ASAP Records Management Training Registration Course No. 1102

Print Form
ASAP Records Management Training Registration
Course No. 1102
February 26, 2015 – National Archives and Records Administration – Washington, D.C.
American Society of Access Professionals, Inc.
1444 I Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, D.C. 20005-6542
E-Fax: 202-216-9646
Analog Fax: 202-216-0246
Please register by completing the form below and submit to ASAP with your payment information. Telephone
registrations or incomplete registrations ARE NOT accepted. SAVE $$$$$ - register on-line! (Dues must be
current to receive member pricing.)
1) Registrant Name and Address Information: Please print/type clearly and avoid using abbreviations for
agency names/components. Registration lists, name badges, certificates, etc. are based on this information.
Last Name: ___________________________________________ First Name: ____________________________________________
Nick (Badge) Name: ___________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Agency/Org/.: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Component/Office: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Registrant's Email (Required): _________________________________________________________________________________
Tele: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
2) Please list any special needs. ASAP, in compliance with the ADA, is happy to assist. ________________
YES NO ASAP is a nonprofit, professional member society.
3) ASAP Member?
Federal, state or local government employment does not automatically give one ASAP membership or member
discounted program fees.
NO Publish my name/organization/telephone/E-mail in the Networking List (for registrations received
by Feb. 23)
Payment: Registration MUST be accompanied by a credit card and authorized signature or completed
training authorization form (SF182) including signature AND billing instructions. ASAP requires three
business days for registration processing of paper registrations. Submitting registration without payment
authorization does not hold seat nor fee structure.
4) Attendance and Tuition/Fees: Please check the correct attendance and the fee structure (in US dollars).
Tuition is a PER PERSON cost, regardless of attendance in person or by live streaming.
NOTE FOR LIVE STREAMING: A Certificate of Attendance will be issued only to the paid registrant after
the program and submission of program evaluation form. ASAP relies on the integrity of the individual and/or
agency or company to honor the pricing structure. By selecting this option it is understood that the policy will
be honored.
In Person Attendance
Per Person
Per Person
1st Early Bird Member (Until Jan. 23)
______ 375
______ 450
2nd Early Bird Member (Until Feb. 6)
______ 425
______ 500
Member (After Feb. 6)
______ 475
______ 550
1st Early Bird Nonmember (Until Jan. 23)
2nd Early Bird Nonmember (Until Feb. 6)
Nonmember (After Feb. 6)
______ 515
______ 565
______ 615
______ 465
______ 515
______ 565
5) Payment: Please complete appropriate payment information below.
Check/ Money Order Enclosed: Check # ___________________ Amount: $________________
Signed Training Authorization Attached (SF-182)
Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, IMPAC. Cards are processed within three days or
sooner of submission. The system automatically emails receipts to the cardholder when the transaction is
processed. Cardholders MUST provide a valid email address.
emailed to cardholders with successful transactions.
LAST FOUR DIGITS of Card : ____ ____ ____ ____
Expiration Date: _______________________________
We will call you for the complete number.
Authorized Amount: $_______________________
Card Holder Signature: ______________________________________________________________________
Card Holder Printed Name: __________________________________________________________________
Card Holder Tele: _________________________________________
Card Holder Email: ________________________________________________________________________
ASAP is not a government agency. ASAP is coded as a 'member services organization.' If your card is declined,
1) please ensure that you entered the activated card number and expiration correctly, and
2) check with your agency to see if the card is or can be authorized for our code.
Most card holders have no issues once the code authorization is rectified. If you are using a travel card, it is
highly unlikely that you can pay for a registration/tuition fee with a travel card.
ASAP is incorporated in Washington, D.C. Federal Tax I.D. is 54-115-2815 DUNS is 184057818
SAM Cage # 1QTQ9.