Epistle Reading Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Salt Lake www.gocslc.org; Orthodoxy3@gmail.com Sunday, May 10th 2015 Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Acts of the Apostles 11:19-30 IN THOSE DAYS, those apostles who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to none except Jews. But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who on coming to Antioch spoke to the Greeks also, preaching the Lord Jesus. And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number that believed turned to the Lord. News of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad; and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose; for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a large company was added to the Lord. So Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul; and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church, and taught a large company of people; and in Antioch the disciples were for the first time called Christians. Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. And one of them named Agabos stood up and foretold by the Spirit that there would be a great famine over all the world; and this took place in the days of Claudius. And the disciples determined, every one according to his ability, to send relief to the brethren who lived in Judea, and they did so, sending it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul. To contact our clergy, please call the numbers listed below: Reverend Father Matthew Gilbert: 801-556-1139 Reverend Father Elias Koucos: 801-556-4640 Reverend Father George Politis (retired) Holy Trinity Cathedral: 279 S. 300 W. SLC, UT 84101, (801) 328-9681 Prophet Elias Church: 5335 Highland Dr. Holladay, UT 84117, (801) 277-2693 May 10th, 2015 Holy Trinity: Prophet Elias: Sunday Services Sunday of the Samaritan Woman Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am Fr. Matthew Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am Fr. Elias Sunday Services May 17th, 2015 Sunday of the Blind Man Prophet Elias Only: Orthros 8:30am/Divine Liturgy 9:30am Fr. Elias May 10th Nick Ziakas May 24th Patricia Ann Markos Robert Scott Benson George Markos Katherine Webb Marina Martin Dokos Memorials 9 Month 4 Year 11 Year 13 Year 6 Year 1 Year Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Holy Trinity When Scheduling Memorials… Memorials must be scheduled through Fr. Matthew. For inquiries regarding memorials or to schedule one, please contact Fr. Matthew at 801-556-1139 or matthewthepriest@gmail.com. Parish Council Meeting At Prophet Elias in St. Sophia Board Room on Monday, May 11th, 2015 at 6:30pm. Prayer List Steve, Tami, Mariane, Rose Marie, Andrew, Madelina, Preston, Charissa, Tami *If you would like to add a name to the prayer list you can do so by calling the main office at Holy Trinity at 801-328-9681.* Gospel Reading The Gospel of John 5:1-15 At that time, Jesus came to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there, and so Jesus, wearied as he was with his journey, sat down beside the well. It was about the sixth hour. There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, "Give me a drink." For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a woman of Samaria?" For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." The woman said to him, "Sir, you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; where do you get that living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his cattle?" Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst; the water that I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw." Jesus said to her, "Go, call your husband, and come here." The woman answered him, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband; this you said truly." The woman said to him, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain; and you say that Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship." Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." The woman said to him, "I know that the Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ); when he comes, he will show us all things." Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am he." Just then his disciples came. They marveled that he was talking with a woman, but none said, "What do you wish?" or, "Why are you talking with her?" So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city and said to the people, "Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?" They went out of the city and were coming to him. Meanwhile the disciples besought him, saying "Rabbi, eat." But he said to them, "I have food to eat of which you do not know." So the disciples said to one another, "Has anyone brought him food?" Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me, and to accomplish his work. Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, then comes the harvest'? I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see how the fields are already white for harvest. He who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, 'One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor; others have labored, and you have entered into their labor." Many Samaritans from that city believed in him because of the woman's testimony. "He told me all that I ever did." So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them; and he stayed there two days. And many more believed because of his word. They said to the woman, "It is no longer because of your words that we believe, for we have heard ourselves, and we know that this is indeed Christ the Savior of the world." Don’t Miss Out Prophet Elias Philoptochos cordially invites you to a "Thank you to the 'Moms' in our lives" dinner. Monday, May 11, 2015 at 6:00pm at Prophet Elias Social Hall. Prices are: $15.00 for family of 3 and $2.00 each additional. RSVP to Pari Katsanevas 801-733-6691. Enjoy a casual dinner--bring your mom, grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin, godmother, and wife to show how much they are appreciated. ARCADIANS OF SALT LAKE CITY… are proud to host the 56th Western District Convention on May 29/30/31, 2015. Delegates and visitors from the western states will be meeting here and enjoying our great Greek Orthodox Community and City. Supreme President Kostas Kapogianis from San Diego will be in attendance. The community members aur cordially invited to attend the Dinner/Dance on Saturday, May 30, 2015 at The Greek Market at 7:00pm. Please RSVP by 5/25 to karenanast@gmail.com or 801-913-2414. The price is $40.00. MAY MEETING OF THE ARCADIAN CHAPTER #90: Members of the local Arcadian Chapter please be notified that the next chapter meeting is Tuesday, May 12 at 6:00 pm at The Other Place Restaurant. We will be finalizing all the details for the forthcoming Western District Convention. Hope you can attend. AXIA! "Wall of Fame" NEW DEADLINE-May 31st, 2015 Honoring Women at the Pancretan National Convention in Salt Lake City As part of the Women’s AXIA night during the Pancretan National Convention, we are asking you to contribute photos or collages of important and influential women who have contributed to the Cretan Community (for example, mothers, grandmothers, aunts). These will be displayed prominently at the venue, along with a short statement about the woman (or women). Please submit a photo (or collage of photos), unframed, in an 8x10 inch format, along with a statement about the woman or women pictured, no longer than 200 words. Please note that photos and collages will not be returned. Please Contact Elleni Katsanevas at:(801)897-0130 for questions or to submit entries. Or send to: Elleni Katsanevas 3685 South Lincoln Park Drive Salt Lake City, UT. 84115 The deadline to collect pictures/entries has been extended to MAY 31st, we will not accept any submissions after the deadline. Each submission must be submitted with a $5 entry fee. SUNDAY SCHOOL SR. BANQUET Senior Banquet Dinner on Sunday, May 17th, 2015 at 6:00pm at The Other Place Restaurant. All High School Seniors Invited. If you have any questions, please call Paul K. at 801-870-1514 or Elenie at 801-718-7515. Prophet Elias Philoptochos Memorial Balloon Bouquets Silent memories true and tender, just to show we still remember. On May 17th beautiful balloon bouquets for you to adorn the resting place of your loved ones will be available for purchase in the PE Social Hall. The balloons will have a Cross, Eternal Be Your Memory & Αιωνια η Μνημη printed on them. A bouquet of three: $12.00, Individual: $5.00. Take this opportunity to display an uplifting, visible reminiscence to all who rest in peace. Pick up and ordering options available. Contact Joanne Saltas by email to arrange: joannesaltas@gmail.com. Prophet Elias Philoptochos Prophet Elias Philoptochos General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 19th, 2015, 7:00pm in the Saint Sophia School Conference Room at Prophet Elias Church. JR. AND SR. GOYA'NS Face to Face - Heart to Heart with Fr. Elias on Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 at 7:00pm to 8:30pm at Prophet Elias. Relevant topics and your questions will be discussed. Treats and Drinks will be provided. First of Monthly gatherings. Let me know if you can host an evening at your home for next month and or following months. Please call me if you would like to host. Bring a friend, your questions and let's share an evening of fellowship and spiritual growth. ARCADIAN LADIES SUMMER PICNIC Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 6th, 2015 at Sunnyside Park (840 South 1600 East) at Noon. Lunch, bingo, and a great time will be offered. Please contact your list. Any questions email Karen at karenanast@gmail.com or call her at 801-913-2414. The Panahaikos Society will have its Birthday Party on Sunday, June 7th after church at The Other Place Restaurant 469 East 300 South. We will order from the menu and we will have a RAFFLE. We hope to see you there, please RSVP with George Miller 244-8587 or Bill Rekouniotis 673-0424 by Friday June 5th. Thank you. 2015 Greek Orthodox Sports League Basketball Camp The GSL staff is looking forward to another exciting year for our annual Sports League Basketball Camp. Our camp is designed to provide players with outstanding instruction, teamwork, sportsmanship and fun. We hope that you will join us this summer. CAMP DETAILS JUNE 8th - 11th, 2015 AM Session (boys and girls 3-6th grade) 9:00am –12:00pm (Doors open at 8:00am) PM Session (boys and girls 7-12th grade) 1:00pm - 4:00pm Location: Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church (5335 South Highland Drive Holladay, Utah) Cost: $70.00. Registration forms are available at both churches. Please contact Gerard Gallegos @ 647-2829 for more information. Volunteers needed: GSL is looking for volunteers to help with our youth Basketball Camp that will be held June 8th -11th, 2015. Two shifts daily 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm. Must be 14 years of age or older. If interested please contact Gerard Gallegos 801-647-2829 or 801-484-5470. AHEPA/Daughters of Penelope News Rocky Mountain District 17 District Convention will be held in Ogden, Utah June 12-13, 2015. The Ogden Ahepa Family has great events planned. Visit www.ahepa17.org for details and registration forms. Place a personal or business ad in the Convention Album. Any questions please call, text or email: Troy Cutrubus, District Governor, 801.430.2346, troy@cutrubus.com. Plan to attend the annual AHEPA/Daughters of Penelope LAMB DINNER Scholarship Fundraiser on Saturday, June 13th, 2015 at 6:30pm for Social Hour and at 7:30pm for dinner and a live band. Event will be held at the Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church at 674 42nd Street, Ogden, UT. Price is: $25.00. For more information visit www.facebook.com/events/1603994499845256/. Vacation Church School We would appreciate volunteers to come forward now so we can plan a great 2015 session. The dates for Vacation Church School are July 13th-17th. For more information, please call or text: Reinje Corbett 801 652-5511. ORTHODOX DAY AT SALT LAKE REAL RIO TINTO STADIUM SAVE THE DATE – SATURDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 2015. MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW. Ευχαριστω! Thank you! The Pan Arcadian Chapter #90 of Salt Lake City is overwhelmed and so, so appreciative of all the donations received from generous donors for the Arcadian Hospital Fundraiser. The dinner event featuring Dr. Stavros Drakos was a very rewarding experience. Our chapter wants to especially thank these fraternal and church organizations: PAN ARCADIAN Salt Lake Chapter #90; DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE Salt Lake Chapter Charai #79; PROPHET ELIAS PHILOPTOCHOS. We also thank the generous anonymous donors. Seeking an experienced caregiver to live-in with our 89 year old mother (Greek) at her lovely home. Offering room, board, and a salary for a caregiver who can provide nursing and comfort. Must be experienced with dispensing medications, light meals and housekeeping, hygiene, and monitoring health. Looking for someone who is kind, patient and loving to the elderly. Please provide a resume with experience and your situation for live-in care. Must pass a background check and contact with past employers. Contact: Chris at 801-450-2105 Congratulations to Jamie Cayias, the daughter of George and Connie Cayias, for being awarded the $1,000 William Cocorinis Scholarship from the University of Utah. Jamie is currently completing the second semester of the Modern Greek Program. She is pursuing a degree in Human Development with a Child Life Emphasis. 44th NATIONAL PAA CONVENTION ALBUM Show your support of the convention by participating in the convention album! These albums become important historical archives of our community. There are two ways to contribute. Ad pages are available in full or half page size for businesses or family portraits. The Family History section will feature histories/photos of cretans in Utah. Contact the Album Editor, Elpitha Tsoutsounakis at paaSLCalbum@gmail.com for inquiries. We will be selling both types of pages online and after church following easter. www.PAASLC2015.org Attention all Philoptochos Ladies There will be a joint meeting to discuss the upcoming 40th Anniversary Greek Festival! On the agenda will be the pastries/food chairman and scheduling! This meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 20th, 6:30 pm at HT in the Memorial Building. We ask that you all come and help us make this Festival a success! Holy Trinity Campus Renovation - First Town Hall Meeting Please attend and offer your input! Come and help shape the face of our community center for the future on June 7th at 1:30pm at Holy Trinity Memorial Hall. For questions or concerns contact Elpitha Tsoutsounakis, 801-557-9987 or Elpitha@gmail.com. Anyone unable to attend is welcome to forward their comments. IMPORTANT MESSAGES FROM FATHER MATTHEW Your presence is requested at the Jenny Pappas Skedros Memorial 11th Annual WORDS FROM A SAINT Newly-canonized Saint Paisios the Athonite tells us that “Adam and Eve had the gift of foresight, but they lost it when they fell away from Grace. If the Grace of Holy Baptism is preserved, children will get with it spiritual foresight. But this requires watchfulness, vigilance and spiritual work. Today, so many people – having lost their spiritual bearings – preoccupy themselves with frivolous things; and they come and ask me, “What am I to do, Father? I am losing my child.” So, dear parents, pray for your children – often! -- and maintain spiritual vigilance! There is a story of a mother who expressed that it is difficult to pray when there is so much to do. A holy abbess responded to her, “Of course it’s difficult! What do you think – the demons are going to throw chocolates at you?” IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING UPCOMING SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015: I will be in Pocatello to attend the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and 100-Year Anniversary festivities of the Greek Orthodox parish there on Sunday, May 17. His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah has directed that Orthros and Divine Liturgy take place at Prophet Elias only. Thus, there will be no services at Holy Trinity on this day. I ask the parish faithful who normally worship at Holy Trinity to please attend services at Prophet Elias. Father Elias will celebrate Orthros and Divine Liturgy. Celebrating Pentecost Sunday and Holy Trinity Cathedral Feastday May 31, 2015 6:00 pm Adults: $40 Children 12 & under: $10 Children under 5: Free Tickets are available at both churches after Sunday service. Donations are welcome and appreciated PENTECOST WEEKEND MAY 30 and MAY 31, 2015: On Pentecost Sunday, May 31, which is the Feastday of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Prophet Elias will be closed so that all parish faithful may celebrate Orthros, Divine Liturgy, and the Vespers of Kneeling at Holy Trinity only. Thus, the liturgical celebration for the feast of Pentecost will include: Saturday of the Souls (Orthros at 8:30am followed by Divine Liturgy) on Saturday morning, May 30 at Prophet Elias only; Great Vespers on Saturday, May 30 at 5pm at Holy Trinity only; Orthros, Divine Liturgy and the Vespers of Kneeling on Sunday morning, May 31 beginning at 8:30am at Holy Trinity only. SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015: Regarding the upcoming National Convention of the PanCretan Association of America in June, His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah has directed that on Sunday, June 28, 2015, I will celebrate Orthros and Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity and Father Elias will celebrate Orthros and Divine Liturgy at the Canyons Resort in Park City. Thus, there will be no services at Prophet Eliason this day. FEASTDAY OF PROPHET ELIAS On Monday, July 20, 2015, which is the Feastday of Prophet Elias Church, Orthros and Divine Liturgy will be celebrated atProphet Elias only so that all parish faithful may participate in the liturgical celebration of the feast. Thus, the liturgical celebration for the feast of Prophet Elias will include: Great Vespers on Sunday, July 19 at 5pm at Prophet Elias only; Orthros and Divine Liturgy on Monday, July 20 beginning at 8:30am at Prophet Elias only. MEMORIAL DAY PRAYERS AT THE CEMETERY Trisagion Prayers will be offered at the graves of your loved ones on Memorial Day, May 25 at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Our TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY will meet this Tuesday, May 12 at 10:30am in the Little America Coffee Shop. Even if you have not yet joined us, please don’t hesitate to take part in this wonderful study on the Book of Revelation! If you would like to receive my weekly FEED MY SHEEP e-message, and/or if you would also like to receive my bi-monthlyCROSS+WALK newsletter (this newsletter can be mailed or emailed; the most recent mid-Spring issue is now available!), please let me know by calling, texting, or writing me at 801-5561139 or matthewthepriest@gmail.com. Humbly in the Risen Christ, Father Matthew STEWARDSHIP AS OF January 1st – April 30th, 2015 Adondakis, George & Kim Aerakis, Bob & Kathy Aerakis, Nick & Stephanie Agrapides, Dan G. & Mary R. Albert, Helen Albert, Nicki & Steve Alex, Katherine Andrenyak, David M. Androulidakis, Emmanuel Angelides, Nicholas & Aphrodite Argyle, Valerie Armaou, George & Panagiota Armaou, Yannis Athens, Nicholas & Tia Athousakis, Xanthis Avutynova, Victoria Babalis, Maxine C. Babalis, Stephanie Bailey, Roy L. & Helen D. Bapis, Nick M. & Elaine M. Bapis, Paul Barbouletos, Roula Barton, Frank & Patricia Batestas, Jim & Georgia Bathemess, LeiAnn S. Bathemess, Nicolas & Kerriann Bathemess, Randy & Jennifer Benardis, Milton Benis, Geroge & Mary Berry, Brent and Nina C. Bolic, Angie S. Bolos, Andreas & Nickie Boutsikakis, Aristides Burton, Mary C. Burton, Patrick & Lonny Callas Bette Camaras, Tyke G. and Elaine Caputo, Tony & Mary Carr, Effie Carr, Geri A. Carras, Mary O. Carras, Trever & Trista Carvelas, Thelma Cayias, Charles & Cyndia Cayias, Dimitri Cayias, George J. & Connie Cayias, Nellie M. Cayias, Thomas & Alexandra Cayias, Yanni Chachas, Gregory J. & Mary P. Chachas, John A. & Irene Chatzis, Chris & Alethia Bapis Chaus, Steven G. & Annette S. Chaus, William G. & Sharon Chelemes, Basil & Joni Chelemes, Chris & Magdaline Chelemes, Sam J. & Elsie Chelpas, Trace Chicadus, Chris & Nancy Chichis, George & Anastasia Chipian, John A. & Angie Chipian, Terry & Mary Chlepas, Trace Cline, David & Ann Colessides, Gus & Barbara Colessides, Nick & Syd Colin, JoAnn Condas, Harry P.& Rena Condas, Stephanie Condas, Vasiliki Cononelos, Terry Corbett, Frank & Leslie Corbett, Paul F. & Reinje Cramer, Diane Gochis Curtis, Megan Dakis, Constantine Dakis, John & Anastasia Dakis, Constantine Lindsey Daskalakis, Bob & Christy Davis, Athena Davis, James & Debra Davis, Leo & Liudmila Decamp, Agnes Deneris, Charles A. & Chris K. Dewey, Sylvia Dimas, Katie Dimas, Nicholas & Valeria A. Dinas, Dean C. & Nikki Dokos, Chris & Joanne Doudaniotis, Mary P. Dover, Chuck Doulis, Chris & Kathy Drakos, Stavros & Aliki Draper, Sidney H. & Helen E. Drossos, Bill G. & Sophia K. Drossos, Tikey & Effey Durantos, Stacy D. Efstathiou, Demetreos (Jim) & Theodora Farah, Sameer Felis, George P. & Gloria Fellis, John Feotis, Anthony & Arge Floor, Ange Floor, Melissa Floor, Phillip & Robin Floor, Stathi G. Floros, Nick Foresman –Barnes, Mary Fotes, George P. & Janae Fotes, Mike P. & Eleni Franchow, Justin & Angela M. Franck, Lewis S. & Meredith Furgis, Peter C. Fuskandrakis, Katerina Futrell, Nancy Gallegos, Gerard & Klea Gamvroulas, Chris Gamvroulas, Eleni Gamvroulas, Elpitha Gamvroulas, Panayiotis Gamvroulas, Pisti Gamvroulas, Steven P. & Maria Gamvroulas, Tula Garzarelli, Dimitri Georgas, James A. Georgas, Rose Georgas, Vassie Georgelas, Chris Lee & Bonnie Gergerakis, George & Kathy Ghicadus, M.D. Chris James & Vicki K. Giamalakis, Angelo & Chrysoula Giamalakis, Michael Giamalakis, Mike & Pat Giamalakis, Pete A. & Megan Giannis, Andrew & Helen Gianoulis, Katherine Gigounas, Argie Glezos, Mary F. Green, Timothy Gregory, Kim & Athena Guin, Elaine & Baird Hardwick, Kenneth W. & Maria Oneida Hardy, Marilyn Harras, Tom & Pam Hartford, Jane Ann Herbert, Bruce & Donnette Hillas, John & Allison Holman Hillas, Steve & Angie Himonas, Deno & Lisa Holbeck, Rob & Tanya Huggard, Tess Hunter, Mark Johnson, John K. Jones, Deborah Kacinski, Carl & Goldie Kalantzes, Nick & Virginia Kallas, Angelo & Anna Kallas, Elizabeth Kalleras, Tom & Claudia Kalodimos, Joseph & Melinda Kambouris, Konstantinos H. & Mary Kambouris, Nicholas & Orie Kapos, Georgette Kapos, John P. & Mary H. Kapos, Lee J. & Kim Kapos, Nick P. & Cynthia Kapos, Todd J. & Joy H. Karahalios, Greg & Roula Karahalios, Paul & Rena Karahalios, Paul & Roula Karpakis, Charles C. & Goldie Karpakis, John & Pat Karras, Bessie Karras, Beverly C. Kartsonis, Mike & Joanne Kassapakis, Stella Kastanis, Jim & Lucille Katis, Chris M. Katis, Christopher & Kelly Huntington Katis, Gus & Jean Katis, Sandra Katsan, Madaline Katsanevakis, Eftichios & Donna Katsanevas, Chris & Nickie Katsanevas, David & Pari Katsanevas, James & Georgette Katsanevas, James S. Katsanevas, Louie Katsanevas, Manuel & Alma Katsanevas, Margaret Katsanevas, Maria, S. Katsanevas, Mary Katsanevas, Mary M. Katsanevas, Mary P. Katsanevas, Steve M. & Georgia Katsanevas-Trujillo, Shawn & Angie Katsounis, Basil & Elisabeth McOmber Katsohirakis, Kosta & Georgia Katsohirakis, Sophia Katzourakis, John G. & Rula Katzourakis, Michael G. & Liberty S. Karahalios, Paul & Renna Karahalios, Paul & Roula Karahalios, Roula Kavoukas, George Kavoukas, Jim Kefalopoulos, Tony & Maria Kelaidis, John S. & Fotine L. Kemp, Mike & Sophie Kepros, John Kerikas, Emanuel J. & Sharon Kevitch, Michael D. & Estelle G. Kithas, Andrew J. Kithas, Anthony Kithas, Philip & Angela Klein, Richard & Mary Cowan Klekas, Jim & Hermione Klekas, John G. & Alexandra Kogianes, Alexander Kogianes, Despina Kogianes, Greg Kogianes, Manoli Kogianes, Steve & Jill Kogianes, Ted & Katherine Koloveas, George & Aphrodite Kondas, William & Mache Kontgis, Angelina Kontgis, Triantafellos & Anastasia Korologos, Gregoria Korologos, Mike Korologos, Sam & Tia Korologos, Tony & Alisanne Kosta, Effie Kotronakis, Argyo Koucos, Brianna Kounalis, Rita Kounalis, Sofia G. Kourbelas, Juanita Kouris, Mark S. & Stacey Kourtides, Demetrius & Bella Kovtun, Larissa Lake, Lee & Kathy Lavelle, James V. Ligeros, Connie Limberis, Thracy & Nota Lingos, Katherine Liodakis, George & Helen Listello, Sundee M. Litsas, John & Rita Littler, Brad & Adelina Lords, John L. & Tessie Louras, Kosta & Victoria Louras, Patricia Louziotis, Artie K. Loya, Bill & Sharon M. Lyhnakis, George & Nicolette Lyhnakis, John & Soula Lyhnakis, Michael Makris, Anna G. Makris, Athena P. Makris, Georgia Makris, Spiros & Hilary Mallas, Cosmas A. & Christie Mallas, Liz Mamalis, Nick & Mercy Mannos, George Mannos, Jim Mannos, Mary Mannos, Mary M. Manousakis, George M. & Katherine B. Manousakis, Michael & Kostoula Manousakis, Mike & Marjorie Mantas, Chris & Emily Mantas, Pete J. Mares, Tony & Alicia Marinos, George & Karee Margaritis, Ionna Jenny Maritsas, Paul D. & Mickey Markakis, Jay Markos, Bessie K. Maroudas, Jim & Mary Martinez, J. Tom & Pam Mason, Tony & Paula Mastakas, Michael & Despina Mawod, Theda P. May, Harriet McGrath, Thomas & Kathy Melissas, George & Mary Melonas, Jason P. & Mary Kay Mihalopoulos, Jason & Anastacia Mihalopoulos, Nicole Mihalopoulos, Nick & Suzy Miller, George Milovic, Zeljko Molina, Jennifer Morris, Charlie & Mary Musuris, Mary R. Nelson, Robert T. & Maria S. Neofitos, Denny & Cathy Netelbeek, Joanna Nichols, Spiro & Maria Nicolodoemos, A.J. Nikols, Nick & Denise A. Nipirakis, Alexandros A. & Amanda N. Noland, Dena Nolly, Jay O’Leary, Michael H. & Nickie Orphanakis, Jim Orton, Cliff & Andrea K. Orvin, James E. & Sophie Owen, Dorothy Pappas Owen, Michael & Cheri Teresa Paloukos, Nick & Eleni Pananos, John Jr. & Amber Pananos, John M. & Mary Panos, Marie Panouses, Chris Gregory Panouses, Dena Pantelides, Chris & Kathy Pantelides, Kleoniki Papadopoulos, Larry & Irene Papanikolas, Bessie Papanikolas, Denise & Mark E. Papanikolas, Dorothy Papastamos, James N. & Bessie J. Pappas, Christina C. Pappas, Dino & Kristy Pappas, Eugene Pappas, George & Carrie K. Pappas, John A. Pappas, Stephanie Paras, Gus J. Paras, John Paras, Nick G. Pascale, Anca E. Paulos, Bill Paulos, Frank L. & Mary Paulos, Sarah M. Paulos, Sofia Pauls, Drew G. Pauls, Drew G. & Yvonne Peters, Bill & Vicky Peters, Thomas W. & Kathy Petersen, Maryann Peterson, David & Deborah Petrogeorge, Chris & Irene Petrogeorge, Mary Petrogeorge, Sam & Sophie Pezely, Jon P. & Anna Marie Pezely, Mike & Catherine Pino, Brad & Deborah Pippas, Bill & Kula Pippas, William W. Politis, Fr. George & Zoy Polychronis, Jeff & Susie Poulos, Billie L. Price, Denine Priskos, Billie Priskos, Christian Priskos, Deno & Christine Priskos, Kosta Priskos, Lucas Priskos, Nico Priskos, Steve Priskos, Vasilios Proestakis, Nick & Athena Psarras, Angela M. Pullos, Andrea Pullos, Joann Rahaniotis, Nikki Rasmussen, Dwight L. & Lisa Nickas Reganis, Tim & Nia Reid, Georgia Rekouniotis, Bill Rhodes, John L. & Georgia Rhodes, Mary & George Dillon Rock, Freda K. Roumpos, Paul & Sophie Royal, Nick & Barbara Ruoti, Charles J. Saccomanno, Bill & Connie Sakellariou, Alexis Sakellariou, Chris & Aspasia Sakellariou, James A. & Lynette Sakellariou, Sakis & Janette Saltas, Diane Catherine Saltas, Emily D. Saltas, Joanne Saltas, John & Paula Saltas, Stella Saltas, Steven P. & Diane Sampinos, Philip & Heather Sarandos, Pete B. & Stella Sargetakis, John Sargetakis, Joseph M. & Paula Sargetakis, Kaleope A. Sargetakis, Kaliope K. Sargetakis, Manoli & Robyn Sargetakis, Ted S. & Argyri S. Sargetakis, Ted & Roula Schulthies, Ronald & Marie Scoville, Joshua & Nicole Mihalopoulos Sefakis, Nick P. & Kelly Sefakis, Pete N. & Nancy Sefandonakis, Jim & Elenie Sergakis, Leia Sergakis, William & Joanne Shenk, Stephen T. & Kalomyra Shilaos, Connie Shilaos, Dean & Kristie Shirts, Dee & Liz Sifantonakis, Joseph & Evangelia Skedros, Christina (Cindy) Skedros, Demetrios G. Georgette Skedros, Gregory J. Skedros, John G. & Maria K. Slager, Athena Nola Smith, Russell G. & Andrea D. Sorenson, David Soteras, Helen P. 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