ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer PDF

Analytical Solutions and Products B.V.
for good measure
LNG Sampler
Introducing the next step
in LNG sampling
The challenge
Essential in density and GCV determination is sample
handling, especially transition from liquid to gas phase.
The big challenge is the temperature LNG of -162°C while
the ambient temperature may exceed even +50°C. It is
essential that pre-vaporization and partial vaporization of LNG is avoided under all circumstances, that the
LNG is flash-vaporized and that the gas sample is
homogeneous before analysis/lab sampling.
The solution
The ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer which takes
representative samples for online analysis, lab sampling
or both.
LNG probe vaporizer
Model: ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer
Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. • Distelweg 80M • 1031 HH Amsterdam • The Netherlands • Tel. +31 (0)20 4924748 • •
Combined vaporizer
& Accumulator
(inline static mixer)
Air removed, liquid
filled heater compartment
(ideal heat transfer by
condensing steam on cold
spots. Close loop)
The actual vaporization occurs over an adjustable cryogenic needle valve, which also controls the flow.
The ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer is divided into three (3) main sections:
Cold section
Cold section
Flash section
Hot section
• Filtering of sample.
• De-bubbling of sample.
• Sub-cooling of sample.
• All cryogenic parts are vacuum
Vaporizing/Flash section
• Vaporization of sample.
• Flow control of sample.
Hot section
• Supportive latent heat to vaporize
the sample.
• Mix the sample in order to assure
a homogeneous gas phase sample.
Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. • Distelweg 80M • 1031 HH Amsterdam • The Netherlands • Tel. +31 (0)20 4924748 • •
Current problems
Most of the existing devices for LNG sampling
consist of a take-off assembly, an insulated
transport line and a vaporizer. The following can
happen in these systems:
• The insulation on take-off and transport line
is insufficient and causes an unstable sample flow and composition.
• Pumping action of the LNG to or from
tankers may cause bubbles which can be
trapped in the sample to the vaporizer.
• “Flash” vaporization is not guaranteed. This
can result in analyses that do not represent
the composition in the liquid phase.
The solution
The advantages
The ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer for online
representative samples for continuous analysis,
lab sampling or both.
• The design criteria are based on the Keep It
Simple (KIS) principle.
• No pre-vaporization and partial vaporization.
• No moving parts.
• Representative, homogeneous sample.
• Robust to withstand harsh industrial, sea
coastal and desert climates.
• Compact with a small foot print.
• Meets all requirements with respect to safety
and hazardous area classification.
• Cost price is extremely competitive compared
to all current alternatives.
• Installation is very simple to minimize costs.
• The design is robust, so the operating costs
are kept to an absolute minimum.
• Conform ISO 8943 and EN 12838.
Field tests
The ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer was extensively
tested in Germany and The Netherlands. The test locations
had an operation program with multiple start/stops, providing the test conditions for a worst-case scenario. In terms
of performance, robustness and reliability. It was concluded
that without a doubt the ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer
passed all tests with flying colours!
Average RSD: 0,17%
Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. • Distelweg 80M • 1031 HH Amsterdam • The Netherlands • Tel. +31 (0)20 4924748 • •
Analytical Solutions and Products B.V.
for good measure
A happy customer from the Middle East:
The functionality of the system was tested and the outcome is above expectation.
Even without proper insulation on the transfer part, the contact temperature on the bottom
part (close to the hot section) was found to be below -150°. With the investment in
ASaP’s 8943 LNG probe vaporizer, a return on investment of 1 to 2 weeks is predicted!
More information
Please contact us if you are interested to learn more about the revolutionary ASaP 8943 LNG probe
vaporizer. We will be happy to discuss your applications and to provide you with a detailed price proposal.
The ASaP 8943 LNG probe vaporizer is manufactured by ASaP Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. in
The Netherlands. ASaP is the worldwide expert in tailor-made analytical systems for the most demanding applications, including customized analyzer shelters Our extensive experience makes us your valuable partner.
Analytical Solutions and Products (ASaP) B.V.
Distelweg 80M
1031 HH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31(0)20 492 47 48