C entenar y u n i t e d m e t h o d i s t w i n s t o n - s a l e m "The Gift" John 12:1-8 Sunday, March 22, 2015 8:45 am Sanctuary Morning Worship Fifth Sunday of Lent • 8:45 am • March 22, 2015 Dr. W. Mark Ralls, Preaching The Reverend Kate May, Liturgist Dr. Robert E. Frazier, Director of Music & the Arts Susan Bates, Organ/Music Associate The Sanctuary Choir We welcome you to worship, and invite you to greet one another with joy and affection. The voluntary signifies the beginning of worship. You are invited to be in a spirit of prayer and meditation. Please silence all mobile communication devices. † Please stand as you are able. Voluntary Greeting & Mission Moment Call to Worship † Confession Pardon Hymn † In this season of Lent, we are given the opportunity to examine ourselves and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. Therefore, let us confess our sin before God and before one another: Merciful God, we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart. We have failed to be an obedient church. We have not done your will, we have broken your law, we have rebelled against your love, we have not loved our neighbors, and we have not heard the cry of the needy. Forgive us, we pray. Free us for joyful obedience, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Hear the good news: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. That proves God's love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are all forgiven. Glory to God. Amen. #340 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy ~ RESTORATION Affirmation of Faith We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power, and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will is ever directed to his children’s good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen. Gloria Patri #71 Glory Be to the Father ~ GREATOREX Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. † † 2 Andante tranquillo (from Sonata III) ~ Felix Mendelssohn We invite you to pass the Fellowship Folder located at the end of the pew. Scripture John 12:1-8 Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him. Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those at the table with him. Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (the one who was about to betray him), said, "Why was this perfume not sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?" (He said this not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief; he kept the common purse and used to steal what was put into it.) Jesus said, "Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me." (NRSV) This is the word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon "The Gift" Prayers of the People The Lord's Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Offertory My Song Is Love Unknown ~ LOVE UNKNOWN My song is love unknown, my Savior's love for me, love to the loveless shown that they might lovely be. O who am I that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh, and die? Christ came from heaven's throne salvation to bestow, but people scorned and none the longedfor Christ would know. But O my friend, my friend indeed, who at my need his life did spend. Here might I stay and sing, no story so divine; never was love, dear King, never was grief like thine. This is my friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days could gladly spend. † Doxology #95 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow ~ OLD 100th Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Prayer of Dedication God of abundance, help us never to hold back in showing our devotion to you. Bless us in our giving and strengthen us to reach out continually, building your kingdom here and now. Amen. † Hymn † #159 Lift High the Cross ~ CRUCIFER Benediction † Choral Response † Voluntary † O the Lamb ~ Ellen Jane Lorenz Sonata III ~ Felix Mendelssohn 3 4 5 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR There has certainly been no slow down here at Centenary after the Christmas holiday. February proved to be a month where activity here at the church continued at a fast pace. A few bullet points of interest: •We are undergoing a renewed effort to update our archives and make sure our documents and history are organized and easily accessible. •We are taking a look at the properties the church owns and re-evaluating our needs. •Our handicapped bus is being refurbished and plans to replace our other buses are in the works. •We have wrapped up Stewardship 2015 with $2.7 million in pledges. We are eager to instill a mindset of year around giving to support the ongoing expenses of the church. •In January, we established "Prayers of the People" held every Monday in our Chapel. This is open to the public and at one point last week, there were eight different churches represented as we gathered together for prayer. We are building a community of prayer minded people. •We continue to make strides in our technical abilities here at Centenary. New software is allowing us to streamline the process of online payments and event registration. •We are reviewing the investments of the church and establishing long range goals that will strengthen our ability to fund projects in the future. ~ Mary Ann Wexler YEAR-TO-DATE FINANCIAL SUMMARY AS OF 2-28-2015 Total contributions received: $433,768 Total other revenues received: $150,745 Total revenues received: $584,513 Total expenses paid: $596,648 Net Total: ($12,135) CENTENARY FINANCIAL TRIVIA Did you know that we have paid out $39,000 for insurance already in 2015? Did you know the gas bill to keep our buildings warm in February was $7817? A hearty THANK YOU to those of you making your contributions throughout the year to help us cover expenses such as these. Scan the QR Code to read the announcements on your mobile device. 6 ANNOUNCEMENTS CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS CHANCEL FLOWERS The chancel flowers are given in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Deleot, Jr., Joyce Poole Wampler, and Graves Wythe Wampler by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Deleot; and also in loving memory of Ray Michael Farrell, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Helms by Robert and Victoria Helms; and also in honor of (Walter) Scott Petree, son of Tucker and Chip Petree, on his baptism day. If you would like to remember or honor your loved ones with flowers, please contact Kristy Eaton (397-1341)/ keaton@centenary-ws.org. There are several openings within the coming weeks. We celebrate the baptism of Walter Scott Petree son of Chip & Tucker, & grandson of Harold & Louise Pollard. We invite you to participate in Prayers of the People, an opportunity to offer Intercessory prayers on behalf of people, groups and situations. The Prayers of the People focus for Monday, March 23, 2015, will be for all single parents as we lift each one of them up and pray for blessings and comfort for all the responsibilities laid on them. Last week we had a Prayer Vigil for Shannon Markle, John Markle’s brother who had cancer surgery. We held a Prayer Vigil offering continuous prayer for member Judy Ingram who is in a health crisis and we now give prayers of thanks for the healing taking place within her. We welcome new members Weston & Brooke Keit (Libby Keit). We offer our prayers and concern for those who are ill at home, hospitalized and in hospice care. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE People are seeking the solitude and comfort of our Chapel for silent prayer and reflection. We will be ready to receive each of you in fellowship and love as you enter the Chapel at Centenary. We are not bound to any rules. This is an exercise in love and belief in prayer. The Chapel will be open from 8:00 until 5:30 every Monday. You may come at a time convenient for you. We recommend that you enter by 4 ½ Street but the door by the Chapel on the Fifth Street side will also be open. RECEPTION FOR SENIOR MINISTER Prayers of the People is open to all, so invite friends and those you may feel interested. April 12 • Noon • Memorial Auditorium Please direct any questions to Judy Jones (918-0346)/ jjones@centenary-ws.org. The Staff/Parish Relations Committee invites you to a reception honoring our departing Senior Minister, Dr. W. Mark Ralls and his wife Jennifer as we celebrate their time at Centenary. The reception will be in Memorial Auditorium immediately following the 11:00 am worship. SAVE THE DATE May 24 • Pentecost Festival Be sure to mark your calendar for the annual Pentecost Festival at Centenary. We will celebrate the birthday of the Christian church with worship, music and picnic on the grounds. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Lunch & Lesson on Wednesdays at Noon All are welcome to come for our mid-week program in the auditorium featuring lunch for $7 (includes salad, main course, side items, dessert and beverage), live music and inspiring messages from our very own Rev. Jonathan Brake. This mid-week program is open to the public, so bring some coworkers along as well. Enter through the 4½ Street entrance. No pre-registration necessary. 7 CHILDREN'S MINISTRY YOUTH MINISTRY Nursery Care March 22 Join us for our Youth Ministry events today! 8:45, 9:00, 10:10 & 11:00 am: Worship 9:45 am: Sunday school Nursery care for infants through pre-kindergarten is offered during every Sunday morning worship service. During the 11:00 am worship service, 3's and 4's in the nursery have a time of engaged Bible storytelling led by children’s ministry staff. Our nursery classrooms, staffed by professional childcare workers, are located on the second floor of the children’s building. Sunday School Pick-up For those attending our Rejoice service; no need to leave the service early to pick-up your children from Sunday school. When our teachers need to leave they will take the students in their class to Room 209 where they will be supervised while they read and play and fellowship with friends as they wait for their parents to complete worship. Room 209 is located on the second floor of the Children’s Building. Back-Pack Ministry Did you know that Centenary partners with Brunson Elementary and Wiley Middle schools to provide food for kids over the weekend that would otherwise have hungry bellies until they get to school Monday morning? We send food home with over 75 kids every Friday during the school year! If you would like to make a donation toward our back pack programs or find out how you can be a part of such a meaningful ministry for children in our community; contact Ashley Maner: amaner@centenary-ws.org. Waving Palm Branches All children who normally attend Children's Worship during the 11:00 hour (K-3rd Grade) who would like to wave palm branches at the beginning of the 11:00 service on Palm Sunday, March 29, are invited to meet in the Chapel by 10:55 am to get their palms. Once we wave branches, we will sit together in our reserved pews at the front of the Sanctuary and then proceed to children’s worship together once it is time. Our Cornerstone middle school youth group (6th-8th grades) meets from 5:00-6:00pm each Sunday evening, followed by a youth dinner at 6:00 pm. Our evening finishes up with our senior high youth group (9th-12thgrades), The Well, from 6:45-8:00 pm. Come be a part of this incredible ministry where we seek to know God and to soak up the love of Christ so we can share that knowledge and love with everyone we encounter. We meet upstairs on the 4th floor and can’t wait to see you! March 25 6:00 pm: Confirmation – Creativity and Work ADULT ED. / SPIRITUAL FORMATION Christ in the Passover Seder Today • Memorial Auditorium • 5:00 pm The Passover meal has been celebrated since Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt following the ten plagues. This was the meal that Jesus celebrated with his disciples for the Last Supper. However, the symbolism of the original Seder was reinterpreted by Jesus for the New Covenant. Come discover how the story of the Exodus is woven together with the life, death and resurrection of Christ. Missionary Lynn McCoy will be with us to share how the Hebrew words spoken in the upper room came alive in Christ. We will share the meal together and make our way through the traditional Haggadah (celebration order) around tables of “families.” Register online at www.centenary-ws.org/?p=46 or contact Tara Snow (397-1342)tsnow@centnary-ws.org. Cost is $10/person. SENIOR ADULTS Luncheon • April 16 Noon • Memorial Auditorium Our speaker will be Dr. Bill Leonard who is retired from the Wake Forest Theology School. “Religion in America” will be the subject of Dr. Leonard’s presentation. Special guests for our April meeting will be Jack and Sylvia Yarbrough. We will celebrate Jack’s eighty-first birthday along with others who have birthdays in April. Register for the luncheon meeting by contacting Charles Monroe (7730446)/chasmonroe@yahoo.com. 8 MISSIONS MUSIC AND THE ARTS Samaritan Ministries Volunteers Needed March 22-25 Tony Abbott Lecture Series Concludes Poetry as Prayer, Prayer as Poetry March 24 • Memorial Auditorium • 7 pm March is the month for Centenary and other Methodist churches to provided volunteers at Samaritan Ministries’ homeless shelter. This March, Centenary will send 6 volunteers per night from Sunday, March 22 through Wednesday, March 25. Shelter teams work from 6:15 pm to 7:30 am the next morning, serving meals, helping guests prepare for bed, and then taking 2-hour shifts overnight to assist the night monitor. Join us in continuing the longstanding relationship between Centenary and Samaritan. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or 17 with a parent. If you would like to volunteer or if we have more people sign up than we need, we may be able to add additional volunteer dates in March. To sign up, contact Rev. Sarah Howell (397-1348)/showell@centenary-ws.org. March Food of the Month The March food of the month is canned spaghetti sauce (not tomato paste) & packaged noodles. Please bring your food donations to the Missions bins, located in the Reception Narthex at 4½ Street. Overflow Shelter Centenary is working with churches all across WinstonSalem to provide an overflow shelter for our homeless neighbors during the cold winter months. Volunteers are needed to help with check-in, provide meals, and stay overnight. Donations of men’s socks and gloves and trialsized toiletries are also being accepted. The overflow season runs through March 31. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, contact Rev. Sarah Howell (397-1348)/showell@centenaryws.org. Winston-Salem Street School Needs Tutors Monday – Thursdays 10:30 am-2:15 pm No experience necessary, just a compassionate heart for disenfranchised youth in our community. For more information, call Camille Galloway (721-1110). March 24: Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Welsh Sonnets & the “Terrible” Sonnets This series examines the extraordinary lives of these two poet priests, Donne an Anglican and Hopkins a Roman Catholic. Handel’s Messiah Parts Two and Three Throughout the season of Lent, Holy Week and Easter, experience Handel’s beloved Messiah as it was meant to be heard! The Chancel Choir will be performing excerpts from Part Two and Three at the 11 am Traditional Worship as we journey through these seasons of Jesus’ life in liturgy and song. ROOTS REVIVAL Wednesday • March 25 • Memorial Auditorium Roots Revival is a midweek worship service grounded in Americana/roots-based music featuring Martha Bassett and friends. Each service is centered around one or two focus songs and an accompanying Scripture passage and theme. During the season of Lent, we will have a series based on Matthew 25:31-46 to complement our church-wide Lenten study called “Do Something.” Each week, we will highlight a different theme from this passage: hunger and thirst, strangers, nakedness, sickness, and prisoners. As we do so, we will lift up Centenary and community ministries connected to these themes and collect a needed item each Wednesday in Lent. This week, we will focus on the prisoner. We will use Johnny Cash’s “Folsom Prison Blues” and Warren Zevon’s “Prison Grove” in this service, at which Robert Esleeck, a Centenary member and longtime participant in prison ministry, will preach. A representative from Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries will join us to share about their important work with prisoners here in our own city. We will collect bath-sized soap to be distributed to inmates through FJPM. Join us for this liturgical but informal worship service where we celebrate communion weekly. We meet at 7:30 pm on Wednesday nights in Memorial Auditorium, and a group always goes out to dinner afterward for unstructured fellowship time. Learn more at www.rootsrevivalws.com or contact Rev. Sarah Howell (397-1348) showell@centenaryws.org). 9 SCHOLARSHIP TIME GLAD TIDINGS Our congregation is honored to be able to offer three different types of endowed scholarships, due to the dedication and generosity of past members: What happens if you love deviled eggs, but are only making them for two? Those deviled egg plates that hold a dozen eggs are not practical for only one or two people. Come to Glad Tidings because we offer two styles of cute egg plates with bunny handles that hold six half deviled eggs. They are perfect for Easter and spring meals! • T.B. and Mary Neal Dixson Foundation: Scholarships for Centenary members or staff who are full-time students. • Cabaniss Fund Scholarship: For needy and deserving students engaged in or planning for ministry. • Emma Kapp Ogburn Memorial Fund: Scholarships for Methodist residents of Forsyth County pursuing education for Methodist ministry or a Christian education ministry vocation. The deadline to submit all applications is April 1. Find more detailed scholarship guidelines and download application forms on Centenary’s website. http://www.centenary-ws.org/index.php/connect/resources/ centenary-scholarships CENTENARY ARCHIVES We need your Centenary documents! Centenary is building a digital archive of minutes, reports, presentations, etc. so that all of our governance documents will be in one place, and easily-accessed by staff and committee members, alike. Documents may be in any format, paper and/or electronic. When possible, please note when minutes have been approved by your committee or ministry group. If you served in Centenary leadership in the last 10 years and have any of the documents mentioned above, please let us know so they may be added to the archive. For questions, please contact or send documents to Stacy Holley (3971359)/sholley@centenary-ws.org or leave at the reception desk. Our Easter Basket treats include flashing chicks, bunny coin purses, small wooden sailboats (just the right size for the tub), soap crayons for the bath, little gold jeweled bracelets for $3 (beautiful colors) and Easter books. We have Easter and spring plush for baskets as well. Remember, you may come in and pick out your selections and we will have them bagged for secrecy with a ticket ready for you to pay. This should result in a quick in and quick out before or after the worship service of your choice. Spring has sprung with our beautiful infinity scarves and spring ponchos from Two’s Company priced in the $10 - $15.00 range. This year’s spring colors are so soft and creamy and include geometrics, polka-dots, solids and woven’s. There is something for everyone and they go beautifully with the MSC bags! We have the new shipment of Flashing Chicks and Bunny Table Runners in Glad Tidings along with Chirping Chicks and Hopping Bunnies which are perfect for baskets! Shop Glad Tidings where good things happen! Judy Jones, Manager (918-0346)/jjones@centenary-ws.org. STEPHEN MINISTRY Pencil – Want Ads – Telephone… “Sorry, but we don’t have any openings at this time.” The bills are mounting up. If you don’t find some way to relieve the pressure, you’re afraid you’ll explode. At a time like this you need the listening ear and the caring support of a Stephen Minister.Call Craig Ford at 397-1353, to find out more about having a Stephen Minister help you during this difficult time. All calls are confidential. RECEPTION FOR INTERIM MINISTER April 19 • Noon • Memorial Auditorium The Staff/Parish Relations Committee invites you to a reception welcoming our new Interim Minister, Dr. Bill Medlin. Please join the Centenary community as we welcome Bill into this role and offer our warm hospitality. 10 CENTENARY LEADERSHIP CONNECTIONS Dr. W. Mark Ralls, Senior Minister mralls@centenary-ws.org | 397-1362 Reverend Jonathan L. Brake Associate Minister jbrake@centenary-ws.org | 397-1334 Reverend R. Craig Ford Reverend Sarah S, Howell Associate Minister cford@centenary-ws.org | 397-1353 Reverend Kate May Associate Minister with Children kmay@centenary-ws.org | 397-1331 Associate Minister showell@centenary-ws.org | 397-1348 Tamara M. Pollock Director of Youth Ministries tpollock@centenary-ws.org | 397-1337 Mary Ann Wexler, Executive Director mwexler@centenary-ws.org | 397-1346 Susan Bates Organist and Music Associate sbates@centenary-ws.org | 397-1340 Stacy Holley Exec. Assistant to Senior Minister sholley@centenary-ws.org | 397-1359 Doug Peninger Director of Communications dpeninger@centenary-ws.org | 397-1368 Kristy Eaton Dr. Robert E. Frazier Financial Assistant keaton@centenary-ws.org | 397-1341 Director of Music and the Arts rfrazier@centenary-ws.org | 397-1339 Judy Jones John Markle Congregational Care Coordinator jjones@centenary-ws.org | 397-1361 Director of Operations jmarkle@centenary-ws.org | 397-1347 John Rogers Jan Sawyer Director of Information Technology jrogers@centenary-ws.org | 397-1356 Director of DAYBreak Respite Care jsawyer@centenary-ws.org | 397-1345 Reception Desk • 724-6311 + Minister On Call (Prompt 2) Pastoral Care: Reverend Craig Ford • 397-1353 RECORD OF OUR FAITHFULNESS March 10 - March 16 Worship Attendance Tithes & Offerings 8:45 Traditional 9:00 Simplify 10:10 Rejoice! 11:00 Traditional Children's Worship & Nursery Food for Thought Roots Revival 108 81 137 426 52 46 57 Offering Miscellaneous $70,376 1,473 Total $71,849 Total 907 Sunday School 205 11 Ash Wednesday PO Box 658 646 West Fifth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27102 centenary-ws.org 336-724-6311 C entenar y u n i t e d m e t h o d i s t w i n s t o n - s a l e m A Stephen Ministry Congregation Printed on recycled paper
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