Ascension Lutheran Church 2911 Libal St., Green Bay, WI 54301 920-336-3561 “Put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit.” ~ 1 Peter 3:18 FEBRUARY 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Page Sun Morning at a Glance 2 Lenten Services 2 Adult Education//1st Comm 3 Camp Sign Up 4 Confirmtaion 5 Youth & Family 5&6 Christian Svc: Adult Mission Trip 7 Home Sweet Home, etc. 8 Meals 9 Maintenance Tech position 9 New Mbr/Bread Breakers 10 Stewardship 11 Library News/Silent Retreat 12 ChristCare / Joy Circle 13 Worship Participants 14 Updates/February B-days 15 Calendar* 16 17 Staff & Leaders As Lutheran Christians, we are redeemed by Christ to be people of God, inviting all to faith-filled worship, challenging all to grow in faith, reaching out to all in faithful service and witness. (Ascension’s vision statement) On February 18 Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. Lent is a spiritual journey of prayer, spiritual discipline, and worship focused on the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ and His journey to the cross. Jesus’ death on the cross was an intentional sacrifice, “The Atonement,” we call it, the once and for all sacrifice that won the forgiveness of sin for all who receive this forgiveness as a gift of Christ. There are all sorts of religions out there, all sorts of improvement and salvation plans. The form is common to them all: “Do something in order to get the reward.” What you have to do varies. The reward varies. But the formula is the same. Typically what you have to “do” is to be “good.” Christianity is different. It starts not with the word “do” but the word “be.” “Be” loved and forgiven, so that you may “be” made anew in Christ to “be” good for others. “Good” is still part of it. But there’s a “be” that precedes the “do.” And the reward that follows is not yours alone; others are rewarded by what you are becoming in Christ. Christianity begins with being “loved and forgiven” by God. It’s as if “lovedand-forgiven” were all one word. Not loved without also being forgiven. Not forgiven without also being loved. Still, being forgiven means admitting you have something that needs forgiving, that you don’t really qualify for earning or deserving the “being loved” part. We need this ongoing “love and forgiveness” from God for even the Baptized continue in this life to struggle with the sin that still clings. In Lent, we remember Christ’s sacrifice that made God’s forgiveness possible. In Lent, we receive healing and spiritual encouragement for the sufferings of sacrifice we endure in this world as followers of Christ. In Lent, we embrace additional spiritual disciplines, even those that cause us additional sacrifice or suffering. Our goal is that in Christ we might grow in being dead to sin and alive in the Spirit. We look to the joy that the cross made possible and that lies beyond the cross, but for now it is still the cross to which we must journey. Blessings upon your soul, now, as we enter Lent. Amen. Peace, Pastor Luther Swenson February Sunday Morning Worship at-a-Glance Sunday February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 8:00 Worship 10:30 Worship Traditional, Choir Contemporary, Cherub Choir Blended Contemporary Traditional Traditional Traditional, Choir Traditional LENT Begins on Wednesday, February 18 Lent is a spiritual journey of prayer, spiritual discipline, and worship focused on suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ as He approached the cross. The 40-day journey begins on Ash Wednesday, the day we receive the sign of the cross in ash upon our foreheads and hear those sobering words, “You are dust and to dust you shall return.” But in Christ, we are more than dust. In the 5 weeks of midweek Lenten services that follow Ash Wednesday, our worship theme will be “Witness to Lent – 1st Peter.” We will look at key passages from 1st Peter that speak to both Christ’s sufferings and to the suffering that comes to those who follow faithfully as Christ’s disciples. Our unique worship style of Lenten Flow services combine a quiet time, prayer, music, scripture, a brief word, and prayer stations into one moving flow of worship. These services are only 30-35 minutes long yet are full and meaningful. Some say these are their favorite worship services of the whole year. Lenten Wednesdays-at-a-Glance Lenten Theme: “Witness to Lent – 1st Peter” Date & Time Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18 Two Service Times: Noon & 6:30 pm Description Ash Wednesday Worship The Imposition of Ashes. Dead to Sin – Alive in Christ - 1 Peter 3:18 Midweek Lenten Flow (Music, word, quiet prayer & prayer stations) Feb. 25, 6:30 pm Inheritance of Heaven - 1 Peter 1:3-5 March 4, 6:30 pm Suffering is Normal - 1 Peter 4:12-16 March 11, 6:30 pm More Precious Than Gold - 1 Peter 1:6-9 March 18, 6:30 pm Christ’s Example of Suffering - 1 Peter 2:20-25 March 25, 6:30 pm After the Suffering - 1 Peter 5:6-11 2 Sunday Morning 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study & Classes Conclusion of the Bible Study on 1st Peter by Pastor Luther. We are coming to the end of our study of the rich letter of 1st Peter. Even though we are near the end, feel free to jump in and join us. Each new passage of 1st Peter contains individual topics that can be studies apart from knowing the whole book. Adult class is a great way to learn God’s Word and get to know others here at Ascension. The last two weeks: February 1 - 1 Peter 4:12-19 February 8 - 1 Peter 5:1-14 Adult Formation Class: Healing Facilitated by Rev. John Kepler Beginning on February 15, come and join us for seven weeks of (lively!) discussions on the topic of “Healing.” We’ll be dealing with a variety of inter-related topics: faith, miracles, medical science, prayer and, most important, a variety of Biblical texts that will help us to gain some insights on how God, through Jesus, has worked and is working. We’ll throw into the mix our own perspectives and experiences, all of which should make for an interesting “stew.” February 15--Session One “Perspectives and Perceptions about Healing” Looking at some case studies and examining our own thoughts and feelings February 22--Session Two “A Doctor’s Perspective on Healing” First Communion Workshop For 2nd Graders (and older children who have not received communion yet) Please contact Cindy Sleeman ( or 336-3561, ext. 108) if you have children older than 2nd grade who have not yet received communion. Workshop: Saturday, February 28th from 9:00 a.m. to noon Students receive their first communion at either worship service on Sunday, March 1st. 3 It’s already time to sign up for Ascension Week at Crossways Summer Bible Camp. While a person can go to camp any of the times offered by Crossways, at Ascension we like to pick one week that we call “Ascension Week” and try to go all together. Kids, camp is fun! There’s always good stuff to do and fun people to do it with. Yes, we worship and learn from the Bible together, but NO, it’s not “going to church all day.” Its meals in the mess hall, a cool counselor, quiet and small games, loud and whole camp games, swimming, canoeing, and a whole lot of laughing. Parent’s, camp is so important! Regular summer camp attendance as a youth is one of the key leading factors in strong faith development and in creating a positive faith experience in a person’s life. Camp is where the relationship bonds are formed that return to church and make things like Sunday School, Confirmation, and Youth Group even better. The more kids you have go to camp from your class now, the better will be your confirmation and youth group experience in the future. Parents, to sign up your child for camp: Go to or call the camp office at 920-882-0023. We also have paper registration in the Narthex if you would like to mail it in. Do this asap to make sure you get a spot. This year they are not holding any spots for us and camp can fill up quickly Once you have completed this please email so she can add you to the list of youth going to camp this year. This might even inspire others to go. : Completed Grades 1st, 2nd and 3rd Pioneer B Completed Grades 3rd, 4th and 5th Pathfinders Completed Grades 6th, 7th and 8th Mavericks July 15th – 17th (Wednesday-Friday) Early Registration Fee: $200.00 July 12th to 17th (Sunday - Friday) Early Registration Fee: $400.00 July 12th to 17th (Sunday - Friday) Early Registration Fee: $400.00 Crossways Camps are not just for kids… Check out the many opportunities they have! * Family Camp (Week or Weekend) * Intro to Camp * GrandparentKids Camp * * Quilting Retreats * Grandparent/Kid Camp * Godparent/Godchild Weekend Retreat * *Family Camp with Children with Autism (Piece Together) * Preschool Parent & Me Camp * 4 7th Grade Students and Parents Mentor Program Information and registration forms for confirmation camp have been mailed (if you did not receive them, please contact Tracy). Forms and registration fees need to be turned in to Tracy ASAP. Please make checks payable to Ascension Lutheran Church. Camp is a required part of the confirmation program. We will meet on Wednesday, March 4th at 7:15 p.m. in the north hall. This meeting will roll out the two and half year confirmation program and all its requirements. Please mark your calendars now. It is extremely important that ALL students and their parents attend this meeting. On February 25th at 7:15 p.m. in the north hall we will be meeting to introduce the Mentor Program. This meeting is for all parents, students (those who have completed the first two years of the Confirmation Program), and their mentors. We will be going thru the mentor program in its entirety and providing time for students and mentors to work on their first project. Please mark your calendars now. This is a very important meeting and your attendance is crucial to ensure the successful start of the mentor year. YOUTH AND FAMILY PROGRAMMING Get creative with Ascension PJs & Prayers This is a special ministry provided for 3-year olds thru 1st grade youth and their parent(s). Join us on Mondays, February 23rd, March 30th, and April 27th at 6:00-7:00 p.m. for fun and fellowship. We will hear a story, make a craft, play games, and have some fun! All activities center around the story. Older and younger siblings are also welcome. You do need to register (sign up on green bulletin board in the middle hall) so we know how many to plan for!!!!. 5 stART the Month with Family Art— Stained Glass First Saturday of the month, Saturday, February 7th and March 7th 10:00-11:30 a.m. We will meet in the North Hall— please use Door 8 or 9 Join us to create “make-and-take” art projects that reflect expressions of faith. Children of all ages are welcome with an adult. Refreshments will be served for a time of fellowship. Please register in advance and arrive on time to ensure time for project completion. Cost: $20 per family NEW THIS SUMMER College-Age Young Adult Mini-Mission Trip to Minneapolis, MN. Wednesday, June 24th to Sunday, June 28th. If you are interested please contact Tracy. We have two people signed up so far! Come on out and test your skills on a variety of challenges using household items. 60 seconds on the clock. Do you think you can do it?? You've got a minute to win it!! We will have a great time!! See you there! 1st Grade - 5th Grade Friday, February 20th 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Mission Trippers Photo Event and Required Mini Meeting For all Youth and adult leaders going on High School Mission Trip (Marvel, Arkansas) 8th Grade Urban Immersion Service Trip (Twin Cities, MN) High Schoolers Sunday, February 22nd 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. You must attend one of the following meetings: Sunday, April 12th or Sunday, April 19th @11:45 a.m. in the North Hall Middle School Bowling Event Sunday, February 22 nd 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Join us for an afternoon of fellowship, pizza, and bowling. We will meet at Willow Creek Lanes (2020 Verlin Road). This event is open to all 6th / 7th / 8th Graders and Friends. Cost only $10.00. SOUP SALE— February 8th Youth will be selling soup after services on Sunday, February 8th. Proceeds go to support youth mission trips. Upcoming Scrip order dates: February 8 & 22; March 8 & 22; April 12 & 26; May 3 & 17 If you have any questions, contact Lori Weaver at or 920-430-8588. Senior High Youth ChristCare (10th—12th graders) 2nd and 4th Wednesdays — 6:30 p.m. in Youth Room Co-Leaders: Wendy Gilley and Debbie Kralovetz Marcus Movie Tickets Marcus movie tickets are $8.50 each — and if you buy 2 tickets, you get a $3 voucher for the concession stand! 6 IMPORTANT DATES 7TH GRADE CONFIRMATION CAMP WAYPOST CAMP: JUNE 14 - 19 8TH GRADE URBAN IMMERSION SERVICE TRIP TWIN CITIES: JUNE 24 - 28 YOUTH CAMP AT IMAGO DEI/1ST GRADE UP FULL W EEK – JULY 12TH TO JULY 17TH HALF W EEK – JULY 15TH TO JULY 17TH COLLEGE-AGE MINI-MISSION TRIP TWIN CITIES: JUNE 24-28 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTHWORKS MISSION TRIP ARKANSAS: JULY 10 - 19 CHRISTIAN SERVICE 2015 ADULT MISSION TRIP to City On A Hill in Milwaukee April 10-11. Watch Sunday bulletins for the Top 10 Reasons of why you should join the adventure! Adult Mission Trip – REFLECTIONS It’s a pleasant drive to Milwaukee with some brothers and sisters in Christ. We stop and break bread together. There is good Christian fellowship in the air. There is always some scripture shared and a sermon by Diane De La Santos, the director of City on a Hill. Last time we shared the story of the Good Samaritan. Diane put a very interesting modern spin on this timeless teaching. Could I be a “drive-by Christian”? We are all good Samaritans sometimes. Then sometimes we are the ones who did not stop to help (the Levite or the priest in the story). There are many ways to work to bring about the kingdom. We all throw money and time in for good causes and helping people in need. We bring groceries for the food pantry collections and the Christmas baskets. God puts that call on our hearts. “Feed my people.” Diane spoke about the Samaritan who got off his donkey and went to the wounded stranger and physically cared for him. The Samaritan got out of his comfort zone. He got into a possible danger zone there on the bandit-prone highway. City on a Hill is out of all of our comfort zones, we who live here in suburban Green Bay and De Pere. This is not about being the Levite or the priest. We are not “drive by” Christians. We do not ignore needy people. But maybe God is asking you to get off your donkey and make a trip to central city Milwaukee. It is truly a Christian experience that will bring you back to what it must have been like in the times of the Acts of the Apostles. God is with you as you pull ham off the bone to prepare the meal for the guests that will come to the City on a Hill. Take a moment in your prayer time. Ask God if this may be what He is talking about. Debbie Baum 7 CHRISTIAN SERVICE KNITTING MINISTRY The knitting ministry meets in the Fireside room at 3:00 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month (next meeting—February 15) Any questions, please contact Audrey Johnson at 468-9481. Our next First Sunday Food Collection for Resurrection Food Pantry is literally February 1st ….easy way to’s SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Why not donate an extra can of “soup” along with any other non-perishable items. Please place items in baskets Help the Homeless by donating your gently used household items today! A Ministry of: Ascension Lutheran Church 2911 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301 To arrange pick-up call: [920] 784-7092 or send an email to: Did you know???? Home Sweet Home has already had three moves in January and at the time of writing this article there is already another one scheduled for February 1st. Did you know???? HSH is still short on furniture like dressers, end tables, coffee tables, lamps (table and floor) and microwaves. (However, we will take any other items listed) Did you know???? There are lots of empty spaces on the sign-up sheets located in the Narthex by the nursery window. Did you know???? Hebrews 13:16 says “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Immediate Needs: Kitchen Towels Dish Cloths Toasters Microwaves TV’s – really interested in flat screen/hd ready – older analog TV’s need to be 20” or less and come with converter boxes 8 Furniture Items Accepted: Twin or Full mattress & box springs Twin or Full headboards and/or frames Small Dressers Chest of drawers Nightstands Couches (please no sleeper sofas) Love seats Recliners/Rockers Living room chairs Coffee tables End tables Floor lamps Table lamps Kitchen Tables Kitchen Chairs Microwave carts CHRISTIAN SERVICE Boys & Girls Club Meal Ministry Thanks so much for all the volunteers that came out to feed the kids at the club in January. Ascension volunteers will be serving up hot meals monthly at the Boys & Girls Club through May (coincides with the school year). We show the face of Jesus to children and have a great time of fellowship with the kids and with other volunteers. Want to get in on this heartwarming ministry? Sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex hallway. Upcoming dates below: Monday, February 23rd Monday, March 16th Wednesday, April 8th Monday, May 18th (Family style sit-down dinner) Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1Peter 4:10 NEW Community Shelter Meal On Saturday, January 17, we served 155 people a meal of hamburger stroganoff, lettuce salad, fruit, rolls, and cookies. Many thanks to those who helped with meal prep/serving: Jeff & Lori Keller, Jacob Keller, Sara Keller, Jeff & Nancy Jacobe Our cookie bakers: Nancy Hess, Kathy Kauth, Mary Sue Lavin, Barb Bonovich, Micki Geis, Carol Holmstrom Thank you to the congregation for financially supporting this ministry. The next meal is scheduled for Sunday, February 15th. Sign ups are on the bulletin board. Questions? Call: Pam Schubert 465-6454, Cathy McDermott 406-3917, Susan Campbell 330-0578, or Michele Knowles 336-3098 PART-TIME MAINTENANCE POSITION: The Mutual Ministry team would like to announce that they are now taking applications for our parttime Maintenance Technician position. The Maintenance Technician, in cooperation with the custodial staff and Property Core Team, is responsible for the appearance and maintenance of the buildings, equipment, and grounds of Ascension. This position is part time and is capped at 10 hours/week over 48 weeks/year (480 hours per year). A certain degree of work time flexibility will be necessary. The exact amount of hours worked per week will fluctuate in response to the maintenance demands at the time. Job description and application forms are available in the church office, or can be sent to you electronically by emailing Please submit your cover letter, resume and completed applications to the church office by February 15, 2015. Resumes should include certifications, job experience and training applicable to those duties indicated in the job description. If you have further questions, please contact our Business Support Manager, Jeannine Walker, at 920-336-3561 ext. 110 or e-mail 9 Stop by the Welcome Desk on Sunday mornings or call 336-3561, Ext. 109 with any questions or to just connect. NEW MEMBER WEEKEND: March 7 & 8 Our next new member workshop will be Saturday, March 7th, 9:00 a.m. —noon, joining at the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, March 8th. A lunch follows. WELCOME to our partnership in ministry! If you’d like to be a part of this weekend, please contact Pastor Lori at 336-3561, ext. 104, or e-mail BREAD BREAKERS – A FEW CHANGES: Many people have enjoyed getting to know other Ascension members through Bread Breakers – meeting for supper in each other’s homes for conversation and to share a meal. This fellowship ministry for adults of all ages is going to have some changes this year (an experiment!): 1. There will be no “Large Group” meeting. 2. Groups will form just once a year; groups will have the year to meet, 4 times, instead of 3; up to each group, but could meet quarterly. (Many have said that it’s been hard to get 3 events in together in the fall/early winter, with many holidays). 3. Couples and singles will still sign up on the hallway bulletin board – by March 15. 4. That next week, folks will be notified of the groups they are in, with one couple designated as the “secretary” to contact folks to plan the first meal of the group. 5. Then, in February of 2016, new groups will be formed. Hopefully, this will make it easier and more possible for more people to get involved! Sign up next time you are at church on the hallway bulletin board to be a part of this fun ministry! Questions? Contact Pastor Lori 336-3561 x. 104 or e-mail pastorlori@ascensiongb.comg 10 STEWARDSHIP NOTES Fellow Members, Thank you for your generosity this past year in the sharing of your gifts, providing for all that we were able to do as a congregation serving God. Thank you for your expressions of financial support for the year ahead, that it may allow us to break out in greater service. The Stewardship Team A New Year in Financial Giving Ways The beginning of the year is a time when we often set up our financial arrangements. The same can be done with your church offering. You have heard that Simply Giving has recently been enhanced in options and convenience. Automating your financial commitments means your contributions will be received on a steady, uninterrupted basis all year. Think of it as a more biblical first fruits offering, giving to God before anything else. Online Giving lets you set up an automatic contribution plan, change your contribution plan, make a one-time gift or view your online giving history. Our Simply Giving program now offers the following options: Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account on a recurring or one-time basis. Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card. Enrollment forms are available at the Welcome Desk. Or you can enroll through the link on the church’s website. Time for a change? Many of you already use electronic payments in other areas of your life so as to meet your financial obligations in a timely manner. Therefore, we invite you to add electronic giving to balance your church financial commitments as well. If you are already participating in the Simply Giving – Recurring Giving electronic option and would like to access your account online, please contact the church office for assistance. Simply Giving is a convenient, consistent way to support Ascension year round and maintain your personal commitment of stewardship. Council Highlights From the January 13th Council Meeting Finalize 2015 budget recommendation for annual meeting Appeal Duration 1/1/13 to 12/31/15 Amount Pledged $877,089 Amount Received (as of 12/31) 650,234 Amount Remaining $226,855 Annual meeting final preparations 11 February Library News The following books are new additions to Ascension’s Library and during February will be located on the “Monthly Featured Books” bookrack on the west wall of the Library. After February they can be found on the third shelf of the stacks in the area marked “New additions to the library 2015” Category 3 -- Inspirational Mended: Pieces of a Life Made Whole by Angie Smith (5 stars) There is no one God can’t use and no one whose brokenness is too broken for God. Before Amen by Max Lucado (5 stars) Inspirational author Max Lucado using a simple “pocket prayer” takes us to the heart of biblical prayer. You’ll Get Through This by Max Lucado (5 stars) God doesn't promise that getting through trials will be quick or painless. Max Lucado uses the story of Joseph to teach us to trust God to trump evil. Category 8 – Theology / Doctrine The Genius of Luther’s Theology by Robert Kolb and C.P. Arand (4 1/2 stars) Kolb and Arand, in essays focusing on God's twofold righteousness and God's powerful Word, have uncovered the very core of Wittenberg's theological revolution in an easily readable and nondefensive manner. Category 11 – Morals / Ethics Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to a Culture of Now by Walter Brueggman (4 1/2 stars) Walter Brueggemann writes that the Sabbath is not simply about keeping rules but rather about becoming a whole person and restoring a whole society. Prefer an e-book? All of the above are available as e-books for purchase online. 12 ASCENSION’S 4TH SILENT RETREAT: June 23-25 at St. Norbert Abbey. (more details on hallway bulletin board) Three-day, two nights, silent retreat (short sessions, informal worship, much time to think, pray, read, walk, SLOW DOWN). Theme: NOTHING can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:35-39). For any Ascension adult (18 yrs. or older), men and women, and any family or friend of Ascension members who are interested. Begins 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 23; ends 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 25. Approximate cost: $150 (depending on how many sign up; the more that come, the less the price!) Will be lead by Pastor Lori; Mike Gilley available for Spiritual Direction; Dan Weaver our resident retreat guitarist (the past years we’ve watched the sun set as Dan plays guitar – quite memorable!). Consider “being still, and knowing that God is God” for these days at the Abbey. ChristCare Small Groups— Circles of care, with Christ at the Center. Please refer to the calendar on page 16 for specific meeting dates this month. Days/Times Leaders Contact Info*** Theme Location 2nd & 4th Mondays 11:45 a.m. Judy Knudsen 983-0167 For adults At church 1st & 3rd Monday 6:30 p.m. Christopher & Kristen Paquet 983-0128 Parents of younger school age children At church 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 6:45 p.m. Jen Jacobsen 213-2162 20s and 30s Singles At Jen’s home 2nd & 4th Wednesday 11:00 a.m. Joyce Tucker 465-6026 For adults At church 2nd & 4th Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Wendy Gilley Deb Kralovetz 469-1359 863-3543 10th, 11th, 12th graders At church 2nd & 4th Wednesday** 7:00 p.m. Ann Dettlaff 655-7892 Empty Nesters Dettlaff Home Every Thursday 6:30 a.m. Bob Voss 351-3117 Men At Village Grille 1st & 3rd Thursday 6:30 p.m. Chad & Cathy McDermott 406-3917 For adults At church 2nd & 4th Thursday 6:30 p.m. Mike Gilley 360-6166 For adults At church 1st Wed, 11:30 a.m. 3rd Wed, 11:30 a.m. Pastor Lori 336-3561, ext. 104 Grief Group Mandarin Garden At church 3rd Thursday month** 7:00 p.m. Bill & Pam Schubert 465-6454 For couples Schubert’s Home 1st & 3rd Saturday 7:30 a.m. Kurt Piette 660-0916 For adults At church *At capacity *At capacity All groups * welcome new folks at any time! *(At this time the following groups are at capacity and not able to take any more members - 2nd & 4th Monday at 11:45 a.m. AND 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.) JOY Circle Will meet on Monday, February 16th at 7:00 p.m. at church. We will continue with our study of the “Sermon on the Mount.” 13 Worship Participants — February / March 2015 Sunday, February 8 Usher Teams/Captains Lector Greeters Acolytes Projection Counters Sunday, February 15 Usher Teams/Captains Comm Assts (Bread) Comm Assts (Wine) Communion Runner Acolytes Lector Greeters Counters 8:00 a.m. Team 2—Dave Hongisto Christopher Paquet Diane Webster 10:30 a.m. Team 2—Dave McAninch Mike Gilley Ken & Jeannine Walker N/A Jeff Bohlman Ron Raboin, Randy Roiko 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Team 3—Gene Schmidt Team 3—Peter Daanen Mary Sue Lavin, Lynn Roemaat. Deb Kralovetz, Jill Voss Marilynn Quirk (2 pastors) Abbie Lavin, Travis/Leah Kralovetz, Pat/Katy/Karla Hrdlicka Lois Beth, Deb Williams Shelly Nicholson Cathy McDermott Tina Korshavn Regina McIntosh Steve & Jean Brummond Sue Ludvigson Amy Gajeski, Connie Gloe Sunday, February 22 Usher Teams/Captains Acolytes Lector Greeters Projection Counters 8:00 a.m. Team 4 —Mark Becker Sunday, March 1 Usher Teams/Captains Comm Assts (bread) 8:00 a.m. Team 1—Craig Effertz Kathy Reinke, Karen Schwake, Jenny Greeneway 10:30 a.m. Team 1—Kerry Burdick Mike Gilley, Marlene Schultz (2 pastors) Comm Assts (wine) Kristin Lampe, Rochelle Reinke, Jeff Greeneway Kay Tupala Wendy Gilley, Robin Schneider, Jacob/Lindsay/Sasha Klug Amy Klug Comm Asst (runner) Acolytes Lector Greeters Counters 10:30 a.m. Team 4—Richard Postel Mary Sue Lavin Robin Daanen Judy Knudsen Tom & Lynn Paroubek N/A Mike Buege Tracy Everson, Mary Beth Ryan Kay Tupala Kevin Graff Marcia Nowicki Paulette Pocquette Melanie Graff, Heidi Cauldwell ALTAR GUILD: February: DeEtte Radant, Lori Weaver March: Mary Sue Lavin, Chris Daleiden 14 MEMBERSHIP UPDATES The February Birthday calendar is available at the Welcome Desk. BAPTISMS: We celebrated the baptism of Sophie Elizabeth Guyette and her mother, Jessica Guyette on January 18th. DIRECTORY UPDATES Claudia Elsner Phone: 676-9285 Jerry & Sue Grunewald 1161 Cardinal St. De Pere, WI 54115-4007 425-3777 Bill & Sandy Marotz Phone: 562-3892 McIntosh Phone Updates: Regina: 609-2217 Scott: 606-4249 Karen Murto 1770 Carriage Ct. Green Bay, WI 54304 Phone Numbers Please remember to contact the church office and give a number that can be used for our church directory if you discontinue your land line. Thanks! Online Tidings Remember you can receive the Tidings monthly newsletter as a PDF from a link on our website. If you would prefer this to a paper copy mailed to your home, please e-mail the church office: 15 Ascension Lutheran Church— February 2015 Sun 1 8:00a Worship 9:15a Educ Hr 10:30a Worship Mon 2 Tue 3 9:00a Quilters 9:30a Staff Mtg 6:45p CC 6:30p CC (Paquet) 6:30p Bldg Use (Scouts) 8 8:00a Worship 9:15a Educ Hr 10:30a Contemporary Worship/ Cherub Choir 9 (Jacobsen) 10 9:00a Quilters 11:45a CC (Knudsen) 16 17 6:30p Minute to Win It (High School Youth) 11:30a CC Grief Grp (Mand Gard) 6:30p Confirm 6:30p Choir Reh 8:00p Worship Band Rehearsal 11 6:30p Confirmaion (Lg Group Night) 6:30p Choir Reh 6:30p CC (Gilley/Kralovetz) 7:00p CC 18 6:30a CC (Voss) Fri 6 9:00a Bulletin Assembly Sat 7 7:30a CC (Piette) 10:00a Family ART 6:30p CC (McDermott) 6:30p Mutual Ministry 12 6:30a CC (Voss) 13 14 9:00a Bulletin Assembly 6:30p CC (Schuberts) 19 6:30a CC (Voss) 20 9:00a Bulletin Assembly 21 7:30a CC (Piette) 11:30a CC Grief Grp (at church) 12:00N Worship 6:30p CC (Paquet) 7:00p Joy Circle Worship Bld Press Chks Educ Hr Contemporary Worship 11:30a Bld Press Chks 12:30p Bowling (MS) Thu 5 9:00a Quilters 9:30a Staff Mtg 3:00p Knitting Ministry 22 8:00a 9:00a 9:15a 10:30a 4 11:00a CC (Tucker) 6:30p Council 15 8:00a Worship 9:15a Educ Hr 10:00a NEW Comm Shelter Meal 10:30a Blended Worship Wed 23 11:45a CC (Knudsen) 4:00p B & G Club Dinner 6:30p PJs and Prayers 6:45p CC (Jacobsen) 24 9:00a Quilters 6:30p Worship 7:30p Choir Reh 8:00p Worship Band Rehearsal 25 11:00a CC (Tucker) 6:30p Quiet Lenten Worship 7:05p Kick off to 6:30p Ministry Mentor Year Leader Mtg 7:15p Choir Reh 7:15p CC (Gilley/Kralovetz) 6:30p CC 6:00-9:00p (McDermott) Minute to Win It 7:00p CC (Grades 1-5) (Schuberts) 26 6:30a CC (Voss) 9:00a Tidings Assembly 27 28 9:00a Bulletin 9:00a—noon Assembly First Communion Workshop Afternoon Dahlquist Wedding—TBD ASCENSION CHURCH STAFF MINISTRY LEADERS Rev. Luther Swenson, Lead Pastor: Rev. Lori Swenson, Pastor of Congregational Care: Tracy Bahn, Youth & Confirmation Director: Cindy Sleeman, Sunday School Director: Valerie VanderMeuse, Office Manager: Nancy Jacobe, Bookkeeper: Jeannine Walker, Business Support Manager: Pam Schubert, Member Connections: Mike Gilley, Spiritual Direction: Claire McCarthy: Emily DeVillers, Kris Liedtke, Jean Fredrickson: Eric Ludvigson: Patrick Marchant, Chancel Choir Director: Dan Weaver: Rick & Audrey Johnson: Mike Sleeman: Jennifer Poley, Nursery Coordinator: Olyvia Kuchta: Church Office Telephone: Fax Machine: Check out our website: Prayer Chain Requests: Home Sweet Home Donations: Mark Becker ( David Wegge ( Lynn Roemaat ( Jeff Greeneway ( Mike Wathke ( Paulette Pocquette: Joe Refsguard ( Deb Kralovetz ( Tony Brunette ( Dennis Sachs: Craig Hanke: Mike Gilley & Pastor Lori: Mike Gilley: Nancy Jacobe: Katie Dehn: Sue Grunewald: Christopher Paquet: Sue Ludvigson: Peter Daanen: Joyce Tucker: (volunteer) Organist Directors of Cherub Choir (volunteers) Worship Band Director Supplemental Music Custodians Maintenance (Interim) Nursery Attendants (920)336-3561 (920)338-1054 (920)784-7092 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Finance Mutual Ministry Christian Service Congregational Life & Growth Learning Ministry Property Stewardship Witness Worship & Music ChristCare Equippers Spiritual Direction Altar Guild Prayer Chain/e-mail Prayer Chain/phone (425-3777) SS Rotation Coordinator Worship Participants Scheduler Head Usher Funeral Luncheon Coordinator Due to HIPAA privacy laws, the church is often not informed when a person is hospitalized. Please call the church office when you would like a pastoral visit when you are in the hospital. Do not rely on the hospital to call the church office, even if they have said they will. Please call the church office directly, or have a family member do so. 17 Prayer Chain Requests: Or call Sue Grunewald at 425-3777 Ascension Lutheran Church 2911 Libal St. Green Bay, WI 54301 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 21 GREEN BAY, WI RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED WORSHIP SCHEDULE— Sundays 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION — 1st & 3rd Sundays CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10:30 a.m. BLENDED MUSIC 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. SIGN LANGUAGE AVAILABLE 3rd Sundays at 8:00 a.m. EDUCATION HOUR—9:15 a.m. (Sunday School, Youth Forum, Adult Education) MID-WEEK LENTEN WORSHIP (Beginning on Ash Wednesday) Wednesdays, (2/18– 3/25) at 6:30 p.m. Nursery Available Sundays Both Services and during Education Hour OFFICE MANAGER’S HOURS: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Check out our website: Facebook: Ascension Lutheran Church, Green Bay
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