RAMBLING RECTOR By the time you read this I will be back from what I am sure will have been a wonderful family holiday in Italy. The Young are going to ski and Joop and I are going to look after the Very Young. We rediscovered Christmas seeing it through Callum’s eyes. So much to absorb and learn and enjoy. It was the simple things that he noticed: a twinkling light, the crunchiness of wrapping paper, the sound of laughter. Watching a baby’s first smiles is good for the soul. Skiing is something I have always felt it is better to watch than to do. Even when I could see, I never had any desire to career down mountains whether green, blue, red or black. The sight of the absolute terror on my daughters’ faces when they found they were moving and had no idea how to stop was very entertaining (it was the beginners’ slope on an incline of about an inch.) Hearing them talk about it afterwards it sounded like the best experience of their lives. They thrive on adrenalin. It would be helpful if the slopes of life were colour coded. Then we could decide whether we are truly ready for what lies ahead and take steps to avoid the challenge. Get there by a less dangerous route. But that’s not how it is in real life. Things happen without warning, whether we are ready or not. God in his infinite wisdom chooses not to let us know what is about to happen. We would then stop enjoying life and constantly worry about tomorrow. That’s one reason the Bible disapproves so strongly of anything that smacks of fortune telling or spiritualism. We need to be fully present in the moment. We only get one opportunity after all. Lent begins on the 18th February which is Ash Wednesday. Anglicans traditionally gather in penitence to confess their sins and are marked in ashes with the sign of the cross on the forehead, a symbol of our failings, mortality and faith in God’s love and forgiveness. I plan to lead a Lent course from the Faith in Suffolk series called Living Lent in Mark. Readings during services this year are mostly from the (short) Gospel of Mark filled out with large chunks of John. It will be possible to make up a missed session by attending the other venue. The 5 session course will run in two time slots as set out below: Tuesday 24 February Time 10:00 Venue 52 Richardsons Road Wednesday 25 February 3 March 14:00 4 March 10 March 10:00 11 March 17 March 10:00 18 March 24 March 10:00 25 March Please sign up on the forms at the back at the church. Rev Steph Time 19:30 Venue West End 19:30 19:30 19:30 19:30 COVER PHOTOS: If anyone would like to submit a photo for the cover, please submit the photo in jpg format to Rev Steph for consideration. Only the December cover is in colour. HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, BRANTHAM, CO11 1TB Sundays at 9am, Holy Days Anticipatory 7.30pm, Tuesdays 10 am Father Christopher Smith, 180 Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich IP2 0QQ Telephone 01473 684963 office@stmarksparish.org.uk EAST BERGHOLT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH CEMETERY LANE, EAST BERGHOLT, CO7 6RZ Pastor – Mrs Maralyn Bambridge Address: 35 Birch Drive, Brantham, Manningtree, Telephone: 01206 393022 Email – maralyn.bambridge@yahoo.com Organist – J. Stuart Rees G.R.S.M. L.R.A.M. A.R.C.O. Telephone: 01255 508222 Services - Each Sunday morning at 10.30 Led by our Pastor unless otherwise stated Coffee Mornings – Each Thursday Morning 9.30 to 11.30. February Sunday Wednesday Saturday Speakers/ Events 15th Communion service 25th Midweek communion service – 2.30 th 28 Meet our Pastor Maralyn – 2.30 The Congregational Fellowship is a group of likeminded people who meet together, usually on a Sunday morning, but also on other occasions to both worship God and to seek His guidance in our everyday lives. We have varying degrees of faith ranging from absolute certainty to still seeking. However, our aim is to follow the teaching of the bible, God’s Word, and one of those is to serve others. The Church is not the building but the people who belong there. This month I would ask you the following: what would you like to see the Church do for you? I shall be in the Church on Saturday February 28 th (with the kettle on) to talk with anyone who would like to drop in. Maralyn BRANTHAM METHODIST CHURCH GRAVEL PIT LANE, BRANTHAM Minister: Rev. Andrew Sankey 8 Roundridge Road Capel St Mary Ipswich IP9 2UG Tel: 01473 311178 Email: apsankey@gmail.com The services of Marriage, Baptism and Funerals can be arranged by contacting Rev. Andrew Sankey. ST. MARY’S CHURCH - NEWS OFFICE NEEDED: CAN YOU HELP? There is a possibility that we may have a Curate in the benefice from July 2015. He will not be living locally so we are looking for a room to hire with a separate entrance that could be set up as an office with a desk, telephone and computer, some chairs and a sofa for daytime use. Please contact Rev Steph if you can help. Thank you to everyone who supported Bergholt to Bethlehem and the Big Christmas Card. As a result, £398 has been donated to the Ipswich Night Shelter and £200 to the Colchester Night Shelter. A great effort! COFFEE WITH THE CANON/ RANT AT THE RECTOR - NOTE CHANGE OF TIME Rev Steph will be in Fountain House tearooms between 9.30 and 10.30 on the 6th of February. A great opportunity to discuss a wedding, plan a baptism or just have a chat. FROM OUR REGISTERS LOGO PLEASE We offer our deepest sympathy to the relatives, friends and neighbours of:June Pilippa Alder Milsom, who died on the 11 th of December 2014 aged 83. Her funeral was held at St Mary's on the 2nd of January followed by a cremation at Seven Hills Crematorium. IN MEMORIAM JUNE MILSOM EULOGY FRIDAY 2ND JANUARY 2015 We are here to remember and celebrate the life of a remarkable woman; my mother June Milsom. It was a life full of love and support for her family, but with its share of tragedy and disappointment, which might have overwhelmed a less resilient character. She made her way through life with calm good humour, determination and a great sense of kindness. She was rarely, if ever angry, and her inclination was to mediate pouring oil on troubled water. It was a life in which she consistently put the needs of others, particularly her family ahead of her own. Unsurprisingly June was born in June (her parents apparently were unable to agree on a name) 1931 in Nyasaland, now Malawi in Africa, the eldest of three girls. Her father was the District Commissioner for the Colonial Office. It must have been a slightly disjointed childhood; the sights and smells of Africa, avocados growing in the garden which were a lifelong love - and her pet monkey Impy. This must have been in stark contrast to the long sea voyages home for leave in a chilly England. In 1936 her father was invalided out of the service and the family returned to England settling just outside Plymouth. For her secondary school mum went to Badminton boarding school. By modern standards it was a tough regime with early morning runs followed by a cold bath. However she clearly worked hard as she succeeded in gaining a place to train as a physiotherapist at Mary’s in London. She was a glamorous and fun loving young woman enjoying life in the city, but also with a sense of adventure and love of outdoors. However in 1952, aged 21, she was right in the midst of two appalling tragedies, which she was very fortunate to survive. In September mum and a group of friends went to the Farnborough air show and on arrival, there was some debate as to where they would stand. Mum was insistent that they would remain where they were and not climb the hill for a better view. Shortly afterwards, a De Havilland 110 crashed into the hill, where they could have been standing - killing 30 spectators. In December of the same year Mum organised a Christmas skiing party to Austria with friends. Halfway through the journey mum changed seats with her cousin and sometime later an avalanche swept their bus off a bridge into a stream. Mum was one of only three to walk away from the disaster. In all 23 died, including her cousin who was sitting where she should have been. Mum never really talked about either incident, she demonstrated considerable mental toughness and resilience and on the surface there appeared to be little impact. However it did shape her view on life I think in two important ways, she was unusually accepting of life’s up and downs, which she articulated with one of her favourite phrases ‘sufficient unto the day’ from the Sermon on the Mount (Mathew’s Gospel) or for the less biblically minded she frequently advised ‘Go with the flow’. At another spiritual level she did believe that there had been more than random chance at work she felt that god had guided her and particularly in her later years this was an important part of her increasing religious faith. In 1956 a long standing family friendship with Gerald Milsom turned into something more and they were married the following year. The Talbooth was very different in those days and her job description included cake making, waitressing and dishwashing in the restaurant together with gardening and painting and very soon childcare. I was born in 1958, Nicola in 1960 and Paul in ’64. Mum was a real grafter and as we know all the hard work paid off and the business prospered. However sadly the marriage did not last and we moved to Rogues’ Roost in East Bergholt in 1970. Mum was under 40 at the time and the photos show a beautiful woman. She remained single for the rest of her life, perhaps because she never met the right person, but more likely this was a conscious decision as she felt a new partner would be difficult for her three children. Again putting family before self. She managed to rebuild an excellent relationship with Dad and her main focus was ensuring that her three children had a great childhood and she was both a mum and a dad. With the three of us at boarding school mum decided to go back to work, part time initially as a phsyio working with the mentally handicapped at Turner Village and later full time with the Ipswich health authority. She was a grandmother at 57, which she loved and she worked until she was 65 and then looked after her own by now widowed mother before she moved into a nursing home. She hardly had time for her two major interests her garden and bird watching. In later years her religious faith increased and she was closely involved with work of this lovely Church. She was a regular at Sunday worship, was on the flower rota and produced her famous scones each Thursday for time and talents and hosted the Alpha course at her home. As her memory faded and the Alzheimer’s took a firmer grip she was remarkably accepting, never exhibiting any sign of distress, anger or frustration. She retained her sense of kindness and humour. She was enormously grateful and appreciative of the increasing support that she required. David Milsom ST. MARY’S CHURCH – EVENTS THE EAST BERGHOLT AND BRANTHAM MOTHERS’ UNION (Supporting Christian marriage and family life.) February is the month for “Marriage Week” and your prayers are needed - thank you. So we come to our branch meeting, which is in the West End on the 12th of February at 2.30p.m. All are welcome. We are looking forward to meeting Rev Aileen, and hearing about her pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Refreshments will be served by Kate and Ann. Blessings. Chris Jacob 01206 298552 “FOLLOW THE STAR” Any spare wool? Any spare time? Then come and join the knitters on a Wednesday 10am – 12 noon in the West End and help knit 600+ sparkly stars for Christmas 2015. Enjoy a cup of coffee and homemade refreshments while you knit. Pattern for Sparkly Stars 1 Ball of SPARKLY DK. wool Pair No 8 Needles Cast on 9 sts Row 1,3,5,7,9,11,(WS) Knit Row 2,4,6,8,10 K1 inc in next st Knit to last 3 sts K2tog K1 Cast off 8 st leaving last st. on the needle and pick up 8 sts down the left hand edge Work rows 1 – 11 and repeat this sequence making 6 points altogether. Sew seam to complete a 6 sided star. Caryl Smith Having knitted sheep and angels we are now on to the star. Nothing like forward planning! I was also delighted to receive a photo from a church in Ontario with the congregation holding their sheep they had knitted after a parishioner had seen the sheep on display in St Mary's two years ago. St Mary's setting worldwide trends! Above, the Knitting Team at St George’s, Ontario. Rev Steph 12TH MAY 2015 TRIP TO THE CATHEDRAL IN BURY IN ST EDMUNDS Experience the prayer labyrinth, have a guided tour of the building, lunch in the refectory and Holy Communion. Contact me if you would like to come. I have booked a coach. Rev Steph MESSY CHURCH 15 February 10.00 at St Mary's Short Fun service with pancakes! Theme: Transfiguration EDUCATION EAST BERGHOLT CEVC PRIMARY SCHOOL We had a fantastic end of term at the primary school! Christmas is always a magical time for young children and we made the most of the season by involving all our children in the festivities. Our youngest children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 took part in the annual nativity play and this year performed to the Elders of our village as well as parents. The older children sung carols at Budgens, another tradition for the school and as always we thank Alec from Budgens for his support and for the welcome hot chocolate for children and mulled wine for the adults. We finished the term with a Carol Service at the church led by Rev Steph and attended by a record number of parents and relations, a lovely end to a busy term. Next we look forward to lighter evenings and a host of new activities and learning for our children. We are taking our choir to the O2 in January to sing with thousands of other children as part of 'Young Voices' something we are really looking forward to. I can't believe it will be Easter soon! Gill Mitchell - Headteacher CLUBS, SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS FRIENDSHIP CLUB Our next meeting is on the 19th of February, when Mr. Gant will give an illustrated talk on The River Stour. We meet in the Lambe School for 2 o’ clock. New members always welcome – you will be assured of a warm welcome. We have a variety of speakers during the year, and also a couple of trips, so why not come along and meet us while we enjoy a cup of tea together. For further contact Yvonne on 01026 298428 or Maureen on 01206 298520 Maureen Simmons BRANTHAM'S CHARITY GARAGE SALE 2015 This year’s Garage Sale will be on Saturday June 20 th Spring is just around the corner, and it’s time to start spring cleaning and tidying up after Christmas and think about all those items that are looking for a new home. Maybe you've got some unwanted Christmas presents - they make great Tombola prizes, as do any good condition spare items. Last year’s grand final total was £5500, half going to St Elizabeth Hospice (Carla Dawson's Tribute Fund) and the other half split between Suffolk Family Carers and the George Woodward Fund. For more information or to book your garage or a table at the Village Hall call: Yvonne 01206 392296 or Ronnie 01206 395557. EAST BERGHOLT UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB Established in 1895 The Last Month The First Team have maintained their position in the leading pack in the Senior Division and enter 2015 in third place. The A team also start the New Year in third place. Looking back, the club made good progress through 2014. The First Team are challenging at the right end of the table whilst the Reserves and A Teams continue to promote young players who we hope will be the mainstay in seasons to come. Fixtures DATE 1st TEAM Sat 07 Feb 2015 Grundisburgh A Sat 14 Feb 2015 Sat 21 Feb 2015 Sat 28 Feb 2015 Felixstowe Harpers Utd H Claydon “A” TEAM RESERVES A Ipswich Valley Rangers Res H Tattingstone Utd Club Colours Cup QF H Achilles res H Shotley A Wenhaston Utd Res H Stonham Aspal Res A Fixtures subject to change. Please refer to the SIL website, http://touchlinesil.co.uk/fixtures-results/ to confirm. Events 1. Quiz Night 31st January 2015 at the Constable Hall. Please contact the Secretary to enter a team. 2. Golf Day, Easter Sunday, 5th April 2015. Steve Butcher - Secretary (stevebutcher55@btinternet.com) EAST BERGHOLT HORSE RACING CLUB The horse racing club had a memorable finish to 2014 with a WINNING DOUBLE for our two racehorses on the same evening at Kempton Park on 18 th December, and then a perfect start to 2015 as one of those horses – TSARGLAS – followed up with ANOTHER WIN at Wolverhampton in a seven furlong handicap at Wolverhampton on 2nd January! What an exciting time for our members, who are entitled to a share of the prize money won. The club, which is part of the ESSEX RACING CLUB, will also be hoping to race its’ horses at the new racecourse CHELMSFORD CITY – a mile outside Braintree – now that racing has commenced there. A total of 58 racing fixtures are due to be held at the new racecourse in 2015 and the Club will be organising coach trips to either evening or weekend racing for anyone interested. For this and also details of membership of the racing club please contact Barry Root on 01206 298539. Barry Root FRIENDS OF LAMBE SCHOOL The Friends are a group of local people who raise funds to help maintain this lovely 16th century building and its annex. Last year we handed over more than a £1,000. to the trustees for this purpose. Membership is free and we really do welcome new members to work with us. Most of us are retired but we would really welcome younger people to join us. Most of you will know that the Lambe School is available for hire, at very reasonable cost. It is a great venue with ample parking. Emma Chinnery is the booking secretary, her number is 298078. Two fund raising events are held annually. The May Day Sale which this year is on Monday 4th May, and the Sunday lunch, scheduled for 15th November. Both these events are at the Lambe School. Our Annual General Meeting will be on Monday 23 rd. February at 2.00p.m. at the Lambe School. I hope that you will join us at all these events. More details will be available at the A.G.M. Pauline Young - Chairman. EAST BERGHOLT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY FOUNDED 1895 Hopefully by now the snowdrops will be out and daffs well on their way to welcome Spring! A committee member will be calling during February and March for your subscription and dropping off the Annual Show schedule so you can start planning your entries. Again membership remains at £2 per person. The Store will open its doors again to members on Sunday 15th February 9.30 till 10.30 through until the end of September for all your gardening basics. A date for your diary in March is our first Speaker Evening on Friday 13 th. A talk by Matt TaUnton-Brown on vegetable growing. He will look at where to site a vegetable garden, general practices i.e. rotations, weeding, watering etc. Plus companion planting and harvesting. And so another gardening year is underway! Louise Kemp www.eastbergholthorticulturalsociety.onesuffolk.net email: ebhs@btinternet.com GARDENING TIPS FOR FEBRUARY Sometimes February can be a colder month than January, but it often gives us a few glimpses of weak sunshine reminding us that Spring is not too far away. There’s usually a few tidying up jobs to be done, especially if it’s been windy. Check Dahlia tubers. Give ornamental grasses a “haircut” making way for new growth. Later in the month, if the weather is favourable, Rose pruning can begin. Prune Winter Jasmine after flowering. Last chance to plant bare-root Roses and other shrubs. Dead head Winter flowering Pansies regularly and feed and water if necessary. Continue “chitting” potatoes – egg boxes make good containers. Accent, Arran Pilot and Lady Christi are good, tasty choices. Vegetable beds can be “cloched” or covered in polythene to help them warm up prior to planting/sowing. It’s a good time to prune back to ground level all canes of Autumn fruiting Raspberries - encouraging a good crop later in the year. IF it snows, shake heavy falls off shrubs to prevent damage. And, of course, feed the birds and provide water. Good idea to get the lawnmower serviced! Weather permitting, we can “gently” start gardening again – and the days are getting longer! Janet Alcoe FLATFORD WILDLIFE GARDEN Predators & volunteers wanted at Flatford Wildlife Garden…. Sometimes it’s nice to be a victim of one’s own success…. Sometimes less so! Having just planted out our spring bulbs at the wildlife garden, imagine our chagrin at finding many of our crocuses and tulips gobbled up by naughty little voles… Well, I hear you say, it IS a wildlife garden… Touché! The ecologist in me says (once the impotent rage has subsided) that nature will soon redress the balance, and predators such as weasels and owls will soon capitalize on the abundant food source. (Believe me, it really is abundant, especially after last year’s mild winter, and this one looks no better.) To this end, last week the volunteers and I put up owl boxes out the back of the garden at the edge of the water meadow locally known as Skaters’ Meadow, and we also built several ‘weasel lodges’ – substantial log piles designed with a central cosy space, hopefully a des res for local weasels. Fingers crossed! Speaking of volunteers, we are hoping to add to our team of ‘Welcome Volunteers’ at the garden. The Welcome Team provide a cheerful welcome for visitors to the garden, helping to staff it, and also getting involved in children’s activities during the school holidays. If you can see yourself in this role, you’d be made very welcome by staff and volunteers alike – we have a lovely team here at the garden. Please contact the warden, Shirley, at Shirley.sampson@rspb.org.uk or 01206 391153 if you’d like to know more about helping at the garden. If there is no answer, please leave a message as we are often out on the reserves. Keep an eye out for upcoming events at the garden, we have the Big Garden Birdwatch on 24-25 January, and Snowdrop Weekends on 14/15th and 21/22nd February. As usual, we’ll have family-friendly activities on the go, as well as plants for sale and advice on gardening for wildlife in winter & spring. Hope to see you there! Above: White Admiral butterfly seen at Flatford Wildlife Garden, July ‘14. This is a woodland butterfly which is successfully recolonising from the south east of the country. Shirley Sampson BRANTHAM AMATEUR THEATRICAL SOCIETY Robinson Crusoe the Pantomime will be here for February 2015 Half-Term! We have just begun rehearsing for our next production – Robinson Crusoe, a traditional ‘Fun Family Pantomime’ by Bob Heather and Roger Lamb. This is a new title for us and we are looking forward to the fun of new routines, scenery and costumes. Robinson has a brother, mother and a girlfriend and lives in Harwich, at an inn. He wants to go to sea and visit ‘faraway places with strange-sounding names’, but he gets more than he bargained for! There are lots of opportunities for singing and dancing, with popular music and catchy songs. Not to speak of plenty of jokes and the freedom to boo and hiss the Baddies, Captain Hand and his nefarious crew. A special date to put on the calendar – 18th – 21st February 2015 at 7:30 pm, with a matinee at 2:30 on Saturday 21st. New! Booking now online, search: batspanto.ticketsource.co.uk Tickets priced £8 for adults and £6 for children. Limited tickets available now from Bakes and Blossoms Café, Acacia Court, Brantham. Any enquiries about tickets phone Angie Heath 01206 396674. Discount available where 10 or more tickets are booked for the same category (Child or Adult). A special treat for the half-term school holiday, don’t miss it. Like to help with our friendly company? Sewing, painting scenery, carpentry? Ring Angie on 01206 396674. We’d love to have you join us. Angie Heath EAST BERGHOLT CINEMA projector logo please not lottery funding East Bergholt Cinema at Constable Hall presents Gallipoli (PG) on Friday 6 March 2015. Gallipoli follows two idealistic young friends, Frank (Mel Gibson) and Archy (Mark Lee), who join the Australian army during World War I and fight the doomed Battle of Gallipoli in Turkey. The film documents the lives of the young men in Australia, detailing their personalities and beliefs, and chronicles the ill-fated and ill-planned battle, where the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps is hopelessly outmatched by the enemy forces. A classic film Gallipoli won eight prizes at the 1981 Australian Film Institute Awards. Doors open 7.30pm with the film starting at 8pm. Bar and refreshments available. Ticket prices are adults £4.00 adults and under 18s £2.00. Tickets can be purchased on the door on the night or in advance from the Fountain House Tea Room in East Bergholt. Please visit www.eastbergholtcinema.com for further information. And don't forget We Did on Our Holiday (12A) on Friday 6 February 2015! James Davies STOUR VALLEY MEN’S PROBUS CLUB Recent Meetings An interesting range of subjects have been have been covered at recent meetings including Mistley’s Mycologist Ian Rose speaking on “Myths and Folklore of Mushrooms and Pat Smith recounting “The East Coast Floods in 1953”. Our New Year Dinner for members and their guests took place at the Venture Centre, Lawford on Sunday 25 January with entertainment by Comic Poet Roz Hall. All events have been much enjoyed by Members. February Meetings At our meeting on 4 February Pip Wright will speak on “Old Essex Newspaper Stories” and on Wednesday 18 February Dr Jane Pearson will recount “The rise and fall of Colchester’s Good Time Girls”. New Venue – St John Ambulance HQ Manningtree Please note we now meet at the St John Ambulance HQ, Manningtree. New members Our Club endeavours to be simple in structure, be free of the constraints and obligations of service clubs, and involve members to a minimal cost. The club is directed primarily to providing fellowship between members who are compatible with each other, and provide the opportunity for development of acquaintances. New members are welcomed by Stour Valley Men’s Probus Club, we meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month in Manningtree at 10.30am. Please contact Secretary Brian Rolfe on 01206 393665 for further details. Graeme Forsyth CHAPLIN ROAD ALLOTMENTS We have a vacant allotment plot of 5 rods in good condition ready for someone to take over. It has been dug and prepared through the Summer and needs someone to take over, before it becomes overgrown. Please contact Julie Nash Tel:298602 LOCAL ISSUES EAST BERGHOLT COMMUNITY COUNCIL The Christmas Pensioner's Lunch was very well received by all. Thanks go to the wonderful cooks and helpers that make it all possible. Also to Gerry Lease and Timothy for entertaining us. At the time of writing the Burns Night Supper, on Saturday 17th January has yet to take place; hopefully it will be its usual evening of food, dancing, a few speeches and of course, a little tipple of whiskey. Sandra Toyne NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – THE LATEST Lots to report this month so here goes. All the questionnaire returns have been processed and the results are available to see on the village website www.eastbergholt.org. First observations revealed that the returns show a good demographic coverage with the age range of returnees close to that seen in the 2011 election. The winners of the Prize Draw option in the questionnaire are Roger and Sue Baldwin who now hold a £50 Budgen’s voucher to spend as they wish. Now the process begins to turn the data into a Plan. The first stage is the production of a set of Design Guidelines and Policy Framework based upon the overall message received from the data, bearing in mind the legal constraints under which we operate. The Plan Production Group will then translate these into a Draft Plan for distribution to the village for the purpose of inviting written comments. A six-week period of consultation will take place during which a public meeting will be called for people to express their observations verbally. The penultimate part of the process is the production of a Final Plan upon which the village will be invited to respond via the Referendum. Assuming the Plan receives acceptance from both the village and the independent Inspector, the document will then be offered to Babergh District Council for consideration in their plans for housing development in the village and surrounding area. After that we wait to see the outcome! John Gamlin (on behalf of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee Communications Group) EAST BERGHOLT PARISH COUNCIL UPDATE The December Parish Council Statutory meeting considered 5 planning applications. Representations from neighbours were listened to during the open session. Other matters included: Appointment of Will Watts as Councillor and to the Roads, Footpaths & Flatford Committee. Cllr Abbs and Cllr Eley, with volunteers, to undertake planting of young trees in village. Approval given to plans and inclusion of bid for money in 2015/16 budget to progress new play equipment at East End and try to obtain funding/grants for Gandish Road Overflowing litter bin at East End – problem to be addressed. A letter to be sent to Bidwells re B1070 Moores Lane development proposal in reply to theirs of 28 November 2014. Approval given to Neighbourhood Plan Committee proposal to publish questionnaire tick box summary on-line following January 2015 meeting. Cllr Paul Hart and Cllr Diane Knights both resigned – thanks have been sent to them for their hard work. Valerie Ayton, Parish Clerk
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