...A STRONG AND LOVING COMMUNITY THAT WELCOMES, ENCOURAGES, AND EMPOWERS ALL TO THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY RECOVERY SUNDAY 8 FERUARY 2015 GROW IN CHRIST AND TO DO GOD’S WORK IN THE WORLD Inside LITURGIES p1 p2 p9 p10 p12 p13 7:45am Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:00 & 11:15am Sung Eucharist Rite II 9:15am “Comfy Space” Service 11:15am service continues 4:00pm “Come and See” Service 5:30pm Holy Eucharist Rite II REFERENCE p14 Prayers, Readings CALENDARS p17 p19 p23 Today at St. Philip’s This week at St. Philip’s Next Sunday at St. Philip’s p25 p28 p29 back cover Parish Announcements and Notices Lay Ministers and Birthdays Lenten Events at St. Philip’s Contact Information, Service Schedule ANNOUNCEMENTS Come and See, Grow with God, Go and Do! Be sure to check in at St. Philip’s to let your friends know how much you love to worship here, and use #StPhilipsTucson in your tweets. Welcome GUESTS! We are glad you have chosen to worship with us today. We invite you to complete a “connection card” (found in the pew rack) so that we may know you and help you feel connected in our parish. Please stop by the Newcomer Information Station during Coffee Hour to speak to a Newcomer Host about the many exciting ministries of our St. Philip’s Parish family. Help yourself to a cup of coffee and meet one of our ministry groups serving as greeters. THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY RECOVERY SUNDAY 8 FERUARY 2015 This facility is fully accessible. Special areas are designated for your convenience. Please speak to an usher if you need assistance. Large print copies of the Book of Common Prayer are available from the ushers for your use during the service. For families with children, there is a soft space in the West Transept, with an open carpeted area and baskets of soft toys and books (the West Transept is near the front, to the left if you are facing the altar). Children are welcome to move freely to and from that area. Nursery care is available at no charge from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. in the Children’s Center. Church School and Youth Groups meet at 10:15 a.m. (Church School in the Children’s Center; Youth Groups in La Parroquia, the building near the flagpole). If you have a food sensitivity that requires a low-gluten communion wafer, simply mention that to the clergy person administering communion. They will signal for the receptacle containing the low-gluten hosts to be brought to you, and you may help yourself to a host (to avoid cross-contamination). You may either intinct or drink from the common chalice. The main area of the Church, forward of the choir stalls, is looped to assist those who have difficulty hearing. If you have a T-coil in your hearing aid, you may sit anywhere in this section and hear via the amplification system. For those who have difficulty approaching the communion stations, you have the option of receiving communion in your seat. If you would like one of our clergy to bring the Sacrament to you in your seat, please notify an usher, or ask a parishioner seated near you to notify an usher for you. Hearing assist devices are also available from the ushers. These are operational anywhere in the Church. The ushers will ask for your car keys as a reminder to return the device. Wi-fi Password: StPhilipsTucson HOLY EUCHARIST RITE I In the Episcopal Church, meditative quiet is our custom before the service to allow an opportunity for personal prayer. 7:45 A.M. MUSIC THE PROCESSION (in silence — please stand as the Procession enters) A. FORAKER THE REV. JOHN PREACHER CHRISTOPHER THE REV. BEVERLEY DEACON — THE WORD OF GOD — EDMINSTER MS. PATRICIA HARP OPENING ACCLAMATION Prayer Book p323 THE COLLECT FOR PURITY Prayer Book p323 THE SUMMARY OF THE LAW Prayer Book p324 THE GLORIA Prayer Book p324 THE COLLECT OF THE DAY Bulletin p14 / Prayer Book p164 A READING FROM THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES Isaiah 40: 21–31 Bulletin p14 Prayer Book p804 1 Corinthians 9: 16–23 Bulletin p15 THE GOSPEL (please stand) Mark 1: 29–39 Bulletin p15 THE SERMON The Rev. John Christopher THE NICENE CREED Prayer Book p326–327 THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Prayer Book p328–330 PRAYER FOR RECOVERY SUNDAY Bulletin p16 THE CONFESSION Prayer Book p331 THE ABSOLUTION AND COMFORTABLE WORDS Prayer Book p332 THE PEACE (please stand) Prayer Book p332 RECOGNITION OF WINTER MEMBERS (please be seated) Bulletin p16 PARISH NOTICES AND GRATITUDE SENTENCE Bulletin p15 THE REV. GREG CELEBRANT HARRIS (please be seated) PSALM 147: 1–12 A READING FROM THE EPISTLES Today we celebrate our “snowbirds” — those whose winter parish home is St. Philip’s. You are invited to a Winter Members Gathering this afternoon at 3 p.m. (see page 18 for details). All are invited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. You may extend your hands to receive the bread and then drink from the chalice. Alternatively, you may receive the consecrated bread and then dip it into the chalice to partake of both elements. — THE HOLY COMMUNION — OFFERTORY SENTENCE THE OFFERTORY THE GREAT THANKSGIVING (Eucharistic Prayer II) Prayer Book p340–343 THE LORD’S PRAYER Prayer Book p336 THE FRACTION, FRACTION ANTHEM, AND INVITATION TO COMMUNION Prayer Book p337–338 THE COMMUNION POST-COMMUNION PRAYER Prayer Book p339 THE PRAYER FOR LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Bulletin p16 THE EPIPHANY BLESSING THE PROCESSION OUT (in silence) DISMISSAL — People’s Response: Thanks be to God. MUSIC Those who do not wish to receive Communion are welcome to come forward and are asked to cross their arms to receive a blessing. -1- 9:00 11:15 9:00 A.M. THE REV. ANNE M. SAWYER THE REV. JOHN CHRISTOPHER A.M. PREACHER THE REV. SUNG EUCHARIST RITE II A.M. CELEBRANT BARBARA ADAM In the Episcopal Church, meditative quiet is our custom before the service to allow an opportunity for personal prayer. DEACON THE REV. GREG A. FORAKER VOLUNTARY Chorale-Prelude “Blessed Jesus, we are here” ASSISTING THE REV. LEAH SANDWELL-WEISS THE TOWER BELLS ASSISTING — THE WORD OF GOD — 11:15 A.M. HYMN IN PROCESSION (please stand and sing) THE REV. CANON JOHN E. KITAGAWA CHRISTOPHER PREACHER THE REV. RUTH I. HOOPER DEACON THE REV. SALLY STEVENS-TAYLOR OPENING ACCLAMATION Prayer Book p355 COLLECT FOR PURITY Prayer Book p355 Please turn to the front pages of your Hymnal and join in singing ASSISTING THE REV. VICKI Hymnal 423 St. Denio “Immortal, invisible, God only wise” CELEBRANT THE REV. JOHN J. S. Bach BWV 731 SONG OF PRAISE: GLORY TO GOD Hymnal S-278 K. HESSE ASSISTING COLLECT OF THE DAY Bulletin p14 / Prayer Book p216 Please be seated A READING FROM THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES MR. WOOSUG KANG DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Isaiah 40: 21–31 Bulletin p14 Response after: Thanks be to God. DR. JEFFREY CAMPBELL ASSOCIATE MUSIC DIRECTOR AND ORGANIST GRADUAL PSALM 147: 1–12 based on Gelobt sei Gott Please join in singing the Antiphon here and after verses 6 and 12 The text may be followed at Prayer Book p804 & œ Sing From A Hymn Tune Psalter © 1998 by Carl P. Daw, Jr., and Kevin R. Hackett. Church Publishing Incorporated. All rights reserved. Used by permission. œ œ to ˙ œ œ the ˙ ˙ œ Lord with thanks - giv - ing. Please remain seated A READING FROM THE EPISTLES Response after: Thanks be to God. -2- 1 Corinthians 9: 16–23 Bulletin p15 9:00 & 11:15 a.m. SEQUENCE HYMN (please stand and sing) Hymnal 529 McKee “In Christ there is no East or West” THE GOSPEL (please remain standing) Mark 1: 29–39 Bulletin p15 Response before: Glory to you, Lord Christ. Response after: Praise to you, Lord Christ. THE SERMON Sung Eucharist Rite II The Rev. John Christopher A period of silence for meditation follows the sermon THE NICENE CREED (said together, standing) Prayer Book p358–359 THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (please remain standing) Leader: As the prophet Isaiah rang out, “Arise, shine; for your light has come,” empower your Church, O God, to ring out the Good News of the Light of your son Jesus, which pierces even the deepest darkness. We pray for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop, Kirk, Bishop of Arizona, and all bishops and other ministers; and for all who minister in this congregation. Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Leader: As a star rose high into the nighttime sky to draw the nations to the Christ-child, send your blessing, O God, on this nation, and every nation, and draw the whole world to your peace and truth. Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Leader: As John the Baptist guided throngs of people to the edge of the wilderness and baptized Jesus in the River Jordan, we pray that you would guide our country and our leaders to the ways of justice and righteousness. We pray for Barack, our President, and Doug, our Governor. Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Leader: Like the Magi who traveled from afar to bring gifts and celebrate the Savior’s birth, we pray for this community that we may open our hearts to welcome, respect, and care for immigrants and refugees. Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Leader: As Jesus climbed the mountaintop, and proclaimed blessings on the people of the world, we pray for those who are sick, poor, or in distress, especially those we now name, either silently or aloud (pause). Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Adapted from Prayers for All Epiphany by Rick Morley, Rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Basking Ridge, NJ. www.rickmorley.com. As the petitions are read, please name aloud the persons, concerns, and blessings that are in your heart -3- 9:00 & 11:15 a.m. Leader: As Jesus called his disciples to leave their nets and boats, and follow him, we pray for those we love and who have answered your call to follow Jesus to your Heavenly Kingdom, especially those we now name, either silently or aloud (pause). Give them your peace. Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Leader: As Jesus brought hope and healing to people grieving and in despair through his ministry in the Galilee, we pray for those who have died or been injured as a result of gun violence. We remember Jeremy, who is among the 10 persons who have died in Pima County since the beginning of the year. We pray for all those individuals and families in our community who are at risk for violence. Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Leader: We pray for our companion Dioceses: the Diocese of Dar es Salaam and the Diocese of Western Mexico. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we … In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we … Lord, in your mercy, People: Hear our prayer. Sung Eucharist Rite II We pray the serenity prayer because today we observe Recovery Sunday. The Episcopal Church recommends that one day a year be set aside to raise awareness of substance abuse issues. THE PRAYER FOR RECOVERY SUNDAY Celebrant: Now let us say together the serenity prayer: All: God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. Celebrant: Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as we would have it. Trusting that You will make all things right, if we surrender to your will. So we will be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next. Amen. -4- CONFESSION OF SIN Prayer Book p360 ABSOLUTION Prayer Book p360 9:00 & 11:15 a.m. Please be seated Sung Eucharist Rite II COMMISSIONING OF NEW VESTRY MEMBERS AND OFFICERS Celebrant: Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, we are all baptized by the one Spirit into one Body, and given gifts for a variety of ministries for the common good. Our purpose is to commission these persons in the Name of God and of this congregation to the ministry of leadership as officers and members of the Vestry. They have been duly elected and are prepared by a commitment to Christ as Lord, by regular attendance at worship, and by the knowledge of their duties, to exercise their ministry to the honor of God, the well-being of God’s Church, and the furtherance of God’s mission in the world. Response: Celebrant: Response: People: Celebrant: People: Celebrant: You have been called to be officers and members of St. Philip’s Vestry. Will you, as long as you are engaged in this work, perform it with diligence? I will. Will you faithfully and reverently execute the duties of your ministry to the honor of God, for the well-being of this parish, and for furtherance of God’s mission in the world? I will. The Lord gives wisdom; from God’s mouth come knowledge and understanding; God stores up sound wisdom for the upright; God is a shield to those who walk in integrity. I am your servant; grant me understanding: That I may know your decrees. Let us pray. O Eternal God, the foundation of all wisdom and the source of all courage: Enlighten with your grace these officers and members of the Vestry; and so rule their minds, and guide their counsels, that in all things they may seek your glory and promote the mission of your Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE PEACE (please stand) Senior Warden Alison Lee Junior Warden Herb Burton Treasurer Raymond Dewey New Vestry Members Christopher Fullerton Gary Huckleberry Mike Humphrey Bruce Larsen Mary Margaret Sprinkle Prayer Book p360 RECOGNITION OF WINTER MEMBERS (please be seated) PARISH NOTICES AND GRATITUDE SENTENCE Bulletin p16 Representative of the Pastoral Care Commission Today we celebrate our “snowbirds” — those whose winter parish home is St. Philip’s. You are invited to a Winter Members Gathering this afternoon at 3 p.m. (see page 18 for details). -5- 9:00 a.m. Sung Eucharist Rite II For worshippers at 9:00 a.m., the service continues here For worshippers at 11:15 a.m., the service continues on page 10 — THE HOLY COMMUNION — THE OFFERTORY The Offertory is an opportunity to share in doing God’s work in the world by giving back to God a portion of what we have been given OFFERTORY SENTENCE ANTHEM Laudate Dominum W. A. Mozart The St. Philip’s Singers • Mary Paul, soprano solo Praise the Lord, all nations; Praise Him, all people. For He has bestowed His mercy upon us, and the truth of the Lord endures forever. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever, and for generations of generations. Amen. (Text: Psalm 117; music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian, 1756–1791; from the Vesperae solennes de confessore, K. 339.) EUCHARISTIC PRAYER (please stand) THE GREAT THANKSGIVING Celebrant: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Celebrant: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord. Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give God thanks and praise. The Eucharistic Prayer for Epiphany was written by the Rev. Karen Siegfriedt, St. Jude’s, Cupertino, California, 2004 Celebrant: Everlasting God, the radiance of faithful souls: We celebrate your gift of creation. We rejoice that you have formed us in your image and called us to dwell in your infinite love. You brought the nations into your light and kings to the brightness of your rising. You sent your Son, the bright morning star, to illuminate our darkness and to lead us into harmony and peace. Through the Holy Spirit, you have brought good news into our hearts. Day by day you call us to feed the hungry, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, and to wait and watch for your kingdom. For this, we give you thanks. -6- 9:00 a.m. Celebrant: Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with Angels and Archangels and with all the company of heaven, who for ever sing this hymn to proclaim the glory of your Name: Sung Eucharist Rite II Please turn to the front pages of your Hymnal and join in singing SANCTUS (HOLY, HOLY, HOLY ) Hymnal S-128 EUCHARISTIC PRAYER CONTINUES Celebrant: On the night he was handed over to suffering and death, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said: “Take, eat. This is my Body, which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.” % After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them and said, “Drink this, all of you. This is my Blood of the new Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me.” % Therefore, we proclaim the mystery of faith: People: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Celebrant: Pour out your love and your blessing on all we offer here. Breathe your Spirit into these gifts of bread and wine, to make of them the Body and Blood of Christ. Let your Spirit who broods over the whole creation dwell within us. Gather us to be your holy people, the Body of Christ, given for the world you have made. Draw us, O God, to your heart at the heart of the world. Through Christ and with Christ and in Christ, to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen. Celebrant: As our Savior Christ has taught us, we now pray: THE LORD’S PRAYER (CONTEMPORARY ) Prayer Book p364 THE FRACTION (BREAKING OF THE BREAD) -7- 9:00 a.m. Please turn to the front pages of your Hymnal and join in singing Sung Eucharist Rite II FRACTION ANTHEM All are invited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. You may extend your hands to receive the bread and then drink from the chalice. Alternatively, you may receive the consecrated bread and then dip it into the chalice to partake of both elements. Hymnal S-165 THE INVITATION TO COMMUNION Please be seated MUSIC DURING COMMUNION ANTHEM O Saviour of the World John Goss The St. Philip’s Singers O Savior of the world, who by thy cross and precious blood hast redeemed us: Save us and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord. (Text: Collect from The Order for the Visitation of the Sick; music: John Goss, English, 1800–1880.) Those who do not wish to receive Communion are welcome to come forward and are asked to cross their arms to receive a blessing. POST-COMMUNION PRAYER (please stand and say together) Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image and nourishing us with spiritual food in the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood. Now send us forth a people, forgiven, healed, renewed; that we may proclaim your love to the world and continue in the risen life of Christ our Savior. Amen. The Post-Communion Prayer is from Enriching our Worship, supplemental liturgical materials prepared by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, 1997 THE COMMENDATION OF LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Bulletin p16 THE EPIPHANY BLESSING (please remain standing) During the procession, those wishing to receive the sacrament of healing may proceed to the Chapel of the Nativity for the laying on of hands Please remain standing and sing HYMN IN PROCESSION “O bless the Lord, my soul!” Hymnal 411 St. Thomas (Williams) DISMISSAL Deacon: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. VOLUNTARY Canzon Quarti Toni G. Frescobaldi Like the Opening Voluntary, the Closing Voluntary is intended to deepen worship. It is not a performance but is for the praise and glory of God. Please be respectful of those who remain in prayer, and greet each other outside. -8- “COMFY SPACE” SERVICE IN THE CHILDREN’S CHAPEL 9:15 SONG IN PROCESSION A.M. THE REV. CANON JOHN E. KITAGAWA CELEBRANT MS. SANDRALYN PREACHER THE REV. DEACON L. PIERCE ANNE STRONG CALL TO WORSHIP AMY HAER KURT ANDERSON COLLECT OF THE DAY CHALICISTS GOSPEL JOE YUKISH SERMON ROBIN H. CHILDREN’S CREED PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (from cards) CONFESSION ABSOLUTION THE PEACE SHEPHERD READER THE CHERUB CHOIR NATALIE HALL DIRECTOR THOMAS A. PIANIST MARJ JORDEN TORI HOLTER ALTAR GUILD OFFERTORY SENTENCE OFFERTORY ANTHEM SETTING THE ALTAR (children are invited to gather at the altar) EUCHARISTIC PRAYER THE LORD’S PRAYER THE FRACTION ( THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD) FRACTION ANTHEM INVITATION TO COMMUNION THE COMMUNION POST-COMMUNION PRAYER THE BLESSING DISMISSAL CLOSING SONG “Comfy-Space” services seek to provide worship experiences for members of the Christian community who tend to wiggle in church, as well as those who worship with them. Sermon activities, music, lessons, and songs are designed to hold the interest of young persons while enabling parents and grandparents to enjoy the presence of God in a relaxed worship setting. “Comfy Space” services are held the second Sunday of each month at 9:15 a.m. in the Children’s Chapel or Children’s Center Courtyard. -9- 11:15 a.m. Sung Eucharist Rite II The 11:15 a.m. service continues here — THE HOLY COMMUNION — The Offertory is an opportunity to share in doing God’s work in the world by giving back to God a portion of what we have been given THE OFFERTORY OFFERTORY SENTENCE ANTHEM O Savior of the World G. P. da Palestrina The Canterbury Choir and Canterbury Apprentices O Savior of the world, who by thy cross and precious blood hast redeemed us: Save us and help us, we humbly beseech Thee, O Lord. (Text: Collect from The Order for the Visitation of the Sick; music: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Italian, 1525–1594.) EUCHARISTIC PRAYER A (please remain standing) THE GREAT THANKSGIVING Prayer Book p361 Celebrant: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Celebrant: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord. Celebrant: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give God thanks and praise. Please turn to the front pages of your Hymnal and join in singing SANCTUS (HOLY, HOLY, HOLY ) Hymnal S-128 Please stand or kneel as is your custom EUCHARISTIC PRAYER A CONTINUES Prayer Book p362 Celebrant: … Therefore, we proclaim the mystery of faith: People: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Celebrant: … By him, and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit all honor and glory is yours, Almighty Father, now and for ever. AMEN. THE LORD’S PRAYER ( TRADITIONAL) THE FRACTION (BREAKING OF THE BREAD) - 10 - Prayer Book p364 11:15 a.m. Please turn to the front pages of your Hymnal and join in singing FRACTION ANTHEM Sung Eucharist Rite II Hymnal S-165 THE INVITATION TO COMMUNION All are invited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. You may extend your hands to receive the bread and then drink from the chalice. Alternatively, you may receive the consecrated bread and then dip it into the chalice to partake of both elements. Please be seated MUSIC DURING COMMUNION ANTHEM Beati Quorum Via C. V. Stanford The Canterbury Choir and Canterbury Apprentices Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. (Text: Psalm 119: 1; music: Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, Irish, 1852–1924.) POST-COMMUNION PRAYER (said together standing) Prayer Book p365 Eternal God, heavenly Father, you have graciously accepted us as living members of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ, and you have fed us with spiritual food in the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart; through Christ our Lord. Amen. Bulletin p16 11:15 a.m. service continues THE COMMENDATION OF LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Those who do not wish to receive Communion are welcome to come forward and are asked to cross their arms to receive a blessing. THE EPIPHANY BLESSING (please remain standing) During the procession, those wishing to receive the sacrament of healing may proceed to the Chapel of the Nativity for the laying on of hands Please remain standing and sing HYMN IN PROCESSION “O bless the Lord, my soul!” Hymnal 411 St. Thomas (Williams) DISMISSAL Deacon: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. VOLUNTARY Canzon Quarti Toni G. Frescobaldi Like the Opening Voluntary, the Closing Voluntary is intended to deepen worship. It is not a performance but is for the praise and glory of God. Please be respectful of those who remain in prayer, and greet each other outside. - 11 - THE REV. VICKI K. HESSE CELEBRANT THE REV. DR. THOMAS J. LINDELL DEACON Page numbers refer to the “Come and See” liturgy leaflet, which is handed out and collected at each service. A copy of the liturgy is posted on the “Services of Worship” page of St. Philip’s web site: www.stphilipstucson.org 4:00 “COME AND SEE”: A LITURGY OF INVITATION P.M. IN THE MUSIC CENTER — THE GATHERING OF THE COMMUNITY — WORDS OF WELCOME AND INVITATION Leaflet p3 (a bell is rung three times, followed by silence) OPENING ACCLAMATION AND SALUTATION — THE LITURGY OF THE WORD — PRAYER OF THE DAY PSALM LESSONS FROM SPIRITUAL AND SACRED TEXTS GOSPEL (please stand) Insert Insert Insert Insert REFLECTION DISCUSSION (community participation) AN AFFIRMATION OF FAITH PRAYERS WITH THE COMMUNITY AND THE WORLD WITH CONTRITE HEARTS REASSURANCE Leaflet p3 Leaflet p4 — THE LITURGY OF THE OPEN TABLE — (the community gathers in a circle around the table) All are welcome at this non-traditional, participatory liturgy with inclusive language. Why not “Come and See”! For more information, e-mail comeandsee@ stphilipstucson.org EUCHARISTIC PRAYER INVITATION AND STORY CONSECRATION BREAKING OF THE BREAD COMMUNION (bread and wine are passed around the circle) POST-COMMUNION PRAYER BLESSING DISMISSAL PEACE (the community gathers in the foyer for refreshments and conversation) - 12 - Leaflet p5 Leaflet p6 HOLY EUCHARIST RITE II In the Episcopal Church, meditative quiet is our custom before the service to allow an opportunity for personal prayer. 5:30 THE REV. VICKI CELEBRANT P.M. THE PROCESSION (please stand as the Procession enters) THE REV. DR. PREACHER THE REV. DEACON K. HESSE FRANK WILLIAMS RALPH D. TAYLOR — THE WORD OF GOD — OPENING ACCLAMATION Prayer Book p355 COLLECT FOR PURITY Prayer Book p355 GLORIA Prayer Book p356 THE COLLECT OF THE DAY Bulletin p14 / Prayer Book p216 A READING FROM THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES Isaiah 40: 21–31 Bulletin p14 PSALM 147: 1–12 Prayer Book p804 A READING FROM THE EPISTLES 1 Corinthians 9: 16–23 Bulletin p15 THE GOSPEL (please stand) Mark 1: 29–39 Bulletin p15 THE SERMON The Rev. Dr. Frank Williams THE NICENE CREED (said together, standing) Prayer Book p358 THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Bulletin p3–4 PRAYER FOR RECOVERY SUNDAY Bulletin p4 CONFESSION OF SIN Prayer Book p360 ABSOLUTION Prayer Book p360 THE PEACE (please stand) Prayer Book p360 RECOGNITION OF WINTER MEMBERS (please be seated) Bulletin p16 PARISH NOTICES AND GRATITUDE SENTENCE Bulletin p15 (please be seated) Today we celebrate our “snowbirds” — those whose winter parish home is St. Philip’s. — THE HOLY COMMUNION — All are invited to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. You may extend your hands to receive the bread and then drink from the chalice. Alternatively, you may receive the consecrated bread and then dip it into the chalice to partake of both elements. OFFERTORY SENTENCE THE OFFERTORY EUCHARISTIC PRAYER A (please stand) Prayer Book p361 SANCTUS Prayer Book p362 EUCHARISTIC PRAYER A CONTINUES Prayer Book p362 THE LORD’S PRAYER Prayer Book p364 THE FRACTION, THE FRACTION ANTHEM, AND THE INVITATION TO COMMUNION Prayer Book p364–365 COMMUNION POST-COMMUNION PRAYER (said together) Prayer Book p365 THE PRAYER FOR LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Bulletin p16 THE EPIPHANY BLESSING (please remain standing) DISMISSAL — People’s Response: Thanks be to God. PROCESSION OUT (in silence) Those who do not wish to receive Communion are welcome to come forward and are asked to cross their arms to receive a blessing. - 13 - Collect of the Day RITE I Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins and give us, we beseech thee, the liberty of that abundant life which thou hast manifested to us in thy Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. RITE II Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Readings FROM THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES ISAIAH 40: 21–31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in; who brings princes to naught, and makes the rulers of the earth as nothing. Scarcely are they planted, scarcely sown, scarcely has their stem taken root in the earth, when he blows upon them, and they wither, and the tempest carries them off like stubble. To whom then will you compare me, or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created these? He who brings out their host and numbers them, calling them all by name; because he is great in strength, mighty in power, not one is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD, and my right is disregarded by my God”? Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless. Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. - 14 - Readings If I proclaim the gospel, this gives me no ground for boasting, for an obligation is laid on me, and woe to me if I do not proclaim the gospel! For if I do this of my own will, I have a reward; but if not of my own will, I am entrusted with a commission. What then is my reward? Just this: that in my proclamation I may make the gospel free of charge, so as not to make full use of my rights in the gospel. For though I am free with respect to all, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I might win more of them. To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though I myself am not under the law) so that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law) so that I might win those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, so that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings. FROM THE EPISTLES Jesus left the synagogue at Capernaum, and entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told him about her at once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them. That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. And Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they said to him, “Everyone is searching for you.” He answered, “Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” And he went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons. THE GOSPEL 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 16–23 MARK 1: 29–39 GRATITUDE SENTENCE We thank you, as members of this congregation, for your financial support of our Pastoral Care ministries, and for the many ways that all ministry groups intentionally pray for and support each other with loving pastoral care. - 15 - Prayers THE PRAYER FOR RECOVERY SUNDAY Celebrant: Now let us say together the serenity prayer: All: God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. Celebrant: Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as we would have it. Trusting that You will make all things right, if we surrender to your will. So we will be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next. Amen. We pray the serenity prayer because today we observe Recovery Sunday. The Episcopal Church recommends that one day a year be set aside to raise awareness of substance abuse issues. Today we celebrate our “snowbirds” — those whose winter parish home is St. Philip’s. RECOGNITION OF WINTER MEMBERS Gracious Lord, in the Scriptures you tell us that the Church is one Body comprising many parts. We take this opportunity to give you thanks for our Winter Members, an important part of our faith community. We thank you, Lord, for their presence with us, their activity among us, and the contribution they make here during these winter months. Bless them and bless the time that they spend here in Tucson. May they realize the love and care that we at St. Philip’s have for them, and may they grow in their love and commitment to you. At the appointed time, bring them to their summer homes in safety. All this we pray for the honor and glory of your name, through Christ our Lord. Amen. THE COMMENDATION OF LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Celebrant: We send our Lay Eucharistic Ministers out to share this Holy Communion with those who are unable to be with us today. May those who receive it from you/them be strengthened and encouraged; for age, distance, and illness cannot separate us from the love of God. People: May you/they carry the prayers of all of us as you/they take this sacrament of Christ’s presence to our brothers and sisters. - 16 - 8 FEBRUARY 2015 THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY † † † Today AT ST. PHILIP’S RECOVERY SUNDAY 7:45am Holy Eucharist Rite I—Church The Rev. John Christopher, preacher 8:00am Parish Breakfast—East Gallery (until 9:00am; donation $5 adults/$3 children) If you are interested in helping with this ministry (on a rotation basis such as once/month) please contact Michael Eppard at (575) 313-0583 or michaeleppard@msn.com. 8:00am Little Shop open (until 12:30 p.m.) 8:00am Coffee Hour—Perry Garden (hospitality hosts: Pastoral Care Commission) 8:15am Choir Rehearsal—Music Center 8:30am Childcare—Nursery. Birth through grade 5 (continues to 12:30pm; no charge) 9:00am Sung Eucharist Rite II—Church The Rev. John Christopher, preacher 9:00am Adult Formation: The Hebrew Scriptures—La Paz Twenty-four 30-minute televised lectures by Professor Amy-Jill Levine (Vanderbilt University Divinity School) on the Hebrew scriptures, set against the background of ancient Israelite culture and history and followed by class discussion for the rest of the hour. There will also be occasional presentations on special topics by the facilitator and perhaps others. Bernd Fenik, facilitating. Theological Formation. 9:15am “Comfy Space” Service—Children’s Chapel Worship for families and friends of God who are prone to “wiggle” a bit in church. Worshippers of all ages are invited. Held on the second Sunday of each month. 10:15am Church School—Children’s Center 10:15am Rite 13 (grades 7 and 8)—Mesquite 10:15am J2A (grades 9 and 10)—Salvia 10:15am SPY (grades 11 and 12)—La Mariposa Teen Center 10:15am Newcomer Orientation—Ferguson Informal and informative orientation sessions for those new to St Philip’s, or those who would like to learn more about St. Philip’s, runs through February. Today: “Caring and Sharing”: Featuring the many and varied lay-led ministries that serve the congregation, the community and the world. For example, Jeannine Rainbolt will talk about the Parish Life Ministry. Coffee and treats are available. 10:15am Adult Formation: Prison Issues in America and Arizona—East Gallery Why does the U.S. have the world’s highest incarceration rate? Why is the State of Arizona 6th in prison population but only 15th in total population? Who are the winners in the prison industry? Why do we in the church need to know about all this? What can ordinary citizens do to help? Our presenter is Rebecca Fealk with “Read Between the Bars,” a volunteer-based Tucson organization that gets free books directly into the hands of incarcerated women and men in Arizona and advocates for prison reform. Mission Formation. - 17 - Today † 10:15am Adult Formation: Committee for the Prevention of Gun Violence—West Gallery Victoria Steele, State Representative, Legislative District 9, Tucson, will discuss bipartisan efforts to address gun violence prevention. Topics may include adopted or proposed legislation dealing with mental health, domestic violence prevention, suicide prevention and accidental shooting prevention. She will also explain to those present how they can help get effective bills passed. The forum includes 15 to 20 minutes for questions. Mission Formation. 10:15am Adult Formation: Addiction and Recovery: State of the Union Address—La Paz Participants will receive information about substance use trends in the United States as well as treatment options. More importantly, participants will learn the three categories of substance use problems and how to best intervene when a loved one is struggling with addiction. Charles Gillispie presenting. Mission Formation. 11:15am Sung Eucharist Rite II—Church The Rev. John Christopher, preacher 11:15am Church School Teachers Appreciation Brunch—Children’s Chapel Children and family ministries invites Sunday School children and families to participate in appreciating our amazing Sunday School volunteers. 12:30pm Art Gallery Opening Reception—West Gallery The February show in the Murphey Gallery is “Art Inspirations: Sights, Sounds, and Smells of the Southwest,” a collection of photographs and the art they inspire, featuring photographer Donald Knight and artists Scarlett Taylor, Pam Cheeseman, Deanna Thibault, and Barbara Amyx. Come meet the artists! 12:30pm St. Philip’s Ringers—Room 10 12:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry Luncheon—East Gallery Celebrate our ministry and the good work that you do! Prayer shawl knitters, past and present—whether you’ve made dozens of prayer shawls or are still working on your first—are invited to be our guest and enjoy lunch and fellowship, catch up with other prayer shawl knitters, swap patterns and share techniques. For information about Prayer Shawl Knitters: Helene Woodhams, helenewoodhams@comcast.net or 529-0765. If you’ve never knitted, we would love to show you how! 12:30pm Quest—La Paz 12:30pm Schola Cantorum Rehearsal—Music Center 3:00pm Winter Member Party—off campus Every year our winter resident members (may we call you Snowbirds?) gather at Saucy Cutlip’s for an afternoon of chit chat and getting to know other birds of a feather. All Snowbirds, both current and ex, are cordially invited. So are year-round parishioners; we all love it when you join us. Call 572-6611 or just show up at 8021 N. Wildomar Dr. 85743. † 4:00pm “Come and See” Service—Music Center Non-traditional, participatory liturgy with inclusive language. For more information, see the “Services of Worship” page on St. Philip’s web site: www.stphilipstucson.org; or e-mail comeandsee@stphilipstucson.org. † 5:30pm Holy Eucharist Rite II—Church The Rev. Dr. Frank Williams, preacher - 18 - 9–14 FEBRUARY 2015 This Week AT ST. PHILIP’S MONDAY, 9 8:30am Renouf/Nelson Library open 8:30am Philip’s Phixers—Common Room 9:00am Senior Exercise—Music Center Mondays and Thursdays. $2/session; $10/month. For more information call Pat Dunford at 327-3891. 10:00am Little Shop open (until noon) 10:15am Daughters of the King—Salvia A lay religious order of women who take vows of prayer and service. For more information call Ellen Duax at 623-1357. 12:00pm Men’s Al-Anon—Salvia 1:00pm Create and Rejuvenate with Clay—Pottery Studio (room 5) The rejuvenating process of pottery in a supportive environment. Offered at various times throughout the week. For information call Pam Ballingham at 790-7061. 2:45pm After-School Music Program—Music and Children’s Centers 5:30pm Create and Rejuvenate with Clay—Pottery Studio (room 5) 6:00pm Mission Ringers—Room 10 This adult bell choir helps lead worship on selected Sundays and special occasions. For information contact Allyn at handbells@stphilipstucson.org. 6:00pm SLAA: Thank God It’s Monday—Mesquite 7:00pm Debtors Anonymous—Palo Verde 7:30pm Literati—Renouf/Nelson Library This month’s selection is Waiting for Sunrise, a novel by William Boyd. All interested readers are welcome. TUESDAY, 10 8:30am † Renouf/Nelson Library open 10:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II and Healing—Church The Rev. Cliff Blinman, preacher. A service incorporating the laying on of hands and anointing with holy oil. 10:00am Silver Jewelry—Room 6 Explore creativity, communication, and personal expression making silver jewelry. Offered at various times during the week. See www.dorisking.com or call Doris at 275-1179. 10:00am Little Shop open (until noon) - 19 - This Week 10:45am † Bible Study—La Paz We gather for silent prayers and sharing before the study begins promptly at 11 a.m. (until noon). During the weeks of Epiphany we will spend time with some of the influential women of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament — Sarah, Deborah, Esther, Anna the Prophet, Mary Magdalene, Samaritan Woman and Lydia: the seller of purple. Everyone is welcome to join our study at any time. Richard Kuns is facilitator. 1:30pm Lectionary Group—Desert Sage 2:45pm After-School Music Program—Music and Children’s Centers 2:00pm Art Gallery Open—West Gallery (until 4 p.m.) The February show in the Murphey Gallery is “Art Inspirations: Sights, Sounds, and Smells of the Southwest,” a collection of photographs and the art they inspire. 3:00pm Finance Committee—La Paz 5:30pm Community of Hope—Room 10 6:00pm Compline Service—Baptistry A consecrated moment to praise and give thanks to God, to listen to God’s words, and to rededicate our life to God for the evening. Everyone is invited to join us to pray and reclaim this wonderful Anglican liturgical tradition. 6:00pm LLM Gathering and Training—East Gallery Please join the clergy of St. Philip’s in the Hills for a gathering of the Lay Liturgical Ministry — Readers, Chalicists, Sub-deacons, and Vergers. A light supper will be served, including soup, salads, and dessert. It is hoped that as many of you as possible will be able to attend this lively and lovely occasion. Meet your fellow LLMs, enjoy a relaxing evening, and join in discussion to support our ministry as we prepare for the upcoming Lenten and Holy Week services. If you plan to attend, please contact Angela Wakeham at awakeham@email.arizona.edu. 6:30pm Education for Ministry—La Paz WEDNESDAY, 11 8:30am Renouf/Nelson Library open 9:30am Bubble Gum Ministry—Room 10 10:00am Little Shop open (until noon) 10:00am Lectionary Group—Renouf/Nelson Library 10:00am Staff Meeting—La Paz 10:00am Create and Rejuvenate with Clay—Pottery Studio (room 5) 12:00pm Men’s Al-Anon—Salvia 1:00pm Clay Class Open Studio—Pottery Studio (room 5) 2:45pm After-School Music Program—Music and Children’s Centers 4:30pm St. Nicholas Choir—Music Center 5:30pm Create and Rejuvenate with Clay—Pottery Studio (room 5) 6:00pm SLAA: New Hope—Salvia 6:30pm Social Justice Reading Group—Renouf/Nelson Library - 20 - This Week 6:30pm Divorce Recovery II—Room 7 This program will help you continue your divorce journey by examining where you are now and looking toward your future, enjoying the life that comes after divorce or the end of a relationship. $60 (scholarships available). To register or for more information call 595-0704 or go to www.divorcerecovery.net. 6:30pm NAMI Mental Health Book Club—Mesquite Today we will discuss American Psychosis: How the Federal Government Destroyed the Mental Illness Treatment System by E. Fuller Torrey. To register, contact Club Facilitator, Dio de la Vina, at ddelavina@gmail.com. 7:00pm Vestry—West Gallery Meetings are always open for interested parishioners to attend and observe. 7:30pm Al-Anon: Sharing for Growth—Salvia THURSDAY, 12 † 8:30am Renouf/Nelson Library open 8:30am Music Librarians Work Day—Music Library 9:00am Senior Exercise—Music Center 9:30am St. Margaret’s Guild—Palo Verde St. Margaret’s Guild (ECW) welcomes all women of the parish. We meet before the Eucharist. The program will be “Lenten Thoughts,” presented by Richard Kuns. 10:00am Little Shop open (until noon) 10:00am Create and Rejuvenate with Clay—Pottery Studio (room 5) 11:00am Holy Eucharist Rite I—Church The Rev. Allen Breckenridge, preacher. Eucharist in traditional language. 11:00am Family Caregiver Support Group—Salvia This drop-in group is a collaboration between Pima Council on Aging and St. Philip’s. Facilitated by Kim Rosenfeld, LMSW, from PCOA and Brigid Waszczak. Another group meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. For information: Brigid at brigie@hotmail.com or 577-7792. 12:00pm Centering Prayer—Bride’s Room Come and sit in silence with us as we open our hearts to allow God’s presence and action within. Information: Agnes Griffen at 820-6537 or Gail Gregory at 204-6071. 12:00pm Mental Health Lunch & Learn: “Healing Wounded Lives”—off campus Join Interfaith Community Services to explore how we can create a circle of care within our homes, work places, and faith communities in changing the dialogue around trauma from “what’s wrong with you?” to “what happened to you?” Location: St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 8051 E. Broadway. Register by calling Veda at 520-297-6049 x218. For more information please contact Dr. Sharon Nielsen (579-8229) or The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse. 2:00pm Art Gallery Open—West Gallery (until 4 p.m.) The February show in the Murphey Gallery is “Art Inspirations: Sights, Sounds, and Smells of the Southwest,” a collection of photographs and the art they inspire. 2:45pm After-School Music Program—Music and Children’s Centers - 21 - This Week 4:10pm Cherub Choir—Room 9 A fun music program for kids ages 4–8. Builds overall musicianship through fun activities that will help them enjoy music as they grow older. For more information contact Woosug Kang at woosug.kang@stphilipstucson.org. 5:30pm Chalice Players—Church 5:30pm Silver Jewelry—Room 6 6:00pm SLAA: Men’s Pathway to Recovery—Palo Verde 6:00pm Depression / Bipolar Support Alliance—Mesquite 6:30pm Divorce Recovery Leader Training—La Paz 7:00pm Centering Prayer Meditation—Renouf/Nelson Library Sitting in silence with God. For more information call Agnes Griffen at 820-6537 or Ellen Duax at 623-1357. 7:00pm Divorce Recovery I—Room 7 For persons ending relationships and needing support in the process of this transition journey. This group will be closed after the February 12 session. For more information: 495-0704 or www.divorcerecovery.net. 7:00pm St. Philip’s Singers—Music Center 7:40pm Canterbury Choir—Music Center FRIDAY, 13 5:30pm CHURCH, OFFICE, AND CAMPUS CLOSED Prepare/Enrich Couples’ Workshop—CANCELLED SATURDAY, 14 † 8:30am Tacheria School of Spiritual Direction—La Parroquia 9:00am Women’s Solutions AA—Salvia 9:30am Walking the Mourner’s Path—Ferguson 10:30am Debtors Anonymous—Salvia 10:30am Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry—Renouf/Nelson Library Open to anyone who likes to knit or wants to learn how. Invite your knitting friends! 11:00am Renewal of Vows and Commitment Promises Service—Church The Rev. Greg A. Foraker, preacher. This is a great way for long-time or newer couples to recall this meaningful event with your family and friends. If you plan to participate, please meet the Celebrant in the Church by 10:30 a.m. to be briefed on the choreography. 12:00pm Reception following service—West Gallery - 22 - 15 FEBRUARY 2015 THE LAST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY † † Next Sunday AT ST. PHILIP’S Lectionary Texts 2 Kings 2: 1–12 Psalm 50: 1–6 2 Corinthians 4: 3–6 Mark 9: 2–9 7:45am Holy Eucharist Rite I—Church The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse, preacher 8:00am Parish Breakfast—East Gallery (until 9:00am; donation $5 adults/$3 children) If you are interested in helping with this ministry (on a rotation basis such as once/month) please contact Michael Eppard at (575) 313-0583 or michaeleppard@msn.com. 8:00am Little Shop open (until 12:30 p.m.) 8:00am Coffee Hour—Perry Garden (hospitality hosts: Outreach Commission) 8:15am Choir Rehearsal—Music Center 8:30am Childcare—Nursery. Birth through grade 5 (continues to 12:30pm; no charge) 9:00am All-Generations Eucharist Rite II—Church The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse, preacher 9:00am Adult Formation: The Hebrew Scriptures—La Paz Twenty-four 30-minute televised lectures by Professor Amy-Jill Levine (Vanderbilt University Divinity School) on the Hebrew scriptures, set against the background of ancient Israelite culture and history and followed by class discussion for the rest of the hour. There will also be occasional presentations on special topics by the facilitator and perhaps others. Bernd Fenik, facilitating. Theological Formation. 10:15am Church School—Children’s Center 10:15am Rite 13 (grades 7 and 8)—Mesquite 10:15am J2A (grades 9 and 10)—Salvia 10:15am SPY (grades 11 and 12)—La Mariposa Teen Center 10:15am Newcomer Orientation—Ferguson Informal and informative orientation sessions for those new to St Philip’s, or those who would like to learn more about St. Philip’s, runs through February. Today: “Preaching and Teaching”: The Rev. John Kitagawa, our Rector, will profile the clergy at St. Philip’s, describe the various services, and answer other questions participants may have. Coffee and treats are available. 10:15am Adult Formation: Evolution and (not vs.) Religion—East Gallery It is easy to understand why evolution threatens people who have been raised in religious traditions where they have been taught that the universe and life on planet earth were both initiated by a creator God. Positing God as Creator places an immense amount of power in this idolized deity. However, it is challenging to embrace the notion that the creation just happened without external influence. What are the implications of this possibility for people who believe? Is it possible to be a Christian and a Darwinist? The Rev. Dr. Tom Lindell presenting. Theological Formation. - 23 - Next Sunday † 10:15am Adult Formation: Eunuchs and Androgynes in Rabbinic Literature—West Gallery Dr. Max Strassfeld, Assistant Professor in Religious Studies at the University of Arizona, will explore the function of the eunuchs and androgynes featured widely in Jewish law, and will pair classical Jewish texts with intersex autobiography, transgender studies, and theories of queer temporality, in order to argue that the rabbis use these figures to map the boundaries of normative masculinity. Max Strassfeld received his doctorate in Religious Studies from Stanford University in 2013. He has recently moved to Tucson and is currently an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Arizona, where he is affiliated with the Transgender Studies Initiative. Spiritual Formation. 10:15am Adult Formation: Death in the Desert—La Paz Since 1998 more than 6000 people have died crossing the US-Mexico border. Many of the recovered remains are still unidentified and many families do not know what has happened to their loved ones. The Colibri Center for Human Rights, a non-profit organization, assists families in their search for the missing and works with forensic scientists to help identify the dead. Robin Reineke, Executive Director and co-founder of the Colibri Center, will explain how that organization pursues its goal of ensuring that these dead receive the dignity of identification and that their families will find out what happened to their loved ones. Mission Formation. 11:15am Instructed Eucharist Rite II—Church The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse, instructor 12:30pm Art Gallery Open—West Gallery The February show in the Murphey Gallery is “Art Inspirations: Sights, Sounds, and Smells of the Southwest,” a collection of photographs and the art they inspire, featuring photographer Donald Knight and artists Scarlett Taylor, Pam Cheeseman, Deanna Thibault, and Barbara Amyx. Come meet the artists! 12:30pm St. Philip’s Ringers—Room 10 12:30pm Quest—La Paz 12:30pm Schola Cantorum Rehearsal—Music Center † 4:00pm “Come and See” Service—Music Center Non-traditional, participatory liturgy with inclusive language. For more information, see the “Services of Worship” page on St. Philip’s web site: www.stphilipstucson.org; or e-mail comeandsee@stphilipstucson.org. † 4:00pm Choral Evensong—Church Evensong is rooted in one of the daily monastic services that date from the medieval period, and our Evensong is based on the service that has been sung from the Book of Common Prayer from the 17th Century. Led by the Schola Cantorum. This service provides the congregation time to reflect, transition from day into evening, and participate in a spiritual journey led by the choir. Our guest recitalist is David Wachter, Music Associate at Grace St. Paul’s. † 5:30pm Holy Eucharist Rite II—Church The Rev. N. Jean Rogers, preacher † 6:00pm The Rev. Benjamin Garren ordination—off campus The Rev. Benjamin Garren, Episcopal Chaplain at University of Arizona, will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests at the Campus Christian Center at UA. Prayers and presence are invited (clergy: red stoles). - 24 - Come and See … Grow with God … Go and Do! Parish Announcements & Notices Recovery Sunday Guest Preacher Today The Episcopal Church recommends that we set aside one day a year to raise awareness of substance abuse issues. We recognize Recovery Sunday today. According to Bill Wilson (a co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous along with Dr. Bob Smith), the spiritual basis for AA was born in the Calvary Mission, a ministry of the Calvary Episcopal Church in New York (where our Rector once served). The rector, the Rev. Dr. Sam Schoemaker, is given credit for spiritual guidance and many of the ideas that eventually came together to found Alcoholics Anonymous. In that tradition of the Episcopal Church helping AA and its various spinoffs to carry on their missions, the following 12-Step groups meet at St. Philip’s: Our guest preacher at the 7:45, 9, and 11:15 a.m. services is the Rev. John Christopher. John is a cradleborn Episcopalian who disappeared from the church for decades, only to return and receive a call for clerical service. After a rather circuitous route, he was ordained a priest last October. John has been in recovery from alcohol and drugs for over 20 years and spent a decade counseling people with chemical dependency. His burning desire is to start a Diocesanwide recovery ministry. This will begin next fall on a part time basis and be introduced at the next Convention. John served for 6 years in Gila Bend and is now the Vicar of St. Jude’s, Glendale. He and his wife, Lisa, have 3 children and 6 grandchildren between them. Lisa is a yoga instructor and serious gardener and John loves to hike and read. John is very excited to spend the day with the wonderful people of St. Philip’s. Monday 12 noon 6 p.m. 7 p.m. Salvia Men’s Alanon Mesquite SLAA: Thank God It’s Monday Palo Verde Debtors Anonymous Wednesday 12 noon Salvia Men’s Alanon 6 p.m. Salvia SLAA: New Hope 7 p.m. Palo Verde SLAA Intergroup Meeting (first Wednesday only) 7:30 p.m. Salvia Alanon: Sharing for Growth Thursday 6 p.m. Mesquite 6 p.m. Depression/Bipolar Support Alliance Palo Verde SLAA: Men’s Pathway to Recovery Saturday 9 a.m. Salvia 10:30 a.m. Salvia Women’s Solutions AA Debtors Anonymous Blessed Palms Needed Ash Wednesday is February 18. Please bring last year’s blessed palms from Palm Sunday to be burned on Shrove Tuesday to provide ashes for Ash Wednesday. Please place them in the receptacle in the office. Also note the schedule in the inside back of the bulletin, listing the Ash Wednesday services and other Lenten classes, recitals, etc. Shrove Tuesday Is Quickly Approaching Mark your calendars — the annual Shrove Tuesday celebration is Tuesday, February 17, at 6 p.m. in the Galleries! Celebrate with a FEAST of jambalaya, chicken, and waffles! Don’t miss this great night of great food by the J2A youth and parents and the opportunity to transition from Epiphany to Lent with the burning of the Palms in the fish pond garden at 7 p.m. Laissez les bons temps rouler! “Ashes to Go”: A Transformative Experience You are invited on Ash Wednesday, February 18, to join the “Ash Mob” to be the hands and the mouth of our Lord to bless folks in the community by dispensing ashes. By spending 1-2 hours that day you can be a gift while receiving immeasurable blessings. We will be at a variety of locations, including the NW YMCA, Starbucks at the River Walk and Campbell, Raging Sage, a women’s and a men’s house of Old Pueblo Community Services, as well as Compana Del Rio and The Fountains. Training and ashes are provided. Please call Geri Smith at 7443230 or Rev. Vicki Hesse at 299-6421 (x33) and join us for an unforgettable experience. - 25 - Come and See … Grow with God … Go and Do! Parish Announcements & Notices Notice from the Rector Deacon Brigid Waszczak has informed me that Bishop Kirk Smith has asked her to work on developing women’s ministries and retreats in the Diocese of Arizona as a part of her diaconal ministries. In addition, she will serve at St. Matthew’s Church, Tucson, starting on the First Sunday of Lent. I want to thank Brigid for the many ways she has contributed to the life and ministry of St. Philip’s In The Hills Parish, first as a lay person and then as a Deacon. She has assured me that she working to make sure there is a smooth transition with the ministries she has been facilitating. Brigid will be with us next Sunday, February 15, at the 11:15 a.m. Eucharist. We will pray over her, and you will have an opportunity to express your thanks. If you cannot be at that service, I encourage you to be in touch at least by email — brigie@hotmail.com. —The Rev. Canon John E. Kitagawa, Rector Spring Interfaith Retreat Weekend St. Philip’s and Temple Emanu-El will join to present a special spring retreat weekend, Exploring the Pilgrimage of Life, with the Rev. Dr. Sheryl KujawaHolbrook, on March 20–22. Explore the pilgrimage of your life, your tradition, and our wider community. Activities include Shabbat service at Temple Emanu-El on Friday, March 20; teachings on Saturday, March 21, in the morning at St. Philip’s and in the afternoon at Temple-Emanu-El; and morning worship at St. Philip’s on Sunday, at 7:45, 9, and 11:15 a.m. Suggested donation $25. Childcare available. To register contact the Rev. Greg Foraker at greg.foraker@stphilipstucson.org. Lenten Desert Meditation Join the Rev. Vicki Hesse at Catalina State Park, on Saturday, February 21, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. We’ll do the Romero Ruins Trail, with stops for prayer and meditation in an ancient Hohokam village site. Bring hats, water, and sunscreen! We will meet in the Romero Ruins parking lot and eat our bag lunches in the picnic pavilion before starting out. Bring items to share if you like. This is a short 3/4 mile walk, with stops for prayer and meditation. Please RSVP to Abby Marier 825-4878 or email absma58@gmail.com. ASMP Benefit Gourmet Dinner SAVE THE DATE — Sunday, April 19 — for the first and fabulous gourmet multi-course dinner to raise funds for the St. Philip’s After School Music and Homework Program. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. in the Galleries. This will be an evening to remember— and for a very good cause. Winter members and frequent flyers, make your travel reservations accordingly—you will want to be here for this firsttime culinary event. Volunteers to help cook and serve needed. Contact Jean Cooper at jeansaralee@msn.com or at 529-4961 to volunteer. J2A Rummage Sale The J2A Youth Group will hold a rummage sale on Saturday, April 18 from 7 a.m. till 1 p.m. to raise money for Pilgrimage. We would greatly appreciate your gently used rummage sale donations. Drop off items in the Palo Verde Room on Sundays between 8 and 11 a.m. beginning February 15. (Due to limited storage, please call if you have large furniture.) Contact Lori Harwood at lori.harwood@comcast.net or 979-5126 with any questions. Thank you! Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation for Adults What thoughts do you wish to share with God? What are your concerns? Your joys? Consider taking the journey to Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation for adults beginning on Sunday, March 22, and continuing through May 17. The Rt. Rev. Kirk Stevan Smith will celebrate Confirmation with us on Sunday, May 24. Call the Rev. Greg Foraker in the church office (299-6421) to register. ACA Open Enrollment Ends Feb. 15 If you, or a family member or friend, are uninsured, underinsured or struggling to pay for family coverage, you have until February 15 to check out your options and enroll in the Healthcare Marketplace that covers Arizona. You can review the available options on line at healthcare.gov or make an appointment with a local unbiased navigator who can help you through the process for free by going to coveraz.org. - 26 - Come and See … Grow with God … Go and Do! Parish Announcements & Notices Dante Team Seeks Participants Casa Maria Thanks You Make plans to participate in the inspiring Holy Week all-night reading of Dante’s Inferno on Maundy Thursday to Good Friday morning. To volunteer to read, contact John Smith at jwilbur283@comcast.net or Angela Wakeham at awakeham@azcc.arizona.edu. If you would like to offer music, contact Anne Cotten at annebcotten@gmail.com. If you would like to be a host, contact Bob Stanton at orange65@msn.com. To help spread the word, contact Julia Annas at jannas@email.arizona.edu. To help with the preparations on the night of the vigil, contact Kevin Justus at kevinjustus@yahoo.com. Thank you to Dodge Magnet Middle School faculty, parents, and students, and all parishioners who helped with our January 31 sandwich making. Our next date is Saturday, February 28, beginning at 7:30 a.m. We meet once every four weeks to make 900 lunches for our neighbors in need at Casa Maria Soup Kitchen. Please come join us in doing God’s work in the world. We always need more volunteers. Strengthening Our Faith through Migration Spirituality St. Philip’s and St. Michael’s Border and Immigration Ministries present a Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 7, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at St. Michael and All Angels. Keynote speaker is the Rev. Sean Carroll, S.J., Executive Director of Kino Border Initiative. Retreatants will engage in various individual activities as well as small and large group discussion, and we’ll plan post-retreat opportunities for action. The cost is $25 including materials and lunch. For more information call 207-9114. NEW! Big Print Copies of BCP Several big print copies of the Book of Common Prayer are available in the Church for your use during the service, available from the ushers. Note: these copies are to remain in the Church. If you would like a big print BCP for your own use, they are available for sale in the Little Shop. Volunteer to be an Usher Join a ministry of welcoming and service! Ushers greet worshippers, hand out service bulletins, collect the offering, and assist in many ways to help our services run smoothly and welcome our guests. We are looking for ushers for all our services — 7:45 a.m., 9 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Ushers typically serve one Sunday a month. If you regularly attend one of those services and would like to learn about ushering, please contact Bob Stanton at 5786254 or email Bob at orange65@msn.com. Three Years of Silence Evening Forum “Three Years of Silence: An Evening of Stories and Relevant Wisdom from Three Years of Meditation” will be presented on Tuesday, February 24, at 7 p.m. in the Children’s Chapel. Will Duncan, who recently completed a traditional 3-year silent retreat, will talk about five lessons he learned and the relevance of those lessons for us in our busy lives, in his usual light-hearted teaching style. Bach Marathon February 28 Please plan to join us on Saturday, February 28, for our annual Bach Marathon, a celebration of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. At 10 a.m. organists Woosug Kang and Jeffrey Campbell present “Light and Dark,” an exploration major and minor key organ works. Follow the morning concert with a “Bach’s lunch” available to order at the door. Then, at 2 p.m., a fabulous program from famed organist Dr. Kimberly Marshall, “Handel and Bach, Cosmopolitans of the Organ.” On Sunday morning, March 1, at the 9 and 11:15 a.m. services, the St. Philip’s Singers, soloists, and Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Woosug Kang will present Bach’s uplifting Cantata 4 “Christ lag in todesbanden” in the context of the liturgy. Dr. Jeffrey Campbell will perform organ music of Bach. See www.friendsofmusictucson.org. Social Media Book Study Sue Agnew, Director of Communications, and the Rev. Vicki Hesse would like to increase St. Philip’s strategic use of social mediaby extending to other platforms besides Facebook. We are looking for those who would like to meet together to study “The Social Media Gospel” by Meredith Gould to guide us in strategizing and expanding our efforts. If you’re interested, send either of us an e-mail. - 27 - Come and See … Grow with God … Go and Do! ACS Database Implementation I am spearheading the committee that is working on implementing our ACS database. We are well into the process of exploring its wider functionality to enable us to better serve our parish and community. We have started with the staff and are moving on to the ministry leaders, who will be able to tell you more about it as they learn. Be assured that you control the privacy settings for your information, and the most other parishioners can see is your name, address, phone number, and email IF you enable that. If you choose you may even opt not to use the system. I will be in the office most Sunday mornings—stop by with questions or contact me at bethbrouillette@outlook.com or 429-2297. —Beth Brouillette LayMinisters & Birthdays Happy Birthday! February 8–14 Linda Ansay, Brian Babler, Joseph Canavan, Vicky Cottrell, Baird Davis, Sydney Dudikoff, Martin Duke, Chase Gutweiler, Jonah Harwood, John Kaim, Lily Locke, Javier Lopez, Ambur Mette, Kelly Olson, Ian Polec, Frank Pollard, Bill Rose, Denise Roe, Amy Swartz, Max Swartz, Ralph Taylor, Janet Walker, Susan Whitacre, George Yonan If your birthday is not listed, the church office does not have a record of it. Please call 299-6421 to update our information. Reminder To make a birthday thank offering, special envelopes are available—they are the ones edged in magenta in the front of your box of offering envelopes. LAY MINISTERS for FEBRUARY 8 7:45am Eucharist Acolyte: Matthew Wright Reader: Richard Kuns Sub-deacon: John Smith Ushers: Joe Wilder, Les Hunter, Noreen Wang, Jane Westby Altar Guild: Cecilia Hunter 9:00am Eucharist Acolytes: Sarah Spurlin, Read Wilder, Jessica Eppard Verger: Angela Wakeham Readers: Bob Taylor, Ana Nygren Sub-deacon: Beth Brouillette Chalicists: Cheryl Mason, Kathy Zwald, William Jaramillo Ushers: Mark Woodhams, Lance Dickinson, Dave Hunt, Julie Robson, Bob Breckenridge, Hal Robson, Chuck Sawyer Altar Guild: Bobbe Dexter, Jean Windmiller 11:15am Eucharist Acolytes: Caroline Spurlin, Alistair McCallum, Olivia Shaefer, Yazilyn Janssen Verger: Arwen Newman Readers: John Driskill, Wayne Fulton Sub-deacon: Melissa Grevais Chalicists: Julia Annas, Brian Pearson, Elizabeth Weber Ushers: Christopher Fullerton, Nina Bell Allen Langley, John Langley, Tom Bullington, Bob Stanton Altar Guild: Mary Anderson, Jodi Sheridan 5:30pm Eucharist Acolyte: Nicole Rochon Sub-deacon: Julia Annas Ushers: Gary Ashworth, Geri Ashworth Altar Guild: Jo Ann Alldredge Listings of lay ministers were accurate as of information available to the office at printing time - 28 - % Lenten Events 2015 at St. Philip’s Shrove Tuesday (February 17) 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Shrove Tuesday Supper (J2A Pilgrimage fundraiser) Mardi Gras themed feast of jambalaya, chicken & waffles ($7 person/$20 family) Night Prayer and Burning of Palms Ash Wednesday (February 18) 7:30 a.m. 12:00 noon 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I with Imposition of Ashes Holy Eucharist Rite II with Hymns with Imposition of Ashes All-Generations Service with Imposition of Ashes (no Eucharist) Sung Eucharist Rite II with Imposition of Ashes Music led by the St. Philip’s Singers Wednesdays during Lent, beginning February 25 12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Noontime Eucharist Rite II Early Afternoon Class: Spiritual Awakening: The Dynamics of Experiential Faith Join the Rev. Vicki Hesse to explore the changing cultural landscape today. Explore what it means to be spiritual, to be religious, and how, as Christians today, we might be grace-filled witnesses to the reality we know and experience in God. Soup & Salad Supper (J2A Pilgrimage fundraiser) ($7 person/$20 family) Compline Service Evening Class: Episcopal 101 Our Rector, the Rev. Canon John Kitagawa, leads a journey of discovery about our Church: history, theology and spirituality, liturgy (worship), and decision-making. Evening Class: Interfaith Cooperation: Coming Together to Change the World Join the Rev. Greg Foraker and Rabbi Helen Cohn of Congregation M’kor Hayim in an exploration of what it means to be a faithful person in an interfaith world. Evening Class: 20s30s40s50s Discussion Series “Lenten Traditions” Explore different traditional methods of preparing for Easter. This discussion/activity series is designed for younger adults who may be working on establishing new family traditions or who may feel unfulfilled with their current Lenten rituals. Thursdays during Lent, beginning February 19 Noontime Recital Series, 12:15-12:45 p.m., Bloom Music Center February 19 February 26 March 5 March 12 March 19 March 26 Settings of the Masters’ Words with Mitchell Sturges, tenor, and pianist Woan Ching Lim French Flute Fantasy with Skyline Flutes (Jerry Ervin, Fran Moskovitz, Christine Harper, Sandy Schwoebel) Classical Guitar Masterpieces with Gus Woodrow, guitar Romantic Conversations with Beethoven and Schumann with Nancy Monsman, cello, Kevin Justus, clarinet, Elise Jackendoff, piano Gems of Bach/Petri, Beethoven, and Liszt with pianist Sheryll McManus De-Lovely Duets with Tre Amici: Laurel Decker, alto, Elena Todd, soprano, Marie Sierra, piano Special Interfaith Spring Retreat Weekend March 20–22 Fri. 7:30 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. Sat. noon Sunday morning Exploring the Pilgrimage of Life, with the Rev. Dr. Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook Explore the pilgrimage of your life through a unique interfaith opportunity co-hosted by St. Philip’s and Temple Emanu-El. $25 (scholarships available). Childcare available. Shabbat service at Temple Emanu-El Breakfast and morning talk, The Way of the Heart, at St. Philip’s Vegetarian potluck lunch and afternoon talk, The Journey Home, at Temple Emanu-El Worship at St. Philip’s (7:45, 9, and 11:15 a.m.) with the Rev. Dr. Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook, Experiencing God Beyond Borders BISHOP OF ARIZONA SERVICE SCHEDULE SUNDAY SERVICES 7:45am Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:00am Sung Eucharist Rite II Third Sunday: AllGenerations Eucharist Rite II (August–May) Fifth Sunday: Morning Prayer 9:15am Second Sunday: “Comfy Space” service 11:15am Sung Eucharist Rite II Fifth Sunday: Morning Prayer 4:00pm “Come and See” Service 4:00pm Third Sunday: Choral Evensong (October–May) 5:30pm Holy Eucharist Rite II WEEKDAY SERVICES Tuesdays 10:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II & Healing 6:00pm Second Tuesday: Compline (Evening Prayer ) Thursdays 11:00am Holy Eucharist Rite I (September–May) CLERGY John.Kitagawa@stphilipstucson.org (ext 31) Greg.Foraker@stphilipstucson.org (ext 44) Vicki.Hesse@stphilipstucson.org (ext 33) AFFILIATED CLERGY AND STAFF bellesas@aol.com frcliff@aol.com frallenb02@live.com dmjbgillespie@theriver.com tomtubac@aol.com reverendNJR@aol.com asimagodei@aol.com frankwjr@aol.com wyes@comcast.net DEACONS jimadam@aol.com bevedminster@gmail.com ruthhooper08@comcast.net tlindell@u.arizona.edu lsandwellweiss@gmail.com sally.stevens@gmail.com revranne@gmail.com busysycamore123@gmail.com brigie@hotmail.com OFFICE HOURS The office is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays The Rev. Canon John E. Kitagawa, D.Min., Rector The Rev. Greg A. Foraker, Assistant to the Rector The Rev. Vicki K. Hesse, Assistant to the Rector The Rev. Susan Anderson-Smith The Rev. Cliff Blinman The Rev. Allen Breckenridge The Very Rev. David M. Gillespie The Rev. Thomas Leonard The Rev. N. Jean Rogers The Rev. Anne Sawyer The Rev. Dr. Frank Williams The Rev. Dr. Gregory W. Wyes Mr. Richard Duffield, Chancellor The Rev. Barbara Adam The Rev. Beverley Edminster The Rev. Ruth Hooper The Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Lindell The Rev. Leah Sandwell-Weiss The Rev. Sally Stevens-Taylor The Rev. Anne Strong The Rev. Ralph D. Taylor The Rev. Brigid Waszczak SENIOR WARDEN yankcanuck@gmail.com Alison Lee JUNIOR WARDEN herbburton@icloud.com Herb Burton TREASURER dewcrew@aol.com scan this code with your smartphone for more information The Rt. Rev. Kirk Stevan Smith VESTRY judie.ellyson@yahoo.com christopher_fullerton@yahoo.com ghuck10@comcast.net mhandjs12@aol.com bruce.larsen@myfairpoint.net jenneenlowry@gmail.com marypaul518@gmail.com mmsprinkle@gmail.com sugiyama@yahoo.com Raymond Dewey Judie Ellyson Christopher Fullerton Gary Huckleberry Mike Humphrey Bruce Larsen Jenneen Lowry Mary Paul Mary Margaret Sprinkle Alex Sugiyama COMMISSIONERS OUTREACH STEWARDSHIP WORSHIP EVANGELISM EDUCATION (ADULT ) ( YOUTH) (CHILDREN) PASTORAL CARE MISSION SUPPORT PO BOX 65840 TUCSON, AZ 85728-5840 VOICE 520-299-6421 FAX 520-299-0712 E-MAIL OFFICE@STPHILIPSTUCSON.ORG WEB SITE WWW.STPHILIPSTUCSON.ORG PROGRAM STAFF Sue.Agnew@stphilipstucson.org (ext 29) Lois.Britton@stphilipstucson.org (ext. 39) Jeffrey.Campbell@stphilipstucson.org (ext 32) crgbpg@aol.com nhall@tucsongirlschorus.org Woosug.Kang@stphilipstucson.org (ext 19) Sandralyn.Pierce@stphilipstucson.org (ext 43) Sara.Talley@stphilipstucson.org (ext 28) OFFICE STAFF Bonnie.Flint@stphilipstucson.org (ext 27) Stella.Lopez@stphilipstucson.org (ext 30) Binh.Tran@stphilipstucson.org (ext 26) Facilities@stphilipstucson.org (ext 24) Weddings@stphilipstucson.org (ext 21) Nancy Atherton (ncatherton@gmail.com) John Waszczak (john_brigid@hotmail.com) Bill Kruse (wakruse@msn.com) Eric Rau (osodeldesierto@gmail.com) Linda Dewey (lindatdewey@yahoo.com) Jim Marr (jbm500@cox.net) Tamzin Sugiyama (tamzin@mindspring.com) Julia Annas (jannas@u.arizona.edu) Dick Powell (rcpowell@email.arizona.edu) Sue Agnew, Director of Communications Lois Britton, Parish Administrator Dr. Jeffrey Campbell, Associate Music Director Barby Goldschmid, Director, After-School Music Program Natalie Hall, Director, Cherub and ASMP Choirs Woosug Kang, Director of Music Sandralyn Pierce, Director of Children & Family Ministries Sara Talley, Youth Minister Bonnie Sue Flint, Financial Officer Stella Lopez, Administrative Assistant to the Rector Binh Tran, Head Sexton Facilities Reservations Wedding Coordinator
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