Ascension Lutheran Church 2911 Libal St., Green Bay, WI 54301 920-336-3561 JANUARY 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Sun Morning at a Glance Adult Education Camp Day Youth & Family Stewardship Council, Thank Yous Christian Svc: Thanks Meals Home Sweet Home Connection Corner Spiritual Renewal ChristCare Worship Participants January Birthdays Calendar* Staff & Leaders Page 2 2 3 4&5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 As I write this, it is 2 days until Christmas Eve. As you read this, the Christmas season is over. (The 12 days of Christmas end on January 6, with Epiphany – as we celebrate Jesus as the light of the whole world). There is a song that we sang in my church high school singing group when I was growing up, that continues to run through my mind towards the end of the Christmas season. It’s based on a Christmas poem by Howard Thurman; in 1969 Jim Strathdee wrote the song, “I am the Light of the World.” One part of the song captures the thought that while Christmas may be over, is really isn’t: “When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and the shepherds have found their way home, the work of Christmas is begun!” What is the “work of Christmas?” The song gives some options: to find the lost and lonely one to heal the broken soul with love to feed the hungry children with warmth and good food to make music in an old man’s heart to bring hope to every task you do. We can add: to live our lives walking with One who was born to save us, and to boldly share the Good News of our Savior! Jesus IS the light of the world. When we walk in that light, we are living truly as we were meant to live. As Lutheran Christians, we are redeemed by Christ to be people of God, inviting all to faith-filled worship, challenging all to grow in faith, reaching out to all in faithful service and witness. (Ascension’s vision statement) It is vital to ground the “work of Christmas” in Jesus – who is the Light of our lives and the world. As was an important part of Pastor Luther’s Advent theme on the Light, we are NOT the light. Grounded in our faith in Jesus our light, and with worshipping together weekly and praying and reading for God’s Word daily, we can be lights to our dark world, each day of 2015. Pause for a moment, and prayerfully consider how you are letting your light shine, and are part of the “work of Christmas…” May the light of our Lord and Savior shine in and through you each day. PEACE in Christ our LIGHT, Pastor Lori January Sunday Morning Worship at-a-Glance Sunday 8:00 Worship 10:30 Worship Sunday Happenings Jan. 4 Traditional Traditional No Sunday School Jan. 11 Traditional Contemporary Summer Camp Roundup Jan. 18 Traditional Blended Jan. 25 Traditional Contemporary 11:45 am Annual Meeting Sunday Morning 9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study & Classes Sundays in January – Adult Bible Study - The Epistle of First Peter—by Pastor Luther Jump in any time with our ongoing Bible study of 1st Peter. We have a great core group of regular attenders along with some other great folks who can only make it every now and then, and we always have room for someone curious to check out the class even just one time. We’re learning from God’s Word, developing our personal Bible study skills, and you just never know where the conversation is going to take us next. Come join us. No previous classes necessary to make this one your first one. Sunday School classes will resume on Sunday, January 11th. Ascension’s Annual Meeting is on January 25 at 11:45 a.m. Annual Meetings are very important in congregation-based governance such as ours in that the most important decisions of the congregation cannot be made by a council, pastor, or bishop but must be made by the congregation itself in a properly called and conducted congregational meeting. For instance only a congregation meeting can approve an annual budget or elect members to the council. At our meeting this year we will briefly review our congregation’s seven ministry priorities and remind ourselves where we are in the timeline of our three 3-year major capital appeal efforts to pay for our new sanctuary. We are already at that point where, in order to continue on the congregation’s sanctuary funding plan, we will need to approve our plan for the next 3-year sanctuary debt reduction appeal along with the professional services for conducting that appeal. The council is also recommending to the congregation a motion to change our constitution to a clearer definition of what constitutes a quorum for annual meetings. The motion states: “The Constitution of Ascension Lutheran Church, C10.04, which currently reads, “C10.04 Ten percent of voting members shall constitute a quorum,” shall be amended to read, “C10.04 Fifty (50) voting members shall constitute a quorum.” 2 Every summer Imago Dei sets aside one week as “Ascension Week” because so many of our youth attend camp – last summer we had over 50 kids attend camp! Pastor Luther and Tracy attend confirmation camp at Waypost with our 8th graders EVERY YEAR!! Ascension has at least 15 members who are past or present camp staff members (not all at Crossways – but camp just the same!) At least 5 families from Ascension attend Crossways Family Camp! The ELCA has over 140 camps and retreat centers all over the United States! Crossways offers 29 summer programs for all ages and more programs throughout the year! Relationships built at camp last a lifetime! On January 11th, Learning Ministries is sponsoring during the education hour (9:15 – 10:15). Watch the Bulletin and your e-mail for more details!! Look around at the gifts God has provided. Have you said thanks today? 3 YOUTH AND FAMILY PROGRAMMING Get creative with Ascension stART the Month with Family Art (usually) First Saturday of the month, This month—Saturday, January 10th. 10:00-11:30 a.m. Join us to create “make-and-take” art projects that reflect expressions of faith. Children of all ages are welcome with an adult. Refreshments will be served for a time of fellowship. Please register in advance and arrive on time to ensure time for project completion. Cost: TBA PJs & Prayers This is a special ministry provided for 3-year olds thru 1st grade youth and their parent(s). Join us on Monday, January 26th at 6:00-7:00 p.m. for fun and fellowship. We will hear a story, make a craft, play games, and have some fun! All activities center around the story. Older and younger siblings are also welcome. You do need to register (sign up on green bulletin board in the middle hall) so we know how many to plan for!!!!. Senior High Youth ChristCare (10th—12th graders) 2nd and 4th Wednesdays — 6:30 p.m. in Youth Room Co-Leaders: Wendy Gilley and Debbie Kralovetz 4 YOUTH WILL BE SELLING SUB SANDWICHES FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING on January 25th. Watch for more information in upcoming bulletins. Marcus Movie Tickets Marcus movie tickets are $8.50 each — and if you buy 2 tickets, you get a $3 voucher for the concession stand! Contact Geri Collette at or 336-3863. Upcoming Scrip order dates: January 4 & 18, February 8 & 22 March 8 & 22, April 12 & 26 May 3 & 17 If you have any questions, contact Lori Weaver at or 920-430-8588. MARK YOUR CALENDAR WITH THESE IMPORTANT 2015 DATES FIRST COMMUNION (FOR 2ND GRADERS AND OLDER CHILDREN WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED COMMUNION YET) WORKSHOP: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH FROM 9:00 A.M. TO NOON STUDENTS RECEIVE THEIR FIRST COMMUNION AT WORSHIP ON SUNDAY, MARCH 1ST 7TH GRADE—CONFIRMATION CAMP WAYPOST CAMP: JUNE 14TH TO 19TH 8TH GRADE URBAN IMMERSION SERVICE TRIP TWIN CITIES: JUNE 24TH TO 28TH HIGH SCHOOL YOUTHWORKS MISSION TRIP ARKANSAS: JULY 10TH TO 19TH YOUTH CAMP AT IMAGO DEI/1ST GRADE UP FULL W EEK – JULY 12TH TO JULY 17TH HALF W EEK – JULY 15TH TO JULY 17TH 5 A New Year of Financial Giving Thank you to all who provided a financial commitment for 2015 to assist in the planning and financial health of the congregation’s ministries. For any who have not done so, you may still do so and we welcome hearing back from you. Stop by the Welcome Desk to pick up a pledge form (we know some get lost) or drop off your completed form. A New Year in Financial Giving Ways The beginning of the year is a time when we often set up our financial arrangements. The same can be done with your church offering. You have heard that Simply Giving has recently been enhanced in options and convenience. Automating your financial commitments means your contributions will be received on a steady, uninterrupted basis all year. Think of it as a more biblical first fruits offering, giving to God before anything else. Our Simply Giving program now offers you the following options: Online Giving lets you set up an automatic contribution plan, change your contribution plan, make a one-time gift or view your online giving history. Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account on a recurring or one-time basis. Credit & Debit Card Giving lets you make offerings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card. Enrollment forms are available at the Welcome Desk. Or you can enroll through the link on the church’s website. Time for a change? Many of you already use electronic payments in other areas of your life so as to meet your financial obligations in a timely manner. Therefore, we invite you to add electronic giving to balance your church financial commitments as well. If you are already participating in the Simply Giving – Recurring Giving electronic option and would like to access your account online, please contact the church office for assistance. Simply Giving is a convenient, consistent way to support Ascension year round and maintain your personal commitment of stewardship. Appeal Duration 1/1/13 to 12/31/15 Amount Pledged $877,089 Amount Received (as of 11/30) 640,165 Amount Remaining $236,934 6 Council Highlights From the December 9th Council Meeting Prep work for Annual Meeting (January 25th) 2015 budget preparation for presentment to congregation during the annual meeting Synod News (Ascension is a congregation of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin of the E.L.C.A.) John Beem, age 79, former Bishop of our East Central Synod from 1994 – 2000, died on Friday, December 26. After retirement as our bishop, he and his wife Carla, live in Alexandria, MN. Those from our congregation who were active with church synod events in those years leading up to 2000 will remember Bishop John fondly. Many pastors remember John as the pastor’s pastor. “Thank You’s” Received for the Congregation Dear Ascension Lutheran Members and Friends, Resurrection Lutheran Food Pantry continues to thank you for your wonderful support of our pantry. Your donations on 11/2/14 of 103 food items and of 51 more items on 11/22/14 were much needed. We served 534 people in November and it goes quickly. Thank you. And, “Thank you for the 135 food items” given in December. “Merry Christmas and God Bless!” ~ From Resurrection Lutheran Church Food Pantry, Judy Anderson, Pantry Manager. (Ascension collects food pantry food items on the first Sunday of each month. Thank you to all of you who participate donating these food items.) “Thank you for your support of the New Community Shelter!! The need is high… Your support offers us the opportunity to enhance the services we are able to provide to those who struggle to transition into permanent employment and housing. You don’t have to give to the Shelter but you do!! Thank you for the gift of $1,020 given in November of 2014. ~ Terri Refsguard, Executive Director. 7 CHRISTIAN SERVICE Our next First Sunday Food Collection for Resurrection Food Pantry is literally February 1st ….easy way to’s SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Why not donate an extra can of “soup” along with any other non-perishable items. Please place items in baskets provided in the Narthex. Thanks! THANK YOU!!! Blessings abound this Christmas as we were able to share food and Adopt A Family gifts with 55 adults and children from our local community! Plus the many giving tree items that will go to even more people through the ministries of Home Sweet Home, Freedom House, and the Micah Center (Daytime Homeless Shelter). This could not have been achieved without the help of many. THANK YOU to the following families for their help sorting the non -perishables: Fagres Schmitz Borleys Loocks Hrdlickas Hogans Poleys THANK YOU: Our members who continue to bless this community with the gift of food to nourish families in need. Austin’s, Festival Foods, and Kwik Trips for the banana boxes Morning Glory/Dean Foods and Craig Effertz for the donation of a gallon of milk to each family Piggly Wiggly for the delivery of the perishable foods The Holten Family, Pat Hrdlicka, Kristin Lampe, and Nancy Poley for sorting the perishables and assisting with the delivery driver pick up of the boxes Our patient and faithful delivery drivers: Micki Geis The Van Scoyk Family Piette ChristCare Group The Radant Family Lisa Sment The Sablich Family The Holten Family Stacy Heller, Zoe & Zach Cambray Our Cookie Bakers: Karen Green Natalie Holten Judy Henrickson Kristin Lampe Micki Geis Stacy Heller Judy Knudson The Schneider Family Erik Hosmann Jeff Jacobe Carren Christensen Joyce Tucker Holly Keyser Rita Running Rick Johnson for his continued support and efforts to help us with table set up and clean up! 8 Boys & Girls Club Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! To all who donated the 125 dozen (plus!) cookies, the mission team thanks you, the Boys & Girls Club staff thanks you, and the families and children from the club thank you. Your generosity made it possible to send a dozen cookies and warm Christmas greetings from Ascension home with every child! NEW Community Shelter Meal As for the volunteers that helped cook and serve at our annual sit down Christmas dinner, of roast pork, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn and applesauce – we say Thank You! Thanks also goes out to all who helped with our annual Christmas craft project at the club. The kids made ornaments out of the toilet paper rolls you so generously supplied – suffice it to say – it was glitter gone wrong – but they had a blast! On Sunday December 21, we served a meal of ham, au gratin potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, rolls and frosted cutout cookies (made by our youth group). We received many compliments on the meal. 155 were served and many came back for seconds. We would also like to thank our silent partner – the Woods Banquet Facility – for their ongoing generosity in allowing us the use of serving dishes. We couldn’t do our sit down dinners without it. Thanks to our meal prep/servers: Connie Gloe, Lisa Sment, Amelia and Ava Sment, Gary and Micki Geis One last thank you goes out to the Boys and Girls Club – for sharing their kids with us! They are always trying to find ways to thank our community for supporting them. It is in that spirit that they made aprons for each of the co-leaders of the Boys and Girls Club Meal Ministry. While getting hands on experience learning to sew on real sewing machines, they made beautiful, useful aprons for us. They then sent a very nice thank you card with pictures of our latest dinner and the aprons. Check it out on the bulletin board in the Narthex Hallway while you are signing up for the next dinner in January – date below. Our cookie bakers: The youth group! Monday, January 26th, 2015 Luke 6:38 “…give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” Watch for upcoming dinner dates in the weekly bulletins and future Tidings. For questions – call Pam Schubert 465-6454, Cathy McDermott 406-3917, Susan Campbell 330-0578, or Michele Knowles 336-3098. 9 Thank you to all who continue to support this ministry. The next meal is scheduled for Saturday, January 17th. Sign ups are on the bulletin board. A reminder to confirmation students this is a required project to be done with a parent. If you have any questions on future dates, I'd be happy to give them to you. A Ministry of: Ascension Lutheran Church 2911 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301 HOME SWEET HOME NEWS In 2014, HSH reached a milestone of 215 total moves since its inception in 2008, with 60 moves in 2014 alone. Who knew one short year ago, just how much that donated truck was going to be pressed into action? And generosity continues to abound! Thanks for all those who donated to HSH through the Ascension Giving Tree. We would also like to thank Langlade School for their continued support of HSH – they erected their own giving tree and donated miscellaneous household goods from coffee makers to silverware. A huge thank you goes out to Debbie Baum – who took the initiative to submit HSH to her place of employment, Associated Bank, to get us approved as an official Associated Bank charity for 2015. Donations from their employees for different fundraisers (like jeans day) throughout the year will be collected through the Associated Bank GB Service Center and a check will be sent at the end of 2015. Does your place of employment offer anything like this? Be a champion for the HSH cause! Please consider signing up for a week of “on-call” to help with this community ministry. Dates available are on the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. If a guest is ready and an apartment is available during your “call” week, you would be notified of the details by the phone coordinator. As Jesus said, what you do for the least of these, you do for Him. Prayerfully consider your ability to help those in our community in need of a fresh start in a furnished home. ALERT! We are in desperate need of furniture. Don’t forget to “advertise” for Home Sweet Home to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. All donations are tax deductible! You can even stop by the Welcome Center desk for Home Sweet Home business cards to hand out or put up at your place of employment. It truly takes a village to do this kind of ministry. Twin or Full mattress & box springs Twin or Full headboards and/or frames Small Dressers Chest of drawers Nightstands Couches (please no sleeper sofas) Love seats Recliners/Rockers Living room chairs Coffee tables End tables Floor lamps Table lamps TV’s (now accepting digital ready only) Converter Boxes (for inventory of older TV’s) Kitchen Tables Kitchen Chairs Microwaves Microwave carts KNITTING MINISTRY The knitting ministry meets in the Fireside room at 3:00 p.m. on the third Sunday of each month (next meeting—January 18) Any questions, please contact Audrey Johnson at 468-9481. Gratitude expands our personal universe. 10 Member Connections Corner Considerable time and effort has gone into “cleaning-up” our Ascension database in the last quarter of 2014. Moving forward in 2015, I would like to emphasize the importance of communicating any changes (for any members of your household) in addresses, phone numbers (especially if you drop your land line) and email addresses. You can do this in several easy ways: 1.) Stop at the Welcome desk on Sunday morning – there is a form to complete. 2.) Call the church office – 336-3561 - give the info to Val or dial extension 109 (that’s Pam Schubert’s ext.) and leave a message with the information. 3.) Email your changes to: This updated information is essential to our Ascension Ministries and provides efficiency to all – we are striving for one source of information for all staff (and ministries) to utilize. Whether it is one of the pastors making a call to you or the Sunday School coordinator sending information – we want to be able to reach you. In the past, many within the church kept their own little “mini” databases making the changes if they happened to be notified of them. If you are not sure if we have the correct info – drop an email to me ( – include the following: Address – if more than one applies throughout the year (especially for snow birds and/or college students) – give dates that each apply to. Phone #’s Designate for each individual: Land line or Cell Phone (and whose cell) Listed or Unlisted - listed is published in the phone directory, unlisted will not be published in phone directory) Email Address: Designate for each individual: Household Email Address Personal Email Address (whose is it?) Listed or Unlisted - listed is published in the phone directory, unlisted will not be published in phone directory) Occupation/Employer - Can be beneficial to know your skill set for projects/ministries Designate for each individual: Job Title Employer’s Name If we are missing other important information, like birthdates etc., I will be in contact with you. Thanks for your attention to this need and for the ongoing communication of these ever-changing details. Sincerely, Pam Schubert Member Connections 11 Day in day out we struggle with issues and decisions not really knowing why or what is the best thing to do. A spiritual companion may be able help you to discern where God is leading you. Call, e-mail or text for an appointment. 920-360-6166/ Blessings Mike Gilley Spiritual Director WOMEN OF ASCENSION: Morning of Spiritual Renewal for Women. Saturday, January 17, 2015, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Held at Norbertine Center for Spirituality at St. Norbert Abbey, DePere. Cost: $40 (includes programs, morning refreshments, lunch) Along with 8 other workshop presenters on a myriad of subjects, Pastor Lori will be doing a workshop (50 min.) on “Be Still and Know that I am God.” Check the hallway bulletin board for more info, or go to MY HEART OVERFLOWS – from Pastor Lori I don't even have the words for all the gratitude in my heart for the love, support, encouragement, emails, cards, Love in a Dish meals, other touching gifts of love and most importantly, all the PRAYERS for me and Pastor Luther both during these last 7 weeks of my recovery from extensive foot surgery. THANK-YOU, thank-you! Gracias! Merci! Taksa-mika! It has been a harder recovery than my other foot surgeries, and I have missed Ascension greatly. It has been a joy to play my flute for the Christmas Cantata, Contemporary and blended services in December, and to lead the Blue Christmas service and 3:30 Christmas Eve service, all sitting, with my foot up! I will not be able to begin taking my walks at the Abbey for another 4-6 weeks, but healing has gone well, as I've been a "good patient" and kept my foot up as much as possible. I am so very thankful for a loving, caring congregation, and for your patience and encouragement. I'll be back preaching (but not leading worship yet) on January 4, and begin doing more from my office as the weeks continue. Again, THANK-YOU, thank-you, sisters and brothers in Christ at Ascension! I thank God for YOU! My heart truly overflows. 12 ChristCare Small Groups— Circles of care, with Christ at the Center. Please refer to the calendar on page 16 for specific meeting dates this month. Days/Times Leaders Contact Info*** Theme Location 2nd & 4th Mondays 11:45 a.m. Judy Knudsen 983-0167 For adults At church 1st & 3rd Monday 6:30 p.m. Christopher & Kristen Paquet 983-0128 Parents of younger school age children At church 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 6:45 p.m. Jen Jacobsen 213-2162 20s and 30s Singles At Jen’s home 2nd & 4th Wednesday 11:00 a.m. Joyce Tucker 465-6026 For adults At church 2nd & 4th Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Wendy Gilley Deb Kralovetz 469-1359 863-3543 10th, 11th, 12th graders At church 2nd & 4th Wednesday** 7:00 p.m. Ann Dettlaff 655-7892 Empty Nesters Dettlaff Home Every Thursday 6:30 a.m. Bob Voss 351-3117 Men At Village Grille 1st & 3rd Thursday 6:30 p.m. Chad & Cathy McDermott 406-3917 For adults At church 2nd & 4th Thursday 6:30 p.m. Mike Gilley 360-6166 For adults At church 1st Wed, 11:30 a.m. 3rd Wed, 11:30 a.m. Pastor Lori 336-3561, ext. 104 Grief Group Mandarin Garden At church 3rd Thursday month** 7:00 p.m. Bill & Pam Schubert 465-6454 For couples Schubert’s Home 1st & 3rd Saturday 7:30 a.m. Kurt Piette 660-0916 For adults At church *At capacity *At capacity All groups * welcome new folks at any time! *(At this time the following groups are at capacity and not able to take any more members - 2nd & 4th Monday at 11:45 a.m. AND 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.) ** ChristCare Schedule Updates: Jen Jacobsen’s group: Returns the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Schubert’s group: Welcome couples (you need not be a member of Ascension)! Schubert's ChristCare Group for couples will now meet for Bible study on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. from Sept. thru May at the Schubert's house - 2517 Parkwood Drive. On the 2nd Thursday of every other month we will meet at 6:30 p.m. at a different area restaurant for fellowship (Jan. 8, Mar. 12 and May 14). Call Schuberts at 465-6454 for details. Beginning in January: Grief Group will meet the 1st Wednesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. at Mandarin Garden and the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11:30 a.m. at church. 13 Worship Participants — January / February 2015 Sunday, January 11 Usher Teams/Captains Lector Greeters Acolytes Projection Counters Sunday, January 18 Usher Teams/Captains Comm Assts (Bread) Comm Assts (Wine) Communion Runner Acolytes Lector Greeters Counters 8:00 a.m. Team 2—Dave Hongisto Nathan Meierbachtol Tim & Karen Schwake 10:30 a.m. Team 2—Dave McAninch Jerry Schaefer Jackie & Paul Scharping N/A Tim Fagre Heidi Cauldwell, Tracy Everson 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Team 3—Gene Schmidt Team 3—Peter Daanen Katie Dehn, Angela Hager, Heidi Fagre, Cindy Sleeman, Bob Saunders Susan Campbell William Dehn, Libby Saunders, Lisa/Sophia/Margot Hansen Alan/Karina Hager Shelly Holten Tami Bohlman Shelly Nicholson Mike Gilley Nancy & Heather Poley Bruce Moeller Mary Beth Ryan, Micki/Gary Geis Sunday, January 25 Usher Teams/Captains Acolytes Lector Greeters Projection Counters 8:00 a.m. Team 4 —Mark Becker Sunday, February 1 Usher Teams/Captains Comm Assts (bread) 8:00 a.m. Team 1—Craig Effertz Nancy Poley, Lynne Schilke, Dian Page 10:30 a.m. Team 1—Kerry Burdick Paulette Pocquette, Rita Krempin (2 pastors) Heather Poley, Max/Leah Schilke Connie Gloe Lucas Brunette, Evan Weaver, Tyler/Addison Sanders Tammy Brunette Comm Assts (wine) Comm Asst (runner) Acolytes Lector Greeters Counters 10:30 a.m. Team 4—Richard Postel Kay Tupala Amy Anderson Bob & Judy Voss Robin Daanen N/A Lori Weaver Richard Postel, Amy Anderson Stuart Korshavn Janene Bartanen Katie Senger Jim & Amy Klug Barb Rogaczewski, Melanie Graff ALTAR GUILD: January: Nancy Fecteau, Jaci Wiverstad February: DeEtte Radant, Lori Weaver Live by what we are thankful for, and return the thanks. 14 To protect privacy of information published on the internet, if you would like a copy of this page, please contact Pam at the Welcome Desk. Thanks! 15 Ascension Lutheran Church—January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 2 NEW YEARS DAY 4 8:00a Worship 10:30a Worship 5 7 8 9 9:00a Quilters 6:30a ChristCare 9:00a Bulletin 9:00a Tidings (Voss) Assembly Assembly 11:30a ChristCare 10:00a Staff Mtg Grief Grp 6:30p ChristCare 6:30p ChristCare 6:30p Christ Svc 6:30p Confirm (Gilley) (Paquet) 6:45p ChristCare 6:30p Chancel 6:30p ChristCare 6:30p Property MT (Jacobsen) Choir (Schubert) 6:30p Learning Min 8:00p Worship 6:30p Mutual Band Rehears Ministry 6:15p Bldg Use: Scouts Worship Education Hr Blend Worship Knit Ministry 9:00a Bulletin Assembly 6 11 CAMP DAY 12 8:00a Worship 9:15a Education Hr 10:30a Contemporary 11:45a ChristCare Worship (Knudsen) 18 8:00a 9:15a 10:30a 3:00p Fri 19 MLK Jr. Day 13 9:00a Quilters 11:45a Staff Lunch (Village Grille) 6:30p Council 20 9:00a Quilters 9:30a Staff Mtg 6:45p ChristCare (Jacobsen) 6:30p ChristCare (Paquet) 25 26 8:00a Worship 9:15a Education Hr 10:30a Contemporary 11:45a ChristCare Worship (Knudsen) 11:45a ANNUAL MTG Youth Group Sub Sale 6:00p PJs and Prayers 27 9:00a Quilters 14 15 16 6:30a ChristCare 9:00a Bulletin 11:00a ChristCare (Voss) Assembly (Tucker) 6:30p Confirm 6:30p Chancel Choir 6:30p ChristCare 6:30p ChristCare (McDermott) (Gilley/Kralovetz) 7:00p ChristCare 7:00p ChristCare (Schubert) (Dettlaff) 8:00p Blend Reh 21 22 23 6:30a ChristCare 9:00a Bulletin 11:30a ChristCare (Voss) Assembly Grief Grp 6:30p Confirm 6:30p Chancel Choir 8:00p Worship Band Rehears 28 Sat 3 7:30a ChristCare (Piette) 10 10:00a Family Art 11:00a Bldg Use: (K. Effertz) 17 7:30a ChristCare (Piette) 10:00a NEW Com Shelter Meal 24 6:30p ChristCare (Gilley) 29 30 6:30a ChristCare 9:00a Bulletin 11:00a ChristCare (Voss) Assembly (Tucker) 9:00a Tidings Assembly 6:30p Confirm 6:30p Chancel Choir 6:30p ChristCare 6:30p ChristCare SEA Group (Gilley/Kralovetz) 7:00p ChristCare (Dettlaff) 31 ASCENSION CHURCH STAFF MINISTRY LEADERS Rev. Luther Swenson, Lead Pastor: Rev. Lori Swenson, Pastor of Congregational Care: Tracy Bahn, Youth & Confirmation Director: Cindy Sleeman, Sunday School Director: Valerie VanderMeuse, Office Manager: Nancy Jacobe, Bookkeeper: Jeannine Walker, Business Support Manager: Pam Schubert, Member Connections: Mike Gilley, Spiritual Direction: Claire McCarthy: Emily DeVillers, Kris Liedtke, Jean Fredrickson: Eric Ludvigson: Patrick Marchant, Chancel Choir Director: Rick & Audrey Johnson: Mike Sleeman: Jennifer Poley, Nursery Coordinator: Olyvia Kuchta: Church Office Telephone: Fax Machine: Check out our website: Prayer Chain Requests: Home Sweet Home Donations: Stuart Korshavn ( Mark Becker ( Lynn Roemaat ( Jeff Greeneway ( Mike Wathke ( Paulette Pocquette: Joe Refsguard ( Regina McIntosh ( Deb Kralovetz ( Tony Brunette: Dennis Sachs: Karen Effertz ( Craig Hanke: Mike Gilley & Pastor Lori: Mike Gilley: Nancy Jacobe: Katie Dehn: Sue Grunewald: Christopher Paquet: Sue Ludvigson: Peter Daanen: Joyce Tucker: (volunteer) Organist Directors of Cherub Choir (volunteers) Worship Band Director Custodians Maintenance (Interim) Nursery Attendants (920)336-3561 (920)338-1054 (920)784-7092 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Finance Mutual Ministry Christian Service Congregational Life & Growth Learning Ministry Property Stewardship Witness Worship & Music ChristCare Equippers Spiritual Direction Altar Guild Prayer Chain/e-mail Prayer Chain/phone (437-8345) SS Rotation Coordinator Worship Participants Scheduler Head Usher Funeral Luncheon Coordinator Due to HIPAA privacy laws, the church is often not informed when a person is hospitalized. Please call the church office when you would like a pastoral visit when you are in the hospital. Do not rely on the hospital to call the church office, even if they have said they will. Please call the church office directly, or have a family member do so. 17 Prayer Chain Requests: Or call Sue Grunewald at 437-8345 Ascension Lutheran Church 2911 Libal St. Green Bay, WI 54301 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 21 GREEN BAY, WI RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED WORSHIP SCHEDULE— Sundays 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION — 1st & 3rd Sundays CONTEMPORARY MUSIC 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10:30 a.m. BLENDED MUSIC 3rd Sundays at 10:30 a.m. SIGN LANGUAGE AVAILABLE 3rd Sundays at 8:00 a.m. EDUCATION HOUR—9:15 a.m. (Sunday School, Youth Forum, Adult Education) Nursery Available Sundays Both Services and during Education Hour OFFICE MANAGER’S HOURS: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday Check out our website: Facebook: Ascension Lutheran Church, Green Bay
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