C entenar y u n i t e d m e t h o d i s t w i n s t o n - s a l e m "Who Are These, Robed in White?" Revelation 7:9-17 Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:00 am Simplify Focus: "Who are these, robed in white?...These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." I wonder what the robes of these saints looked like before they washed them in the blood that cleanses and does not stain. What kind of stories would their robes have told? Imagine a child explaining the origin of stains on her favorite pair of jeans: this grass stain is from when I caught a fly ball to win the game; that grease spot is from the pizza we had at my last birthday party; that patch covers up the hole I tore climbing a tree. Now imagine the martyrs examining their dirty robes: this blood stain is from when I turned the other cheek; these two spots where dirt is ground into the fabric—those are from kneeling in prayer; the front of my robe is damp from tears shed for my brothers and sisters who suffered with me. "Who are these, robed in white?" These are they who have washed their robes, but not before telling their story through the stains. All Saints' Day is an opportunity for us to tell the stories of those who have gone before and to tell our own stories, to bind all of them up into the story that God has been telling from creation until today, and to offer all of it up to God to be transformed and washed clean. ~ The Reverend Sarah S. Howell Artwork for Today: Festival of Lights ~ John August Swanson Thank you for worshipping with us today. Participating in Worship Preaching The Reverend Sarah S. Howell Communion Assistant Laura Young Liturgist Tamara M. Pollock Musicians The Simplify Band Acoltyes Anna Chaves Olivia Chaves I Can Only Imagine CCLI Song No. 2978857 © 2001, 2002 Simpleville Music (Admin. by Simpleville Music, Inc.) For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI License No. 2688486 Amazing Grace CCLI Song No. 22025 © Public Domain For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI License No. 2688486 2 LET US WORSHIP Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost • 9:00 am • November 2, 2014 • Simplify • All Saints Sunday Welcome to Simplify The Community Gathers We welcome you to worship today! Our deepest desire is that you have come to encounter the living, loving God and find yourself knowing His great love for you. Gathering In Faith *Song Just a Closer Walk with Thee *Song When the Saints Go Marching In Welcome & Announcements *Passing the Peace Song When the Saints Joys and Concerns All are invited to share prayer requests. The worship leader will close with prayer. We Renew Our Commitment Offering Our Gifts *Song I Can Only Imagine Stwardship Moment * please stand as you are able 3 We Hear the Word Proclaimed Scripture Revelation 7:9-17 After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, robed in white, with palm branches in their hands. They cried out in a loud voice, saying, "Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!" And all the angels stood around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, singing, "Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen." Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, "Who are these, robed in white, and where have they come from?" I said to him, "Sir, you are the one that knows." Then he said to me, "These are they who have come out of the great ordeal; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason they are before the throne of God, and worship him day and night within his temple, and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter them. They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them, nor any scorching heat; for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes." (NRSV) This is the word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Sermon "Who Are These, Robed in White?" We Celebrate Holy Communion Music During Communion *Prayer of Celebration of the Saints Amazing Grace We bless your holy name, O God, for all our servants who, having finished their course, now rest from the labors. Give us grace to follow the example of their steadfastness and faithfulness, to your honor and glory; through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. We Go As God's People into The World *Closing Song *Benediction 4 Amazing Grace We Honor the Saints who Have Gone Before As a congregation we join in thanking God for their lives and for their contributions to their families, church and world. William Whitehead Avera Dale Eugene Bodenhamer John Rodney “Rod” Bullard Richard “Dick” Tenney Bynum, Sr. Ella Sue Carter Patricia Grimsley Chatham Wade Hampton Clayton, III David Thomas “Tom” Dance Mary Ellen Hill Davis Sarah Reynolds Dixon Virginia Ruth Connor Dyar Edward Vernon Ferrell, Jr. Frances Perry Fitzgerald Helen Day Foushee Mary Carter Fulton Doris Anita Spainhour Gibson Helen Copenhaver “Copey” Hanes June Powell Hauser-Holmes Louise Carson Highsmith Susan York Hinkle Lucy Foard Greene Hubbard John Wayne Jones Dr. William Arnold Lambeth, Jr. June Stouffer Marsden Maxine McKaughn Mathis Dr. J. Gaylord May Betty Burke May Henry Sigmon Mingus Elaine LaForce Muir Ruth Howard Mundy Elam Arrington Myers P. Jeffrey Newton Marilee Conrad Pardue June Pfefferkorn Ruth Myers Pleasants Alexander Lee Rickabaugh Fred Turner Robinette, Jr. Bettye Balthrop Shehan Rose Mary Williams Slate Richard Simpson Ann Lenox Gore Spencer Laura Beth Smith Spivey Berkley Moore Stephens, Jr. Wendel Hill “Bunky” Stockton Kitty Tally Marguerite B. Taylor Margaret Rose Tennille Louise Vann Tronnes William “Bill” Charles Voiers Louise Gauldin Idol Wall Franklin Reid Warren, Jr. Juanita Willis Kitty Lee Thomas Wilson Rita Wrenn Yancey 5 Guests, Visitors and Friends... The congregation and staff of Centenary welcome you to today’s service. It is our honor to have you in worship with us today. If we can be of assistance to you, please visit with one of our friendly ushers, located by the Narthex entrance. They will gladly answer your questions and help you with any needs you may have during your visit. We welcome all our visitors as special guests. At the conclusion of today's worship, we invite you to speak to one of our ministers who will be at the Welcome Desk in the Narthex. We want to address any questions you may have and provide you with pertinent information about Centenary. Please return and visit with us again soon. Are you hungry for hospitality? Each Sunday morning, Centenary provides morning snacks to our congregation and visitors in the 4 1/2 Street narthex, at the second floor coffee station, and kitchenette at Room 115. In keeping with our yearlong "Are you Hungry?" theme, we have expanded our morning snack offerings to include locally sourced nutritious items such as banana bread and whole grain muffins. We encourage you to enjoy these items along with juice and coffee as you meet and greet fellow worshipers. Your offering into the basket at the 4½ Street and 2nd floor hospitality sites will allow us to continue, and expand, our hospitality food items. If you have suggestions for food on these tables, please write a note and put it in the basket with your offering. FELLOWSHIP MEMBERSHIP LISTEN There is always something happening at Centenary and we invite you to join us. Learn more about Centenary offerings by visiting centenaryonline.com. You may also find us on Facebook by searching “UMCCentenary.” Our Senior Minister, Dr. Mark Ralls, is eager to share Centenary's story with you. If you are interested in learning about church membership, please contact Dr. Ralls (397-1362) to schedule a time to meet. Each Sunday morning, from 11:00 am -12:00 pm, you can tune your radio to WSJS 600 AM to hear the worship service. You may also go to WSJS.com from anywhere in the world and hear streaming audio of the service as it happens. Should you miss a live broadcast, you can always go to centenaryonline.com and listen to the latest series of sermons found in our “Sermons and Downloads” feature. CONTACT US To learn more about life at Centenary, contact the church office (724-6311) and ask to speak with a minister. WORSHIP TIMES AT CENTENARY 6 v 8:45 am 9:00 am 10:10 am 11:00 am 7:30 pm Traditional Worship Simplify Praise Service Rejoice (Jazz Inspired Worship) Traditional Worship Roots Revival Sanctuary Memorial Auditorium Memorial Auditorium Sanctuary Wednesday Evenings ANNOUNCEMENTS CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS POINSETTIAS FOR ADVENT The chancel flowers are given by the church and the United Methodist Women in memory of those in our fellowship who died between October 15, 2013 and October 14, 2014. Poinsettia order forms are now available in the information centers around the church campus. All orders and payment are due by November 15. The flowers in the narthex are given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Brandon and Ashley (Tierney) Tate, married on November 1, 2014. DIVORCE CARE We welcome new member Anita Brewer Pulley. We begin with a 30 minute video followed by conversation to help you navigate the rough waters of separation and divorce. If you have any questions, please contact Pink Willis (306-4236)/pinkwillis@ gmail.com or Frankie Perry-Oates (816-5234). We offer our prayers and concern for those who are ill at home, hospitalized and in hospice care. Wednesdays • 6:30 pm • Room 116 STEPHEN MINISTRY Pencil – Want Ads – Telephone... Next Sunday, come and be a part of the celebration as we make our financial commitment for 2015. There will be "GO" cake for everyone as we look forward to another exciting year at Centenary. “Sorry, but we don’t have any openings at this time.” The bills are mounting up. If you don’t find some way to relieve the pressure, you’re afraid you’ll explode. At a time like this you need the listening ear and the caring support of a Stephen Minister. If you would like to find out more about Stephen Ministry for yourself or someone you know (possibly a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative) talk with Mark Ralls (397-1362), Craig Ford (397-1353) or Deena Morgan (764-4239) to find out how you can receive help from a Stephen Minister. All calls are confidential. THE CENTENARY SURVEY ANGEL TREE You are invited to take The Centenary Survey. Printed copies may be found in the information centers around the campus. Simply complete the survey and return it in the provided envelope. You may return it to the Reception Desk, the business office or to Doug Peninger, Director of Communications. This survey will help us get to know you and in doing so, provide better a worship experience and special events. You may also take the survey online at https://www.surveymonkey. com/s/thecentenarysurvey. We are excited that it is almost Angel Tree time! Stop by the second floor gallery to pick up an angel from one of our trees beginning Sunday, November 9. Our angels are from Marvin UMC, El Aposento Alto, and Winston Salem Street School. For questions about the Angel Tree, contact Ashley Maner (397-1332)/amaner@centenary-ws.org. STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY November 9 • All Worship Services 7 CHILDREN'S MINISTRY SENIOR ADULTS Nursery Care Veterans Day Breakfast November 11 • 8:30 am • Auditorium Nursery care for infants through pre-kindergarten is offered during every Sunday morning worship service. During the 11:00 am worship service, 3's and 4's in the nursery have a time of engaged Bible storytelling led by children’s ministry staff. Our nursery classrooms, staffed by professional childcare workers, are located on the second floor of the children’s building. Christmas Craft Night November 23 • 4:30 pm Mark your calendars for Christmas Craft Night on Sunday, November 23 from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Signups begin today in the Reception Narthex. Stop by and check it out as some of the more popular crafts go quickly! YOUTH MINISTRY November 2 Join us for our Youth Ministry events today! 8:45, 9:00, 10:10 & 11:00 am: Worship 9:45am: Sunday school 11:00 am: Love Thy Neighbor (LTN) set up Noon-2:00 pm: LTN & Medical Clinic Mark Your Calendars! November 4: Summer Missions registration open November 14 & 15: Youth Hand Bell Festival in Roanoke December 10: Confirmation Parent orientation January 7: Confirmation begins January 8: Confirmation Shepherd Night orientation 8 The annual veterans breakfast sponsored by the Senior Adult Council will be held November 11, 8:30 am. The speaker will be Major General Charles Swannack. General Swannack is a graduate of Reynolds High School where he excelled in athletics and academics. Following graduation he attended and graduated from West Point. He served several different assignments throughout his military career in the army, retiring as a Major General. One of his most challenging duties was the invasion of Iraq. He was in the first invasion of Iraq, fighting along and beside the troops on the ground. General Swannack will share many of his experiences and give insight into the issues that are currently being faced. This will be a very timely program in view of the military activity and problems that the United States and other countries are confronting. General Swannack will also share his personal faith that has sustained him throughout his military career. You may register for the Veterans breakfast by contacting Charles Monroe (773-0446)/chasmonroe@yahoo.com. Please note that you do not have to be a veteran to attend the breakfast. All are welcome. ADULT ED. / SPIRITUAL FORMATION Food for Thought (Lunch and a Lesson) Fall Series: “Indispensable Relationships” Noon • Wednesdays from September – November • Memorial Auditorium $7 includes lunch, drink, dessert, music and message You’ve heard it said that life is a journey, which means that there is a destination we’re headed toward. But how are we going to get there? Or more importantly, WHO will be with us on this journey? Rev. Jonathan Brake will introduce us to the people we need in our life to reach our destination, to release the dynamic power of traveling together and to draw us beyond ourselves. Pulling from Leonard Sweet’s book, “11 Indispensable Relationships You Can’t Be Without,” we will learn from various relationships in the Bible. Food for Thought is open to the community and is a great place to come for employees working downtown! The Big Silence Retreat January 25-28, 2015 St. Francis Springs Prayer Center Only a few rooms remain, so register now! Rev. Jonathan Brake will be leading this “4-day mostly silent” retreat again for the third time! If you would like to experience the closeness of God in a beautiful setting, then contact Rev. Brake. This retreat is open to all adults, regardless of experience with silence, meditation, contemplation and other forms of prayer. Optional activities on sight include a nature trail, walking the labyrinth, praying the hours, and much more. Registration is now open and space is limited. Information and registration can be found in the information stations, in Glad Tidings Books and Gifts or in the box outside Rev. Brake’s office (Room 317). Centenary Creation Care Meeting November 13 • 6:30 pm • Room 222 All meetings of the Creation Care Team are on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We will be discussing preliminary plans for 2015 and wrapping up our action items from 2014. There is plenty of room for new people and ideas for how to put our faith into action through creation care. Contact: Rev. Jonathan Brake, jbrake@centenary-ws.org. MISSIONS First Gifts Every year, as we approach the holidays, Centenary members gather canned food to donate to our Loaves & Fishes community ministry. Through these donations, we are able to feed our hungry neighbors and provide a meal at a time of year when shared meals are an important hallmark of community and family. You and your family can be a part of making this possible! Starting on November 9, white bags will be available around the church for you to pick up and fill with food to donate. Each bag will have a list of needed items attached to it. Bring your full bags back on First Gifts Sunday, November 30, the first Sunday of Advent. We will dedicate these gifts in all services as we join together to share the many good gifts that God has given us. If you have any questions, contact Rev. Sarah Howell (showell@centenary-ws. org/397-1348). Poverty Simulation Will you start out the month with only a $10 bill — or will you be one of the unlucky ones? The Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) is a unique opportunity to experience the virtual realities of poverty. CAPS will be led by Crisis Control Ministry, as well as volunteers. During the simulation, participants role-play the lives of low-income families and have the stressful task of providing for basic necessities and shelter on a limited budget during the course of four 15-minute “weeks.” You will interact with human service agencies, grocers, pawn brokers, bill collectors, job interviewers, police officers and others. On Wednesday, November 5, Centenary will co-sponsor this program at Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church. CUMC members are encouraged to join their weekly fellowship dinner from 5:306:15, then the simulation will run from 6:30-8:30. Registration, which includes dinner, is $10/person. To sign up, contact Libby at (765-5561)/ libby.craven@ mttaborumc.org. Overflow Shelter Volunteer Training Starting on January 1, First Presbyterian Church will join other area churches in opening an overflow shelter for our homeless neighbors. Centenary has been assigned to the family group of churches supporting the shelter at First Pres, so we will be recruiting volunteers to provide meals, assist with check-in, and stay overnight with our guests. To help prepare us, we are offering some volunteer training opportunities on Tuesday, November 11 and Wednesday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall at First Presbyterian Church. Although these sessions are not required in order to volunteer starting in January, they will be very helpful in helping future volunteers get comfortable with the process and expectations of this overflow shelter. Training will cover a new check-in procedure for this year, lessons learned from last year, fire and safety procedures, and information on volunteer roles, scheduling, and how to sign up. Contact Rev. Sarah Howell (showell@centenary-ws. org/397-1348) if you plan to participate or if you have any questions. November Food of the Month The November food of the month is canned fruit and cereal. Please bring your food donations to the Missions bins, located in the Reception Narthex at 4½ Street. 9 MUSIC AND THE ARTS GLAD TIDINGS All Saints Vespers Today • 7:00 pm • Sanctuary The tree is up and the shop is lit! Today we will be enjoying samples from Wind and Willow. Remember the great dips that we offered around the holidays and during football season? Well they are back! Come enjoy with us and kick off the holiday shopping season in Glad Tidings. The Chancel Choir will present Duruflé’s Requiem at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary as part of the annual All Saints Vespers service. This offering of Duruflé’s Requiem will feature instrumentalists from the WS Symphony Orchestra, soprano soloist, Kristin Schwecke, and baritone soloist, Joshua Conyers. This service is free and open to the public, and a free-will offering will be collected for the Joshua Ray Hudson Choral Scholarship, established in 2006. This scholarship serves as an outreach to unusually talented music students. The purpose of this outreach is to give professional development opportunities to young musicians whose careers may involve sacred music performance. Please join us as we remember the saints who have passed recently and gone before us. New Exhibit • Go Out and Create Now through January 22 You are invited to enjoy the latest exhibit, located on the first floor. The works of art are created by members of the Centenary family. ROOTS REVIVAL Wednesday • November 5 • Memorial Auditorium Roots Revival is a midweek worship service grounded in Americana/roots-based music featuring Martha Bassett and friends. Each service is centered around one or two focus songs and an accompanying Scripture passage and theme. This week, guest preacher and Centenary member Robert Esleeck will be preaching about the kingdom of God from John 21:15-22. Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” and Kevin Welch’s “A Prayer Like Any Other” will frame the service as we observe All Saints’ Day (or week) and broaden our vision of what the kingdom looks like. We meet at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial Auditorium. Learn more at www. rootsrevivalws.com 10 No way can we tell you about the new board books, ponchos, hand towels, Christmas elves and goodies to eat that you will find in Glad Tidings. You will have to come see for yourself and reacquaint yourself with the good spirit and great conversations being offered in our little shop! Next week we will kick off our See’s Candies campaign and if you’ve never had See’s, you must come try it. If you have tried See’s, you will be making a beeline for some sweet goodness! Good things happen when you shop Glad Tidings! Judy Jones, Manager (918-0346)/jjones@centenaryws.org. CENTENARY LEADERSHIP CONNECTIONS Dr. W. Mark Ralls, Senior Minister mralls@centenary-ws.org | 397-1362 Reverend Jonathan L. Brake Reverend R. Craig Ford Associate Minister jbrake@centenary-ws.org | 397-1334 Associate Minister cford@centenary-ws.org | 397-1353 Reverend Kate May Associate Minister with Children kmay@centenary-ws.org | 397-1331 Reverend Sarah Howell Assistant Minister showell@centenary-ws.org | 397-1348 Tamara M. Pollock Director of Youth Ministries tpollock@centenary-ws.org | 397-1337 Mary Ann Wexler, Executive Director mwexler@centenary-ws.org | 397-1346 Susan Bates Organist and Music Associate sbates@centenary-ws.org | 397-1340 Stacy Holley Exec. Assistant to Senior Minister sholley@centenary-ws.org | 397-1359 John Markle Director of Operations jmarkle@centenary-ws.org | 397-1347 Kristy Eaton Financial Assistant keaton@centenary-ws.org | 397-1341 Judy Jones Congregational Care Coordinator jjones@centenary-ws.org | 397-1361 Doug Peninger Director of Communications dpeninger@centenary-ws.org | 397-1368 Dr. Robert E. Frazier Director of Music and the Arts rfrazier@centenary-ws.org | 397-1339 Thad Lewallen Director of Stewardship/Planned Giving tlewallen@centenary-ws.org |397-1352 John Rogers Director of Information Technology jrogers@centenary-ws.org | 397-1356 Jan Sawyer Director of DAYBreak Respite Care jsawyer@centenary-ws.org | 397-1345 Reception Desk • 724-6311 + Minister On Call (Prompt 2) Pastoral Care: Reverend Craig Ford • 397-1353 RECORD OF OUR FAITHFULNESS October 21 - October 27 Worship Attendance Tithes and Offerings 8:45 Traditional 9:00 Simplify 10:10 Rejoice! 11:00 Traditional Nursery & Children's Worship Roots Revival Food for Thought 89 65 107 355 48 43 57 Total 764 Offering Miscellaneous $41,596 4,422 Total $46,018 Sunday School 223 11 Ash Wednesday PO Box 658 646 West Fifth Street Winston-Salem, NC 27102 centenary-ws.org 336-724-6311 C entenar y u n i t e d m e t h o d i s t w i n s t o n - s a l e m A Stephen Ministry Congregation Printed on recycled paper
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