the 4 days, so if you are able to offer some of your valuable time to help out, it would be greatly appreciated! Please mail Nicola McCaskill on Thank you PARENT CONTACT WITH TEACHERS All music and drama and communication teachers have School email accounts which have a standard format [teacher first name initial, surname, followed by]. For example, my email address is Please communicate any issues, requests or other information that may assist the education of your child to the teacher either via email or by calling them. Most teachers will also be happy to provide you with their mobile phone number. Rehearsal Schedule Page 12 Students make better progress when there is an open line of communication between parent and teacher. Please make yourself known to your child’s teacher. Scott Mason, Director of Performing Arts Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 11 CO-CURRICULAR MUSIC REHEARSAL TIMES FOR 2015 Please note our music ensemble rehearsal timetable for 2015. There have been a couple of changes to our provisional rehearsal times which were provided towards the end of Term 4 of 2014. Most of the listed ensembles below will commence next week or have auditions (in the case of Senior ensembles). This information has been circulated in the Daily Notices. JUNIOR SCHOOL Monday • Delius Strings (Year 4) 7:30–8:15am • Blues Factory Big Band (Years 6-9) 7:30–8:15am Tuesday • Corelli Strings (Year 5 and 6) 7:30–8:15am • Junior Percussion Ensemble (Year 6) 11:00–11:30am Wednesday • Copland Band (Years 6) 7:30–8:15am • Year 5/6 Choir 3:15-4:15pm Thursday • Year 3 String Orchestra (from Term 2) 7:30–8:15am • Junior Flute Ensemble (Year 6) 11:00–11:30am • Junior Clarinet Ensemble (Year 6) 11:00–11:30am • Year 3/4 Choir 3:15–4:15pm Friday • Year 1/2 Choir 2:30-3:00pm MIDDLE SCHOOL Monday • Blues Factory Big Band (Years 6–9) 7:30-8:15am •All Saints Voices (Years 8–12) 7:30-8:15am Tuesday • Birrung Voices (Years 7–9) 7:30–8:15am •Trumpet Consort (Years 7–9) 12:15-12:45pm •Middle School Percussion Ensemble (Years 7–9) 12.15–12.45pm Wednesday • Middle School Clarinet Ensemble (Years 7–9) 12:15–12:45pm • Middle School Flute Ensemble (Years 7–9) 12.15–12.45pm • Holst Wind Ensemble (Year 7) 3:30–5:00pm Thursday • Amadeus Strings (Years 7–9) 3:30–5:00pm • Grainger Wind Ensemble (Years 8 and 9) 3:30–5:00pm Friday • Les Paul Guitar Ensemble (Years 6–9) 7:30–8:15am Giant Steps Big Band (Years 8–12) 7:15–8:15am SENIOR SCHOOL Monday • All Saints Voices (Years 8–12) 7:30–8:15am Tuesday • Senior Percussion Ensemble and Drum Line (Years 10–12) 7:30–8:15am •Martin Taylor Guitar Ensemble (Years 10–12) 7:30–8:15am • Senior Flute Ensemble (Years 10–12) 7:30–8:15am • Senior String Orchestra (Years 10–12) 3:30–5:30pm •Malcolm Arnold Wind Ensemble (Years 9–12) 3:30–5:15pm Wednesday •Kombumerri Chorale (Years 10–12) 7:15–8:15am Thursday • Milestones Big Band (Years 9–12) 7:00–8:15am • Senior Saxophone Ensemble (Years 10–12) 1:15–2:00pm Friday • Giant Steps Big Band (Years 8–12) 7.15–8:15am •Senior Clarinet Ensemble (Years 10–12) 7:30–8:15am •Addams Family Orchestra 3:30–5:00pm PLEASE NOTE Students who have instrumental or voice lessons at the School are expected to be part of the (concert) band/orchestra/choir appropriate to their sub-school/ability level. If students cannot regularly attend these rehearsals due to other School or external commitments we will put them in an alternate concert band/orchestra/choir, however, this is not always ideal as placement in an ensemble is best done on their current age and skill level. Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 12 Sports & Activities FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SPORTS & ACTIVITIES INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING Good luck to all students in next week’s Swimming Carnivals. The Senior School Carnival is on Wednesday 11 February and the Middle School Carnival is on Thursday 12 February. As written in last week’s edition, parents and friends are very welcome to come along to cheer and support, but should do so from the verandahs around the pool area. Spectators are not permitted on the pool deck during Middle and Senior Carnivals. ALL SAINTS SWIM TEAM As the APS Swim Carnival is earlier this year, there is very little time to get our Senior (13 – 18 Years) Swim Squad together between the Inter-House Carnivals and the APS event. The only opportunity is on Friday 13 February between 1:00pm and 3:00pm, which is the day after the Middle School Carnival. Students who make the team will be notified by email during the evening of Thursday 12 February and must come to School on Friday prepared to get in the pool during the afternoon. DISTRICT SWIMMING By the time this edition is read, I will have held a meeting for students (13 – 18 Years) who wish to nominate to swim for the District at the South Coast Swimming trials. If any interested students missed the meeting, they should see me before lunch on Monday morning (9 February) to collect the relevant information. Please note, nominations must be supported by ratified times from within the last six months. Rugby Camp 20-22 February Flyer Page 14 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPORT Congratulations to the following students on their achievements in sport: • Leah Davidson (Year 9) has had an amazing summer! After playing as Captain for the Queensland Under 13 Football team last year, she was asked to attend a trial for the Under 17 Brisbane Roar Youth team. As a result of her performance at these trials, Leah has been selected into this team. She will be very busy over the next few months, travelling to Brisbane three times each week to attend training. An outstanding achievement Leah, well done! I look forward to following your exploits and reporting on them in Saints Alive. • During the break, Momo Sugiyama (Year 7) has won three Gold medals for 50m Breaststroke at the following swimming events: Somerset Sprint meet, TSS Aquatic Sprint meet and Miami Super Challenge. Well done, Momo! RUGBY SUPPORTERS GROUP The Rugby Supporters Group will be subsidising rugby sessions for all Years 4, 5 and 6 students. The programme will be taken by Jaye Paton, current Premiership Breakers player and accredited coach. The focus will be skill development, including evasive running techniques, passing and catching, safety in contact and enjoyment. An eight session block will cost $49 ($7 each) and will continue until the end of term. This is an opportunity not to be missed as sessions are typically valued at $17 per student. The sessions will be on Monday afternoons from 3:30-4:30pm starting on Monday 16 February. If you would like to register your son in the programme, please collect an enrolment form from Amanda Slater at the Junior School Office or email Jaye Paton at jayepaton@hotmail. Sean Bale, Rugby Coach SPORT EXEMPTIONS As written in last week’s Saints Alive, applications are now open for Sport Exemption applications. Information and forms can be found on the All Saints Sport Information page. This form should be filled out completely, giving detailed information about the training that will be completed during Friday afternoons. It should be noted that exemptions are primarily considered for students in Year 11 or 12 who compete at an elite level in their chosen sport. Other students can apply for exemptions, but will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Fergus Leslie, Director of Sports & Activities Rugby Fundraiser 7 March Flyer Page 15 Enrolment form must be completed Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 13 s t n i a S l l A p m a C y Rugb 5 1 0 2 y r a u r b e F 20-22 Open to Years 4-12 Boys ►Friday 20 February 3:45pm-4:45pm (Coaches and Senior Players Only) ►Saturday 21 February 8:30am-2:30pm ►Sunday 22 February 8:30am-1:30pm $120 includes ►Bob Dwyer - renowned coach of the winning Rugby World Cup Wallabies! ►Tuition from high level and experienced coaches ►All food and drink ►All Saints training cap and sports bottle What to Bring ►Training kit, including boots, mouthguard and any other protective wear that you would normally use. ►Towel and sunblock BOOK NOW! ASAS Rugby Supporters Group Saints Alive Enquiries ►Leigh Hall 0413 618 662 ►David White 0407 555 564 6 February 2015 Page 14 All Saints Anglican School - Proudly Presents U N C H A I N E D D’TANGO Unchained will transport you to the rhythms and flavours of Argentina, where the Gaucho reigns and the tango’s addictive ingredients of pleasure, passion, torment and bliss can be satisfied. Support the Rugby Tour to Argentina, try your luck in the raffles and grab a bargain at the silent auction. Sentir la pasión Live Music: Major Auction: Plus Silent Auction: The Hodads Sporting memorabilia Dozens of fantastic items including resort accommodation, alcohol, tool kits Date: Time: Venue: Dress: Price: Tickets: 7th March Arrive at 5:00 pm HPE Centre Dress To Impress ‘Gaucho Style’ $55 – Meal included Saints Alive 2015 All Saints Anglican School International Rugby Tour ARGENTINA 6 February 2015 Page 15 Whole School CHAPLAINCY MATTERS The Gold Coast is a very interesting demographic. If I understand the statistics right, more people living on the Gold Coast have moved here than were born here. Almost a third of our city’s population was born overseas. For some people, reestablishing themselves away from family has been a difficult choice for various reasons. For others, it was just part of the ebb and tide of life, or an exciting change. Regardless of the reason, bottom line is that for many Gold Coasters, it is highly unlikely that there will be immediate family living around them. Which raises an interesting conundrum for the Gold Coast. With so many living away from immediate family, how do people find the support, community and assistance that might otherwise come from family when family are not present? Well, what is just as interesting about the Gold Coast statistics is the number of people who are actively connected to others through various groups, activities and organisations. Our city has a very large proportion of people involved in community service groups, sporting clubs, social groups, religious groups and the like. Community involvement and participation in community events and celebrations is very high on the Gold Coast. But an important part of the social and community fabric of our city happens through schools. Schools like All Saints take this very seriously. Across the School, activities and gatherings for students, parents and teachers look to build relationships that strengthen the social fabric and offer a surrogate ‘family’ to support and care for one another. Providing pastoral care, house and tutor groups, chaplaincy support and counselling services is not a cost but an investment in the well-being of our community. Through services of worship, gatherings of celebration, engaging in acts of service and participation in events, our community is brought together to support one another, do life together and spur one another on to grow in our gifts and reach our potential, whatever that might be for each us. We take it seriously, because Jesus took it seriously. Jesus lived as the incarnation of what it meant to create an inclusive and loving community. The early church continued this tradition, taking it so seriously that it was known as a community in which “…there were no needy persons among them.” (Acts 4:34) Every one supported each other so that social, financial, physical and pastoral needs were met. As the New Year starts and we welcome many new families into our School’s community, our prayer is that All Saints can be one of those places where you and, most importantly, your child feel connected, cared for and truly loved. Know that we will certainly be doing our best to help make this a reality for you and for them. Archbishop’s Message Wednesday Prayer 7:45am-8:15am each Wednesday. A short eucharist will be held with Canon Ross Burnett. All Welcome! Monday Invitation Six week course The Cup of Our Life starts Monday 9 February 7:30- 8:00am in the Chapel. Please bring a meaningful tea cup or coffee mug. All Welcome! Mark Gladman, Acting Senior School Chaplain Anglicare Foster Care Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 16 TUCKSHOP MENU All Saints Anglican School TUCKSHOP MENU – TERM 1, 2015 breakfast snacks available in canteen first break monday bbq chicken pizza tuesday mini mexican beef burritos (2) wednesday chicken and cheese sliders (2) thursday crispy sesame seed chicken wings friday vegetarian nachos daily chef's special fried rice spaghetti bolognaise (junior) butter chicken (junior) cheeseburger cheesy hotdog w/ sauce sausage roll cheese & spinach roll beef pie potato wedges - from chciken wedges (5) steamed dim sims (3) garlic bread (1/2) cup of soup second break monday beef 'n' black bean noodle box spinach and tomato ravioli butter chicken wrap tuesday chicken masala w/ steamed rice spaghetti bolognaise pulled beef 'n' slaw sub wednesday butter chicken and steamed rice roast pumpkin and semi dried tomato fettuccini mexican burger thursday beef stroganoff w/ steamed rice ricotta and spinach cannelloni meatball sub friday crumbed fish and chips ham, mushroom and spinach farfalle pizza wrap $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.70 $4.60 $4.60 $4.40 $3.60 $2.80 $4.00 $3.90 $2.30 $3.70 $2.20 $1.20 $2.30 $6.20 $5.80 $5.20 $6.20 $5.80 $5.20 $6.20 $5.80 $5.20 $6.20 $5.80 $5.20 $6.20 $5.80 $5.20 register at & order online today, or call the helpdesk on 1300 361 769 Saints Alive healthy salads & snacks caesar salad chicken caesar salad greek salad ham & salad chicken & salad fruit salad seasonal fruit pieces yoghurt tubs sushi snacks watermelon cup munch box - healthy treats w/ crackers tuna to go w/ crackers sandwiches vegemite / rasberry jam / honey cheese ham & cheese ham, cheese, tomato chicken, lettuce, mayo chicken, avocado and salad wraps & baguettes ham & salad chicken & salad roast beef, cheese and relish turkey, cranberry, brie and lettuce sweet chilli chicken sweet treats jelly cups chocolate mousse sweet muffin homemade cookies (2) cake slice - from variety of chips - from sunny-boys icy pole fandangles lifesavers dixie cup quelch stick milo scoop shake frozen yoghurt beverages mount franklin water - from pump flavoured water 750ml goulbourn valley fruit juice 350ml lol golden circle sparkling juice plain milk 300ml $4.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $3.80 $1.20 $2.50 $3.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $2.70 $2.70 $3.80 $4.00 $4.00 $4.80 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $1.60 $1.60 $2.60 $2.20 $2.60 $1.20 $1.20 $1.30 $1.50 $2.40 $2.20 $0.80 $2.80 $2.50 $2.40 $4.00 $3.40 $2.80 $2.00 classic flavoured milk - from $2.50 powerade 600ml iced tea 500ml deep spring mineral water 500ml hot chocolate coffee - from $4.20 $3.90 $3.50 $2.10 $2.80 6 February 2015 Page 17 Parents & Friends Parents & Friends YEAR LEVEL CO-ORDINATORS WANTED Do you enjoy parent networking, sharing ideas, building relationships and making friends? Why not become a Year Level Co-ordinator? 2015 All Welcome If interested, please contact Elaine Trueman FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE WHO CAN HELP? WHERE DO YOU CALL? Do you need advice about an ill family member and wonder whether it’s worth the trip to the GP or Emergency Departmentt? Are you after general information about Queensland Health and the resources it offers? Of course, if it’s an emergency then call 000. Phone 13 43 25 84 Do you have concerns about the ingestion of a plant, a medication or a substance in your home or at work? poisonsinformationcentre/ Phone 13 11 26 This has some great information regarding First Aid courses and other services offered by Queensland Ambulance such as nonurgent transportation of patients. Keep these numbers in your phone, you never know when you may need them. It will save valuable time in an emergency. Lyn Hammett R.N. 5587 0320 0434 071 158 Tuckshop Helpers Come along and be one of the happy helpers in the Tuckshop. Please feel free to contact Natalie to discuss benefits. Saints Alive Fair Craft Workshops 1st Friday of each month from 2:00-6:00pm in the Textiles Room. Please contact Amelie Damoris 6 February 2015 Page 18 Saints Alive 6 February 2015 Page 19 CONTENTS ADOPT A GROWTH MINDSET AFTER SCHOOL AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP: CARPARK ALL SAINTS SWIM TEAM CHAMBER MUSIC CHANGE TO FAMILY DETAILS/FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES CHAPLAINCY MATTERS CO-CURRICULAR MUSIC REHEARSAL TIMES FOR 2015 COMPUTERS ‘BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE’ (BYOD) CONGRATULATIONS PRE PREP-YEAR 2 STUDENTS CONTACT WITH THE PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT DEBATING DRAW REVISED DEBATING SUMMER SCHOOL DISTRICT SWIMMING FROM THE DIRECTOR OF CAREERS & VET FROM THE DIRECTOR OF PERFORMING ARTS FROM THE DIRECTOR OF SPORTS & ACTIVITIES FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL FROM THE HEAD OF LANGUAGES FROM THE HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL FROM THE HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL FROM THE LIBRARY FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE FULL-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITY GAPPER NEWS GOOD FRIDAY GRIFFITH BUSINESS SCHOOL PROGRAMME HOST FAMILIES FOR FRENCH STUDENTS HOUSE CAPTAINS AND LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES HOW COULD LIFE BE MADE EASIER FOR YOU? INTER-HOUSE SWIM INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING INTER-SCHOOL DEBATING: JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATE JUNIOR SCHOOL DATES JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORTSMASTER LIFE IN FAST-FORWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL DATES MIDDLE SCHOOL SWIM CARNIVAL MR BOSWELL’S BRAIN BUSTER MUSICAL CAMP OZCLO – AUSTRALIAN COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Saints Alive 6 7 3 5 13 11 8 16 12 8 4 11 7 7 13 9 11 13 3 10 5 8 7 18 9 9 2 10 10 3 3 2 13 7 2 4 5 2 5 6 11 10 PARENT CONTACT WITH TEACHERS PARENT INFORMATION EVENINGS PARENT INFORMATION EVENINGS PERFORMING ARTS PHOTO DAY PLEASE NOTE PRE PREP PARENT WORKSHOPS RUGBY FUNDRAISER RUGBY SUPPORTERS GROUP SCHOOL-BASED TRAINEESHIPS SCHOOL CALENDAR/ASSESSMENT PLANNER SCHOOL IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS SENIOR SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS SPORT EXEMPTIONS STAFF CONCERT STAFF CONCERT STAFF NEWS STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPORT STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS IN SPORT STUDENT DRIVERS SWIMMING CARNIVAL TERM 1 DATE CLAIMERS TUCKSHOP MENU “WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE, TOTO!” WHERE DO YOU CALL? WHO CAN HELP? WISE WORDS ON MUSIC YEAR 9 CAMP YEAR 10 AND YEAR 12 PARENT INFORMATION YEAR 11 PARENT INFORMATION YEAR 12 BUSINESS MENTOR PROGRAMME YEAR 12 COMMISSIONING YEAR LEVEL CO-ORDINATORS WANTED YOUR PERSONAL GOALS 11 3 5 2 2 12 4 13 13 9 8 6 3 8 13 11 2 11 6 13 4 8 3 2 17 5 18 18 8 5 8 8 9 8 18 6 6 February 2015 Page 20
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