Weekly Bulletin - Holy Trinity Cathedral

Epistle Reading
St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians 6:12-20
Brethren, "all things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful.
"All things are lawful for me," but I will not be enslaved by anything.
"Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food" -- and God
will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for
immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God
raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power. Do you not
know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I therefore take
the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute?
Never! Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute
becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, "The two shall
become one flesh." But he who is united to the Lord becomes one
spirit with him. Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man
commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his
own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have
from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body and in
your spirit which belong to God.
Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake
www.gocslc.org; Orthodoxy3@gmail.com
Sunday, February 8th 2015
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Gospel Reading
The Gospel of Luke 15:11-32
The Lord said this parable: "There was a man who had two sons; and
the younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of the
property that falls to me.' And he divided his living between them. Not
many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took his
journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in
loose living. And when he had spent everything, a great famine arose in
that country, and he began to be in want. So he went and joined himself
to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed
swine. And he would gladly have fed on the pods that the swine ate;
and no one gave him anything. But when he came to himself he said,
'How many of my father's hired servants have bread enough and to
spare, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and
I will say to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be
called your son; treat me as one of your hired servants.' And he arose and came to his father. But while
he was yet at a distance, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him and
kissed him. And the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no
longer worthy to be called your son.' But the father said to his servants, 'Bring quickly the best robe, and
put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf and kill it, and
let us eat and make merry; for this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.' And
they began to make merry. Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew near to the
house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked what this meant. And
he said to him, 'Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has
received him safe and sound.' But he was angry and refused to go in. His father came out and entreated
him, but he answered his father, 'Lo, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your
command; yet you never gave me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends. But when this son of
yours came, who has devoured your living with harlots, you killed for him the fatted calf!' And he said to
him, 'Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to make merry and be glad,
for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.'"
To contact our clergy, please call the numbers listed below:
Reverend Father Matthew Gilbert: 801-556-1139
Reverend Father Elias Koucos: 801-556-4640
Reverend Father George Politis (retired)
Holy Trinity Cathedral: 279 S. 300 W. SLC, UT 84101, (801) 328-9681
Prophet Elias Church: 5335 Highland Dr. Holladay, UT 84117, (801) 277-2693
Sunday Services
Holy Trinity:
Prophet Elias:
Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am
Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am
Father Matthew
Father Elias
Weekly Services
February 10th
Prophet Elias Only: Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am
*Paraclesis to Panagia Pantanassa, Healer of Cancer*
Father Matthew & Father Elias
February 11th
Prophet Elias Only: Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am
Father Matthew & Father Elias
February 14
Holy Trinity:
Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am
Prophet Elias:
Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am
*1st Saturday of the Souls*
Father Matthew
Father Elias
If you want something added to the bulletin, please remember: the information
needs to be sent directly to our email (orthodoxy3@gmail.com) by 12:00pm
every Wednesday as we do have a deadline. We encourage you to keep
your bulletin announcements to one simple paragraph with contact
information. Please keep in mind if you’ve already sent an entry for the bulletin
we will mindfully repeat it in the bulletin until it is outdated. Along with this, due
to space limitations, we will only run each entry for four weeks prior to an
events date.
Please join the Arcadian Family at the annual Makaronada on meatfare Sunday, February 15th, 2015 right after church at Holy Trinity
Cathedral. This is open to the entire community; all proceeds will go
to the Arcadian charities. Adults $10; children $7. Hope to see
everyone there.
February 8th
Nick Ziakis
February 15th
Dimitrios (Jim) Kosmas
6 months
3 years
Holy Trinity
Prophet Elias
When Scheduling Memorials… Memorials must be scheduled through Fr.
Matthew. For inquiries regarding memorials or to schedule one, please contact
Fr. Matthew at 801-556-1139 or matthewthepriest@gmail.com.
Prayer List
Kim, Margaret, Ruth, Stephanie, Steve, Tami, Lexi, Alexander, Tony, Nick, Jill,
Margaret, Brooke, Preston, George, Charissa, Madeline, Edie, Sabina, Wendy, Eric,
Helen, Jordan, Dee, Mihalis, Brent, Marie, Niko, Carol, John, Mary, Christine, Agnes,
Irene, Mike, Darin, Lorraine, Sandy, Ralph, Debbie, Margie, Georgia, Tino
*If you would like to add a name to the prayer list you can do so by calling the main
office at Holy Trinity at 801-328-9681.*
The University of Utah Gymnastics
The University of Utah has given our community free tickets for their events.
The tickets will available at both churches in the Narthex. One ticket gets six
people in the door. Their home schedule is:
Saturday: February 21st at 7:00pm vs Stanford
Friday: March 6th at 7:00pm vs Michigan
Enjoy-Go Utes
Our next luncheon meeting will be on Saturday, February 21ST, 2015,
Noon at The Cinegrill, 1000 South State Street, Ste 102. There is lots of free
parking. It will be an open menu. Please RSVP to Karen
at karenanast@gmail.com or 801-913-2414. Please contact your ladies.
Daughters of Minos
The Daughters of Minos scholarships are now open to all students of Cretan
Heritage. To apply email the following:
U of U - Angela Wimmer at awimmer@sa.utah.edu deadline March.
Salt Lake Community College – Carey M. Dufner carey.dufner@slcc.edu deadline
The Annual Panahaikos Society Bake Sale
Will take place on Sunday February 22nd, at Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias,
during coffee hour in the Memorial Hall at Holy Trinity and in the small gym at
Prophet Elias. Come and get some delicious sweets for you, your family or your
Saint Sophia School
Introducing. . . Toddler Tuesday
Registration is now open
Session II: January 13 – May 12
All classes are from 9:00am – 11:00am
Reserve a spot by emailing Brian Lampe
Pick up your enrollment application at Saint Sophia School
Located 5341 Highland Drive, Holladay, Utah 84117
Thursday February 12th at noon at the Hellenic Memorial Hall. The menu will
be roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, vegetable, salad, dinner roll and wine!
Come on down, bring a dessert if you’d like, we hope to see you there and
Happy Valentines.
Share the love
Breakfast fundraiser for
Saint Sophia School
Sunday March 29TH
Immediately after services at both Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias.
We appreciate all your love and support.
ATTENTION: Ladies of our Community who might have: handmade knitted,
embroidery, needlework, or made in the loom (plexta, kentina, patanies,
kopaneli, ufanta) tablecloths, blankets, clothing pieces carpets etc. from the
1950’s we would like to showcase them during the National PAA (Pancretan
Association of America) Convention this coming summer in a Cultural exhibit.
This will be a great opportunity to showcase some beautiful works of “art” to
many attendees and the new generation. We are also in need of an old
wooden chest “baoulo” which will also be used during the exhibit. All items will
be secured AT ALL times. Please contact Roula Sargetakis at 801-4666533 for more details. Thank you
ATTN: GOYA Basketball Players and Coaches
The Hellenic Cultural Association wishes to thank you for representing our
community here and in Dallas. Your competitive spirit and sportsmanship
continues a long line of "Greek Warriors" from Utah. All players and coaches
are invited (free of charge) to attend the luncheon on Sunday, February 8th,
at 12:30 in the Hellenic Memorial Building. Team rosters (with your names)
will be at the door.
Saint Sophia’s Men Night Out
When: Sunday, February 8th, 2015 Time: 6:00 pm Where: Beer Bar @ Bar
X. Food and drink will be served. For those of you who have already paid, we
have your reservation. There is still room to purchase a ticket please call the
school office at 801-424-1297. The cost is a $100 donation. We look forward
to seeing you! Thank you, Saint Sophia School.
Youth Group Events
A great big thank you and job well done. Through the gracious generosity of
our community we came out as true Souper Bowl Winners. We had donated
325 lbs of food and a total of $142. A check was sent to IOCC and
Crossroads Urban Center was the recipient of our food donations. Thank you
all who donated and helped to bring a victory to our community. God bless.
We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to Jacqueline Telonides,
Angie Hunter and her two sons George and Nicholas who took the time to
devote in helping with maintaining the appearance of our facilities at Prophet Elias.
They spent hours cleaning our Church, the Sunday School rooms, and restrooms.
Thank you for your care and concern and the example of Stewardship for us all. God
Rev. Fr. Elias Koucos
Rev. Fr. Elias Koucos
Jr. & Sr. GOYA Valentines Service Project
Show the love for our Senior Citizens Thursday, February 12TH , 2015.
GOYA’ns will meet at Prophet Elias at 6:00 pm to make Valentine Cards to take
to Sr. Citizens. Then car pool (need parents to help) to a Local extended Care
Facility near Prophet Elias From 7:30pm to 8:00pm.
Lambs - Hope - Joy
Valentine Activity
for all youth 5 years old thru 10 years of age
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 6:30pm at Prophet Elias
crafts, treats, fun and sharing of love.
Parents please join us.
It’s Godparent Sunday at Prophet Elias, March 8th. Plan to attend church
with your godchild.
Jr. /Sr. Oratorical Festival
Sunday March
New this year-- we are combining the event with both
Sunday School programs. The Oratorical Festival will take place at Prophet
Elias. Philoptochos will host lunch afterwards. Please come support our youth!
Any questions, please call Paul Karahalios at 801.870.1514 or Elenie
Sefandonakis at 801.718.7515. More details to follow.
My Dear Beloved Youth,
We have recently concluded the first major feast days of the New Year
January 1st, St. Basil the Great and on January 6th, the Feast of Epiphany
(the manifestation of the Holy Trinity at Christ's baptism). We read in the
Gospel of St. Mark that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
appeared at Jesus' baptism. As we continue through the New Year and
progress in our growth and knowledge of our Lord let us continue to write a
new page with words of hope, of love and of self-control and continue to make
room to receive God, as He appeared to us. Hope makes all things work and
love makes all these things beautiful. His appearance renews and transforms
us, making us children of the most high God by entering into communion with
Him through the mysteries of the church—the Holy Eucharist, the Blood and
Body of Christ. Continue in your efforts to attend worship services and
Sunday School so the fruits of your faith will make all things possible. Please
let me know if there is anything you need and if I can be of help in your
continued journey through the New Year and always.
God bless,
Rev. Fr. Elias Koucos
Housing needed for a final year Medical Student at the University of Utah who
is Orthodox from Syria through the month of March 2015. Please call Father
Elias 801-556-4640 if you are able to help or have any suggestions in helping
find accommodations for this student.
Thank you, Rev. Fr. Elias Koucos
Ted and Katy Speros Memorial Scholarship 2015 Applications
Ted and Katy Speros Memorial Scholarship applications for 2015 are available
in the Church offices at Holy Trinity and Prophet Elias. Applicants must
submit completed applications to Vickie Peters before March 1, 2015 at Vickie
Peters, 4476 South Manor Ridge Place, and S.L.C. Utah 84124.
Hellenic Cultural Association
Free to members, the HCA will host their 2015 annual membership and
election luncheon on Sunday, February 8TH, at Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Memberships are $25 and include our prime rib luncheon and 10% off
anything in the HCA Gift Shop. If you’re not a member, please come and join
the HCA! The Hellenic Cultural Association is dedicated to preserving and
promoting Hellenic heritage and ideals. The purpose of the Hellenic Cultural
Association is to perpetuate the vibrant and positive image of the Hellenic
Culture and its people as a prominent community partner throughout the
Intermountain West. Please support the HCA.
Daughters of Penelope
Annual Valentine’s Bake Sale
February 8th at Prophet Elias only
Thank you for your support in the past.
We appreciate you all.
Saturday, February 21ST, 2015 at Prophet Elias
6:30pm-Social Hour
$10-Children 12 & under
Having risen from sleep, let your first thought be of God, your first word and prayer directed to God, Who
is the Creator and Sustainer of your life, Who has forever the power to strike or to heal, to save or to let
Prostrate yourself and give thanks to God, Who has wakened you from sleep and has not allowed you to
perish in your sinfulness, but patiently awaits your return.
Make a turn to the better by saying with the psalmist: “I remembered the works of the Lord”, for the good
way to heaven cannot be properly trodden except by those who begin each day well.
From early morning be a seraphim in prayer, a cherubim in action, and an angel in attitude. From this
point in life onward, waste no time, but attend only to what is necessary, especially what is necessary for
the salvation of your soul.
In all your actions, all your words, all your deliberations, keep your mind in God: do not have anything in
mind but Christ, so that no other image may touch your heart except the pure image of Christ, your God
and Savior.
Arouse yourself to the love of God by every possible means. If you wish to love God unceasingly, look
on His presence continually with your inner eye and for His sake abandon every evil deed, word, and
thought. For this reason, you must do everything honestly, speak honestly, and think honestly and
Meekness should go together with praise, humility, and honesty. A quiet and humble word should be
truthful and useful, but when you are silent, think over the words you are going to say. An idle or harmful
word should never pass your lips.
Be watchful in yourself against rage, arrogance, and argumentativeness. If you are angry, control
Be always moderate in food and drink. Be generous in all things, and God will bless you. Remember to
have the remembrance of death before you, so that you live each and every day in heartfelt repentance,
beseeching the mercy of God.
We will not meet on Tuesday, February 3rd, but will resume on Tuesday, February
10th at 10:30am at Little America in the room by the reservation desk in the coffee shop. We will
continue our enlightening and wonderful study of the BOOK OF REVELATION.
The Mid-Winter/Early Lent issue of my CROSS+WALK Newsletter, pertaining to all things spiritual,
is now available! (Please be aware that some email addresses may not allow delivery of such a large
file attachment. In these cases, I have mailed the newsletter via first-class.) If you desire to receive my
CROSS+WALK newsletter, which I produce about every six weeks, please call or text me at 801-5561139, or you may email me at matthewthepriest@gmail.com. If you would also like to receive my biweekly FEED MY SHEEP message (via email only), please let me know and I will gladly include you on
my list!
--The three consecutive SATURDAYS OF THE SOULS will be celebrated on Saturdays, February
14th, February 21st, and February 28th at both churches beginning with Orthros at 8:30am and followed
immediately by Divine Liturgy;
--GREAT LENT begins on Monday, February 23rd. I strongly encourage all parish families -- young and
old -- to schedule time during the upcoming Lenten period to see me, your priest and spiritual father in
this parish, for the Sacrament of Holy Confession! This is absolutely necessary for the salvation of our
Humbly in Christ,
Father Matthew
Project Recognize
The Daughters of Penelope is continuing Project Recognize. This project seeks to
recognize women of Hellenic descent/Phil-Hellenes/Daughters of Penelope who served
or currently serve in any branch, or in any capacity of the military and the Peace Corps.
Please send the names to Joanne Saltas via email at joannesaltas@gmail.com by
February 21, 2015.
The holidays are over, now let’s have some fun. On Thursday February 19th the
Young at Heart will be going to Wendover, Nev. We leave Prophet Elias at 8:30am.
Then from the Memorial Hall at 9:00am. And leave Wendover at 5:00pm. We
receive $7.00 and a FREE buffet. So put your cares away, and go to Nevada for the
day! RSVP for serious participants only, Bill Kandas 801-272-1906 or Bill
Rekouniotis 801-673-0424.
2015. The Hellenic Cuisine Academy celebrates its 5th year in 2015 with
cookbook author and Mediterranean food expert Stephanie Patsalis. The evening
will begin with a cooking demonstration followed by a salmon dinner and book
signing. Tickets are on sale now. If you have any questions or would like to purchase
a table for this event, please contact Vickie Peters at 801-262-3233.
Holy Trinity Philoptochos
The Holy Trinity Philoptochos would like to thank all that were present for the
Vasilopita Celebration.
Through your kind and generous donations of either baking or purchasing a
Vasilopita and Loukoumades, you all helped in the process to perpetuate the
work of Philoptochos in donation to St. Basils Academy.
Thank you to all the ladies and men who helped with the event either in the
kitchen making Loukoumades or selling the Vasilopitas, your efforts are
Daughters of Penelope and AHEPA
Appreciate the overwhelming support given for our scholarship
fundraiser event: BASILE.
Check out www.basilefoods.com for some great items.
Visit www.daughtersofpenelope.org and ahepa.org to learn about the
For local information and membership applications
contact joannesaltas@gmail.com for the Daughters
andjklekas@aol.com for AHEPA.
Congratulations to Mary Saltas Mannos who is celebrating her 100th birthday
on February 24th, 2015.
February 18th, 2015 at 6:30 pm at HT
We will be making sack lunches for the
Homeless Shelter and having a short meeting!
Come help us “bag” some love!
Everyone is welcome to come and help.
Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national call to
increase awareness about heart disease, the #1 killer of American women. In
women, heart disease is more deadly than all forms of cancer.
In support of this program, we are designating Sunday, February 8
as Philoptochos GO RED SUNDAY and are asking our Philoptochos
sisters, along with our papous, fathers, brothers and uncles to join us
here in Salt Lake City and the movement across the country. In support, we
ask that you all join us and wear red when attending Church services.
Dear Parishioners,
Enclosed is a current list of stewards for the 2015 year. If your name is not on
this list and you have made a stewardship commitment, please contact the
church office at 801-328-9681. If you have not made a stewardship
commitment, please do your part to help in the financial ministry of our
community and our Orthodox Church. Our parish has many expenses and the
help of everyone is required to keep us a vibrant community and to help
spread Orthodoxy.
A steward is someone who has been entrusted with another's property and
charged with the responsibility of managing it in the owner's best interest. So
for us, stewardship is the act of lovingly returning to God a portion of His many
gifts with which He has blessed each of us. Stewardship is a ministry that
enables us to respond to Christ’s love by perpetuating His Church’s mission.
Our giving of time, talent and treasure enables our parish to do Christ’s work
here on Earth through our many ministries, services and outreach programs.
Congratulations to Fr. Elias for being appointed as the chairman for the
Interfaith Roundtable. The following is the link to the article for further
If you haven’t already, please make your stewardship commitment today or, if
possible, increase your commitment with thanks to God.
Stewardship payments can be made on our website at gocslc.org, the
Narthex, or the church office.
In His Name and Service
The Parish Council & Stewardship Committee
Aerakis, Nick & Stephanie
Athens, Nicholas
Andrenyak, David M.
Androulidakis, Emmanuel
Armaou, Yannis
Avutynova, Victoria
Bailey, Roy L.
Bapis, Nick M. & Elaine M.
Bethemess, Randy & Jeni
Bolic, Angie S.
Burton, Mary
Burton, Patrick & Lonny
Cayias, George J. & Connie
Chaus, William & Sharon
Chelemes, Basil & Joni
Chelemes, Sam J. & Elsie
Chicadus, Chris & Nancy
Chichis, George & Anastasia
Colessides, Gus & Barbara
Colessides, Nick & Sid
Corbett, Paul F. & Reinje
Dakis, Constantine
Davis, Leo
Deneris, Charles A. & Chris K.
Dokos, Chris & Joanne
Doudaniotis, Mary P.
Doulis, Chris & Kathy
Draper, Sidney H. & Helen E.
Drossos, Bill G. & Sophia K.
Efstathiou, Demetreos (Jim)
Farah, Sameer
Fotes, George P. & Janae
Franchow, Justin & Angela M.
Franck, Lewis & Meredith
Futrell, Nancy
Gamvroulas, Steven P. & Maria
Georgas, Rose
Giamalakis, Mike & Pat
Giannis, Andrew & Helen
Glezos, Mary F.
Gregory, Kim & Athena
Hillas, John & Holman, Allison
Herbert, Bruce
Huggard, Tess
Kacinski, Carl & Goldie
Kambouris, Nicholas & Orie
Kapos, Georgette
Kapos, Nick P. & Cynthia
Kapos, Todd J. & Joy H.
Kastanis, Jim & Lucille
Katis, Chris M.
Katis, Christopher & Huntington, Kelly
Katis, Sandra
Katsanevas, Maria S.
Katsanevas, Margaret
Katsanevas, Mary
Katsanevas, Mary M.
Karahalios, Paul & Renna
Kavoukas, George
Kavoukas, Jim
Kelaidis, John S. & Fotine L.
Kevitch, Michael D. & Estelle G.
Kithas, Andrew J.
Kosta, Effie
Kotronakis, Argyo
Kouris, Mark S. & Stacey
Kourtides, Demetrius & Bella
Lavelle, James V.
Ligeros, Connie
Littler, Brad & Adelina
Loya, Bill & Sharon M.
Mannos, Mary
Mantas, Chris & Emily
Mantas, Pete J.
Maritsas, Paul D. & Mickey
Maroudas, Jim & Mary
Martinez, J. Tom & Pam
May, Harriet
McGrath, Thomas & Kathy
Mihalopoulos, Jason & Anastacia
Miller, George
Milovic, Zeljko
Nelson, Robert T. & Maria S.
Netelbeek, Joanna
Orton, Cliff & Andrea K.
Orvin, James E. & Sophie
Owen, Dorothy Pappas
Owen, Michael & Cheri Teresa
Papadopoulos, Larry & Irene
Pappas, Eugene
Pappas, George & Carrie
Pappas, Stephanie
Panos, Marie
Panouses, Dena
Paras, Gus J.
Paras, John
Paras, Nick G.
Pascale, Anca E.
Pauls, Drew G. & Yvonne
Paulos, Bill
Peterson, Maryann
Polychronis, Jeff & Susie
Poulos, Billie L.
Priskos, Deno & Christine
Psarras, Angela M.
Pullos, Andrea
Pullos, Joann
Rahaniotis, Nikki
Rasmussen, Dwight L.
Rekouniotis, Bill
Rhodes, John L. & Georgia
Ruoti, Charles J.
Sakellariou, Sakis & Janette
Saltas, Emily D.
Saltas, Stella
Saltas, Steven P. & Diane
Sargetakis, Joseph M. & Paula
Sargetakis, Manoli & Robyn
Scoville, Joshua & Mihalopoulos, Nicole
Sefakis, Pete N. & Nancy
Sefakis, Nick P. & Kelly
Shenk, Stephen T. & Kalomyra
Skedros, Christina (Cindy)
Skedros, Demetrios G. Georgette
Skedros, Gregory
Skedros, Gregory J.
Skedros, John G. & Maria K.
Sotiriou, Antoinette
Sotiriou, Leo & Cynthia
Souvall, George N.
Spyropoulos, Constantina
Steele, Kelly
Steele, Ronald
Stephenson, Michael
Strzelecki, John H.
Therianos, Peter
Thermos, Peter N. & Louise K.
Timothy, Warren & Jeannine
Tomaras, Leo A. & Maryanda
Tsortanidis, Anastasia
Tsortanidis, Dino & Bessie
Vamianakis, Michael N.
Vanikiotis, George T. & Maria G.
Vasilacopulos, Mary
Velis, Helen
Venizelos, Chris & Maria K.
Yannias, Peter N. & Mary
Zambos, George
Ziakas, Olga
Agrapides, Dan G. & Mary R.
Albert, Nikki & Steve
Angelides, Nicholas & Aphrodite
Argyle, Valerie
Armaou, George & Panagiota
Bapis, Paul
Batestas, Jim & Georgina
Benardis, Milton
Berry, Nina C.
Boutsikakis, Aristides
Carras, Mary
Cayias, Thomas
Chachas, Gregory J. & Mary P.
Chachas, John A. & Irene
Chipian, Terry & Mary
Colin, JoAnn
Corbett, Frank & Leslie
Dakis, Constantine
Davis, James & Debra
Felis, George & Gloria
Floor, Phillip & Robin
Fotes, Mike & Eleni
Gamvroulas, Chris
Garzarelli, Dimitri
Ghicadus, M.D. Chris James & Vicki K.
Gianoulis, Katherine
Kallas, Angelo & Anna
Kallas, Elizabeth
Kapos, Lee & Kim
Karr, Geri
Karras, Beverly
Kassapakis, Stella
Katsanevas, Mary P.
Katsanevas, Steve & Georgia
Kithas, Anthony
Kithas, Philip & Angela
Kogianes, Alexander
Kogianes, Steve & Jill
Korologos, Sam & Tia
Koukos, Brianna
Lake, Lee & Kathy
Makris, Georgia
Mallas, Liz
Mannos, George
Mannos, Mary M.
Manousakis, George M.
Margaritis, Ionna Jenny
Mawod, Theda P.
Mihalopoulos, Nicole
Musuris, Mary
Orphanakis, Jim
Paloukos, Nick & Eleni
Pappas, John A.
Pezely, Jon P. & Anna Marie
Politis, Fr. S. George & Zoy M.
Priskos, Kosta
Priskos, Lucas
Psarras, Angela
Reid, Georgia
Reganis, Tim & Nia
Rhodes, Mary & George Dillon
Rock, Freda K.
Ruoti, Charles
Sargetakis, Kaleope A.
Sargetakis, Ted & Roula
Sergakis, William & Joanne
Sotiriou, Alexander
Sotiriou, Margo
Stavros, Chris & Annette
Stockslager, Paula & Edward
Van Asdlan, Barbara
Vosnos, George J. & Mary M.
Vosnos, Sandra
Votsis, Apostolos & Elpitha
Young, Matina
Zarkos, James & Dee
Zervos, Michael
Zoolakis, John & Rena