C entenar y u n i t e d m e t h o d i s t w i n s t o n - s a l e m Sunday, February 8, 2015 8:45 am Sanctuary Morning Worship Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany • 8:45 am • February 8, 2015 Dr. W. Mark Ralls, Preaching The Reverend R. Craig Ford, Liturgist Dr. Robert E. Frazier, Director of Music & the Arts The Sanctuary Choir Cantors: Catherine Zachary, soprano; Frank Zachary, tenor We welcome you to worship, and invite you to greet one another with joy and affection. The voluntary signifies the beginning of worship. You are invited to be in a spirit of prayer and meditation. Please silence all mobile communication devices. † Please stand as you are able. Prelude Greeting & Mission Moment We invite you to pass the Fellowship Folder located at the end of the pew. Call to Worship Psalm 147 Praise the Lord! How good it is to sing praises to our God. For he is gracious, and a song of praise is fitting. The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel. He heals the broken-hearted, and binds up their wounds. Great is our Lord, and abundant in power. Praise the Lord! † Hymn † #92 For the Beauty of the Earth ~ DIX Affirmation of Faith We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power, and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will is ever directed to his children’s good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen. Gloria Patri #71 Glory Be to the Father ~ GREATOREX Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. † † 2 This Day So Full of Joy ~ Johann Sebastion Bach Scripture Luke 18:1-8 Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. He said, "In a certain city there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for people. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and saying, "Grant me justice against my opponent.' For a while he refused; but later he said to himself, "Though I have no fear of God and no respect for anyone, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice, so that she may not wear me out by continually coming.' " And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?" (NRSV) This is the word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon "And Do Not Lose Heart" Prayers of the People The Lord's Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Offertory It Is a Precious Thing ~ Johann Friedrich Peter It is a precious thing when the heart is fixed and trusteth in God, through the mercy of God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord. My heart is resting, O my Saviour, in Thy loving care; my trust is ever stayed on Thee; O hear my earnest prayer that every faithful I may be and ever do Thy will; O grant this in Thy mercy still, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. † Doxology #95 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow ~ OLD 100th Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayer of Dedication God of open doors, thank you for giving us the strength to ask, to search, and to knock. Bless these gifts that they might enable all your children to receive, to find, and to enter into your kingdom. Amen. † 3 Hymn † #111 How Can We Name a Love ~ TERRA BEATA Benediction † Choral Response † Voluntary † 4 The Gift of Love ~ Hal Hopson Prelude in A Minor ~ Johann Sebastian Bach 5 Welcome Guests, Visitors & Friends The congregation and staff of Centenary welcome you to today’s worship. It is our honor to have you with us today. If we can be of assistance to you, please visit with one of our friendly ushers, located by the Narthex entrance. They will gladly answer your questions and help you with any needs you may have during your visit. We welcome all our visitors as special guests. At the conclusion of today's worship, we invite you to speak to one of our ministers who will be in the Narthex or transept exits. We want to address any questions you may have and provide you with pertinent information about Centenary. We invite you to visit with us again soon. Each Sunday morning, Centenary provides morning snacks to our congregation and visitors in the 4 1/2 Street narthex, at the second floor coffee station, and kitchenette at Room 115. We encourage you to enjoy these items along with juice and coffee as you meet and greet fellow worshipers. Your offering into the basket at the 4½ Street and 2nd floor hospitality sites will allow us to continue, and expand, our hospitality food items. If you have suggestions for food on these tables, please write a note and put it in the basket with your offering. FELLOWSHIP MEMBERSHIP LISTEN There is always something happening at Centenary and we invite you to join us. Learn more about Centenary offerings by visiting centenaryonline.com. You may also find us on Facebook by searching “UMCCentenary.” We are eager to share Centenary's story with you.If you are interested in learning about church membership, please contact Rev. Jonathan L. Brake (397-1334)/jbrake@ centenary-ws.org to schedule a time to meet. Each Sunday morning, from 11:00 am -12:00 pm, you can tune your radio to WSJS 600 AM to hear the worship service. You may also go to WSJS.com from anywhere in the world and hear streaming audio of the service as it happens. Should you miss a live broadcast, you can always go to centenaryonline.com and listen to the latest series of sermons found in our “Sermons and Downloads” feature. CONTACT US To learn more about life at Centenary, contact the church office (724-6311) and ask to speak with a minister. WORSHIP TIMES AT CENTENARY 8:45 am 9:00 am 10:10 am 11:00 am 7:30 pm Traditional Worship Simplify Praise Service Rejoice (Jazz Inspired Worship) Traditional Worship Roots Revival Sanctuary Memorial Auditorium Memorial Auditorium Sanctuary Wednesday Evenings Scan the QR Code to read the announcements on your mobile device. 6 ANNOUNCEMENTS CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS LENTEN JOURNEY The chancel flowers are given in loving memory of Dr. and Mrs. Beverly N. Jones, Sr. and James E. Holmes, Jr. by Betty Holmes; and in loving memory of Dr. Beverly N. Jones, Jr., Jewell Voss Jones Mickey, and Judy Jones Belville by Dr. Beverly N. III and Janet Jones. Ash Wednesday | February 18 9:00AM Chapel 7:00PM Sanctuary We offer our prayers and concern for those who are ill at home, hospitalized and in hospice care. Holy Wednesday | April 1 7:30PM Memorial Auditorium Holy Thursday | April 2 7:30PM Sanctuary Good Friday | April 3 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Cross Walk 11:00AM Meets at Loaves & Fishes As a continuum of the Prayer Day Centenary hosted for Sylvia Shelton, we invite you to participate in Prayers of the People, an opportunity to offer silent intercessory prayers on behalf of people, groups and situations. Prayers of the People will continue each Monday going forward. We will be ready to receive each of you in fellowship and love as you enter the Chapel at Centenary. We are not bound by any rules. This is an exercise in love and belief in silent prayer and reflection. The Chapel will be open from 8:00 am until 5:30 pm. You may come at a time convenient for you and we recommend that you enter at 4 ½ Street. However, the door by the Chapel on the Fifth Street side will also be open. Tenebrae 7:30PM Sanctuary ALTAR GUILD Inviting New Recruits Prayers of the People is open to all, so invite friends and those you may feel interested. You are cordially invited to join the Altar Guild's class of 2018 now being recruited. This is a great opportunity to provide a vital and visible service for your church as well as a way to meet and work with an incredible group of talented and dedicated women and men. For more information or to sign up, please contact Lois Davis (725-8428)/ ladavis747@aol.com or Gwen Walter (765-5338)/ gwalter67.gw@gmail.com. Please direct any questions to Congregational Care, Judy Jones (918-0346)/jjones@centenary-ws.org. CHILDREN'S MINISTRY FOOD FOR THOUGHT Nursery Care Lunch & Lesson on Wednesdays at Noon All are welcome to come for our mid-week program in the auditorium featuring lunch for $7 (includes salad, main course, side items, dessert, and beverage), live music, and inspiring messages from our very own Rev. Jonathan Brake. This midweek program is open to the public, so bring some coworkers along as well. Enter through the 4½ Street entrance. No pre-registration necessary. Nursery care for infants through pre-kindergarten is offered during every Sunday morning worship service. During the 11:00 am worship service, 3's and 4's in the nursery have a time of engaged Bible storytelling led by children’s ministry staff. Our nursery classrooms, staffed by professional childcare workers, are located on the second floor of the children’s building. 7 Created by God March 6-7 • 4th & 5th Grade Students YOUTH MINISTRY Each year Centenary offers a weekend for 4th & 5th graders that focuses on human sexuality from a Christian perspective. This year's weekend will be March 6-7 for all current 4th & 5th graders. If you are ready to sign your child up, simply email Ashley with their information. Cost is $30 per student participant. The deadline to register is Monday February 23. February 8 SCOUT SUNDAY Join us for our Youth Ministry events today! Lenten Fair February 22 • 9:45 am • Children's Building 8:45, 9:00, 10:10 & 11:00 am: Worship 9:45 am: Sunday school Our Cornerstone middle school youth group (6th8th grades) meets from 5:00-6:00 pm each Sunday evening, followed by a youth dinner at 6:00 pm. Our evening finishes up with our senior high youth group (9th-12thgrades), The Well, from 6:45-8:00 pm. Join us on the 3rd floor of the Children's Building as we kick off the Lenten Season. There will not be regular Kindergarten-5th grade Sunday school classes that day. You are encouraged as a family to take some time participating in different activities to prepare you for Easter. There will not be teachers on this Sunday, so each child should be escorted by their parents. Come be a part of this incredible ministry where we seek to know God and to soak up the love of Christ so we can share that knowledge and love with all who we encounter. We meet upstairs on the 4th floor and can’t wait to see you Summer Dates! Luncheon February 19 • 11:30 am • Memorial Auditorium June 7: End of School Party June 14: Summer Sunday school classes begin June 22nd-26: Hungry for Music Day Camp hosted by Maple Springs UMC July 7-9: Older Elementary Mission Week for rising 4th-6th graders July 12-18: Centenary Week at Camp Tekoa Rising 3rd-High School July 26-30: Vacation Bible School “Everest Expedition”! August 23: Promotion Sunday Be a part of our Children’s Music Ministry! Now is the perfect time to join a children's choir! All of our choir groups are starting new music and would love for more children to join us, from Kindermusik (starting at age 2) - 5th grade. To register, go to www. centenary-ws.org in the Children's Ministry section, or contact Rev. Kate May (397-1331)/kmay@ centenary-ws.org. 8 SENIOR ADULTS The Senior Adults luncheon will meet at 11:30 am and the Senior Adult Council will meet at 10:30 am in Room 115. Our speaker for the luncheon will be Linda Dardin the new director of the Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home here in Winston Salem. Linda has been recently appointed to the position as director and will share knowledge about the Hospice program that will be beneficial to all. Please register by contacting Charles Monroe (7730446)/chasmonroe@yahoo.com. This will be a very informative meeting providing information about hospice and the care provided. I look forward to seeing our senior adults. ADULT ED. / SPIRITUAL FORMATION “Do Something!” Lenten Study 2015 Have you registered for your Lenten Study Group? Small Groups will be meeting all across the city in various locations for 6 weekly sessions. Come discover how to give up Apathy for Lent and Do Something for the Kingdom of God. Why? Because Jesus thinks the world is worth saving and he has called us to get involved. We will explore fasting, serving, feeding, seeking, healing and refining as we partner with Jesus to bring the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. To register, go to www.centenary-ws.org/?p=44 Christ in the Passover Seder March 22 • Memorial Auditorium • 5:00 pm Have you ever celebrated the Passover Seder from the perspective of Jesus? Missionary Lynn McCoy will be with us using Scripture and visuals to show how Jesus took the historical Passover Seder from the Exodus event and transformed it for the New Covenant at the Last Supper with his disciples. We will become “families” around each table in the auditorium, and walk through the traditional Haggadah (celebration order) and eat the foods of the Seder. Advance tickets are required ($10/person). Register online at www. centenary-ws.org/?p=46 or call Tara Snow (3971342). For more information about this event, contact Rev. Jonathan Brake (397-1334)/jbrake@ centenary-ws.org. people of Haiti by focusing on worship, education, and healthcare. This trip will provide a variety of opportunities for mission work and relationship building; no expertise in any particular field is required, though each person’s gifts can be put to use. We will leave for Haiti on Thursday and return Monday, having a chance to get to the people, working and worshipping alongside them. We expect the trip cost to be under $1,000, and cholarships are available. For more information or to sign up, contact Rev. Sarah Howell (showell@centenary-ws. org/397-1348). February Food of the Month The February food of the month is Macaroni & Cheese (preferably complete kits, no milk needed). Please bring your food donations to the Missions bins, located in the Reception Narthex at 4½ Street. WOMEN'S RETREAT Winston Salem Street School Needs Tutors Monday – Thursdays 10:30 am-2:15 pm Lifting Women's Voices March 21 • 8:00 am-2:00 pm • St. Paul's Episcopal No experience necessary, just a heart for disenfranchised youth in our community. For more information, call Camille Galloway (721-1110). The featured speaker will be the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, Bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. She will present "Building a Rule of Life from the Holy Family of Bethany,” based on stories from Luke and John about Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Child care will be available for children three years old and younger. The cost of the retreat, which includes a light breakfast, lunch and retreat materials, will be $30 for adults and an additional $10 for all accompanying children from the same household attending the Children’s Retreat. Child care will be available at no additional charge. MISSIONS Haiti Mission Trip April 16-20, 2015 the Outreach Committee of Centenary United Methodist Church will be taking a group to Port au Prince, Haiti. This will be a follow-up to our trip back in October with Haiti Outreach Ministries, an organization that ministers to and with the MUSIC AND THE ARTS Faith in Films February 8, 15 & 22 • Memorial Auditorium • 2 pm The 2015 series will explore characteristics that make a person “heroic”. Cinema can draw us together as few other mediums can. As has been true in past film series at Centenary, all of the selections are cinematic masterpieces. February 8: City Lights, directed by Charlie Chaplin (1931), 87 min February 15: Sansho the Bailiff, directed by Kenji Mizoguchi (1954); 124 min. February 22: Children of Men, directed by Alfonso Cuaron (2006); 109 min. Stories of the epic hero abound in world literature. This year’s theme was inspired by Joseph Campbell’s The Power Of Myth. In each film we will encounter a character that overcomes challenges, survives radical change, and fulfills a life-journey that results in profound change. The story within each 9 film reveals common threads such as abandoning one’s old ways, embarking on life-changing adventures, surviving tribulations, and finally obtaining a heightened sense of self-awareness or enlightenment. There will be a brief introduction prior to each screening followed by a discussion afterwards for those who wish to remain. All are invited to attend. Adult themes are presented so parental guidance is recommended. DAYBREAK/RESPITE CARE Affairs of the Heart February 21 • Memorial Auditorium • 3 pm Save the Date for “Affairs of the Heart”, a gala fund-raiser for DAYBreak/Respite Care, which will take place on February 21 from 3-5 pm in Memorial Auditorium. Please consider donating items for the auction which could include gift cards, services, gift items, travel options, etc. Heavy hors d’oeuvres, entertainment, a silent auction and bake sale all are on track to raise funds for Centenary’s Respite Care ministry. Tickets are $25.00. For more information or tickets or to donate items, contact Jan Sawyer (3971345)/jsawyer@centenary-ws.org. DAYBreak Respite Care Needs Volunteers! Families are depending on DAYBreak Respite Care to provide a good day to their loved ones. We need volunteers to help us with this ministry! Currently, we particularly need help on Mondays and Fridays. Volunteers can work 2, 3 or 5-hour shifts. If you enjoy being with people and want to make a difference in the lives of older adults, please contact Jan Sawyer (397-1345)/jsawyer@centenary-ws.org. Please consider exploring respite care and sharing your gifts with us. ROOTS REVIVAL Wednesday • February 11 • Memorial Auditorium This week, we are excited to welcome Rodney Stillwell, chaplain with Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries, to worship, where he will offer a pottery demonstration and hands-on activity to tie in with Rev. Sarah Howell’s sermon on Isaiah 45:9-11, which uses the image of God as a potter and us as the pottery. We will use Leonard Cohen’s “Anthem” and Gungor’s “Beautiful Things” as we ask, hear, sing, see and touch what it means for us to be remade through God’s healing and redemption. Join us for this liturgical but informal worship service where we celebrate communion weekly. We meet at 7:30 pm on Wednesday nights in Memorial Auditorium, and a group always goes out to dinner afterward for unstructured fellowship time. Learn more at www.rootsrevivalws.com or contact Rev. Sarah Howell (397-1348)/showell@centenary-ws.org. 10 GLAD TIDINGS Valentine’s, the heart that speaks of love! We have them in Glad Tidings in all colors, and our hearts even have a key that goes with them! They speak of marriages, friendships, love of pets and appreciation of self. Actually, we have a heart for almost every occasion, and at a great price. Of course, we offer free wrapping for your convenience. There are cards and scarves, books and beautiful jewelry by Holly Lane. Pick a piece and draw a number. You will receive a discount of at least 15% on the Holly Lane Jewelry! We have never done anything like this! The Lenten Study is around the corner, so make sure you pick up your book, World Worth Saving. Jonathan Brake will be the guest lecturer in the video presentation being used at each of the meetings and we feel this is an excellent study requiring you to not give up anything for Lent, but to actually add an opportunity to gain something so worthwhile. Please make sure to sign up because you do not want to miss this study! Shop Glad Tidings where good things happen! Judy Jones, Manager (918-0346)/jjones@centenary-ws.org. SCHOLARSHIP TIME Our congregation is honored to be able to offer three different types of endowed scholarships, due to the dedication and generosity of past members: • T.B. and Mary Neal Dixson Foundation: Scholarships for Centenary members or staff who are full-time students. • Cabaniss Fund Scholarship: For needy and deserving students engaged in or planning for ministry. • Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund: Scholarships for Methodist residents of Forsyth County pursuing education for Methodist ministry or a Christian education ministry vocation. The deadline to submit all applications is April 1. Find more detailed scholarship guidelines and download application forms on Centenary’s website. http://www.centenary-ws.org/index.php/connect/resources/ centenary-scholarships CENTENARY LEADERSHIP CONNECTIONS Dr. W. Mark Ralls, Senior Minister mralls@centenary-ws.org | 397-1362 Reverend Jonathan L. Brake Reverend R. Craig Ford Associate Minister jbrake@centenary-ws.org | 397-1334 Associate Minister cford@centenary-ws.org | 397-1353 Reverend Kate May Associate Minister with Children kmay@centenary-ws.org | 397-1331 Reverend Sarah Howell Assistant Minister showell@centenary-ws.org | 397-1348 Tamara M. Pollock Director of Youth Ministries tpollock@centenary-ws.org | 397-1337 Mary Ann Wexler, Executive Director mwexler@centenary-ws.org | 397-1346 Susan Bates Organist and Music Associate sbates@centenary-ws.org | 397-1340 Stacy Holley Exec. Assistant to Senior Minister sholley@centenary-ws.org | 397-1359 Doug Peninger Director of Communications dpeninger@centenary-ws.org | 397-1368 Kristy Eaton Financial Assistant keaton@centenary-ws.org | 397-1341 Judy Jones Congregational Care Coordinator jjones@centenary-ws.org | 397-1361 John Rogers Director of Information Technology jrogers@centenary-ws.org | 397-1356 Dr. Robert E. Frazier Director of Music and the Arts rfrazier@centenary-ws.org | 397-1339 John Markle Director of Operations jmarkle@centenary-ws.org | 397-1347 Jan Sawyer Director of DAYBreak Respite Care jsawyer@centenary-ws.org | 397-1345 Reception Desk • 724-6311 + Minister On Call (Prompt 2) Pastoral Care: Reverend Craig Ford • 397-1353 RECORD OF OUR FAITHFULNESS January 27 - February 2 Worship Attendance Tithes and Offerings 8:45 Traditional 9:00 Simplify 10:10 Rejoice! 11:00 Traditional Children's Worship & Nursery Food for Thought Roots Revival 109 115 161 349 54 50 55 Total 893 Offering Miscellaneous $31,078 7,944 Total $39,022 Sunday School 228 11 Ash Wednesday PO Box 658 646 West Fifth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27102 centenary-ws.org 336-724-6311 C entenar y u n i t e d m e t h o d i s t w i n s t o n - s a l e m A Stephen Ministry Congregation Printed on recycled paper
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