GS Link to Leaders - Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois

Link to Leaders
News and Updates for Leaders and Volunteers
of Southern Illinois
The Girl Scout Cookie Program Is Going Strong!
February 2015
GSSI’s Link to Leaders provides
vital information and program updates each month that Leaders and
volunteers will find helpful for
creating a great Girl Scout experience for girls in Southern Illinois.
Send comments, photos, story
ideas and feedback to Erin Johnson, LTL editor at 800.345.6858 or
by e-mail at
Villie M. Appoo
Chief Executive Officer
Jay Strobel
Chief Communications Officer
Tricia Higgins
Communications Manager
Erin Johnson
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is going strong in Southern Illinois! While traditional
order taking wrapped up on Jan. 31, girls still have a variety of ways to participate in the
biggest girl-led business in the world! Here’s how:
Goal Getter runs until Feb. 15 and helps girls reach their goals and desired reward level.
Girls can sell through the Digital Cookie platform until March 15. Sign up today!
Cookie Booths can take place at any time! Council-wide Booth Weekends are Feb.
27-March 1, March 6–8 and March 13–15.
Read more in this issue of Link to Leaders or visit our website,
Editor, Link to Leaders
Girl Scouts of
Southern Illinois
Corporate Service Center
#4 Ginger Creek Parkway
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Regional Service Center
4102 S. Water Tower Place
Mt.Vernon, IL 62864
Inside this issue of Link to Leaders:
Girl Scout Cookie Program Updates
Annual Meeting & All That Glitters is March 28
GSSI Robotics Program News
Scholarship Opportunities
GSSI Council Shop Update
Program Updates
Girl Scouts Around the Council & Around the Council in Photos
Girl Scout Mission:
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage
courage,, confidence, and
character, who make the world a better place!
P roud P a r t n e r
Visit our website at: 1
Girl Scout Cookie Program Update
We LOVE Cookies and so do our customers! Sales have been going great! The January Booth Sales kicked off with
customers buying more cookies - GSSI had their highest number of booth cookies sold since the January Sale started
four sales ago! A huge Thank You to those Troop Leaders and girls who braved the cold that first weekend.
Cookie Rallies – Did you attend your Service Unit’s Cookie Rally? Pictures have been coming in with all of the neat
things Service Units did at their rallies….way to go! It really pumped up the girls as they have hit the ground running
and have been having great success so far.
Digital Cookie – GREAT News! Girls have sold more than 5,500 boxes through the new online platform! Thank you
to everyone for your assistance and patience as we were one of the first councils to set up the pilot program bringing
modern technology to the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Girls can sell through the online platform up until March 15. So, if your girls haven’t participated yet and want to get
in on the Digital Cookie action…there is still time!
All About “Goal Getter” in the Girl Scout Cookie Program
Goal Getter runs Feb. 1-15 (between traditional order taking and Cookie Booths) and is intended to help girls reach their
goals and desired reward level by allowing them to keep selling up to Cookie Booth weekends. Goal Getter cards will
be distributed from the Troop Leader to the Girl Scout when the traditional order cards are turned in. All sales the girls
make during this time period will go towards the rewards they can earn. Girls can use this opportunity to:
• Help themselves advance to the next reward level.
• Contact those customers they may have missed during initial order taking.
• Brainstorm with their troop to find new customers.
• Promote the Gift of Caring program.
This is an additional way to help Troops deplete their cookie inventory as cookies sold through Goal Getter are distributed out of Cookie Booth inventory. The Cookies sold during this time frame need to be recorded into eBudde under the
“Other” column in the Girl Orders tab.
Want to Participate in an upcoming Cookie Booth Sale?
Sign up to participate in our Council Wide Booth Weekends! It’s still not too late to participate! Order your
booth cookies in eBudde after Feb. 5! Please refer to the eBudde Cookie Cupboard Ordering Quick Guide,
which can be found in the Forms section of our website,
Find fun resources to download for your cookie booth on our website,
We have a great cookie contest during our first weekend Booth Sale this year! See the flyer on the following
page for National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend and The I Love Samoa’s Contest
Need a creative way to sell cookies? We are here to help; below are just a few ideas to get you started!
Call or e-mail us if you need further help!
a. Contact your local American Legion halls or similar venues for upcoming fish fries or other special events.
b. Have an empty parking lot or store front in town? – Set up a drive thru cookie sale.
c. Decorate your van and drive around neighborhoods selling cookies.
d. Check out local sporting events to see if you can set up a booth.
What creative ways are you selling cookies? Let us know!
For more information please contact Kelly Jansen, Director of Product Program at or Katie Grayling, Product Sales Assistant at
Come and show your love for the Samoa Cookie. February 27 ‐ March 1 This year marks the 40th Birthday of the Samoa Cookie and GSSI is having a Birthday Party Booth Contest!!!! Rules for Contest 1. Troop must hold a booth sale on the weekend of February 27‐March 1. 2. Troops must follow all the booth guidelines and rules. 3. Troops will pick up their cookies and submit the below form at their cookie cupboard to receive the “National Girl Scout Weekend Patch”. The Cookie Cupboard Manager will have the patch. 4. Troops that decorate their booth with the theme of “Happy Birthday Samoa” can enter into the photo contest. Submit your photo to by March 5. Picture will be loaded to Facebook on March 9. The voting contest will last till March 12. 5. The top 3 Troops with most likes on Facebook will receive a $20 GSSI Gift Card. National Girl Scout Weekend Participation Form Troop Number_______________ Number of Girls Participating_____________________ Cupboard Pick Up Location___________________________________________ Key Girl Scout Cookie Program Dates for February and March:
Feb. 3
Feb. 9
Feb. 9–12
Feb. 23-26
Feb. 27-March 1
March 6–8
March 9
March 13–15
March 23
All Cookie orders must be in eBudde.
Booth Cookies can now be ordered in the Transaction Tab for the upcoming
Council Sponsored Booth Weekends.
January Booth Cookies will be entered into eBudde for those Troops who participated
in Booth Weekends.
Traditional Cookie Delivery
Council Sponsored Cookie Booth Weekend and National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend.
Second Council Sponsored Cookie Booth Weekend
1st ACH Sweep
Third Council Sponsored Cookie Booth Weekend
Final ACH Sweep
GSSI’s Annual Meeting & All That Glitters Is March 28!
Save the date for GSSI’s Annual Meeting & All That Glitters ceremony! The events will take place on March 28 at
Rend Lake Resort (11712 East Windy Lane in Whittington, IL 62897). Hotel rooms are available! Call 618.629.2211
to book! When calling to book a room, reference Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois or group block #4169. The hotel has
singles, two queens and king beds. All rooms are available for $75 a night. More information about the events will be
announced as it becomes available.
Save the Date! 2015 Service Team Retreat
Attention all Service Unit Team members-mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual Service Unit Team Retreat! This
year we will be hosting the retreat in two different locations. The first date will be June 27 at Kaskaskia College-Trenton
Education Center (same place as last year). The second date will be on July 18 at Kaskaskia College in Centralia. Registration information will be out soon, but please mark your calendars now!
GSSI Robotics Program News
Junior FIRST LEGO League (JrFLL) teams are forming for teams of up to six girls in Kindergarten to 3rd grade. All you
need are a team of girls, two coaches and the desire to experience an amazing STEM program. Registration fees, kits
and training are provided. Teams will show off their hard work at the Southwestern Illinois JrFLL Expo at Southwestern
Illinois College in Belleville on March 21.
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois’ FIRST TECH Challenge (FTC) team, Oops!,won the Motivate Award at their first competition on Jan. 10 at Meramac Community College in St. Louis The team got their name “because the world’s greatest
inventions started with an oops!” The Motivate Award is presented to the team that exemplifies the essence of the FTC
competition through team building, team spirit and enthusiasm.
On Jan. 24, GSSI FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Robotics teams Purple Robot Penguins and Lightning Storm competed
at the Central Illinois State Robotics tournament. The teams did not place, but learned a lot from their experience.
To learn more about GSSI’s Girl Scout Robotics Program, please contact STEM Program Manager Mary Buchanan at
800.345.6858, ext. 1115 or e-mail
#GirlsRuleGSSI Facebook Group
GSSI has a new older girl Facebook group just for GSSI Girl Scouts ages 13-18. The group’s focus will be used to
generate program ideas, share tips about Girl Scout awards, network and other discuss topics related to Girl Scouting as
a teen. The Facebook group will be private and moderated by GSSI Program Manager Julie Fox. To join, girls should
e-mail Julie at
2015 Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Rend Lake Resort
Whittington, Illinois
We need your help to make this year’s silent auction a tremendous success!
In the past, Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois’ generous Service Units, troops and
volunteers have created unique themed gift baskets to help raise funds for financial assistance and outdoor experiences. We hope you will consider supporting
our girls again by creating a one-of-a-kind basket with new or unused items.
Annual Meeting silent auction baskets and donations can be dropped off, with
the completed donation form, located on reverse side, at our Corporate Office in Glen Carbon or Regional Service Center in Mt. Vernon by March 19th at
5:00 p.m. Your donation and completed form can also be brought to Annual
Meeting - please notify Amy Sample March 19th with donation information.
Basket Theme Ideas
Go Camping
Date Night
Make a Scrapbook
Shop ‘til I Drop
Bake Sweets
Chocolate Lovers
Pamper Yourself
Game Night
Plant a Garden
Pack a Picnic
Wine & Dine
Cheer on the Cardinals
Movie Night
Food Theme: (Italian,
Mexican, Indian, etc.)
Gift Card Extravaganza
To arrange a gift basket
pickup by Girl Scouts of
Southern Illinois staff or to
learn more about GSSI’s
Annual Meeting Silent
Auction, please contact
Amy Sample at 618.692.0692
or e-mail
Corporate Service Center
# 4 Ginger Creek Parkway
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Thank you for
your support!
Regional Service Center
4102 S. Water Tower Place
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
2015 Annual Meeting
April 5, 2014
March 28, 2015
The Regency Conference
Rend Lake
400 Regency Park - O’Fallon,
IL 62269
Donor Information/Basket Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Service Unit:
Email Address:
Basket/Item Information
Basket Name/Theme:
Basket Description/Items:
Donated By:
Retail Value: $
Corporate Service Center
# 4 Ginger Creek Parkway
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Thank you for
your support!
Regional Service Center
4102 S. Water Tower Place
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
College Scholarships Available to Girl Scouts!
Outstanding Graduating Senior Girl Scout Scholarships
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois will be awarding a scholarship to two GSSI Graduating Girl Scouts who stand out in
Girl Scouts, leadership, school and service to the community. To be eligible, you must be a registered Girl Scout Ambassador who is graduating high school in 2015. Deadline extended to Feb. 25
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois Staff Scholarship
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois’ staff participated in a staff campaign in 2014 to fund a Girl Scout scholarship for 2015.
Registered Girl Scout Ambassadors who are graduating high school in 2015 are encouraged to apply.
To apply for these scholarships, girls must fill out the application and have one person fill out the reference form. Online
forms can be found at These forms can also be printed - hard copies are found in this issue of Link to
Leaders. Applications and reference forms can be mailed or dropped off: Awards Manager, #4 Ginger Creek Pkwy, Glen
Carbon, IL 62034. All eligible applications must be received by February 25, 2015.
Peace First Prize
The Peace First Prize recognizes young people between the ages of 8–22 for meaningful peacemaking work that creates
lasting positive impact in their community, neighborhood, or school. Peace First annually awards five young leaders
who have demonstrated compassion, courage, and the power to create collaborative change. Winners will each receive
a $25,000 Peace First Fellowship over two years to further their peacemaking work.
Applications and nominations for the Peace First Prize are open through March 30 Winners will be announced in the
fall. If you nominate a Girl Scout or a Girl Scout applies by Feb. 6, both will be entered into a raffle for a chance to
donate $100 to the peacemaking organization of your choice. To make a nomination, visit:
Do you know a graduating Girl Scout is looking for scholarship opportunities? Check out a new section on the GSSI
website,, for scholarship information. We will add information as it becomes available to us. Please
share and check back often for updates.
Laura Estes of Carterville Named January Pearl of the Month
Laura Estes of Carterville has been named GSSI’s January Pearl of the Month. The Pearl of the Month Award recognizes a Girl Scout volunteer who has delivered service beyond expectations and helped to ensure that the approximately
14,000 Girl Scouts in southern Illinois benefit from a premier Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Nominees must meet
several criteria, including completion of all required training for his or her volunteer position as well as providing outstanding service to his or her Service Unit or the Council.
In addition to her regular duties as a troop leader, Laura is an advocate for hunger and homelessness and has managed
the adoption of The Promise Food Pantry in Marion for her Service Unit. She has motivated each troop to donate
canned goods, coats, gloves, hats and money. She has organized this initiative into monthly projects for the entire Girl
Scout year. Her troop is very active and Laura is an inspiration to all who work with her.
To nominate a volunteer from your area for a Pearl of the Month award, please fill out the form on the following page
and e-mail it to
Honor a Great Volunteer Through Pearl of the Month
Girl Scout volunteers are doing great things every day -- let us know about it! GSSI’s Pearl of the Month nomination
form is now available. This is a quick and easy way to say more than “thank you” for a job well done. You can now
nominate in one of two categories: Event Coordination or Overall Contributions. Pearl nominations are accepted on an
ongoing basis and are approved by the Adult Awards committee. Any nominations that are approved will be awarded
in an upcoming month. For more information, please contact Amanda Kaemmerer, Volunteer Services Manager, at or
800.345.6858 or
Pearl of the Month Nomination Form
Do you know an outstanding Girl Scout volunteer?
volunteer? Do you think they go above and beyond? Do you want to
recognize their efforts? Girl Scout of Southern Illinois knows our volunteers are the heart of our organization.
The GSSI Pearls program is our way to recognize outstanding volunteers who help provide a premier Girl Scout
Leadership Experience for the 14,000 Girl
Girl Scouts in southern Illinois.
Nominee Information:
Service Unit: ________________________
Troop Number (If Applicable): ___________
Name: ____________________________
Phone: ____________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________
Date of Nomination: __________________
Nominator Information:
Service Unit: _________________________
Troop Number (If Applicable): ___________
Name: _____________________________
Phone: _____________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________
Nominee Girl Scout Volunteer Positions Held (Past/Present):
Troop Leader (01)
Troop Co-Leader (02)
Service Team Member - Please List Position(s) ______________________________________________
Service Unit Delegate
Event Volunteer
Other (Please List) ___________________________________________________________________
Criteria & Guidelines:
• Nominee must be currently registered as an adult member of GSUSA.
• Nominee must have completed all required training for her or his volunteer position.
• Nominee must be in good financial standing with Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois.
• Nominations should represent volunteer service during the current membership year.
Nominations will be accepted on an ongoing basis and awarded monthly.
All nominations that are approved by the Adult Awards Committee will be awarded either the month they are
received or in an upcoming month.
One Pearl of the Month will be chosen as the Pearl of the Year and recognized at the Annual Meeting.
Please return to:
Fax: 618-692-0685
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
Attn: Amanda Kaemmerer
#4 Ginger Creek Parkway
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Please provide a description of outstanding service in one of the two categories below.
Event Coordination
Describe in detail how the nominee supported the program or event including: planning, publicity, attendance,
girl evaluation, impact on girls or community, and how it related to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.
2. Overall Contributions
Describe in detail how the nominee has demonstrated service beyond expectations to ensure girls benefit
from a premier Girl Scout leadership experience including: growing membership, retaining members,
developing programs, assisting other volunteers, etc.
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
2015 Reference Form
A committee of volunteers will choose an “Outstanding Graduating Girl Scout” to be
recognized this spring at the All That Glitters Ceremony. The girl chosen for this award
will receive a scholarship to the school of her choice.
Part I: To be completed by the applicant:
Applicant’s Name:
I would appreciate it if you would complete this form and return this form by
February 12, 2015 to:
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
Outstanding Graduating Girl Scout
#4 Ginger Creek Parkway
Glen Carbon, IL 62034
Part II: To be completed by person giving the reference.
Your name:_________________________________________________________________
How long have you known the applicant?_____________________________________
What is your relationship to the applicant?_____________________________________
Attitudes & Abilities: Please give as many examples as possible to demonstrate the
applicant’s attitudes and abilities.
Respect for
Awareness of and concern for the world around
• OVER •
Contributions to Girl Scouting: What contributions do you know of that the
applicant has made to Girl Scouting in her troop, community, Southern Illinois Council
or other?
Silver Award Leader-In-Training Program Aide
Gold Award Counselor-In-Training destinations
Outside of Girl Scouting: What activities/organizations does the applicant
participate in outside of Girl Scouting?
Place of
Final Thoughts: Please add any other comments that you feel will be helpful to the
committee when making a decision about this applicant.
Signature ______________________________________________________________
Date __________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________________________
State______________________ Zip ________________________________________
Email _________________________________________________________________
Telephone _____________________________________________________________
Please return by February 12, 2015
Thank you for taking time to fill out this reference form. Your comments are greatly
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois
Application must be filled out by applicant. Please read all instructions before completing this
form. Please fill out using a word processing program. Application forms must be typed.
Application must be submitted by February 12, 2015 for consideration.
Name: __________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________
City:_______________________________ Zip:________________________
E-Mail Address:___________________________________________________
Troop # __________ or
Non Troop Affiliated Years in Girl Scouting:______________________________
School you are currently attending_____________________________________
College/University/School that you plan to attend
Names of your
Please type the name of the adult you have asked to submit a reference for you,
(include address and telephone number). Consider a leader/advisor, a teacher, a
sports coach or a member of your place of worship.
1. Name: ___________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________________________________________
City:_________________________________________ Zip:___________________
Please use a separate sheet to answer the following questions. Remember to put
your name on each page you submit. These must accompany the application
I. Essay - What Girl Scouts Means to Me
Briefly explain what Girl Scouts means to you. What have you gained from being part
of Girl Scouting?
What did you learn from your experience? Did you acquire any new skills? What was
the most memorable part of your Girl Scout career? What would you tell others about
Girl Scouting and your experience?
II. Attitudes and Abilities
Please give examples of the following that demonstrate your attitudes and abilities,
keeping in mind the
Girl Scout Promise and Law.
• Leadership • Initiative • Cooperation
• Enthusiasm • Respect for Authority • Open – Mindedness
• Awareness of and concern for the world around you
III. Contributions
1. What contributions have you made to Girl Scouting? This could be in your troop,
service unit, Southern Illinois Council, another Girl Scout council, etc.
2. Did you earn the Girl Scout Awards? (Bronze, Silver or Gold) If yes, please describe
your project(s). Who or what inspired you to begin your project? What impact do you
think your project had?
3. Did you participate in a destination? If yes, where did you go? Briefly explain your
experience and what you learned?
4. Did you participate in leadership opportunities? Did you receive your Program Aide
training/pin? Leader in Training? Counselor in Training? Briefly describe your
experience and what you did to earn your hours?
IV. What activities/organizations do you participate in outside of Girl Scouting?
Place of
What field or major do you plan to study/pursue? Why did you choose this?
Please add any other comments that you feel would be helpful for the committee to
consider when reviewing your application.
Applicant’s Signature _____________________________________________________
Return application packet and reference by February 12, 2015 to:
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois • Outstanding Graduating Girl Scout • #4 Ginger Creek
Parkway • Glen Carbon, IL 62034
GSSI Council Shop Update
New Winter Items
Check out our new merchandise for winter and cookie time! GSSI has a multitude of new merchandise for girls and
adult volunteers. Stop by a retail shop soon or Browse our catalog
GSSI Council Shops Extended Hours:
GSSI Council Shops will be open from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on the following Saturdays:
February 7, 2015
March 7, 2015
April 11, 2015
May 2, 2015
Mobile Council Shop
March 28, 2015 at Rend Lake Resort for Annual Meeting & All That Glitters Award Ceremony
Several areas are running Mobile Shops at their events. You can too!!! If interested in a running a Mobile Shop at your
local service unit or regional event, please contact the Beth Ross, Business Services Manager at 800.345.6858, ext. 1129
or e-mail: or one of the Council Shop managers listed below.
GSSI Council Shop Contact Information:
Corporate Service Center: Stacey Port: 618-692-0692, ext. 1101 • e-mail:
Regional Service Center: Brittany Galloway: 618.242.5079, ext. 2103 • e-mail:
Go to GSSI’s Online Shop
Go to GSSI’s Online Shop
What’s Happening Around the Council
We’ve got lots of great photos from the Girl Scout Cookie Program on Facebook! Find us at
GirlScoutsofSouthernIllinois to see great pics of our awesome cookie bosses in action!
Perry County Senior Troop #8132 bought and delivered supplies to the Women’s Center in Carbondale.
Waterloo area Troop #144 presented the flag for the first time during a basketball game at Waterloo Gibault High School.
Neoga Girl Scouts hosted a Frozen event on January 25. Everyone had a blast!
Pinckneyville Troop #8138 donated some of the proceeds from their January Cookie Booth to a fund for Sailor Gutzler,
a girl from Nashville, IL whose family was killed in a recent small plane crash.
Union County Girl Scouts Maren & Daisy and troop leader Megan were featured on KFVS TV.
Akin Troop #8043 and Troop #2921 had a great time at the “Eagle Watching on the Mississippi” program in Alton.
Troop #8843 collected donations for the Humane Society, where girls got to play with a cat and dog.
Troop #581 prepared assistance packages for Street Reach to deliver to homeless people.
Troops #8133 and #8136 are making blankets to donate to a children’s homeless shelter for Easter.
Troop #611 enjoyed an overnight event at The Magic House in St. Louis.
Make Sure Your Area is Represented!
E-mail Erin Johnson at with a note about what your troop is up to! While not every submission can
be published, we will make an effort to reflect the diverse interests, activities and areas that make GSSI so great.
You have worked hard! You have lead a troop.
You have trained. You have mentored.
You have attended countless meetings.
And now it’s time for
(Any adult, volunteer or alumni)
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois is planning three AVOW weekends for adult volunteers to relax, connect,
have fun and enjoy the outdoors with other volunteers. Activities will include (weather permitting):
hiking, archery, canoeing, swimming, outdoor cooking, singing songs, sharing stories and having fun and
fellowship while networking with other Girl Scout volunteers. It will be a great sign up NOW!
March 6-8 at Camp Cedar Point
July 10-12 at Camp Butterfly
For more information about AVOW, contact:
Tina Boyce
If you would like to help plan these great
AVOW events, please contact Tina.
Come Join the Fun!!
Program Updates
Programs With Upcoming Deadlines! See more at!
Jazzy Jewelry (Daisies-Brownies)
Date: February 21, 2015 (deadline 2/4) Time: 11 a.m.– 2 p.m. or 1:30–2:30 p.m.
Cost: $7/girl
Place: Three Sisters Crafts, O’Fallon, IL
Beads, beads and more beads! Girls will make a necklace and bracelet as they learn about jewelry design.
The Collage Artist (Seniors)
Date: February 28, 2015 (deadline 2/14) Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $5/girl
Place: SIU Museum, Carbondale, IL
Girls will earn the Collage Badge! Snip, clip and glue! Girls will have the opportunity to earn their Collage Artist
Badge (included in fee) while learning how to take everyday objects and turn them into art.
Longshore’s Martial Arts & Self-Defense (Daisies-Cadettes)
Date: February 28, 2015 (deadline extended to 2/11) Time: 1-2:30 p.m.
Cost: $6/girl
Place: Longshore’s Tae Kwon Do & Martial Arts Academy, DuQuoin, IL
Learn self-defense moves and Tae Kwon Do at this hands-on session. Instructors will also talk to girls about how to
keep safe in many situations.
When I Grow Up… (Daisies-Brownies)
Date: February 28, 2015 (deadline 2/12) Time: 9 a.m.–12 p.m. or 1-4 p.m.
Cost: $8/girl; $2/adult
Place: Goshen School, Edwardsville, IL
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? Come and explore careers through fun hands-on activities on
the Honeybee Trail. Decorate a cookie with a baker, play bee games with the beekeeper, and much more!
Juniors in the Kitchen (Juniors)
Date: March 1, 2015 (deadline 2/11) Time: 1-2:30 p.m. or 3-4:30 p.m.
Cost: $10/girl (including badge); $3/adult
Place: St. John’s United Methodist Church, Edwardsville, IL
Learn kitchen safety and try out some of our favorite recipes. Class meets the requirements for the Simple Meals Badge.
The Land of Milk and Cheese (Daisies)
Date: March 2, 2015 (deadline 2/11) Time: 9-10 a.m. or 1-2 p.m.
Cost: $4/girl/adult
Place: Marcoot Jersey Creamy, Greenville, IL
Daisies, it’s time for a road trip to the Land of Milk and Cheese. Hands on activities make this a perfect place for session
seven of the Between Earth and Sky Journey. Your visit will have you petting a calf, touring a creamery and visiting a
milking parlor. See how cheese is made from milk and snack on a cheese curd and ice cream.
Bridges Badge (Brownies-Juniors)
Date: March 7, 2015 (deadline 2/16) Time: 9-11 a.m. (Brownies) or 1-2 p.m. (Juniors)
Cost: $5/girl (including badge)
Place: National Great Rivers Museum, Alton, IL
You’ve crossed them, maybe even watched one be built, but what do you really know about engineering a bridge? Join
the Army Corps of Engineers as they show you bridge load, design and other hands on activities that will earn your
Council’s Own Bridges Badge.
Program Updates
Fabric Paint Bag (Daisies-Brownies)
Date: March 7, 2015 (deadline 2/18) Time: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Cost: $7/girl
Place: Three Sisters Crafts, O’Fallon, IL
Do you like color? Then this session is for you as we decorate a non-woven sports or messenger bag for school or Girl
Scout meetings with fabric paint.
Scavenger Hunt Games (Daisies-Brownies)
Date: March 7, 2015 (deadline 2/16) Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $5/girl (including badge)
Place: SIU Museum, Carbondale, IL
You will be part of solving riddles, playing a scavenger hunt game in the museum and creating a mystery game of your
own. Girls will earn their Making Games Badge!
Textile Art (Seniors-Ambassadors)
Date: March 7, 2015 (deadline 2/16) Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Cost: $7/girl (including badge); $1/adult
Place: National Quilt Museum, Paducah, KY
Explore women in the field of textile arts and create a found object quilt block with hand & machine stitching. Girls are
encouraged to bring small found objects (shoelaces, old keys, unmatched earrings, beads, etc.). Materials, snack, Textile
Artist Badge, and tour included.
Rolling with the Roller Girls (Cadettes-Ambassadors)
Date: March 8, 2015 (deadline 2/23) Time: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Cost: $12/girl; $5/adult
Place: Williamson County Pavilion, Marion, IL
How tough are you? Could you be a roller girl? Try it out at this annual event hosted by the Southern Illinois Roller
Girls! Enjoy a pizza lunch and snacks as you learn the sport of Roller Derby! Create your own Derby Persona complete
with fake tattoos and crazy hair. Learn about good sportswomanship and how to stay healthy and safe in this wild sport!
Include skate size with registration.
Snow Power Gymnastics (Daisies-Cadettes)
Date: March 18, 2015 (deadline 3/4) Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Date changed to March 18)
Cost: $8/girl • Place: Snow Power Gymnastics & Dance, Herrin, IL
Come to Snow Power Gymnastics for a fun-filled hour of gymnastics. Earn the GSSI Gymnastics patch at a cost of $2
each through the Program Department. Girls will try out the low balance beam, uneven bars and have free time on the
blowup trampolines.
Brownies Make It and Eat It Cooking Class (Brownies)
Date: March 12, 2015 (deadline 2/26) Time: 6:30-8 p.m.
Cost: $ 20/girl
Place: Dierberg’s Grocery, Edwardsville, IL
Brownies can cook! Join us in creating a full Italian dinner at Dierberg’s School of Cooking in Edwardsville. Learn
basic cooking skills while you create a meal of Italian salad, meatball sandwiches, caramel corn, banana muffins, and
frosty fruit punch. You will earn and receive your Brownie Snacks Legacy Badge and a patch.
Counselor-in-Training (Seniors-Ambassadors)
Date: March 13-14, 2015 (deadline 2/19) Time: Friday at 6 p.m. to Saturday at 3 p.m.
Cost: $ 20/girl; $5/adult
Place: Camp Cedar Point, Makanda, IL
Are you interested in working with younger girls in a day camp setting? Have you always wanted to be a camp counselor? If so, and you will be entering the 9th grade or above in the fall of 2015, now is your chance! In order to attend a
GSSI day camp as a CIT, girls will need to attend a weekend training prior to the start of camp. During the training you
will learn outdoor skills such a fire building, knot tying, outdoor cooking and so much more!
Program Updates
Bridges Badge (Brownies-Juniors)
Date: March 14, 2015 (deadline 2/16) Time: 9-11 a.m. (Brownies) or 1-2 p.m. (Juniors)
Cost: $5/girl (including badge)
Place: National Great Rivers Museum, Alton, IL
You’ve crossed them, maybe even watched one be built, but what do you really know about engineering a bridge? Join
the Army Corps of Engineers as they show you bridge load, design and other hands on activities that will earn your
Council’s Own Bridges Badge.
Brownie Pow Wow (Brownies)
Date: March 14, 2015 (deadline 2/18) Time: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1-4 p.m. (Juniors)
Cost: $10/girl;$2/adult
Place: Cahokia Mounds Museum, Cahokia, IL
Cahokia Mounds is home to the largest prehistoric native civilization north of Mexico. Earn the new Council’s Own
Archeology in Southern Illinois Badge at this event. Girls will explore the museum and have special sessions geared
to the life and culture of the Cahokians. Girls will learn about archaeology, native games and arts, and storytelling on
their path to earning this Badge. Troops are invited to walk to the top of Monk’s Mound, the largest prehistoric earthen
mound in the new world, at the end of their session.
Counselor-in-Training (Seniors-Ambassadors)
Date: March 14-15, 2015 (deadline 3/5) Time: Saturday at 2 p.m. to Sunday at 11 a.m.
Cost: $ 20/girl; $5/adult
Place: Camp Chan Ya Ta, Worden, IL
Are you interested in working with younger girls in a day camp setting? Have you always wanted to be a camp counselor? If so, and you will be entering the 9th grade or above in the fall of 2015, now is your chance! In order to attend a
GSSI day camp as a CIT, girls will need to attend a weekend training prior to the start of camp. During the training you
will learn outdoor skills such a fire building, knot tying, outdoor cooking and so much more!
Painting for a Queen (Brownies)
Date: March 14, 2015 (deadline 2/16) Time: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Cost: $ 9/girl (including badge); $1/adult
Place: Better Than Ever, Paducah, KY
Girl Scouts should be treated like queens! We will learn how to draw a portrait of a queen, use watercolor paint techniques with salt and rubbing alcohol, and collaborate to make a castle mural for our royal subjects to reside in as we earn
the Painter Badge! We will draw the outline for the mural during the workshop. It may need to be painted or colored
on your own time.
Program Aide Training (Cadettes)
Date: March 14-15, 2015 OR March 21-22, 2015 (deadline 3/5) Time: Saturday at 6 p.m. to Sunday at 3 p.m.
Cost: $ 20/girl; $5/adult
Place: Camp Cedar Point, Makanda, IL (3/14-3/15) OR Camp Torqua, Edwardsville, IL (3/21-3/22)
Do you enjoy working with younger girls in a camp setting? If you are going into the 7th grade or above, have completed your Leadership in Action (LiA) and want to be a PA at day camp then this training is for you. Girls will participate
in leadership and outdoor training. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Girls completing this training will not need to
take any additional training at day camp and can begin work on their 20 hours immediately. Once all steps are completed
and the necessary paperwork is submitted girls will receive their PA pin.
Sock Puppet Animals (Daisies)
Date: March 14, 2015 (deadline 2/16) Time: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Cost: $ 6/girl; $1/adult
Place: National Quilt Museum, Paducah, KY
Create a sock puppet animal and explore how animals are represented on quilts. Materials, short tour & snack included.
Daisies Ladybug Life (Daisies)
Date: March 15, 2015 (deadline 2/25) Time: 1-2:30 p.m. or 3-4:30 p.m.
Cost: $ 9/girl; $3/adult
8 Place: The Children’s Museum, Edwardsville, IL
Program Updates
Create a sock puppet animal and explore how animals are represented on quilts. Materials, short tour & snack included.
Discover SCUBA (Cadettes-Ambassadors)
Date: March 20, 2015 (deadline 2/24) 6-8 p.m.
Cost: $ 26/girl
Place: YMCA Esic Center, Edwardsville, IL
Try your hand at SCUBA diving! This event is held at the YMCA Esic Center. Girls must be 12 years or older. Upon
registration, you will be sent a SCUBA information packet which must be returned two weeks before the event date.
1820 American Girl (Juniors)
Date: March 21, 2015 (deadline 2/25)
Cost: $16/girl
Place: 1820 Col. Benjamin Stephenson House, Edwardsville, IL
Come earn the Playing the Past Badge as you experience life in the 1820s. You will tour the historic 1820 Colonial
house and experience life for a girl in the 1820s. This program is a hands-on experience with activities and demonstrations that would have been a part of a girl’s life in the 1820s. A girl’s registration fee includes Playing the Past Badge,
tour of the house, making an old-fashioned journal, and all activities associated with the Badge. Participants are welcome to bring a sack lunch to eat on the property after the program.
Art in 3D (Daisies, Brownies)
Date: March 21, 2015 (deadline 3/4) Time: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. or 1-2 p.m.
Cost: $8/girl
Place: Three Sisters Crafts, O’Fallon, IL
Art in 3D—a new class for Daisies and Brownies! Use your creative side as you design an art collage on canvas. Girls
will paint a picture on canvas and decorate it with a variety of beads, tiles, and other textural materials.
Bridges Badge (Brownies-Juniors)
Date: March 21, 2015 (deadline 2/16) Time: 9-11 a.m. (Brownies) or 1-2 p.m. (Juniors)
Cost: $5/girl (including badge)
Place: National Great Rivers Museum, Alton, IL
You’ve crossed them, maybe even watched one be built, but what do you really know about engineering a bridge? Join
the Army Corps of Engineers as they show you bridge load, design and other hands on activities that will earn your
Council’s Own Bridges Badge.
Comic Art Workshop (Cadettes)
Date: March 21, 2015 (deadline 2/23) Time: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Cost: $9/girl (including badge); $1/adult
Place: Better Than Ever, Paducah, KY
Girls will learn to develop their own comic book characters, then develop and create a scene utilizing their character(s)
on professional comic book drawing paper. They will also learn tips of the trade along the way from a published cartoonist, not to mention earn their Comic Artist Badge.
LiA World of Girls (Cadettes)
Date: March 21, 2015 (deadline 3/2) Time: 2-5 p.m.
Cost: $10/girl
Place: Kaskaskia College Trenton Center, Trenton, IL
Girls can earn their Leader in Action award for the World of Girls Journey. There are two components: The first is this
event, which will include all the training and hands on experiments to prepare Cadettes to complete their LiA award.
The second component is optional - participants have the opportunity to attend one of the Brownie “Tech World of
Girls” series in April and complete their LiA award. Note: LiA is a prerequisite for the Program Aide training and
award. LiA award is included in this event fee, but the Cadette is responsible for finishing her hours.
Spring Equinox Campout (Juniors)
Date: March 21-22, 2015 (deadline 3/1) Time: 7 p.m. on Saturday to 2 p.m. on Sunday
Cost: $15/girl
Program Updates
Place: Camp Cedar Point, Makanda, IL
Come out to camp and get your tilt on as we celebrate spring and the rebirth of the earth. We will enjoy Mother Nature
by camping out, hiking, and learn about the important balance in our lives. Each girl will earn her Spring Camping
Badge! Girls will also have the chance to leave their troop leader at home while they explore camp.
New Cuisines Cooking Class for Cadettes (Cadettes)
Date: March 23, 2015 (deadline 3/9) Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Cost: $20/girl
Place: Dierberg’s Grocery, Edwardsville, IL
Join us at Dierberg’s School of Cooking and learn some new cooking techniques and healthy living tips while cooking
up an amazing meal. Cadettes will make Asian lettuce wraps, southern oven-fried chicken, apple quinoa salad, oldfashioned buttermilk biscuits and surprise brownies. You will earn and take home your New Cuisines Legacy Badge
and a patch.
Daisies Discover Camp (Daisies)
Date: March 25, 2015 (deadline 3/5) Time: 6-8 pm
Cost: $5/girl; $1/adult
Place: Camp Chan Ya Ta, Worden, IL
Explore camp, nature, sights and sounds, go for a hike, and EAT S’MORES! Discover what camp is all about!
Braiding and Bending (Juniors)
Date: March 25, 2015 (deadline 3/5) Time: 6-8 pm
Cost: $5/girl; $1/adult
Place: SIU Craft Shop, Carbondale, IL
Learn about the different tools a jeweler would use, then make a macramé braided necklace with a pendant. Design and
have fun hammering and bending copper to make a distressed copper pin! Get a start on earning 2 steps of your Jeweler
Discover SCUBA (Cadettes-Ambassadors)
Date: March 27, 2015 (deadline 2/24) Time: 6-8 pm
Cost: $ 26/girl
Place: YMCA Esic Center, Edwardsville, IL
Try your hand at SCUBA diving! This event is held at the YMCA Esic Center. Girls must be 12 years or older. Upon
registration, you will be sent a SCUBA information packet which must be returned two weeks before the event date.
Brownie Sense Badge (Brownies)
Date: March 28, 2015 (deadline 3/4) Time: 10 am-12 pm
Cost: $ 12/girl (including badge)
Place: St. Louis Science Center, St. Louis, MO
Visit the St. Louis Science Center and earn your Senses Badge!
Junior Produce Designer Badge (Juniors)
Date: March 28, 2015 (deadline 3/4) Time: 1-3 pm
Cost: $ 12/girl (including badge)
Place: St. Louis Science Center, St. Louis, MO
Visit the St. Louis Science Center and earn your Product Designer Badge!
Making Friends: Artist Trading Cards II (Brownies)
Date: March 28, 2015 (deadline 3/2) Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Cost: $5/girl (including badge)
Place: SIU Museum, Carbondale, IL
We’re all artist at heart, and Artist Cards (ATC) are a great way in which artist can share their art and get to know one
another - a great way to show your appreciation of a friend or make new friends! The cards are 2 1/2” x 3 1/2”,
a standard card size for tradable cards (such as baseball cards). In this ATC workshop, each participant will make up to
6 different cards using various designs and different art materials. Girls will earn their Making Friends Badge!
Program Updates
High Hopes for High Ropes (Juniors-Ambassadors)
Date: March 29, 2015 (deadline 3/2) Time: 9 a.m.–12 p.m. or 1-4 p.m.
Cost: $19/girl; $1 adult
Place: Camp Manitowa, Benton, IL
Do you have high hopes for high ropes course? If so, you are in luck! Come on out to Camp Manitowa for a high ropes
adventure that you will never forget! If you feel brave, try out the zipline!
Tech World of Girls (Brownies)
Date: March 31 and April 7 & 14, 2015 (deadline 3/10) Time: 6-8 p.m.
Cost: $20/girl
Place: Kaskaskia College Trenton Center, Trenton, IL
Brownie World of Girls Journey with a STEM twist! Earn your World of Girls Journey and awards (included in program fee). This series meets on Tuesdays from 6-8 p.m. on March 31, April 7 & April 14.
Check GSSI’s Online Calendar For Up-to-Date Program Information
Sometimes GSSI or a collaborator needs to make an update to a program after it has been published. Check GSSI’s
online program calendar for the most up-to-date program information. There are new features and a variety of ways to
search for programs that fit your needs. Best of all - the calendar links right to eBiz for online registration!
Go to Online Calendar
GSSI Travel Opportunities - Deadlines Are Approaching!
Junior-Ambassador Leaders – it’s time to start making 2015 travel plans with your troop! We have some exciting
council run trip opportunities for you to consider. Leave the hassle to us and register your troop for the fun. Please note
the January registration deadlines. This allows ample time for troop fundraising. For more information, please contact
Mary Buchanan at 800.345.6858, ext. 1115 or e-mail
Horsing Around in Kentucky (Cadettes-Ambassadors)
Date: June 12-15, 2015 (DEADLINE EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 2)
Cost: $300 for girls, $330 for adults
Join GSSI in exploring the Horse Capital of the World in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky. We will visit Churchill
Downs, the Kentucky Horse Park, take a Horse Farm tour and have a trail ride complete with BBQ picnic. While in
Louisville, we will also visit the Louisville Slugger factory. Included in the trip is bus transportation, lodging for two
nights, admission fees and seven meals.
Chills and Thrills in Indiana: Junior Trip 2015
Date: October 9-11, 2015 (DEADLINE EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 25)
Cost: $220 for girls, $235 for adults
Experience Halloween chills and thrills when we visit Holiday World, the Indy Children’s Museum and the Indy Zoo.
All of these locations will be decked out in their Halloween splendor. Trip includes bus transportation, lodging in a RV
at Camp Rudolph, admission to Holiday World, the Children’s Museum and Zoo, two breakfasts, lunches and dinners
and Saturday evening s’mores.
ACE is the PLACE for ADVENTURE! (Cadettes-Ambassadors)
Date: July 19-22, 2016 (deadline May 14, 2015)
Cost: $500 for girls, $535 for adults
ACE is the place to go for adventure! Join GSSI on an exciting trip to West Virginia. Experience a full day whitewater
rafting on the New River Gorge with a grilled riverside lunch then hang back and spend time on the lake with water
trampolines and the “Blob.” You will also get to choose your own additional activity. Do you want to zipline, rock
climb, paddleboard or maybe go horseback riding? The choice is yours. Price includes charter bus transportation, lodging for three nights, nine meals, whitewater rafting, lake activities and choice of second activity.
“FROZEN” 2015
Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors
We need troops to volunteer to plan and run stations at the Frozen event for Daisies. This event themed after the Disney
movie “Frozen” is a winterland wonderland at camp. Themed stations will enhance activities from the “5 Friends, 4
Stories and 3 Cheers for Animals” Journey and include a snack, hike, games and songs. Feel free to come to the
planning meeting with ideas for these stations and others. Girl Scouts who volunteer are responsible for planning and
hosting and cleaning up their station.
The event is scheduled for April 18, 2015 at Camp Torqua in Edwardsville. Troops are responsible for providing girls
and adults to work a station for the day. Troops involved may stay Friday and/or Saturday night at Torqua.
The first planning meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at the Pumpkin Patch lodge at Camp Torqua
from 6:30-8:30 p.m. At least one adult and no more than 3 girls per troop will need to attend this meeting. Please
complete the volunteer information sheet below if interested in participating.
Frozen Troop Volunteers
Leader name________________________e-mail________________
Address____________________________________phone #________
Number of Girls_____________Number of Adults__________
Grade level of troop____________Troop Number____________
Yes No
My Jr/Cad/Sr/Amb troop plans to stay Fri. night at camp.
Circle one
Yes No
My Jr/Cad/Sr/Amb troop plans to stay Sat. night at camp.
Circle one Circle program level
We would like to help with the__________________Station.
Please mail to GSSI, Frozen, #4 Ginger Creek Parkway, Glen Carbon, Illinois 62034.
See you at the planning meeting on March 3rd.
Travel Trail 2015
Travel Trail 2015 has arrived! This summer, adventurous
teens will explore Western Wisconsin, Northern Minnesota, and
Iowa. They will create a team atmosphere and meet new friends
while hiking, backpacking, primitive camping, outdoor cooking,
canoeing, and more!
Visit Rock Cut State Park in Illinois and the
Black River Forest State Park in Wisconsin
Go White Water Rafting in Carlton, MN
Explore downtown Duluth and Lake Superiors western shores
Hike, explore, and do some backcountry camping in the land
of the wolves and moose at Voyageur National Park.
Canoe and camp along the endless boundary waters of the Mississippi River
out of Itasca State Park in Park Rapids, MN
Dig for fossils and keep what you find at the Fossil and Prairie Park in Northern Iowa.
Explore Iowa’s Maquoketa Caves
Try out our new ropes course at Tapawingo
Who: Girls entering grades 9-12
Date: Sunday, June 14 - Friday, June 26, 2015
Location: Girl Scouts of Central Illinois—Camp Tapawingo, Metamora, IL
Time: 2:00 p.m. Sunday - 2:00 p.m. Friday
Fee: $600 per girl
Min/Max: 5 /8
Closing Date: Tuesday, April 3rd, 2015
Pre-Training Dates (mandatory)
Sunday, April 12th from 1-5 p.m. (Starved Rock State Park, Utica, IL)
Sunday, May 17th from 1-5 p.m. (location to be determined)
Parent/daughter meeting (mandatory) - Thursday, May 7th from 6-8 p.m. Bloomington Service
Campers must fill out the Travel Trail application ( for submittal
to Lisa Sons for approval before registering for this camp, if you have not attended a Travel
Trail session before. Must have intermediate level of learning on ALL of the FOLLOWING SKILLS:
rafting/canoeing, backpacking, horseback riding, primitive camping, and outdoor cooking. Must be
a confident swimmer and hiker and able to handle extreme weather conditions and terrain. All
meals, lodging, transportation, and activity costs are included. All participants must have the
appropriate equipment for Travel Trail and a state identification card/license. Please contact Lisa
Sons at 1-815-223-3613 x 1702 or for the packing list.
Girl Scout Day
at the Capitol
Land of Lincoln-Past, present, and future
Friday, May 1, 2015
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
FEE: $8 per girl (patch included)
for girlsd
No fee for adults (patch available for purchase)
deadli 2015
April 3
• Explore your state and country.
• Celebrate Lincoln’s legacy.
• Learn how historical women have paved
the way for female leaders of tomorrow.
• Songs and so much more!
Schedule (subject to change)
9:00-9:30 a.m.
Check in at Prairie Capitol Convention Center
9:45-10:30 a.m.
March to the Capitol
10:30-10:45 a.m.
Rally on Capitol steps
10:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Advocacy/Lunch (on own)
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Girl Scout Expo at Prairie Capital Convention Ctr.
2:30-3:00 p.m.
Sing-a-long and closing ceremony BANNER CONTEST
GSCI will be having a banner contest to coincide with Girl Scout Day at the
Capitol. The troop that creates the winning entry will kick off the 2015
march in Springfield on Friday, May 1! Second and third place banner
entries will take their spots toward the front of the march lineup.
Visit for details on submissions.
2015 Girl Scout Day
at the Capitol
Registration Form
(Patches also
available for
Age Level ¨ Daisy ¨ Brownie ¨ Junior ¨ Cadette ¨ Senior ¨ Ambassador
Council _________________ Troop # __________ ¨ Juliette
Contact Person’s Name ______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________State _____ Zip _________________
Phone ( _______)_________________ E-mail ____________________________________________
Total # of adults attending ______ (no cost for adults, patches can be purchased day of while supply lasts)
Total # of girls attending ________ x $8= $__________ (patch included)
Total # of (Youth - AXL) T-shirts ordered ______ x $15 = $__________
Total # of (2XL-5XL) T-shirts ordered ______ x $18 = $__________
Total enclosed $___________ ¨check ¨credit card
Credit Card Information
¨ MasterCard ¨ VISA
¨ Discover
Credit card number ________________________________ Expiration date ________ CVV# _______
Printed name on card __________________________ Signature __________________ Date _______
Please mark the total number of T-shirts needed in each size. T-shirts are blue with a color design.
Youth Small ____ Youth Medium ____ Youth Large ___
Adult Small ____ Adult Medium ____ Adult Large ____
Adult XL ____ Adult 2X ____ Adult 3X ____ Adult 4X ____ Adult 5X ____
A confirmation letter with map, directions, and event
information will be e-mailed to the contact person
listed above after the registration deadline.
Mail completed form with payment to
Girl Scouts of Central Illinois, Champaign Service Center
701 Devonshire Drive, Suite B16
Champaign, IL 61820
For additional information contact Lisa Wall at
Please make checks payable to Girl Scouts of Central Illinois.
Around the Council in Photos
Each month, GSSI features photos submitted by our membership in each edition of the Link to Leaders. Please e-mail
photos to Erin Johnson, editor, at or mail to: GSSI, #4 Ginger Creek Parkway, Glen Carbon, IL 62034
ATTN: Communications and Marketing Dept. When e-mailing, please do not submit more than 2-3 pictures at a time, or your
e-mail may be undeliverable. You may also send photos through your Membership Development Manager. Photos cannot be
returned and may be used by GSSI for future publications, including on the website. Be sure to include your Troop/Service
Unit information with submissions. See these photos & more on GSSI’s Facebook Page!
While not every submission can be published, we will make an effort to reflect the diverse interests, activities and areas that
make GSSI so great. Please remember that we have many areas to support, so be sure to select only your best 2-3 pictures.