RAJAR DATA RELEASE | QUARTER 4, 2014 PLEASE NOTE THIS DATA CARRIES A STRICT EMBARGO OF 00.01 HOURS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 5 TH 2015. ALL RADIO LISTENING ALL RADIO LISTENING Today RAJAR announced 47.9 million adults or 89.4% of the adult (15+) UK population tuned in to their selected radio stations each week in the fourth quarter of 2014. This is up by approximately 237,000 adults on the last Quarter (Q3, 2014). The total average number of weekly hours listened to radio for this quarter is 1.02 Billion. 90.5 89% of the population tune in to radio every week Year on Year % Dec-10 90.9 89.8 89.8 Dec-11 Dec-12 89.4 Dec-13 Dec-14 AVERAGE HOURS PER LISTENER 21.3 On average a listener tunes into 21.3 hours of live radio per week. average hours of radio listened to per week DIGITAL PLATFORMS Listening to radio via a digital platform in terms of weekly reach* exceeds over half of the UK (adults 15+) population. With 27.8 million people now tuning in to radio via a digitally enabled receiver (DAB, DTV, Online) each week. 52% of the population tune in to digital radio every week * Weekly reach is the number of people (adults 15+) in the UK who listened to a radio station for at least five minutes in the course of an average week during the quarter. DIGITAL SHARE OF ALL RADIO LISTENING The share of all radio listening via a digital platform now stands at 37.9%, up from 36.1% for the corresponding period last year. The share of listening to DAB has increased by 6% year on year to 25.2% of all listening (24.5% in Q3, 2014). Year on Year % 29.1 25 Dec-10 Dec-11 33 36.1 37.9 Dec-12 Dec-13 Dec-14 ACCESS TO A DAB RECEIVER 26 million adults 7% have access to a DAB receiver, up 7% Year on Year. DIGITAL LISTENING HOURS DIGITAL LISTENING HOURS Year on Year Digital listening hours remain high for Q4 2014 with 385 million hours being listened to in an average week. DAB radio is still the most popular device when it comes to listening digitally, accounting for 67% of all digital hours (25% of Total Hours). Listening via DTV (Digital Television) represents 12% (5% of Total Hours) and listening Online 16% (6% of Total Hours) of all digital listening hours. -11% 6% 5% 385m 371m 241m 257m 4% 53m Q4 2013 DAB Q4 2014 62m 59m 48m DTV Online RADIO LISTENING VIA MOBILE PHONE 22% of adults – claim to listen to the radio via a mobile phone or tablet at least once per month. Up 38% Year on Year. *38% 36% of 15-24 year olds – claim to listen to the radio via a mobile phone or tablet at least once per month. Up 20% Year on Year All Adults 15 - 24s 25+ 36.4 36.2 28.7 10.7 25.4 22.3 21.6 8.7 Q1 2012 11.2 25.9 24.9 22.4 21.6 9.2 10.6 Q2 2012 12.2 8.6 Q3 2012 13.1 9.7 Q4 2012 32.7 32.3 30.0 14.9 11.0 Q1 2013 12.4 Q2 2013 14.8 12.8 Q3 2013 15.9 18.4 13.2 Q4 2013 19.9 21.3 19.3 21.8 15.9 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 19.1 Q4 2014 *please note as of Q1 2014 this figure contains listening via a tablet SOCIAL MEDIA 37% of 20% of 15-24’s adults currently receive currently receive updates about their favourite Radio Station/Presenter updates about their favourite Radio Station/Presenter For Publication Enquiries contact; MORE INFORMATION Lyndsay Ferrigan – Communications Manager RAJAR Tel: 020 7395 0636 Email: Lyndsay@rajar.co.uk Any use of information in this news release must acknowledge the source as "RAJAR/Ipsos MORI/RSMB.
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