THE NET FEBRUARY 2015 Dear Sisters and Brothers of St. Peter’s, Grace & Peace to you! Did you know that the first Sunday in February marks the 35th anniversary of St. Peter’s organization as a congregation? That is a milestone worth celebrating. So at our January council meeting, a 35th anniversary committee was appointed to find ways that we can celebrate this milestone in the life and ministry of St. Peter’s. So what’s happened at St. Peter’s during those 35 years? Well, as the congregation has grown from its original charter members (including Ron & Barbara Hager, Millie Starck, Elsie Price, Bunky & Pam Dolle) numerous building projects and expansions to enlarge the sanctuary have been necessary, as well as new classrooms and offices, a Community Life Center, and the Son and Sand Retreat Center. But more important than that… just imagine all the lives that have been touched with the love of Christ during the past 35 years at St. Peter’s! Literally hundreds of children have been baptized, tens of thousands of people have heard the Word of God, thousands of people have received a hot meal and a caring smile at Open Kettle, countless (millions?) of prayers that have been offered for sisters and brothers in need, hundreds of weddings, thousands of people have come to St. Peter’s for spiritual renewal at the Son & Sand Retreat Center, hundreds of lives have been celebrated at funerals and memorial services, thousands of people have been assisted in their recovery from addiction as a result of AA and NA meetings. The list goes on and on… And isn’t that what we celebrate most of all? The lives that have been touched with the Word of God and the Love of Christ during these past 35 years at St. Peter’s are mind-boggling. It’s a mission that never ends. Truly, thirtyfive years is just the beginning. How many more lives do you imagine we can touch this year? How has YOUR life been touched by the Word of God and the Love of Christ at St. Peter’s. During this 35th anniversary year at St. Peter’s, I’d like to invite you to write a brief reflection about a time when God’s mission and ministry at St. Peter’s touched your life. With your permission (and possible editing if necessary), we’d like to print some of those reflections in The NET, as a reminder of the on-going mission and ministry of God here at St. Peter’s. Thirty-five years of God’s mission and ministry at St. Peter’s is truly something to celebrate. I hope you will celebrate with us! Happy Anniversary! Pastor Gregg ++RESOURCES FROM THE PASTOR ++ THE SEASON OF LENT by Dennis Bratcher, The Christian Resource Institute Originating in the fourth century of the church, the season of Lent spans 40 weekdays beginning on Ash Wednesday and climaxing during Holy Week with Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), Good Friday, and concluding Saturday before Easter. Originally, Lent was the time of preparation for those 2 who were to be baptized, a time of concentrated study and prayer before their baptism at the Easter Vigil, the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord early on Easter Sunday. Today, Lent is marked by a time of prayer and preparation to celebrate Easter. Since Sundays celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, the six Sundays that occur during Lent are not counted as part of the 40 days of Lent, and are referred to as the Sundays in Lent. The number 40 is connected with many biblical events, but especially with the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for His ministry by facing Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born in Breslau in 1906. The son of a famous German psychiatrist, he studied in Berlin and New York City. He left the safety of America to return to Germany and continue his public repudiation of the Nazis, which led to his arrest in 1943. Linked to the group of conspirators whose attempted assassination of Hitler failed, he was hanged in April 1945. Copies will be available in the narthex by midJanuary. Please join us for great conversations! the temptations that could lead him to abandon his mission and calling. Lent has traditionally been marked by penitential prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Some churches today still observe a rigid schedule of fasting on certain days during Lent, especially the giving up of meat, alcohol, sweets, and other types of food. Other traditions do not place as great an emphasis on fasting, but focus on charitable deeds, especially helping those in physical need with food and clothing, or simply the giving of money to charities. Most Christian churches that observe Lent at all, focus on it as a time of prayer, especially penance, repenting for failures and sin as a way to focus on the need for God’s grace. It is really a preparation to celebrate God’s marvelous redemption at Easter, and the resurrected life that we live and hope for, as Christians. COMMUNITY SERVICE by Doug Harry Thanks to all who supported our newest project, Operation Christmas Child…103 boxes were prepared by members and friends of St. Peter's Lutheran Church and delivered before Thanksgiving to the Worship Center in Berlin for subsequent delivery to children around the world. Over fifty pairs of gloves or hats were delivered to Buckingham and Phillip C. Showell Elementary schools in Berlin and Selbyville, respectively, for those without cold weather gear--thanks again for your generous donations! Thanks also for the eighty two (82) gifts and 21 gift cards which were wrapped and returned to the "Star" Tree for one senior individual and a total of 18 children in five deserving families. Most of these children would have had no Christmas without your generosity! Although the senior and one family were designated by Worcester G.O.L.D., our committee has decided to focus follow-on efforts with four of the families with connections to SPLC. Each of them has a working parent who is unable to keep up with their own needs. We are currently planning to collect donations for the members of these four families. Four donation baskets will be located in the Narthex during Lent, and a description of each family will be posted on each basket. These donations will be delivered before Easter. We want to thank G&E Grocery of Ocean View & members of the congregation for your ongoing donations to the Food Pantry and those individuals & families who have bagged groceries which are distributed to needy individuals and families during Open Kettle each Wednesday. The grocery bagging sign up sheet is on the Pantry door. Please sign up for a week or two in March or April. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 10th at 10 a.m.--all are welcome! FEBRUARY BIBLE LESSONS Feb. 1 Matthew 6:21 4th Sunday after Psalm 20:7 Epiphany Feb. 8 Matthew 14:13-33 5ht Sunday after Psalm 95:1-5 Epiphany Feb 15 Matthew 16:24-17:8 Transfiguration Psalm 41:7-10 of Our Lord Feb 18 Matthew 18:1-9 Ash Wednesday Psalm 145:7c-10 or 51:1-3 Feb. 22 Matthew 18:15-35 1st Sunday in Psalm 32:1-2 Lent ++ST. PETER’S MINISTRY TEAMS++ ADULT SPIRITUAL GROWTH SPIRITUAL READING GROUP FOOD PANTRY Items most needed are: boxed cereal, peanut butter & small jars of jelly, canned vegetables, individual cups of fruit(s) and juices, 5-6oz. cans of chicken or tuna, and cans of tomato or vegetable beef soup. St. Peter’s spiritual readings group will start up again on February 6th at 10:00 AM. The book that we will be discussing is Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community. 2 of God and what Gideons do locally, nationally, and internationally. Our next meeting will take place at Community Lutheran Church in Omar, DE. Further information, the date, and time will be announced and a sign-up sheet will be located in the Narthex area. All men of St. Peter's are encouraged to attend. FELLOWSHIP by Marti Latchaw Fellowship hopes you are all having a wonderful beginning to the New Year. A year filled with the peace, love, and joy that come from our faith. We want to thank the Men’s Group for asking us to prepare their breakfast. Once again, it seemed to go quite well. We also want to thank our many volunteers that are coming out in some very bad weather to prepare lunches on Wednesdays. The lunches continue to attract 80-90 people each week. The Twelfth Night Dinner was also a huge success. The food was delicious and the 70+ attendees had a wonderful time. Thanks to Jeannette and her many helpers for this event. The next dinner will be Shrove Tuesday, February 17th at 5:00pm. We will have pancakes, eggs, hash browns, and sausage. Mark it on your calendars! We are also prepared for Pastor Kay’s Youth Lunch on January 25. As always, thanks for your kind donations and prayers. PROPERTY by Larry Ryan Paradise Energy (our future electricity supplier) has informed us that they have made permit applications to the Town of Ocean City for our solar panel installation. Keep reading your "Net" for further updates. Many of you have seen the large scaffold in the Community Life Center. "Pardon our appearance" while we make acoustical improvements. Our hope is to complete the project before the Spaghetti dinner fundraiser for ‘Camp Possibilities' in March. We may have to endure the appearance during our Lenten Soup suppers. Thanks to many who have provided support and assistance for this important improvement. Other projects have included painting all of the plywood bases for the Retreat center bunk bed mattresses. This was done in order to prepare for users of our "Cold Weather Shelter" initiative. We have enjoyed broad support for this and thanks to all of those who have helped. Here are a few of the items on our "Wish List": Remote controlled shades for the CLC windows Compost pile materials for all the leaves we generate from the trees lining the south and west of our property. Installation of a digital sign on our Marquis along Coastal highway. Repair of the cracked tile in the main entry atrium of the church. Completion of the Columbarium entry to include closet doors on the right side of that space. Re-insulation above the Columbarium entry. A new roof on the storage shed in the back of our property Wireless internet access throughout the church property. Any feedback/suggestions anyone is willing to provide on any of the items on the above list is appreciated. Many thanks to all who assist in moving St. Peter's property in a forward direction! MEN’S BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP by Paul Grahe In February, we will meet on Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast will be prepared by Doug Harry. In order for the proper amount of food to be prepared, please let Doug know you will be attending by calling him at 703-328-7296. Following breakfast, Paul Grahe will be leading the discussion in Genesis 5:1-6,8 and Psalms 1. If you do not have a Study Guide, you can prepare for our discussion by reading those chapters. You can obtain a Study Guide from Will Hiewsky. We encourage ALL men of St. Peter's to join us for breakfast, our discussion, and especially the fellowship. We look forward to your participation and seeing YOU as we study God's Word and learn from one another. We want to thank you for your donations to the Veterans’ Project. We continue to collect items using the labeled grey tub in the Narthex area. The following items are being collected: gently used clothes (men, women, and children); nice clothes to wear for an interview; kitchen items, small appliances; bedspreads and linens. We appreciate your continued support and donations. . MEN'S INSPIRATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST by Paul Grahe SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY (S.A.M.) by Sue Shoop In January, we had 23 men from all the churches represented at the meeting. Those attending enjoyed a delicious breakfast of egg casserole, bacon, assorted donuts, fruit cup, and juices prepared and served by our Fellowship Team. Mr. Mike Eskow, our guest speaker, presented a power point and video presentation sharing personal testimonies of various people affected by Gideon Ministry. He shared the transforming power of the Word First, thanks to everyone who contributed to Lutheran Good Gifts. We received $500 which will go towards the purchase of chickens, goats, and a pig. It is cold outside so come and join the SAM group as we stay warm together. On Shrove Tuesday, February 3 Ruth Circle will continue their Bible Study series entitled “Transforming Life and Faith” taken from the “Gather” magazine, a Women of the ELCA publication. Please consider joining us in conversation and study as Ruth Circle meets the third Thursday of the month in homes at 7:00 p.m. All ladies are welcome. Contact Pam Estes 410-600-0412 for additional information or if you need a ride. 17th, we will view a movie and enjoy some hot cross buns. Join us at 10 a.m. On April (8am-8pm), SAM is planning a trip to Sight and Sound in Lancaster, PA to see the presentation of Moses. We will go via tour bus, enjoy a good lunch, and see the show. The cost is $130 per person and is due by February 1st. The theatre will not reserve seats until we pay. Call David Searle at 302-524-8137 to make reservations. The SAM group is looking into purchasing a sound bar for the Son and Sand retreat center. This will enhance the sound when we view movies. Our next planning session will take place on February 4th at 12:45 pm. Think about the type of programs you would like us to offer and come and share your ideas. WITNESS by Evelyn Houston In January, we set-up a display for the youth gathering "Road Trip" held at the Clarion Hotel from January 23rd-25th. Information packets were prepared and handed out to those in attendance. I want to thank those individuals who manned the display on Saturday, January 24th. In February, we welcome the Confirmation Class from St. Mark's Lutheran, Wilmington, DE. on February 6th-7th. Let us give them a warm St. Peter's welcome. So far, I have received 13 requests and/or inquiries for dates in 2015 including the months of February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, and November. For additional information, dates available, and if anyone is interested in being part of this ministry and serve as a Son & Sand Greeter, please contact me by e-mail at or by phone at 410-943-1186. Also, you may see me on Sunday mornings at church. What’s Love Got to Do With It? Being a Christian has made me look at love in a whole different light. As the Lenten season is about to begin, let’s take a look at this thing called love. Love means going that extra mile with all of our brothers and sisters, not just those that are Christians. Love means giving of one's self not just with emotions or money, but also with clean heart and a fervor that will make a difference in someone's life. Love means taking time to reach out and witness to those who are less fortunate than us and to step up and take that unpaid servant role at church. Don't get me wrong, I still miss the point. I still miss an opportunity to witness or an opportunity to reach out to someone in need or an opportunity to serve. It is now, though, that I am aware that to be a Christian, I must love outside of my normal comfort zone. I must love without anything in return. God has placed each person in our lives for a reason…some to encourage and support us; others to teach and sharpen us; still others to give us a chance to display the character of Christ by loving them despite. Jesus calls us everyday where we live and where we work. He asks us to love one another and to witness to his love. He blesses the work of our hands so that we may be a blessing to others.... And that is what love has to do with it! ST. PETER’S WOMEN OF THE ELCA WORSHIP AND MUSIC by Pam Estes by Ginny Stannard Our DE-MD Synodical Women’s Organization has announced that Saturday, April 25th will be our Annual Convention at Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Glenn Burnie, MD. The theme will be “of many generations” reflecting the theme of our Triennial Convention held in July in Charlotte, NC. It is a one day convention 8:30 4:30 and the cost is $25.00 until March 28th. As your President and Delegate, I will be attending and representing our Women of St. Peter’s, but I would gratefully appreciate the company of another woman from the congregation who would be willing to ride with me. As one of your elected delegates to the Triennial Convention, it will be my responsibility to give a report as well as to participate in the day’s proceedings. Please let me know if you would be available. Ash Wednesday, February 18, services will be at 1:00 and 7:00pm. Larry Ryan and Gabriel Knepp will be videotaping portions of the Sunday services to be uploaded to our website. The worship and music team approved the purchase of a new $1300 digital soundboard for Free Spirit. Elsworth advised the team that St. Peter’s received a donation of a new piano. Also music was donated by The Worcester Chorale which disbanded in 2014. It was suggested that a reception be held for new members following their installation and that their contact information be included in the bulletin so it may be added to our member directory. SON & SAND RETREAT CENTER by Paul Grahe 4 1:00 & 7:00 PM: Service of Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes Mid-Week Lenten Soup & Service, Wednesday evenings Feb. 25th – March 25th 5:30 PM Soup & Bread Dinner 7:00 PM Service Theme: The Body of Christ ++ST. PETER’S NEWS++ COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS January 13, 2015 – Regular Meeting NEW: Discussed high annual cost of in-house Xerox copying and how to cut costs Elected council officers to be installed on February 1 President – Billy Haynes Vice President – David Searle Secretary – Ada May Shipley Treasurer – Corey Rimel Assistant Treasurer – Bill Shoop Appointed Executive Committee Member-at-large Leslie Wendorf Scheduled Council Retreat, Saturday, February 25 th Appointed council members to organize 2015 35 Anniversary Events for congregation Discussed at length the policies and procedures for use of St. Peter’s Retreat Center as cold weather shelter by the Ocean City Cold Weather Shelter Coalition. MOTIONS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY: For SAM to purchase and install sound equipment in Retreat Center to augment sound from existing TV To begin monthly Pastor of the Week Program in which each month in March, April, May, October, and November an ELCA Pastor and his family will be invited to stay for a weekend in the Retreat Center and for the pastor to be the guest preacher for that Sunday. Tabled action to install heat ducts in choir room/library area until funding is readily available DID YOU KNOW??? ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, OCEAN CITY, MD WAS OFFICALLY ORGANIZED ON SUNDAY, FEB. 3, 1980… Therefore, on Sunday, February 1, we will th commemorate the 35 Anniversary of the organization of the congregation at a combined service at 10 AM. Please join us for this joyous celebration! Also, during that time, we will be recognizing the Charter Members, installing the Council Members for 2015, and also there will be a Baptism. What a Joyous Day It Will Be! EMERGENCY COLD WEATHER HOMELESS SHELTER St. Peter’s helps establish Ocean City Emergency Cold Weather Shelter St. Peter’s is leading a coalition of Ocean City congregations and community organizations in establishing a much-needed emergency cold weather shelter for our area. During recent months, representatives from St. Peter’s, Atlantic United Methodist, Ocean City Baptist, First Presbyterian, St. Paul’s By-the-Sea Episcopal, St. Vincent de Paul, and the Knights of Columbus have been meeting to make preparations to utilize the Son & Sand Retreat Center as an overnight emergency shelter when the temperature/wind chill dips below 25 degrees. Local government agencies and emergency service providers (including the OC Police Department, OC Volunteer Fire Department, and Worcester County Health and Social Services Departments) have also been involved in the discussions. More than 30 people participated in volunteer trainings held at St. Peter’s on Saturday, Jan. 17th and Monday, Jan. 19th. Volunteers will be utilized to serve meals and stay overnight with guests at the Son & Sand retreat center when the emergency shelter is in operation. To date, over $10,000 has been donated from various congregations, foundations, and organizations toward the costs of operating the shelter. If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about the emergency cold weather shelter, please talk with Pr. Gregg or St. Peter’s Community Service Team leader, Mary Lou Tietz. AVERAGE WEEKLY ATTENDANCE FOR December 2013: 204 (5 weeks) December 2014: 219 (4 weeks) BELLS & CHOIR Come join us as we ring and sing praises to the Lord! BELLS: 6-6:45 P 8TH NOTES: 6:45-7:30P CHANCEL CHOIR: 7:30-9:00P OUR LENTEN JOURNEY AT ST. PETER’S Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 17th 10:00 AM: Hot Cross Buns & viewing of the movie Bonhoeffer. 5:00 PM: Pancake Dinner/Mardi Gras Celebration Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th Noon: Open Kettle Soup Luncheon 5 GUEST PASTOR PROGRAM AVAILABLE WE WANT TO REACH YOU WHEN YOU NEED US! St. Peter’s Son & Sand Retreat Center is offering up to one-week of free stay for spiritual renewal to Pastors and their families during the months of March, April, May, October, and November. In lieu of payment for use of the retreat center, the guest pastor will be asked to preach at Sunday morning worship services during their visit. This program will be limited to one pastor per month and is available to pastors of any denomination who are in fullcommunion with the ELCA. Pastors of the DelawareMaryland Synod will be given first priority. In addition to providing a valuable benefit to pastors and their families, the Guest Pastor Program will also provide additional exposure and publicity for the Son & Sand Retreat Center. Interested persons may contact Paul Grahe or Pr. Gregg for additional information. We need your current phone numbers and emails. Please complete this form and drop it in the offering plate, return it to the church office or email it to us at Thank you! Name: _________________________________________ Telephone #s: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ ++NEWS OF THE CONGREGATION++ HAPPY ANNIVERSARY PHOTOGRAPHERS NEEDED!!! We really would like to have a photographer (no need to be a professional) to take pictures at the different activities we have throughout the year and then email them to us so we can put them on the website and/or in the newsletter. Please call Pat at the office to volunteer or to have your questions answered. Bill & Rose Skledar Donald & Nancy Brager Johan I. Nykvist William & Pat Strickland 02/07 02/11 02/18 02/28 HAPPY BIRTHDAY S.A.M. TRIP On Thursday, April 9 (8am – 8pm), S.A.M. will be going to the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA to see “Moses.” The cost is $130 per person which covers the bus, mid-day meal, and the show. Reservations need to be made by February 1 by calling David Searle at 302524-8137 Karen Boon Debbie Ryan Evelyn Westfall Elizabeth Romig Maxine Brisbane Kate Long Pat Stokes Bradley Bayline Harry Biles Carl Crimm Ronald Albright Pamela Dolle Jeanenne Logan Trond Emberland Stephen Weimer WE NEED YOUR HELP!! The Congregational Council is attempting to save money by reducing printing and color copying expenses. Please join with other members of the congregation in allowing us to email your monthly copy of the newsletter. In addition to saving us money and volunteer time, this also allows us to be better stewards of our resources and God’s creation. Beginning in May, the newsletter will no longer be mailed. There will be a few printed copies in the Narthex for those who do not have email. If you do not already receive email from us, and to assure you get a copy, please fill out the info below with your name, telephone #s, and email address; place it in the offering plate, or turn it into the office, or email it to us at This also updates our data base when we need to get in touch with you. 02/01 02/01 02/01 02/02 02/03 02/03 02/04 02/11 02/11 02/11 02/12 02/12 02/13 02/14 02/14 Mary Jo Wheatley 02/14 Cynthia Shultz 02/15 Al Kastner 02/16 Cathy Leyden 02/16 Carolyn Nuovo 02/16 Bob Swingler 02/17 Barbara Hager 02/18 Michael Leyden 02/19 Elsie Koehler 02/20 Jacqueline Tingle 02/22 Deborah Dallatezza02/23 Corey Cropper 02/24 Gary Gasser 02/25 Eric Myers 02/25 Betty Mitchell 02/26 Larry Ryan 02/27 Gifts & Memorials In Honor of our Parents for the Open Kettle by: Larry & Debbie Ryan 6 Robert & Becky MacKinnis 14010 Barge Rd Ocean City, MD 21842 In Memory of Bernice Mitchell for the Youth Fund by: Sharon Anthony Bob & Lee Marsh 11738 Maid-At-Arms Lane Berlin, MD 21811 In Memory of Judy Swingler for the Open Kettle by: Bob Swingler Sandra Pascone 10610 Shifting Sands Ocean City, MD 21842 PRAYER CONCERNS Permission is needed to use your full name when publishing your request for prayers in both the bulletin and newsletter. Call the office. On-Going Needs: Ron Albright, Rebecca Anderson, Beverly Berry, Savannah Bona, Jane Burke, Kim B., Cathy Carter, Bill Chaney, Sean Curtis, Billy C., Angie Deily, Lonnie Dolan, Christine D., Carole Evitts, Nora Flohr, Richard Floyd, Ed & Mim Fritz, Marilyn Gay, Linda Grahe, Adan G., Dylan G., Peggy G., Ron Hartman, Bonnie Hiewsky, Celia H., Karen H., Mike H., Larry H., Ron H., Nancy Jacoby, Emma Jerscheid, Dave Johnstone, Kirsten Jones, Kardian Family, Carol Kastner, Jeffery Kelso, Gabriel Knepp, Howard & Elsie Koehler, Fred & Connie Kruelle, Anita Louizes, Marilyn L., George L., Samara Loss, Karen Miller, Jason & Ruth Ann Mitchell, Bernie Mostrom, Anna & Bill Neimiller, Meghan Ochs, Daniel Pfaff, Pat Pfannenstiel, Chuck Pyle, Pr. John Ranney, Bob R., Jeff Robinson, David Searle, Ada May S., Nancy Staton, Margie Steinbock, Pat & Larry S., Ken S., Trey S., Marvel Wahrman, Bob Werner, Barb W., Jerry & Ellie Zwick,. Eldercare Shut-ins: Mary Coleman, George & Carolyn Shoben Assisted Living: Lisa C., Helen Coe, Al & Nancy Sledge, Pat Stull Military: Matthew Carter, Brenden Curran, Matthew Deems, Grant Dietrich, Vincent Federighi, Erik Gilgenast, Aaron.Hale, Craig Harmon, Kurt Kastner, Elizabeth Little, Michael Little, David Leyden, Jill Leyden, Ryan Morrison, Katie Newland, Alex Partridge, Michael Rausch, James Sidoli, Madeline Sorrentino, Nicholas Sorrentino, Sean Wilson Lisa & Scott P. Phillips 11839 Man O War Lane Berlin, MD 21811 A LETTER TO MEMBERS OF ST. PETER’S from Dayna Feher – January 15, 2015 Pastor Gregg asked me to write this letter so that everyone will be aware of a change that will be taking place with Free Spirit. Last evening at our weekly rehearsal, after our practice and a short meeting, I announced to the group that I will soon be ending my time as a member of Free Spirit and as the leader of the group. This was the hardest thing I have had to do in many, many years. I have been prayerfully considering this for many months and the time had come. It was a meeting full of tears and sadness because I have loved every minute of being a part of this group! We are family – we spend every week of every year with each other – we pray for each other – we tease each other – we laugh with each other and we support each other. Additionally, the spiritual enhancement in my life that comes from the music we learn and sing and from the interaction with the congregation at the 9:30 service and the wonderful worship we participate in is priceless. But, I have had this role for a full 15 years now, and quite frankly, I was burning out. The role requires more than Wednesday evening rehearsals and showing up for church on Sunday and actually this role should and could be so much more but I don’t have the time to expand it any more than I have since I already work full time. I am going to continue to fulfill my role for a while so that Pastor Gregg and the members of Free Spirit can figure out who will take my place. I would like to end with a tribute to the members of Free Spirit. This group lives by a set of covenants that we wrote that cover our spiritual life – our covenants with God – and that cover our promises to each other as a group. There are also written Rules and Responsibilities that each member must adhere to. The reason for all of this is because the commitment to be a part of Free Spirit is a 50+ week a year commitment. These people spend most Wednesday evenings in rehearsal and then arrive at Monica Fagan (H) 410-723-1663 600 Salt Spray Rd, Unit #6 (C) 410-600-5457 Ocean City, MD 21842 (H) 302-396-5552 Mike & Jessica Heiser 104 Pinehurst Rd Berlin, MD 21811 (M) 443-856-5750 (J) 443-417-0781 Mark & Kate Hoos 302 West Street Berlin, MD 21811 (K) 410-430-3192 Beverly & William Jester 11125 W. Dixie Dr Bishopville, MD 21813 (H) 410-935-4335 (H) 443-664-2297 (C) 610-710-1370 Edwin Travers & Jeanne Cushing (H 410-603-8263 9025 Marshall Creek Rd Newark, MD 21841-2145 RECENT NEW MEMBERS INFO for your Directory Kevin T. Gallagher th 106 78 Street Ocean City, MD 21842 (H) 443-664-6247 (B) 443-600-6390 (L) 443-929-9898 7 church at 8am every Sunday (unless they are sick or on vacation) and they don’t leave until about 11am on Sunday. There are other duties and responsibilities that each member has taken on that help the group function so well. And everyone is committed to musical excellence and are expected to practice music at home. So, to Free Spirit members: Dave Horn, Stephanie George, Corey Rimel, Katie Rimel, Eric Rimel, Theresa Pyle, Julie Knepp and Chris Horn I say: Well Done, Good and Faithful Servants of the Lord!! You are all wonderful Christians and you love this church or you couldn’t do what you do. I love you all. 2015 COUNCIL Pastor Knepp Billy Haynes - President David Searle – Vice President Ada May Shipley – Secretary Corey Rimel – Treasurer Bill Shoop – Assistant Treasurer Leslie Wendorf - Exec. Committee Veronica Bona Crystal Cudnik Patty Ellis Pam Estes Dee Floyd Theresa Pyle Larry Ryan STAFF The Rev. Gregg Knepp, Senior Pastor The Rev. Harry Biles, Senior Adult Ministries Mr. Elsworth Wheatley, Minister of Music Ms. Amy Morgan, Office Manager Ms. Pat Stokes, Office Assistant ++NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITY++ FUNDRAISER FOR CAMP POSSIBILITIES The very popular and delicious “Camp Possibilities Spaghetti Dinner” will be held Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM in the St. Peter’s Community Life Center. This fun-filled night includes Dinner, a Ticket-Drop Auction, Silent Auction, and Raffle. Tickets are $10.00 for Adults and $5.00 for children 12 & under. To order tickets or for more information contact: Katie @ 410-251-4793 or Corey @ 410-251-0626 or Camp Possibilities is a camp for children between the ages of 8 and 15 who have diabetes. Due to the complexity of diabetes management, these children often do not get the chance to go to a summer camp. Camp Possibilities offers swimming, fishing, arts and crafts projects, basketball, field games, a nature walk, talent show, dance, and other activities. A 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, Camp Possibilities was established in 2002. MINISTRY TEAM LEADERS Diaconal Minister Sharey Biles - Adult Spiritual Growth & Discipleship Jeannette Latzo – Altar Pr. Gregg Knepp – Christian Ed. Mary Lou Tietz – Community Service Doug Harry – Facebook Joyce Tillbery – Fellowship Marti Latchaw – Fellowship David Searle – Mutual Ministry Team Dex Stannard – Personnel Larry Ryan – Property Pr. Harry Biles – Senior Adult Ministry (S.A.M.) Paul Grahe – Son & Sand Billy Haynes – Support Evelyn Houston - Witness Pam Estes – Women of the ELCA Ginny Stannard – Worship & Music ++FROM ST. PETER’S OFFICE++ FROM THE OFFICE: Please inform the church office of any changes in your personal information: mailing address, email address, phone numbers, marriage, divorce, or new births so we can keep our records up-to-date. EDITOR'S NOTES th The deadline for the newsletter articles is the 15 of every month. You may email, drop them in The Net box, or my mailbox – Sharon Sorrentino Email – CONTACT INFO FOR PASTOR GREGG For emergencies or after hours (h) 410-973-1256 (c) 443-397-5970 OFFICE HOURS Mon. – 9a-3p – Amy & Pat Tue. – 9a-3p – Amy Wed. & Thu. – 9a-3p – Amy & Pat Fri. – 9a-12p – Amy 8 9 PLACE YOUR AD WITH US TO REACH HUNDREDS ALL YEAR FOR ONE LOW COST! St. Peter's appreciates the businesses that help support The NET. However, St. Peter's Lutheran Church neither endorses nor recommends any particular company or its products. St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, ELCA Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 16 Ocean City, MD 10301 Coastal Highway Ocean City, Maryland 21842-2501 Phone: (410) 524-7474 E-mail: Website: DATED MATERIAL PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY A FEED ing congregation to the Spiritually hungry of the world. FEBRUARY 2015 THE NET STAFF Sharon Sorrentino, Editor PRODUCTION TEAM Jeanenne & Don Logan, Gen Hartline, Will & Arlene Kelso, Chuck & Mary Lou Erwin, David & Pat Searle, Joyce Boland, Patty Ellis, Kate Long, Elaine Gilganast. The Net is a publication of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, ELCA, Ocean City, MD 21842 11
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